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ME 360, Fall 21 Solution to Homework6 Due on Friday, October 8


1. Classify each of he following systems in terms of linearity, time invariance, static/dynamic, and causality
(u is the input and y is the output):
1. y(t) = −∞ u(τ ) cos(t − τ ) dτ
Linear, time-invariant, dynamic, non-causal
2. y(t) = −∞ u(τ ) cos(t) sin(τ ) dτ
Linear, time-varying, dynamic, non-causal
3. y(t) = −∞ u(τ ) cos(t − τ ) dτ
Linear, time-invariant, dynamic, causal
4. y(t) = −∞ u2 (τ ) cos(t) sin(τ ) dτ
Nonlinear, time-varying, dynamic, causal

2. Classify each of the following systems in terms of linearity, time invariance, static/dynamic, and
causality (u is the input and y is the output):

1. y(t) + 7 = x(t) + sin(u(t))

Nonlinear, time-invariant, static, causal
d2 d
2. dt2
y(t)+ cos(2t) dt y(t) = u(t)
Linear, time-varying, dynamic, causal
3. dt y(t)+ 3y(t) = u(t)
Linear, time-invariant, dynamic, causal
d2 d d
4. dt2
+ 3y dt y(t) = 2 dt u(t) + u(t)
Non-linear, time-invariant, dynamic, causal
5. dt y(t)= u(t + 1)
Linear, time-invariant, dynamic, non-causal
6. + ty 2 (t) = u(t)
dt y(t)
Nonlinear, time-varying, dynamic, causal

3. In each of the systems below, u[n] is the input and y[n] is the output. Classify for linearity, time
invariance, dynamic, and causality.

1. y[n] = ∞ |m−n|
m=−∞ u[m]e
Linear, time-invariant, dynamic, non-causal

2. y[n] = ∞ 2 |m−n|
m=−∞ u [m]e
Nonlinear, time-invariant, dynamic, non-causal

3. y[n] = nm=−∞ u[m]e|m−n|

Linear, time-invariant, dynamic, causal
4. y[n] = ∞ 2 |m−n|
m=n+1 u [m]e
Nonlinear, time-invariant, dynamic, non-causal

4. In each of the systems below, u[n] is the input and y[n] is the output. Classify for linearity, time
invariance, dynamic, and causality.
1. y[n] − y[n − 1] = u[n]
Linear, time-invariant, dynamic, causal
2. y[n] + y[n + 1] = nu[n]
Linear, time-varying, dynamic, non-causal
3. y[n] − y[n − 1]y[n − 2] = u[n]
Linear, time-invariant, dynamic, causal
4. y[n] − n1 y[n] = u[n]
Linear, time-varying, static, causal
5. y[n] = u[n] − 2u[n − 1] − nu[n − 2]
Linear, time-varying, dynamic, causal
6. y[n] − y[n − 1] = sin(u[n])
Nonlinear, time-invariant, dynamic, causal
P1 Details:

1. Define y(t) = O{u(t)}. We have

Z ∞
O{αu1 (t) + βu2 (t)} = [αu1 (τ ) + βu2 (τ )] cos(t − τ ) dτ
Z ∞ Z ∞
=α u1 (τ ) cos(t − τ ) + β u2 (τ ) cos(t − τ )
−∞ −∞
= αO{u1 (t)} + βO{u2 (t)}
Z ∞
O{u(t − t0 )} = u(τ − t0 ) cos(t − τ ) dτ
Z ∞
τ 0 =τ −t0
= u(τ 0 ) cos(t − t0 − τ 0 ) dτ 0
= y(t − t0 )
Thus, the system is linear and time-invariant. It is also dynamic (contains an integral) and non-causal
(depends on future values of u).
2. Similarly to P1.1, the system is linear, non-causal and dynamic. However,
Z ∞
O{u(t − t0 )} = u(τ − t0 ) cos(t) sin(τ ) dτ
Z ∞
τ 0 =τ −t0
= u(τ 0 ) cos(t) sin(τ 0 + t0 ) dτ 0
6= y(t − t0 )
Thus, the system is time varying.

P2 Details:

ME 360, Fall 21 Solution to Homework 7 Due on Friday, October 22

Reading: Convolution (Sec. 6.1-6.2); Discrete-time convolution (Sec. 7.1-7.2); The notation u1 (t) is used
to denote the unit step.


1. Problem 6.5 in Ambardar. Convolutions 1 and 2.

Solution to P1:
1. Convolution 1:
Signal endpoints: [−2, 2], [−1, 3] ⇒ Pairwise sum: [−3, 1, 5].

Figure 1: Convolution 1

Since the signals are piecewise constant, the convolution is linear and peaks at t = 1. From Figure 1,
y(1) = 32. At the end-points, the convolution is zero. Thus, y(−3) = 0 = y(5).
More formally, we compute the convolution by ranges:
R t+1
−3 ≤ t ≤ 1: y(t) = −2 2 · 4 dλ = 8(t + 3)
1 ≤ t ≤ 5: y(t) = t−3 2 · 4 dλ = 8(5 − t).
2. Convolution 2: Signal endpoints: [−2, 2], [0, 1] ⇒ Pairwise sum: [−2, −1, 2, 3].

Figure 2: Convolution 2
Let’s compute the convolution by ranges:
−2 ≤ t ≤ −1: y(t) = −2 1 · 4e−2(t−λ) dλ = 2(1 − e−2(t+2) )
−1 ≤ t ≤ 2: y(t) = t−1 1 · 4e−2(t−λ) · dλ = 2(1 − e−2 ) ≈ 2.53.
2 ≤ t ≤ 3: y(t) = t−1 1 · 4e−2(t−λ) dλ = 2(e−2(t−2) − e−2 ).

2. Evaluate each convolution and sketch y as a function of t:

1. u(t) = e−t u1 (t) and h(t) = u1 (t)

2. h(t) = e−t u1 (t) and u(t) = u1 (t)

3. h(t) = e−t+1 u1 (t − 1) and u(t) = u1 (t − 1)

4. h(t) = e−t (u1 (t) + eu1 (t − 1)) and u(t) = u1 (t)

Solution to P2:
Note that the convolution is defined as y(t) = u(t) ⋆ h(t) = −∞ u(τ )h(t − τ ) dτ .
R∞ −τ
1. y(t) = −∞ e u1 (τ )u1 (t − τ ) dτ = 0 e−τ dτ = 1 − e−t

2. Since the convolution is commutative, i.e., u(t) ⋆ h(t) = h(t) ⋆ u(t), the convolution result is the same,
which is 1 − e−t .
R∞ R t−1
3. y(t) = −∞ e−τ +1 u1 (τ − 1)u1 (t − τ − 1) dτ = 1 e−τ +1 dτ = 1 − e2−t

4. Let h(t) = h1 (t) + h2 (t), where h1 (t) = e−t u1 (t) and h2 (t) = e−t+1 u1 (t − 1).
Thus, y(t) = u(t) ⋆ h(t) = u(t) ⋆ h1 (t) + u(t) ⋆ h2 (t). u(t) ⋆ h1 (t) = 1 − e−t by P4.2. And u(t) ⋆ h2 (t)
is similar to P4.3.
Then, y(t) = 1 − e−t + 1 e−τ +1 dτ = 2 − e−t − e1−t .

Figure 3: Sketches of y(t)

3. Find the response y(t) using the method of convolution (u1 (t) denotes the unit step):

1. dt y(t) + y(t) = u1 (t) y(0) = 0
2. dt y(t) + y(t) = u1 (t) y(0) = 1

3. d
dt y(t) + y(t) = te−t u1 (t) y(0) = 0

4. d
dt y(t) + y(t) = cos(t)e−t u1 (t) y(0) = 1

Solution to P3:

1. First, let’s find the impulse response h(t):

h(t) + H(t) = δ(t)
⇒ sH(s) + H(s) = 1
⇒ H(s) =
⇒ h(t) = e u1 (t)

Thus, Z ∞
y(t) = h(t) ⋆ u1 (t) = e−τ u1 (τ )u1 (t − τ ) dτ
Z t
= e−τ dτ = 1 − e−t

2. Imposing the initial condition to the answer to P1.1 gives:

y(t) = 1 · e−t + 1 − e−t = 1

3. Similar to P1.1, the impulse response is h(t) = e−t u1 (t). Thus,

Z ∞
y(t) = h(t) ⋆ (te u1 (t)) = e−τ u1 (τ )(t − τ )e−(t−τ ) u1 (t − τ ) dτ
t2 −t
= e−t (t − τ ) dτ = e
0 2

4. Similarly, the impulse response is h(t) = e−t u1 (t). Particular solution can be found by convolution
Z ∞
y1 (t) = h(t) ⋆ (cos(t)e−t u1 (t)) = e−τ u1 (τ ) cos(t − τ )e−(t−τ ) u1 (t − τ ) dτ
Z t
= e−t cos(t − τ ) dτ = sin(t)e−t

y(t) = y1 (t) + 1 · e−t = (1 + sin(t))e−t

4. Find the convolution u ∗ h for the following (the underline is used to denote the n = 0 index):

1. u[n] = u1 [n] and h[n] = u1 [n]

2. u[n] = αn u1 [n] and h[n] = β n u1 [n]

3. u[n] = {1, 2, 1} and h[n] = {2, 2, 1}

4. u[n] = u1 [n] and h[n] = rect(n/2N )

Solution to P4:
P∞ Pn
1. u ∗ h = k=−∞ u1 [k]u1 [n − k] = k=0 1 =n+1
P∞ k u [k]
Pn α k n β n+1 −αn+1
2. u ∗ h = k=−∞ α 1 · β n−k u1 [n − k] = k=0 ( β ) β = β−α

3. y[n] = {2, 6, 7, 4, 1}.

h[n] = 2 2 1
u[n] = 1 2 1
Input Response
δ[n] h[n] = 2 2 1
2δ[n] 2h[n] = 4 4 2
δ[n] h[n] = 2 2 1
Sum = u[n] Sum = y[n] = 2 6 7 4 1

P∞ k Pn
4. y[n] = k=−∞ u1 [n − k] · rect( 2N )= k=−N 1=n+N +1

ME 360, Fall 21 Solution to Homework8 Due on Friday, October 29

Reading: Discrete time systems (Sec. 5.1-5.2); Discrete time convolution (Ch. 7); z-transform (Sec. 17.1)


1. Find the z-transform of the following signals:

1. u[n] = {1, 2, 1}

2. h[n] = {2, 2, 1}

3. x[n] = {1, 2, 3, 2, 1}

4. x[n] = 2n u1 [n]
5. x[n] = 2n u1 [n]
6. x[n] = 2n u1 [n] − 2n u1 [n]

Solution to P1:

1. U (z) = 1 + 2z −1 + z −2

2. H(z) = 2 + 2z −1 + z −2

3. X(z) = z 2 + 2z + 3 + 2z −1 + z −2

4. X(z) = 1 + 2z −1 + 22 z −2 + · · · = 1
1−2z −1
= z
5. X(z) = z− 12

z z
6. X(z) = z−2 − z− 21

2. Find the impulse response h[n] of the following difference equation:

y[n] = 0.5y[n − 1] − u[n]

1. Use the direct method to evaluate h[n] (as I did in the class);

2. Use the method of z-transform.

3. What is the transfer function H(z)? How is it related to h[n]?

Solution to P2:
From the equation we have 0.5h[n − 1] − h[n] = δ[n].

1. Assume the solution of the form h[n] = −An u1 [n]. Then, we have

− 0.5An−1 u1 [n − 1] + An u1 [n] = δ[n]

⇒ An = 0.5An−1
⇒ A = 0, 5
⇒ h[n] = −0.5n u1 [n]
2. Using z-transform method, we have

0.5z −1 H(z) − H(z) = 1

1 z
⇒ H(z) = =−
0.5z −1 − 1 z − 0.5
⇒ h[n] = −0.5n u1 [n]

3. The transfer function H(z) = − z−0.5 . It is the z-transform of h[n].

3. The transfer function of a discrete-time system is given by

H(z) =
(z − 12 )(z − 13 )

with initial conditions y[−1] = 0 and y[−2] = 1.

1. What is the zero-input response?
1 n

2. What is the zero-state response with input u[n] = 2 u1 [n] where u1 [n] denotes the unit step.

3. What is the total response with the initial condition indicated in the main part, and the input
indicated in the part 2 above? What property did you use to arrive at this conclusion?
Solution to P3:
From the transfer function we have
Y (z) z2 1
= 1 1 =
U (z) (z − 2 )(z − 3 ) 1 − 6 z + 16 z −2
5 −1

5 1
⇒ y[n] − y[n − 1] + y[n − 2] = u[n]
6 6
1. We now assume u[n] = 0 (zero input) and transform this equation:
5 1
yzi [n] − yzi [n − 1] + yzi [n − 2] = 0
6 6
5 −1 1
Yzi (z) − {z Yzi (z) + y[−1]} + {z −2 Yzi (z) + z −1 y[−1]) + y[−2]} = 0
6 6
⇒ Yzi (z) = −
6 − 5z + z −2

Using partial fraction expansion and inverse transformation, we have

1 1 1 z 1 z
Yzi (z) = − = 1 −
3−z 2−z 3z− 3 2 z − 12
1 1 1 1 n h 1 1 i
⇒ yzi [n] = ( )n u1 [n] − ( ) u1 [n] = ( )n+1 − ( )n+1 u1 [n]
3 3 2 2 3 2
2. Inverse transformation of input is U (z) = z− 12
Partial fractions and inverse transformation of the zero-state response gives
2 6 −12 12 12
Yzs (z) = U (z)H(z) = · = + +
2 − z −1 (2 − z −1 )(3 − z −1 ) 2 − z −1 (2 − z −1 )2 3 − z −1
1 n 1 n 1 n 1 n 1 n
⇒ yzs [n] = 6( ) u1 [n] − 4( ) u1 [n] + 3( ) nu1 [n] = (6 + 3n)( ) − 4( ) u1 [n]
2 3 2 2 3

3. y[n] = yzi [n] + yzs [n] by superposition property.

4. Compute the z-transform for the following signals:

1. u[n] = u1 [n]

2. u[n] = −u1 [−n − 1]

Solution to P4:

∞ ∞
X X 1 − (z −1 )∞ 1
U (z) = u1 [n]z −n = z −n = −1
= (|z −1 | < 1)
1−z 1 − z −1

2. Similarly,
∞ −1
X X z(1 − z ∞ ) z
U (z) = −u1 [−n − 1]z −n = (−1)z −n = − = (|z| < 1)
n=−∞ n=−∞
1−z z−1

ME 360, Fall 21 Solution to Homework 9 Due 3PM on Monday, November 8

Reading: Class notes. BIBO stability (Section 6.5 and 7.4)


1. Consider the following impulse response. Using the method of your choice, verify if the system is BIBO

Solution to P1:

1. h[n] = {2, 2, 1} is BIBO stable.

|h[n]| = |2| + |2| + |1| = 5 < ∞

2. h[n] = 2n u1 [n] is NOT BIBO stable.

H(z) =
The number of poles equals to the number of zeros. However, pole is not inside the unit circle.

3. h[n] = 2n u1 [n] is BIBO stable.

H(z) =
z − 0.5
The number of poles equals to the number of zeros. The pole is inside the unit circle.

4. h[n] = 2n u1 [n] − 2n u1 [n] is NOT BIBO stable.

z z 1.5z
H(z) = − =
z − 2 z − 0.5 (z − 2)(z − 0.5)

The number of poles is greater than the number of zeros. However, one of the poles is inside the unit

5. h(t) = u1 (t) − u1 (t − 1) is NOT BIBO stable.

1 − e−s
H(s) =
The pole is not on the open left plane.
6. h(t) = e−t u1 (t) is BIBO stable.

H(s) =
The pole is on the open left plane.

7. h(t) = et u1 (t) is NOT BIBO stable.

H(s) =
The pole is not the open left plane.

8. h(t) = et u1 (t) − e−t u1 (t) is NOT BIBO stable.

1 1 −2
H(s) = − =
s−1 s+1 (s − 1)(s + 1)

One of the poles is not the open left plane.

2. Consider the following discrete-time system

y[n] = ay[n − 1] − u[n]

where a is a real number. Determine the range of a for which the system is BIBO. Do this using both

Solution to P2:

1. the test for impulse response h[n].

Y (z) z
Y (z) = az −1 Y (z) − U (z) ⇒ H(z) = = ⇒ h[n] = −an u1 [n]
U (z) a−z

∞ ∞
X 1
| − a u1 [n]| = an = , |a| < 1

So when |a| < 1 the system is BIBO stable.

2. the test for transfer function H(z).

Y (z) z
Y (z) = az −1 Y (z) − U (z) ⇒ H(z) = =
U (z) a−z

The pole is a, so when |a| < 1 the system is BIBO stable (inside the unit circle).

3. Consider the following continuous-time system
+ ay = u
where a is a real number. Determine the range of a for which the system is BIBO. Do this using both

Solution to P3:

1. the test for impulse response h(t).

Y (s) 1
sY (s) + aY (s) = U (z) ⇒ H(s) = = ⇒ h(t) = e−at u1 (t)
U (s) s+a
Z ∞ Z ∞
1 1
e−at u1 (t)dt = e−at dt = − e−at |∞
0 =
−∞ 0 a a

So when a > 0 then system is BIBO stable.

2. the test for transfer function H(s).

Y (s) 1
H(s) = =
U (s) s+a

So when a > 0 then system is BIBO stable (on the open left plane).

4. Draw the pole-zero diagram for the following systems:

Solution to P4:

1. h(t) = u1 (t) is NOT BIBO stable.

2. h(t) = e−t u1 (t) is BIBO stable.

3. h[n] = {2, 2, 1} is BIBO stable and causal.

4. h[n] = {2, 2, 1} is BIBO stable and NOT causal.

5. h[n] = {2, 2, 1} is NOT BIBO stable and NOT causal.

6. H(s) = s2 +5s+6
is BIBO stable.
7. H(z) = z 2 +5z+6
is NOT BIBO stable.

Indicate if the system is BIBO stable. For 3, 4, and 5, also determine if the system is causal.

ME 360, Fall 21 PROBLEM SET 10 Due on Friday, November 12


1. The transfer function of a discrete-time (DT) system is given by

H(z) = 1
z+ 2

with initial conditions y[−1] = 1.

1. What is the zero-input response?

Y (z) + z −1 Y (z) = U (z)
y(n) + y(n − 1) = u(n)
y(n) + y(n − 1) = 0
Y (z) + (z −1 Y (z) + y(−1)) = 0
Y (z) =
1 + 21 z −1
yzi (n) = − u(n)

2. What is the zero-state response with input u[n] = u1 [n] where u1 [n] denotes the unit step?
Solution:   !
z z
U (z)H(z) = 1
z−1 z+ 2
2z/3 z/3
Y (z) = +
z − 1 z + 12
2 1 1
yzs (n) = u(n) + − u(n)
3 3 2

3. What is the total response - including both zero-input and zero-state response?
y = yzi + yzs

4. Draw the pole-zero diagram. Is the system BIBO stable?

Solution: Yes, the system is BIBO stable because the pole is in the unit circle.
5. What is the steady state response? [Hint: 1 = cos(0n)]. Compare with the answer from part 3.
yss = u(n − 1)
6. Now consider the input
π π
u(t) = (1 + sin( n) + cos( n))u1 [n]
6 2
Obtain the steady-state response.
H(e0 ) = H(1) =
=⇒ |H(e0 )| =
∠H(e0 ) = 0

jπ/6 ejπ/6 3+j
H(e ) = jπ/6 1 =

e + 2 3+1+j

jπ/6 3+1 2
=⇒ |H((e )| = p √ =p √
4+2 3+1 5+2 3
jπ/6 1 1 π 1
∠H(e ) = arctan √ − arctan √ = − arctan √
3 3+1 6 3+1
H(ejπ/2 ) =
i + 12
=⇒ |H((ejπ/2 )| = √
jπ/2 π
∠H(e ) = − arctan(2)
2 π  π 
yss = + |H((ejπ/6 )|sin n + ∠H(ejπ/6 ) + |H((ejπ/2 )|cos + ∠H(ejπ/2 )
3 6 2

2. The transfer function of a continuous time (CT) system is

H(s) = 2
s + 5s + 6

1. Write the associated ODE with output y(t) and input u(t).
sU (s) = s2 Y (s) + 5sY (s) + 6Y (s)
u̇(t) = ÿ(t) + 5ẏ(t) + 6y(t)

2. Obtain the expression for the impulse response h(t).


Y (s) = H(s)U (s)

s s
Y (s) = 2 =
s + 5s + 5 (s + 2)(s + 3)
−2 3
= +
s+2 s+3
y(t) = −2e−2t + 3e−3t

3. Consider the input signal u(t) = 4u1 (t) where u1 (t) denotes the unit step. Assuming zero initial
conditions, obtain the output y(t) by using

(a) convolution, and

(b) the method of Laplace transform.

y(t) = h(t) ∗ u(t)

Z ∞
= 4u1 (t − τ )(−2e−2τ + 3e−3τ )dτ
Z t
=4 (−2e−2τ + 3e−3τ )dτ
= 4(e − e−3t )

Y (s) = H(s)U (s)

s 4 4
Y (s) = 2 =
s + 5s + 5 s (s + 2)(s + 3)
4 −4
= +
s+2 s+3
y(t) = 4(e−2t − e−3t )
4. Draw the pole-zero diagram. Is the system BIBO stable?
Solution: Yes, the system is BIBO stable because all poles are in the LHP.

5. What is the steady-state response? Compare with the answer from part 3.
yss = 0

6. Now consider the input

u(t) = (1 + sin(t) + cos(2t) + sin(10t))u1 (t)

Obtain the steady-state response.


H(j) =
5j + 5
=⇒ |H(j)| = √
5 2
∠H(j) =
H(2j) =
1 + 5j
=⇒ |H(2j)| = √
∠H(j) = − arctan(5)
H(10j) =
25j − 47
=⇒ |H(10j)| = √
25 + 472
π 25
∠H(10j) = − arctan −
2 47

yss = |H(j)|sin (t + ∠H(j)) + |H(2j)|cos (2t + ∠H(2j)) + |H(10j)|sin (10t + ∠H(10j))

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