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Monitoring Sediment in Watersheds: Standard Guide For

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Designation: D 6145 – 97


100 Barr Harbor Dr., West Conshohocken, PA 19428
Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards. Copyright ASTM

Standard Guide for

Monitoring Sediment in Watersheds1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 6145; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.


Soil erosion and resulting sedimentation is the major cause of nonpoint source pollution that
threatens water resources. These impacts include: impaired aquatic habitat; destruction of sport and
commercial fisheries and shellfisheries; lost reservoir capacity for flood control, power generation, and
storage of potable water supplies; excessive flooding; impaired navigation; aggradation of irrigation
and drainage channels; lost productivity of lands swamped by deposition and infertile overwash;
increased levels of water treatment; lost or declined recreational opportunities; and impaired aesthetic
values. The amount of sediment in a stream can affect channel shape, sinuosity, and the relative
balance between riffles and pools. Excessive sediment in a stream causes a decrease in channel
capacity which in turn results in more frequent and larger out of bank floods. In addition to the adverse
physical effects of sediment loads, many nutrients, pesticides, and heavy metals are sorbed onto fine
sediment particles which may result in eutrophic or toxic waters. Indirect effects of increased sediment
loads may include increased stream temperatures and decreased intergravel dissolved oxygen levels.
This guide recommends a process for developing and implementing monitoring projects for
sediment in a watershed. It follows Guide D 5851 with more specifics applicable to watersheds and
These guidelines are presented for use in the nationwide strategy for monitoring developed by the
Intergovernmental Task Force on Monitoring (ITFM). The nationwide monitoring strategy is an effort
to improve the technical aspects of water monitoring to support sound water-quality decision-making.
It is needed to integrate monitoring activities more effectively and economically and to achieve a
better return of investments in monitoring projects (1)2.
This guide is offered as a guide for standardizing methods used in projects to monitor and evaluate
actual and potential nonpoint and point source sediment pollution within a watershed. The guide is
applicable to landscapes and surface water resources, recognizing the need for a comprehensive
understanding of naturally occurring and manmade impacts to the entire watershed hydrologic system.

1. Scope ment deposits, particle size distribution, sediment volumes and

1.1 Purpose—This guide is intended to provide general particle chemistry. Monitoring may include not only sediments
guidance on a watershed monitoring program directed toward suspended in water but sediments deposited in fields, flood-
sediment. The guide offers a series of general steps without plains, and channel bottoms.
setting forth a specific course of action. It gives advice for 1.3 This guide applies to surface waters as found in streams
establishing a monitoring program, not an implementation and rivers; lakes, ponds, reservoirs, estuaries, and wetlands.
program. 1.4 Limitations—This guide does not establish a standard
1.2 Sedimentation as referred to in this guide is the detach- procedure to follow in all situations and it does not cover the
ment, entrainment, transportation, and deposition of eroded detail necessary to define all of the needs of a particular
soil and rock particles. Specific types or parameters of sedi- monitoring objective or project. Other standards and guides
ment may include: suspended sediment, bedload, bed material, included in the reference and standard sections describe in
turbidity, wash load, sediment concentration, total load, sedi- detail the procedures, equipment, operations, and site selection
for collecting, measuring, analyzing, and monitoring sediment
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D-19 on Water
and related constituants.
and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D19.02 on General Specifications, 1.5 Additional ASTM and US Geological Survey standards
Technical Resources, and Statistical Methods. applicable to sediment monitoring are listed in Appendix X1
Current edition approved June 10, 1997. Published September 1997.
The boldface numbers given in parentheses refer to a list of references at the and Appendix X2. Due to the large number of optional
end of this standard. standards and procedures involved in sediment monitoring,

D 6145
most individual standards are not referenced in this document. guide is an assembly of the components common to all aspects
Standards and procedures have been grouped in the appendices of watershed sediment monitoring and fulfills a need in the
according to the type of analyses or sampling that would be development of a common framework for a better coordinated
required for a specific type of measurement or monitoring. and a more unified approach to sediment monitoring in
1.6 This standard does not purport to address all of the watersheds.
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the 4.2 The user of this guide is not assumed to be a trained
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- technical practitioner in the water quality, sedimentation, or
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- hydrology fields. The intended users are managers and plan-
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. ners who need information to develop a water quality moni-
toring program or project with an emphasis in sediment and
2. Referenced Documents hydrology. Sediment specialists will also find information on
2.1 ASTM Standards: procedures, equipment, methodology, and operations to con-
D 1129 Terminology Relating to Water3 duct a monitoring program.
D 4410 Terminology for Fluvial Sediment3 4.3 This guide is used during the planning process of
D 4411 Guide for Sampling Fluvial Sediment in Motion4 developing, designing, and reevaluating a sediment monitoring
D 4581 Guide for Measurement of Morphologic Character- program.
istics of Surface Water Bodies4
D 4823 Guide for Core-Sampling Submerged, Unconsoli- 5. Monitoring Purpose
dated Sediments4 5.1 A watershed monitoring program for sediment is com-
D 5851 Guide for Planning and Implementing a Water prised of a series of steps designed to collect sediment and
Monitoring Program4 related flow data in order to achieve a stated objective. The
purposes of monitoring may be several and include: analyzing
3. Terminology trends, establishing baseline conditions, studying the fate and
3.1 Definitions: transport of sediment and associated pollutants, defining criti-
3.1.1 For definitions of terms used in this guide, refer to cal source areas, assessing compliance, measuring the effec-
Definitions D 1129 and Terminology D 4410. tiveness of management practices, project monitoring, imple-
3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard: mentation monitoring, making wasteload allocations, testing
3.2.1 assess—to determine the significance, value, and im- models, defining a water quality problem, and conducting
portance of the data collected and recorded. research.
3.2.2 best management practice (BMP)—a practice or com- 5.2 Monitoring to analyze trends is used to determine how
bination of practices that are determined by state or area-wide water quality or sediment load changes over time. Normally,
planning agencies to be the most effective and practical means measurements will be made at regular well-spaced time inter-
of controlling point and nonpoint pollution. vals in order to determine the long term trend in some
3.2.3 hydrograph—a graphical representation of the dis- sedimentation parameter. Typically the observations are not
charge, stage, velocity, available power, or other property of taken specifically to evaluate BMPs or management activities,
stream flow at a point with respect to time. water quality models, or water quality standards, although
3.2.4 measurement—determining the value of a character- trend data may be utilized, in part, for one of these other
istic within a representative sample or in situ determinations of purposes.
selected components of riverine, lacustrine, or estuarine sys- 5.3 Baseline monitoring is used to characterize existing
tems. sediment or water quality conditions, and to establish a data
3.2.5 nonpoint source pollution—a condition of water base for planning or future comparisons. Baseline monitoring
within a water body caused by the presence of undesirable should capture as much of the temporal variations as possible
materials that enter the water system from diffuse locations in order to assess seasonal and long term climatic influences
with no particular point of origin. upon runoff and sediment yield. In some cases baseline
3.2.6 resource management system (RMS)—A combination monitoring is included as the early stage of trend monitoring.
of conservation practices identified by the primary use of the 5.4 Fate and transport monitoring is conducted to determine
land that will protect the soil resource base, maintain accept- whether sediment and associated pollutants move and where
able water quality, and maintain acceptable ecological and they may go.
management levels for the selected resource use. 5.5 Sediment monitoring can be used to locate critical
3.2.7 watershed—all lands enclosed by a continuous hydro- source areas within watersheds exhibiting greater pollution or
logic surface drainage divide and lying upslope from a speci- loading potential than other areas.
fied point on a stream. 5.6 Sediment monitoring may also be used to assess com-
pliance with water quality management plans or standards.
4. Significance and Use
This is the monitoring used to determine whether specified
4.1 This guide is intended to be used in the planning stage water-quality criteria are being met. The criteria may be
or phase of developing a sediment monitoring program. This numerical (quantitative) or descriptive (qualitative).
5.7 Sediment monitoring may assess the effectiveness of
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 11.01. individual management practices or resource management
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 11.02. systems for improving water quality or, in some cases, may be
D 6145
used to evaluate the effect of an entire program in a watershed. statement should include an infinitive verb, an object word or
Evaluating individual BMPs may require detailed and special- phrase, and some constraints on the objective such as the
ized measurements made at the practice site or immediately surface or ground water watershed boundaries and variables to
adjacent to the management practice. Monitoring the overall monitor. An example of a monitoring objective might be: “To
effectiveness of BMPs is usually done in the stream channel determine the effect of implementing best management prac-
and it may be difficult to relate measured values to individual tices on sediment concentration or sediment yield in Trout
practices. Brook”. When several objectives are used, a hierarchical
5.8 Implementation monitoring may assess whether BMPs approach may be used to determine higher priority objectives.
were installed or implemented, or if significant land uses An objective tree can be used to distinguish among several
changes occurred. Typically this activity is carried out as an objectives. To determine how several objectives can be linked,
administrative review or a monitoring of landuse changes. On the following question can be asked: “Does the achievement of
its own, however, implementation monitoring cannot directly objective A contribute directly to the achievement of objective
link management activities to water quality or sediment yield, B”? To assess whether objectives are being achieved, objective
as no actual sediment or water measurements were taken. attributes could be determined. These attributes may be binary,
5.9 Monitoring of water bodies receiving runoff and sedi- achieved or not, or scaler.
ment or other suspended loads can be used to make wasteload
6.3 Sampling Design—A wide variety of instruments and
allocations between various point and nonpoint sources. Such
techniques have been developed for field measurements of soil
allocations require good knowledge of the individual contribu-
erosion, sediment movement, turbidity, and sediment deposi-
tions from each source.
tion. In general four basic types of studies exist: measurements
5.10 Sediment monitoring may be used to fit, calibrate, or
of sediment in surface runoff from small experimental plots
test a model for local conditions. Sediment monitoring may be
and field size watersheds, stream sampling of suspended
used to evaluate samplers, rainfall simulators, runoff collection
sediment load and bedload, measurements of eroded areas to
devices and other related instruments or devices for research
purposes. determine volume of material removed, and measurements of
5.11 Finally, sediment monitoring may be used to give the volume and density of deposited sediment. All four studies
adequate definition to a water quality problem or determine may also include particle size analyses and chemistry of the
whether a sediment related problem exists. sediments and associated pollutants. A statistical experimental
5.12 Guide D 5851 provides overall guidance on water design should be stated that is consistent with the objectives of
monitoring and provides detailed information on purposes of the monitoring program. Appropriate experimental designs for
monitoring water quality. Additional information on purposes monitoring sediment in motion or suspended sediment could
of watershed monitoring is provided in USDA-NRCS Water include: reconnaissance, plot, single watershed“ above-and-
Quality Monitoring Handbook (2), the ITFM reports (1, 3, 4, below”, single watershed “before-and-after”, paired water-
5), and EPA Guidelines (6, 7). sheds, multiple watersheds, and trend stations (2).
6.3.1 The design selected will dictate most other aspects of
6. Monitoring Components the monitoring project including the study scale, the number of
6.1 This guide suggests and discusses the following steps in sampling locations, the sampling frequency, and the station
designing a watershed monitoring program for sediment. More type.
detail on each step may be found in USDA-NRCS Monitoring Reconnaissance or synoptic designs may be used as
Handbook (2). a preliminary survey where no data exist or to assess the
6.1.1 Identify Need—The first step is to define the need for magnitude and extent of a problem. This type of sampling
water quality monitoring. The need statement should include could be used to identify critical source or problem areas as
several components: the potential or real water quality issue well. Randomization in sampling locations may be important
requiring attention, the potential use impairment or threats, the for reconnaissance monitoring.
name of the actual water resource(s), and finally the potential
sources that may cause the problem(s) (2). Very often the need 6.3.2 Plot designs have been commonly used in agricultural
is to identify a water quality problem but in some cases, the and forestry experiments for 100 years. Plots are generally
need may be to assess the existing water quality whether a small areas that allow replication and control on the landscape
problem exists or not. An example of a need statement might of certain variables, such as soil type, slope, and land cover.
be: “The decline in shellfish in Big Bay is due to accelerated Plot studies can utilize natural rainfall events or artificial
sedimentation caused by excessive erosion from forestry op- rainfall simulators (eg rainulators). Plot studies are best utilized
erations within the Trout Brook watershed”. Since sediment for evaluating individual BMPs, developing model algorithms,
may originate or become resuspended from a vast variety of and evaluating specific soil, climatic, and physiographic vari-
nonpoint and point sources, the cause(s) of the sediment ables. Plot designs are generally analyzed using analysis of
problem may be difficult to establish or distinguish unless variance (2).
detailed monitoring plans are implemented. 6.3.3 The single watershed “before-and-after” approach has
6.2 Monitoring Objectives—The second step in developing been sometimes used to compare water quality conditions
a sediment monitoring program is to define the monitoring before an application of BMPs or landuse changes to condi-
objectives. The objectives of the monitoring study should tions after activity has occurred. Generally, this technique is
address the water quality need or problem. An objective not recommended, since the results are confounded with time,
D 6145
and should be avoided. For example, the water quality differ- vides information on the sediment yield and sediment charac-
ences from year-to-year may be caused by climate differences teristics of an entire watershed. Most reservoir sedimentation
not the watershed activity or land use management. studies are directed toward determining the quantity, charac-
6.3.4 The single watershed “above-and-below” design is teristics, and distribution of sediment as determined by peri-
used after a watershed practice is in place. Sampling is odic volumetric surveys of the lake or reservoir. Reservoirs are
conducted both upstream and downstream from the activity of normally surveyed to determine rate of sediment buildup and
interest. Although this design is not as susceptible to the effect assess remaining useful reservoir life or water storage, deter-
of climate as the single watershed design, the differences in mine sediment yield from a watershed that represents a typical
water quality between the two stations may be partly due to landuse pattern in a region or land resource area, evaluate the
inherent watershed differences such as soil type, land gradient, effects of watershed protection measures, determine sediment
geologic materials, or varying watershed runoff characteristics, yield of unusually large storms, determine long term regional
or all of these. sediment yields, provide basic data for planning and designing
6.3.5 The paired watershed approach uses a minimum of reservoirs, monitor quality, and evaluate sediment damages.
two watersheds – control and treatment – and two periods of Reservoir sedimentation investigations may be part of single
study– calibration and treatment (8). The control watershed watershed, paired watershed, multiple watershed, or trend
serves as a check and provides information on the effects of station study approaches. In addition, determination and evalu-
year-to-year climate variations and receives no changes in land ation of reservoir trap efficiencies can be made if inflow or
uses or activities during the monitoring study. During calibra- outflow sediment measurements, or both, are made or are
tion, the two watersheds are managed or treated identically and available.
paired water quality data are collected. During the treatment 6.4 Study Scale—The size or scale of the monitoring pro-
period, one watershed is treated with a practice or management gram should be determined. Appropriate scales include: point,
system while the control watershed remains in the original plot, field, and watershed.
management. 6.4.1 Points are the smallest scale considered for water
6.3.6 The multiple watershed approach involves more than quality monitoring and are characterized by obtaining single
two watersheds. Watersheds with treatments already in place observations. A rain gage, a sediment probe, or a staff gage
are selected from across the region of interest. Sampling from represents a point sample.
these watersheds is conducted over a period of time. Groups of 6.4.2 Plots are microcosm sampling units which are appro-
like watersheds are tested against each other to determine water priate if the objective is to replicate several treatments or
quality differences (2). activities. Generally, fractional acre (hectare) plots are used to
6.3.7 Trend stations are single watersheds monitored over study basic erosion rates and edge of plot sediment yield of
time. A trend is a persistent change in the water quality various soil cover complexes with various BMPs installed.
variables of interest over time. It is important for trend analysis Replicate plots are often required to obtain representative data
that there not be gaps in the data set, that water quality analysis due to such factors as inherent errors in measurement and
methods not change, that the hydrological control is stable, and natural variations within soil units. The number of plots needed
a causal link can be made between the water quality and for a study is a function of the number of treatments applied
watershed activities. A control trend station is highly recom- (2). For most experiments, ten or more years of study is
mended where no changes in watershed activities occur during required in order to cover the normal range in weather patterns.
the trend investigation (2). Utilizing rainfall simulators can greatly reduce the evaluation
6.3.8 In addition to erosion and sediment yield studies from period or allow greater numbers of test to be performed in a
plot and field size watersheds, sediment investigations in a land short period of time. Detailed information on designing plot
resource area may require measurements of sediment yield studies may be found in Ref (9).
from channels, gullies, and other major or critical sediment 6.4.3 Monitoring on a field scale implies a larger area than
sources. Typical sites may not exist, but sites selected should an individual plot. The area of a field is difficult to state
represent local conditions as nearly as possible. Often these because it varies greatly in different parts of the United States.
studies require detailed topographic surveys in order to deter- Field scale monitoring is normally used to determine erosion
mine volumes of material eroded. rates and edge of field (mini-watershed) sediment yield from
6.3.9 Sampling of sediment deposited in stream beds and tracts of land a few acres (hectares) in size which are
valley bottoms is used to provide information on sediment representative of given land resource area under specific land
particle size distribution, specific gravity, mineralogy of the use and management with or without BMPs installed.
sediment particles, sediment volumes, effects on benthic eco- 6.4.4 Watershed scale monitoring is used for most water
systems, sorbed toxic chemicals, and nutrients. The most quality monitoring purposes. One of the most difficult deci-
common purpose for sampling sediment deposits in streams is sions is the watershed size. Generally, size is influenced by
to obtain information on the character of the sediment particles stream order, climate, number of landowners, homogeneity in
that are subject to movement during storm runoff events. This land use and physical attributes, and geology (2). If a determi-
information is needed for channel stability analyses, sediment nation of sediment yield from a watershed or river-basin is the
transport studies, and assessing the effects of bed scour and only objective, any size watershed is appropriate, however
deposition upon bethic organisms. smaller watersheds will require more frequent measurements
6.3.10 Sampling of reservoir and lake deposits often pro- due to more rapid and extreme temporal variations in runoff. In
D 6145
order to assess the effects of land use, land management, BMP specific point and time. A series of grab samples, usually
installations, or other activities, the sampling stations should be collected at different times or locations in a stream cross-
as close to the activity as possible. This will often dictate the section, and lumped together, are considered a composite
size of the watershed to be monitored. sample. Composite samples may be either time-weighted or
6.5 Variables—Since sedimentation processes are com- flow-weighted. A specific type of a grab sample is a depth-
plexly linked to the quantity and character of runoff, it is often integrated sample. Such samples account for velocity or
necessary that fluvial sedimentation data be associated with stratification induced differences in water quality. Most sedi-
corresponding runoff data for many interpretative analyses. A ment sampling of streams, lakes, estuaries, and land surfaces is
list of the sediment parameters to measure should be indicated. performed with grab samplers and grab sample techniques.
Typical parameters can include: turbidity, sediment concentra- Numerous sampling devices and techniques have been devel-
tion, sediment particle size distribution, sediment particle oped for sampling: suspended sediment in streams, lakes and
shape, particle mineralogy, sediment volume, sediment density, estuaries; bedload sediment in streams and estuaries; and
sediment yield, suspended load, bed load, bed material, total deposited sediment in reservoirs, streams, and land surfaces. If
load, and “sorbed” or associated pollutants. Sediment monitor- sediment yield information is one of the desired parameters,
ing often requires that additional supporting or related param- intensive stream-flow measurements or monitoring will be
eters be monitored such as discharge, stream velocity, and required in addition to collecting suspended or deposited
some chemical parameters associated with point and nonpoint sediment samples.
source pollution. Typically associated pollutants include: pes- 6.6.4 Continuous sampling or measurement is not common
ticides, nutrients, heavy metals, materials from toxic spills, but usually involves water quality variables measured using
sludge components, TOC (total organic carbon), BOD (bio- electrometric methods, such as specific ion electrodes for
chemical oxygen demand) or COD (chemical oxygen demand) conductivity (dissolved solids) and fine suspended solids.
materials. Also several biological characteristics of the water Continuous water level recording devices are commonly used
may need to be monitored since they are affected by sediment to compute stream water elevations which in turn are used for
movement and deposition in the streams and the entire water- stream discharge and sediment yield computations. Elaborate
shed. Often, water quality indices or environmental indicators continuous bedload sampling schemes and apparatuses utiliz-
may be used for sediment monitoring in watersheds. Water ing semi-permanent trenches constructed across the entire
quality variable selection depends on the objectives, water stream bed, conveyors, large diameter pipelines, and settling
body type, the use of the water, the land activity being ponds have been used by researchers to measure total bedload
investigated, the cost or difficulty in analysis, and any issue movement in coarse-gravel and cobble bed streams (11).
associated with the water body. Other techniques for selection 6.7 Sampling Location—The location of sampling should
include ranking the variables of interest, developing correla- be determined at two levels: where within the watershed and
tions between variables, and determining the probability of where at a given station location. The monitoring program
exceeding a standard (2). objectives, study design, and type of water body will dictate
6.6 Sample Type—Sediments in watersheds may be col- general sampling locations. To characterize a watershed outlet
lected and measured as either; total water and sediment runoff; only requires one station. To identify, quantify or qualify
portioned or fractional runoff; grab; composite; integrated; or sediment sources in a watershed or to make lake or estuary
continuous samples. The type of sample collected is a function characterizations would require many more locations. Detailed
of the purpose in monitoring, the variables to sample, and information and guidance on locating gaging and monitoring
whether turbidity, concentration, total yield or mass is the stations can be found in the referenced ASTM standards,
desired outcome. USGS TWRIs, and Agricultural Handbook 224 (9). Additional
6.6.1 Total collection devices are often used on very small information may be found in references listed at the end of this
plots where a suitable collection tank large enough to contain guide.
the total runoff (water and sediment) expected in a 24 or 48 h 6.7.1 Once the overall location has been determined, a more
period can be installed (9). Total collection devices are specific location is needed to collect a representative sample.
normally not recommended because runoff storage volumes are Sediments are known to stratify in streams, reservoirs, lakes,
excessive even for very small drainage areas. Also small plots and estuaries. Therefore, sampling at different depths will yield
may not be representative of larger complex fields and small different results. Gradients across streams may also exist due to
watershed conditions. velocity and therefore sediment gradients. Width gradients may
6.6.2 Slot type or portioned samplers, which collect a be especially evident below the confluence of two streams.
known portion of the runoff-sediment mixture, are often better Algae also may stratify in water bodies which in turn may
suited for larger plots and small fields. These samplers are effect turbidity measurements. Sampling within stratified sys-
automatic in the sense that no attendant is required during the tems is often done on an integrated basis. Details on sampling
sampling operation and sampling is continuous during the streams using depth and width integation techniques may be
runoff event. The samplers provide a storm integrated or found in the referenced ASTM standards, TWRI methods,
discharge weighted sample for determining sediment yield. AH-224 (9), and USGS Openfile Report 86-531 (10).
Construction, installation and operation details for total collec- 6.8 Sampling Frequency and Duration—The sampling fre-
tion and slot type samplers can be found in Ref (9). quency should be based on the objectives of the study, the type
6.6.3 A grab sample is a discrete sample that is taken at a of sediment and watershed being monitored, and the variability
D 6145
in the data being collected. Sediment data are highly variable in should address appropriate techniques for collecting and ana-
most surface water systems due to the influence of precipitation lyzing samples.
and seasonal variations in ground cover. Sediment monitoring 6.10.1 Storm Integrated Samples—Samples collected with
on plots and field size watersheds will normally gather runoff total or portioned (slot type) samplers are storm integrated and
and sediment data continuously during all but the largest represent a sample of an entire runoff event.
rainfall events which will overwhelm or exceed the capacity of 6.10.2 Suspended sediment samples may be point samples,
the sampling devices. When monitoring sediment in streams, single vertical samples or multiple vertical samples; and may
the primary objective is to obtain a sample or group of samples be representative of the total or only a portion of the suspended
that are representative of the fluvial sediment in the flow cross sediment load. The purpose of the monitoring study will
section. The ultimate objective is to define, as accurately as influence whether discharge weighted samples are analyzed
possible, the trend with time of both the sediment concentra- separately or combined/composited. Normally samples are
tion and sediment discharge. Sediment discharge is the sum- combined if determination of suspended sediment discharge is
mation of the incremental products of flow, concentration, and
the only objective. If sediment distribution within a stream
time. Since sediment concentration is not constant during
cross section is required, samples must be analyzed separately.
storm runoff events, sampling frequency should vary in order
Procedures for suspended sediment sampling can be found is
to determine sediment discharge over the entire hydrograph.
various TWRI methods, USGS Open File Report 86-531 (10),
For example, on the rising side of the hydrograph the sediment
AH-224 (9), ASTM Standard Guides, and (12).
concentration is usually greater and changes more rapidly, thus
requiring more frequent sampling than the falling stage. A 6.10.3 Bedload Samples—Bedload samples are normally
sampling frequency guide and related considerations may be coarse grained (high in sand, gravel and cobble content) and
found in Chapter 3 of Agricultural Handbook 224 (9). On are usually collected for the purpose of determining particle
intermediate and large size watersheds, the sediment-transport size distribution of the bedload and/or the bedload discharge of
curve/flow-duration curve method may be used. Initially nu- a stream. Sampling equipment and techniques are discussed in
merous samples are needed at all stages for several small, Guide D 4411, AH-224 (9), and (13).
medium and large flow events, thereafter occasional samples 6.10.4 Bed and Bank Samples—Samples of streambank and
are needed to determine significant shifts in the original streambed materials may be collected in a disturbed or undis-
relationship. To determine the sampling frequency a sample turbed state. Disturbed samples are usually collected to deter-
size calculation should be made based on the estimate of the mine particle size distribution, organic content, specific gravity,
standard deviation, the allowable difference from the mean, Atterberg limits, particle mineralogy and other physical and
and Student’s t (2). Such calculations are found in most chemical characteristics. Undisturbed samples are required for
standard statistical books. Calculations can also be made for bulk density determinations, erosion resistance characteristics,
detecting linear or step trends (11). The duration of the study soil strength determinations, permeability, and some chemical
will also be influenced by the study objectives. sampling. Bed material sampling procedures and equipment
6.9 Station Type—Watershed monitoring of sediment may are discussed in AH-224 (9), ASTM standards and guides, (14),
require the design and construction of monitoring stations for and (15).
suspended sediment sampling, bed load and bed material 6.10.5 Samples of Lake, Reservoir, Estuary and Valley
sampling, turbidity, stream discharge, precipitation collection, Deposits—Sediment deposited in lakes, reservoirs, and on
biota, and particle size distribution. Reservoir and lake sedi- valley floors can be sampled for both volumetric (quantitative)
ment surveys require the establishment of horizonal and and qualitative (physical and chemical) analyses. Analyses of
vertical control points in order to conduct topographic surveys both disturbed and undisturbed samples may be required. The
of lake bottoms and sediment deposits. The monitoring pro- exact location where samples were obtained is important in
gram should specify what types of monitoring stations will be computation of sediment weight in lakes and reservoirs.
used. Generally, several optional methods for conducting the Equipment for sampling deposited sediment are discussed in
monitoring are available for each type of monitoring station Guide D 4823. Procedures for sampling, monitoring and mea-
needed. USDA Agricultural Handbook No. 224 (9), ASTM suring sediment in lakes and reservoirs are referenced in Guide
Standards, and US Geological Survey Techniques of Water D 4581.
Resources Investigations (TWRI) provide detailed information 6.10.6 Sediment Deposits in Flumes and Approach
on designing monitoring stations. Other guidelines may be Channels—In erosion and sediment yield studies on plots and
found in USDA-NRCS Water Quality Monitoring Handbook small field size watersheds, significant quantities of sediment
(2). are deposited in flumes and approach channels. This material
6.10 Sample Collection and Analysis Methods—The sample should be sampled, measured or weighed, or both, to determine
collection procedures for sediment analysis will depend upon the portion of dry material per weight or per unit volume; and
the type of sample and type of water resource being sampled. this weight added to the sediment discharge measured through
Sediment samples can be broadly classified into six general the flume or other measuring device.
categories: storm integrated samples, suspended sediment 6.10.7 Many physical and chemical properties or param-
samples, bedload samples, bed and bank samples, samples of eters of sediment may be sampled, measured, and analyzed as
reservoir, lake and valley (flood-plain) deposits, and samples of mentioned in 6.5 of this guide. Numerous methods of analyses
flume and approach channel deposits. The monitoring study can be found in ASTM standards and guides, TWRIs, AH-224
D 6145
(9), ARS S-40 (16), SCS National Engineering Handbook- remote sensing. As the size of the study area increases, the
NEH-3 (17), and Federal Interagency Sedimentation Project difficulty and importance of adequate land-use monitoring
study methods. become more important.
6.10.8 Transportation and storage of sediment samples be- 6.11.1 A method for managing land use data should be
fore analysis should follow standard methods (18) and ASTM specified and could include ad hoc files, spreadsheets or data
referenced methods. Most water-sediment samples collected bases, or a geographic information system (GIS).
for chemical analyses are chilled and transported in the dark 6.12 Data Management—The final step in developing a
and in coolers. The methods of laboratory analysis should be monitoring program for sediment in watersheds involves
specified (19). specifying the methods for the acquisition, storage, validation,
6.10.9 The analysis methods should include a quality retrieval, and manipulation of sediment and any related flow,
assurance/quality control program. Quality assurance is the precipitation and associated pollutant data. Acquisition in-
total integrated program for assuring the reliability of moni- cludes the collection and entry into the data management
toring and measurement data. Quality assurance is composed system. Field data loggers have eased the complexity of this
of quality control and quality assessment. Quality control step. The storage of data should be viewed as a multilevel effort
refers to activities conducted to provide high quality data. using both manual and computerized technologies. Original
Quality assessment refers to techniques used to evaluate the paper copies of collected data, if utilized, should be kept and
effectiveness of the program. A good quality control program maintained. All data should be validated with a 100 % error
should include good laboratory practices, standard operating check. Tests of reason can be used in computes or manually to
procedures, education and training, and supervision. Quality see if recorded values are even possible. Data generally require
assessment allows feedback on how well the quality control some form of manipulation before being reported. Manipula-
program is operating. Indicators of data quality include preci- tion may be statistical, graphical or may include censoring
sion, accuracy, representativeness, comparability, and com- values below detection limits.
pleteness. Usually such assessment involves the use of dupli- 6.13 Reporting—Reporting of sediment data is no different
cate samples, spikes, internal and external audits, tests of than other water quality data and the guidelines specified in
reason, and exchange samples (2). Guide (D 5851), should be followed.
6.11 Land-Use Monitoring—Since sediment can come from
6.14 Re-evaluation Process—Collaborative (interdiscipli-
so many sources, it is critical to monitor the sources of these
nary) teams should meet periodically to evaluate their moni-
particles and associated chemicals in order to explain any
toring activities to determine if the objectives of the program
sediment yield or water quality changes that may occur. Such
have been met and if the activities are proceeding in the most
sources may include: sheet and rill erosion, gully erosion, bank
effective and economical manner.
erosion, channel scour, flood plain scour, resuspension of
previously deposited sediment, mining activities, municipal
runoff, outfall and sludge disposal. The proximity of these 7. Keywords
sources to the water body may also be important. The land-use 7.1 best management practices; BMP; environmental indi-
monitoring plan should match the monitoring objectives and be cators; estuary; lakes; monitoring; nonpoint source pollution;
consistent with the watershed boundaries being monitored. The point source pollution; reservoirs; sediment; sediment moni-
basic approaches for monitoring land use information are toring; sediment transport; surface water; water monitoring;
personal observations, field logs, personal interviews, and water quality; water quantity; watershed; watershed monitoring


(Nonmandatory Information)


X1.1 ASTM Standards Addressing Stream Discharge D 5243 Test Method for Open-Channel Flow Measurement of Water
(Flow) and Fluvial Hydrology Indirectly at Culverts3
D 5388 Test Method for Measurement of Discharge by Step-Backwater
D 1941 Test Method for Open Channel Flow Measurement of Water With Method3
the Parshall Flume3 D 5389 Test Method for Open Channel Flow Measurement by Acoustic
D 3858 Flow Measurement by Velocity-Area Method3 Velocity Meter Systems3
D 4409 Velocity Measurements with Rotating-Element Current Meters3 D 5390 Test Method for Open Channel Flow Measurement of Water with
D 5089 Test Method for Velocity Measurements in Water in Open Channels Palmer-Bowlus Flumes3
with Electromagnetic Current Meters3 D 5674 Guide for Operation of Stream Gaging Station
D 5129 Test method for Open Channel Flow Measurement of Water
Indirectly by Using Width Contractions3
D 5130 Test Method for Open-Channel Flow Measurement of Water X1.2 ASTM Standards Addressing Suspended Sediment,
Indirectly by Slope-Area Method3 Fluvial Sediment or Turbidity
D 5242 Test Method for Open-Channel Flow Measurement of Water with
Thin-Plate Weirs3 D 1889 Test Method of Turbidity of Water3

D 6145
D 3977 Practice for Determining Suspended-Sediment Concentration in D 3856 Guide for Good Laboratory Practices in Laboratories Engaged in
Water Samples3 Sampling and Analysis of Water3
D 4410 Terminology for Fluvial Sediment3 D 3974 Practices for Extraction of Trace Elements from Sediments4
D 4411 Guide for Sampling Fluvial Sediment in Motion4 D 3975 Practice for Development and Use (Preparation) of Samples for
D 4822 Guide for Selection of Methods of Particle Size Analysis of Fluvial Collaborative Testing of Methods for Analysis of Sediments4
Sediments (Manual Methods)4 D 3976 Practice for Preparation of Sediment Samples for Chemical
X1.3 ASTM Standards Addressing Deposited Sediment, D 4183 Test Methods for Total Recoverable Phosphorus and Organic
Phosphorus in Sediments4
Reservoir Sedimentation or Bathymetric Surveys5 D 4698 Practice for Total Digestion of Sediment Samples for Chemical
D 4581 Guide for Measurement of Morphologic Characteristics of Surface Analysis of Various Metals4
Water Bodies4 D 4840 Practice for Sampling Chain of Custody Procedures3
D 4823 Guide for Core-Sampling Submerged, Unconsolidated Sediments4 D 5074 Practice for Preparation of Natural-Matrix Sediment Reference
D 5073 Practice for Depth Measurement of Surface Water4 Samples for Major and Trace Inorganic Constituent Analysis by
D 5387 Guide for Elements of a Complete Data Set for Noncohesive Partial Extraction Procedures4
Sediments5 D 5258 Practice for Acid-Extraction of Elements from Sediments Using
Closed Vessel Microwave Heating4
X1.4 ASTM Addressing Laboratory Testing and D 5851 Guide for Planning and Implementing a Water Monitoring Program4
Chemical Analysis of Sediments
D 3370 Practices for Sampling Water3 X1.5 Other ASTM Documents
Compilation of Scopes of ASTM Standards Relating to
Environmental Monitoring, 1994, ASTM, Philadelphia, PA,
Available from ASTM Headquarters. PCN 13-600003-16 (700) Standards5


X2.1 USGS Standards Addressing Stream Discharge TWRI 3-A16 Measurement of Discharge Using Tracers, by F.A. Kilpatrick and
(Flow) and Fluvial Hydrology6 E.D. Cobb, 19856
TWRI 3-A17 Acoustic Velocity Meter Systems, by Antonius Laenen, 19856
TWRI 3-A1 General Field and Office Procedures for Indirect Discharge TWRI 4-A1 Some Statistical Tools in Hydrology, by H.C. Riggs, 19686
Measurements, by M.A. Benson and Tate Dalrymple, 19676 TWRI 4-A2 Frequency Curves, by H.C. Riggs, 19686
TWRI 3-A2 Measurement of Peak Discharge by the Slope-Area Method, by TWRI 4-B1 Low-Flow Investigations, by H.C. Riggs, 19726
Tate Dalrymple and M.A. Benson6 TWRI 4-B3 Regional Analyses of Streamflow Characteristics, by H.C. Riggs,
TWRI 3-A3 Measurement of Peak Discharge at Culverts by Indirect Methods, 19736
by G.L. Bodhaine, 19686 TWRI 8-B2 Calibration and Maintenance of Vertical-Axis Type Current Meters
TWRI 3-A4 Measurement of Peak Discharge at Width Contractors by Indirect by G.F. Smoot and C.E. Novak, 19686
Methods, H.F. Matthai, 19676
TWRI 3-A5 Measurement of Peak Discharge at Dams by Indirect Methods, X2.2 USGS Standards Addressing Fluvial and Suspended
by Harry Hulsing, 19676 Sediment
TWRI 3-A6 General Procedure for Gaging Streams, by R.W. Carter and
Jacob Davidian, 19686 TWRI 3-C1 Fluvial Sediment Concepts, by H.P. Guy, 19706
TWRI 3-A7 Stage Measurements at Gaging Stations, by T.J. Buchanan and TWRI 3-C2 Field Methods of Measurement of Fluvial Sediment, by H.P.
W.P. Somers, 19686 Guy and V.W. Norman, 19706
TWRI 3-A8 Discharge Measurements at Gaging Stations, by T.J. Buchanan TWRI 3-C3 Computation of Fluvial-Sediment Discharge, by George
and W.P. Somers, 19696 Porterfield, 19726
TWRI 3-A9 Measurement of Time of Travel and Dispersion in Streams by
F.A. Kilpatrick, and J.F. Wilson, Jr. 19896 X2.3 USGS Standards Addressing Laboratory and
TWRI 3-A10 Discharge Ratings at Gaging Stations, by E.J. Kennedy, 19846 Chemical Analyses of Sediment
TWRI 3-A11 Measurement of Discharge by Moving-Boat Method, by G.F.
TWRI 5-A1 Methods for Determination of Inorganic Substances in Water
Smoot and C.E. Novak, 19696
and Fluvial Sediments, by M.W. Skougstad and others, editors.
TWRI 3-A12 Fluorometric Procedures for Dye Tracing, by J. F. Wilson, Jr.,
E.D. Cobb, and F.A. Kilpatrick, 19866
TWRI 5-A3 Methods for the Determination of Organic Substances in Water
TWRI 3-A13 Computation of Continuous Records of Streamflow, by E.J.
and Fluvial Sediments, edited by R.L. Wershaw, M.J. Fishman,
Kennedy, 19836
R. Grabbe, and L.E. Lowe, 19876
TWRI 3-A14 Use of Flumes in Measuring Discharge, by F.A. Kilpatrick and
TWRI 5-A5 Methods for Determination of Radioactive Substances in Water
V.R. Schneider, 19836
and Fluvial Sediments, by L.L. Thatcher, V.J. Janzer, and K.W.
Edwards, 19776
TWRI 5-A6 Quality Assurance Practices for the Chemical and Biological
Analyses of Water and Fluvial Sediment, by L.C. Friedman and
D.E. Erdmann, 19826
Available from U.S. Geological Survey-ESIC, Box 25286, MS517, Denver TWRI 5-C1 Laboratory Theory and Methods for Sediment Analysis, by H.P.
Federal Center, Denver, CO 80225–0046. Guy, 19696

D 6145


(1) Water-Quality Monitoring in the United States, 1993 Report of the Methods for Measurement of Fluvial Sediment; Open File Report
Intergovernmental Task Force on Monitoring Water Quality, US 86-531, Reston, VA, 1988.
Geological Survey, Reston, VA, ITFM, 1994. (11) Saunders et al, “Design of Networks for Monitoring Water Quality”,
(2) USDA Soil Conservation Service, National Handbook of Water Water Resource Publications, Littleton, CO, 1983.
Quality Monitoring, Part 600, USDA SCS, Washington, DC, 1994. (12) Water Survey of Canada, Field Procedures for Sediment Data
(3) Ambient Water-Quality Monitoring in the United States, First Year Collection, Volume 1 - Suspended Sediment, National Weather
Review, Evaluation, and Recommendations, Intergovernmental Task Services Directorate, Ottawa, Canada, 1993.
Force on Monitoring Water Quality, US Geological Survey, Reston (13) US Geological Survey, Water Supply Paper 1748.
VA, ITFM, 1992. (14) Federal Interagency Sedimentation Project, A Study of Methods Used
(4) Water-Quality Monitoring in the United States, 1993 Report of the in Measurement and Analysis of Sediment Loads in Streams, St.
Intergovernmental Task Force on Monitoring Water Quality, Technical Anthony Falls Hydrologic Project, Minneapolis, Minn.
Appendices, US Geological Survey, Reston, VA, ITFM, 1994. (15) Water Survey of Canada, Field Procedures for Sediment Data
(5) The Strategy for Water-Quality Monitoring in the United States, Final Collection, Volume 2 - Bed Material Sampling, National Weather
Report of the Intergovernmental Task Force on Monitoring Water Services Directorate, Ottawa, Canada.
Quality, US Geological Survey, Reston, VA, ITFM, 1994. (16) USDA, Present and Prospective Technology for Predicting Sediment
(6) US EPA, Monitoring Guidelines to Evaluate Effects of Forestry Yields and Sources, Agricultural Research Service ARS-S-40, Ox-
Activities on Streams in the Pacific Northwest and Alaska, EPA/910/ ford, MS, 1975.
991/001, 1991. (17) USDA Soil Conservation Service, National Engineering Handbook-
(7) US EPA, Guidelines for Evaluation of Agricultural Nonpoint Source Section 3-Sedimentation, Washington, DC, 1983.
Water Quality Projects, EPA Interagency Taskforce, Washington, DC, (18) American Public Health Association, Standard Methods for the
1981. Examination of Water and Wastewater, 17th Ed., Washington, DC,
(8) Clausen, J. and Spooner, J., Paired Watershed Study Design, US EPA, 1989.
EPA 841-F-93-009. Office of Water, Washington, DC, 1993. (19) US Environmental Protection Agency, Methods for Chemical Analy-
(9) USDA, Field Manual for Research in Agricultural Hydrology. Agri- sis of Water and Wastes, EPA 600/4-79.020. Office of Research and
cultural Handbook 224, Washington DC, 1979. Development, Cincinnati, OH.
(10) U.S. Geological Survey, Edwards, T. K., and Glysson, G. D., Field


(1) U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Sampling Design for Reservoir (3) U.S. Geological Survey, National Handbook of Recommended
Water Quality Investigations, 1987. Methods for Water Data Acquisition, 1977.
(2) U.S. Geological Survey, Rantz, S.E., et al, Measurements and (4) Ward, R.C., Loftis, J.C., and McBride, G.B., Design of Water
Components of Streamflow: Volume 1, Measurement of Stage Quality Monitoring Systems, Van Nostrand Reinhold, NY, 1990.
Discharge; Volume 2, Compuation of Discharge, Geological Sur-
vey Water Supply Program 2175, US GPO, Washington, DC, 1982.

The American Society for Testing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection
with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such
patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible
technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your
views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428.

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