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MATH220 Probability and Statistics: Asst. Prof. Merve BULUT YILGÖR

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MATH220 Probability

and Statistics
Asst. Prof. Merve BULUT YILGÖR
Multinomial Experiments and the Multinomial
Outline Distribution

Altınbaş Üniversitesi Dr. Merve BULUT YILGÖR MATH220 Probability and Statistics
Multinomial Experiments and the Multinomial Distribution

The binomial experiment becomes a multinomial experiment if we let each trial have more
than two possible outcomes.

In general, if a given trial can result in any one of k possible outcomes with
probabilities , then the multinomial distribution will give the probability that
occurs times, occurs times, . . ., and occurs times in n independent trials, where

We shall denote this joint probability distribution by

Clearly, , since the result of each trial must be one of the k possible
To derive the general formula, we proceed as in the binomial case. Since the trials are
independent, any specified order yielding outcomes for for will occur
with probability … . The total number of orders yielding similar outcomes for the n
trials is equal to the number of partitions of n items into k groups with in the first group,
in the second group, . . . , and in the kth group. This can be done in

ways. Since all the partitions are mutually exclusive and occur with equal probability, we obtain
the multinomial distribution by multiplying the probability for a specified order by the total
number of partitions.
Multinomial Distribution

The multinomial distribution derives its name from the fact that the terms of
the multinomial expansion of correspond to all the
possible values of
Example. The complexity of arrivals and departures of planes at an airport is
such that computer simulation is often used to model the “ideal” conditions.
For a certain airport with three runways, it is known that in the ideal setting the
following are the probabilities that the individual runways are accessed by a
randomly arriving commercial jet:

Runway 1: = 2/9,
Runway 2: = 1/6,
Runway 3: = 11/18.

What is the probability that 6 randomly arriving airplanes are distributed in the
following fashion? Runway 1: 2 airplanes,
Runway 2: 1 airplane,
Runway 3: 3 airplanes
Hypergeometric Distribution

Hypergeometric distribution does not require independence and is based

on the sampling done without replacement.

Applications for the hypergeometric distribution are found in many areas,

with heavy uses in acceptance sampling, electronic testing, and quality
assurance. Obviously, for many of these fields testing is done at the expense
of the item being tested. That is, the item is destroyed and hence cannot be
replaced in the sample.
Thus sampling without replacement is necessary.
In general, we are interested in the probability of selecting x successes from the k items labeled
successes and n − x failures from the N − k items labeled failures when a random sample of size
n is selected from N items. This is known as a hypergeometric experiment, that is, one that
possesses the following two properties:

1. A random sample of size n is selected without replacement from N items.

2. Of the N items, k may be classified as successes and N − k are classified as


The number X of successes of a hypergeometric experiment is called a hypergeometric random

variable. Accordingly, the probability distribution of the hypergeometric variable is called the
hypergeometric distribution, and its values are denoted by h(x;N, n, k), since they depend on
the number of successes k in the set N from which we select n items.
Example. A particular part that is used as an injection device is sold in lots of 10. The
producer deems a lot acceptable if no more than one defective is in the lot. A sampling plan
involves random sampling and testing 3 of the parts out of 10. If
none of the 3 is defective, the lot is accepted. Comment on the utility of this plan.

Let us assume that the lot is truly unacceptable (i.e., that 2 out of 10 are defective). The
probability that our sampling plan finds the lot acceptable is

Thus, if the lot is truly unacceptable with 2 defective parts, this sampling plan will allow
acceptance roughly 47% of the time. As a result, this plan should be considered faulty.
Definition: The probability distribution of the hypergeometric random variable
X, the number of successes in a random sample of size n selected from N items
of which k are labeled success and N —k labeled failure, is

Theorem: The mean and the variance of hypergeometric distribution

Example.9: Lots of 40 components each are called unacceptable if they contain as
many as 3 defectives or more. The procedure for sampling the lot is to select 5
components at random and to reject the lot if a defective is found. What is the
probability that exactly 1 defective is found in the sample if there are 3 defectives
in the entire lot?

Once again this plan is likely not desirable since it detects a bad lot (3 defectives)
only about 30% of the time.
Example.10: Find the mean and variance of the random variable of
Example(week7) and then use Chebyshev's theorem to interpret the interval

Hence the required interval is 0.375 ±(2)(0.558), or from -0.741 to 1.491.

Chebyshev's theorem states that the number of defectives obtained when 5
components are selected at random from a lot of 40 components of which 3 are
defective has a probability of at least 3/4 of falling between —0.741 and 1.491.
Definition: If N items can be partitioned into the A cells with
elements, respectively, then the probability distribution of the
random variables representing the number of elements selected
from in a random sample of size n, is
Example.11: A group of 10 individuals is used for a biological case study. The
group contains 3 people with blood type O, 4 with blood type A, and 3 with blood
type B. What is the probability that a random sample of 5 will contain 1 person
with blood type O, 2 people with blood type A, and 2 people with blood type B?
Negative Binomial Distributions

Altınbaş Üniversitesi Dr. Merve BULUT YILGÖR MATH220 Probability and Statistics
Bernoulli Process

The Bernoulli Process must possess the following properties:

1. The experiment consists of n repeated trials.

2. Each trial results in an outcome that may be classified as a success or a failure.

3. The probability of success, denoted by p, remains constant from trial to trial.

4. The repeated trials are independent.

Definition. A Bernoulli trial can result in a success with probability p and a
failure with probability q = 1−p. Then the probability distribution of the
binomial random variable X, the number of successes in n independent trials,

Note that when n = 3 and p = 1/4, the probability distribution of X, the

number of defectives, may be written as
Frequently, we are interested in problems where it is necessary to find P(X <r) or P(a ≤ X ≤ b).
Binomial sums

Let us consider an experiment where the properties are the same as those
listed for a binomial experiment, with the exception that the trials will be
repeated until a fixed number of successes occur.

Therefore, instead of finding the probability of x successes in n trials, where n

is fixed, we are now interested in the probability that, the kth success occurs
on the xth trial. Experiments of this kind are called negative binomial
The number X of trials to produce k successes in a negative binomial experiment is called a
negative binomial random variable, and its probability distribution is called the negative
binomial distribution.

Since its probabilities depend on the number of successes desired and the probability of a
success on a given trial, we shall denote them by the symbol b*(x;k,p).

To obtain the general formula for b*(x;k,p), consider the probability of a success on the xth
trial preceded by k—1 successes and x —k failures in some specified order. Since the trials are
independent, we can multiply all the probabilities corresponding to each desired outcome.
Each success occurs with probability p and each failure with probability q = 1 —p. Therefore,
the probability for the specified order ending in success is
Therefore, the probability for the specified order ending in success is

The total number of sample points in the experiment ending in a success, after the occurrence
of k—1 successes and x —k failures in any order, is equal to the number of partitions of x—1
trials into two groups with k—1 successes corresponding to one group and x —k failures
corresponding to the other group.

This number is specified by the term each mutually exclusive and occurring with
equal probability We obtain the general formula by multiplying by
Definition: If repeated independent trials can result in a success with probability
p and a failure with probability q=1—p, then the probability distribution of the
random variable X, the number of the trial on which the kth success occurs, is
Example. In an NBA (National Basketball Association) championship series, the
team that wins four games out of seven is the winner. Suppose that teams A
and B face each other in the championship games and that team A has
probability 0.55 of winning a game over team B.

(a) What is the probability that team A will win the series in 6 games?
Example. In an NBA (National Basketball Association) championship series, the
team that wins four games out of seven is the winner. Suppose that teams A
and B face each other in the championship games and that team A has
probability 0.55 of winning a game over team B.

(b) What is the probability that team A will win the series?

P(team A wins the championship series) is

Example. In an NBA (National Basketball Association) championship series, the
team that wins four games out of seven is the winner. Suppose that teams A
and B face each other in the championship games and that team A has
probability 0.55 of winning a game over team B.

(c) If teams A and B were facing each other in a regional playoff series, which is
decided by winning three out of five games, what is the probability that team
A would win the series?

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