Fault Code 372
Fault Code 372
Fault Code 372
Step 1A) Turn key switch ON and check to see if the fault code is active at engine start-up. Use the
diagnostic tool to read the fault codes.
Fault Code 372 inactive, multiple active Fault Codes 431, 432, 443, and/or 551.
Step 2A) Disconnect the engine harness from the VP44 fuel pump. Turn key switch ON and measure the
supply voltage to the fuel pump while cranking the engine. Measure the supply voltage from pin 7 of the
VP44 fuel pump harness connector to engine block ground.
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Battery Voltage +/- 2.0 VDC (during cranking)?
Step 2B) Turn key switch OFF and disconnect the engine harness from the VP44 fuel pump. Check the idle
speed select circuit. Measure the resistance from pin 4 to pin 7 of the VP44 fuel pump.
Yes - Go to 3A No - Go to 6A
Step 3A) Turn key switch OFF and install the VP44 fuel pump diagnostic tool, Part Number 3163834, to
check the operation of the fuel pump.
Yes - Go to 4A No - Make sure that air has been vented from the
system. Preauthorization is required to replace the
VP44 injection pump if the pump is under warranty
Go to 6A
Step 4A) Turn key switch OFF and disconnect the engine harness from the ECM. Disconnect the engine
harness from the VP44 fuel pump. Inspect the engine harness, fuel pump, ECM connector pins, fuses, and
relay for the following:
• Loose connector
• Corroded pins
• Bent or broken pins
• Pushed back or expanded pins
• Moisture in or on the connector
• Missing or damaged connector seals
• Dirt or debris on or in the connector pins
• Connector shell broken
• Wire insulation damage
• Damaged connector locking tab
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No damaged pins or blown fuses?
Step 5A) Turn key switch OFF and disconnect the engine harness from the ECM. Disconnect the engine
harness from the VP44 fuel pump. Check for an open circuit. Measure the resistance from pin 4 of the VP44
fuel pump harness connector to pin 16 of the engine harness ECM connector.
Step 5B) Turn key switch OFF and disconnect the engine harness from the ECM. Disconnect the engine
harness from the VP44 fuel pump. Check for a short circuit from pin to pin. Measure the resistance from pin
16 of the engine harness ECM connector to all other pins in the connector.
Step 6A) Connect all components. Turn key switch ON and disable the fault code. Start the engine and let it
idle for 1 minute. Depress the accelerator pedal to idle the vehicle at 1000 rpm. Depress the accelerator
pedal to idle the vehicle at 1000 rpm. Verify that Fault Code 372 is inactive.
Step 6B) Connect all components. Turn key switch ON and clear the inactive fault codes using the
diagnostic tool.
All fault codes cleared?
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