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Task1 Oet

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October 31, 2021

Nursing Director
North West Transition Care Program Service
12 West Street, Northbridge, QLD, 4543

RE: Mrs. Bronwyn Green, DOB: March 15, 1949

Dear Sir/ Madam,

I’m writing to refer to you Mrs. Green, who is admitted in our facility last 20/1/2018 due to Right hemicolectomy. She is
for discharge and your continuous management and care is requested.

Mrs. Green has been known COPD and she’s taking Tiotropium inhaler 1 puff in the morning, fluticasone and Salmeterol
250/25mcg inhaler 2 puffs BD. Consequently, she is also taking amlodipine 5mg in the morning for her Hypertension and
oxazepam 15 mg at night and citalopram 10 mg in the morning for anxiety and depression. She developed metabolic and
respiratory acidosis post operatively, that need her to transfer in the ICU.

On the 3rd day of Mrs. Green admission, she was transferred to thoracic ward and continuously used oxygen
supplement of 2L NP because of her shortness of breath during mobility. She’s taking regular analgesic of Paracetamol 1
gm QID and prn of Endone 2.5 mg until maximum dose of 20 mg for post operative pain. She had referral to the dietician
because of her poor appetite. She is wearing pull-up pads as a result of her occasional urinary incontinence and need
assistance and prompting, when she is anxious especially when taking a shower.

Please note that Mrs. Green requires applying rails on her bathroom and toilet as a result of Occupational therapy home
visit. She is able to walk using single point stick but with supervision. Kindly monitor also her need to used Oxygen
supplement and her anxiety level. She requires to change her abdominal wound dressing every three times in a week.
She is plan for discharge on 11/02/2018 and she will accompany by her sister to home because she leaves alone.

For further inquiries for Mrs. Greene please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours faithfully,

Criteria Points
Purpose (3 marks)
Content (7 marks)
Conciseness & Clarity (7 marks)
Genre & Style (7 marks)
Organisation and layout (7 marks)

Language (7 marks)

Tip: Total of 38 marks. Atleast get 27 to hit a B 
Test-takers securing grade B will have achieved predominantly
scores of 2 out of 3 for Purpose and 5 out of 7 for the remaining

Overall Comments

Grading System:

35-38 A
27-34 B
26-20 C+
Below 20 C

Estimated Grade 0
WRITING As s e s s me nt Crite ria and Le ve l De s c ripto rs PUBLIC VERS ION

Band Purpo s e Band Co nte nt Co nc is e nes s & Clarity Ge nre & S tyle Org anis atio n & Layo ut Lang uag e

Content is appropriate
to intended reader and Writing is clinical/factual and
Length of document is
addresses what is appropriate to genre and Organisation and paragraphing
appropriate to case and Language features
needed to continue reader (discipline and are appropriate, logical and
Purpose of document reader (no irrelevant (spelling/punctuation/vocabulary/
7 care (key information is knowledge); technical clear; key information is
is immediately information included); grammar/sentence structure) are
3 included; no important language, abbreviations and highlighted and sub-sections are
apparent and information is accurate and do not interfere with
details missing); polite language are used well organised; document is well
sufficiently expanded summarised effectively meaning
content from case appropriately for document laid out
as required and presented clearly
notes is accurately and recipient
6 Performance shares features of bands 5 and 7
Writing is clinical/factual and
Content is appropriate appropriate to genre and Organisation and paragraphing
Length of document is
to intended reader and reader with occasional, are generally appropriate, logical
mostly appropriate to
mostly addresses what minor inappropriacies; and clear; occasional lapses of
Purpose of document 5 case and reader; Minor slips in language generally
2 is needed to continue technical language, organisation in sub-sections
is apparent but not information is mostly do not interfere with meaning
care; content from case abbreviations and polite and/or highlighting of key
sufficiently highlighted summarised effectively
notes is generally language are used information; layout is generally
or expanded and presented clearly
accurately represented appropriately with minor good
4 Performance shares features of bands 3 and 5
Content is mostly
appropriate to intended Inclusion of some Writing is at times Organisation and paragraphing
reader; some key irrelevant information inappropriate to the are not always logical, creating Inaccuracies in language, in
Purpose of document 3 information (about case distracts from overall document or target reader; strain for the reader; key particular in complex structures,
is not immediately or to continue care) clarity of document; over-reliance on technical information may not be cause minor strain for the reader
apparent and may may be missing; there attempt to summarise language and abbreviations highlighted; layout is mostly but do not interfere with meaning
show very limited may be some only partially successful may distract reader appropriate with some lapses
expansion inaccuracies in content
2 Performance shares features of bands 1 and 3

Content does not

provide intended reader Clarity of document is The writing shows Organisation not logical, putting
Purpose of document sufficient information obscured by the inadequate understanding of strain on the reader; or heavy
Inaccuracies in language cause
is partially 1 about the case and inclusion of many the genre and target reader; reliance on case note structure;
considerable strain for the reader
0 obscured/unclear what is needed to unnecessary details; mis- or over-use of technical key information is not well
and may interfere with meaning
and/or misunderstood continue care; key attempt to summarise language and abbreviations highlighted and the layout may
information is missing not successful cause strain for the reader not be appropriate
or inaccurate

0 Performance below Band 1

© OET – 2019

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