Canadian Money
Canadian Money
Canadian Money
Grades 3 to 4
Learning how to count money is an important skill as we need money to buy some of
our favourite things! This resource is packed with worksheets and activities that allow
students to practice important concepts involving money to meet expectations of the
grade 3 and 4 Ontario Mathematics Curriculum. Concepts covered include: estimating,
counting & representing money amounts up to $10/$100; adding & subtracting money
amounts up to $10/$100; making change for purchases up to $10/$100. Assessments
that can be used at the end of the math unit are included for each grade along with a
marking rubric.
Leanne Howse has been teaching since 1999. Although she has had
experience in all elementary grades, she has found true joy in teaching
primary students. She currently teaches grade 1/2. Although teaching is her
passion, she enjoys creating resources that other teachers can use in their
classrooms. She resides in Delhi, Ontario with her husband and 2 children.
This publication may be reproduced under licence from Access Copyright, or with the express written permission of On The Mark Press,
or as permitted by law. All rights are otherwise reserved, and no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,
or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, scanning, recording or otherwise, except as specifically
authorized. “We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Book Fund for this project.”
Add and subtract money amounts by making simulated 35, 36, 38, 39, 43, 48,
purchases and providing change for amounts up to $100, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 75,
using a variety of tools. 76, 77, 79
Dime Quarter
10¢ 25¢
$0.10 $0.25
Loonie Toonie
100¢ 200¢
$1.00 $2.00
Twenty Fifty
Dollar Bill Dollar Bill
$20.00 $50.00
One Hundred
Dollar Bill
2. 7 dimes, 6 quarters, 4 nickels.
3. 1 five-dollar bill, 6 quarters, 1 nickel, 7 pennies.
4. 3 toonies, 5 quarters, 3 nickels, 2 dimes, 1 penny.
5. 7 pennies, 4 quarters, 2 dimes, 1 loonie.
SSK148 ISBN: 9781771587242
© On The Mark Press
$ ¢ Name:______________________ Date:_______________________
2. 4 loonies, 1 toonie, 6 quarters, 2 dimes.
3. 1 five-dollar bill, 6 quarters, 1 nickel, 7 pennies.
4. 3 toonies, 5 quarters, 3 nickels, 2 dimes, 1 penny.
5. 7 pennies, 4 quarters, 2 dimes, 1 loonie.
16 SSK148 ISBN: 9781771587242
© On The Mark Press
Name:______________________ Date:_______________________ $ ¢
2. 2 five-dollar bills, 1 loonie, 2 toonies, 3 quarters, 2 nickels.
3. 3 ten-dollar bills, 1 five-dollar bill, 3 quarters, 1 toonie, 2 loonies.
4. 1 fifty-dollar bill, 1 twenty-dollar bill, 5 toonies, 3 dimes.
5. 2 twenty-dollar bills, 2 ten-dollar bills, 2 five-dollar bills,
3 quarters.
SSK148 ISBN: 9781771587242
© On The Mark Press
$ ¢ Name:______________________ Date:_______________________
2. 1 ten-dollar bill, 7 quarters, 3 nickels, 5 pennies.
3. 6 ten-dollar bills, 9 quarters, 4 dimes, 2 pennies.
4. 9 toonies, 3 loonies, 7 nickels, 9 dimes.
5. 3 ten-dollar bills, 4 five-dollar bills, 1 toonie, 4 loonies, 2 quarters,
2 dimes.
18 SSK148 ISBN: 9781771587242
© On The Mark Press
Name:______________________ Date:_______________________ $ ¢
At the Store #1
$ ¢
Write the number of bills and coins needed to purchase each item.
Use the least amount of coins/bills possible. Use play money to
help you if needed.
$ 5.79
At the Store #2
Write the number of bills and coins needed to purchase each item.
Use the least amount of coins/bills possible. Use play money to
help you if needed.
$ 5.99
$ 4.58
At the Store #3
$ ¢
Write the number of bills and coins needed to purchase each item.
Use the least amount of coins/bills possible. Use play money to
help you if needed.
$ 54.75
$ 87.98
At the Store #4
Write the number of bills and coins needed to purchase each item.
Use the least amount of coins/bills possible. Use play money to
help you if needed.
$ 44.95
$ 62.40
$ 9.17 $ 5.30
$ 8.25 $ 7.33
$ 6.85 $ 5.77
$ 3.48 7.45
$ 4.54 $ 3.75
$ 9.00 $ 8.35
$ 52.75 $ 39.49
$ 82.77 $ 28.93
$ 68.72 $ 59.42
$ 23.05 $ 60.91
$ 37.04 $ 60.38
$ 98.92 72.77
At The Cafeteria
$ ¢
Below are items found in the cafeteria. Use this page to help you
complete the next 2 pages.
At the Cafeteria:
Addition & Subtraction to $10.00
Read each word problem. Decide if you will add or subtract.
Show your work and write your answer in sentence form.
1. S
am purchased an apple juice and a hot dog for lunch.
How much money did he spend in total?
3. J
ames had $5.00. He bought a hamburger.
How much money did he have left?
4. How much more does a bag of popcorn cost than an ice cream?
5. J
ames has $4.00. He wants to buy a hot dog and milk. Can he?
$ ¢
6. Eli bought 2 items, 1 from the drink menu and 1 from the dessert
menu. He spent a total of $2.00. Which two items did he buy?
7. B
eth had ten dollars. She bought 2 slices of pizza. How much
money did she have left over?
9. Ethan bought an ice cream cone and a soda pop. Emma bought
french fries and a hot chocolate. Who spent more money? How
much more?
1. J
ames purchased a grey t-shirt and jeans. How much money did
he spend in total?
2. Jill wants to buy a skirt and a pair of high heels. How much
money will this cost her?
3. J
ames had $50.00. He bought a pair of brown loafers. How much
money did he have left?
4. How much more does the hoodie cost than the plaid shirt?
5. J
ames has $75.00. He wants to buy a grey shirt and high top
sneakers. Does he have enough money?
7. B
eth had fifty dollars. She bought a pair of high heeled shoes.
How much money did she have left over?
8. How much more are the sneakers than the brown loafers?
Nickels…Count by 5
$ ¢
Count by 5’s to determine how many nickels are in
each. Show your counting. When you get to the larger
bills, you may show your work in other ways.
Dimes…Count by 10
Count by 10’s to determine how many dimes are in
each. Show your counting. When you get to the larger
bills, you may show your work in other ways.
Quarters…Count by 25
$ ¢
Count by 25’s to determine how many quarters are in
each. Show your counting. When you get to the larger
bills, you may show your work in other ways.
Making Change
$7.29 Suppose you bought this pair of mittens with
a $10 bill. The store clerk would give you
back change.
Your change
would be $2.71.
b) Samuel buys an ice cream and pays with a toonie and 2 loonies.
At the Cafeteria:
Making Change to $10.00
Use the cafeteria menu on page 33. Draw pictures to show the
money you would use to make change. Write the change in dollars.
e) You buy a soda pop and pay with 1 toonie and 1 loonie.
f) You buy a slice of pizza and milk and pay with a ten-dollar bill.
$ ¢
g) You buy a donut and apple juice and pay with a five-dollar bill.
h) You buy an ice cream cone and a soda pop and pay with a
ten-dollar bill.
i) You buy french fries and hot chocolate and pay with 4 toonies.
j) You buy milk, a hot dog, and a donut, and pay with a ten-dollar bill.
Word Problems: all your
Making Change to $10.00
1. H
oward bought a book for $8.79. He paid for it with a $5 bill, 2
toonies, and 1 loonie. Show how the store clerk might have made
change for Howard.
2. Sarah bought stickers that cost $2.49. She paid with 2 toonies.
Draw money to show your change.
3. B
illy’s lunch cost $3.10. He paid for it with a $5 bill. Show 2
different ways the clerk could have make change for Billy.
4. J
ack bought a movie that cost $6.37. He paid with a $10 bill and
got $2.63 in change. Did Jack get the correct change?
c) Colin buys a ball glove and pays with 3 twenty dollar bills.
d) Frankie buys a book and pays with a twenty dollar bill and a ten
dollar bill.
a) You buy the grey T-shirt and pay with a twenty dollar bill.
d) You buy a pair of high heels and pay with a hundred dollar bill.
e) You buy a pair sneakers and pay with four $20 bills.
f) You buy winter boots and shorts and pay with $100.00.
$ ¢
h) You buy the plaid shirt and shorts and pay with a $50 bill.
i) You buy the v-neck shirt and cargo pants and pay with $80.00.
j) You buy the grey shirt and sneakers and pay with a $100 bill.
Word Problems: all your
Making Change to $100.00
1. M
ary bought a pair of shoes for $32.00 and a pair of socks for
$7.00. How much change did she get from a $50 bill?
2. Vince paid $17.89 for a new CD. He paid with a $50 bill. What is
the least amount of coins and bills he could get for change?
3. E
than bought a skateboard for $27.29. He paid with a $50 bill. He
got $23.71 in change. Did Ethan get the right change?
4. A
ndrea paid for a shirt that was $35.50 with two $20 bills. She
got 5 coins in change. What coins were they?
k) 12 quarters. ___________________
l) 20 dimes. ____________________
m) 30 nickels. ___________________
q) 8 loonies. ____________________
g) 20 toonies. ___________________
l) 40 quarters. _________________
Demonstrates Demonstrates
Part B Demonstrates some problem problem solving Demonstrates
limited problem solving skills. skills – few effective
Problem solving skills. Several errors/ errors/some problem solving
Solving Major errors. information information skills. No error.
missing. missing.
Student can
with some
Student has describe their Student can
difficulty, can
difficulty mathematical effectively
Part C describe their
explaining thinking most of explain his/her
Communication his/her the time. Some mathematical
mathematical information may thinking.
Many errors/
thinking. be missing or No errors.
Part A: Understanding
1. Count to find the total value of the coins and bills.
2. Add or subtract.
4. W
rite as a decimal number in dollars.
a) 37 cents: _________________ d) E
ight dollars and thirty seven
cents: ___________________
b) 4 cents: __________________
5. U
se play money to figure out the change you would get for
each purchase. Then draw the change and write the total.
$ 4.55
Part C: Communication
1. Use play money and skip counting to help you.
3. W
hy is it important to know how to count money?
Part D: Application
1. Circle the coins needed to purchase each item.
Demonstrates Demonstrates
Part B Demonstrates some problem problem solving Demonstrates
limited problem solving skills. skills – few effective
Problem solving skills. Several errors/ errors/some problem solving
Solving Major errors. information information skills. No error.
missing. missing.
Student can
with some
Student has describe their Student can
difficulty, can
difficulty mathematical effectively
Part C describe their
explaining thinking most of explain his/her
Communication his/her the time. Some mathematical
mathematical information may thinking.
Many errors/
thinking. be missing or No errors.
Part A: Understanding
1. Count to find the total amount in each group.
2. Draw each amount using the least number of bills and coins.
Use play money to help you if needed.
$45.35 $37.30
$15.45 $21.50
5. A
dd or subtract. Show your work in the space provided below
each question.
A $12.85 + $15.30 B $27.40 - $15.55 C $42.80 + $26.85
3. J
en bought a CD for $13.50. She paid with a $20 bill. She got
$5.50 in change. Did Jen get the right change? Explain.
4. Y
our teacher wants to buy new balls for the classroom. The
prices are listed below. Use these prices to answer each
question. Show your work.
$24.95 $16.80
$ 0.75
a) H
ow much do the soccer ball b) H
ow much more does the
and football cost altogether? basketball cost than the
c) How much would 5 tennis d) If you paid for the football
balls cost? with a $50 bill, how much
change would you get?
Part C: Communication
1. Use play money and skip counting to help you.
b) $75.25
c) $36.40
3. Y
ou have a piggy bank full of bills and coins. Explain how you
would find the total amount of money. Use words and pictures.
4. W
hy is it important to know how to count money and make
change? Give 2 ideas.
Part D – Application
1. Use play money if needed to figure out the change you would
get for each purchase. Then draw the change and write the total.
Item How You Pay Change (Draw) Amount
$ 49.50
Counting Money Amounts up to Draw/Paste and Count #2; p. 16
$10.00 #1; p. 7 1. $9.80 2. $7.70 3. $6.62 4. $7.61 5. $2.27
a) $5.50 b) $3.64 c) $7.62 d) $5.61 e) $4.33
f ) $8.62 Draw/Paste and Count #3; p. 17
1. $16.08 2. $15.85 3. $62.67 4. $80.30
Counting Money Amounts up to 5. $70.75
$10.00 #2; p. 8
a) $7.40 b) $7.65 c) $6.02 d) $4.53 e) $3.55 Draw/Paste and Count #4; p. 18
f ) $9.46 1. $80.99 2. $11.95 3. $62.67 4.$22.25
5. $56.70
Counting Money Amounts up to
$10.00 #3; p. 9 At the Store #1; p. 19
a) $5.42 b) $7.70 c) $8.67 d) $10.00 e) $7.61 1. 1 five dollar bill, 1 toonie, 2 quarters, 1 dime,
f ) $4.81 1 nickel, 3 pennies
2. 1 five dollar bill, 2 toonies, 3 quarters, 1 dime
3. 1 five dollar bill, 3 quarters, 4 pennies
Counting Money Amounts up to 4. 1 toonie, 3 quarters, 2 dimes, 2 pennies
$10.00 #4; p. 10
a) $3.56 b) $6.68 c) $6.72 d) $5.67 e) $7.80
At the Store #2; p. 20
f ) $8.47
1. 1 toonie, 2 quarters, 1 dime, 1 nickel
2. 1 five dollar bill, 3 quarters, 2 dimes, 4 pennies
Counting Money Amounts up to 3. 2 toonies, 2 quarters, 1 nickel, 3 pennies
$100.00 #1; p. 11 4. 1 toonie, 1 loonie, 1 quarter, 2 dimes
a) $83.06 b) $75.52 c) $57.35 d) $81.71
e) $39.70 f ) $41.51 At the Store #3; p. 21
1. 1 twenty dollar bill, 2 toonies, 3 quarters, 2
Counting Money Amounts up to dimes, 4 pennies
$100.00 #2; p. 12 2. 1 fifty dollar bill, 2 toonies, 3 quarters
a) $65.83 b) $27.22 c) $70.14 d) $85.85 3. 1 ten dollar bill, 2 toonies, 2 quarters, 1 dime,
e) $37.52 f ) $67.46 1 nickel
4. 1 fifty dollar bill, 1 twenty dollar bill, 1 ten
Counting Money Amounts up to dollar bill, 1 five dollar bill, 1 toonie, 3 quarters,
2 dimes, 3 pennies
$100.00 #3; p. 13
a) $75.60 b) $37.10 c) $48.35 d) $81.76
e) $68.48 f ) $56.31 At the Store #4; p. 22
1. 1 twenty dollar bill, 1 ten dollar bill, 1 toonie,
2 quarters
Counting Money Amounts up to
2. 2 twenty dollar bills, 2 toonies, 3 quarters,
$100.00 #4; p. 14 2 dimes
a) $31.35 b) $42.90 c) $32.26 d) $75.32 3. 1 fifty dollar bill, 1 ten dollar bill, 1 toonie,
e) $74.17 f ) $38.50 1 quarter, 1 dime, 1 nickel
4. 1 ten dollar bill, 1 five dollar bill, 2 toonies,
Draw/Paste and Count #1; p.15 3 quarters, 2 dimes
1. $5.78 2. $2.40 3. $6.62 4. $7.61 5. $2.27
Show Me the Money! #1; p. 23 $75.27: 1 fifty dollar bill, 1 twenty dollar bill, 1 five
$4.54: 2 toonies, 2 quarters, 4 pennies dollar bill, 1 quarter, 2 pennies
$6.34: 1 five dollar bill, 1 loonie, 1 quarter, $23.05: 1 twenty dollar bill, 1 toonie, 1 loonie,
1 nickel, 4 pennies 1 nickel
$9.17: 1 five dollar bill, 2 toonies, 1 dime, 1 nickel, $60.91: 1 fifty dollar bill, 1 ten dollar bill,
2 pennies 3 quarters, 1 dime, 1 nickel, 1 penny
$5.30: 1 five dollar bill, 1 quarter, 1 nickel $37.04: 1 twenty dollar bill, 1 ten dollar bill, 1 five
$8.25: 1 five dollar bill, 1 toonie, 1 loonie, 1 quarter dollar bill, 1 toonie, 4 pennies
$7.33: 1 five dollar bill, 1 toonie, 1 quarter, 1 nickel, $60.38: 1 fifty dollar bill, 1 ten dollar bill,
3 pennies 1 quarter, 1 dime, 3 pennies
$6.85: 1 five dollar bill, 1 loonie, 3 quarters, 1 dime $98.92: 1 fifty dollar bill, 2 twenty dollar bills, 1
$5.77: 1 five dollar bill, 3 quarters, 2 pennies five dollar bills, 1 toonie, 1 loonie,
3 quarters, 1 dime, 1 nickel, 2 pennies
Show Me the Money! #2; p. 24 $72.77: 1 fifty dollar bill, 1 twenty dollar bill,
$6.55: 1 five dollar bill, 1 loonie, 2 quarters, 1 nickel 1 toonie, 3 quarters, 2 pennies
$3.35: 1 toonie, 1 loonie, 1 quarter, 1 dime
$3.48: 1 toonie, 1 loonie, 1 quarter, 2 dimes, Show Me the Money 2 Ways! #1-4;
3 pennies p. 27-30
$7.45: 1 five dollar bill, 1 toonie, 1 quarter, 2 dimes Answers will vary.
$4.54: 2 toonies, 2 quarters, 4 pennies
$3.75: 1 toonie, 1 loonie, 3 quarters Adding Money Amounts to $10.00;
$9.00: 1 five dollar bill, 2 toonies
p. 31
$8.35: 1 five dollar bill, 1 toonie, 1 loonie,
a) $7.09 b) $9.89 c) $9.13 d) $8.97 e) $8.65
1 quarter, 1 dime
f ) $9.76 g) $7.31 h) $7.56 i) $6.64 j) $8.71
k) $9.54 l) $7.89 m) $8.37 n) $8.53 o) $6.63
Show Me the Money! #3; p. 25 p) $5.98 q) $9.00 r) $7.52 s) $9.75 t) $8.54
$13.91: 1 ten dollar bill, 1 toonie, 1 loonie, u) $10.00 v) $10.00 w) $8.15 x) $6.00
3 quarters, 1 dime, 1 nickel, 1 penny y) $7.31 z) $6.98
$47.15: 2 twenty dollar bills, 1 five dollar bill, 1
toonie, 1 dime, 1 nickel
Subtracting Money Amounts
$52.75: 1 fifty dollar bill, 1 toonie, 3 quarters
$39.49: 1 twenty dollar bill, 1 ten dollar bill, 1 five to $10.00; p. 32
dollar bill, 2 toonies, 1 quarter, 2 dimes, a) $8.48 b) $3.04 c) $1.69 d) $1.25 e) $3.35
4 pennies f ) $1.32 g) $1.29 h) $1.44 i) $0.86 j) $1.19
$82.77: 1 fifty dollar bill, 1 twenty dollar bill, 1 ten k) $3.56 l) $1.31 m) $1.07 n) $1.45 o) $0.87
dollar bill, 1 toonie, 3 quarters, 2 pennies p) $2.00 q) $2.50 r) $3.82 s) $3.85 t) $2.44
$28.93: 1 twenty dollar bill, 1 five dollar bill, 1 u) $5.50 v) $3.50 w) $2.63 x) $0.80
toonie, 1 loonie, 3 quarters, 1 dime, 1 y) $1.43 z) $7.45
nickel, 3 pennies
$68.72: 1 fifty dollar bill, 1 ten dollar bill, 1 five At the Cafeteria: Addition &
dollar bill, 1 toonie, 1 loonie, 2 quarters, Subtraction to $10.00; p. 34
2 dimes, 2 pennies 1. $1.25 + $3.25 = $4.50 2. $2.75 + $1.35 = $4.10
$59.42: 1 fifty dollar bill, 1 five dollar bill, 3. $5.00 - $3.99 = $1.01 4. $2.45 - $1.89 = $0.56
2 toonies, 1 quarter, 1 dime, 1 nickel, 5. $3.25 + $1.50 =$4.75. No, he does not have
2 pennies enough money. 6. Apple juice and donut.
7. $2.75 + $2.75 = $5.50; $10.00 - $5.50 = $4.50 left.
Show Me the Money! #4; p. 26 8. $2.45 - $0.75 = $1.70 9. Ethan: $1.89 + $2.10 =
$37.97: 1 twenty dollar bill, 1 ten dollar bill, 1 five $3.99; Emma: $2.50 + $1.35 = $3.85; Ethan spent
dollar bill, 1 toonie, 3 quarters, 2 dimes, 14 cents more.
2 pennies
Part D: Application; p. 72
1. Answers will vary.
2. a) 2 toonies, 1 loonie, 1 quarter, 2 pennies
b) 3 loonies, 2 quarters