Assignment QP
Assignment QP
Assignment QP
Assignment Test
Date 08.10.2021
Department EIE /EEE
Class /Section I1/EIE
Duration 60 Minutes
Maximum Marks 20
Course Code & Title: 20EI205
1.a. An instrumentation
amplifier is required for the weighing scale to measure the
grocery items. The block diagram of a weight of the
typical weighing scale is shown in Fig. 1 below.
Load cell Instrumentation
Amplifier device
The transducer used is a load cell with the
Rated capacity: 10 kg following specification.
Rated output: 1 mV/V
Recommended excitation voltage: 10 V
The output display device
requires 10 V for full scale deflection.
amplifier with stable CMRR to meet the input requirement of Design a suitable instrumentation
weight displayed in the output display device. Assume that
output display device is proportional to its input
op-amp suitable for this application. Justify the voltage. Also, identify an
of op-amp.
1.b. Design adder circuit using an OP-AMP to
get the output expression as
Vo(VI+Vz+5V3) using IC 741.Find its output voltage with various value
resistance. of input
2.a. It is
required to fabricate the rectifier circuit shown in
Discuss the various steps involved in the fabrication Fig. on a single IC chip of silicon.
of this circuit.
Fig. 2
2.b. What output voltage would be produced by D/A converter whose output range is 0 to 10V and
whose input binary number is
a)10(for 2-bit D/A converter)
b0110(for4- bit D/A converter)
c)10111100 (for 8- bit D/A converter)
D1 Motor
M +5V
Fig. 3
U. uF
window detector circuit whose output is high when the input voltage is between +2 and
4.b. Design a
+0.5 V.
Design a circuit to produce an output waveform for the input signal shown in Fig. 5.
Fig. 5
5.b. The CMRR of an op-amp is 104. Two sets of signals are applied to it. First set is sine wave with
+20uV and -20 #V and second set triangular wave is 540 AV and 500 AV. Calculate the percent
difference output voltage for the two sets of signals.
6.a. Design a Signal Conditioning Circuit (SCC) to interface between a temperature sensor and the
A/D converter of a microcontroller. The temperature range to be measured is O°C to S°C, and the
input voltage range of the A/D converter is from 0 to 5V. Output of the SCC to belinear that is
when the sensor is measuring 10° C, the SCC's output is to be 1V and so forth up to 50° Cat which
the temperature SCC output 5V.
6.b. Design and implement an amplifier to have a gain -5 using a single IC 741. Assume R=50
KQ and Rr= 125 KQ and verify its functioning
7.a. Design a circuit for the Fig6. with VUT =12 V and VLr = 8V, Assume that +Vsat15v.
Vu 12V V 10V
-V, V4V
(b) V,and E,n. time,
7.b. Design a practical differentiator circuit to differentiate signals in the range from 500Hz to 1000Hz.
Choose C= 0.1 uF and if the input signal is vin= 0.4 sin
of the output voltage?
27(1000)t Volts, Obtain the expression
S.a Assume that you want to monitor a 12V battery. When the battery's votage drops below 10.5 V.
it should be connected to a charger. When the battery voltage reaches 13.5V, we want the charger
to be disconnected. Therefore. Vir=10.5V and Vur= 13.5V. Let us use the -V supply voltage for
Vrer and assume that it cquals -15.0v. Further, let us assume that +Vsatt13.0 V. Find
a)VH and Ver. b}resistor mR. c) resistor nR.
8.b Design an amplifier to have a gain -5 using a single IC 741. Assume Ri=50 KS and Ri=
125 KQ and verity its functioning.
9.a. Evaluate the °% error introduced by the finite gain ofthe non inverting amplifier with the
following values R1 = 10 k2, R2= 100 kS2, Ao = 103, 104, 105.
9.b A 10V. 50Hz Sawtooth wave is pulse-width modulated by a 4V signal. Find the output's
a) High time b) Duty-cycle.
10.a. Design a second-order band-pass filter with fo=1KHz, BW=100Hz. What is the resonance gain?
(ii) Modify the circuit for a resonance gain of 20dB.
10.b An operational amplifier based 3-stage RC Phase Shift Oscillator is required to produce a
sinusoidal output frequency of 4kHz. If 2.4nF capacitors are used in the feedback circuit, calculate
the value of the frequency determining resistors and the value of the feedback resistor required to
sustain oscillations. Also draw the circuit.
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