Sustainable Consumption: The Effects of Knowledge, Cultural Values, Environmental Advertising, and Demographics
Sustainable Consumption: The Effects of Knowledge, Cultural Values, Environmental Advertising, and Demographics
Sustainable Consumption: The Effects of Knowledge, Cultural Values, Environmental Advertising, and Demographics
World Ecology
Brahim Chekima, Sohaib Chekima, Syed Azizi Wafa Syed Khalid Wafa,
Oswald @ Aisat Igau & Stephen Laison Sondoh Jr.
To cite this article: Brahim Chekima, Sohaib Chekima, Syed Azizi Wafa Syed Khalid Wafa,
Oswald @ Aisat Igau & Stephen Laison Sondoh Jr. (2015): Sustainable consumption: the effects
of knowledge, cultural values, environmental advertising, and demographics, International
Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, DOI: 10.1080/13504509.2015.1114043
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International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, 2015
As a result of human lifestyles and unsustainable consumption patterns, the environment continues to deteriorate and thus
inhibit sustainable development. In order to curb this situation and promote a sustainable economy, one of the solution is to
reduce conventional products consumption and shift to green products. Over the past 20 years, marketing managers keenly
seek to understand the green market; however, inadequate information on how to promote consumers’ green behavioral
intentions is slowing the growth of green markets and becomes a barrier for firms when developing segments and
communicating strategies for effective promotion of green products in countries like Malaysia where the trend is fairly
new. Therefore, this study attempts to examine the impact of environmental knowledge, cultural values, and environmental
advertising and determine the moderating effect of income level, education level, and gender on consumers’ green purchase
intentions. A survey was administered, and a total of 405 valid questionnaires were obtained. Structural equation modeling
technique was used to evaluate the causal model by using SmartPLS 2.0 software. The finding results suggest that cultural
values and environmental advertising are the main influences in building green purchase intentions, while environmental
knowledge is not significantly related. The results also indicate that education level and gender have a significant positive
moderation effect while income did not. This suggests that green purchase intentions’ motivational factors are greater among
highly educated individuals, with females in particular. The discussions and implications of these findings are further
Keywords: green purchase intention; environmental knowledge; cultural values; environmental advertising; demographics;
structural equation modeling (SEM)
consumer behavior for this product category, this seems to be buying a whole. Newberry et al. (2003) observed that
among the greatest barriers facing sustainable consumption purchasing intentions is a frequent tool engaged in pre-
(Tseng & Hung 2013) and effective marketing strategies. dicting purchase behavior. Aligned with that definition,
Thus, based on the mentioned alarming condition of the Nik Abdul Rashid (2009) defines green purchase inten-
environment, and the very small market share of green pro- tions as the probability and willingness of individuals in
ducts as well as previous research findings, the main objective their purchase consideration to give preference to green
of this study is to investigate the factors motivating consu- products when compared with conventional products. The
mers’ intention to purchase green products based on the green purchase intention is described as a distinct kind of
theory of planned behavior (TPB) by Ajzen (1985). environmentally friendly behavior that individuals perform
Additionally, based on an extensive review of literatures and to express their concern to environment. Furthermore,
to the best of author’s knowledge, only a few studies focused green purchasing intentions was confirmed as a proxy
on the impact of cultural values, environmental advertising, for the actual green purchasing behavior (Ramayah et al.
and particular demographic characteristics on green products 2010).
purchase intentions. The TPB that has been advanced by Correspondingly, a comprehensive and widely used
Ajzen is widely accepted as robust model for predicting theory to assist in explaining green purchasing intentions
green intention and actions. This study focuses on purchase is the TPB (Ajzen 1985, 1991). TPB is a commonly
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intention for intention has broader implications and often will applied model, which is parsimonious and successful to
have a positive impact on individuals’ actions (Ajzen & predict and explain variance in volitional behavior
Driver 1992; Chandon et al. 2005; Schlosser et al. 2006). (Ajzen 1991) and examining the causal link between
This study brings new insight into understanding the role values, beliefs, attitudes, intentions, and action (Webb
of the culture on green purchase intentions, as for the last few & Sheeran 2006). The theory suggests that when
years, cultural components have been recognized worldwide exposed to behavioral options, individuals will begin to
to influence individual’s behavior in the market (Yaveroglu & consider alternatives and evaluate the effects involved
Donthu 2002; Kim & Choi 2005). Culture has a strong influ- grounded by their beliefs related to the actions and its
ence on consumers’ behaviors (Schiffman & Kanuk 2010) and effects. Ultimately, such beliefs will determine an indi-
the fundamental determinant of a person’s desires and beha- vidual’s attitude regarding possible actions, which will
vior (Kotler 2003). Strizhakova and Coulter (2013) further then affect the intentions to act. The TPB appears to be
suggested to investigate individuals’ cultural backgrounds powerful in explaining environmental behaviors (Tobler
because it can aid in motivating or encouraging proenviron- et al. 2012) and to be more accurate (Steg & Vlek
ment behavior in general and forming green purchasing inten- 2009). The impact of cultural values measured in this
tions in particular. In academics, little research focused on study utilizing the TPB is based on studies by McCort
investigating its effectiveness to form a positive attitude and and Malhotra (1993) and Luna and Gupta (2001), which
encourage consumers’ intentions to buy green products. postulate and confirm that cultures influence individuals
By investigating the abovementioned factors, this through the cognitive and affective functioning that
research contributes to the understanding of the motivational results in behavior.
drivers of consumer purchasing intention and substantiates
the body of knowledge in green marketing, which upholds
sustainable development and cleaner production. The find- 2.2. Environmental knowledge
ings of this research are also anticipated to provide a useful Previous studies examining the behavior of proenviron-
reference for the managerial use (producers and retailers) to ment have indicated that consumer behaviors and inten-
further develop appropriate marketing strategies to commu- tions are associated with several motivators/factors, among
nicate and promote green products effectively. which was the environmental knowledge. Chan (2001)
The paper proceeds with a literature review presenting a along with Haron et al. (2005) refer to environmental
summary on research findings surrounding variables such as knowledge as an individual’s ability to understand and
green purchasing intentions, environmental knowledge, evaluate the impact of ecosystem on the society as well
man–nature orientation, long-term orientation, environmen- as the amount of information he or she has regarding
tal advertising, and demographic characteristics. Following environmental issues. Werner and Alvensleben (2011) sta-
an overview of the methodology, the findings and discus- ted that knowledge creates a positive influence on a per-
sions are presented. Finally, the paper closes with implica- son’s viewing habits of buying and using eco-friendly
tions and limitations/recommendations for future research. products. Environmental knowledge itself involves rela-
tionships leading to environmental features or effects, joint
responsibilities required for sustainable development, what
people know about the environment, and appreciation of
2. Literature review
‘whole systems’ (Mostafa 2006). By employing the TPB,
2.1. Green purchase intentions and underpinning researchers established that the more knowledgeable the
theory consumers are about the environment, the more they know
Scholars by navigating the buying process, found purchase about the effects of the human actions toward the environ-
intentions to be one of the pillars that make the process of ment, and the more we expect them to purchase green
International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology 3
products (Nik Abdul Rashid 2009; Rahbar & Abdul- to measures man–nature orientation values toward green
Wahid 2011). purchase intentions. Thus, this becomes the basis of
Laroche et al. (2001) suggested that eco-literacy also hypothesis two in this study which is stated as:
known as environmental knowledge is significantly corre-
lated with attitudes and environmental behavior. In fact, a Hypothesis 2: Green purchase intention is positively
lack of knowledge or information has been identified as an influenced by man–nature orientation.
important barrier for proenvironmental behavior (Kennedy
et al. 2009). A meta-analysis of previous studies have also
shown that people who have greater knowledge on envir- 2.4. Long-term orientation
onmental issues were more willing to engage in proenvir- Long-term orientation is among the dimensions of cultural
onmental behavior when compared with those who do not orientation that deals with time – past, present, and future.
have or lack such knowledge (Hines et al. 1987). As Long-term orientation ‘stands for the fostering of virtues
environmental knowledge appears to be a necessary moti- oriented toward future rewards, in particular, perseverance
vator for ecological behavior, a close examination of con- and thrift’ (Hofstede 2001). In other words, it relates to how
sumers’ environmental knowledge toward green purchase much society values long-standing compared with short-
intentions seems worthwhile. Thus, this leads to the fol- term values and tradition. This is an additional dimension
Downloaded by [University of Manitoba Libraries] at 02:41 24 November 2015
products’. The most significant difference between con- Hypothesis 8: Income will moderate the influence of
ventional advertising and green advertising is that the environmental advertising on green purchase intention.
latter is associated with environmental sustainability. If
‘green advertising messages appeal’ match with consu- 2.6.2. Education
mers’ thoughts and thinking process, this will enhance
In terms of education, majority of studies that tested the
their attitude toward purchase intentions, brands, and
level of formal education/literacy found a positive rela-
brand selection (Ruiz & Sicilia 2004; Kao et al. 2011).
tionship between education and green consumer beha-
Regarding correlation between environmental advertising
vior (Schwartz & Miller 1991; Zimmer et al. 1994). In
appeals and consumer green purchase attitude, Litvine and
Hungary, for instance, Zsóka and colleagues (2013)
Wüstenhagen (2011) by applying the TPB, established that
discovered that most of their respondents who were
increasing environmental messages allows consumers to
university students acquire more knowledge on envir-
recognize the advantage to purchase green power, and it
onment in the university, possess a satisfactory level of
would significantly enhance green power market. In short, it
environmental knowledge, and are highly aware of the
is established based on the TPB that people’s behavioral
need for change in consumer behavior in effort of
intentions (green purchase intentions) are a function of their
tackling environmental problems compared with high-
positive attitudes toward a specific behavior or subject (envir-
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of sustainable consumption, final results are not con- 3.2. Measurement instruments
clusive. Diamantopoulos et al. (2003) concluded that Previous studies have been reviewed to ensure a compre-
numerous authors stated that men have more knowl- hensive list of measures and, consequently, have been
edge about environmental issues than women and act included. The initial instrument consists of 34 items that
accordingly. On the contrary, Tan and Lau (2010) found were pretested on a sample of 30 subjects. The pretest was
no significant difference between male and female ‘atti- developed and administered in a series of meetings and
tude’ toward green products for undergraduate students interviews with postgraduate students and senior aca-
in main private universities in Malaysia. demics to review and evaluate that constructs are compre-
Guided by the past literature and findings, this study hensible. Based on their feedback, two items were
will explore the impact of gender interaction between the dropped, and some minor wording changes were made to
significant motivational factors toward green purchasing the final version.
and identify of which gender is significant and contributes The questionnaire comprised two sections. Section
to proenvironmental behavior. Accordingly, it is hypothe- A gathered demographic information of respondents,
sized that: while section B comprised 32 items examining the
factors affecting consumers’ green purchase intention.
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Hypothesis 13: Gender will moderate the influence of Measurement of items was assessed using a five-point
environmental knowledge on green purchase intention. Likert scale ranging from 1 – strongly disagree or
highly unlikely to 5 – strongly agree or highly likely.
Items were adapted from the following sources: green
Hypothesis 14: Gender will moderate the influence of
man–nature orientation on green purchase intention. purchase intention (Chan 2001; Mostafa 2006), envir-
onmental knowledge (Tanner & Kast 2003; Haron et al.
2005), man–nature orientation (Chan 2001), long-term
Hypothesis 15: Gender will moderate the influence of orientation (Yoo et al. 2011), and environmental adver-
long-term orientation on green purchase intention. tising (Rahbar & Abdul-Wahid 2011).
Male 197 48.6 Composite
Female 208 51.4 Construct Item Loadings AVEa reliabilityb
Age (years)
Environmental EK1 0.915 0.899 0.900
18–19 5 1.2
knowledge EK10 0.842
20–29 148 36.6
EK2 0.896
30–39 128 31.6
EK3 0.884
40–49 92 22.7
EK4 0.893
51–65 32 7.9
EK5 0.869
Highest academic qualification
EK6 0.797
Secondary school or lower 26 6.4
EK7 0.824
Pre-university or 83 20.5
EK8 0.904
EK9 0.919
Bachelor degree 244 60.2
Environmental A1 0.889 0.862 0.898
Master degree 35 8.7
Downloaded by [University of Manitoba Libraries] at 02:41 24 November 2015
advertising A2 0.906
PhD 17 4.2
A3 0.796
A4 0.838
Government 151 37.3
A5 0.801
Private 186 46.0
A6 0.866
Self-employed 42 10.3
A7 0.862
Unemployed 26 6.4
Green purchase GPIG1 0.869 0.792 0.950
Yearly income
intentions GPIG2 0.896
RM18,000 and below 15 3.7
GPIG3 0.852
RM18,001–RM36,000 84 21.7
GPIG4 0.848
RM36,001–RM60,000 108 26.7
GPIG5 0.876
RM60,001–RM96,000 90 22.2
Man–nature MNO1 0.800 0.694 0.882
RM96,001–RM120,000 52 12.8
orientation MNO2 0.884
RM120,001–RM180,000 18 4.4
MNO3 0.767
RM180,001 and more 17 4.2
MNO4 0.775
Missing 21 5.2
Long-term LTO1 0.798 0.673 0.902
orientation LTO2 0.840
LTO3 0.785
LTO4 0.759
LTO5 0.766
consistency among items for each construct, item load- LTO6 0.733
ing, and average extracted variance (AVE) to assess con- Note: aAverage variance extracted (AVE) = (summation of the square of
vergent validity. the factor loadings)/[(summation of the square of the factor loadings) +
As shown in Table 2, the item loadings are greater than (summation of the error variances)].bComposite reliability (CR) = (square
of the summation of the factor loadings)/[(square of the summation of the
0.70 (Agan et al., 2013), varying from 0.733 to 0.919. The factor loadings) + (square of the summation of the error variances)].
results of CR for constructs were confirmed satisfactory
with values above cutoff value 0.70 (see Table 2) (Hair
et al. 2010). In terms of AVE results, convergent validity is Table 3. Discriminant validity (intercorrelations) of constructs.
acceptable, as all AVE values are greater than the cutoff
value of 0.50 (Hair et al. 2012). Therefore, convergent Latent Variables 1 2 3 4 5
validity was established. 1. Environmental advertising 0.93
2. Green purchase intentions 0.21 0.89
3. Environmental knowledge 0.32 0.17 0.95
4. Man–nature orientation 0.22 0.24 0.26 0.82
4.3. Discriminant validity of constructs 5. Long-term orientation 0.24 0.26 0.38 0.45 0.83
Discriminant validity is examined by comparing the ratio Note: Diagonals (in bold) represent square roots of average variance
between the square root of AVE and correlations (Fornell extracted (AVE), while the other entries represent the squared
& Larcker 1981). As shown in Table 3, the diagonal
elements of the matrix, which represents the square root
of the AVEs, are higher than the corresponding intercon-
struct correlations, confirming discriminant validity (Agan 4.4. The structural model and path analysis
et al., 2013). The correlation between latent constructs’ After the measurement model was validated and con-
composite and all other constructs are also less than 0.7, firmed to be reliable, the structural model was evaluated.
indicating that constructs differ sufficiently from one The overall model (see Figure 1) explained a moderate
another (Urbach & Ahlemann 2010). significant variance of (R2 = 0.53.4) 53.4% in green
International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology 7
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purchasing intention by the three latent variables (man– orientation is the strongest predictor of green purchase
nature orientation, long-term orientation, and environmen- intentions, followed by cultural value of long-tem orienta-
tal advertising) and moderator variables (education level tion and environmental advertising.
and gender). In social science research, R2 of 0.75 is A closer examination of the moderating variables’ path
substantial, 0.50 is moderate, and 0.25 is weak (Wong coefficients in Figure 1 and Table 4 disclosed that income
2013). level is insignificant; thus, H5 through H8 are not sup-
An assessment of the path coefficient in Figure 1 and ported. Results indicate that education significantly influ-
Table 4 indicated that man–nature orientation had a sig- enced the effects between long-term orientation and green
nificant positive effect (β = 0.359, p < 0.01) on green purchase intentions (β = 0.212, p < 0.01) and environmen-
purchase intentions and so do long-term orientation tal advertising on intention to purchase green products
(β = 0.298, p < 0.01) and environmental advertising (β = 0.256, p < 0.01), however, did not moderate man–
(β = 0.252, p < 0.01), whereas environmental knowledge nature orientation. Therefore, H11 and H12 are supported
is not a significant predictor of green purchase intention. but H9 and H10 are not. Gender exhibited three significant
Thus, H2, H3, and H4 are supported whereas H1 is not. In positive interaction effects: a positive moderating effect
this study, it was found that cultural value of man–nature between man–nature orientation and green purchase
intention (β = 0.169, p < 0.05), between long-term orien- since green consumption perceived to save money and
tation and green purchase intentions (β = 0.146, p < 0.05), conserve the environment in the long run to guarantee a
and between environmental advertising toward green pur- better living for all.
chase intentions (β = 0.182, p < 0.01). Thus, H13, H14, The hypothesis that environmental advertising signifi-
and H15 are supported. cantly influence green purchase intentions was also sup-
ported. This corroborates with finding from Xue (2014).
This makes sense as environmental advertising would
5. Discussions enhance consumers’ knowledge and attitude toward
Sustainable consumption and development has attracted green products conjointly recognize the advantages of
the attention of both practitioners and academic research- purchasing such products. This may possibly be because
ers. Identifying and understanding how various factors messages in environmental advertising perceived to be
affect the intention of green purchasing is a critical topic credible, making them more socially responsible to the
of green consumer behavior discipline. Accordingly, the environment and distinguishes green products from ordin-
current study was to explain consumers’ green purchase ary products, which would help avoid confusion in distin-
intention motivational drivers. Of the 16 hypotheses, 8 guishing and identifying green products in market and its
availability in the country.
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various major aspects, namely individuals’ knowledge on are rather controversial (Pfanner 2008) due to the use of
environment, cultural values (man–nature orientation and false green claims, ambiguous information, and lurid and
long-term orientation), marketing/organizational effort exaggerate language (Polonsky and Mintu-Wimsatt 1995).
(environmental advertising), and the moderating effects In addition, this research showed that women with
of income, education level, and gender in a single frame- higher education expressed higher purchase intentions of
work. The findings of this study bring new insights and green products than did men and individuals with lower
interesting findings where it has identified and confirmed education level (high school and lower). Therefore, it is
that cultural values play a significant role in green con- suggested that green product managers should give special
sumer behavior while the premium price factor is found attention to this consumer segment. Moreover, as con-
not to affect green purchase intention. firmed in this study, surprisingly, environmental knowl-
Moreover, it has been experimentally verified that edge has been found to have a negative relationship
overall relationships among variables were found to enrich toward green purchase intention. Hence, it is strongly
the explanation of TPB in predicting green purchase inten- suggested for green marketers to promote their green pro-
tions (53.4%). Developing such a model is important to fill ducts based on cause-related marketing method rather than
information gap that exists between academics (as evi- viral marketing method.
denced by insufficient number of research and innovation
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