High-Power Diode Laser Use On Fordyce Granule Excision: A Case Report
High-Power Diode Laser Use On Fordyce Granule Excision: A Case Report
High-Power Diode Laser Use On Fordyce Granule Excision: A Case Report
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All content following this page was uploaded by Fernando Martins Baeder on 10 July 2021.
and control, thus promoting a faster, safer, and more width of 0.5 ls, and a fiber optic delivery system of
precise procedure. Because of their tissue vaporization 400 lm in diameter set at 2.5 W. (Fig. 2).
capability, high-power lasers reduce the possibility of Intraoral antisepsis was performed with 0.12% glu-
bacteremia (sepsis), with a comfortable and safer post- conate chlorhexidine containing mouthwash (Perioxi-
operative period.8 dim; Glaxo Welcome SA, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) for 45 s
To our knowledge, there are no studies in the and extraoral antisepsis with 2% gluconate chlorhexi-
literature describing Fordyce granule excision using dine (Methiolate; Dm Pharmaceutical Industry Ltda,
lasers. Therefore, the aim of this case report was to Barueri, Brazil).
outline the surgical excision of Fordyce granules on the After local anesthesia with Mepivacaine with
left vermilion of the upper lip with the use of a high- 1:100 000 epinephrine, the peeling of the Fordyce
power diode laser. granules was initiated with the laser at 2.5 W. During
this process, the fiber was in direct contact with the
tissue at a 45 angle. This enabled complete control of
Case report
the excision and helped to avoid heat transmission to
The patient read, agreed to, and signed the terms of the the deep tissue layers and consequently collateral
informed consent and was willing to participate in the injury.
clinical case protocol. The treatment alternatives as well After total excision of the lesion, a low-intensity laser
as risks and benefits were also explained. therapy (LILT) was applied (gallium -aluminum- arse-
A Caucasian male patient aged 19 was referred to the nide a [GaAlAs], at 670 nm, 50 mW, at 4 J ⁄ cm2 –
Laser Center at the University Cruzeiro do Sul (UNIC- Dentoflex, São Paulo, Brazil) in order to stimulate a
SUL), São Paulo, Brazil, and complained of dissatisfac- faster wound tissue–healing process and prevent post-
tion with his upper lip. He was a healthy, nonsmoking operative pain and inflammation (Fig. 3).9 Within the
student without any previous medical history or med- first 24 h, a good lesion recovery was observed, with the
ication use. The clinical examination revealed the presence of re-epithelialization (pseudo membrane). LILT
presence of variably sized Fordyce granules on the was applied with the same parameters as the first
vermilion border of the upper lip (Fig. 1). The treatment application (immediate post-op) during all the postoper-
plan consisted of excision of the Fordyce granules on the ative visits. This protocol was repeated after 48 and
left upper lip margin using a diode laser. 72 h. A solar protection factor (Sun Protection Factor
The laser used was a high-power diode laser (gallium 30) lip balm was also indicated for patient use through-
arsenide [GaAs], Diode Vision, MDL – 10 Dental out the wound tissue–healing process.
Laser Unit, GmbH, Berlin, Germany, Lower Saxony, The patient reported no pain or discomfort during the
Germany). The laser parameters were wavelength emis- first 72 h. After 20 days, the wound tissue–healing
sion at 980 ± 10 nm in a continuous wave mode, pulse process revealed no signs of inflammation, infection or