FIELD STUDY 1 Ep.13 16
FIELD STUDY 1 Ep.13 16
FIELD STUDY 1 Ep.13 16
Assessment Of Learning
FS 1 13 (summative assessment)
1. Are all the assessment tasks aligned to the learning outcome?
2. What are possible consequences if teacher’s assessment tasks are not aligned to
learning outcome/s Does this affect assessment results? How?
Besides on past assessments you have been through. Were they aligned with what
your teacher taught (with learning outcomes?
How did this affect your performance? As a future teacher, what lesson do you learn
from this past experience and from this observation?
A. No C. Yes
B. Somewhat D. Yes, if teacher is not included
Test item: Can plants manufacture their own food? Explain your answer.
Is the test item aligned to the learning outcome?
A. No C. Yes
B. Somewhat D. Yes, if explain your answer is dropped
4. Which assessment task is aligned to this learning outcome: Compute the mean if the
scores are 50, 50, 50, 48, 47, 46, 45, 44, 43, 42, 41, 40.
A. What is a mean?
B. Is mean a measure of variability?
C. What is the mean of 50, 50, 50, 48, 47, 46, 45, 44, 43, 42, 41, 40
D. Is the mean the same as average?
6. Here is a lesson objective/s intended learning outcome. “illustrate the law of supply
and demand with your original concrete examples”. For concrete validity, which test
item is aligned?
A. Define the law of supply and demand and illustrate it with an example.
B. Illustrate the law of supply and demand with a drawing
C. Illustrate the law of supply and demand with a concrete, original example.
D. Explain the law of supply and demand and illustrate it with a diagram.
7. Teacher B wrote this learning outcome: “To interpret a given quotation.” For
content validity which should she ask?
A. Interpret Nietzsche’s statement: “He who has a why to live for can bear with almost
any how.”
B. Do you believe in Nietzsche’s statement “He who has a why to live for can bear with
almost any how”?
C. What is true in Nietzsche’s statement “He who has a why to live for can bear with
almost any how”?
D. Nietzsche’s was an atheist. Do you believe that he can give this statement “He who
has a why to live for can bear with almost any how”?
8. After teaching them the process of experimenting, Teacher J wanted to be able set
up an experiment to find an answer to a scientific problem. Which will he ask his
students to do?
A. Set up and experiment to find out if aerial plants can also live on land
B. Can aerial plants also live on land? Research on experiments already conducted.
Present your finding in class.
C. Observe if aerial plants can survive when planted in soil. Note your observation and
present them in class.
D. Research on the answers to this scientific problem: Can aerial plans survive when
transferred in soil?
Observe classes and pay particular attention to the assessment tool used by the
With teacher’s permission, secure a copy of the assessment tool.
Direction: Put a check (/) on the test which teacher used. From your teacher’s test
items, give an example.
Type of Traditional Put a Learning Outcome Sample Test Comments to
Assessment Tool/ Check Assessed item of the
Paper-and Pencil (/) Resource assessment
Test Here Teacher tool
in accordance
Explain your
Selected Response
1. Alternate response
2. Matching type
3. Multiple choice
4. Others
3. Problem Solving
4. Essay –
5. Essay non-
6. Others
1. Which assessment tools/tasks were most commonly used by teacher? Which one
were rarely used? Why were they rarely used?
2. Based on your answers found in the Tables above in which type of assessment tools
and tasks were the Resource Teachers most skilled in test construction? least
How good are you at constructing traditional assessment tools? Which do you find
most difficult to construct? Any lesson/s learned?
Here is the learning outcome of this Activity: Critique traditional tools and tasks for
learning in the context of established guidelines on test construction.
5. In a multiple choice type of test, one option among 4 was not chosen by any
examinee. What is TRUE of that option?
A. Implausible C. Plausible
B. Realistic D. Unattractive
6. The students were at a loss as to what answer to give in a completion type of test
since there were so many blanks. Which is TRUE of the test item?
A. Too complex C. Over mutilated
B. Unattractive D. Implausible
Observe classes in at least 3 different subjects and pay particular attention to the
assessment tool used by the teacher.
With teacher’s permission, secure a copy of the assessment tool.
Study the assessment tool then accomplish Observation Sheet.
Did your Resource Teacher explain the rubric to the students?
What type of rubric did the Resource Teacher use – analytic or holistic?
1. Product –
2. 2. Performance
1. Between analytic and holistic rubrics which one was more used? Why do you think
that type pf rubric was used more?
2. Based on your answers in # 1, what can you say about the scoring rubrics made and
used by the Resource Teachers?
3. Will it make a difference in assessment of student work if teacher would rate the
product or performance without scoring rubrics? Explain.
4. If you were to improve on one scoring rubric used, which one and how?
5. Can you essay or other written requirements, even if it is paper-and-pencil test, be
considered an authentic form of assessment? Explain your answer.
Does the Scoring Rubric in this FS Book I help you come up with better output?
Are authentic assessment tools and task new? Reflect on your experiences of tests
for all the years as a student.
1. To pinpoint which part of the lesson needs more explanation, which scoring rubric
can help?
I. Analytic
II. Holistic
A. I only C. II only
B. I and II D. No need for rubric
2. I want to know how skilled the students have become in research report. Which
assessment task will be valid?
A. Make students defend research report before a panel.
B. Make students write the research report
C. Group the students for research report writing
D. Make students conduct an action research.
3. I want to get a global view of a student’s performance. Which rubric is most fit?
A. Analytic C. Holistic
B. Itemized D. Analytic and holistic
4. Which can prove that students are now capable of sewing after a 200-hour course?
A. Presentation of a product they have sewn
B. Operation of the sewing machine
C. Drawing a pattern for a set of pajamas
D. Labelling the parts of a sewing machine
5. Which is the most reliable way of determining whether or not the student can now
dance tango?
A. Performance test
B. Oral test
C. Written test on steps of tango
D. Written test illustrating the steps
1. Ask your Resource Teacher for samples of portfolio, if any, if there are, select one
best portfolio from what you examined.
2. If none, research for a sample portfolio and include them in My Learning Artifacts.
3. Based on the sample portfolio given by your Resource Teacher/ researched by you,
accomplish Observation Sheet #
4. Put a check in the right column.
6. Evidence of student
participation in selection of
content of portfolio – There is
proof that students took apart
in the selection of the content
of the portfolio.
1. With OBE in mind, which should be the basis for the selection of pieces of evidence
to show that what the student was supposed to learn was learned?
2. Scrutinize the elements of this portfolio, based on the parts, under which type of
portfolio does this fall?
Elements of a _____________________ Portfolio (Which type of portfolio?)
1. Cover Letter- “About the Author” and “What My Portfolio Shows About My Progress
as a Learner”
5. Drafts of aural/oral and written products and revised revisions, i.e. (first drafts and
corrected/revised versions.)
6. Student’s Reflections
3. Where and when does the teacher make use of each of the 3 types of portfolio?
Sample/s of Improved Written Tests, both selected-response type and supply type.
Sample/s of product and performance and performance assessed
Sample/s of a rubric
Sample/s of students’ reflection on his/her portfolio
EVALUATE Performance Task
99 96 93 90 87 84 81 78 75 72 71-
__________________________________________________ ___________
Signature of FS Teacher above Printed Name Date
3. I need to prove that I have fully developed the skill at writing a research report.
Which type of portfolio is MOST APPROPRIATE?
A. Showcase Portfolio C. Development Portfolio
B. Development Portfolio D. Process Portfolio
4. Which portfolio can prove that an improvement has taken place in the way students
pronounce words?
A. Showcase Portfolio C. Assessment Portfolio
B. Development Portfolio D. Process Portfolio
5. I want to know if my students can now focus the microscope properly. With which
portfolio am I concerns?
A. Showcase portfolio C. Assessment Portfolio
B. Development portfolio D. Process Portfolio
Name three 19th – century women English
Write the multiplication facts
Reproduce the chemical formula for carbon
Understanding – Make meaning from educational materials or
Interpreting Translate a story problem into an algebraic
Draw a diagram of the digestive system.
Paraphrase Jawaharlal Nehru’s tryst with
destiny speech
Exemplifying Draw a parallelogram
Find an example of stream-of-consciousness
style of writing.
Name a mammal that lives in our area.
Classifying Label numbers odd or even
List the events of the Sepoy Mutiny of 1857.
Group native animals into their proper species
Explain how the heart is like a pump.
Compare Mahatma Gandhi to a present day
Use a Venn diagram to demonstrate how two
books by Charles Dickens are similar and
Explaining Draw a diagram explaining how air pressure
affects the weather
Provide details that justify why the French
Revolution happened when and how it did.
Describe how interest rates affect the economy.
Applying – Use a procedure
Executing Add a column of two-digit numbers.
Orally read a passage in a foreign language.
Have a student open house discussion.
The New Taxonomy (Marzano and Kendall, 2007)
Creating 6-
Evaluating 5
Analyzing/An 4 Analysis 3 /
Applying 3 Knowledge 4
Understanding 2 Comprehensio 2 /
/ n
Remembering/ 1- Retrieval 1 ////-Example
Metacognition 5
Example: 6-
Creating = I Highest
Evaluating = I 5
Analyzing / An 3
= II
Applying = III 4
Understanding Comprehension 2
= II
Remembering = Retrieval = 1-
IIII Lowest
Rank Rank
1. Which cognitive skill had the highest number of assessment questions? lowest
2. What do these (lowest and highest number of assessment questions) reveal about
Resource Teacher’s level of questions?
3. Based on Kendall’s and Marzano’s taxonomy, which are the highest cognitive skills?
Give an example of an assessment question for each of the two highest cognitive
skills- metacognitive skills and self-system thinking.
If you were to rate yourself on HOTS – where will you be from a scale of 1 to 5
(5 as highest) where will you be?
99 96 93 90 87 84 81 78 75 72 71-
__________________________________________________ ___________
Signature of FS Teacher above Printed Name Date
2. Does quarterly assessment have the same percentage weights for all the subjects;
for all the tracks in Grade 11-12?
A. Yes C. Yes, only for the academic track
B. No D. It depends on schools.
3. Which is the percentage contribution of written work to the grade of the Grade 1-10
student in Science and Math?
A. 50% C. 40%
B. 20% D. 30%
4. In MAPEH and TLE, which contribute/s heaviest to the student grade?
A. Performance Task C. Quarterly Assessment
B. Written Work D. Quarterly assessment and performance tasks
5. Based om percentage contribution to the grade, what can be inferred from the
DepEd’s emphasis on learning and assessment?
A. The emphasis depends on the grade level of the subjects
B. All components are being emphasized
C. The emphasis for all Grade 1-10 subjects is on performance tasks.
6. A student’s gets a numerical grade of 80. What is his descriptor for his level of
A. Satisfactory C. Very Satisfactory
B. Beginning D. Outstanding
10. How is the final grade per subject for Grade 11 and 12 obtained?
A. Get the average of the grades for the 2 Quarters
B. Get the average of the grades for the 4 Quarters
C. Get the average of the grades of all the subjects for the semesters
D. Get the average of the grades of all the subjects for the 4 semesters
13. At the end of the school year, which is/are TRUE of grades?
I. The General Average is computed by dividing the sum of all final grades by the total
number of learning areas.
II. Each learning area has equal weight in computing for the General Average.
III. The Final Grade per learning area and the General Average are reported as whole
A. I and II C. I and III
B. II and III D. I, II and III
14. Who is retained in the same grade level for Grade 1 to 10? Any students who did not
meet expectations ________________________________________.
A. in three or more learning areas
B. in 2 learning areas
C. in four learning areas
D. as shown in the general average
15. What happens when a student in Grade 1 to 10? Any students who did not meet
expectations in two learning areas?
A. Retained in the same grade level
B. Promoted to the next grade level after passing remedial classes for learning areas
with failing mark
C. Promoted in the next grade level but has back subjects in the lower grade level
D. Is not accepted for enrollment in the school
Grades fulfill their function if reported meaningfully to students and most of all to
parents, our partners in the education of the children.
Grades are a measure of achievement, not necessarily IQ. A student may have high
IQ but not necessarily achieving or performing because of lack of motivation or
other factors.
1. Observe how cards are distinguished on Card Distribution Day. Describe how cards
are distributed.
1. How did you give feedback to your students regarding their performance? When do
you give feedback?
2. How do you report students’ performance to parents? Does the school have a
regular way of reporting grades to parents?
3. What problem on grade reporting did you encounter with parents? How did you
address it/them?
Interview with Students
1. Do you see the meaning of your grades in the School Report Card?
1. Does your child’s Report Card give you a clear picture of how your child is
2. If you were asked what else should be found in the Report Card, which one? Why?
3. Do you find the Card Distribution Day important? Why or why not?
99 96 93 90 87 84 81 78 75 72 71-
__________________________________________________ ___________
Signature of FS Teacher above Printed Name Date
“My Teacher, My Hero” was a banner during the World Teacher’s Day
celebration in the Philippines in the years past. Are Filipino teachers, real
heroes? What do you think? Why?
My answer is YES! Here are my reasons.
Personal Qualities of Filipino Teachers
To be a teacher in the Philippines is a challenging profession. Teachers serve
the country just like any other hero. To be a teacher requires a lot of personal and
professional qualities. These qualities make an excellent Filipino teacher an
exceptional professional.
First, the teacher must have innate qualities or attributes that are exemplary
and are fitted to be teachers. These are natural tendencies of a person. Here are
some of the qualities and attributes that distinctly characterized a teacher.
Not everyone has these qualities, hence not everyone can be a good teacher. As the
old saying goes; “Teachers are born but good teachers are both born and made.”
Professional competence of Filipino Teachers
Going to teacher training institutions and earning a teaching degree mean
developing a professional teacher like you. You can only become a professional
teacher if you earn a degree to teach in either elementary level or high school level.
You should also earn license to teach by passing a licensure examination for
teachers. While studying in college you are learning the ropes of becoming a
professional teacher. You learn the content courses including the major or
specialization and the professional courses including the pedagogy courses. Your
professional courses include experimental learning courses that include Field Study
1, Field Study 2 and Teaching Internship. These are Important in your preparation
to become professional teachers.
So what are the professional competencies that every teacher should have?
You will find these in the matrix that follow.
1. Secure a permit to observe a teacher.
2. Review the list of the Personal Qualities given above.
3. Follow the code given whether you will observe by seeing only you will observe
and interview the teacher to gather information.
4. Write down in the column of data results the description of the personal qualities
that you have found out. If the personal quality is not observed by you or is not
revealed in your interview, write not observed or not manifested.
Personal Qualities Observe(o) Data Results
Interview (i) I have found out that…
a. Dignified Observe
b. Healthy Observe
c. Spiritual Observe
d. Knowledgeable Observe
e. Humble Observe
f. Determined Observe
g. Cooperative Observe
Activity 2 will focus on the Professional Competencies of the Teacher. You
may change your sample Teacher in Activity 1 with another teacher or you can still
observe the same teacher. In case you will not change your teacher to be observed
the same teacher will be your sample for both Activity 1 and Activity 2. Aside from
direct observation, you will also do a survey in Activity 2.
Did you learn from your observation of the teacher? Now let us
analyze the information that you have gathered.
Answer the following questions.
1. In Activity 1, what do you consider as the 3 most outstanding significant personal
qualities of the teacher you chose as your case? Why do you consider these as
2. Which of these qualities do you have? Do you think you can fit as a good teacher
someday? Why? Describe yourself.
1. Secure a permit to observe and conduct a survey.
2. Request the following information from the teacher.
a. Name
b. LET License No.
c. Evidence of Professional Growth (Masters or Doctorate, Seminars attended, etc.)
3. Request a co teacher or the head (only one of the 2) to answer the checklist/ rating
scale about your sample teacher.
4. Answer the same survey instrument yourself.
5. Compare the answer of the co teacher or that of the head with your answer on the
survey. In what items do you have the same answer?
6. Show the results in a summary table.
Did you learn from your observation and interview on teacher’s professional
competences? Now let us analyze the data.
Answer the following questions.
1. In activity 2, do you consider the Teacher as a Professional Teacher? In what
competencies is the teacher Strong? ___________Doubtful? __________ Why?
2. Did your answers to the survey form coincide with the answers of the co-teacher or
head of the teacher you observed?
2. If all the teachers teaching today possess the professional characteristics and
competencies as the teacher/teachers observed, then learners will be
Note: observe and record observations on the following aspects as key
guide to observations.
Teacher’s Major Key guide for Observation (carefully look for the
Responsibility indicators/behaviors of the teacher along the key
points. Write your observations and description in
your notebook. This will be one of your artifacts)
A. Actual Teaching This teacher
1. Is learner-centered
2. Acts as a facilitator of learning
3. Has mastery of subject matter
4. Sees to it that learning outcomes are achieved
5. Is pleasant and fair in dealing with the learners
B. Management of This teacher
Learning 1. Allows all learners to participate in the lesson
2. Considers the needs of the learners in the seating
3. Uses instructional support materials to help learners
understand the lesson
4. Sees to it that learning is achieved within the period of
5. Dismisses the class on time
C. Administrative This Teacher
Work 1. Keeps records of the learners’ attendance everyday
2. Keeps record of formative and summative test
3. Submits reports and other documents on time
4. Does other tasks as requested by superior
5. Cooperates with peers and staff in the cleanliness and
safety of the school
Refer to the result of your observation to answer the questions that follows.
1. Which of the three responsibilities shows majority of the indicators being practiced?
A. Actual Teaching?
B. Management of Learning?
C. Administrative Work?
3. Which of the major responsibilities does this teacher find difficult to comply with?
What are the reasons?
4. From your perspective, would you consider this teacher as quality teacher? Why?
Now, that you have spent one school day to observe this teacher, it would
be good for you to reflect on all your observations by answering reflective question
1. Are you inspired to become a teacher after your observation? If yes, why? If no,
why not?
2. When you become a teacher in the future, how else would you do better as a
professional teacher?
3. What are some of the concerns that you foresee in the future as a quality
teacher? Do you think you will be ready to address these? Give at least 2 concerns.
4. In what aspects of the teacher’s day, would you like to congratulate the teacher
you observed? Can you show your appreciation to this teacher by sending a Thank
you card? (include this in your artifact)
ACTIVITY 15 .2 The Creation and Management of the New Learning
Environment as a Skill of the 21st Century Quality Teacher
Resource Teacher:__________________ Teacher’s Signature:______________ School__________
Grade/Year Level: __________________ Subject Area:_______________________ Date:____________
This activity will allow you to develop your sense of creativity and
imagination in designing a classroom for the 21 st century and determining how to
manage learning in this classroom.
1. Draw or sketch the current classroom where you are observing.
2. Indicate and label all significant parts and furniture that you find inside including
these but not limited to:
a. Doors, windows
b. Teachers table, Demonstration table
c. Cabinets, chalkboard, bulletin boards/display boards, etc.
d. Gadgets, equipment
e. Plant boxes, etc.
f. Others not included in the list
3. Draw your vision of a classroom for the 21st century.
A. Current Classroom I am Observing
Grade Level____________
B. My Classroom for the 21st Century
Make a comparison of your drawing A and B. Describe the similarities
and differences. Explain why.
Features of the Present My Vision of the Future Why the similarities?
Classroom Components Classroom Why the differences
Based on the task that you made, what challenges await you as a future
teacher? How will you manage learning in the future classroom? How will you
prepare yourself to respond to 21st teaching-learning and become a glocal teacher?
Make a short paragraph on how will you manage teaching-learning in the 21 st
century classroom.
These are the artifacts that you need to file in this Episode.
1. Activity 15.1 Report on the Observations including evidence that go with it.
Activity 15.1 Narrative on the Day in the School Life of the Quality Teacher
2. Activity 15.2 drawing of the present classroom and a drawing of your Vision of the
Classroom for the 21st Century.
3. Activity 15.2 Narrative on how you will manage teaching-learning in the 21 st
Century classroom.
Based on the Episodes you went through on Glocal Teacher of the 21 st
century, answer the question that follows.
1. Anywhere in the world, when you embrace teaching as a profession, you should be
prepared to do_____________.
I. Actual teaching
II. Manage learners and learning
III. Do administrative work
A. I only B. II only C. III only D. I, II and III
2. Quality teacher is equipped with personal qualities and attributes that go beyond
ordinary that is why in the Philippines he/she is described as _______.
A. Teacher of the World
B. Global Teacher
C. My Teacher, My Hero
D. CNN Heroes
5. The new type of teachers in the 21st century are those who are ____________.
I. Well-travelled, global citizens, unmindful of their roots
II. Multi-literate, innovative and creative, multi-cultural
III. Master of the discipline, excellent in English, multi-talented
A. I only B. II only C. III only D. I, II and III
Evaluate Your Work Task Field Study 1, Episode 15- Towards Teacher Quality:
Developing a Glocal Teacher of the 21st Century
Learning Outcomes: describe the personal qualities and competencies of glocal
classroom teachers of the 21st century; and design a learner-centered classroom for
the 21st century learners with learning spaces that are safe, that allows creativity
and use of ICT.
Name of FS Student ______________________________________ Date Submitted_____________
Year and Section_______________________________Course__________________________________
On Teacher’s
FS 1 16 Philosophy of
Observe how teacher relates to every learner and how he/she proceeds
with her teaching.
Accomplish this Observation Sheet.
Here are philosophies of education. Find out which philosophies were manifested in
class by observing what and how teacher teaches and relates to learners.
1. Based on your findings and observations in Activity 16.1 and Activity 16.2, which
philosophies of education are dominant in Philippine basic schools? Why do you say
2. If there is one philosophy that schools and teachers should give more attention to,
what should that be and why?
What is your philosophy of teaching? This describes what you believed you should
teach, how you should teach and how you should relate to others in school- with the
learners, your colleagues, your superiors and all other stakeholders. Write them
down. This is your title, “My Philosophy of Teaching”
My Philosophy of Teaching
These may be of help;
I believe that the learner……………. (concept of learner)
I believe that I should teach the learners….. (what)
By…… (how)
I believe that I …… (how should you relate to learners, colleagues, superior, parents
and other stakeholders)
1. In its vision and mission statements, DepEd wants to develop learners….” Whose
values and competencies enable them to realize their full potential…. “On which
philosophy of education is this mission statement anchored?
A. Existentialism C. Essentialism
B. Empiricism D. Pragmatism
2. Based on the DepEd’s mission statement, quality basic education means that the
students learn in a child-friendly, gender sensitive, safe, and motivating
environment”. This implies that DepEd believes that environment affects learning.
Which philosophy of education is this?
A. Utilitarianism C. Essentialism
B. Empiricism D. Behaviorism
A. Utilitarianism C. Essentialism
B. Empiricism D. Behaviorism
A. Rationalism C. Essentialism
B. Utilitarianism D. Progressivism
5. It’s Valentines’ Day. The lesson is a part of human digestive system- the stomach.
Students bargain with teacher and so ask if they can discuss the heart in place of the
stomach. Teacher responds “Let talk about the stomach which is the lesson for today
then go to the heart when we are done with stomach. Based on philosophies of
education, which is TRUE of teacher?
A. Is essentialist in the sense that she stickled to the subject matter for the day and
progressivist since she also considered students’ interest.
B. Is pragmatic because it was practical to give way to students’ request even she
prepared for the day’s lesson.
7. For a lesson on developing classifying skills, instead of making students’ body parts
like kind of ear lobes, kinds of hair line or a lesson on classifying. On which
philosophy is teacher’s practice anchored?
A. Pragmatism C. Utilitarianism
B. Progressivism D. Empricism
A. Perennialism C. Utilitarianism
B. Progressivism D. Empricism
9. There are a number of laws in the Philippines requiring the teaching of subject
matter such taxation and agrarian reform, etc. This proves that schools must bring
about reform in society. On which philosophy of education is this based?
A. Perennialism C. Empricism
B. Progressivism D. Reconstructionism
10. Teacher make used of moral dilemmas to enable students to make a stand in moral
issues. Which word CORRECTLY applies to teacher’s teaching practice?
A. Behaviorist C. Rationalist
B. Existentialist D. Pragmatist