Multiflex: The Flexible Girder Slab Formwork For All Ground Plans and Slab Thicknesses Up To 1.00 M
Multiflex: The Flexible Girder Slab Formwork For All Ground Plans and Slab Thicknesses Up To 1.00 M
Multiflex: The Flexible Girder Slab Formwork For All Ground Plans and Slab Thicknesses Up To 1.00 M
Issue 08/2018
Formwork Scaffolding Engineering
Rudolf-Diesel-Straße 19
89264 Weissenhorn
Phone +49 (0)7309.950-0
Fax +49 (0)7309.951-0
Project examples
20 The MULTIFLEX Girder
Slab Formwork in use
Important notes
Without exception, all relevant safety regulations detailed illustrations shown have been partially
and guidelines must be observed at all times in reduced to certain aspects. The safety installa-
those countries where our products are used. tions which have possibly not been shown in
these detailed descriptions must nevertheless be
available. The systems or items shown might not
The photos shown in this brochure feature con- be available in every country.
struction sites in progress. For this reason, safety
and anchor details in particular cannot always Safety instructions and load specifications are to
be considered as conclusive or final. These are be strictly observed at all times. Changes and
subject to the risk assessment carried out by the deviations always require separate static proof.
The information contained herein is subject to
In addition, computer graphics are used which are technical changes in the interests of progress.
to be understood as system representations. For Errors and typographical mistakes reserved.
ensuring a better understanding, these and the
Peace Coliseum, Corporate Campus,
Salt Lake City, UT, USA
System advantages
The flexible girder slab formwork for all ground
plans and slab thicknesses up to 1.00 m
With MULTIFLEX, every slab thick- load-bearing GT 24 Formwork Girders UP Flex modular scaffolding is used
ness, any ground plan and all floor are used, large spans for the main and as shoring. For this, lowering heads,
heights can be formed. Main compo- cross beams can be realized. cross heads and claws heads are avail-
nents of the MULTIFLEX are the able which can be combined with the
VT 20K or GT 24 Formwork Girders. The overlapping of the slab girders and PERI shoring.
The possible combinations of these variable positioning of the main beams
formwork girders ensure the highest ensure maximum flexibility. MULTIFLEX
level of flexibility for adapting to is therefore the ideal solution for simple
project-specific requirements. and complicated ground plans, slabs
with offset outer edges or integrated
Main and cross beams, their position downstanding beams, as well as form-
and spacing, as well as formlining along ing operations in confined spaces.
with the shoring are freely selectable.
As a result, MULTIFLEX Slab Formwork Depending on the load and height of
can be ideally adapted to suit every the room, PERI steel tube or alumini-
ground plan and all loads. If the high um slab props, shoring towers or PERI
Optimized use of materials For all ground plans For all surface requirements
through any combination of through the variable positioning easily adaptable with freely
GT 24 and VT 20K Formwork of the girders – also polygonally, selectable formlining according
Girders as well as a freely trapezoidal or overlapping to the required quality of the slab
selectable girder arrangement underside
System advantages
For applications with the GT 24, fewer girders, The use of the load-bearing GT 24 Girder as a dou-
steel waling or slab props are required. This re- ble main beam in connection with PERI UP Rosett
sults in savings in both material and labour costs. Flex shoring, facilitates the transfer of heavy loads
over great heights.
System advantages
VT 20K GT 24
The cost-effective solid web girder The versatile lattice girder with a
high load-bearing capacity
The girder with a 20 cm overall height was specially The girder nodes with mini-dovetail jointing ensures
developed for slab formwork operations. It can be the stability of the GT24 Formwork Girder through a
used as a cross and main beam. special node design in the timber chord.
The PERI VT 20K is the economical, 20 cm high sol- Through the lattice construction and 24 cm overall
id web girder. Robust steel caps on the ends of the height, the GT 24 Formwork Girder provides a high
chords along with the concave web end provide the load-bearing capacity and rigidity. Due to the sturdy
girder with reliable protection against damage. The design and girder nodes with mini-dovetail jointing,
8 cm wide chords also provide sufficient width for ply- the formwork girder is extremely robust. The design
wood joints. simplifies the assembly of accessories.
■ Universal solid web girder made of wood ■ Universal formwork girder made of wood
with a 20 cm overall height with a 24 cm overall height
■ 11 lengths from 1.45 m to 5.90 m ■ 18 lengths from 0.90 m to 6.00 m
■ Weight: 5.30 kg / m (production weight) in 30 cm increments, extra-long up to 17.85 m
■ Permissible bearing force: 11.00 kN on request
■ Permissible bending moment: 5.00 kNm ■ Weight: 5.90 kg / m
■ Bending stiffness: EI = 460 kNm² ■ Permissible bearing force: 28.00 kN
■ Permissible bending moment 7.0 kNm
■ Bending stiffness: EI = 887 kNm²
System advantages
System advantages
For this underground roundabout, MULTIFLEX formed an even intermediate platform which covered
the entire area. As formlining, 3-Ply plywood with 0.50 m widths was used. With this formliner, the
concrete finish features a wood texture.
PERI release agent is a fluid, chemical-physical concrete release agent for all
commercially available formwork and construction equipment.
System advantages
Underlying standard
The load assumption is calculated ac-
cording to DIN EN 12812-2008-12 with
a bulk density of the fresh concrete of
ɣ= 24.5 kN / m3 (g = 9.81m / s2).
After selecting and entering the main beam spacing, the app determines the
maximum prop spacing. Using the given clear room height and prop spacing,
the cantilever length, resulting prop load and a list of all possible prop types
along with their corresponding permissible prop loads are determined. The
permissible prop load is determined for the selected prop type. As a result,
the utilization rate of the cross beam/main beam are additionally shown.
The PDF output format for the documentation, direct printing or sending
via e-mail is provided by the application. The customer's building specifications
are integrated via a note in this data sheet.
System advantages
Slab thickness d = 20 cm
Clear room height h = 2.80 m
Main and cross beam VT 20
Plywood formlining 21 mm,
62.5 x 250 cm
3. Prop spacing c
(main beam support)
Selected prop spacing c = 1.50 m
4. Prop load Fv
(Determining the load to be accommodated)
In accordance with the PERI Design Tables, the load 50 cm
is 22 kN with a main beam spacing of 2.00 m. Through
the selected smaller main beam spacing of b = 2.00 m,
this results in the following reduced prop load:
Fv = 22 kN x (2.00 m / 2.05 m) = 21.5 kN.
System overview
MULTIFLEX at a glance
System overview
Standard applications
Standard applications
MULTIPROP props are type tested. Available in The Universal Tripod is used as an erection aid.
lengths of 1.20 m, 2.50 m, 3.50 m, 4.80 m and Horizontal loads have to be transferred through
6,25 m. the formwork to the structure.
Shoring systems
For larger room heights, ST 100
Stacking Tower or PERI UP Flex
Modular Scaffolding provide the
ideal support for the MULTIFLEX.
Standard applications
Stopend formwork
Stopend Angle AW
The PERI Stopend Angle AW - the
solution for slab edge stopends up
to 40 cm thick and max. 60 cm thick
Standard applications
Formwork Bracket-2
For slab cantilevers up to 45 cm with
a maximum 30 cm slab thickness.
Cantilevers can be adjusted exactly
as required by means of the quick Guardrail Post HSGP
Guardrail height = 1.05 m
jack nut.
30 cm
max. 45 cm
Stopend Sleeve
DW 15
max. 14 cm
Standard applications
Beam Formwork UZ
The PERI UZ Beam System is the
solution for large beam cross-
sections. With the Beam Bracket
UZ 40 and Perforated Rail UZ, beam
heights of up to 80 cm are possible
without any ties. For larger heights,
one additional tie is necessary at the
top. The Perforated Rail UZ connects
both beam brackets very tightly.
Wall Clamps
Smaller beams can likewise be shut-
tered with PERI Wall Clamps 55, 75
or 105. Especially practical are the
friction-locked fine adjustments with
the quick jack nut without wedges
along with the self-cleaning, robust
square thread on the arm.
System supplements
■ GT 24 / GT 24
■ GT 24 / VT 20
■ VT 20 / VT 20
System supplements
Guardrail Holder GT 24 / VT 20
with Guardrail Post HSGP-2 serve
for mounting anti-fall protection on
GT 24 and VT 20 girders.
PMB 130
■ 2.10 with guardrail boards
■ 2.40 m with Side Mesh Barrier
PMB 260
System supplements
Project examples
The ADAC has a new headquarters in The floor slabs of the base construction slab in the basement, strengthened by
Munich. The impressive building com- were formed with modular and customi additional VT 20 Formwork Girders and
plex consists of a five-storey, undulating sed tables as well as the MULTIFLEX PEP Steel Tube Slab Props.
curved base construction with a large Girder Slab Formwork. The standard
courtyard. Above this is an office tower table modules could be used for forming
with 18 floors and rounded corners. the 1.23 m thick reinforced concrete
Project examples
Project examples
The 30 cm thick reinforced concrete slab was formed with MULTIFLEX. Complete solution from one source: wall and slab formwork as well as the
shoring and reinforcement scaffolding were optimally adapted to match the
project requirements.
The four-storey "Ocean Plaza" is a modern business centre For the construction of a new semi-trailer production facility,
with a total of 250,000 m² of floor space and 3,000 under- PERI engineers optimally adapted their formwork solution
ground parking spaces in downtown Kiev. for the walls and slabs as well as the scaffolding used as
shoring, access technology and reinforcement work in order
The 30 cm thick reinforced concrete slabs were formed to match project requirements. An important element of the
using MULTIFLEX with support provided for the standard 3 PERI comprehensive solution was the shoring concept for
m floor heights using PEP 20 and MULTIPROP Slab Props. the realization of the cantilevered floor slabs of the admin-
In those areas where loads had to be transferred over great istration building along with the in-situ slab construction of
heights, the MULTIPROP Aluminium Props were connected the almost 100 m long presentation platform on the north
with MRK Frames thus forming a modular shoring tower side of the production hall. Here, PERI UP was used for the
system. exact assembly of the prefabricated beams including support
at the third points. The scaffolding was then supplemented
with the 10 m high load-bearing system – as a sub-structure
for the MULTIFLEX Slab Formwork as well as all subsequent
work operations with MAXIMO Panel Formwork for con-
structing the 5 m high architectural concrete wall.
Project examples
MULTIFLEX served for the construction of the cast-in-place beams with the With PERI UP Rosett and MULTIFLEX, the high loads from the mas-
PEP Props connected by means of PRK Frames to form shoring towers. sive structural elements at heights of between 10 m and 12 m were
reliably transferred into the ground.
The Pérez Art Museum is located directly on Biscayne Bay For the construction of a production plant, massive founda-
in Miami. The 3-storey building complex is positioned on a tions and rectangular columns along with enormous rein-
protruding base and is dominated by a boldly projecting can- forced concrete beams with heights of 4 m were required.
tilevered roof construction. The use of self-compacting concrete resulted in high con-
crete pressures.
MULTIFLEX Girder Slab Formwork was used for construct-
ing the large-scale beam structure in an architectural con- PERI UP Shoring and MULTIFLEX Slab Formwork used for
crete design. constructing the massive beams impressively proved their
high degree of flexibility. Through the planning and supply of
formwork and scaffolding from one source, it was possible
to perfectly match the MULTIFLEX Slab Formwork and PERI
UP Shoring. Both systems complemented each other ideally
so that also during the concreting of massive structural el-
ements at large heights, over 40 kN per leg could be safely
The optimal System
for every Project and
every Requirement
Formwork Scaffolding Engineering
Rudolf-Diesel-Strasse 19
89264 Weissenhorn
Tel. +49 (0)7309.950-0
Fax +49 (0)7309.951-0