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Licensed Copy: FELIX HERZING, TUV RHEINLAND BERLIN BRANDENBURG 5954918, 03 February 2004, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

British Standard

A single copy of this British Standard is licensed to

03 February 2004

This is an uncontrolled copy. Ensure use of the most

current version of this document by searching British
Standards Online at bsonline.techindex.co.uk
910 : 1996
Licensed Copy: FELIX HERZING, TUV RHEINLAND BERLIN BRANDENBURG 5954918, 03 February 2004, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

Destructive tests on welds in |
metallic materials Ð |
Bend tests |
The European Standard EN 910 : 1996 has the status of a |
British Standard |
ICS 25.160.40 |
BS EN 910 : 1996

Committees responsible for this

British Standard
Licensed Copy: FELIX HERZING, TUV RHEINLAND BERLIN BRANDENBURG 5954918, 03 February 2004, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

The preparation of this British Standard was entrusted to Technical Committee

WEE/2, Welding tests, upon which the following bodies were represented:

Aluminium Federation
Association of Consulting Scientists
British Constructional Steelwork Association Ltd.
British Iron and Steel Producers' Association
Electricity Association
Health and Safety Executive
Institution of Structural Engineers
Lloyd's Register of Shipping
Ministry of Defence
Power Generation Contractors' Association (PGCA (BEAMA Ltd.))
Welding Institute
Welding Manufacturers' Association (BEAMA Ltd.)

This British Standard, having

been prepared under the
direction of the Engineering
Sector Board, was published
under the authority of the
Standards Board and comes into
effect on
15 August 1996

 BSI 1996
Amendments issued since publication
Amd. No. Date Text affected

The following BSI references

relate to the work on this
Committee reference WEE/2
Draft for comment 92/84267 DC

ISBN 0 580 25874 2

BS EN 910 : 1996

Licensed Copy: FELIX HERZING, TUV RHEINLAND BERLIN BRANDENBURG 5954918, 03 February 2004, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

Committees responsible Inside front cover
National foreword ii
Foreword 2
Text of EN 910 3

 BSI 1996 i
BS EN 910 : 1996

National foreword
Licensed Copy: FELIX HERZING, TUV RHEINLAND BERLIN BRANDENBURG 5954918, 03 February 2004, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

This British Standard has been prepared by Technical Committee WEE/2 and is the
English language version of EN 910 : 1996 Destructive tests on welds in metallic
materials Ð Bend tests published by the European Committee for
standardization (CEN).
EN 910 was produced as a result of international discussions in which the
United Kingdom took an active part.
BS EN 910 : 1996 supersedes tests detailed in BS 709 : 1983, BS 4206 : 1967 and
BS 3451 : 1973 which have been deleted by amendment.
Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity
from legal obligations.

ii  BSI 1996
Licensed Copy: FELIX HERZING, TUV RHEINLAND BERLIN BRANDENBURG 5954918, 03 February 2004, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

ICS 25.160.40

Descriptors: Welding, welded joints, butt joints, metals, bend tests, testing conditions, test specimen, dimensions, designation

English version

Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials Ð

Bend tests
Essais destructifs des soudures sur mateÂriaux ZerstoÈrende PruÈfungen von SchweibnaÈhten an
meÂtalliques Ð Essais de pliage metallischen Werkstoffen Ð BiegepruÈfungen

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 1996-01-15. CEN members are
bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the
conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard
without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards
may be obtained on application to the Central Secretariat or to any CEN member.
This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German).
A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a
CEN member into its own language and notified to the Central Secretariat has the
same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Denmark,
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands,
Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.

European Committee for Standardization
Comite EuropeÂen de Normalisation
EuropaÈisches Komitee fuÈr Normung

Central Secretariat: rue de Stassart 36, B-1050 Brussels

 1996 All rights of reproduction and communication in any form and by any means reserved in all countries to
CEN and its members.
Ref. No. EN 910 : 1996 E
Page 2
EN 910 : 1996
Licensed Copy: FELIX HERZING, TUV RHEINLAND BERLIN BRANDENBURG 5954918, 03 February 2004, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

Foreword Contents
This European Standard has been prepared by the
Technical Committee CEN/TC 121, Welding, of which
the secretariat is held by DS. Page
This European Standard shall be given the status of a 1 Scope 3
national standard, either by publication of an identical 2 Definitions 3
test or by endorsement, at the latest by 3 Principle 3
September 1996, and conflicting national standards
shall be withdrawn at the latest by September 1996. 4 Denominations and symbols 3
According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, 5 Removal of test specimens 3
the national standards organizations of the following 5.1 Removal 3
countries are bound to implement this European
5.2 Marking 3
Standard: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France,
Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, 5.3 Heat treatment and/or ageing 3
Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, 5.4 Extraction 7
Switzerland and the United Kingdom.
5.5 Preparation of specimens 7
6 Conditions of testing 9
6.1 Etching 9
6.2 Testing 9
6.3 Diameter of former and roller 9
6.4 Distance between rollers 9
6.5 Bending angle 9
6.6 Bending elongation 9
7 Test results 9
8 Test report 10
A (informative) Test report 19

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EN 910 : 1996
Licensed Copy: FELIX HERZING, TUV RHEINLAND BERLIN BRANDENBURG 5954918, 03 February 2004, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

1 Scope 3 Principle
This standard specifies a method for making transverse Submitting a test specimen, taken transversely or
root, face and side bend tests on test specimens taken longitudinally from a welded joint, to plastic
from butt welds, butt welds with cladding (subdivided deformation by bending it, without reversing the
into welds in clad plates and clad welds) and cladding bending direction, in such a way that one of the
without butt welds in order to assess ductility and/or surfaces or cross-sections of the welded joint is in
absence of imperfections on or near to the surface of tension.
the joint. It also gives the dimensions of the test Unless otherwise specified, the test shall be carried out
specimen. at ambient temperature (23 ± 5) ÊC.
In addition this standard specifies a method for making The test shall be made according to one of the
longitudinal root and face bend tests to be used methods described in clause 6.
instead of transverse bend tests for heterogeneous
assemblies when base materials and/or filler metal
have a significant difference in their physical and 4 Denominations and symbols
mechanical properties in relation to bending. The denominations and symbols to be used for the
This standard applies to metallic materials in all forms bending tests are specified in table 1 and represented
of product with welded joints made by any fusion arc in figures 1 to 3.
welding process. Side bend tests may be carried out
when the wall thickness is greater than 12 mm.
5 Removal of test specimens
2 Definitions 5.1 Removal
For the purpose of this European Standard, the For transverse bend test of butt welds the test
following definitions apply: specimen shall be removed transversely from the
2.1 face bend test specimen of butt weld (FBB) welded joint of the manufactured product or from the
welded test piece in such a way that after machining
A specimen for which the surface in tension is the side the weld axis will remain in the centre of the test
which contains the larger width of the weld or the side specimen or at a suitable position for testing.
from which the welding arc was first applied.
For longitudinal bend test of butt welds the test
This applies to both transverse (see figure 1a) or
specimen shall be removed longitudinally from the
longitudinal (see figure 1c) butt welds specimens.
welded joint of the manufactured product or from the
2.2 root bend test specimen of butt weld (RBB) welded test piece.
A specimen for which the surface in tension is the side The location and orientation of bend test specimen of
opposite to the face butt weld bend test specimen. cladding shall be specified by the application standard
This also applies to both transverse (see figure 1a) or or by agreement between the contracting parties.
longitudinal (see figure 1c) butt welds specimens.
5.2 Marking
2.3 transverse side bend test specimen of butt
Each test piece shall be marked to identify its exact
weld (SBB)
location in the manufactured product or in the joint
A specimen for which the surface in tension is a from which it has been removed.
cross-section of the weld (see figure 1b).
If required by the relevant application standard the
2.4 face bend test specimen of cladding without direction of working (e.g. rolling or extrusion) shall be
a butt weld (FBC) marked.
A specimen for which the cladding is in tension Each test specimen shall be marked to identify its
(see figure 1d). exact location in the test piece from which it has been
This applies to both transverse or longitudinal removed.
specimens. When removed from the test piece, each test specimen
2.5 side bend test specimen of cladding without shall be marked.
a butt weld (SBC)
5.3 Heat treatment and/or ageing
A specimen for which the cross-section of the cladding
overlay is in tension (see figure 1e). No heat treatment shall be applied to the welded joint
or to the test specimen unless it is specified or allowed
This applies to both transverse or longitudinal
by the relevant application standard dealing with the
welded joint to be tested. Details of any heat treatment
2.6 face or side bend test specimen of cladding shall be recorded in the test report. If natural ageing of
with a butt weld (FBCB or SBCB) aluminium alloys takes place, the time between
A specimen for which the cladding is in tension or for welding and testing shall be recorded.
which the cross-section of the cladding overlay is in
tension and which contains a butt weld (see figure 1f
and figure 1g).

 BSI 1996
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EN 910 : 1996
Licensed Copy: FELIX HERZING, TUV RHEINLAND BERLIN BRANDENBURG 5954918, 03 February 2004, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

Table 1. Denominations and symbols

Symbol Denomination Unit
a Thickness of the test specimen mm
b Width of the test specimen mm
b1 Width of outside fusion line mm
c Thickness of the cladding mm
D Outside diameter of the pipe1) mm
d Diameter of the former mm
l Distance between the rollers mm
Lf Initial distance between contact of the roller and the centre line of the weld mm
Lo Original gauge length mm
Ls Maximum width of the weld after machining mm
Lt Total length of the test specimen mm
R Radius of the rollers mm
r Radius of the test specimen edges mm
t Thickness of the welded joint or base material under cladding mm
a Bending angle Ê (degrees)
FBB Face bend test specimen of butt weld not applicable
RBB Root bend test specimen of butt weld not applicable
SBB Transverse side bend test specimen of butt weld not applicable
FBC Face bend test specimen of cladding without a butt weld not applicable
SBC Side bend test specimen of cladding without a butt weld not applicable
FBCB Face bend test specimen of cladding with a butt weld not applicable
SBCB Side bend test specimen of cladding with a butt weld not applicable
1) The term `pipe', alone or in combination, is used to mean `pipe', `tube' or `hollow section (without rectangular cross-section)'.

 BSI 1996
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EN 910 : 1996
Licensed Copy: FELIX HERZING, TUV RHEINLAND BERLIN BRANDENBURG 5954918, 03 February 2004, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

Figure 1a. Transverse root and face bend test specimen of a butt weld (RBB and FBB)

Figure 1b. Transverse side bend test specimen of a butt weld (SBB)

Figure 1c. Longitudinal bend test specimen of a butt weld (RBB and FBB)
NOTE. The radius `r' shall be made on the side where the surface is in tension.

Figure 1. Bend test specimens on butt weld and cladding

 BSI 1996
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EN 910 : 1996
Licensed Copy: FELIX HERZING, TUV RHEINLAND BERLIN BRANDENBURG 5954918, 03 February 2004, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

Figure 1d. Face bend test specimen of cladding without a butt weld (FBC)

Figure 1e. Side bend test specimen of cladding without a butt weld (SBC)
NOTE. The radius `r' shall be made on the side where the surface is in tension.

Figure 1. Bend test specimens on butt weld and cladding (continued)

 BSI 1996
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EN 910 : 1996
Licensed Copy: FELIX HERZING, TUV RHEINLAND BERLIN BRANDENBURG 5954918, 03 February 2004, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

Figure 1f. Face bend test specimen of cladding with a butt weld (FBCB)

Figure 1g. Side bend test specimen of cladding with a butt weld (SBCB)
NOTE. The radius `r' shall be made on the side where the surface is in tension.

Figure 1. Bend test specimens on butt weld and cladding (concluded)

5.4 Extraction 5.4.3 Other metallic materials

5.4.1 General Shearing and thermal cutting are excluded, only
machining (e.g. sawing or milling) shall be used.
The mechanical or thermal processes used to extract
the test specimen shall not change the properties of 5.5 Preparation of specimens
the test specimen in any way.
5.5.1 General
5.4.2 Steel Specimens should be prepared in such a manner that
Shearing is excluded for thicknesses greater the preparation shall not affect both the base material
than 8 mm. If thermal cutting or other cutting methods and weld metal.
which could affect the cut surfaces are used to extract
the test specimen from the welded plate, or from the 5.5.2 Location
test piece, the cuts shall be made at a distance greater Transverse root and face bend tests of a butt
than or equal to 8 mm from the test specimen but in weld (RBB and FBB) (see figure 2a)
any case sufficient (according to the process used) not For transverse root and face bend tests the test
to introduce metallurgical effects which could affect specimen thickness, a, shall be equal to the thickness
the test results. of the base material adjacent to welded joint.

 BSI 1996
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EN 910 : 1996
Licensed Copy: FELIX HERZING, TUV RHEINLAND BERLIN BRANDENBURG 5954918, 03 February 2004, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

When a relevant application standard requires testing Transverse face bend tests of cladding with a
of the full thickness greater than 30 mm, several test butt weld (FBCB) (see figure 2f)
specimens may be taken to cover the full thickness of For transverse face bend tests of cladding with a butt
the joint. weld the test specimen thickness, a, shall be equal to
In these cases, the location of the test specimen in the the thickness of the base material plus the thickness of
welded joint thickness shall be identified. the cladding. Transverse side bend tests of a butt In this case, the location of the weld shall remain in
weld (SBB) (see figure 2b) the middle of the test specimen or at a suitable
position for testing.
For side bend tests the test specimen width, b, shall be
equal to the thickness of the base material of the When the purpose of the test is the complete joint
welded joint. The specimen shall have at least a incorporating both the butt joint and the cladding and
thickness, a, of (10 ± 0,5) mm and have a ratio b $ 1,5a. when the thickness of the joint exceeds 30 mm, several
specimens may be taken as described in
The ratio between the thickness, a, and the diameter of
and figure 1a.
the former, d, shall conform to the requirements of the
relevant application standard. When the purpose of the test is the cladding only and
when the thickness of the specimen, a, exceeds 30 mm,
When the joint thickness exceeds 40 mm, it is
no further tests on the base material are required.
permissible to take several specimens from the welded
joint, instead of one, provided the width, b, of each test 5.5.3 Dimensions
specimen is in the range from 20 mm to 40 mm. In
these cases the location of the test specimen in the Length
welded joint thickness shall be identified. The length Lt of test specimens shall be Lt $ l + 2R
and at least be such that the requirements of the Longitudinal bend tests of a butt weld appropriate application standards are fulfilled.
(RBB and FBB) (see figure 2c) Thickness
For longitudinal bend tests the test specimen
thickness, a, shall be equal to the thickness of the base For the thickness, a, see 5.5.2.
material near the welded joint. If the test piece Width
thickness, t, is greater than 12 mm, the test specimen
thickness, a, shall be equal to (12 ± 0,5) mm and the a) Transverse root or face bend tests:
face or root of the weld shall be in tension. 1) For plates Face bend tests of cladding without a butt ± for steel, the width b of the test specimen
weld (FBC) (see figure 2d) shall not be less than 1,5 times a, with a
minimum of 20 mm;
For face bend tests the test specimen thickness, a,
shall be equal to the thickness of the base material ± for aluminium, copper and their alloys, the
plus the thickness of the cladding up to a maximum width b of the test specimen should be not less
of 30 mm. than 2a, with a minimum of 20 mm.
When the thickness of the base material plus cladding 2) For pipes, the width b of the test specimen
exceeds 30 mm, it is permissible to remove material shall be at minimum:
from the base material to produce a test specimen ± for pipe diameters # 50 mm: t + 0,1D (with a
thickness, a, that is in accordance with the application minimum of 8 mm);
standard or as agreed between the contracting parties. ± for pipe diameters > 50 mm: t + 0,05D (with a Side bend tests of cladding without a butt minimum of 8 mm and a maximum of 40 mm).
weld (SBC) (see figure 2e) NOTE. For outside diameter, D, greater than 25 times the wall
thickness of the pipe, the specimen may be taken as required
For side bend tests the test specimen width, b, shall be for the flat plates.
equal to the thickness of the base material plus the b) Transverse side bend tests:
thickness of the cladding up to a maximum of 30 mm.
The specimen shall have at least a thickness, a, of The width b of the test specimen shall generally be
(10 ± 0,5) mm and have a ratio of b $ 1,5a. equal to the thickness of the base material near the
welded joint.
When the thickness of the base material plus cladding
exceeds 30 mm, it is permissible to remove material
from the base material to produce a test specimen
width, b, that is in accordance with the application
standard or as agreed between the contracting parties.

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EN 910 : 1996
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c) Longitudinal bend tests: 6.2.2 Testing with a roller (see figure 4)

The width b of the test specimen shall be: The guided bend test with a roller is an alternative
b = Ls + 2b1 (see table 2) method of testing that may be used for aluminium
alloys and for joints in other materials where the weld
Table 2. Width of longitudinal bend specimen metal, or one of the materials being joined, has a lower
Dimensions in mm yield or proof strength than the (other) base material.
Material a b The test shall be carried out by firmly clamping one
(see figure 1c) end of the test specimen in a testing device having a
roller parallel to a former. The test specimen shall be
Steel # 20 Ls + 2 3 10 bent by loading, gradually and continuously by means
> 20 Ls + 2 3 15 of the rotation of the outer roller through an arc
centred on the axis of the former.
Aluminium, copper and # 20 Ls + 2 3 15
their alloys 6.3 Diameter of former and roller
> 20 Ls + 2 3 20
The diameter d of the former shall conform to the
The width of the specimen for other metallic requirements of the relevant application standard.
materials is by agreement between the contracting
parties. The diameter of the roller shall be at least 20 mm
unless otherwise specified in the relevant application Edges standard.
The edges of the test specimen on the face in tension 6.4 Distance between rollers
shall be rounded by mechanical means to a radius r The distance l (see figure 3) between rollers shall be
not exceeding 0,2a to a maximum of 3 mm between d + 2a and d + 3a.
(see figure 3a).
6.5 Bending angle Surface preparation
The test is completed when the bending angle a (see
The final stages of preparation shall be obtained by
figures 3 and 4) reaches the value given in the relevant
machining or grinding, suitable precautions being taken
application standard.
to avoid superficial strain hardening or excessive
heating of the material. Within the length l 6.6 Bending elongation
(see figure 3) the surface shall be free from scratches When required for measuring elongation, the root or
or notches transverse to the test specimen direction face bend test specimens in steels shall have a gauge
except for undercut which shall not be removed unless length of:
required by the relevant application standard and/or by
agreement between the contracting parties. ± for fusion welds: Lo = Ls or 2Ls or Ls + a;
The surfaces of the test specimen shall be machined in ± for pressure welds, electron beam welds and laser
such a way that, unless otherwise specified in the welds: Lo = a or 2a.
relevant application standard and/or by agreement For other metallic materials, the gauge length, if
between the contracting parties, all excess weld metal required, should be agreed between the contracting
is removed. Unless otherwise specified the penetration parties.
bead may be left intact inside pipes of small diameter
on the opposite side of the former.
7 Test results
After bending, both the external surface and the sides
6 Conditions of testing of the test specimen shall be examined.
6.1 Etching The evaluation of the bend test specimen shall be
Before starting the bend test, the shape and the made and reported in accordance with the relevant
position of the fusion zone or fusion line may be application standard. Unless otherwise specified,
established by lightly macroetching the surface of the imperfections less than 3 mm long on the specimen
test specimen to be tested in tension. edges shall not be a cause for failure of the test.
6.2 Testing
6.2.1 Testing with a former (see figure 3)
The test shall be carried out by placing the test
specimen on two supports consisting of parallel rollers,
the weld shall be in the centre of the roller distance,
except for longitudinal bend tests. The test specimen
shall be bent by loading gradually and continuously in
the middle of the span, on the axis of the weld, with a
load applied by a former (three point bending)
perpendicularly to the test specimen surface.

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EN 910 : 1996
Licensed Copy: FELIX HERZING, TUV RHEINLAND BERLIN BRANDENBURG 5954918, 03 February 2004, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

8 Test report
The test report shall include as a minimum the
following information:
a) reference to this standard;
b) identification of the test specimen (marking, type
of base material, heat treatment, etc.);
c) shape and dimensions of the test specimen;
d) type and symbol of bend test (root and face,
transverse or longitudinal, side transverse bend test);
e) conditions of testing (see clause 6):
± test methods (former or roller);
± diameter of the former;
± distance between rollers;
f) testing temperature if not at ambient temperature
g) type and dimensions of imperfections observed;
h) bending angle.
An example of a typical test report is given in annex A.

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EN 910 : 1996
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Figure 2a. Root and face bend test specimens of a butt weld (RBB and FBB)

Figure 2b. Side bend test specimens of a butt weld (SBB)

Position of the test specimen if the face is in tension Position of the test specimen if the root is in tension

Figure 2c. Longitudinal bend test specimens of a butt weld (RBB and FBB)
Figure 2. Removal of bend test specimens of butt welds and cladding

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EN 910 : 1996
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Figure 2d. Face bend test specimens of cladding without a butt weld (FBC)
Figure 2. Removal of bend test specimens of butt welds and cladding (continued)

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EN 910 : 1996
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Figure 2e. Side bend test specimens of cladding without a butt weld (SBC)
Figure 2. Removal of bend test specimens of butt welds and cladding (continued)

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EN 910 : 1996
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NOTE. If t + c > 30 mm, see figure 2a.

Figure 2f. Transverse bend test specimens of cladding with a butt weld (FBCB)
Figure 2. Removal of bend test specimens of butt welds and cladding (concluded)

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EN 910 : 1996
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Figure 3a. Transverse face or root bend test

Figure 3. Method of bend testing with a former

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EN 910 : 1996
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Figure 3b. Transverse side bend test

Figure 3. Method of bend testing with a former (continued)

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EN 910 : 1996
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Figure 3c. Longitudinal bend test

Figure 3. Method of bend testing with a former (concluded)

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EN 910 : 1996

Figure 4. Method of bend testing using a roller

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EN 910 : 1996
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Annex A (informative)
Test report
NÊ ............................................................
According to pWPS ...................................................................................
According to test result `bend test'
test result ` ..........................................................................'
Manufacturer: ..........................................................................................................................................................................
Purpose of the examination: .................................................................................................................................................
Form of product: ....................................................................................................................................................................
Base material: .........................................................................................................................................................................
Consumable: ...........................................................................................................................................................................
Test temperature: ....................................................................................................................................................................

Table A.1 Bend test in accordance with EN 910

Specimen Type of Dimensions Former Distance Bend Original Elongation Remarks
NÊ/position test mm diameter between angle gauge % e.g. fracture
mm rollers Ê lenth appearance
mm mm

Examiner or examining body: Certified by:

............................................................................................. .............................................................................................
(Name, date and signature) (Name, date and signature)

 BSI 1996
BSI Ð British Standards Institution
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