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120 Minutes

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10376 120 MINUTES

1. Ribosome is formed of
A) DNA and RNA B) RNA and proteins
C) Proteins only D) DNA and proteins

2. Fluid mosaic model of membrane was proposed by:

A) Robertson B) Schleiden
C) Garnier D) Nicolson

3. Cytoskeleton is made up of
A) Cytoplasm and mitochondria
B) Microtubules and microfilaments
C) Microtubules and Endoplasmic reticulum(ER)
D) Nuclear pore and microtubules

4. Chiasma formation occurs during

A) Pachytene B) Diplotene
C) Leptotene D) Zygotene

5. Dictyosomes are involved in

A) Secretion B) Assimilation
C) Autolysis D) Oxidation

6. The term chromosome was coined by

A) Benda B) Hofmeister
C) Waldeyer D) Strasburger

7. DNA differs from RNA in having

A) Uracil but no Thymine B) Thymine but no Cytocene
C) Thymine but no Uracil D) Cytocine but no Guanine

8. The sequence specificity of bases during DNA replication is determined by

A) Restriction endonuclease B) DNA Polymerase I
C) The template strand D) DNA Polymerase III

9. Most of the membrane lipids are synthesized in

A) Lysozomes B) Endoplasmic Reticulum
C) Golgi apparatus D) Mitochondria

10. Which one of the following is absent in a Prokaryotic chromosome

A) Collagen B) Phycobilin
C) Elastin D) Histone

11. Ultramicrotome cut tissue sections for

A) Light microscopic observations
B) Electron microscopic observations
C) Confocal microscopic observations
D) Scanning microscopic observations
12. The term cytosol refers to
A) Membraneous cell organelles in the dissolved form
B) Semifluid substance in which cytoplasmic organelles are suspended
C) Nuclear and the cytoplasmic cell fractions together in dissolved form
D) Nucleic acid and other nuclear cell fractions together

13. The segment of DNA molecule that determines the amino acid sequence of protein
A) Operator Gene B) Regulator Gene
C) Structural Gene D) Modifier Gene

14. Which one of the following is the largest chromosome?

A) Polytene chromosome B) X-chromosome
C) Supernumerary chromosome D) Lampbrush chromosome

15. During G2 phase of cell division

A) Cell synthesizes proteins and grows in size
B) DNA synthesis ceases and prepares for division
C) Cell divides into two daughter cells
D) Each chromosome carries a duplicate set of genes

16. Which one of the following is tightly bound to cell membrane?

A) Ribonuclease B) cAMP
C) Adenylate cyclase D) ATP

17. Who discovered microtubules?

A) Robert Hooke and Schwann B) De Robertis and Franchi
C) Boveri and ban Beneden D) Danielli and Davson

18. ELISA stands for

A) Electron-Linked Immuno Secretory Assay
B) Enzyme-Linked Immnosorbant Assay
C) Epitope-Linked Immunosorbant Assay
D) Enzyme Like Immunofluorescence Assay

19. Plasmids are

A) Viral material
B) Extrachromosomal genetic element of bacteria
C) A new microorganism
D) Chromosomal genetic material of bacteria

20. Waksman got Nobel Prize for the discovery of

A) Chloromycetin B) Streptomycin
C) Neomycin D) Penicillin

21. Which one of the following are Archaebacteria?

A) Actinomycetes B) Pseudomonas
C) Rickettsiae D) Methanogens

22. Ultracentrifugation technique was devised by
A) F. Sanger B) H. Khorana
C) M. Kunitz D) T. Swedberg

23. Substance movement across cell membrane from lower to higher concentration
utilizing energy is designated as
A) Osmosis B) Facilitated transport
C) Piniocytosis D) Active transport

24. Polymerase Chain reaction (PCR) Technique was developed by

A) Watson and Crick B) Kary Mullis
C) Rosalyn Yalow D) Van Benden

25. Peroxisomes are bounded by

A) Triple membrane B) Double membrane
C) Single membrane D) No membrane

26. Cell organelle that stores fat are known as

A) Aleuroplasts B) Elaioplasts
C) Amyloplasts D) Leucoplasts

27. SDM is acronym for

A) Selected density measurement
B) Site-directed mutagenesis
C) Semi-directed mutagenesis
D) Sensitive diameter measurement

28. Barr bodies are

A) Euchromatin B) Constitutive heterochromatin
C) Heterochromatin D) Facultative heterochromatin

29. Chromosome get stained with

A) Safranin B) Eosine
C) Acetocarmine D) Borax carmine

30. A nucleotide is
A) Sugar + Phosphate B) Base + Sugar + Water
C) Base + Sugar + Phosphate D) (Base + Sugar + Phosphate)n

31. Which of the following enzymes has isoenzymes?

A) Hexokinase B) Citrate synthetase
C) Lactic dehydrogenase D) Aldolase

32. Bile Juice helps in the digestion and absorption of fat as it contains
A) Lipase enzyme B) Cholesterol
C) Bile pigments D) Bile salts

33. Which one of the following is metabolized in the cell for liberating energy?
A) Nucleotides B) Fatty acids
C) Vitamins D) Cholesterol

34. Light receptor pigment is

A) Haemoglobin B) Rhodopsin
C) Melanin D) Haemocyanin

35. Vitamin E is known to be

A) Anti-inflammatory B) An anti-oxidant
C) An important Co-enzyme D) Anti-hypertensive

36. Decreased levels of Estrogens and Progesterone causes

A) Growth and dilation of myometrium
B) Release of ovum from the ovary
C) Constriction of uterine blood vessels and sloughing of endometrium
D) Growth of endometrium

37. Characteristic protein of vertebrate horny parts as feather, hair and nail is
A) Cartilage B) Cuticle
C) Keratin D) Spicule

38. Study of skin is referred to as

A) Chirology B) Ecology
C) Epidemiology D) Dermatology

39. Tendon is structure that connects

A) A muscle with a bone B) A nerve fibre with muscle
C) Skin with underlying parts D) A bone with another bone

40. Mammalian Cervical Vertebrae are

A) Seven in number B) Twelve in number
C) Nine in number D) Ten in number

41. Vitamin K is involved in

A) Blood clotting
B) Phosphorus and Calcium metabolism
C) Respiration
D) Protein metabolism

42. Islets of Langerhans houses

A) Insulin secreting glands
B) Thyroxin secreting glands
C) Juvenile hormone secreting glands
D) Progesterone secreting glands

43. The largest gland of human body is
A) Pancreas B) Thyroid
C) Adrenal D) Liver

44. Starch is a polysaccharide made of many units of

A) Amino acid B) Glycerol
C) Fatty acids D) Simple sugar

45. Obstructive jaundice is caused by

A) Non-removal of bile from the blood
B) Defective pancreas
C) Gall stone
D) Defective liver function

46. Tricarboxylic acid cycle was discovered by

A) Watson and Crick B) Melvin Calvin
C) Krebs D) Meyrhoff

47. Respiration is controlled by

A) Cerebellum B) Medulla oblongata
C) Olfactory Lobe D) Cerebrum

48. Function of WBC is to

A) Produce enzymes B) Help blood clotting
C) Distribute heat in the body D) Destroy bacteria

49. Mammalian Intestinal Lecteals helps in absorption of

A) Glucose and vitamins B) Lactic acid
C) Amino acids D) Fatty acids and glycerol

50. The state of increasing blood sugar above normal level is denoted as
A) Glycolysis B) Hyperglycemia
C) Glucosuria D) Hypoglycemia

51. A person with blood group A has

A) Antigen A in plasma B) Antigen A on RBC
C) Antibody A on RBC D) No antigen in Plasma

52. Neurogenic heart is characteristic of

A) Humans B) Lower Vertebrates
C) Rabbit D) Rat

53. In mammals the chief nitrogenous waste is

A) Amino acid B) Ammonia
C) Urea D) Uric acid

54. Excretory organs of earthworm are

A) Kidneys B) Nephridia
C) Solenocytes D) Green glands
55. Semicircular canals of internal ear is involved in
A) Balancing the sound in hearing
B) Transmitting sound vibrations to auditory nerves
C) Maintaining body balance while the body is imbalanced
D) Sensing atmospheric pressure change

56. Melatonin is secreted by

A) Anterior pituitary lobe B) Posterior pituitary lobe
C) Pineal gland D) Hypothalamus

57. Fusion of gametes is called

A) Sexual reproduction B) Fertilization
C) Sporulation D) Gametogenesis

58. Shortest gestation period is observed in

A) Elephant B) Cat
C) Man D) Mouse

59. Rh factor was discovered by

A) William Harvey B) James Watson
C) Lansteiner Carl D) Robert Hook

60. E.C.G. Records

A) Potential difference during working of heart
B) Rate of heart beat
C) Blood volume pumped by heart
D) Heart diseases

61. Normal range of blood glucose level is

A) 100-120 mg per 100 ml B) 50 to 160 mg per 100 ml
C) 80-120 mg per 100 ml D) 100-150 mg per 100 ml

62. Which of the following do not have an open circulatory system?

A) Sepia B) Prawn
C) Frog D) Cockroach

63. Juvenile hormone is not present in

A) Fishes B) Moths
C) Crustaceans D) Bugs

64. Cholera is caused by

A) Bacteria B) Virus
C) Fungi D) Protozoan

65. Antibodies are produced by

A) RBC B) T-lymphocytes
C) B-Lymphocytes D) Granulocytes

66. Neurosecretory cells are derived from
A) Endoderm B) Ectoderm
C) Mesoderm D) None of the above

67. Amnion is
A) Vascularized foetal membrane
B) Endodermal origin
C) Somatopleure in origin
D) Extra-embryonic endoderm

68. Egg penetration by Spermatozoan is facilitated by the enzyme

A) Alkaline phosphatase B) Hyaluronidase
C) Aconitase D) Acetyl cholinesterase

69. Neoteny is the developmental state

A) Where muscle tonicity in the developing organism is increased
B) Where the developing organism metamorphoses into normal adult
C) Where the organism becomes sexually mature but retains larval features
D) Where the organism remains as a larval form throughout

70. Khapra beetle, Trogoderma grenarium is a major pest of

A) Wheat plants and stored wheat
B) Rice and stored rice grains
C) Pea plants and stored green peas
D) Citrus plants and citrus fruits

71. Silk proteins of silk worm, Bombyx mori are

A) Fibroin and Gelatin B) Sericin and Fibroin
C) Sericin and Resilin D) Sericin and Keratin

72. Tse-tse fly, Glossina transmits the infective stages of

A) Plasmodium falciparum B) Wuchereria bancrofti
C) Leishmania donovani D) Trypanosoma gambienze

73. Labeo and Catla are

A) Marine fishes B) Freshwater fishes
C) Brackish water fishes D) Amphibios fishes

74. In honey bee, the primary mode of communication is

A) By sound B) By dancing
C) By locomotion D) By smell

75. Konrad Lorenz is known for the principle of

A) Instinct B) Insight
C) Imprinting D) Trial and error

76. Pesticide concentration required to kill 50% of pest is called
A) LD50 B) LC50
C) LB50 D) LE 50

77. Pheromones are:

A) Fumigants B) Repellants
C) Sex attractants D) Herbicides

78. Fish used in biological control of mosquito is

A) Gambusia B) Gold fish
C) Hilsa ilisha D) Ophiocephalus

79. Lac insect secretes lac through its

A) Sinus glands B) Skin glands
C) Salivary glands D) Accessory glands

80. Bombycol is
A) An insect hormone B) A Crustacean enzyme
C) A Rodent poison D) An Insect pheromone

81. Spider belongs to the Class

A) Insecta B) Onychophora
C) Myriyapoda D) Arachnida

82. Chondrichthyes are

A) Cartilaginous fishes B) Bony fishes
C) Cat fishes D) Flat fishes

83. Sort out the Deepest diver bird

A) Kormorant B) Penguin
C) Aptenodytes D) Corvus

84. Scientific name of domestic cat is

A) Canis familiaris B) Eqquscabalus
C) Felix domesticus D) Bos indicus

85. Peritrophic membrane is associated with

A) Periplaneta B) Nereis
C) Brain covering D) Vertebrate ear

86. Human Colour blindness genes are located in

A) Both the chromosomes
B) Y-chromosome only
C) X-chromosome only
D) Either X-chromosome or Y-chromosome

87. One gene one enzyme theory was mooted by

A) Beadle and Morgan B) Watson and Crick
C) Beadle and Tatum D) Robert and Phillips
88. The largest protozoan is
A) Actinonyx B) Pelomyxa
C) Echinococcus D) Gordius

89. Eugenics refers to

A) Application of laws of Genetics for improving human race
B) Selection of undesired characters to eliminate the desired human characters
C) Inheritance of beneficial characters in organisms
D) None of the above

90. Condition of sex chromosome in a male child with Down’s syndrome will be

91. Silver fish is

A) Ophiocephalus B) Lepisma
C) Astacus D) Carassius

92. Marine National Park is in:

A) The State of Goa at Panaji
B) The State of Kerala at Cochin
C) The Andaman and Nicobar islands
D) The Laccadive islands

93. Eutrophication means

A) Low production in a terrestrial ecosystem
B) High production in an aquatic ecosystem
C) Steady production in a terrestrial eco system
D) Less production in aquatic ecosystem

94. Sex of a child is determined by

A) The size of the sperm during fertilization
B) Male chromosome
C) Female chromosome
D) Size of the egg

95. When heterozygous tall plant Tt crossed with a dwarf plant tt assuming complete
dominance, the offspring will be
A) All tall
B) All dwarf
C) None of these
D) Some tall and some dwarf

96. Identical twins are produced when

A) One sperm fertilizes 2 eggs
B) One egg is fertilized by 2 sperms
C) One fertilized egg divided into two blastomeres and separate
D) Both the eggs are fertilized and separated

97. Prokaryotic genes houses
A) DNA and histones B) Only DNA and no histones
C) Neither DNA nor histones D) Only histones and no DNA

98. A man carrying a sex-linked gene on the Y-chromosome transmits this to

A) All his sons B) All his daughters
C) Half of his daughters D) Half of his sons

99. Unborn Mammalian sex can be predicted by

A) Placental biopsy B) Amniocentesis
C) Examining chorion D) Testing mother’s blood

100. Genetic code was deciphered by

A) Beadle and Tatum B) Watson and Crick
C) Nirenberg D) Gregor Mendel

101. Genome refers to

A) All Set of genes expressed in a cell
B) Total gene number in a diploid set of chromosomes
C) Total number of genes present in any one chromosome
D) Total number of genes in a haploid set of chromosome

102. DNA polymerase enzyme was discovered by

A) Arthur Kornberg B) Frederick Griffith
C) Harigovind Khorana D) Mc Clung

103. The word Ecosystem was coined by

A) Salim Ali B) A.G.Tansely
C) A. I Oparin D) H.C. Urey

104. Biological equilibrium refers to equilibrium among

A) The Producers and Decomposers
B) The Primary Consumers
C) The Decomposers and Producers
D) The Producers, Consumers and Decomposers

105. Species that occur in different geographical regions separated by special barrier are
A) Autogenic
B) Sympatric
C) Allogenic
D) Allopatric

106. Recapitulation theory was proposed by

A) Ernst Haeckel
B) Hugo de Vries
C) Herbert Spencer
D) Jean Baptiste de Lamarck

107. Point mutation refers to
A) Alteration in morphological features resulting from organisms within
B) Inheritance of acquired characters in any organism
C) Alteration in chemistry of DNA eliciting phenotypic effect
D) A variation appearing in an organism during a prolonged period

108. The correct chronological sequence of geological times is

A) Devonian, Carboniferous, Cretaceous, Eocene
B) Carboniferous, Devonian, Cretaceous, Eocene
C) Eocene, Cretaceous, Devonian, Carboniferous
D) Cretaceous, Devonian, Eocene, Carboniferous

109. B.O.D. is a measure of Polluting organic matter in

A) Soil
B) Air
C) Water
D) Mud at the bottom of pond

110. Keystone species in an ecosystem refers to

A) Those which are found in maximum numbers
B) Those that attain the maximum size
C) Those contributing to ecosystem properties
D) Those at the verge of extinction

111. Nidification is the behaviour pattern of

A) Territory building
B) Nest building
C) Food finding
D) Mate finding

112. Chronobiology is the term referring to

A) Biologists listed in chronological sequence
B) Periodicity occurring in living organisms
C) Animal transformation rate at definite time scale
D) Life table of living organisms

113. The abbreviation IPCC denotes

A) International Panel on Climate Change
B) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
C) Indian Panel on Climate Change
D) Interdisciplinary Panel on Climate Change

114. Which one of the following is a species?

A) Pisces B) Herbivore
C) Familiaris D) Dipnoi

115. Maximum solar energy is trapped by

A) Primary consumers B) Producers
C) Secondary consumers D) Decomposers
116. Direct ancestral human race is
A) Peking man B) Java man
C) Cro-magnon man D) Neanderthal man

117. Lotka Volterra Hypothesis is a model that explains

A) Host – parasite interaction B) Prey – predator interaction
C) Pest – plant interaction D) Animal – plant interaction

118. ‘Cambrian Explosion’ refers to

A) Origin of Life B) Origin of Man
C) Origin of Phyla D) Extinction of Dinosaurs

119. A species number when considerably reduced and is at the verge of extinction is
A) Vulnerable B) Endangered
C) Threatened D) Rare

120. Indian Rhinoceros is being protected in

A) Ranthambore National Park B) Gir National Park
C) Bandipur National Park D) Kaziranga National Park



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