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Module-7-UTS-Final 2

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Republic of the Philippines


San Gabriel Village, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan North
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Contact No. (078) 377 – 2491

1ST SEMESTER, S.Y. 2020 – 2021

Module in

MODULE NO.: __7________

Lesson 1

NAME OF STUDENT: ___________________________________________________

YEAR / SECTION: ______________________________________________________
DATE RECEIVED: ______________________________________________________


Republic of the Philippines
San Gabriel Village, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan North
Diversion Road, San Gabriel Village, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan North
Contact No. (078) 377 – 249


Jack Canfield is an epitome of success. He has authored seven books listed in the
Guinness Book of World Records. These are the Chicken Soup for the Soul and other.
One of his featured quotes about success is: “By taking the time to stop and appreciate
who you are and what you have achieved- and perhaps learned through a few mistakes,
stumbles and losses- you actually can enhance everything about you. Self –
acknowledgement and appreciation are what give you the insights and awareness to
move forward toward higher goals and accomplishments.”

We will learn more about his quotes through Albert Bandura’s self-efficacy theory,
Dweck’s mindsets theory and Locke’s goal setting theory.


- The student will be able to:

 Use Bandura’s self-efficacy theory for self-assessment.

 Differentiate growth and fixed mindset by Dweck
 Design personal goals adapting Locke’s goal setting theory.


Activity 1.

On each designated box, draw your envisioned “Future Self.” Who would you be:

1. Five years from now

I’m writing you this letter from the future. Don’t throw it away. Don’t try and understand how
it’s possible. The important thing is to read what I have to say. That’s all you need to
understand.You should do more with your life. If you keep doing what you’re doing now,
you’re going to be miserable for the next five years. In five years from now, you’re only
beginning to realize your potential in life. Start now. Don’t wait.For too long you’ve been
unhappy with where you work. You’ve been looking for more to your life. The reason you’ve
been looking so long is because you’ve been too safe. You were afraid to try new things for
fear of failing.There is no success without failure. If you look at some of the most successful
people they have failed numerous times. They didn’t give up because they believed in what
they were doing. Don’t let failure stop you.Take care of your body better. You’ll go through
phases where you gain weight and lose weight but stay consistent and healthy. You do your
best work when you’re exercising and eating right.Don’t think buying more things will make
you happier. The definition of success isn’t shown by the things you own. Even if you buy a
nicer car or a bigger television won’t make you happy for long. In five years, you’ll have a
house full of crap you don’t care about.Surround yourself with inspiring people. Think about
the people you hang out with now. Are they the type of people you would want to be? If you
can’t find them, look online because there are so many amazing genuine people there.

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Republic of the Philippines
San Gabriel Village, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan North
Diversion Road, San Gabriel Village, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan North
Contact No. (078) 377 – 249

2. Ten years from now

A Luxury Apartment and an RN License

I’m writing you this letter from the future. Don’t throw it away. Don’t try and understand how
it’s possible. The important thing is to read what I have to say. That’s all you need to
understand.You should do more with your life. If you keep doing what you’re doing now,
you’re going to be miserable for the next five years. In five years from now, you’re only
beginning to realize your potential in life. Start now. Don’t wait.For too long you’ve been
unhappy with where you work. You’ve been looking for more to your life. The reason you’ve
been looking so long is because you’ve been too safe. You were afraid to try new things for
fear of failing.There is no success without failure. If you look at some of the most successful
people they have failed numerous times. They didn’t give up because they believed in what
they were doing. Don’t let failure stop you.Take care of your body better. You’ll go through
phases where you gain weight and lose weight but stay consistent and healthy. You do your
best work when you’re exercising and eating right.Don’t think buying more things will make
you happier. The definition of success isn’t shown by the things you own. Even if you buy a
nicer car or a bigger television won’t make you happy for long. In five years, you’ll have a
house full of crap you don’t care about.Surround yourself with inspiring people. Think about
the people you hang out with now. Are they the type of people you would want to be? If you
can’t find them, look online because there are so many amazing genuine people there.To
begin with, in ten years I would like to have a stable, full-time position as a medical
assistant. I would also like to own a luxury apartment in Manhattan so that I could finally
know what it really feels like to live on your own.Secondly, I would like to have all my debts
paid off. At that point, I would also like to attend nursing school to obtain my RN license.
Another wish would be to find a loving and nurturing man to take care of me.At this point in
my life, I will want to start a family because having children is one of the most wonderful
experiences a woman can have. Next, I will want to advance my career to a point where I
won’t have to depend on a part-time job to take care of my family. I will be able to give my
kids all the care and attention they need. So many young, single parents who work full-time
jobs don’t spend quality time with their children.Another goal is to open a retail store where I
would sell everything, ranging from clothes to accessories to shoes to kids’ clothing, and
make them affordable for everyone.Lastly, I would like to be able to explore the world with
my children.

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Republic of the Philippines
San Gabriel Village, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan North
Diversion Road, San Gabriel Village, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan North
Contact No. (078) 377 – 249

3. 20 years from now

If you were to write a letter to your future self, what would it say?
Ew oldie. Hehe you have grey hair. HEHE.I really hope that made you cringe and not laugh.
I hope you're less lame now.I hope you've fixed the iron deficiency! I mean it's been 40
years so I swear to God if you still haven't, just don't even finish reading this; I'm
disappointed. But that's not why I'm writing this.I found out something today. Something I
want you to remember for a very long, long, long time. If we live that long, that is.You're
never gonna escape.Who you really are down there- who we are, deep below the surface.
You're never gonna escape her. You're never gonna get away with being happy, because
she's always gonna come back to bite you where it hurts most.The monster in your mind will
not leave her home. We can't really evict her, it's sad. She pays the rent and like.I'll stop. But
for real. She's never gonna go. Just learn to deal with the noise she makes and the
nonsense she spews out.But I want you to remember something.From time to time, you're
going to get hurt. Sometimes even by those you love the most. And from time to time, you're
gonna collapse and wish you weren't the egg in the ovary that was chosen to be
fertilised.From time to time, you're gonna wish you're not you. You're gonna wish you're not,
us.And although that never will stop happening, and although the amount of tears you're
going to shed dwelling on the person that you are is overwhelming, I want you to remember
something about her.She has her flaws. Can't even count them all.She's stupid, she's
annoying, she's quite boring, she's a handful to deal with and she's loud and she talks too
much and she's fairly clingy and yeah, she makes terrible decisions. But I want you to know
that when she loves, she loves with every ounce of heart and is the most loyal bitch you've
ever met.And just as she's loyal to those she loves, she's loyal to those who don't
necessarily love her back.

Envisioned Self Plan
Answer the following questions.

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Republic of the Philippines
San Gabriel Village, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan North
Diversion Road, San Gabriel Village, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan North
Contact No. (078) 377 – 249

1. Who are you or what would you become:

a. In five years

b. In ten years

c. In twenty years

2. What are your motivations for your envisioned self:

a. In five years

b. In ten years

c. In twenty years

3. Outline your plans on how you will make your envisioned self into reality.
d. In five years

e. In ten years

f. In twenty years

4. How do you feel after doing this exercise?

> When you exercise, it increases endorphins, dopamine, adrenaline and
endocannabinoid these are all brain chemicals associated with feeling happy, feeling
confident, feeling capable, feeling less anxiety and stress and even less physical pain,

5. What is your perception on goal setting?

> For me, goal setting is like a foot of a dreamer. Because no one can hold it, even
there's a person can say or command you to stop, they are don't care,. because that is your
foot, in short, that is your goal, so that you are only can make decision, if you can stop or you
are continue to walk to achieve your goal or dream in life.


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Republic of the Philippines
San Gabriel Village, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan North
Diversion Road, San Gabriel Village, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan North
Contact No. (078) 377 – 249


The concept of self-efficacy was introduced by Albert Bandura in an article entitled “Self-
Efficacy: Toward a Unifying Theory of Behavioral Change” published in Psychological
Review. The article also became and instant classic in psychology.
In this experiment, the sample children were presented with new social models of violent
and non-violent behavior toward an inflatable redounding Bobo doll. The result were: the
group of children who saw the violent behavior model became violent to the doll while the
control group who was presented with the non-violent behavior model was rarely violent to
the doll. This experimentation has proven right the hypothesis modeling is a very effective
way of learning. Dr. Bandura introduced the social learning theory that focuses on what
people learn from observing and interacting with other people. Bandura’s social cognitive
theory states that people are active participants in their environment and are not simply
shaped by the environment.
Self-efficacy theory is based on the assumption that psychological procedures serve as a
means of creating and strengthening expectations of personal efficacy. It distinguishes
between expectations of efficacy and response-outcome expectancies.
Outcome expectancy – is a person’s estimate that a given behavior will lead to certain
outcomes. An efficacy expectation is the conviction that one can successfully execute the
behavior required to produce the outcomes.
Self – efficacy typically comes into play when there is an actual or perceived threat to one’s
personal safety, or one’s ability to deal with potentially aversive events. For example,
experimental studies on the treatment of adults with ophidiophobia (fear of snakes) have
demonstrated that raising levels of self-efficacy is an effective technique to help them cope
with threatening situations. Perceived self-efficacy mediates anxiety arousal.
Weibell stated that Bandura defined self-efficacy as “people’s belief about their capabilities
to produce designated levels of performance that exercise influence over events that affect
their lives. He identified acts of people with “high assurance in their capabilities” such as:
1. Approach difficult tasks as challenges to be mastered
2. Set challenging goals and maintain strong commitment to them
3. Heighten or sustain efforts in the face of failures or setbacks;
4. Attribute failure to insufficient effort or deficient knowledge and skills which acquirable
5. Approach threatening situations with assurance that they can exercise control over
In contrast, people “who doubt their capabilities”
1. Shy away from tasks they view as personal threats;
2. Have a low aspirations and weak commitment to goals they choose to pursue;
3. Dwell on personal deficiencies, obstacles they will encounter, and all kinds of adverse
outcomes , rather than concentrating on how to perform successfully
4. Slacken their efforts and give up quickly in the face of difficulties
5. Are slow to recover their sense of efficacy following failure or setbacks and
6. Fall easy victim to stress and depression
4 main sources of influence by which a person’s self -efficacy is developed and maintained
1. Performance accomplishments or mastery experiences
2. Vicarious experiences
3. Verbal or social persuasion
4. Physiological (somatic and emotional) states.
Mastery experiences or personal performance accomplishments are the most effective ways to
create a strong sense of efficacy. “Successes build a robust belief in one’s personal efficacy.

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Republic of the Philippines
San Gabriel Village, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan North
Diversion Road, San Gabriel Village, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan North
Contact No. (078) 377 – 249

Failures undermined it, especially if failures occur before a sense of efficacy is firmly
Vicarious experience through observance of social models also influence one’s perception of
self-efficacy. The most important factor that determines the strength of influence of an observed
success or failure on one’s own self-efficacy is the degree of similarity between the observer
and the model.
Verbal or social persuasion also affect’s one’s perception of self-efficacy. It is a “way of
strengthening people’s beliefs that they have what it take to succeed.” It can provide a
temporary boost in perceived ability.
Expectation alone will not produce desired performance if the component capabilities are


Her contribution to social psychology relates to implicit theories of intelligence with her book,
Mindset: The New Psychology of Success published. She described people with two types of
mindset. People who believe that success is based on hard work, learning, training, and
perseverance have growth theory of intelligence, which goes under growth mindset. Individuals
may not necessarily be aware of their own mindset., but their mindset can still be discerned
based on their behavior. It is especially evident in their reaction to failure. Fixed mindset
individuals dread failure because it is negative statement on their basic abilities, while growth
mindset individuals do not mind or fear their failure as much because they realize their
performance can improved and learning comes from failure. These two mindsets play an
important tole in all aspects of person’s life.
In a fixed mindset, students believe their basic abilities, their intelligence, their talents are just
fixed traits.
Individuals with growth mindset are more likely to continue working hard despite setbacks while
individuals with fixed mindset can be affected by subtle environmental cues.


In the 1960s, Edwin Locke proposed that intentions to work toward a goal are a major source of
work motivation. This theory has been supported in more than one thousand studies with all
types and levels of employees. To motivate, goals must have specificity, commitment,
challenge, and feedback.

Goals need to be specific enough to answer the who, what, when, where, why, and how of any
expectations of the goal. Employees perform better when given specific goals than they do
when given vague or abstract goals. For instance, a manager tells a stockroom worker to aim to
unpack ten boxes by lunchtime rather than telling the worker to do as much as he can. The
specificity of the goal now acts as an internal stimulus, and the stockroom worker has a specific
objective to attain. One common approach is SMART goals. SMART stands for specific,
measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound.

The first step in creating motivation is creating commitment to a goal. Goal commitment is the
degree of determination a person uses to achieve an accepted goal, and there are two main
factors that determine it: importance and self-efficacy. The reasons a person has for attaining a
goal, including expecting certain outcomes, comprise importance. A person’s belief that he or
she can achieve a goal is self-efficacy. If you commit to a goal, your performance will always be

A goal is meant to present a challenge to an individual, but it should still be attainable. The
level of challenge should be specific to each person to increase their motivation. The more
challenging a goal is, the more focused you become on the task and the easier it is to avoid

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Republic of the Philippines
San Gabriel Village, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan North
Diversion Road, San Gabriel Village, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan North
Contact No. (078) 377 – 249

unnecessary distractions. You will be energized to work harder toward the difficult goal. For
example, imagine a high jumper training for the Olympics. With one month left before the trials,
her personal best is one-quarter inch away from the qualifying height. With the goal in sight,
she’s energized to train hard over the next month. People persist longer to attain difficult goals.
Finally, and most importantly, difficult goals will allow us to develop strategies that help us
perform more effectively.

Feedback on a goal is an ongoing requirement to be aware of progression or regression. An

employee will require feedback on how well he or she is progressing toward his or her goals.
Feedback can help an employee determine what she has done and what she wants to do. The
easier it is for an individual to monitor his or her own progress, the quicker the individual will be
able to make adjustments, if needed, or continue without hesitating for feedback.
14 Research Findings
A research was made by Locke (2017) under the article “Motivation through Conscious Goal
The research has the following findings:
1. The more difficult the goal, the greater the achievement.
2. The more specific or explicit the goal, the more precisely performance is regulated
3. Goals that are both specific and difficult lead to the highest performance.
4. Commitment to goals is more critical when goals are specific and difficult.
5. High commitment to goals is attained when:
A. The individual is convinced that the goal is important
B. The individual is convinced that the goal is attainable (or that, at least, progress can
be made toward it.)
 Commitment can be enhanced by effective leadership
 Self-efficacy refers to the task-specific confidence and is a key of Bandura’s social
cognitive theory.
6. In addition to having a direct effect on performance self-efficacy influences:
a. The difficulty level of the goal chosen or accepted
b. Commitment to goals
c. The response to negative feedback or failure
d. The choice of task strategies
 Feedback. For people to pursue goals effectively, they need some means of checking or
tracking their progress toward their goal.
7. Goal setting is most effective when there is a feedback that shows progression in relation
to the goal
8. Goal setting (along with self-efficacy) mediates the effect of knowledge of past
performance on subsequent performance.
9. Goals affect performance by affecting the direction of action, the degree of effort exerted,
and the persistence of action over time.
10. Goals stimulate planning in general. Often, planning quality is higher than that which
occurs without goals. When people possess task or goal-relevant plans as a result of
experience or training, they activate them automatically when confronted with a
performance goal. Newly learned plans or strategies are most likely to be utilized under
the stimulus of a specific, difficult goal.
 Direct Goal Mechanism is less adequate than in a case of simple tasks for attaining the
11. When people strive for goals on complex tasks, they are least effective in discovering
suitable tasks strategies if:
a. They have no prior experience or training on the task
b. There is high pressure to perform well

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Republic of the Philippines
San Gabriel Village, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan North
Diversion Road, San Gabriel Village, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan North
Contact No. (078) 377 – 249

c. There is high time pressure (to perform well immediately)

12. Goals (including goal commitment), in combination with self-efficacy, mediate or partially
mediate the effects of several personality traits and incentives on performance.
 Self- management is a goal directed actions and choices are not necessarily “imposed”
or even encourage by environments.
13. Goal setting and goal-related mechanism can be trained and/or adopted in the absence
of training for the purpose of self-regulation.
 Affect. Emotion is a type of automatic, partly subconscious, psychological estimate-an
estimate of relationship of things to one self.
 Events and Situations seen as threatening to one’s values gives rice to negative
emotions, whereas Events and Situation seen as furthering one’s values produce
positive emotion.
14. Goals serve as standards of self-satisfaction, with harder goals demanding higher
accomplishment in order to attain self-satisfaction than easy goals.
 Goals can be used to enhance task interest, reduce boredom, and promote goal clarity.
 Goal-setting dilemmas. If hard or difficult goals lead to higher performance and lower
satisfaction than easy goals, there is obviously a problem of how to get people (or
oneself) to be both happy and productive.

V. EVALUATION (30 points)

Essay: Explain and elaborate the question listed below. S

1. In 5-10 sentences, compare and contrast about the theories and their perception on
self-efficacy, goal setting and fixed and growth of the following:
a. Albert Bandura
> people who doubt their capabilities shy away from difficult tasks which they view as
personal threats. They have low aspirations and weak commitment to the goals they
choose to pursue. When faced with difficult tasks, they dwell on their personal
deficiencies, on the obstacles they will encounter, and all kinds of adverse outcomes
rather than concentrate on how to perform successfully. They slacken their efforts
and give up quickly in the face of difficulties. They are slow to recover their sense of
efficacy following failure or setbacks. Because they view insufficient performance as
deficient aptitude it does not require much failure for them to lose faith in their
capabilities. They fall easy victim to stress and depression.
b. Carol Dweck
> The purpose of this study was to investigate whether a growth mindset intervention
would improve adolescent special education students’ self-efficacy and motivation.
The sample included sixth, seventh, and eighth grade students receiving learning
disability services in the area of reading. The study was quasi-experimental in design
which included both a comparison group and a treatment group. The treatment group
received a growth mindset intervention called Brainology. The Reader Self-
Perception Scale 2nd Edition and the Motivation for Reading Questionnaire were
used to measure whether there were differences in the mean scores for self-efficacy
and motivation in reading. Results suggested that a growth mindset intervention had
a significant difference in the motivation, but not self-efficacy, of adolescent special
education participants.
c. Edwin Locke
> The authors address the verification of the functional properties of self-efficacy
beliefs and document how self-efficacy beliefs operate in concert with goal systems
within a sociocognitive theory of self-regulation in contrast to the focus of control
theory on discrepancy reduction. Social cognitive theory posits proactive discrepancy
production by adoption of goal challenges working in concert with reactive
discrepancy reduction in realizing them. Converging evidence from diverse

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Republic of the Philippines
San Gabriel Village, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan North
Diversion Road, San Gabriel Village, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan North
Contact No. (078) 377 – 249

methodological and analytic strategies verifies that perceived self-efficacy and

personal goals enhance motivation and performance attainments.

RUBRIC (Analytic Rubric)

Score Content Organization Development Use of Language
10 Answer is appropriate to Clear sense of order. Develops each Uses technical or
the question. Content is Begins with a thesis or point with mat scientific
factually correct. topic sentence. specific details. terminology
Supporting points are Answers question appropriately and
presented in a logical completely. correctly. No
progression. major
grammatical or
spelling errors.
7 Answer is appropriate to May lack a thesis Each point Accurate word
the question. Content may sentence but presented supported with choice. No more
have one or two factual a logical progression. some details and than 2 major
errors. evidence. All errors and a few
important points minor errors.
5 Content relates peripherally Logic of argument is Sparse details or Ordinary word
to the question; contains minimally perceivable. evidence. choice: use of
significant factual errors. Points presented in a Question only harsh/ disturbing
seemingly random partially terminology
fashion, but all support answered. avoided. Some
argument. serious errors (but
they don’t impair
2 Content unrelated to Lacks clear Statements are Limited
question. organizational plan. unsupported by vocabulary: errors
Reader is confused. any detail or impair
explanation. communication.

Alata, Eden Joy Pastor et.al (2018). Understanding the Self (First Edition), Rex Book
Store Inc., Sampaloc, Manila. 43-63.

Bandura, A, (1999). Social Cognitive Theory of Personality. In Pervin and John (eds)
Handbook of Personality and Research, 2nd Ed. Guilford Press 134 – 194.

Belk (2013). Extended Self in a Digital World. Journal of Consumer Research. 40.3 477
– 500.

Brawner, Dalisay G., Arcega, Analiza F. Understanding the Self. Quezon City: C&E
Publishing, Inc., 2018.

Chafee, J. (2013) Who are You? Consciousness, Identity and the Self. In the
Philosopher’s Way: Thinking Critically about profound Ideas. Pearson. 106 – 109.

Demello, M. (2014) Beautiful Bodies pp. 173-188. And Fat and Thin Bodies. 189 – 205.
In Body Studies: An Introduction. Routledge
Demetrio, Fernando & Zialcita. (1991). The soul, 85 -97. One is not enough 99-101. The
Soul Book. GCF Books.

Diokno, MS (1997) Becoming a Filipino Citizenship and Democracy. UP Third World

Studies Center 17-38.

Dittmer, H. (1992). The Individual Centered Approach: Material Possessions as Parts of

Extended Self. Pp. 41- 64 and Possessions as in the Social Expressions of Identity Pp.

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Republic of the Philippines
San Gabriel Village, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan North
Diversion Road, San Gabriel Village, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan North
Contact No. (078) 377 – 249

95 – 121 : in the Social Psychology of Material Possessions: To Have is to Be? St

Martin’s Press.

Feldman, R. (2008) Understanding Psychology: 8th ed. Mc Graw Hill Module 34:
Understanding Human Sexual Response, 369 -375; Module 35: Diversity of Sexual
Behavior 379-385; Module 36; Sexual Difficulties 389 – 391.

Fisher, V. (2004) Why We Love: The Nature and Chemistry of Romantic Love. 51-76
Chapter 4: Web of Love, Lust and Attachment. 77 -98

Tunac, et.al. (2018). Understanding the Self. Nieme Publishing House Co. LTD. (65-140)




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