Herman M., Paver N. (Eds) - Nuclear Reaction Data and Nuclear Reactors - Physics, Design and Safety
Herman M., Paver N. (Eds) - Nuclear Reaction Data and Nuclear Reactors - Physics, Design and Safety
Herman M., Paver N. (Eds) - Nuclear Reaction Data and Nuclear Reactors - Physics, Design and Safety
M. Herman
National Nuclear Data Center, New York, USA
N. Paver
University of Trieste and INFN, Trieste, Italy
– First edition
c 2005 by The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics
The ICTP has the irrevocable and indefinite authorization to reproduce and disseminate these
Lecture Notes, in printed and/or computer readable form, from each author.
ISBN 92-95003-30-6
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H.M. Hofmann
Refined Resonating Group Model and Standard Neutron Cross Sections . . . 1
M. Herman
Parameters for Nuclear Reaction Calculations - Reference Input
Parameter Library (RIPL-2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
A.L. Nichols
Nuclear Data Requirements for Decay Heat Calculations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
D. Majumdar
Nuclear Power in the 21st Century: Status & Trends in Advanced
Nuclear Technology Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
D. Majumdar
Desalination and Other Non-electric Applications of Nuclear Energy . . . 233
M. Cumo
Experiences and Techniques in the Decommissioning of Old Nuclear
Power Plants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253
M. Herman
N. Paver
Trieste, April 2005
Refined Resonating Group Model and Standard
Neutron Cross Sections
Hartmut M. Hofmann∗
We describe in some detail the refined resonating group model and
its application to light nuclei. Microscopic calculations employing real-
istic nuclear forces are given for the reaction 3 He(n,p). The extension
to heavier nuclei is briefly discussed.
Refined Resonating Group Model & Standard Neutron Cross Sections 3
1 Introduction
The neutron standard cross sections cover a wide range of target masses from
hydrogen to uranium. The high mass range is characterized by many over-
lapping resonances, which cannot be understood individually. In contrast,
the few-nucleon regime is dominated by well-developed, in general, broad
resonances. The interpolation and to less extend extrapolation of data re-
lies heavily on R-matrix analysis. This analysis has to fit a large number
of parameters related to position and decay properties of resonances. Due
to the limited number of data and their experimental errors, any additional
input is highly welcome. Except for neutron scattering on the proton any
of the standard cross sections involve few to many nucleon bound states.
These many body systems can no more be treated exactly. The best model
to treat scattering reactions of such systems proved the resonating group
model (RGM) in its various modifications. Therefore we begin with a dis-
cussion of the RGM.
This seminal idea sets already the framework for present day calculations:
Starting from the known wave function of the fragments, the relative wave
function between the fragments has to be determined e.g. via a variational
principle. The basic idea, however, also sets the minimal scale for the cal-
culation: a jump of a group of electrons needs at least two different states
per fragment leading to coupled channels. Hence, an RGM calculation is
basically a multi-channel calculation, which renders immediately the tech-
nicality problem. This essential point of any RGM calculation is the key
to an understanding of the various realisations of the basic idea. Besides
the most simple cases, for which even exact solutions are possible, the RGM
is always plagued with necessary, huge numerical efforts. Therefore, a dis-
cussion about the various approaches has to be given. In most applications
4 H.M. Hofmann
of the RGM till now, the evaluation of the many-body r-space integrals is
the largest obstacle. It can only be overcome by using special functions,
essentially Gaussians, for the internal wave functions of the fragments. Two
basically different methods are well developed: One uses shell model tech-
niques to perform the integration over the coordinates of the known internal
wave functions leading to systems of integro-differential equations, whose
kernels have to be calculated analytically. The other expands essentially all
wave functions in terms of Gaussian functions and integrates over all Ja-
cobian coordinates leading to systems of linear equations, whose matrices
can be calculated via Fortran-programs. Since the latter is more suited for
few-body systems and I’m more familiar with it, I will concentrate on this
so-called refined resonanting group model (RRGM) introduced by Hacken-
broich [2]. As detailed descriptions of the first method exist [3], I will not
discuss it. I will, however, compare the advantages and disadvantages of
both methods at various stages.
In order to allow the reader to find further applications of the RRGM, I will
try to generalize the formal part from the nuclear physics examples I will
give later on. Therefore I will first discuss the variational principle for the
determination of the relative motion wave function. I will then demonstrate
how the r-space integrals are calculated in the RRGM. The next two chapters
deal with the treatment of the antisymmetriser and the evaluation of spin-
isospin matrix elements. The last chapter, dealing with formal developments,
demonstrates how the wave function itself is used by the evaluation of matrix
elements of electric transition operators.
A chapter on various results from nuclear physics illustrates various points
of the formal part and helps to understand the final part on possible exten-
sions and also on the limitations of the model. Part of the work is already
described previously [4]. Some repetition cannot be avoided in order to keep
this article self-contained, so I will refer sometimes to ref. [4] for details.
RRGM is nothing but a standard Ritz variation with an ansatz for the wave
functions in terms of Gaussian functions, see eqs. (2.33 - 2.36) below. That
this expansion converges pretty fast was shown in [4] and is also discussed
in chapter 5.1.
Here, as everywhere vectors are bold faced and unit vectors carry addition-
ally a hat. We use for the asymptotic scattering wave function ul (r) a linear
combination of regular fl (r) and irregular gl (r) solutions of the free Hamil-
tonian, so that all wave functions are real, thus simplifying the numerical
calculations. The wavefunction ul is normalized to a δ-function in the energy
by using the ansatz
ul (r) = fl (r) + al g̃l (r) + bνl χνl (r) (2.2)
h̄2 k ν
The last term in eq. (2.2) accounts for the difference of the true solution
of the scattering problem and the asymptotic form. Furthermore, in the
region where Tl differs from this term one has to compensate the difference
between g̃l (r) and gl (r). Since this term is different from zero only in a
finite region, just somewhat larger than the interaction region, it can be well
approximated by a finite number of square integrable terms. We will choose
the terms in the form
χνl (r) = r l+1 e−βν r (2.5)
where Hl denotes the Hamiltonian for the partial wave of angular momentum
l. It is easy to show [2], that all integrals in eq. (2.6) are well behaved if
and only if the functions fl and gl are solutions of the free Hamiltonian to
the energy E. See also the discussion in [5].
Ti = TCM + (pi − pj )2 (2.8)
Here we assumed equal masses m for all the constituents, a restriction which
can be removed, see ref. [7].
Due to our restriction we can decompose the translationally invariant part H
of the Hamiltonian into the internal Hamiltonians of the two fragments, the
relative motion one, and the interaction between nucleons being in different
H (1, . . . , N ) = H1 (1, . . . , N1 ) + H2 (N1 + 1, . . . , N ) + Trel + Vij
i∈{1,...,N1 }
j∈{N1 +1,...,N}
By adding and subtracting the point Coulomb interaction between the two
fragments Z1 Z2 e2 /Rrel the potential term becomes short ranged.
Here Rrel denotes the relative coordinate between the centres of mass of the
two fragments. This decomposition of the Hamiltonian directs to an ansatz
for the wave function in terms of an internal function of H1 and one of H2
and a relative motion function of type eq. (2.2). The total wave function
is then a sum over channels formed out of the above functions properly
ψm = A n mn
ψch ψrel (2.11)
irregular Coulomb wavefunctions. How to use in- and outgoing waves and
calculate the S-matrix directly is described in [8]. The sum n runs over
physical channels, open or closed, and ”distortion channels” without the
standing wave terms. Such ”distortion channels” allow to take the distortion
of the fragments in the interaction region into account, see the discussion in
chapter 5.1. Sometimes they are called ”pseudo-inelastic” channels [3]. The
coefficients amn and bmnν are variational parameters to be determined from
δ(< ψm |H − E|ψm > − amm ) = 0 (2.13)
To simplify the notation we combine the channel functions and the relative
motion part into one symbol and write in the obvious notation
ψm = A δmn Fn + amn G̃n + bmnν χnν (2.14)
n ν
where now the variational parameters amn and dmν have to be determined
from the set of variational equations
< G̃n |Ĥ|AFm > + < G̃n |Ĥ|AG̃n > amn
+ < G̃n |Ĥ|AΓν > dmν = 0 (2.18)
Refined Resonating Group Model & Standard Neutron Cross Sections 9
< Γν |Ĥ|AFm > + < Γν |Ĥ|AG̃n > amn
+ < Γν |Ĥ|AΓν > dmν = 0 (2.19)
a = b−1 (2.28)
a = −2(< F |H̃|F > − < G̃|H̃|F >T < G̃|H̃|G̃ >−1 < G̃|H̃|F >) (2.31)
b = −2(< G̃|H̃|G̃ > − < F |H̃|G̃ >T < F |H|F >−1 < F |H̃|G̃ >) (2.32)
Refined Resonating Group Model & Standard Neutron Cross Sections 11
Again from the comparison of the results for a and b we can judge the
quality of the calculation. The most direct criterion of a · b being the unit
matrix can easily fail near poles of a (resonances) or b without affecting
physical observables. What remains to be done is the calculation of the
matrix elements of H̃ between F and G̃. For this purpose we need the
channel wave function in eq. (2.11).
The ansatz for the internal wave functions is the most critical input. Because
of the antisymmetrizer only two cases are realised in complicated systems:
expansion in terms of harmonic oscillator wave functions or Gaussian func-
tions and powers of r 2 , which can again be combined to harmonic oscillator
functions. The difference of both expansions lies in the choice of parameters,
a single oscillator frequency in one case, which allows to use the orthogonality
of different functions, and a set of Gaussian width parameters, which allows
to adjust the wave functions to different sizes of the fragments more easily.
Therefore the harmonic oscillator expansion is well suited for the description
of scattering of identical particles, or of the scattering of large nuclei on each
other. In this case even algebraic methods can be used [12], [13]. Whereas
the expansion in terms of Gaussians and powers of r 2 can, in principle, be
converted to harmonic oscillator functions, it becomes technically glumpy in
more complicated cases, see the discussion in chapter 3. Since the sizes of
light nuclei are quite different, we consider it, however, an advantage that
different width parameters can be used.
To clarify our ansatz we consider just one term in eq. (2.11). Here the
channel function has the structure
Yl (R̂rel ) J1 J2 Sc
ψch = φ1 φ2 (2.33)
where the square brackets indicate angular momentum coupling of the trans-
lationally invariant wave functions φJi
i of the two fragments to channel spin
Sc and the coupling of the orbital angular momentum l and the channel spin
Sc to the total angular momentum J. In case of a bound state calculation
the coupling to good channel spin is usually omitted. Since all the latter
examples are nuclear physics ones, I will consider in the sequel wave func-
tions of light nuclei for the fragment wave functions, but we could also use
the technique described below for describing electron scattering off atomic
or molecular systems [14].
The individual fragment wave function consists of a spatial part and a spin
12 H.M. Hofmann
with nh the number of particles inside the cluster h and the width parameter
βh . Clusters containing only one particle are described by χh ≡ 1. In hadron
physics the spin-isospin function is coupled to good total spin and isospin,
in nuclear physics this coupling is not necessary in most cases, because the
antisymmetriser projects onto total singlet states anyhow. The cluster rel-
ative functions χlk,rel
contain, in addition to the Gaussian function, a solid
spherical harmonic Ylk of angular momentum lk
= exp(−γk ρ2k )Ylk (ρk ) (2.35)
The spin-(-isospin) function ΞS,(T ) is, in general, coupled to good spin (and
may be coupled to good isospin). The set {lk } of orbital angular momenta
between the clusters is denoted by lI , including the intermediate couplings.
The sum α may run over different fragmentations, different sets of orbital
angular momenta, e.g. D-state admixtures, and different sets of width pa-
rameters βh and γk . The parameters βαh and γαk are determined from the
Ritz variational principle together with the coefficients CαlI S once the model
space has been chosen. For this purpose one chooses the fragmentations and
the set {lk } of angular momenta and the number of radial functions and asks
Refined Resonating Group Model & Standard Neutron Cross Sections 13
Cluster 2
Cluster 1
Cluster 3
Figure 1: Schematic illustration of the intercluster coordinates ρ used in eq. (2.35).
φi can be the lowest state but also an excited one, see the example below.
We can now demonstrate that the functional of eq. (2.13) exists and that all
integrals exist in a Riemannian sense. Let us consider a fragmentation into
N1 particles in fragment 1 and the rest in fragment 2. Then we can write
the total antisymmetriser A in the form
A = A3 A1 A2 = signP3 P3 A1 A2 (2.39)
with Ei,k from eq. (2.38), we can then decompose the operator in eq. (2.10)
All the integrals necessary for evaluating eqs. (2.18 - 2.19) are now well
behaved, terms containing only square integrable functions in bra or ket
cannot lead to divergent integrals. Because of the exponential fall off of the
bound state functions, the same is true for all terms in which channels of
different fragmentations are connected. Again, due to the properties of the
bound state functions, integrals containing identical fragmentations but a
genuine exchange of particles between the fragments, i.e. P3 = id, are of
short range. Hence, the only possibly critical terms involve channels with
identical fragmentations in bra and ket of eq. (2.13) with no exchange across
the fragment boundaries.
In this case the first line of eq. (2.41) contributes zero, because according to
eq. (2.38) the internal functions are solutions of the internal Hamiltonian Hi
to just that energy Ei,k . The potential in the second line of eq. (2.41) is by
construction short ranged, hence also this integral is short ranged. The re-
maining line in eq. (2.41) is the (point-Coulomb) Hamiltonian of relative mo-
tion Hrel whose solutions are the well-known Coulomb wave functions [15].
If and only if the functions Fk and Gk in eq. (2.12) are eigenfunctions of
Hrel to the energy Ek , the related integrals are finite, to be precise they are
zero. This choice, however, implies that the threshold energies are fixed by
the energies of the fragments Ei,k . Besides choosing a different potential,
the only possibility to vary the threshold energies is to modify the model
space for the Ritz variation.
Since we have now shown that all integrals in eq. (2.13) and therefore also
in eqs. (2.18, 2.19) are short ranged, we expand the regular and regularised
irregular (Coulomb) functions in terms of square integrable functions, for
simplicity those chosen in eq. (2.12). Hence, we have to calculate matrix
elements of the Hamiltonian, or just overlap matrix elements, between anti-
symmetrized translationally invariant wavefunctions where the spatial part
consists of a superposition of multi-dimensional Gaussian functions and solid
Refined Resonating Group Model & Standard Neutron Cross Sections 15
we can also calculate the respective matrix elements of each operator sepa-
rately. The rank of the interaction is denoted by k, e.g. k = 1 for the spin
orbit force. Since the multi-dimensional integration in coordinate space is
usually by far the most elaborate part of the calculation, we first describe
the essential parts of this calculation.
−1 ncr −1
e−βi si ·si
r r
|Lr α >= Ylj mj (srN −ncr +j ) (3.2)
i=1 j=1
2 5
s1 s4
s2 s6 s5
Cluster 2
Cluster 1
s7 R CM
ket wave function. The function on the left-hand side of the matrix element
|Ll α > can be expressed in an analogous way by the Jacobian coordinates
sl on the left-hand side, which differ in general from those on the right-hand
side. So the general spatial matrix element is of the form
The orbital operators wij O contain the coordinates in the form of eq. (3.2),
but in addition to that also differential operators may occur, like in the spin-
orbit force. We have put the permutation P to the left of the symmetric
interaction for convenience, see the discussion below. Since the evaluation of
all interactions can be reduced to the calculation of certain overlap matrix
elements [16], [17], [4], see also section 3.4, we restrict our considerations
to the norm, because there all the essential steps become apparent. We
can express the norm matrix element of eq. (3.3) by choosing the Jacobian
coordinates on the left-hand side as independent variables in the form
N −1
J ij (P ) =
Ll α Lr α ds1 . . . dsN −1 exp − ρµµ (P )sµ · sµ
Yln mn (Qn ) ≡ Γl1 m1 ...lz mz (3.4)
Refined Resonating Group Model & Standard Neutron Cross Sections 17
with the vector b = (1 − b2 , i(1+ b2 ), −2b) being a null vector with respect
to a real scalar product, i.e. b · b = 0 and the scalar product of two vectors
given by
bn · bn = 4bn bn − 2(b2n + b2n ) (3.6)
The coefficients CLm are given by [18]
CLm = (−2)L L! . (3.7)
(2L + 1)(L − m)!(L + m)!
To evaluate the matrix element eq. (3.4) we now consider the generating
I(a1 b1 . . . az bz ) = ds1 . . . dsN −1 exp − ρµµ sµ · sµ + an bn · Qn .
µµ n=1
18 H.M. Hofmann
Expanding the expression exp( αn bn · Qn ) into a power series in an and
bn we find
Cl m
I(a1 b1 . . . az bz ) = n n
aln bln −mn · Γl1 m1 ...lz mz (3.9)
ln !
l1 m1 ...lz mz n=1
N −1
sµ = Tµ,λ tλ µ = 1, . . . , N − 1 (3.10)
with Tλλ = 1 and Tλλ = 0 for λ > λ brings the matrix ρ into diagonal form.
This transformation results in
I(a1 b1 . . . az bz ) = dt1 . . . dtN −1 exp − βλ tλ − pnλ an bn · tλ
λ n
where we expressed the vector Qn as
N −1
Qn = pnµ tµ (3.12)
and used the properties of the transformation eq. (3.10). Employing the
method of completing squares the integral yields
π 2 1
I(a1 b1 . . . az bz ) = exp σnn an an bn · bn
βλ 4
λ=1 n>n
3 z
π 2
= exp(σnn an an bn bn )
λ=1 n>n
−σnn 2 −σnn 2
exp an an bn exp an an bn (3.13)
2 2
with the abbreviation pnλ pn λ
σnn = 2 (3.14)
Refined Resonating Group Model & Standard Neutron Cross Sections 19
and taking into account eq. (3.6). Expanding the exponentials into a power
series and ordering the terms in the form of eq. (3.9) yields the final re-
sult [16], [4]
N −1
3 z
π 2 lj !
Γl1 m1 ...lz mz = ·
βλ Clj mj
λ=1 j=1
z gnn +hnn +knn
1 σnn
· (− )hnn +knn (3.15)
gnn !hnn !knn !
gnn hnn ,knn n>n
The sums over gnn , hnn , knn run over all possible combinations of nonneg-
ative integers, which fulfill the following relations for n = 1, . . . , z
(gnn + hnn + knn + gn n + hn n + kn n ) = ln (3.16a)
(hnn − hn n + kn n − knn ) = mn . (3.16b)
Eq. (3.16 a) results from comparing the exponent of an in eq. (3.13) and
eq. (3.9), whereas eq. (3.16 b) results from that of bn . In these relations
gnn = hnn = knn = 0 if n ≤ n . If there are more than two angular mo-
menta different from zero, e.g. more than 2 clusters, eqs. (3.16) allow many
solutions, which have to be found by trial and error. Starting from group
theoretical considerations, Stöwe [19] developed a general scheme to find all
solutions, which is realized in a very efficient Fortran program. Since the
solution of eqs. (3.16) is independent of the permutation and the width pa-
rameters used to describe cluster internal and cluster relative wave functions,
it need only be done once.
With this formalism we can now calculate each individual overlap matrix
element from eq. (3.15) using eqs. (3.7, 3.10 - 3.12, 3.14 and 3.16). Straight-
forward extensions cover potentials, whose spatial form is a linear combina-
tion of products of Gaussian functions, solid spherical harmonics and powers
of r 2 . In case of a Gaussian radial dependence, this dependence has to be
put into the construction of the matrix ρµµ in eq. (3.4), which then modifies
the transformation Tµλ in eq. (3.10) and hence also the diagonal elements βλ
(eq. (3.11)) and the final coefficients σnn (eq. (3.14)). Forces containing ex-
plicitly a solid spherical harmonic, like the tensor force, are taken care of by
20 H.M. Hofmann
r 2l = (−1)m Ylm (r)Yl−m (r) (3.17)
2l + 1
to the reduced one. Here ψ JM denotes a single term in the total wave
function eq. (2.12) allowing for the various fragmentations, the possible
different components of the internal wave function eq. (2.36) and the various
square integrable functions ψ in eq. (2.12). The wave function ψ JM consists
of spatial and spin (-isospin) part according to
ψ JM = (LmSσ|JM )ψ Lm (space)ψ Sσ (spin − isospin) (3.20)
where the coupling of the total orbital angular momentum L and the total
spin S of the nucleons is explicitly given by the Clebsch-Gordan coefficient
(LmSσ|JM ). Using Racah algebra the matrix elements eq. (3.19) can be
expressed in terms of reduced matrix elements for fixed interacting particles
i and j and a given rank of the interaction k [20]
Mijk = < ψ J M (−1)P (−1)q P wij O ST
(kq)wij (k, −q) ψ JM >
= δJJ δM M (−1)L+2S+S −J · (−1)P
L S k
<L O
P wij (k) L >< S ST
P wij (k) S> (3.21)
where LS LS Jk is a 6j-coefficient. Equation (3.21) has to be evaluated for
all permutations by employing the symmetry of the orbital wave function.
We will sum the spin-isospin matrix elements over all permutations, which
yield the same orbital matrix.
In nuclear physics the spin-isospin operators wij ST are products of the isospin
operators 1 = identity resp. τi ·τj with the spin operators 1 (norm and central
potential), σi · σj (central potential), (σi + σj )q the spherical component
q (spin-orbit potential), and σiq σjq (tensor potential). According to eq.
(3.21), we have to calculate the reduced spin-isospin matrix element. Using
Refined Resonating Group Model & Standard Neutron Cross Sections 23
S4 S3
S4 2 2
S2 1 1
S1 1
where the decompostion into clusters reflects the symmetry of the spatial
wave functions in bra and ket. In the example of a dc-symbol given above, the
fact that particle numbers are conserved so that they can just be exchanged
from a cluster in the bra (ket) into all clusters in the ket (bra) is taken care
of by the sum of the entries in a row (column) being equal to the number of
nucleons in that cluster. There is a one-to-one correspondence of dc-symbols
and double cosets [22], therefore we can use the dc-symbol to construct a
permutation characteristic of the double coset. For this we write the digits
1 to N row-wise into the dc-symbol, as many digits as indicated per site,
and then read this scheme column-wise. Writing the digits found in this
procedure below the digits 1 to N in natural order we find a permutation
representing the double coset. In our example this will read
S4 S3
S4 12 34 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
=⇒ = Pdc (3.25)
S2 5 6 1 2 5 7 3 4 6
S1 7
We can now interpret this result: There is at least one permutation in the
double coset, maybe the one given, which maps the spin functions in the ket
onto those of the bra. The entries in (3.24) indicate how many of the particles
are exchanged from the cluster given on the left side into the cluster started
above by the permutation. Note that exchanging particles and permuting
wave functions are inverse operations to each other. To construct the dc-
symbol from the permutation, we write the digits 1 to N in natural order
and group them according to S4 × S2 × S1 , i.e. 1234 56 7 and then group
the second line of the Pdc in (3.25) according to S4 × S3 , i.e. 1257 346 and
ask how many digits in the various combinations of clusters in bra and ket
Refined Resonating Group Model & Standard Neutron Cross Sections 25
agree. For example the 7 in cluster 3 of the bra agrees with the 7 in cluster
1 of the ket.
where we have omitted the group configurations for convenience. The above
example shows that also interacting particles 6(= Pdc (4)) and 4 would yield
the same orbital matrix element. We sum the spin matrix elements belonging
to these two terms. Thus we arrived at a classification scheme for matrix
elements of any two body interaction in terms of 2-point dc-symbols, over
which the sum in eq. (3.23) runs. The above classification scheme can be
extended easily to one-body or three-body interactions.
where jL (kr) is a spherical Bessel function [15] and rj denotes the coordinate
of the particle j with respect to the center-of-mass. Expanding the plane
wave into spherical harmonics [20] we convert the operator wj (LM ) into
wj (LM ) = L
YLM (k̂)eik·rj dk̂ (3.28)
with Q0 = r P (j) being the coordinate of the interacting particle, after the
permutation P has been applied. The generating integral eq. (3.8) is easily
generalized to
˜ 1 b1 . . . az bz ) =
ds1 . . . dsN −1 exp − µµ sµ sµ + an bn · Qn + ikQ0 (3.30)
µµ n=1
yielding by expansion again the expression (3.9). Now the generating integral
I˜ can be calculated directly and comparing like terms we find the desired
integrals Γ̃. Following along the lines of eqs. (3.10 - 3.12) we find
˜ 1 b1 . . . az bz ) =
dt1 . . . dtN −1 exp − βλ tλ − tλ · pnλ an bn + ikwoλ
λ n=1
Refined Resonating Group Model & Standard Neutron Cross Sections 27
The integral is solved in the usual way by completing squares. Since the
function e−z is holomorphic the path of integration can be chosen arbitrarily,
N −1
N −1
π 2 1
˜ 1 b1 . . . az bz ) =
I(a exp an bn pnλ + iwoλ k .
βλ 4βλ n=1
λ=1 λ=1
Expanding the square in the exponent, we find a result analogous to eq.
N −1
2 2
˜ 1 b1 . . . az bz ) = & π 2 exp − woλ k ·
I(a βλ 4βλ
σnn 2 σnn 2
exp(σnn an an bn bn ) exp(− 2 an an bn ) exp(− 2 an an bn )
· (3.34)
exp(iar γr br · k)
All the exponents in eq. (3.34) are again expanded in a power series. For
the terms (br · k)dr eq. (3.5) is used, yielding
N& 3
2 2
2 woλ k
˜ 1 b1 . . . az bz ) =
I(a π
exp − 4β · g
βλ λ nn hnn knn dr er
Comparing like terms in both power series analogous to eq. (3.9) yields the
28 H.M. Hofmann
final result.
N& 3
2 k2
2 woλ lj !
Γ̃l1 m1 ...lz mz = π
βλ exp − 4β λ Clj mj
λ=1 j=1
−dr ≤ er ≤ dr (3.38c)
dn = ln ,
en = mn ,
gnn = hnn = knn = 0 for n, n = 1, . . . z . (3.40)
Summing eqs. (3.38a) and (3.38b) over n yields two other equations, re-
stricting the choice for dn and en :
ln = dn + 2 (gnn + hnn + knn ) (3.41a)
n n nn
mn = en (3.41b)
n n
Refined Resonating Group Model & Standard Neutron Cross Sections 29
To solve eqs. (3.38) we now start from the solution (3.40) and look for
all combinations of en , which fulfill eq. (3.38c) and (3.41b). For each
such combination (dn en ) we solve (3.38a) and (3.38b) like eqs. (3.16) and
then start with a new dn combination till all combinations (d1 , d2 , . . . dz ) ∈
(0, . . . , l1 )⊗· · ·⊗(0, . . . , lz ) have been tried. Some further conditions allow to
restrict the choice of (dn , en ) combinations appreciably, e.g. from eq. (3.41a)
we deduce that the sum of all dn is even (odd) if the sum ln is even (odd).
What remains to be done is to integrate over the angles of the vector k
according to eq. (3.28) leading to integrals of the form
τ= dk̂YLM (k̂) idr Ydr er (k) (3.42)
4πiL r=1
Because of the above condition these integrals are always real. By combining
successively two spherical harmonics to one [20], the integrals can be reduced
to Clebsch-Gordan coefficients and trivial factors yielding
m (2dm + 1)
τ = (−1)M i r dr −L k j dj
(2L + 1)(4π)z−1
· (ds es ps−1 µs−1 |ps µs )(ds 0ps−1 0|ps 0)
p1 ,...,pz−1 s=2
max 2dk − dj , 0 ≤ L ≤ dj . (3.44)
j=1 j=1
In order to determine the reaction matrix amn from eq. (2.24) and eq. (2.31)
we need the matrix elements of H̃ between regular and irregular Coulomb
functions. Hence, we need matrix elements of Ĥ, eq. (2.18 - 2.19) between
FL , G̃L and Γν , respectively. Since FL and GL are not square-integrable
functions, some care is necessary. In the discussion below eq. (2.41), FL and
GL , but obviously not G̃L , had to be solutions to the point-Coulomb Hamil-
tonian, or to the total Hamiltonian for large separation of the fragments
so that the identity operator from the antisymmetrizer between fragments
could not lead to infinite contributions. Hence, one has to correct for the
fact that G̃L is not a solution in just this case.
All matrix elements of Ĥ, containing FL in the ket can be calculated using
the expansion coefficients determined from eq. (4.2). Using eq. (2.29) the
only critical matrix elements are < G̃|Ĥ|G̃ > and < Γk |Ĥ|G̃ >. Operating
with the r.h.s. of eq. (2.41) onto G̃L we find that the regularisation factor TL
can be factored out from all terms except the kinetic energy of the relative
motion. Hence, it suffices to consider this term in detail.
where the first term is already taken care of by g being a solution to the
point-Coulomb Hamiltonian and the ’ denotes derivation with respect to r.
34 H.M. Hofmann
Taking into account eq. (4.2) we can write in the obvious notation
< G̃|H|G̃ > = gm gn < χm |Ĥ|χn > −
−C (GT )2 dr (4.5)
Note that the point Coulomb contribution has to be taken out of < χm |Ĥ|χn >.
The correction terms of eqs. (4.5) and (4.6) sometimes exceed the expansion
terms appreciably.
Now we have all the necessary ingredients to calculate the reactance ma-
trix amn according to eq. (2.31). Since the Hamiltonian is symmetric, the
eigenvalues ν , eq. (2.16), are real and therefore depending on the number of
expansion functions χν there are certain energies E for which the denomina-
tor in eq. (2.21) or (2.31) vanishes. It is easy to convince oneself, that this
factor is cancelled against a corresponding one in the numerator, see also
ref. [2]. There could be a slight numerical problem, if the energy E is too
close to one of the eigenvalues ν , due to division by a very small number or
even zero. This difficulty can, however, be overcome quite easily by omitting
the corresponding eigenvector Γν , or by reducing the number of expansion
functions just by one, so changing the eigenvalues ν slightly.
It can, however, not be excluded that accidentally the denominator in eqs.
(2.21) or (2.31) becomes zero, without the existence of a physical resonance.
Therefore it is argued [32, 33] that using a variational principle for e.g. the S-
matrix, i.e. using complex scattering functions, this problem can be avoided.
This might be true in practice, but there exist counter examples [34].
Since the position of the pole depends also on the regularization parameter
β0 , these accidental poles can always be avoided by changing β0 , a procedure
which needs only a small amount of computing time, compared to the calcu-
Refined Resonating Group Model & Standard Neutron Cross Sections 35
lation of the matrix elements as described in chapter 3.1. Also the measures
taken to avoid division by a small number, discussed above, can be used.
Following along the general lines discussed in [5] it is possible to construct
various variational principles, out of which the described K-matrix, K −1 -
matrix or the S-matrix, are just certain limiting cases. One can show that
for all these different cases the matrix elements calculated so far suffice and
it is only necessary to form the proper linear combinations [35]. So one could
just use different methods to avoid spurious resonances. How to calculate
the S-matrix and search for the complex energy poles of the S-matrix is
described in [8].
Table 1: Comparison of experimental and calculated total binding energies and relative
thresholds (in MeV) for the various potential models used.
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 keV
Figure 3: Comparison of the ENDF/B 3 He(n,p) cross section and calculations employing
AV18 in the small model space (av18), adding negative parity distortion channels (av18n),
for the large model space (av18-l) and adding negative parity distortion channels (av18n-l).
yielding the binding energy of - 1.921 MeV, whereas for 3 He and triton,
we use an analogue to [42] for two model spaces, 29 and 35 dimensional,
called small and large, respectively. For the triton AV18 yields -7.068 and
-7.413 MeV binding energy, respectively, falling short of the experimental
datum of -8.481 MeV. Adding the TNI improves the binding energies to
-7.586 MeV and -8.241 MeV respectively, see table 1. The binding energy
of the deuteron could be easily improved, but then the threshold energies
deteriorate and thus yield worse results. All the Gaussian width parameters
were obtained by a non-linear optimization using a genetic algorithm [43] for
the combination of AV18 and Urbana IX. The model space described above
(consisting of four to ten physical scattering channels for each Jπ ) is by no
means sufficient to find reasonable results. So-called distortion or pseudo-
inelastic channels [3] have to be added to improve the description of the wave
function within the interaction region. Accordingly, the distortion channels
have no asymptotic part. For practical purposes it is obvious to re-use some
of the already calculated matrix elements as additional distortion channels.
In that way we include all the positive parity states of the three-nucleon
subsystems with Jπ3 ≤ 5/2+ in our calculation. However, it was recently
pointed out by A. Fonseca [44] that states having a negative parity J− 3 in the
38 H.M. Hofmann
90 av18n-l
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 MeV
Figure 4: Comparison of the 0+ triton-proton phase shifts from the R-matrix analysis
(crosses) and calculations employing AV18 in the small model space (av18), adding neg-
ative parity distortion channels (av18n), for the large model space (av18-l) and adding
negative parity distortion channels (av18n-l).
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 MeV
Figure 5: As fig. 4, but R-matrix results (crosses) are compared to the full NN-calculation
(av18), adding UIX (av18u) and adding V∗3 (av18uv).
Since the 3 He(n,p) data at higher energy are usually deduced via detailed
balance from the more easily accessible 3 H(p,n) reaction we display in the
following the results of a few calculations. In fig. 6 the results for the Bonn
potential and a semi-realistic one, which will be used later on on the 6 Li(n,t)
reaction, are compared to data and the R-matrix analysis. At forward and
backward angles large discrepancies between data and calculation are visible.
In fig. 7 we change from using the Bonn potential to the Argonne AV18.
Obviously the calculations reproduce the data much better. Again the cal-
culation employing the smallest model space is by far the best, missing the
data only close to the minimum around 90 degrees. Additional three-nucleon
forces do not improve the situation. Considering the fact that the calcula-
tions start ab initio from NN- and NNN-potentials the agreement between
data, R-matrix analysis, and microscopic calculation is remarkably good. At
the time being, any extension to heavier nuclei using the above forces fails
due to lack of computing power.
100 3 3
H(p,n) He
0 90 180
Figure 6: Differential cross section of the reaction 3 H(p,n)3 He calculated for Ecm = 3.0
MeV. The data are for 4.101 MeV protons from Perry. The full line represents the R-matrix
analysis, the dashed one the full calculation using the Bonn potential, the dot-dashed one
the small calculation, and the dotted one the semi-realistic calculation. The open circles
denote the full calculation with the 3 P2 matrix element replaced by the corresponding
R-matrix one, for details see [38].
around 2.40 MeV neutron energy [45]. An RGM calculation using realistic
NN-forces is no more feasible. Even a calculation using a semi-realistic poten-
tial form [26] poses a major task, due to the many possible fragmentations,
like 4 He-3 H and 6 Li-n for the standard reaction, but additional fragmen-
tations 6 Li (excited)-n, 5 He-d and 5 Li-(nn) [45] are necessary to reproduce
the position of the 52 -resonance reasonably well [46, 26]. The the first task
is to determine the internal wave functions of all fragments together with
the excited states such that the many thresholds are reproduced reasonably
well. As all effective forces share a reduced core, they tend to overbind, in
case the model space is increased by using more and more width parame-
ters or configurations with internal orbital angular momenta. Therefore any
such calculation is a compromise between reproducing the size of the various
fragments, the relative threshold energies and the total binding energy of the
− −
system, in this case the 7 Li ground state 32 and first excited state 12 , well
below the 4 He - 3 H threshold. Increasing the model space too far, leads to
overbinding and to tiny fragments, reducing the binding energy might yield
too large fragments and then too strong interactions at low energies. Typ-
Refined Resonating Group Model & Standard Neutron Cross Sections 41
140 perry
120 av18n
100 av18n-l
0 30 60 90 120 150 180
Figure 7: As fig. 6, but data and R-matrix results (crosses) are compared and calcula-
tions employing AV18 in the small model space (av18), adding negative parity distortion
channels (av18n), for the large model space (av18-1) and adding negative parity distortion
channels (av18n-1).
ical examples for the charge conjugate system 7 Be are given in [47]. The
potential is described in [26]. What can be achieved for the corresponding
elastic scattering 6 Li(n,n) is displayed in fig. 8, taken from [48].
It should be noted, however, that this effective potential overbinds neutron
halo nuclei, like 6 He and 8 He [49].
To cure this problem a realistic NN interaction has to be used for the NN-
P-wave configurations, see [49], whereas for the positive parities still the
effective force [26] with the reduced core is taken. A calculation using this
potential also in the 7 Li-system is under way, see [50].
5.3 The B System
The next heavier standard neutron cross sections are 10 B(n,α)7 Li and
10 B(n,α, γ)7 Li from thermal energies to 250 keV. As can be seen from the
energies of light nuclei [51] there are many resonances in the compound
system 11 B close to the 10 B-n threshold. There are already many channels
open, like 10 Be-p, 8 Be - 3 H, and 7 Li - 4 He together with the first excited state,
and furthermore the 11 B nucleus has many particle stable states below the
42 H.M. Hofmann
The technical limitations fall into several classes. The most obvious one
is the number of particles. Depending on the cluster structure the double
coset classification of chapter 3 is feasible on modern workstations up to 12 or
even 16 particles, as long as only the highest orbital symmetry is considered.
In case of lower symmetries playing an essential role, which means that the
number of clusters is increased, the maximum number is around 12. A typical
example for such cases are the neutron-halo nuclei like 11 Li and 11 Be, which
can be described by α−3 H−n − n − (nn) and α − α − n − n − n configurations
respectively. Larger nuclei can be much better described in the framework of
the Generator coordinate method [53, 3], where shell-model techniques can
be utilised to reduce the calculation of A-body matrix elements to 2-body
matrix elements.
Another obvious limitation is the expansion of the bound state wave func-
tion in terms of Gaussians. Even though the number of width parameters
may be chosen quite high, the asymptotic behaviour is never that of an ex-
ponential function. Hence, if the bound state wave function is needed far
beyond the root-mean-square radius, like in the radiative capture at very low
energies, approaches where the asymptotic form of the wave function can be
utilised [54, 55] are preferable. These methods, however, have to solve the
integro-differential equations and therefore have to calculate the kernels, so
far by hand or computer algebra and are therefore restricted to mostly 2-,
at most 3-cluster systems.
A further limitation lies in the expansion of the scattering wave function in
the interaction region in terms of Gaussian functions. Since the Gaussians
are all centered at the origin, they will become numerically dependent if too
many of them are used. On the other side if the kinetic energy becomes
higher and higher more and more zeros of the relative motion wave function
move into the interaction region, thus requiring more and more Gaussians. In
model studies we found numerically stable sets of Gaussians for up to three
zeros. In principle one could use eq. (3.17) and multiply the Gaussians
by even powers of r. In model studies this procedure works quite well in
practical calculations, however, the following limitations do not allow to
reach such an energy range.
With increasing energy usually the number of open channels increases rapidly.
The diagonalisation of the resulting large matrices can be done easily. The
threshold energies, however, are no more well reproduced, introducing some
uncertainties. Furthermore, near thresholds the numerical procedures tend
44 H.M. Hofmann
This work would not have been possible without the dedicated effort of many
diploma and Ph.D. students, contributing in various ways. The financial
support of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and the BMBF is greatfully
Refined Resonating Group Model & Standard Neutron Cross Sections 45
[1] J. A. Wheeler, Phys. Rev. 52 (1937) 1083-1106 and 1107-1122
[2] H. H. Hackenbroich, in: The Nuclear Many Body Problem, (F. Calogero
and C. Cioffi degli Atti, eds.) pp 706-747, Editrice Compositori, Bologna
M. Herman∗
The status and contents of the Reference Input Parameter Library
(RIPL) are summarised. This input library provides an extensive
database of model parameters for theoretical calculations of nuclear
reactions. It was developed to facilitate use of reaction codes and in-
crease the accuracy of theoretical predictions.
Parameters for Nuclear Reaction Calculations – (RIPL-2) 51
1 Introduction
Increased use of nuclear reaction theory for predicting cross sections, spectra,
and angular distributions, as required for a large variety of applications, is
an important trend in the evaluation of neutron and charged-particle nuclear
data. The model codes offer important advantages such as ensuring internal
consistency of the data by preserving the energy balance and the coherence of
the partial cross sections with the total or the reaction cross sections. These
features are essential for transport calculations. In addition, theoretical cal-
culations represent the only approach that can fill gaps in the experimental
results and predict data for unstable nuclei. Nuclear astrophysics and the
design of Accelerator Driven Systems are typical applications that depend
strongly on theoretical calculations.
With recent formulation of nuclear reaction models (triple-integral form
of the statistical model [1], quantum mechanical Multistep Direct and Mul-
tistep Compound [2, 3, 4]) and existing approaches to direct reactions, nu-
clear reaction theory is believed to be in a position to meet most of the
requirements for practical applications. The major sources of uncertainty
are, the input parameters needed to perform theoretical calculations, in-
cluding nuclear masses, deformations, nuclear levels and their decay charac-
teristics, γ-strength functions, neutron resonances and level densities, optical
model parameters, and fission barriers. The IAEA has addressed these needs
through a Coordinated Research Project on the Reference Input Parameter
Library (RIPL), which involves the difficult task of collecting, evaluating
and recommending the vast amounts of various nuclear parameters. RIPL is
targeted at users of nuclear reaction codes and, in particular, at nuclear data
evaluators. The first phase of the project was completed in 1999, with the
production of a Starter File and related documentation [5]. A second phase
of the project was initiated in 1999 to test the RIPL-1 database and produce
interfaces between RIPL and commonly used nuclear reaction codes.
Substantial improvements and extensions to the original database have
been made, resulting in a more accurate and reliable library. All files se-
lected for RIPL-2 have been prepared in the unified RIPL-2 format, which
facilitates their use in the reaction codes. The RIPL-2 library is expected
to be released in July 2002. The contents of the RIPL-2 library are out-
lined below, with possible improvements that could be made to the current
database through new measurements at the SNS.
52 M. Herman
2 Contents of RIPL-2
2.1 Segment 1: MASSES
The mass segment contains basic ground state properties of nuclei, along
with two theoretical predictions of masses and deformations. On the basis
of the Hartree-Fock-Bogolubov (HFB) theory, a 10-parameter Skyrme force,
along with a 4-parameter delta-function pairing force (with blocking for odd
nuclei) and a 3-parameter Wigner term, was fitted to all 1888 measured
masses of nuclei with N and Z ≥ 8. The second file contains predictions
obtained within the Finite Range Droplet Model (FRDM) [6]. The atomic
mass excesses and nuclear ground-state deformations are tabulated for 8979
nuclei ranging from 16 O to A=339. These calculations are based on the
finite-range droplet macroscopic model and the folded-Yukawa single-particle
microscopic model. The most recent evaluated experimental masses by Audi
and Wapstra [7] are included as a separate column. A third possibility is
provided by a subroutine implementing the Duflo-Zuker formula [8] for nu-
clear masses in which, the nuclear Hamiltonian is separated into a monopole
term and a residual multipole term. The monopole term is responsible for
saturation and single-particle properties, and is fitted phenomenologically
while the multipole part is derived from realistic interactions. The latest
version of the mass formula made of 10 free parameters reproduces the 1950
experimental masses above 4 He with an rms error of 574 keV.
RIPL-2 also provides natural abundancies according to the Wallet Cards
and HFB matter densities. The data are necessary for calculation of optical
model parameters within the semi-microscopic approach (code MOM) in
segment 4.
user library, and a total of 5 dispersive optical potentials for incident neu-
trons. Additions to the OMP library were made including new potentials
from JENDL and from the Chinese Nuclear Data Center, as well as several
new potentials from Bruyeres and Los Alamos. The new global potential for
neutrons and protons from Koning and Delaroche [10] was incorporated, as
were the new dispersive potentials from Capote. Where there are not enough
experimental data to define phenomenological OM parameters, one has to
resort either to global parameterizations or to new microscopic approaches.
The semi-microscopic model developed at Bruyeres is now part of the OM
segment, incorporating a revised version of the MOM code which relies on
the Jeukenne, Lejeune, and Mahaux nuclear matter approach.
A compilation of 1708 deformation parameters (β 2 and β 3 ) for collective
levels has been retrieved from the JENDL-3.2 evaluations, ENSDF and lit-
erature to be used in direct reaction calculations. These deformations are in
addition to those provided explicitly for the Coupled-Channels potentials in
the OMP library.
A revised version of the Back Shifted Fermi Gas (BSFG) model parameters
was prepared by the Obninsk group to be consistent with both the recom-
mended RIPL-2 neutron resonance parameters and the evaluated parameters
of the recommended low-lying levels. The new BSFG systematics developed
by the Brussels group is consistent with the recommended RIPL-2 neutron
resonance parameters, and will be included in the RIPL-2 TECDOC. The
Gilbert-Cameron (GC) and Generalized Super-fluid Model (GSM) parame-
ters were revised by the Obninsk group in accordance with changes in the
RIPL-2 resonance segment. The microscopic HF-BCS calculations of the nu-
clear level densities are based on the realistic microscopic single-particle level
scheme [11] determined within the HF-BCS mass model obtained with the
MSk7 Skyrme force, and were supplied by Goriely and made available from
the RIPL-2 library. Also, the single-particle schemes used in the HF-BCS
calculations were provided by the Brussels group. In addition, the FRDM
single-particle schemes are included as corresponding to the accepted FRDM
mass table.
Parameters for Nuclear Reaction Calculations – (RIPL-2) 55
the QRPA strength distribution to take the damping of the collective motion
into account. In the case of deformed nuclei, a phenomenological splitting
of the QRPA resonance strength is performed in the folding procedure. The
resulting E1-strength function is found to be in close agreement with photo-
absorption data as well as the available experimental E1 strength at low
A theory-supported practical approach, based on a micro-canonical de-
scription of initial states (modified Lorentzian (MLO)) for the calculation
of the dipole radiative strength function, was compared with experimental
data as well as with the SLO end EGLO models, and included in the library.
The strength functions for other multi-polarities will be carried over from
MeV). The present ETFSI compilation includes 2301 nuclei with 78≤Z≤120.
Their masses range from slightly neutron deficient to very neutron rich nuclei
(close to the calculated neutron drip line) up to A = 318. For each nucleus
a maximum of two barriers are given (”inner” and ”outer”). In addition to
these calculated barriers, the deformation parameters at the corresponding
saddle points are also included. The nuclear shapes are limited to axially
symmetrical deformations.
The ETFSI fission barriers are complemented with nuclear level densities
(NLD) at the fission saddle points [22] for some 2300 nuclei with 78≤Z≤120.
At each saddle point, the NLD is estimated within the statistical partition
function approach. The NLD calculation is based on the realistic microscopic
single-particle level scheme [11] determined by means of the HF-BCS mass
model obtained with the MSk7 Skyrme force. For each saddle point, the
single-particle level scheme is calculated consistently by the HF-BCS model
constrained on the corresponding quadrupole, octupole and hexadecapole
moments. The same pairing strength (within the constant-G approxima-
tion) is used as for the NLD calculation at the ground-state equilibrium
deformation (segment 5). No damping of the collective effects at increas-
ing excitation energies is considered. The NLD for nuclei with left-right
asymmetric fission barriers is increased by a factor of 2.
3 Testing
Tests have been performed on the optical, resonance and levels segments. A
number of misprints and erroneous coding have been detected and corrected.
Several RIPL participants tested the preliminary version of the levels
database by using the data in calculations. A new simple test was worked
out for checking nuclear temperature (T) derived from the analysis of cumu-
lative plots of discrete levels, yielding temperature values which are remark-
ably similar to the T(A) function obtained in the global fitting procedure.
Ignatyuk tested the performance of the T(A) function by comparing the
results with the temperature obtained by Gilbert and Cameron; he found
reasonable agreement and recommended the use of T(A) in cases for which
no direct estimation is possible. Herman has extensively tested Nmax values
for nearly 500 nuclei using the Gilbert-Cameron procedure and level densi-
ties specific to the EMPIRE code. Perfect fits were obtained for about 50%
of all analyzed cases, fair agreement was found for about 25%, and poor for
the remaining 25%. The quality of the fit depends on the model used for
58 M. Herman
level densities. No formatting errors were detected while reading files with
discrete levels.
Global testing of the RIPL-2 database has been performed in three sep-
arate exercises. Large numbers of nuclear reaction cross sections were calcu-
lated by means of the nuclear model codes EMPIRE-II, UNF and TALYS.
Herman performed calculations for the most important neutron-induced re-
actions on 22 targets from 40 Ca up to 208 Pb in the energy range from 1 keV
up to 20 MeV. The 2-17-beta version of the statistical model code EMPIRE-
II has been used with all default parameters except those differentiating the
3 series of runs. In all cases TUL MSD and Heidelberg MSC models were
used for pre-equilibrium emission of neutrons, and exciton model (DEGAS)
for pre-equilibrium emission of protons and γs. These studies were comple-
mented with Hauser-Feshbach calculations including widths fluctuations at
incident energies below 5 MeV (HRTW model). The results were converted
into ENDF-6 format and compared with experimental data available from
the EXFOR library. Three sets of calculations were performed in order to
test new levels segment, Koning’s global optical potential and HF-BCS level
densities. No problems were encountered while processing the new RIPL-2
files, which indicates that the files are formally correct. Comparison with
experimental data shows reasonable overall agreement for most of the calcu-
lations. There is a clear indication that calculations using the new RIPL-2
files fit experimental data better than those with default EMPIRE-II param-
eters, which demonstrates the improvements brought about by RIPL-2. The
HF-BCS microscopic level densities were found to perform comparably to the
phenomenological level densities and in some cases even better. However,
significant discrepancies among the results of the three sets of calculations
were observed in a number of cases. These findings illustrate the importance
of the model parameters and prove the practical usefulness of the RIPL-2
library for basic research and applications. The second exercise was carried
out by the Beijing group, using the recently developed UNF code to study
103 nuclei from the mass region 69-160 in the incident energy range from
0.1 to 20 MeV. All input parameters were taken from the RIPL database.
Agreement with the experimental data was found to be very good for total
and elastic cross sections (within 3%). For other main reaction channels,
calculations reproduced the shape, but some parameter adjustments were
necessary in order to fit the absolute cross sections. TALYS calculations
were performed for various neutron-induced reactions on 5 isotopes from
52 Cr to 208 Pb. Default input parameters originated from RIPL-2. This
Parameters for Nuclear Reaction Calculations – (RIPL-2) 59
4 Code Interfaces
The work on interfaces between selected nuclear model codes and RIPL-
2 segments has been facilitated by the standard RIPL-2 format. The two
optical model codes (ECIS and SCAT2) and two statistical model codes
(EMPIRE-II and UNF) use RIPL-2 library to a significant extent. Interface
codes preparing inputs for ECIS and SCAT2 have been written by Young
and is available in the optical segment.
The statistical model code UNF (PR China) makes use of RIPL optical
potentials, masses, levels, level densities and GDR parameters. EMPIRE-II
accesses RIPL-2 database directly and retrieves optical model parameters,
discrete levels and microscopic level densities (HF-BCS). Built-in system-
atics for GDR parameters and prescriptions for γ-strength functions follow
RIPL-2 recommendations. EMPIRE-II library of masses and ground state
deformations is numerically identical to the mass-frdm.dat in the mass seg-
ment of RIPL-2. TALYS uses a dedicated format for the input parameter
library but numerical data are based on RIPL-2.
An interface code (OM-RETRIEVE) is provided to generate input files
for SCAT2000 and ECIS96 from the OMP library. Utility codes for editing
and summarizing the OMP library content are also available.
5 Conclusions
The RIPL-2 library is close to completion, with public release expected in
July 2002. Users of reaction codes will benefit considerably from the gener-
ation of a complete and consistent set of starting parameters to give sensible
results for cross sections and spectra. However, RIPL-2 should be further ex-
tended and continuously updated in order to retain the relevance and value
of the library to the users. At the recent co-ordination meeting in Vienna,
December 2001, the CRP participants discussed possible improvements of
the current project and formulated recommendations for further activities.
These finding are summarized below:
60 M. Herman
6 Participants
The following scientists contributed to the RIPL-2 library: T. Belgya (IIS-
CCR, Budapest, Hungary), O. Bersillon (Bruyres-le-Chtel, France), R. Capote
(NCEADNC, Havana , Cuba), T. Fukahori (JAERI, Tokai-mura, Japan),
S. Goriely (Univ. of Brussels, Belgium), M. Herman (IAEA, Vienna, Aus-
tria), A. V. Ignatyuk (IPPE, Obninsk, Russia), S. Kailas (Bhabha, Trombay-
Mumbai, India), A. Koning (Petten, Holland), P. Oblozinsk (BNL, Brookhaven,
USA), V. Plujko (Univ. of Kiev, Ukraine), P. G. Young (LANL, Los Alamos,
USA), Ge Zhigang (CNDC, Beijing, China).
62 M. Herman
[1] J. J. M. Verbaarschot, H. A. Weidenmueller, and M. R. Zirnbauer, Phys.
Rep. 129, 367 (1985).
[2] H. Feshbach, A. Kerman, and S. Koonin, Ann. Phys. 125, 429 (1980).
[3] T. Tamura, T. Udagawa, and H. Lenske, Phys. Rev. C26, 379 (1982).
[5] Handbook for calculations of nuclear reaction data: reference input pa-
rameter library (International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria,
1998, http://www-nds.iaea.or.at/ripl), No. IAEA-TECDOC-1034.
[11] S. Goriely, F. Tondeur, and J. Pearson, At. Data Nucl. Data Tables 77,
311 (2001).
[13] S. S. Dietrich and B. L. Berman, At. Data and Nucl. Data Tables 38,
199 (1988).
[14] Liu Jianfeng and Su Zongdi, Chinese J. Nucl. Phys. 17, 336 (1995).
[17] F.-K. Thielemann and M. Arnould, in Conf. on Nuclear Data for Sci-
ence and Technology, Antwerp, 6-10 September, 1982, edited by K.
Bockhoff (Reidel, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 1983), p. 762.
[18] S. Goriely and E. Khan, Nucl. Phys. A submitted for publication (2002).
A.L. Nichols∗
Neutron cross sections, fission yields and radionuclidic decay data represent the
input to the summation calculations used to determine the release of decay heat over
an extended period of time after reactor shutdown (i.e., following termination of
neutron-induced fission). Nuclear data requirements for these summation
calculations have been assessed, and a summary is given of their status. Associated
uncertainties are examined, and specific inadequacies explored.
Nuclear Data Requirements for Decay Heat Calculations 67
Neutron-induced fission within the fuel of a reactor core, and the subsequent
conversion of mass to energy constitutes a principal means of generating power. The
resulting energy arises from the following phenomena:
The last energy source contributes approximately 8% to 12% of the total energy
generated through the fission process, and is commonly referred to as “decay heat”.
The author has focused on the decay heat that continues to be generated after the
fission process has been terminated; the fission process is not considered directly,
and the reader is referred to a number of dedicated publications on this phenomenon
(Gönnenwein, 1991; Wagemans, 1991; Denschlag, 1997). The prompt sources of
energy decline rapidly when a reactor is shutdown, but radioactive decay continues to
heat the reactor core. Hence, coolant operation needs to be maintained after
termination of the fission process, on the basis of reliable decay-heat calculations.
Decay heat varies as a function of cooling time, and can be determined in theory
from known nuclear data, based on computations of the inventory of the resulting
radionuclides (primarily fission products, and actinides) created during the fission
process and after reactor shutdown, and their radioactive decay characteristics.
Decay heat has been reviewed in detail by others from a technical perspective and
also through the use of decay-heat equations as standards (ANS, 1979; Tobias, 1980;
GNS, 1990; Dickens et al, 1991; Tasaka et al, 1991); the reader is referred to these
publications for authorative assessments of the analytical procedures. Rather, the
author has focused on the basic nuclear data of relevance to the decay heat generated
in fission power-reactor systems, including the means of defining the initial
radioactive inventory of controlled nuclear fission and other modes of decay within
the core.
Cross-section, fission-yield and decay-data libraries are maintained for national and
international usage. While this article avoids recommending specific sources of such
data, Appendix A provides the reader with a brief summary of the means of
accessing the most relevant data files via the acquisition of CD-ROMs or through the
Internet. The latter method has become increasingly powerful, and provides the user
with an extremely rapid route to virtually all of the highest quality nuclear data.
68 A.L. Nichols
Several computer programs are commonly used to compute the changing inventory of
nuclides during reactor operation and at any time after shutdown (for example,
ORIGEN (Bell, 1973), FISP (Clarke, 1972; Tobias, 1978) and FISPIN (Burstall and
Thornton, 1977; Burstall, 1979). Fission-product yields for each fissioning nuclide
are used in conjunction with the effective group-averaged fission cross sections,
decay constants and mean alpha, beta and gamma energy releases to calculate decay
heat. Thus, substantial quantities of data are required to determine core inventories
and define their decay characteristics. The nuclides listed in Tables 1, 2 and 3
represent the fission products, structurally-based activation products and actinides
(and their decay-chain nuclides) respectively, that would normally be included within
inventory calculations.
αi = ∑ ∑σ
a k =1
a ,k φ k N a (t ) Yai, k
where σ a,F k is the effective group-averaged fission cross section of actinide a in the kth
neutron group (of N groups i), φk is the neutron flux in the kth neutron group, Na(t) is
the number of atoms of fissile actinide a at time t of irradiation, and Yai,k represent
the independent yields for fission product i. A period of reactor operation may be
represented as a series of time steps in which time-dependent quantities are constant
for an individual step, but vary between steps.
N1 → N2 → N3 → ….... Ni → ……
with effective fission yields αi, decay constants λi per sec, and effective neutron-
capture cross sections σi cm2. The number of atoms Ni as a function of time is given
Nuclear Data Requirements for Decay Heat Calculations 69
( ) ( )
N 1 = − λ1 + σ 1 φ N 1 + α 1 F
where φ (n cm-2 s-1) is the effective neutron flux, and F is the fission rate (s-1)
( N 2 ) = − (λ 2 + σ 2 φ ) N 2 + α 2 F + γ 1 N 1
( )
( N i ) = − λi + σ i φ N i + α i F + γ i −1 N i −1
in which γi-1 = (ki-1)(λi-1) or (ki-1)(σi-1)φ, depending on the coupling between (i-1) and
i, and ki-1 is the relevant branching fraction. The set of equations represented by
(Ni) can be solved by either an analytical method or numerical integration.
( )
N Z , A = − λTZ , A N Z , A − N Z , A × σ ZA, A ( E ) φ ( E ) dE
+ N Z , A−1 × ∫ σ Zn ,,γA−1 ( E ) φ ( E ) dE
+ kα λαZ − 2, A+ 4 × N Z + 2, A+ 4
− +
+ k β − λ βZ −1, A N Z +1, A + k β + λ βZ +1, A N Z +1, A
70 A.L. Nichols
where σ i,Aj (E), σ i(,nj,γ ) (E) and σ i(,nj, 2 n ) (E) are the total neutron absorption, (n, γ) and
(n, 2n) cross sections respectively, at neutron energy E for a nuclide of atomic
− +
number i and mass number j; λαi, j , λi,β j , λi,β j , λTi, j are the alpha, negatron, positron
and total decay constants for the nuclide of atomic number i and mass number j; kα ,
k β − and k β + are the branching fractions for α, β - and β+ decay to nuclide Z, A; and
φ(E) is the neutron flux at neutron energy E. The coupling of the linear system of
first-order differential equations is complex, and they are normally solved by means
of numerical integration.
After reactor shutdown, the fission products and actinides formed during reactor
operation will undergo radioactive decay. The number of atoms at time t following
shutdown can be expressed as a series of equations:
N i = − λi N i + λi −1 N i −1
that are coupled in a much less complex manner after shutdown than for reactor
When the actinide and fission-product inventories have been calculated for the
specified conditions of reactor operation and subsequent cooling period, the decay
heat can be derived by summing the products of the nuclear activities in terms of the
mean alpha, beta and gamma energy releases per disintegration of that nuclide:
H α (t ) = ∑λ T
i N i (t ) Eαi
i =1
H β (t ) = ∑λ T
i N i (t ) E βi
i =1
H γ (t ) = ∑λ T
i N i (t ) Eγi
i =1
where Eαi , E βi and Eγi are the mean alpha, beta and gamma energy releases
respectively per disintegration of nuclide i; λTi is the total decay constant of nuclide i,
and Hα(t), Hβ(t) and Hγ(t) are the total alpha, beta and gamma decay heat respectively
at time t after reactor shutdown.
Nuclear Data Requirements for Decay Heat Calculations 71
The nuclear data requirements for decay-heat calculations can be determined from
the information given above:
Eαi , E βi , Eγi - mean alpha, beta and gamma energy releases per disintegration
of nuclide i.
72 A.L. Nichols
Table 1: Fission products (1038 nuclides) – representative listing for inventory calculations
1-H-1, H-2, H-3;
5-B-11, B-12;
7-N-14, N-15;
21-Sc-50, Sc-51;
27-Co-59, Co-60, Co-60m, Co-61, Co-62, Co-62m, Co-63, Co-64, Co-65, Co-66;
28-Ni-60, Ni-61, Ni-62, Ni-63, Ni-64, Ni-65, Ni-66, Ni-67, Ni-68, Ni-69;
29-Cu-63, Cu-64, Cu-65, Cu-66, Cu-67, Cu-68, Cu-68m, Cu-69, Cu-70, Cu-70m, Cu-71, Cu-
72, Cu-73, Cu-74, Cu-75, Cu-76, Cu-78;
30-Zn-64, Zn-65, Zn-66, Zn-67, Zn-68, Zn-69, Zn-69m, Zn-70, Zn-71, Zn-71m, Zn-72, Zn-
73, Zn-73m, Zn-74, Zn-75, Zn-76, Zn-77, Zn-77m, Zn-78, Zn-79, Zn-80;
31-Ga-67, Ga-68, Ga-69, Ga-70, Ga-71, Ga-72, Ga-72m, Ga-73, Ga-74, Ga-74m, Ga-75, Ga-
76, Ga-77, Ga-78, Ga-79, Ga-80, Ga-81, Ga-82, Ga-83, Ga-84;
32-Ge-70, Ge-71, Ge-71m, Ge-72, Ge-73, Ge-73m, Ge-74, Ge-75, Ge-75m, Ge-76, Ge-77,
Ge-77m, Ge-78, Ge-79, Ge-79m, Ge-80, Ge-81, Ge-81m, Ge-82, Ge-83, Ge-84, Ge-85, Ge-
33-As-72, As-73, As-74, As-75, As-75m, As-76, As-77, As-78, As-79, As-80, As-81, As-82,
As-82m, As-83, As-84, As-85, As-86, As-87, As-88;
Nuclear Data Requirements for Decay Heat Calculations 73
34-Se-74, Se-75, Se-76, Se-77, Se-77m, Se-78, Se-79, Se-79m, Se-80, Se-81, Se-81m, Se-82,
Se-83, Se-83m, Se-84, Se-85, Se-86, Se-87, Se-88, Se-89, Se-90, Se-91, Se-92;
35-Br-77, Br-77m, Br-78, Br-79, Br-79m, Br-80, Br-80m, Br-81, Br-82, Br-82m, Br-83, Br-
84, Br-84m, Br-85, Br-86, Br-87, Br-88, Br-89, Br-90, Br-91, Br-92, Br-93, Br-94;
36-Kr-79, Kr-80, Kr-81, Kr-81m, Kr-82, Kr-83, Kr-83m, Kr-84, Kr-85, Kr-85m, Kr-86, Kr-
87, Kr-88, Kr-89, Kr-90, Kr-91, Kr-92, Kr-93, Kr-94, Kr-95;
37-Rb-82, Rb-82m, Rb-83, Rb-84, Rb-84m, Rb-85, Rb-86, Rb-86m, Rb-87, Rb-88, Rb-89,
Rb-90, Rb-90m, Rb-91, Rb-92, Rb-93, Rb-94, Rb-95, Rb-96, Rb-97, Rb-98, Rb-99, Rb-100,
Rb-101, Rb-102;
38-Sr-84, Sr-85, Sr-85m, Sr-86, Sr-87, Sr-87m, Sr-88, Sr-89, Sr-90, Sr-91, Sr-92, Sr-93, Sr-
94, Sr-95, Sr-96, Sr-97, Sr-98, Sr-99, Sr-100, Sr-101, Sr-102;
39-Y-86, Y-86m, Y-87, Y-87m, Y-88, Y-89, Y-89m, Y-90, Y-90m, Y-91, Y-91m, Y-92, Y-
93, Y-93m, Y-94, Y-95, Y-96, Y-96m, Y-97, Y-97m, Y-98, Y-98m, Y-99, Y-100, Y-100m,
Y-101, Y-102, Y-103;
40-Zr-88, Zr-89, Zr-89m, Zr-90, Zr-90m, Zr-91, Zr-92, Zr-93, Zr-94, Zr-95, Zr-96, Zr-97,
Zr-98, Zr-99, Zr-100, Zr-101, Zr-102, Zr-103, Zr-104;
41-Nb-91, Nb-91m, Nb-92, Nb-92m, Nb-93, Nb-93m, Nb-94, Nb-94m, Nb-95, Nb-95m, Nb-
96, Nb-97, Nb-97m, Nb-98, Nb-98m, Nb-99, Nb-99m, Nb-100, Nb-100m, Nb-101, Nb-102,
Nb-102m, Nb-103, Nb-104, Nb-104m, Nb-105, Nb-106, Nb-107, Nb-108;
42-Mo-93, Mo-93m, Mo-94, Mo-95, Mo-96, Mo-97, Mo-98, Mo-99, Mo-100, Mo-101, Mo-
102, Mo-103, Mo-104, Mo-105, Mo-106, Mo-107, Mo-108, Mo-110;
43-Tc-96, Tc-96m, Tc-97, Tc-97m, Tc-98, Tc-99, Tc-99m, Tc-100, Tc-101, Tc-102, Tc-
102m, Tc-103, Tc-104, Tc-105, Tc-106, Tc-107, Tc-108, Tc-109, Tc-110, Tc-111, Tc-112;
44-Ru-98, Ru-99, Ru-100, Ru-101, Ru-102, Ru-103, Ru-103m, Ru-104, Ru-105, Ru-106,
Ru-107, Ru-108, Ru-109, Ru-109m, Ru-110, Ru-111, Ru-112, Ru-113, Ru-114;
45-Rh-101, Rh-101m, Rh-102, Rh-102m, Rh-103, Rh-103m, Rh-104, Rh-104m, Rh-105, Rh-
105m, Rh-106, Rh-106m, Rh-107, Rh-108, Rh-108m, Rh-109, Rh-110, Rh-110m, Rh-111,
Rh-112, Rh-113, Rh-114, Rh-114m, Rh-115, Rh-116, Rh-116m, Rh-117, Rh-119;
46-Pd-102, Pd-103, Pd-104, Pd-105, Pd-106, Pd-107, Pd-107m, Pd-108, Pd-109, Pd-109m,
Pd-110, Pd-111, Pd-111m, Pd-112, Pd-113, Pd-113m, Pd-114, Pd-115, Pd-116, Pd-117, Pd-
118, Pd-119, Pd-120, Pd-122;
47-Ag-106, Ag-106m, Ag-107, Ag-107m, Ag-108, Ag-108m, Ag-109, Ag-109m, Ag-110, Ag-
110m, Ag-111, Ag-111m, Ag-112, Ag-113, Ag-113m, Ag-114, Ag-114m, Ag-115, Ag-115m,
Ag-116, Ag-116m, Ag-117, Ag-117m, Ag-118, Ag-118m, Ag-119, Ag-120, Ag-120m, Ag-
121, Ag-122, Ag-122m, Ag-123, Ag-124, Ag-125;
74 A.L. Nichols
48-Cd-108, Cd-109, Cd-110, Cd-111, Cd-111m, Cd-112, Cd-113, Cd-113m, Cd-114, Cd-
115, Cd-115m, Cd-116, Cd-117, Cd-117m, Cd-118, Cd-119, Cd-119m, Cd-120, Cd-121, Cd-
121m, Cd-122, Cd-123, Cd-124, Cd-125, Cd-126, Cd-127, Cd-128, Cd-130;
49-In-111, In-111m, In-112, In-112m, In-113, In-113m, In-114, In-114m, In-115, In-115m,
In-116, In-116m, In-116n, In-117, In-117m, In-118, In-118m, In-118n, In-119, In-119m, In-
120, In-120m, In-121, In-121m, In-122, In-122m, In-123, In-123m, In-124, In-124m, In-125,
In-125m, In-126, In-126m, In-127, In-127m, In-128, In-128m, In-129, In-129m, In-130, In-
131, In-131m, In-132, In-133;
50-Sn-112, Sn-114, Sn-115, Sn-116, Sn-117, Sn-117m, Sn-118, Sn-119, Sn-119m, Sn-120,
Sn-121, Sn-121m, Sn-122, Sn-123, Sn-123m, Sn-124, Sn-125, Sn-125m, Sn-126, Sn-127, Sn-
127m, Sn-128, Sn-128m, Sn-129, Sn-129m, Sn-130, Sn-130m, Sn-131, Sn-131m, Sn-132, Sn-
133, Sn-134, Sn-135, Sn-136;
51-Sb-118, Sb-118m, Sb-119, Sb-120, Sb-120m, Sb-121, Sb-122, Sb-122m, Sb-123, Sb-124,
Sb-124m, Sb-124n, Sb-125, Sb-126, Sb-126m, Sb-126n, Sb-127, Sb-128, Sb-128m, Sb-129,
Sb-129m, Sb-130, Sb-130m, Sb-131, Sb-132, Sb-132m, Sb-133, Sb-134, Sb-134m, Sb-135,
Sb-136, Sb-137, Sb-138;
52-Te-118, Te-119, Te-119m, Te-120, Te-121, Te-121m, Te-122, Te-123, Te-123m, Te-124,
Te-125, Te-125m, Te-126, Te-127, Te-127m, Te-128, Te-129, Te-129m, Te-130, Te-131, Te-
131m, Te-132, Te-133, Te-133m, Te-134, Te-135, Te-136, Te-137, Te-138, Te-139, Te-140,
53-I-121, I-123, I-124, I-125, I-126, I-127, I-128, I-129, I-130, I-130m, I-131, I-132, I-132m,
I-133, I-133m, I-134, I-134m, I-135, I-136, I-136m, I-137, I-138, I-139, I-140, I-141, I-142;
54-Xe-126, Xe-128, Xe-129, Xe-129m, Xe-130, Xe-131, Xe-131m, Xe-132, Xe-133, Xe-
133m, Xe-134, Xe-134m, Xe-135, Xe-135m, Xe-136, Xe-137, Xe-138, Xe-139, Xe-140, Xe-
141, Xe-142, Xe-143, Xe-144, Xe-145, Xe-147;
55-Cs-130, Cs-131, Cs-132, Cs-133, Cs-134, Cs-134m, Cs-135, Cs-135m, Cs-136, Cs-136m,
Cs-137, Cs-138, Cs-138m, Cs-139, Cs-140, Cs-141, Cs-142, Cs-143, Cs-144, Cs-145, Cs-146,
Cs-147, Cs-148;
56-Ba-132, Ba-133, Ba-133m, Ba-134, Ba-135, Ba-135m, Ba-136, Ba-136m, Ba-137, Ba-
137m, Ba-138, Ba-139, Ba-140, Ba-141, Ba-142, Ba-143, Ba-144, Ba-145, Ba-146, Ba-147,
Ba-148, Ba-149;
57-La-135, La-136, La-136m, La-137, La-138, La-139, La-140, La-141, La-142, La-143, La-
144, La-145, La-146, La-146m, La-147, La-148, La-149, La-150, La-151;
58-Ce-137, Ce-137m, Ce-138, Ce-138m, Ce-139, Ce-139m, Ce-140, Ce-141, Ce-142, Ce-
143, Ce-144, Ce-145, Ce-146, Ce-147, Ce-148, Ce-149, Ce-150, Ce-151, Ce-152;
59-Pr-139, Pr-140, Pr-141, Pr-142, Pr-142m, Pr-143, Pr-144, Pr-144m, Pr-145, Pr-146, Pr-
147, Pr-148, Pr-148m, Pr-149, Pr-150, Pr-151, Pr-152, Pr-153, Pr-154, Pr-155;
Nuclear Data Requirements for Decay Heat Calculations 75
60-Nd-142, Nd-143, Nd-144, Nd-145, Nd-146, Nd-147, Nd-148, Nd-149, Nd-150, Nd-151,
Nd-152, Nd-153, Nd-154, Nd-155, Nd-156;
61-Pm-144, Pm-145, Pm-146, Pm-147, Pm-148, Pm-148m, Pm-149, Pm-150, Pm-151, Pm-
152, Pm-152m, Pm-153, Pm-154, Pm-154m, Pm-155, Pm-156, Pm-157, Pm-158;
62-Sm-146, Sm-147, Sm-148, Sm-149, Sm-150, Sm-151, Sm-152, Sm-153, Sm-153m, Sm-
154, Sm-155, Sm-156, Sm-157, Sm-158, Sm-159, Sm-160;
63-Eu-149, Eu-150, Eu-150m, Eu-151, Eu-152, Eu-152m, Eu-152n, Eu-153, Eu-154, Eu-
154m, Eu-155, Eu-156, Eu-157, Eu-158, Eu-159, Eu-160, Eu-161, Eu-162;
64-Gd-150, Gd-152, Gd-153, Gd-154, Gd-155, Gd-155m, Gd-156, Gd-157, Gd-158, Gd-
159, Gd-160, Gd-161, Gd-162, Gd-163, Gd-164;
65-Tb-155, Tb-156, Tb-157, Tb-158, Tb-158m, Tb-159, Tb-160, Tb-161, Tb-162, Tb-163,
Tb-164, Tb-165, Tb-166;
66-Dy-157, Dy-157m, Dy-158, Dy-159, Dy-160, Dy-161, Dy-162, Dy-163, Dy-164, Dy-165,
Dy-165m, Dy-166, Dy-167, Dy-168, Dy-169, Dy-170;
68-Er-163, Er-164, Er-165, Er-166, Er-167, Er-167m, Er-168, Er-169, Er-170, Er-171, Er-
172, Er-173;
69-Tm-167, Tm-168, Tm-169, Tm-170, Tm-171, Tm-172, Tm-173, Tm-174, Tm-175, Tm-
70-Yb-169, Yb-170, Yb-171, Yb-172, Yb-173, Yb-174, Yb-175, Yb-176, Yb-176m, Yb-177,
Yb-177m, Yb-178, Yb-179;
71-Lu-172, Lu-173, Lu-174, Lu-174m, Lu-175, Lu-176, Lu-176m, Lu-177, Lu-177m, Lu-178,
Lu-178m, Lu-179, Lu-180, Lu-181, Lu-182, Lu-183;
72-Hf-176, Hf-177, Hf-178, Hf-179, Hf-180, Hf-180m, Hf-181, Hf-182, Hf-182m, Hf-183,
75-Re-185, Re-187;
9-F-19, F-20;
20-Ca-40, Ca-41, Ca-42, Ca-43, Ca-44, Ca-45, Ca-46, Ca-47, Ca-48, Ca-49;
27-Co-55, Co-56, Co-57, Co-58, Co-58m, Co-59, Co-60, Co-60m, Co-61, Co-62;
30-Zn-63, Zn-64, Zn-65, Zn-66, Zn-67, Zn-68, Zn-69, Zn-69m, Zn-70, Zn-71, Zn-71m;
32-Ge-70, Ge-71, Ge-71m, Ge-72, Ge-73, Ge-74, Ge-75, Ge-75m, Ge-76, Ge-77, Ge-77m;
34-Se-74, Se-75, Se-76, Se-77, Se-77m, Se-78, Se-79, Se-79m, Se-80, Se-81, Se-81m, Se-82,
Se-83, Se-83m;
36-Kr-78, Kr-79, Kr-79m, Kr-80, Kr-81, Kr-81m, Kr-82, Kr-83, Kr-83m, Kr-84, Kr-85,
Kr-85m, Kr-86, Kr-87, Kr-88;
38-Sr-84, Sr-85, Sr-85m, Sr-86, Sr-87, Sr-87m, Sr-88, Sr-89, Sr-90, Sr-91, Sr-93;
41-Nb-91, Nb-92, Nb-93, Nb-93m, Nb-94, Nb-94m, Nb-95, Nb-95m, Nb-96, Nb-97,
Nb-97m, Nb-98, Nb-100;
42-Mo-92, Mo-93, Mo-93m, Mo-94, Mo-95, Mo-96, Mo-97, Mo-98, Mo-99, Mo-100,
44-Ru-96, Ru-97, Ru-98, Ru-99, Ru-100, Ru-101, Ru-102, Ru-103, Ru-104, Ru-105,
Ru-106, Ru-107;
46-Pd-102, Pd-103, Pd-104, Pd-105, Pd-106, Pd-107, Pd-107m, Pd-108, Pd-109, Pd-109m,
Pd-110, Pd-111, Pd-111m;
49-In-113, In-113m, In-114, In-114m, In-115, In-116, In-116m, In-117, In-117m, In-118,
In-119, In-119m, In-120, In-120m, In-121;
50-Sn-112, Sn-113, Sn-113m, Sn-114, Sn-115, Sn-116, Sn-117, Sn-117m, Sn-118, Sn-119,
Sn-119m, Sn-120, Sn-121, Sn-121m, Sn-122, Sn-123, Sn-123m, Sn-124, Sn-125, Sn-125m,
52-Te-120, Te-121, Te-121m, Te-122, Te-123, Te-123m, Te-124, Te-125, Te-125m, Te-126,
Te-127, Te-127m, Te-128, Te-129, Te-129m, Te-130, Te-131, Te-131m;
53-I-125, I-126, I-127, I-128, I-129, I-130, I-130m, I-131, I-132, I-135;
58-Ce-136, Ce-137, Ce-137m, Ce-138, Ce-139, Ce-139m, Ce-140, Ce-141, Ce-142, Ce-143,
Ce-144, Ce-145;
60-Nd-142, Nd-143, Nd-144, Nd-145, Nd-146, Nd-147, Nd-148, Nd-149, Nd-150, Nd-151;
66-Dy-156, Dy-157, Dy-158, Dy-159, Dy-160, Dy-161, Dy-162, Dy-163, Dy-164, Dy-165,
Dy-165m, Dy-166;
68-Er-162, Er-163, Er-164, Er-165, Er-166, Er-167, Er-167m, Er-168, Er-169, Er-170,
Er-171, Er-172;
72-Hf-174, Hf-175, Hf-176, Hf-177, Hf-178, Hf-178m, Hf-179, Hf-179m, Hf-180, Hf-180m,
Hf-181, Hf-182;
74-W-180, W-181, W-182, W-183, W-183m, W-184, W-185, W-185m, W-186, W-187,
W-188, W-189;
76-Os-184, Os-185, Os-186, Os-187, Os-188, Os-189, Os-190, Os-190m, Os-191, Os-191m,
Os-192, Os-193, Os-194;
78-Pt-190, Pt-191, Pt-192, Pt-193, Pt-193m, Pt-194, Pt-195, Pt-195m, Pt-196, Pt-197,
Pt-197m, Pt-198, Pt-199, Pt-199m;
Table 3: Actinides and heavy elements (129 nuclides) – representative listing for inventory
83-Bi-209, Bi-210, Bi-210m, Bi-211, Bi-212, Bi-212m, Bi-212n, Bi-213, Bi-214, Bi-215;
84-Po-209, Po-210, Po-211, Po-211m, Po-212, Po-212m, Po-213, Po-214, Po-215, Po-216,
87-Fr-221, Fr-223;
92-U-232, U-233, U-234, U-235, U-235m, U-236, U-237, U-238, U-239, U-240;
94-Pu-236, Pu-237, Pu-238, Pu-239, Pu-240, Pu-241, Pu-242, Pu-243, Pu-244, Pu-245,
97-Bk-249, Bk-250;
Nuclear data files are normally based on statistical analyses and evaluations of all
relevant measured data reported in the open literature. Unfortunately, there may be
omissions in the resulting data libraries that need to be filled to avoid serious impact
on the ability to undertake the desired calculations with confidence. Setting this
issue aside until Sections 4 and 5, some consideration is given below to data
uncertainties and the value of sensitivity studies in identifying the main parameters to
be improved in order to increase the accuracy and reliability of decay-heat
There are extensive gaps in the charge distribution data for fission, and in the chain
yields for the more important fission reactions; there are also significant
discrepancies between chain-yield measurements. Many fission products of
importance in decay-heat calculations are short-lived, and their decay characteristics
are either poorly defined or entirely unknown because of the difficulties associated
with their direct study. Under such circumstances, sound theoretical extrapolation
procedures and modelling techniques have been adopted to generate comprehensive
fission-yield data sets, while various methods have been successfully explored to
derive beta-strength functions and use these approximations to estimate half-lives
and mean beta and gamma energies.
Isomeric states are normally low-lying metastable states (< 1 MeV) that occur when
the angular momentum differences between this nuclear level and all lower levels are
large. Electromagnetic transition probabilities are significantly reduced under such
circumstances, and the lifetimes of the states are long (i.e., metastable). The half-
lives of both the ground and metastable states can span many orders of magnitude
(~1015 sec) due to variations in the form of β - decay (end-point energies and beta-
strength functions). Over 150 of the fission products formed in the thermal-neutron
fission of 233U, 235U and 239Pu have known isomeric states with half-lives ≥ 0.1 sec.
Nuclear Data Requirements for Decay Heat Calculations 83
These isomeric states play an important role in decay-energy release, since this time-
dependent phenomenon depends on the relative populations between the ground and
metastable states. Madland and England (1977) have developed a simple model to
calculate the independent yield branching ratios between the ground and metastable
states, and this approach has been extended by Rudstam et al (IAEA-CRP, 2000).
Fig. 1. Effect of missing nuclear levels: loss of γ-ray energy release (Eiγ)
The β - decay of 87Br represents a good example of the problems faced by evaluators
of complex decay schemes (Reich, 1987). This nuclide has a half-life of 55.7 sec,
and an extremely thorough study by Raman et al (1983) has revealed the existence of
126 bound levels and 12 levels in the unbound region. Approximately 220 gamma
rays were detected in a series of singles and coincidence measurements, and β -
84 A.L. Nichols
emission probabilities were calculated from the measured gamma-ray intensities: 160
beta branches were defined, with evidence of broad resonance-like structure in the
overall beta-strength distribution. These measurements have resulted in significant
changes in the mean beta and gamma energies for this radionuclide. Unfortunately,
few short-lived fission products with such complex decay schemes are likely to be
studied in such a comprehensive manner. Many short-lived fission products are very
poorly characterised because their gamma-ray spectra have been incompletely
measured or remain undetermined; under these circumstances, theoretical models
have been adopted to calculate mean beta and gamma energies (and half-lives).
Fig. 2. Total decay-heat uncertainties for thermal fission of 235U (Schmittroth and Schenter,
Nuclear Data Requirements for Decay Heat Calculations 85
Fig. 3. Total decay-heat uncertainties for fast fission of Pu (Schmittroth and Schenter,
Schmittroth and Schenter were able to attribute the main sources of uncertainty in
decay-heat summation calculations to existing uncertainties in the fission-product
yields and decay energies. Uncertainties in fission-product half-lives were judged to
be relatively unimportant for most cooling times in decay-heat calculations. Overall,
decay energies were found to be the major source of decay-heat uncertainties,
especially for short cooling times (< 100 sec). These studies underline the sensitivity
of decay heat to the mean energies of decay; various efforts have been made to
improve these data by measurement and theoretical modelling, as outlined in Section
A similar sensitivity analysis has been made of the uncertainties in decay heat when
using the nuclear data contained within the JEF-2.2 library (Storrer, 1994). The
calculated decay heat is dominated by radionuclides with well-defined decay
schemes for cooling times > 3 x 106 sec, while the largest contributions come from
poorly-defined nuclides for cooling times < 3 x 105 sec. Finally, at cooling times less
than ~10 sec, fission products based completely on theoretical data contribute
approximately 25% to the resulting decay heat.
Developments of the gross theory of beta decay form the main source of decay data
for poorly-defined radionuclides in the JNDC-FP and US ENDF/B-VI libraries (see
Sections 5.3 and 5.5). Oyamatsu et al (1997) have undertaken extensive studies of
the suitability of these data libraries in decay-heat calculations. Their sensitivity
analyses were extremely detailed, and highlighted a series of specific inadequacies.
86 A.L. Nichols
For example, Fig. 4 shows the variation in uncertainty of the total β +γ decay heat as
a function of cooling time, following the thermal-neutron fission of 235U:
(b) particular peaks in the uncertainty profile contain significant contributions from
the uncertainties of specific parameters (see Table 4) – for example, peak 4
contains significant contributions from uncertainties in the decay energies of
Sr and 102Tc, and peak 7 is dominated by uncertainties in the independent
fission yields of 97,97mY.
These analyses are extremely informative for a wide range of fissioning nuclides, and
a further example is given in Fig. 5 and Table 5, for the fast fission of 238Pu.
Particular nuclear parameters appear regularly in the assessments (e.g., independent
yields of 97Sr and 97mY in peak 1, decay constant for 101Zr in peaks 1 and 2, decay
energies of 103Mo and 103Tc in peak 3, and cumulative yields for 102,102mNb in peak 4).
The main contributors to the decay-heat uncertainties are highlighted in the tables
with respect to each numbered peak, providing clear indications of the specific needs
for improved fission-product data.
3.4.2. Actinides
Fig. 4. Uncertainties in total decay heat for 235U(T) without taking correlation effects
into account
Fig. 5. Uncertainties in total decay heat for 238Pu(F) without taking correlation effects
into account
Fig. 6. Percentage contribution of actinides to total decay heat from typical fuel of different
reactor systems
Fig. 7. Percentage contribution from individual actinides to total decay energy release rates
[5 MW/Te(U) end of life rating 30 GWd/Te(U)] for gas-cooled reactor fuel (AGR)
90 A.L. Nichols
A few comments are merited concerning the impact of activation products on decay-
heat calculations for fission-based reactors. The radioactive decay of the activation
products generated from the structural materials of a thermal-reactor core represents
an extremely minor contribution to the resulting decay heat. This source is more
significant following shutdown of a fast reactor, with the formation of 22Na and 24Na
by activation of the sodium coolant, and 58Co and 60Co from the activation of the
nickel content of the steel structures in the reactor core:
Ni(n, p)58Co(n, γ)59Co(n, γ)60Co
Up to ~ 10% of the decay heat at 5 years cooling time arises primarily from 60Co.
However, the production cross sections and decay data of all the main contributors
are sufficiently well known that uncertainties in these parameters pose no problems
in summation calculations. Hence, the activation products will be considered no
The fission process is complex, and different definitions of fission yield are used
(IAEA-CRP, 2000):
(a) Independent fission yield [Y(A, Z, I)] – number of atoms of a specific nuclide
formed directly in fission (excludes radioactive decay of precursors)
Y ( A, Z , I ) = Y ( A) × f ( A, Z ) × R( A, Z , I )
(b) Cumulative fission yield [Cu(A, Z, I)] – total number of atoms of a specific
nuclide that accumulate from fission, the decay of precursor(s), and via
delayed-neutron emission (but excluding neutron reactions on fission
Cu ( A, Z , I ) = Y ( A, Z , I ) + ∑ b( A′, Z ′, I ′ → A, Z , I ) . Cu ( A′, Z ′, I ′)
A′, Z ′, I ′
(c) Chain yield [Ch(A)] – sum of the cumulative yields of the last (stable or long-
lived) members of a chain.
(d) Mass yield – sum of all independent yields of a particular mass chain.
Although the sum of the independent yields cannot be determined in most measured
yield distributions, this parameter is important in the development of fission yield
systematics. The accepted procedure for recommending each yield set (combination
of fissionable nucleus and neutron energy) is to evaluate measured relative and
absolute independent and cumulative yields. These data are combined with
estimated yields (when no measurements are available), and the complete yield
distributions are adjusted by applying physical constraints (conservation of mass and
charge in fission). This method of evaluation produces comprehensive yield
distributions (Fig. 8).
92 A.L. Nichols
Fig. 8. Mass distribution curves in the thermal-neutron induced fission of Th,
U, 235U, and 239Pu
Nuclear Data Requirements for Decay Heat Calculations 93
Until the mid-1970s, several fission yield evaluations had been undertaken on only a
limited number of yield sets. Crouch (1977), and Meek and Rider (1972, 1974 and
1978)/Rider (1981) produced their UK and US fission yield libraries in the late
1970s, and the Chinese began fission yield compilation and evaluation efforts in
1976. These files have been extended as the requirements for evaluated fission yield
data have increased dramatically in recent years:
Much of this work was reviewed in detail during the course of an IAEA Coordinated
Research Programme on the Compilation and Evaluation of Fission Yield Nuclear
Data (IAEA-CRP, 2000). Furthermore, these commendable studies have continued
under the auspices of another IAEA Coordinated Research Programme on Fission
Yield Data Required for Transmutation of Minor Actinide Nuclear Waste (1997 to
4.1. Modelling
Various equations and model parameters have been derived from studies of the
systematic trends in measured yield distributions. Although these theoretical data are
not sufficiently reliable for applied purposes, they have been used to obtain
numerical values where no yields have been measured, or to check and adjust
experimental data to the expected distribution. Wahl (1987 and 1988) has carried out
a thorough evaluation of independent fission yields in order to obtain best values for
a set of empirical model parameters. These model parameters have been
subsequently used by fission-yield evaluators to calculate charge distributions and
estimate unmeasured yields.
Mass distributions are normally obtained from measurements, but models can be
used to fill gaps that are too large for linear interpolation. A variable number of
94 A.L. Nichols
Gaussian functions can be used to represent the mass distributions of different fission
reactions and neutron energies, from Th to Es (Z = 90–99) and for excitation energies
< 20 MeV (e.g., Figs. 9 and 10). Thus, the sum of 2 to 5 Gaussian functions can be
fitted to the experimental chain yield data [Y(A)] of products from the fission of
these nuclei, using the method of least squares. The Gaussian functions can then be
characterised against mathematical functions of the atomic numbers (ZF), mass
numbers (AF), and excitation energies (E*) of the fissioning nuclei. Reciprocal
variance weighting is used in both types of calculation, and the resulting functions
provide a means of determining complete mass distributions for fissioning nuclei.
The central Gaussian curve is not needed to represent chain yields from spontaneous
fission reactions (SF), in agreement with experimental observations that show the
valley yields from spontaneous fission to be more than an order-of-magnitude less
than those from thermal-neutron induced fission reactions. Furthermore, one
Gaussian curve per peak can be adopted to represent the chain-yield data reasonably
well for both 14 MeV neutron-induced fission and thermal-neutron induced fission of
the heavier actinides (ZF > 94). Other modifications can be made to improve the
chain-yield representations: for example, fission of heavier actinides - modify the
peak Gaussian functions to include an exponential drop in Y(A) for AH < 130 and in
the complementary range for the light peak (these modified peak functions are then
renormalized to achieve a 200% sum for all yields).
Equations have also been developed to calculate the uncertainties in fission yields
obtained from these model estimates. Uncertainties in the calculated yields can be
estimated from the following empirical equation proposed for the percentage
uncertainty (PER):
Most experimental chain yields fall within the estimated range of uncertainties,
implying that most of the calculated chain yields should be reliable.
Many of the measured chain yields have fine structure that cannot be fully
reproduced by summing smooth Gaussian functions (Figs. 9 and 10), although
complementary single Gaussian curves can represent the experimental data
reasonably well for high excitation energies and ZF > 94. Thus, an empirical multi-
Gaussian model has been successfully developed to calculate the chain yields [Y(A)]
of fission reactions, with a nuclear charge [ZF ] from 90 to 99 and excitation energy
E* ≤ 20 MeV. There are many other features of these mass distribution curves that
will not be considered in any further detail within this review.
Nuclear Data Requirements for Decay Heat Calculations 95
Fig. 9. Various Gaussian curves fitted to mass distributions of fission processes: thermal-neutron
fission of 239Pu, 242mAm and 249Cf, and spontaneous fission of 252Cf
96 A.L. Nichols
Fig. 10. Various Gaussian curves fitted to mass distributions of fission processes:
thermal-neutron fission of 249Cf, and spontaneous fission of 252Cf
Nuclear Data Requirements for Decay Heat Calculations 97
Nuclear-charge distributions describe the dispersion of yields with mass and atomic
numbers (A and Z) of ~1000 primary fission products from each of the many fission
reactions (yields are for the fission products after prompt-neutron emission and
before beta decay). However, only a small fraction of the yields have been
measured, and theoretical models are not sufficiently advanced to give reliable yield
estimates. Therefore, two empirical models have been proposed that include
mathematical functions derived from the available experimental data (Wahl, 1988).
While the ZP and A'P models give different perspectives on the nuclear-charge
distribution from fission, comparisons of the results have been helpful in improving
both models. The ZP model treats the dispersion of fractional independent yields [FI]
with Z for each A of primary fission products; the A'P model considers the dispersion
of independent yields [IN] with A' for each Z of primary fission products, where A' is
the average mass number of the precursor primary fragments that give products with
A by prompt-neutron emission (A' = A+ ν A ).
(a) Zp model
The ZP model has been used for charge distribution calculations in the two major
fission yield evaluations (US ENDF/B-VI and UKFY2 (and UKFY3)). ZP-model
parameters are defined as FZ , FN , σ Z and ∆Z , and are either constant or linear
functions of A' in each of the regions considered (as shown in Fig. 11). Fractional
independent yields are expressed in terms of these parameters:
Z ( A) − Z P ( A) + 0.5
where V =
2 [σ Z ( A')]
Z ( A) − Z p ( A) − 0.5
and W =
2 [σ Z ( A')]
where ZF and AF are the atomic number and mass number of the fissioning
nuclide, AH and AL are the mass numbers for the heavy and light fission peaks
respectively, A'Hc = AF − A'L , and
for Z for N
F ( A) = [ FZ ( A′)][ FN ( A′)] even even
F ( A) = [ FZ ( A′) / [ FN ( A′)] even odd
F ( A) = [ FN ( A′)] / [ FZ ( A′)] odd even
F ( A) = odd odd
[ FZ ( A′)][ FN ( A′)]
F ( A) = 1.00 near symmetry
N(A) is the normalisation factor to achieve Σ(FI) = 1.00 for each A, which has to be
implemented because F(A) destroys the inherent normalisation of the Gaussian
distributions; values of N(A) seldom deviate by more than 10% from unity.
All of the parameters ∆Z ( A′), σ Z ( A′), FZ ( A′) and FN ( A′) depend on A′ , and the
region in which A′ falls. Apart from distributions close to symmetry, all of the
parameters are constant except ∆Ζ, which has a small negative slope (∆Ζ is the
displacement of ZP from an unchanged charge distribution):
Near to symmetry, the width parameter [σz] changes abruptly twice to a lower value,
the even-odd proton and neutron factors [FZ and FN] equal 1.0, and the ∆Ζ function
undergoes a zig-zag transition from positive values for light fission products to
negative values for heavy fission products. The ZP model has been modified to
include parameter slopes vs. A' and slope changes in the wing regions.
Values of the ZP-model parameters have been determined for each of twelve fission
reactions (229Th thermal, 232Th fast, 233U thermal, 235U thermal, 238U fast, 238U 14
MeV neutrons, 238Np thermal, 239Pu thermal, 241Pu thermal, 242Am thermal, 249Cf
thermal, and 252Cf sf) by the method of least squares. However, all of the model
parameters can only be determined by this method for the thermal fission of 235U.
Other fission reactions require the following equation to estimate ZP-model
parameter values [PM]:
where E* is the excitation energy above the ground state of the fissioning nuclide.
P(i) values were calculated by the method of least squares from the PM values that
could be determined by least squares for individual fission reactions. Fig. 12 shows
the adopted parameter values as points and the derived functions as lines.
Checks have been made on the validity and usefulness of the ZP-model parameters
obtained from the PM calculations for each of the 12 fission reactions investigated.
The reduced χ2 values were within a factor of approximately 2 of those determined
by the method of least squares with variation of as many parameters as possible.
Further details of these studies can be found in IAEA-CRP (2000).
b) A'p model
Studies are underway to determine whether a simplified A'P model can be used with
only five Gaussian functions to represent the element yields, rather than the many
needed for the association of one model parameter with each element yield (IAEA-
CRP, 2000). Fig. 13 shows the results of calculations for the thermal-neutron fission
of 235U close to symmetry (Z = 42–50).
The data include independent yields for individual elements or for complementary
element pairs when the data are available from radiochemical and on-line mass-
separator measurements. Solid-black symbols represent 43Tc yields, while open
symbols represent the yields for heavy fission products. The Gaussian width
parameters [σ = σA'] are close to the average global parameter of 1.50 for 47Ag and
the 50Sn–42Mo pair. However, the values of σ are considerably larger for 48Cd and
43Tc-49In pair, implying that these radionuclides could be formed by more than one
process. The data for 48Cd and the 43Tc–49In pair can be represented better by two
Gaussian functions (symmetric and asymmetric), each with a σ value of 1.50 and
peak separation of about 4 A' (Fig. 14). Significant deviations occur for the curve of
the 43Tc–49In pair, underlining the need for a re-evaluation of these data.
The independent fission yields of isomeric states are important in the definition of
inventories for decay-heat calculations. However, these data are sparse for all fission
processes apart from the thermal fission of 235U. Modelling calculations are normally
used to derive values, based on the partition of the independent fission yields of
nuclides among their isomeric states using the spin distributions of the fission
fragments and nuclear levels as fitting parameters.
Nuclear Data Requirements for Decay Heat Calculations 101
Fig. 13. Thermal fission of 235U - A'p model near symmetry: single Gaussian curve
Nuclear Data Requirements for Decay Heat Calculations 103
Fig. 14. Thermal fission of 235U - A'p model near symmetry: two Gaussian curves
104 A.L. Nichols
Madland and England (1977) assumed that the spin distribution of the fission
fragments after prompt-neutron emission could be represented by the equation:
in which Jrms defines the state of the spin distribution, and C is a constant. Fragments
with J nearer the spin of a particular isomer state are defined as feeding that state.
This model has been developed further by Rudstam and co-workers (IAEA-CRP,
2000): the probability that the spin will decrease by one unit is proportional to the
density of nuclear states of spin J-1, while the probability that the spin will increase
is proportional to the density of nuclear states of spin J+1. The ratio between the
number of nuclear states of spin J-1 and those of spin J+1 is given by Z(J):
(2 J − 1) ( 4 J + 2 ) / J nuc
Z (J ) = e
( 2 J + 3)
in which Jnuc is another spin parameter (defined effectively by the above equation).
This approach results in a relative probability of Z/(1+Z) to decrease the spin by one
unit, and a relative probability of 1/(1+Z) to increase the spin by one unit. Erroneous
results will occur when the isomeric state is at a much higher energy than the ground
Equations have been derived to calculate the fractional independent isomeric yields
(fiiy), and they can be modified to accommodate reductions in the excitation energy
caused by the gamma-ray emissions. The available experimental data have been
compared with the calculated fiiy values, particularly for the thermal fission of 235U.
Various combinations of Jrms and Jnuc were adopted, and the best combinations were
found to be:
A value of 6.25 has been adopted for Jrms, and values of 6.00 (odd mass) and 2.00
(even mass) for Jnuc in comparing the fiiy data for the high-spin isomers listed in
Table 6. Agreement between experimental and calculated values is judged to be
satisfactory, although some nuclides exhibit significant discrepancies (e.g., 82As,
Nb, 119Cd, 128Sb and 146La).
Nuclear Data Requirements for Decay Heat Calculations 105
Table 6: Experimental and calculated fractional independent yields of the high-spin isomers
of nuclides formed in the thermal-fission of 235U
The fission-yield data sets in the most recent evaluations are listed in Table 7.
Thermal (T) yields cover all measurements at 0.025 eV, or in well-moderated
thermal reactor spectra. Fast (F) yields include all measurements in fast reactor
spectra (mean neutron energies of 150–500 keV) and fission neutron spectra (mean
energies around 1 MeV and above). H means neutron energies around 14–15 MeV,
while S stands for spontaneous fission.
Measurements of the energy dependence of fission yields are too scarce to derive
systematic trends and develop a semi-empirical model for obtaining reliable
predictions; many more systematic measurements are required before a reliable
model can be developed. Therefore, ‘thermal’, ‘fast’ and ‘high’ (around 14 MeV)
yields continue to be evaluated for data files and are used in applied calculations.
106 A.L. Nichols
(a) The US evaluation has increased from 10 to 60 yield sets, each yield set
consisting of cumulative and independent yields (total of about 132,000 yield values
and their uncertainties). Corrections have been applied, models have been used to
estimate unmeasured yields, and adjustments have been made to all yield sets in
ENDF-6 format (England and Rider, 1994).
(b) UKFY2 includes 39 yield sets (UKFY3 is in the process of being assembled, and
also contains 39 sets of cumulative and independent yields). Both UKFY2 and
UKFY3 are in ENDF-6 format (James et al, 1991a, 1991b and 1991c; Mills, 1995),
and have been adopted as the fission yield files for different versions of the NEA-
OECD Joint Evaluated File (NEA-OECD, 2000). A number of important short-lived
fission products are absent from the decay data files (with greater than 10% of the
yield in some mass chains of specific fissioning systems) – while assembling this
library for JEF-2.2, correction terms were applied to adjust the independent yields for
each mass, so that calculations gave the recommended chain yield values. An
improved method of calculation of the correction terms has subsequently been
developed for UKFY3, and decay-data evaluations have been undertaken for the
most significant missing fission products in order to avoid this problem.
(c) The Chinese fission yield file was released in 1987 as part of the CENDL library
(Wang Dao and Zhang Dongming, 1987); a new evaluation is in progress that will be
converted into ENDF-6 format.
Fission yields adopted in other applications files have been taken from these sources
(for example, the Japanese JENDL library and the French files have adopted US
ENDF/B-VI fission yields).
sf, T, F and H refer to spontaneous fission, thermal, fast and 14 MeV neutron-
induced fission, respectively. Results can be displayed and down-loaded in graphic
and tabulated forms via LINKS on the University of Mainz Website
Nuclear Data Requirements for Decay Heat Calculations 107
Empirical models are available for mass and charge distributions and for ternary
fission yields that allow the reliable derivation of fission yields for neutron energies
from thermal to 15 MeV. Computer programs have also been developed for the
introduction of correlations and covariance matrices in future fission yield
total decay energies (Q-values) and branching fractions,
alpha-particle energies and emission probabilities,
beta-particle energies, emission probabilities, and transition types,
electron-capture (and positron) energies, transition probabilities, and
transition types,
gamma-ray energies, emission probabilities and internal conversion
Auger and conversion-electron energies and emission probabilities,
x-ray energies and emission probabilities,
characteristics of spontaneous fission (branching fraction(s) and recoil
energies, while setting aside the physics associated with the mass and
nuclear-charge distributions of the resulting fragments),
delayed-neutron energies and emission probabilities,
delayed-proton energies and emission probabilities.
Over recent years, more exotic modes of decay have been detected with increasing
regularity, specifically the emission of nuclear clusters (such as Ne and Mg nuclei
from 234U, and 30Mg nuclei from 236U) and double beta decay. These more complex
and low-probability entities are not addressed in this review, which focuses on α, β -
and gamma-ray decay. Electron capture (and positron) decay occurs when the
nucleus is neutron deficient, and is not normally observed in the decay of neutron-
rich fission-products and the actinides.
5.1.1. Half-life
Radioactive decay is largely insensitive to conditions outside the nucleus (although
not always so), and the resulting behaviour can be characterised by fixed modes of
decay, transition energies and probabilities. The number of atoms decaying per unit
time is the activity (A) given by the equation:
Nuclear Data Requirements for Decay Heat Calculations 109
- dN
A = Nλ =
where N is the number of atoms at time t, λ is the decay constant (probability that an
atom will decay in unit time), and dN is the number of spontaneous nuclear
transitions from that energy state in time interval dt. Activity is expressed in
Becquerels (Bq) in which 1 Bq is one disintegration per second (dps). Integration of
the above equation and substitution results in the expression:
N = N0e-λt
ln 2
t½ =
The half-life of a radionuclide is a primary parameter in any radioactive decay
Nuclides with high N/Z ratios are neutron rich, and undergo radioactive decay to
reduce this value by the emission of an electron (representing the conversion of a
neutron to a proton within the nucleus). Conversely, nuclides with low N/Z ratios
will decay by the emission of a positron (representing the conversion of a proton to a
neutron); electron capture decay is an alternative process to positron emission, in
which the unstable nucleus captures an orbiting electron to produce the same
daughter nuclide.
Alpha decay becomes a dominant process above Z = 80, with the emission of an
alpha particle (helium nucleus). Other relatively common modes of decay include
isomeric transition (gamma-ray decay from a well-defined energy state of a
radionuclide to a lower energy state in the same nuclide), spontaneous fission and
delayed-neutron emission.
n→ p+ β− + ν
Z X→ A
Z+1 Y +β− +ν
The maximum β-energy is represented by the equation:
E β − = Q − − El
p → n + β + +ν
Z X → Y + β+ +ν
Z −1
and E β + = Q + − 2m0 c 2 − E l
Q + − Ei > 2m0 c 2
The β transition energy is shared between the electron (or positron) and antineutrino
(or neutrino), as a continuous distribution for the two particles extending from 0 up
to E β max
(b) Alpha decay
A nucleus of atomic number Z and mass number A disintegrates by the emission of
an α particle to give a daughter nucleus with atomic number Z – 2 and mass number
A – 4:
A− 4
Z XN → Y
Z −2 N −2 + 24He2
The α disintegration energy can be represented by the equation:
Qα = Eα l + El + E rl
Nuclear Data Requirements for Decay Heat Calculations 111
where Pγ , Pce and Pe ± are the γ -ray, conversion-electron and electron-positron pair
emission probabilities, respectively.
Eγ = (E i − Ef ) − Er
where Ei − E f is the energy difference between the initial and final levels of the
γ transition, and Er is the recoil energy of the nucleus in the final state:
(E )
Er =
2 M N c2
where MN is the mass of the recoiling daughter nucleus. The recoil energy is
negligible, except for high γ energies and nuclei with low atomic number.
Ji − J f ≤ L ≤ Ji + J f
Moreover, the angular momentum carried off by the photon cannot be zero, and
consequently a 0 → 0 transition cannot occur except by internal conversion or
internal-pair creation.
The de-excitation energy of the nucleus can also be transferred directly to an electron
(K, L, M..) which is ejected from the atom in preference to a gamma-ray emission:
E ceX = Eγ − E x
where Pce K and Pγ are the K conversion-electron and γ-ray emission probabilities,
respectively; similar terms are also defined for the L, M, N … shells.
αtotal = αK + αL + αM + … =
(a) The mean alpha energy is the mean energy of all heavy particles (alpha particles,
recoil nuclei, protons, neutrons, and spontaneous fission fragments):
(b) The mean beta energy is the mean energy of all electron emissions:
(c) The mean gamma energy includes all the electromagnetic radiation such as
gamma rays, x-rays, annihilation radiation and bremsstrahlung:
where E γ i and E X j are the mean gamma and x-ray energies of the ith and jth
transition of each type respectively, and Pγ i and PX j are the corresponding
114 A.L. Nichols
transition k.
Data files containing these nuclear parameters have been assembled over many years
to assist analysts and spectroscopists to identify and quantify radionuclides. As the
emissions from nuclides have been characterised in greater detail and their decay-
scheme data defined with increased confidence, extended libraries of nuclear data
have been compiled in agreed formats for use by the nuclear industry. These
libraries are also used in decay-heat calculations, and are updated at regular intervals
through either international consensus, or more localised efforts based on specific
national needs.
Evaluated decay-data libraries are used for many different purposes, as well as
decay-heat calculations. Files of discrete decay data can aid in the measurement and
quantification of the radionuclidic composition of a sample, and provide
spectroscopists with the necessary high-quality standards data for detector efficiency
calibration. Ideally, a comprehensive set of such data files should encompass all of
the important fission products, actinides and their decay-chain nuclides, and provide
the user with the necessary half-lives, mean energies and isomeric branching ratios to
carry out decay-heat calculations with confidence. Unfortunately, this requirement
cannot be realised because of the difficulty of measuring comprehensively the
discrete data for the many short-lived fission products, along with the added
complications that occur when studying some of the more complex decay schemes
(pandemonium (Hardy et al, 1977)).
A serious lack of suitable decay data for many of the short-lived fission products has
necessitated the adoption of theoretical half-lives and mean energies, based on a
number of modelling methods that focus on the derivation of beta-strength functions.
These models are outlined below.
Nuclear Data Requirements for Decay Heat Calculations 115
The gross theory of β - decay has been used by Takahashi et al (1973) to predict beta-
strength functions, and calculate the half-lives and other relevant decay parameters
averaged over the final daughter states. The decay constant and average beta and
gamma energies per disintegration can be expressed in terms of the sum of each
partial decay to the ith final state of energy εi:
λ = ∑ λi ,
i =0
Eβ = ∑ i =0 λ
(Q − ε i ) Ci ,
Eγ = ∑i =0 λ
εi ,
in which Ci is the ratio of the average kinetic energy of the beta emission to the ith
state to the maximum kinetic energy of the beta decay (Q – εi).
The equation for λ can be reformulated to include the beta-transition matrix element
(ψi, Ωψ):
1 n
g Ω . (ψ i , Ωψ ) f (Ei ) ,
2π i =0 Ω
where f is the integrated Fermi function, and Ei is the maximum energy available for
the emitted electron; Ω represents the transition operator, and gΩ is the coupling
constant. A major assumption in the evolution of the gross theory is that the density
of the final levels is sufficiently high to replace this summation with an integration
∫∑ g Ω
. M Ω Eg ( ) 2
( )
f − E g + 1 dE g ,
2π 3
−Q Ω
in which |MΩ(Eg)|2 is the product of the square of the transition matrix and the level
density of the final states (also referred to as the beta-strength function, and
sometimes denoted by the term Sβ(E)). Similar manipulations can lead to gross
theory expressions for the mean beta and gamma energies:
0 − E g +1
Eβ =
∫∑ gΩ 2
. M Ω Eg ( ) 2
∫ mc
( E − 1) p E − E g + 1 − E ) 2
F ( E ) dE dE g ,
2π 3 λ −Q Ω 1
0 − E g +1
Eγ =
∫∑ gΩ 2
. M Ω Eg ( ) 2
mc 2 Q + E g ) ∫ p E (− E +1− E ) 2
F ( E ) dE dE g ,
2π 3 λ
−Q Ω 1
116 A.L. Nichols
where F is the Fermi function, and p is the momentum of the electron. The beta-
strength function is assumed to be smooth in this model; any structural features are
deemed to be unimportant in deriving half-lives and mean energies.
The gross theory has been systematically applied to calculate β - decay half-lives, and
these data compared with known experimental values (Table 8). Half-lives were
predicted within a factor of 5 for 70% of 100 fission products with half-lives less
than 1 min, and within a factor of 10 for 90% of the same set of fission products
(Yoshida, 1977). Good agreement was also obtained for the mean beta and gamma
energies, although the theory failed to predict these decay parameters for 82As and
Rb (odd-odd nuclei).
Table 8: Mean beta-particle and gamma-ray energies for nuclides with Q > 4.5 MeV:
comparison of gross theory calculations with evaluated measurements (Yoshida,
Nuclide Mean beta-particle energy (MeV) Mean gamma-ray energy (MeV) Half-life
UK US Gross UK US Gross (sec)
evaluation evaluation theory evaluation evaluation theory
(1973) (1975) (1973) (1975)
Ga 1.072 1.070 1.350 3.043 3.040 2.471 500
Ga 1.675 1.680 1.832 2.808 2.810 2.136 27
As 2.468 2.523 2.584 0.554 0.606 0.347 17
As 3.137 3.211 1.888 0.336 0.288 2.909 23
Br 1.765 1.775 1.946 3.296 3.318 2.936 59
Br 2.087 2.136 1.757 1.727 1.726 2.387 56
Rb 2.000 2.083 1.156 0.677 0.674 2.463 1100
Rb 1.789 1.659 1.673 2.560 2.660 2.814 150
Rb 1.320 1.334 1.533 2.871 2.733 2.533 59
Rb 3.714 3.459 2.526 0.260 0.261 2.696 4.5
Y 1.193 1.717 1.039 1.043 0.986 2.417 1100
Y 1.713 1.745 0.968 0.523 0.488 2.111 650
Y 1.612 2.162 2.294 0.935 0.935 1.055 1.1
Zr 1.586 1.621 1.651 0.794 0.794 0.719 2.4
Yoshida and Nakasima (1981) have used the gross theory to determine mean beta and
gamma energies for fission products that undergo high-energy β - decay.
Approximately 170 radionuclides with known half-lives and decay schemes were
assessed in this manner (Q-values ≥ 3 MeV), and the calculated mean energies were
compared with available experimental data. There was a reasonable degree of
overlap between theory and experiment for the mean beta energy data, but the mean
gamma energies exhibited much less satisfactory agreement. This same approach
was also adopted for a significant number of poorly-defined nuclides:
Nuclear Data Requirements for Decay Heat Calculations 117
When all of the theoretical decay data were incorporated into decay-heat
assessments, good agreement was observed between experiments and calculation
(Figs. 15 and 16). Decay-heat measurements of Dickens et al (1980) have been
compared with summation calculations in which theoretical mean energies were
included. The original JNDC-FP decay-data library overestimated
Fig. 15. Beta energy emission rate after instantaneous pulse of thermal-neutron fission of 235U
118 A.L. Nichols
Fig. 16. Photon energy emission rate after instantaneous pulse of thermal-neutron fission of
the beta energy release and underestimated the gamma energy release; when the
theoretical data were introduced, the decay-heat calculations reproduced the
measurements extremely well.
term (subsequently referred to as Q00) when the transitions to low-lying levels are
highly forbidden.
Yoshida and Tachibana (2000) adopted the concept of Q00 to reproduce experimental
Klapdor (1983) has argued that the neglect of any structure within beta-strength
functions is an oversimplification that is inconsistent with experimental observations.
Structure is found at high-level densities, and can significantly affect the half-lives
and branching ratios of β --delayed processes. Klapdor and Metzinger (1982a and
1982b) included this structure when determining the electron and antineutrino
spectra generated after the fission process. Their method involved microscopic
calculations of Sβ(E) for all fission products:
S β ( E ) dE = ∑ Bi ( Ei ) dE / D
where B(E) is the reduced beta transition probability to a state at excitation energy Ei
in the daughter nucleus, and D is the vector coupling constant. However, a major
source of uncertainty in the calculation of the electron and antineutrino spectra is the
effect the fission products with unknown or poorly-defined decay schemes will have
on the shape of the beta-strength function.
120 A.L. Nichols
Fig. 17. Ratios of the half-lives between gross theory calculations and experimental
results (Yoshida and Tachibana, 2000)
Nuclear Data Requirements for Decay Heat Calculations 121
Fig. 18. Calculated β-and γ-ray components of 235U decay heat compared with
experiments at very short cooling times (Yoshida and Tachibana, 2000)
122 A.L. Nichols
Fig. 19. Calculated β- and γ-ray components of 238U decay heat compared with
experiments at very short cooling times (Yoshida and Tachibana, 2000)
with a deviation from experiments of less than 4%. Figs. 20 and 21 compare the
electron and antineutrino spectra obtained from the various methods of calculating
Sβ(E), normalised against the equivalent measurements of Schreckenbach et al
(1981); calculation/experiment ratio (C/E = R) for method 4 (i.e., Klapdor and
Metzinger, 1982b) is much closer to unity over the full energy range. Table 9 lists
the different sets of data as a function of electron and antineutrino energy. Studies
have also been made of the thermal fission of 239Pu, with similar results (Klapdor and
Metzinger, 1982a).
Mann et al (1982) have advocated that accurate predictions can be made of β-decay
properties using a statistical model with only one free parameter (implying that any
intrinsic structure is not important). The beta-strength function for a transition to a
daughter level at energy E via a multipole λ is given by the equation:
S βλ ( E ) dE = ∑π ρ ( E, J , π ) β λ ( E ) dE / D
where ρ(E,J,π) is the density of levels with spin J and parity π at excitation energy E,
β λ is the average reduced transition probability per level for moment λ in the interval
(E, E+dE), and D is the vector coupling constant.
= 1/ ∑λ ∫ S βλ ( E ) f λ (Z , Qβ − E ) dE
where f contains the kinematic factors and Fermi function. Similar integrals can be
derived for the mean beta and gamma energies. Energy-dependent β λ values were
found for all of the allowed transitions in the β-decay of the fission products (log ft
values of 4.3 to 5.6), while β λ corresponded to log ft of 7.1 for first forbidden
transitions. Beta rates were calculated by multiplying the level density parameter by
N/(N+Z), where N is the number of neutrons and Z is the number of protons in the
daughter nucleus; this factor represents the only free global parameter in this model.
124 A.L. Nichols
Table 9: Calculated electron and antineutrino spectra from the thermal fission of 235U in
secular equilibrium compared with measurements of Schreckenbach et al, 1981
(Klapdor and Metzinger, 1982b; Klapdor, 1983).
Nβ (per fission per MeV)
Ekin Experiment, Davis et Avignone Kopeykin Vogel et al Klapdor and
(MeV) Schreckenbach al (1979)b and (1980)c (1981)c Metzinger
et al (1981)a Greenwood (1982b)c
1.00 1.91 1.92 - - 2.01 1.98
1.50 1.31 1.28 1.31 1.37 1.35 1.36
2.00 0.88 0.867 - 0.925 0.880 0.923
2.50 0.587 0.595 0.689 - 0.586 0.612
3.00 0.399 - - 0.449 0.396 0.400
3.50 0.252 0.256 0.303 - 0.265 0.253
4.00 0.154 - - 0.178 0.172 0.155
4.50 0.091 0.0946 0.119 - 0.108 0.0925
5.00 0.0550 - - 0.0659 0.0655 0.0561
5.50 0.0314 0.0318 0.0424 - 0.0369 0.0321
6.00 0.0172 - - 0.0221 0.0192 0.0175
6.50 0.0088 0.00904 0.0121 - 0.00966 0.00909
7.00 0.00380 - - 0.00652 0.00468 0.00389
7.50 0.00132 0.00171 0.0027 - 0.00205 0.00132
8.00 0.000260 - - 0.00147 - 0.000296
8.50 0.000043 - 0.000482 - - 0.000131
9.00 < 0.000030 - - 0.000242 - 0.0000365
N ν (per fission per MeV)
Ekin Deduced from Davis Avignone Kopeykin Vogel et al Klapdor and
(MeV) experiment, et al and (1980)c (1981)c Metzinger
Schreckenbach (1979)b Greenwood (1982b)c
et al (1981)a (1980)c
1.00 - 2.38 2.12 - 2.44 2.36
1.50 - 1.65 1.62 1.70 1.73 1.71
2.00 1.18 1.21 1.35 1.35 1.28 1.31
2.50 0.86 0.842 1.04 - 0.860 0.888
3.00 0.60 0.595 0.769 0.669 0.580 0.613
3.50 0.406 - 0.526 - 0.410 0.412
4.00 0.265 0.273 0.349 0.321 0.282 0.268
4.50 0.163 - 0.212 - 0.181 0.160
5.00 0.099 0.103 0.139 0.121 0.118 0.0970
5.50 0.060 - 0.0857 - 0.0720 0.0596
6.00 0.0345 0.0350 0.0493 0.0442 0.0408 0.0346
6.50 0.0192 - 0.0287 - 0.0195 0.0189
7.00 0.0099 0.0101 0.0150 0.0141 0.0104 0.0100
7.50 0.00432 - 0.00693 - 0.00506 0.00399
8.00 - 0.00187 0.00310 0.00400 0.00204 0.00131
8.50 - - - - - 0.000312
9.00 - - - - - 0.000141
Exposure time of 1.5 d.
Exposure time of 3 y.
Infinite exposure time.
126 A.L. Nichols
Fig. 22 shows the experimental data compared with the predicted half-lives of a
series of Rb nuclides:
The simple statistical method can be seen to generate data in closer agreement with
the measurements than the more rigorous theoretical approaches.
The detailed decay data required to construct a complex decay scheme that is correct,
and the difficulties experienced in obtaining the discrete decay data of short-lived
fission products represent considerable challenges when producing decay-data files
for decay-heat summation calculations. However, the OSIRIS and ISOLDE facilities
have been used in tandem to address the problem of recommending adequate decay
data for such nuclides (Rudstam et al, 1990). Radionuclides of interest with high β --
decay rates and sufficiently significant fission yields have been studied, focusing on
nuclides with half-lives in the range from a fraction of a second to 1 hour.
Nuclear Data Requirements for Decay Heat Calculations 127
N kj = ∑D
ki Pij
where Nkj is the number of counts in energy channel j for experiment k, Dki is the
number of decays of component i during experiment k, and Pij is the pulse spectrum
of component i. This equation is a linear combination of contributions from
components i for each channel j. Hence, with k equations, Pij can be solved exactly
for k = i, and can be determined by the least squares method for k > i. Individual
pulse spectra (Pij) can be converted to gamma-ray spectra from the response function
of the spectrometer. Integration produces the mean gamma energy per decay, and the
mean number of gamma rays per decay. The overall uncertainties are quantified in
terms of three components: statistics (number of counts), uncertainties in the absolute
branching ratios (sometimes large), and the absolute calibration of the two
Beta spectra were measured in a similar manner on the OSIRIS and ISOLDE
facilities, using high-purity Ge and Si(Li) detectors. Both sets of spectra can be used
to check the validity of the recommended decay schemes constructed from detailed
gamma-ray measurements. Examples are given in Figs. 23 - 25 of a number of
important fission-product nuclides that have complex decay schemes. Whenever
possible, the gamma-ray data have been compared with equivalent decay data from
the ENSDF files (see Section 5.5.1); the regular “shortfall” of the ENSDF solid line
in many of the figures demonstrates the inadequacies in these discrete decay-data
128 A.L. Nichols
The OSIRIS on-line mass separator has also been used to prepare sources of short-
lived fission products for the measurement of their half-lives and delayed-neutron
branching fractions by means of a neutron counter and beta detector (Rudstam et al,
1993). Over 60 radionuclides in the mass range 70 to 150 have been studied, and the
branching fractions for a significant number of these nuclides were reported for the
first time. Improved half-lives were determined for many of these radionuclides,
including 84Ge, 84As, 85As, 86As, 87As, 133Sn, 134Sn, 135Sb, 136Sb, 137Te, 138I, 147Ba, 148Cs,
La and 150La.
Fig. 23. Beta and gamma spectra of short-lived fission product Br (Rudstam et al, 1990)
Nuclear Data Requirements for Decay Heat Calculations 129
Fig. 24. Beta and gamma spectra of short-lived fission product 88Br (Rudstam et
al, 1990)
Fig. 25. Beta and gamma spectra of short-lived fission product 94Rb (Rudstam et al,
130 A.L. Nichols
Table 10: Mean beta, gamma and antineutino energies compared with known Qβ-values
(Rudstam et al, 1990)
The resulting singles spectra were compared with simulated spectra derived from the
evaluated decay data to be found in Nuclear Data Sheets (Bhat, 1992): examples are
shown in Figs. 26 and 27 for 138gCs and 138mCs, respectively. Measured and
Nuclear Data Requirements for Decay Heat Calculations 131
calculated spectra for 138gCs are in good agreement below ~3200 keV, but the
simulated spectrum exhibits serious deficiencies in the postulation of beta-particle
emission probabilities above this energy. Additional pseudolevels have been
introduced to the decay scheme in order to achieve the good fit shown in Fig. 28 (see
also Table 11); these additions and increased populations to other high-energy levels
increase the beta-particle emission probabilities above 3200 keV from 2.65% to
5.9%. Similar procedures can be applied to the spectrum of 138mCs (Fig. 29), with
the addition of a considerable number of pseudolevels above 2500 keV as listed in
Table 12.
Fig. 26. Comparison of measured singles spectrum for 138g Cs with the simulated spectrum for
the evaluated decay scheme (Greenwood et al, 1994)
132 A.L. Nichols
Fig. 27. Comparison of measured singles spectrum for 138mCs with the simulated spectrum for
the evaluated decay scheme (Greenwood et al, 1994)
Fig. 28. Comparison of measured singles spectrum for 138gCs with the simulated spectrum
for the re-adjusted decay scheme (Greenwood et al, 1994)
Nuclear Data Requirements for Decay Heat Calculations 133
Fig. 29. Comparison of measured singles spectrum for 138mCs with the simulated spectrum
for the re-adjusted decay scheme (Greenwood et al, 1994)
The beta endpoints are determined from Fermi-Kurie plots of the measured β -
spectrum (Fermi-Kurie plot with good statistics is shown in Fig. 30 for 92Rb
(Przewloka et al, 1992a)). Equivalent data for a number of neutron-rich nuclides are
listed in Table 13 (Ikuta et al, 1994), and are compared with the recommended values
of Audi and Wapstra (1995). Discrepancies do occur (147La, 147,149,150Ce and 150Pr),
and underline the need to refine theoretical calculations in this particular region.
136 A.L. Nichols
Table 13: Qβ values of neutron-rich nuclei in the mass region 147≤A≤152 (Ikuta et al,
A number of teams around the world are engaged in the co-ordinated evaluation and
compilation of nuclear structure data, under the auspices of the International Atomic
Energy Agency. This International Network for Nuclear Structure Data Evaluation
generates updated Evaluated Nuclear Structure Data Files (ENSDF), and is
responsible for the evaluation of all the mass-chains on a regular basis (NNDC, 1987;
Bhat, 1992). The resulting files are maintained by the National Nuclear Data Centre
at Brookhaven National Laboratory, along with other services (Dunford, 1994;
Kinsey et al, 1994). Available databases include ENSDF, atomic masses, NuDat
(basic nuclear data extracted from ENSDF, including radionuclidic decay data),
RADLST (calculated decay parameters from ENSDF), CSISRS (experimental cross-
section data) and ENDF-6 (evaluated nuclear reaction and decay data in ENDF-6
format for applications in the nuclear industry). Details of the methods of data
retrieval from NNDC are given in Appendix A, including access to the ENDF-6 files
(Dunford, 1992). Theoretical decay data have been incorporated into this library for
a number of important short-lived fission products, including delayed-neutron data
and continuum spectra (Brady and England, 1989).
NUBASE is a database that contains the main nuclear and decay properties of
nuclides in their ground and isomeric states (Audi et al, 1996 and 1997). These data
have been primarily derived from ENSDF and the atomic mass evaluation of Audi
and Wapstra (1995). Experimentally-measured nuclear parameters have been
compiled for virtually all known nuclides, with some values estimated by systematic
extrapolation. Recommended data are listed for mass excess, excitation energy of
isomeric states, half-life, spin and parity, decay modes and branching fractions, as
well as isotopic abundances for the stable nuclei and a list of relevant references.
The Table of Isotopes has a long and respected history, culminating in the release of
the eighth edition in 1996 (Firestone et al, 1996). A CD-ROM is also included that
contains all of the recommended decay-scheme data, and this vehicle will be
preferentially used to communicate updates (Firestone et al, 1998). The main table is
initially ordered by mass number and then by atomic number, with abbreviated mass-
chain decay schemes that give the adopted half-lives, spin-parity and Q-values. Data
are listed for each ground state and isomer with half-lives > 1 sec. ENSDF
evaluations have been adopted whenever the authors judged this data source to be
appropriate. Significant amounts of nuclear data are contained within this immense
document/file, and the reader is referred to the original publication for greater detail.
Other specialised decay-data compilations have been published (e.g., Reus and
Westmeier, 1983; Westmeier and Merklin, 1985; Rytz, 1991; Nichols, 1996), but few
appear to have been maintained in the same rigorous manner as ENSDF and the
Table of Isotopes. Both are comprehensive and contain decay data for approximately
138 A.L. Nichols
2500 radionuclides, effectively covering all nuclides that have been observed and
characterised to some degree. The ability to inspect and use these data via a CD-
ROM and the World Wide Web adds considerable strength to their commonality of
The US ENDF/B-VI nuclear data library was released to the international community
in the early 1990s (Dunford, 1992). An initial point of note is the development over
many years of an internationally-accepted data format (ENDF-6), including the
potential to accommodate uncertainties in the form of covariance matrices. Specific
aims included the production of a self-consistent set of evaluated neutron cross
sections, updated decay-data files (extracted from the ENSDF files, and
supplemented with new measurements and theory), and the addition of charged-
particle and high-energy reaction files. Many of the neutron-reaction cross sections
were completely re-evaluated, including 238U(n, f), 239Pu(n, f) and the resonance
parameters for 235,238U and 239,241Pu. Adjustments were also made to the neutron-
capture cross sections of 151,153Eu, 165Ho and 197Au (latter as standard). Both the
decay-data and fission-yield files of ENDF/B-VI have been supplemented with the
beta and gamma energies and Pn values of Rudstam et al (1990 and 1993) and the
chain yields derived by Wahl (1988). This resulting data base was tested in a series
of decay-heat calculations and shown to reproduce the experimental results in a
satisfactory manner (Rudstam and England, 1990). ENDF/B-VI gamma-ray data for
the short-lived fission products were also augmented by spectra calculated from the
gross theory for beta-strength functions to form mixed files of discrete and
theoretical decay data (Katakura and England, 1991).
The Joint Evaluated File (JEF) is a collaborative project between member states of
the NEA-OECD to produce a nuclear data library for industrial applications and
research (Nordborg et al, 1992; Nordborg and Salvatores, 1994). Various decay-data
files have been assembled by staff at the NEA Data Bank from other sources
(particularly ENSDF, UKPADD-2 (Nichols, 1993) and UKHEDD-2 (Nichols,
1991)). This JEF-2.2 library consists of a general purpose file, radioactive decay-
data files and fission-yield files. A number of adjustments were made to the JEF-2.2
decay-data starter files:
(a) mean beta and gamma energies of 109 short-lived fission products
measured by Rudstam et al (1990) were added to the files;
(b) theoretical data were based on the p-n QRPA model of Hirsch et al
(1992): 16 half-lives, 101 mean beta and gamma energies, and 32 Pn
Nuclear Data Requirements for Decay Heat Calculations 139
The contents of the JEF-2.2 files have been summarised in hardcopy, and represent a
definitive data set for nuclear applications (NEA-OECD, 1994 and 2000).
Efforts are underway to amalgamate the NEA fission (JEF) and fusion (EAF) data
libraries, and to improve and expand the contents of the resulting files (Finck et al,
1997; Jacqmin et al, 2001; Bersillon et al, 2001). A Joint Evaluated Fission and
Fusion project has been formulated to combine JEF and EAF database activities.
Other sources of updated decay-data for JEFF-3 include NUBASE, ENSDF,
UKPADD and UKHEDD. Various studies are also underway or completed to
improve the contents of specific decay data files judged to be inadequate for fission
and fusion reactor applications (e.g., Backhouse and Nichols, 1998; Nichols et al,
1999a and 1999b).
Other libraries have been developed for nuclear power applications that contain
decay-data files. Staff at the Chinese Nuclear Data Centre, have assembled files of
basic nuclear data and model parameters (Su Zongdi et al, 1994 and 1997). This
nuclear parameter library (CENPL) contains atomic masses and constants for ground
states, nuclear level properties and gamma-ray data extracted from ENSDF.
The JNDC-FP (Japanese Nuclear Data Committee - Fission Product) library contains
decay and fission yield data for 1087 unstable and 142 stable fission products, and
neutron cross-section data for 166 nuclides (Tasaka et al, 1990; Katakura et al,
2001). Recommended decay data include half-lives, branching ratios, and total beta
and gamma-ray energies released per decay of every radionuclide. Significant
emphasis has been placed on producing a comprehensive set of fission-product decay
data, with the introduction of theoretical half-lives and mean energies for over 500
radionuclides with no known discrete decay data.
The contents of the various national and international decay-data files are difficult to
summarise with respect to their technical origins (i.e., discrete decay-data or mean
beta-decay measurements; file supplemented with calculated decay data from gross
theory of β decay, microscopic analyses or p-n QRPA). Table 14 focuses on the
fission-product nuclides to be found in the US ENDF/B-VI, JENDL-FP and JEF-2.2
Table 14: Evaluated decay-data libraries, 2000/2001: contents and origins of fission-product
decay energies (NEA-OECD, 2000; Katakura et al, 2001)
Fission products ENDF/B-VI JENDL-FP JEF-2.2
Evaluated nuclides 891 1229 860
Radioactive nuclides 764 1087 730
Stable nuclides 127 142 130
Evaluated decay energiesa 443c 536d 611
Estimated decay energiesb 384c 551d 119
Evaluations of discrete decay data.
Mean decay energies from gross measurements and theory.
Some files contain both evaluated discrete data and estimated theoretical data (including
continuum spectra).
Uncertain - defined by number balance only.
The advent of personal computers (leading to the emergence of the CD-ROM and the
World Wide Web) has revolutionised the ability to communicate with and access
large data bases rapidly and efficiently. Examples of the provision of CD-ROMs and
the implementation of the Web are listed in Appendix A (ENSDF, NUBASE and the
Table of Isotopes). A significant number of these data bases have been adapted so
that PCs can interrogate, extract, compare and use their contents. Both the Internet
and the utilisation of CD-ROMs have given users world-wide access to all of the
most recently evaluated nuclear data libraries via a number of routes including the
IAEA Network of Nuclear Data Centres. Communications between laboratories have
improved beyond all recognition over the previous 10 years, and have revolutionised
the speed with which data can be provided for various calculations (including decay-
heat analyses).
The evolution of the various decay-data libraries for nuclear applications has resulted
in programmes of intensive testing to re-assure users that the recommended data sets
are reliable and comprehensive. During the course of these benchmark exercises,
errors and inadequacies have inevitably been discovered. Many can be dealt with
rapidly, but some problems have proved more difficult to overcome without a
significant amount of additional work. Although the assessments given below are
not comprehensive, a number of important discrepancies are noted, along with
known efforts to improve the contents of the decay-data libraries. Sometimes the
analyses required to highlight and identify the culprit radionuclide(s) can be as taxing
as subsequent attempts to correct the problematic data. Furthermore, attempts to
improve the quality of the recommended decay data in this manner may be seriously
undermined by the increasing lack of expertise available to undertake such work.
Nuclear Data Requirements for Decay Heat Calculations 141
Various decay parameters and continuum spectra have also been theoretically
derived for 35 neuton-rich nuclides deemed to be important at short cooling times in
decay-heat calculations (Table 16). While each of these fission products contributes
significantly to the decay heat of irradiated fuel (>0.01 of the fractional cumulative
yield), they have proved extremely difficult (if not impossible) to prepare, isolate and
study experimentally, and are not included in the JEF-2.2 decay-data library. The
US ENDF/B-VI decay-data library contains files of theoretical data for 33 of these
nuclides, and they were considered as possible candidates for incorporation into the
JEFF library, with supportive data from Takahashi et al (1973) and Audi et al (1997).
The precise content of any data library for decay-heat calculations is based on
subjective judgements, although the desire for completeness can overcome many
constraints. While the nuclides contained within Appendix B provide a reasonably
comprehensive set of fission products and actinides for this type of study, changes
can always be made to improve and expand the data base (Storrer, 1994). The
addition of further isomeric states is a particular good example of this form of
improvement; recent experimental studies have furnished evaluators with evidence
for further short-lived radionuclides of this type that could be incorporated into the
decay-data (and fission yield) libraries:
81m 84m
Ge; As; 96mRb; 97nY; 103mRu, 109mRu; 112mRh, 114mRh, 116mRh; 113mPd, 115mPd,
117m 107m
Pd; Ag, 119mAg, 120nAg, 122mAg; 123mCd, 125mCd; 120nIn, 122nIn, 126mIn, 130m,130nIn,
131m,131n 114m
In; Sn, 128mSn; 129mSb; 132mI; 132mXe; 144mCs; 146mLa; 148mPr; 153mSm; 155mGd.
While the postulated decay schemes for many of these radionuclides are simple (e.g.,
Ag, 113mPd and 128mSn), others are relatively complex (e.g., 112mRh, 122nIn, 125mCd
and 146mLa). Their decay data can be found in ENSDF, and could be assessed and
transferred to nuclear applications libraries.
142 A.L. Nichols
Table 15: Evaluation of discrete decay data - consistency of data sets requested for JEFF-3
Table 16: Short-lived fission products requested for JEFF-3 - US ENDF/B-VI decay data
adopted or modified unless stated otherwise
Continuum Spectra - Energy Range (keV)*
Radionuclide Half-life (sec)
Gamma Beta Neutron
39-Y-104 0.13(2) 0(500) - 12730 0 - 12690 0 - 5510
39-Y-105 0.15(2) 0(500) - 10820 0 - 10790 0 - 6840
40-Zr-105 0.6(2) 0(500) - 8290 0 - 8260 0 - 2260
40-Zr-106 0.9(2) 0(500) - 6380 0 - 6350 0 - 2570
40-Zr-107 0.24(4) 0(500) - 9230 0 - 9200 0 - 3950
41-Nb-109 0.19(6) 0(500) - 8760 0 - 8730 0 - 5300
42-Mo-109 0.5(2) 0(500) - 6700 0 - 6670 0 - 1200Ψ
42-Mo-111 0.5(2) 0(500) - 8020 0 - 7990 0 - 2210
42-Mo-112 1.0(2) 0(500) - 6020 0 - 5990 0 - 2720
43-Tc-113 0.13(4) 0(500) - 7540 0 - 7510 0 - 4080
43-Tc-114 0 20(4) 0(500) - 10610 0 - 10580 0 - 4790
43-Tc-115 0.27(5) 0(500) - 8870 0 - 8840 0 - 5910
43-Tc-116 0.12(2) 0(500) - 11860 0 - 11830 0 - 6650
44-Ru-115 0.7(2) 0(500) - 7250 0 - 7220 0 - 1400
44-Ru-116 1.7(3) 0(500) - 5510 0 - 5480 0 - 2150
44-Ru-117 0.34(7) 0(500) -8500 0 - 8470 0 - 3180
44-Ru-118 0.7(2) 0(500) - 6530 0 - 6500 0 - 3680
44-Ru-119 0.19(4) 0(500) - 9290 0 - 9260 0 - 4440
45-Rh-118 0.32(6) 0(500) - 9970 0 - 9940 0 - 3410
45-Rh-120 0.17(3) 0(500) - 10770 0 - 10730 0 - 4830
45-Rh-121 0.25(5) 0(500) - 8790 0 - 8760 0 - 5990
46-Pd-121 0.6(1) 0(500) - 7560 0 - 7530 0 - 1520
51-Sb-141 0.3(1) No entry in US ENDF/B-VI; other theoretical data adopted
57-La-152 0.28(6) 0(500) - 8810 0 - 8770 0 - 3980
58-Ce-153 1.5(3) 0(500) - 5820 0 - 5790 0 - 1620
58-Ce-154 2.0(4) 0(500) - 5010 0 - 4970 0 - 1640
58-Ce-158 1.0(2) No entry in US ENDF/B-VI; other theoretical data adopted
59-Pr-156 0.5(1) 0(500) - 8690 0 - 8660 0 - 2790
59-Pr-157 0.30(6) 0(500) - 8130 0 - 8100 0 - 3590
60-Nd-157 2.5(5) 0(500) - 5560 0 - 5520 None
60-Nd-158 0.7(2) 0(500) - 5000 0 - 4970 0 - 320
60-Nd-159 0.5(1) 0(500) - 7150 0 - 7120 0 - 1230
60-Nd-160 0.30(6) 0(500) - 6350 0 - 6320 0 - 1830
61-Pm-159 3.0(6) 0(500) - 5650 0 - 5620 0 - 410
61-Pm-160 2.0(4) 0(500) - 7800 0 - 7770 0 - 1130
Adopted from a combination of Audi et al (1997), Takahashi et al (1973) and US
ENDF/B-VI (Dunford, 1992); uncertainties are given in parentheses (for example,
0.13(2) means 0.13 ± 0.02).
Expressed in terms of incremental units of 10 keV starting from zero (first incremental
energy step of continuum gamma spectra is from zero to 500 keV, as noted in
Neutron spectrum adjusted to 0-1794 keV.
Neutron spectrum adjusted to 0-620 keV.
144 A.L. Nichols
An interesting piece of detective work has been carried out by Yoshida et al (1997
and 1999) to offer some explanation for the discrepancy between experiments and
calculations of the gamma component of decay heat over cooling times between 300
and 3000 sec (Fig. 31, instantaneous fission burst for 239Pu). Experimental data
measured by Dickens et al (1980 and 1981), Akiyama and An (1983), and Nguyen et
al (1997) were combined and compared with decay-heat calculations using the
JNDC-FP-V2 library (adoption of either fast-neutron or thermal-neutron fission
yields had little impact on the resulting curves). Yoshida et al introduced a gamma-
ray emission that is effectively missing from the decay-data files, and was postulated
to belong to an ill-defined fission product (half-life of ~1000 sec). An additional β -
decay chain was artificially added to the JNDC data base (as two radionuclides) on
the basis of this proposed omission.
An energy release of 1.5 MeV per decay was assumed to occur (e.g., 104Mo (half-life
of 60 sec) → 104Tc (half-life of 1092 sec) represents a suitable candidate for such an
emission). The results of these artificial calculations are shown in Fig. 32 for
U and 239Pu in comparison with the measurements of Akiyama and An
(1983): the discrepancies between 300 and 3000 sec disappeared for all four sets of
data. Fig. 33 shows the impact on the beta-energy component for the fission burst of
Pu; there is some decrease against the original calculation, but this change falls
well within the error bars of the measurements. Re-assessments have been made of
beta-strength functions to identify possible candidates, including 102Tc, 104Tc and
Tc. Overall, the proposal of Yoshida et al would appear to be a reasonable
Fig. 31. Gamma-ray discrepancies seen in 239Pu decay heat after a fission burst (Yoshida et
al, 1999)
Nuclear Data Requirements for Decay Heat Calculations 145
The incorrect assignments of ground and metastable states may also play an
important role in explaining some of the discrepancy in the gamma component
between 300 to 3000 sec. Fig. 34 compares experimental data with decay-heat
calculations for 239Pu; improvements can be achieved by adjusting the decay data for
Rh. The ground and metastable states of 108Rh are assigned half-lives of 17 sec
and 6 min respectively in JNDC-V2 (labelled ‘JNDC-V2 original’ in Fig. 34), while
these assignments are reversed in JEF-2.2 (labelled ‘Rh108-JEF2.2’ in Fig. 34).
Adoption of the JEF-2.2 data increases the half-life of 108gRh by a factor of ~ 20,
leading to a considerable rise in decay heat around 1000 sec. Another feature is
worthy of note: a lack of gamma-ray transition energy in the 102Tc decay-data file of
JEF-2.2 gives rise to a collapse in the gamma energy component (labelled ‘Tc102-
JEF2.2’ in Fig. 34), implying that this radionuclide represents a suitable candidate for
the missing gamma energy (as noted earlier). These studies demonstrate that
adjustments to the decay-data of only one nuclide can dramatically change the decay-
heat predictions, and that beta branching ratios to the ground and metastable states
need to be measured with good accuracy in order to define the situation correctly.
Estimates of decay heat can only be calculated with confidence if the neutron cross
sections, fission yields and radionuclidic decay data are known with confidence, and
extensive data libraries have been assembled at both the national and international
levels in an agreed format (ENDF-6) to achieve this objective. All data in these
libraries are subjected to comprehensive checking procedures and some form of
validation before they are released for general use. Their adoption in decay-heat
calculations has shown measurement-based files to be inadequate, and therefore
efforts continue to improve and extend their contents (particularly isomeric fission
yields and the decay data of short-lived fission products), as requested by users.
Systematic fitting procedures, gross energy measurements and theoretical data have
played important roles in addressing the problem of non-existent (unmeasured)
fission-yield and decay data. Along with evaluations of measured discrete data, these
approaches will continue to be used in order to extend the contents of the data
libraries, and so improve decay-heat calculations and increase operational confidence
in the results.
The author wishes to thank the following for their assistance in formulating specific
features of this article:
C.J. Dean (AEA Technology, Winfrith),
M.A. Kellett (NEA Data Bank),
M. Lammer (IAEA Nuclear Data Section),
F. Storrer (CEN Cadarache),
E.B. Webster (AEA Technology, Winfrith).
146 A.L. Nichols
Fig. 32. Removal of γ-ray discrepancy by including 1.5 MeV γ-ray emitter
(Yoshida et al, 1999)
Nuclear Data Requirements for Decay Heat Calculations 147
Fig. 33. Beta-ray component of 239Pu decay heat after a burst fission: addition of 1.5
MeV γ-ray emitter (Yoshida et al, 1999)
239 102
Fig. 34. Pu γ-decay heat after a fission burst: Tc and 108Rh data adjusted in JEF-
2.2 (Yoshida et al, 1999)
148 A.L. Nichols
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Nagayama, S. (1991) Recommendation on decay heat power in nuclear reactors, J.
Nucl. Sci. Technol., 28(12), 1134-1142.
Tobias, A. (1978) FISP5 – an extended and improved version of the fission product
inventory code FISP, Central Electricity Generating Board Report RD/B/N4303.
Vogel, P., Schenter, G.K., Mann, F.M. and Schenter, R.E. (1981) Reactor
antineutrino spectra and their application to antineutrino-induced reactions, Phys.
Rev., C24, 1543-1553.
induced fission of 238U, pp 9-19 in Proc. Specialists’ Meeting on Data for Decay Heat
Calculations, Studsvik, Sweden, 7-10 September 1987, NEACRP-302L, NEANDC-
245U, NEA-OECD, Paris, France.
Wang Dao and Zhang Dongming (1987) Evaluation of fission product yields, pp 37-
68 in Proc. Specialists’ Meeting on Data for Decay Heat Calculations, Studsvik,
Sweden, 7-10 September 1987, NEACRP-302L, NEANDC-245U, NEA-OECD,
Paris, France.
Wünsch, K.D., Decker, R., Wollnik, H., Münzel, J., Siegert, G., Jung, G. and Koglin,
E. (1978) Precision beta endpoint energy measurements of rubidium and caesium
fission products with an intrinsic Ge-detector, Z. Phys., A288, 105-106.
Yoshida, T. (1977) Estimation of nuclear decay heat for short-lived fission products,
Nucl. Sci. Eng., 63, 376-390.
Yoshida, T., Tachibana, T., Storrer, F., Oyamatsu, K. and Katakura, J. (1999)
Possible origin of the gamma-ray discrepancy in the summation calculations of
fission product decay heat, J. Nucl. Sci. Technol., 36(2), 135-142.
Appendix A 157
The four main data centres compile and exchange data in the CINDA and EXFOR
systems, and maintain and exchange evaluated data files for nuclear reaction,
structure and decay data. Evaluated data files include general purpose files as well as
specialised data files (e.g., for fission products, activation, thermonuclear fusion, and
dosimetry). These data centres compile and disseminate data to customers over a
defined geographical area:
The reader can contact the responsible data centre (in their relevant geographical
area) for further information, or retrieve data directly via the Internet using one of the
addresses given below:
158 A.L. Nichols
Centre name: National Nuclear Data Centre Nuclear Energy Agency Data Bank
Contact: P. Oblozinsky C. Nordborg
Address: Bldg. 197D Le Seine St-Germain
Brookhaven National 12, boulevard des Iles
Laboratory 92130 Issy-les Moulineaux
PO Box 5000 France
Upton, NY 11973-5000
EXFOR is the EXchange FORmat used by the Data Centres to exchange compiled
experimental data. Designed initially for neutron reaction data, the format is flexible
enough to be extended to the compilation of a great variety of data types: neutron,
charged-particle and photon-induced reactions, as well as spontaneous fission data.
More details can be obtained in brochures from the Data Centres or directly from the
appropriate Web pages.
Appendix A 159
The flexibility of the format as well as the possibility to store all experimental details
for evaluator access make EXFOR ideal for the worldwide compilation of
experimental data. Furthermore, all the fission yield data from the Meek and Rider
files that were missing in EXFOR have been converted and added to the EXFOR data
base, which makes the latter almost complete with regard to fission yields.
1.4 INIS
All of the collected information is published by the IAEA on a regular basis in the
INIS Atomindex, which is available as hard copy, microfiche, magnetic tapes and
cartridges, and CD-ROM (INIS services are not cost-free). Further information can
be obtained from:
A brief summary is given of some of the on-line services (mainly in Europe and the
USA), user-friendly PC programs and CD ROMs available to search for, display and
retrieve nuclear data:
- evaluated nuclear data files - include fission yields, nuclear structure, mass,
radioactive decay and cross-section data,
Each of these tools may be rapidly used by reactor physicists to access evaluated data
(e.g., ENSDF, AME, NUBASE, ENDF/B and JEF), and by nuclear data evaluators as
a source of information on new measurements. Such on-line services and PC
programs are also extremely useful for research and educational purposes.
The list of accessible data libraries outlined below is not complete – there are
numerous special purpose files dedicated to more specific applications that have not
been included (e.g., NUCLÉIDE - CD-ROM reference files of decay data for
radiometrology (Bé et al, 1996); BANDRRI - CD-ROM reference files of decay data
for dosimetry applications (Los Arcos et al, 2000); CD-ROM containing gamma-ray
spectrum catalogues based on the studies of Heath (1974), and expanded by Helmer
et al (2000)). Many of these specialised data files can be applied to the needs of
nuclear medicine, dosimetry and detector calibration, and are accessible through the
• CD-ROM version 1.0 of the 8th Edition of the Table of Isotopes (TOI), with
Adobe Acrobat viewer to display the hypertext data - released in March 1996
by Richard B. Firestone (LBL), CD-ROM Editor: S.Y. Frank Chu, Editor:
Virginia S. Shirley, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (ISBN 0-471-14918-7 Volume
set, ISBN 0-471-16405-5 CD-ROM). Updated in 1998:ISBN 0-471-24699-9
Volume set,ISBN 0-471-29090-4.
Appendix A 161
Table of Isotopes,
Table of Superdeformed Nuclear Bands and Fission Isomers,
Tables of Atoms, Atomic nuclei and Subatomic Particles,
Description of Nuclear Structure and Decay Data Bases,
ENSDF Manual.
As well as the normal data services, the Lund Website includes the Isotope Explorer
2.0 program, which can interactively access and display nuclear data and search for
literature references. Developed by:
For further information on the Lund Nuclear Data Centre and Services:
AMDC is devoted to nuclear and mass spectroscopic data. The Centre produces a
newsletter that describes on-going experimental, theoretical and evaluation work on
the atomic masses, and feedback on important conferences. Furthermore, the 1995
update of the atomic mass evaluation by G. Audi and A. H. Wapstra (1995), and the
NUBASE data evaluation by G. Audi et al. (1997) can be displayed by the
NUCLEUS PC program or by the ‘jvNubase JAVA applet’ on the Web. NUBASE
contains the main nuclear and decay properties of the known nuclides in their ground
and isomeric states as derived from ENSDF, the Atomic Mass Evaluation, and a
critical compilation of recent literature.
NEA Data Bank has developed and released the JEF-PC program, in co-operation
with CSNSM-Orsay and the University of Birmingham. This jointly-developed
program generates a “Chart of the Nuclides” format for the display of data from a
number of evaluated libraries, including the Joint Evaluated File (JEF-2.2), ENDF/B-
VI.4 and JENDL-3.2 supplied on CD-ROM as part of the package. Three internal
modules are devoted to radioactive decay, fission product yields and cross-section
data (Konieczny et al., 1997). Evaluated and experimental cross-section data can also
be plotted and compared.
JANIS (JAva Nuclear data Information System) is in the process of being developed
by the NEA Data Bank on the basis of user feed-back from JEF-PC. All earlier
features of JEF-PC have been reproduced, along with several others (e.g., energy and
angular distribution, and display of resonance parameters). This new software is
more flexible and user-friendly, and is undergoing preliminary tests (Nouri et al.,
Contact the NEA Nuclear Data Service Section for further information:
‘Nuclides 2000: an Electronic Chart of the Nuclides’ has been developed and released
as a CD-ROM by ITU, Karlsruhe. The Nuclide explorer gives access to the
radionuclide decay data from JEF-2.2, using either a “Chart of the Nuclides’ or Segrè
display (Magill, 1999). Derived data include activities, gamma dose rates and annual
limits of intake. There are additional features to this package, including background
articles that describe various aspects of decay data and related historical publications.
164 A.L. Nichols
‘Nuclides 2000’ allows the user to carry out decay calculations: starting from an
initial mass or activity, the user can determine the masses, activities, radiotoxicities,
gamma dose rates etc for all daughters at any time.
Joseph Magill
Address: Institute for Transuranium Elements
Postfach 2340
D-76125 Karlsruhe
Tel: +1 516-344-2901
Fax: +1 516-344-2806
Nuclear Data and Programs are basically the same as for US NNDC (see
• FTP server:
Address: iaeand.iaea.or.at
User names: ANONYMOUS for FTP file transfer
FENDL2 for FENDL-2.0 files
RIPL for RIPL files
NEA On-line Services are open to registered scientific users in the seventeen member
states of the NEA Data Bank. New users register via the on-line form at Web address
www.nea.fr The site offers access to a wide range of databases (ENSDF, NSR,
NUDAT, as well as experimental data (EXFOR), bibliographic reference to neutron
induced reactions (CINDA), evaluated data files (including JEF, ENDF/B and
JENDL) and the NEA Thermochemical Data Base (TDB)). All data libraries have
on-line search and download facilities.
On-line services can be accessed through the Web at the following address:
Audi, G. and Wapstra, A. H. (1995) The 1995 update to the atomic mass evaluation, Nucl.
Phys., A595, 409-480.
Audi, G., Bersillon, O., Blachot, J. and Wapstra, A. H. (1997) The NUBASE evaluation of
nuclear and decay properties, Nucl. Phys., A624, 1-124.
Bé, M. M., Duchemin, B. and Lamé, J. (1996) An interactive database for decay data, Nucl.
Instrum. Meth. Phys Res., A369, 523-526.
Konieczny, M., Weaver, D. R., Hale, D., Baynham, I., Tagziria, H. and Weaver, R. A. (1997)
JEF-PC Version 2.0: a PC program for viewing evaluated and experimental data, pp 1063-
1065 in Proc. Int. Conf. Nucl. Data for Science and Technology, Vol. 59, Editors: Reffo, G.,
Ventura, A. and Grandi, C., SIF, Bologna, Italy.
Los Arcos, J. M., Bailador, A., Gonzalez, A., Gonzalez, C., Gorostiza, C., Ortoz, F., Sanchez,
E., Shaw, M. and Williart, A. (2000) The Spanish National Reference Database for Ionizing
Radiations (BANDRRI), Appl. Radiat. Isot., 52, 335-340.
Magill, J. (1999) Nuclides 2000: an electronic Chart of the Nuclides – user’s guide, EUR
18737 EN, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg, ISBN
Nouri, A., Nagel, P., Amah, F. Le C., Cunin, C., Patrouix, J., Rioland, O., Soppera, N. and
Taton, B. (2001) JANIS: new software for nuclear data services, ND2001 Int. Conf. Nucl.
Data for Science and Technology, 7-12 October 2001, Tsukuba, Japan.
Appendix B 167
1.02s 18.9s 90 y
13.8m 1.6h
4.12m 9.31h
190 A.L. Nichols
Appendix B 191
192 A.L. Nichols
Appendix B 193
194 A.L. Nichols
Appendix B 195
Nuclear Power in the 21st Century: Status & Trends
in Advanced Nuclear Technology Development
Debu Majumdar∗
Nuclear Power Technology Development Section,
Division of Nuclear Power, Department of Nuclear Energy,
IAEA, Vienna, Austria
This paper reviews the status and trends in advanced nuclear power
technology development around the world, discusses the challenges it faces,
and summarizes the international approach and technical advances made with
examples of new designs of reactors.
Nuclear Power in the 21st Century 199
An examination of the global energy use shows that fossil fuels account for
nearly 80%, and nuclear power provides only 7%, of our current energy supply.
Additionally, around 83% of nuclear power is produced only in a dozen industrialized
countries out of 30 nuclear power producing countries. The demand for an increase of
standard of living and population growth in developing countries are asking for a
considerable increase of this energy supply. However, many factors come into play in
specific countries in providing energy to the people - economics, infrastructure, and
government policy being the most important factors. The effect on the environment is
another crucial factor whose importance, however, has not yet received adequate
attention in the energy mix.
The population of the earth, the prime reason for energy use, is increasing
although the birth rate has decelerated since the early 1990s. Present trends suggest
that total population may not exceed 8 billion people around 2050 and may start to
decline shortly thereafter1. This is still a large increase from today’s population of 6
billion, and energy for these people must be provided. It is important to note that
virtually all of this growth will occur in developing countries. Industrialized country
populations have peaked or will do so shortly. Moreover, the greater part of the
population increase will be urban. The proportion of people living in rural areas has
already peaked and will decline in future. An indication of urbanization is that today
there are five mega cities of more than 15 million habitants (Tokyo, Mexico City,
Mumbai, Sao Paulo and New York), but in 20 years there will be 15, mostly located
in developing countries1. In energy terms, already we have nearly 2 billion people
without access to a regular electricity supply. Even with lower population projections,
the challenge to achieve access to energy for all is clearly substantial. An issue here is
that concentration of people requires large sources of energy nearby; this needs to be
solved in a way that does not create an environmental problem for the city dwellers.
its problems. The challenges facing nuclear power include (1) continuing to assure
the highest level of safe operation of current plants, (2) implementing disposal of high
level waste, (3) establishing and convincing the public of a sound basis for nuclear
power for sustainable development, (4) achieving further technological advances to
assure that future nuclear plants will be economically competitive with fossil
alternatives, especially in deregulated and privatized electricity markets, and (5)
developing economical and non-proliferating small and medium sized reactors to
provide nuclear power to countries with small electricity grids and also for non-
electric applications such as seawater desalination.
This paper will discuss the status and trends of advanced nuclear reactors,
which could help in the solution of the energy problem of the world and, at the same
time, address the issues raised by the nuclear critics.
Croatia owns 50% of the Krsko 676 MWe Westinghouse PWR plant located in Slovenia.
202 D. Majumdar
No of
reactors in 208 92 35 17 51 32 3 438
No. of 17 10 6 2 8 1 3
countries Belgium Finland, Argentina Lithuania Armenia UK France
Brazil Germany Canada Russia Bulgaria Japan
China India India, ROK Czech R Russia
France Japan Pakistan Finland
Germany Mexico Romania Hungary
Japan, ROK Spain Russia
Netherlands Sweden Slovakia
Pakistan Switzerland Ukraine
S. Africa Taiwan
Slovenia USA
capacity, 198 80 16 13 33 12 1 353
of all
4351 2291 761 469 999 1460 151 10,482
Nuclear Power in the 21st Century 203
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Fig. 1 Number of nuclear power plants under construction around the world4
4 0
900 – 1350 MW 600-
600-700 MW 300 – 500 MW Less than 300 MW
Fig. 2 Size breakdowns of nuclear power plants under construction around the world4
204 D. Majumdar
The main types of nuclear power reactors are shown in Table III. They are
categorized by the material used to moderate the neutrons generated in nuclear fission
and the coolants used for the transport of heat.
Liquid Metal Fast Reactor (LMFR): Liquid metal transports heat very
efficiently and only lightly moderates the neutrons from fission. LMFRs consequently
need more fissile material to keep the chain reaction going. The core may also contain
fertile material to produce new fuel. Since they can breed fuel, they are also known as
breeder reactors. Sodium has been used as the most common form of liquid metal for
these reactors. Enriched uranium and Plutonium dioxide and metals have been used
as fuel. They operate at a much lower pressure compared to the common light water
Nuclear Power in the 21st Century 205
BWR uranium dioxide ordinary water pressurized ordinary water which boils
(2.6% U-235) and produces steam directly (70 bars)
Other Reactor Types: There are two reactor types developed and built only in
the UK, Magnox and AGR, which are still operating. Magnox is a carbon-dioxide
cooled (at about 20 bar pressure), graphite moderated reactor. It has natural uranium
fuel in a Magnesium alloy cladding. Overall thermal efficiency is about 30%. The
AGR, Advanced Gas Cooled Reactor, is a gas-cooled reactor with graphite
moderation and carbon-dioxide as the coolant at a pressure of about 40 bar. The fuel
is 3% enriched uranium-dioxide and clad in Stainless Steel. Its thermal efficiency is
about 40%. It is a unique UK design. Similarly, the Graphite Moderated Boiling
Water Reactor (RBMK) is an older Russian design and built only in the former Soviet
Union. The RBMK core is an assembly of graphite blocks through which runs the
pressure tubes containing the fuel. Water is pumped through these tubes where it boils
to steam. The fuel is 2% enriched uranium dioxide in Zircaloy tubes.
An older concept that is receiving new attention is the Molten Salt Reactor
(MSR), which can generate energy and at the same time considerably burn the long-
lived radioactive wastes. It is a circulating, molten salt homogeneous reactor. The fuel
is a mixture of fluorides of Li-7, Be, Th, and U-233, U-235 or Pu-239 fissile material.
Graphite is used as moderator although some moderation is achieved by the Li, Be
206 D. Majumdar
and F used in the fuel. Heat is transferred from the fuel leaving the core by an
intermediate heat exchanger. Fuel processing is an integral part of the reactor
operation. The fuel and the fuel composition can be changed without shutting down
the reactor. One 8 MWt Molten Salt Reactor Experiment (MSRE) facility was
operated for four years at Oak Ridge, USA, from 1965 – 69.
A lot of work has been done around the world to improve the existing reactor
designs. The large base of experience with the current nuclear plants has been used to
guide development of the new designs on the basis of User Requirements Documents
(URDs) such as the Electric Power Research Institute URD5 and the European Utility
Requirements6. Common goals are simplification, larger margins to limit system
challenges, longer grace periods for response to emergency situations, high
availability, competitive economics and compliance with internationally recognized
safety objectives. The new designs are also incorporating features to meet more
stringent safety objectives by improving severe accident prevention and mitigation.
Several of these designs have reached a high degree of maturity, and some
have been certified by nuclear regulatory authorities. Some are entering a design
optimization phase to reduce capital cost. Many of the new design features have been
tested to demonstrate technological readiness.
The full spectrum of these advanced nuclear power plants covers different
types of reactors with different coolants. They are referred to as evolutionary or
innovative designs. An evolutionary design is a design that achieves improvements
over existing designs through small to moderate modifications with a strong emphasis
on maintaining proven design features to minimize technological risks. It requires at
most engineering and confirmatory testing. An innovative design is one, which
incorporates radical conceptual changes in design approaches or system configuration
in comparison with existing practices. They could have new types of coolant,
moderator or fuel. Consequently, substantial R&D, and feasibility tests are required,
and a prototype or demonstration plant may be necessary to bring the concept to
commercial maturity. Figure 3 gives a relative standing of efforts and costs needed
for development of advanced reactors7.
Nuclear Power in the 21st Century 207
For new plants, the basis for achieving high performance is also being laid
down during the design phase8. These include design for on-line maintenance and
short outages. Many other aspects such as better man-machine interface using
computers and improved information displays, and better operator qualification and
simulator training, which have been applied at current plants, will contribute to high
performance of future plants. The advanced designs also desire plant lifetimes of 60
A new terminology is being used for the advanced reactors. Bill Magwood first
introduced this from the US Department of Energy9 and is shown in Table IV, which
also describes the evolution of reactor designs. First generation reactors (Generation
I) were those introduced early in the prototype stage of nuclear power. Generation II
reactors were the commercial PWR, BWR, HWR, and WWER reactors built in the
70s and 80s. Generation III are the evolutionary advanced reactors. These could be
divided into two categories: (1) those whose designs have been completed such as
AP600/1000, SWR 1000, and the EPR, and (2) those which have been built such as
ABWR, System 80+, KSNP. The next generation or Generation IV reactors are those
designs that are beyond the current advanced designs and are “revolutionary” in
nature. However, no Generation IV reactors have been built or even demonstrated,
and so from a utility perspective, we may think of the next generation reactors as
those just beyond the near term deployment designs. In other words, those are
reactors that still need demonstration or some significant tests before commercial
208 D. Majumdar
Evolution Example
Worldwide, LWRs (PWRs, BWRs and WWERs) are the major types of nuclear
power plants. They represent approximately 88% of today’s global nuclear power
capacity, and evolutionary designs, based on this experience base, are being
developed in several countries. The major evolutionary LWR designs are shown in
Table V.
Nuclear Power in the 21st Century 209
In the USA, designs for a large sized advanced PWR (the Combustion
Engineering System 80+) and a large sized BWR (General Electric’s ABWR) were
certified by the U.S. NRC in May 1997. Westinghouse’s mid-size AP-600 design
with passive safety systems was certified in December 1999. Efforts are currently
underway by Westinghouse on a 1090 MWe plant called the “AP-1000,” applying the
passive safety technology developed for the AP-600 with the goal to reduce the
capital costs through economies-of-scale. A certification application for the AP-1000
design has been made to the US NRC this year. General Electric is also designing a
1380 MWe ESBWR applying economies-of-scale together with modular passive
safety systems. The design draws on technology features from General Electric’s
ABWR and from their earlier 670 MWe simplified BWR with passive systems.
In France and Germany, Framatome ANP completed the basic design for a
1545 MW(e) European Pressurized Water Reactor (EPR) in 1998, which meets
European utility requirements. The EPR design includes the mitigation of core melt
and vessel penetration accident scenarios ensuring the avoidance of evacuation of
people in the vicinity of the plant. Accidents with molten core material outside the
reactor pressure vessel are handled via a spreading concept in the basement of the
containment. The EPR’s higher power level relative to the latest series of PWRs
operating in France (the N4 series) and Germany (the Konvoi series) has been
selected to capture economies of scale. Framatome ANP’s SWR 1000 is based on
German BWR experience with added features to increase safety. It is an advanced
BWR with active and passive safety features which allows for extended grace period
for accident control and consequences of a core melt accident is limited to the
immediate vicinity of the plant. This has been achieved by providing cooling of the
reactor pressure vessel exterior. The essential elements of the SWR safety concepts
are shown in figure 4.
Nuclear Power in the 21st Century 211
SW R 1000
Safety C oncept D rye r-s e p a ra to r s to ra g e
R e ac t o r w a t e r
c le a n -u p s ys te m
Em ergency condensers for
heat rem oval from the RPV 2 8 .7 m P re s s u re
s u p p re s s io n p o o l
C o re
1 6 Ve n t p ip e s
ø 3 2 .0 m
In Sweden, Westinghouse Atom is also developing the 1500 MWe BWR 90+,
an advanced boiling water reactor with improved safety and operability. This is an
upgraded version of the BWR operating in Sweden and Finland.
The first two ABWRs in Japan, the 1360 MWe Kashiwazaki-Kariwa 6 and 7
units, have been in commercial operation since 1996 and 1997, respectively. ABWR
plants are under construction at Hamaoka Unit no. 5 and Shika Unit no. 2, and under
licensing at Ohma Unit no. 1. Another eight ABWR plants are in the planning stage
in Japan. The benefits of standardization and construction in series are being realized
with the ABWR units. Expectations are that future ABWRs will achieve a significant
reduction in generation cost due to standardization, design improvements and better
project management. In addition, a development programme was started in 1991 for
1700 MWe ABWR-II, aiming to further improve and evolve the ABWR, with the
goal of significant reduction in power generation cost. Commissioning of the first
ABWR-II is foreseen in the late 2010s. Also in Japan, the basic design of a 1530
MWe advanced PWR has been completed by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and
Westinghouse for the Japan Atomic Power Company’s Tsuruga-3 and –4 units.
since 1998 and 1999, respectively, and four more units (Yonggwang 5 and 6 and
Ulchin 5 and 6) were under construction in 2001, with Yonggwang 5 and 6 scheduled
to begin commercial operation in 2002. In addition, ROK is developing the Korean
Next Generation Reactor, now named the Advanced Power Reactor 1400 (APR-
1400), which is focusing on improving availability and reducing costs. It has received
design certification and is expected to be constructed by 2010.
The new Canadian evolutionary Heavy Water Reactor11 is the 935 MWe
CANDU-9. Canada is also working on a 400 – 650 MWe Next Generation CANDU.
The NG CANDU design features major improvements in economics, inherent safety
characteristics and performance. It optimises the design by utilizing SEU fuel to
reduce the reactor core size, which minimizes the amount of heavy water required for
moderation, and allows light water to be used as the reactor coolant. It is expected
that the potential for offsite releases of radioactive material in NG CANDU will be
sufficiently low that a target of “no evacuation” can be achieved. In June 2002,
Atomic Energy of Canada renamed the NG as Advanced Candu Reactor (ACR) and
announced that the ACR-700 will be “market-ready” by 2005.
moderated, boiling light water cooled, vertical pressure tube reactor with its design
optimised for utilization of thorium for power generation. The conceptual design and
the design feasibility studies for this reactor have been completed and the detailed
design is in progress. The design incorporates a number of passive systems and the
overall design philosophy includes achievement of simplification to the maximum
A reactor design concept for an ‘Ultimate Safe’ reactor with 1000 MW output
is being developed by the Russian Institute ITEP, in conjunction with other Russian
organizations12. The prototype for this conceptual design is the KS150 reactor in
Bohunice in the Slovak Republic. Low temperature heavy water is used as the
moderator, and the design incorporates gaseous coolant, either CO2 or a mixture of
CO2 and helium, and low fissile content fuel. The entire primary system, including
main gas-circulators, steam generators and intermediate heat exchangers are
contained within a multi-cavity, pre-stressed concrete pressure vessel. The design is
said to be super safe, for example, accidental withdrawal of all control rods will add a
relatively small amount of reactivity to the system compensated by the negative
reactor power coefficient.
South Africa, Japan, China and a consortium of US, Russia, France and Japan
are developing small gas-cooled reactor designs and technologies. Coated fuel
particles are used in these reactors and they retain fission gases even under accident
conditions. Modularization, inherent safety characteristics, direct cycle, and high
temperature applications have generated renewed interest in High Temperature Gas-
cooled Reactors (HTGR). Japan and China have made the most recent progress in the
technology development as they have already constructed and are operating two
research reactors; South Africa and the above-mentioned consortium are developing
innovative power reactor designs with direct cycle gas turbine for power conversion.
Reactor (GT-MHR). This plant features a 600 MW(th) helium cooled reactor as the
energy source coupled to a closed cycle gas turbine power conversion system. This is
under consideration for the purposes of burning weapon grade plutonium and for
commercial deployment. The net efficiency of this advanced nuclear power concept is
expected to be 47%. Substantial progress in the development of components such as
magnetic bearings and fin-plate recuperators makes this type of HTGR plant a
feasible alternative for commercial production of electricity.
There has been renewed interest in recent years in liquid metal cooled reactors
particularly for smaller sized designs and from a sustainable development point of
view. They are significant because they can breed new fissile material and extend the
potential of nuclear energy. Because of their fast neutron spectrum, which can be
used as a burner or a breeder, they have also received recent attention for incinerating
weapons plutonium, thorium utilization, partitioning and transmutation of actinides
and burning nuclear waste. First used in Russian submarines, liquid lead and lead-
bismuth have received worldwide attention in the last few years for power reactors
and also for accelerator driven transmutation systems. Russia, India, and Japan have
remained most active in recent years in liquid metal power reactor development14.
The Republic of Korea is developing a pool-type sodium-cooled 150 MWe
KALIMER plant with metal fuel and a passive safety decay heat removal system.
India: India’s sodium-cooled Fast Breeder Test Reactor (FBTR), has been
operating in Kalpakkam for several years. It has a unique mixed uranium carbide-
plutonium carbide fuel. It was designed for 40 MWt but has only recently reached a
power level of 17.4 MWt. It has achieved a fuel burnup of 90 GWd/t. Thorium
blankets have been used in the breeder reactor in Kalpakkam. A 500 MWe sodium-
cooled pool type Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor (PFBR) design is under
development, also for the Kalpakkam site. It will use U-Pu MOX fuel. The
Preliminary Safety Analysis Report for this reactor is nearing completion.
Nuclear Power in the 21st Century 215
Japan: The two sodium-cooled fast reactors, the Experimental Fast Reactor
“Joyo” and the prototype fast breeder reactor “Monju” are not operating at this time.
Joyo will start operation in 2003 with a new high-flux core, and Monju is waiting for
governmental approval for improvement work for sodium leaks, leading to its
eventual startup in 3 more years. However, several small and medium size designs are
being developed in Japan, the most prominent one being the 50 – 100 MWe sodium-
cooled fast reactor design known as Super Safe, Small and Simple (4S)15. In this
reactor, Burnup of the core is controlled by the annular reflector surrounding the core,
and a long life is achieved by the long length of the core and upward movement of the
reflector. The Modular Double Pool (MDP) is another concept of 325 MWe sodium-
cooled fast reactor, which has steam generator and secondary pumps in the sodium
filled annular space between the primary and the secondary vessel thereby reducing
the secondary piping system. Metallic fuel is used for both of these two designs. MDP
has been designed to reduce the construction cost and improve reliability by factory
manufacture of most components, and 4S has been designed to obtain a long life core.
A concept of Multipurpose Fast Reactor (MPFR) has also been proposed which has
liquid plutonium-Uranium metallic fueled core. It has 300MW thermal power and
does not require fuel reloading16.
The design from Russia that has received the most recent attention is the
BREST reactor, which uses lead coolant, uranium-plutonium mono-nitride fuel and
indirect cycle for heat removal to a supercritical steam turbine. Owing to unique
combination of the thermo-physical properties of the lead coolant and mono-nitride
fuel, BREST can boast of a very high level of natural safety. Two conceptual designs
have been developed for the 300 MWe and 1200 MWe BREST reactors. Figure 5
216 D. Majumdar
gives the schematic details of the 300 MWe BREST design. Russian fast reactor
R&D activities are concentrating on advanced concepts with enhanced safety features
and designs with alternative coolants, as well as on the development of the basic
design, and experimental confirmation, of the lead cooled BREST-300 demonstration
reactor with on-site closed fuel cycle19.
USA: Although the U.S. had a strong sodium cooled reactor program for many
years, it has essentially halted. Recently, however, because of impetus in research
for new generation of reactors, one innovative liquid metal cooled design called the
Encapsulated Nuclear Heat Source (ENHS) has been proposed21. The ENHS is a Pb-
Bi natural circulation cooled, 50 MWe (125 MWt), modular, fast reactor concept. It
is designed that the fuel is installed sealed into the reactor module at the factory and
transported to the site to be inserted into a secondary pool of Pb-Bi that contains the
steam generators. Major components, such as the pool vessel and steam generators,
are permanent and remain at the site while the reactor module is replaced every 15 or
20 years. The heat generated in the core is transferred through the primary coolant
vessel wall to the secondary pool. The natural circulation avoids the need for active
components but it requires a tall 19m primary vessel. A design with a lift pump
reduces the height to 10m and reduces the coolant mass. The fuel considered is
metallic Pu-U-Zr fuel with 11-12% of Pu. The peak fuel Burnup is approximately
105,000 MWD/t. The autonomous control and no fuel handling reduce the nuclear
operations onsite to a minimum. Figure 6 gives a schematic description of ENHS.
218 D. Majumdar
Water/Steam Connections
Support Structure
On Seismic
Isolators Pbor
Vessel of
Water/Steam Connections Module
Reactor Pool
Core Vessel
No molten salt reactor is operating now but a considerable interest has been
generated among several investigators in the US, Japan and Russia for this concept.
This is primarily due to the good operating record of the MSRE in Oak Ridge and to
find innovative ways to (1) eliminate fissile material from dismantled nuclear
weapons, (2) burn actinides and help in the solution of the nuclear high level waste
problem, (3) utilize its inherent safety features, (4) flexibility of using any fissile fuel
in continuous mode, (5) higher thermal efficiency from higher temperature operation,
and (6) improve non-proliferation. Two types of designs are being pursued: one with
fuel mixed with the molten salt coolant (Fig. 7) and the other where molten salt is
used only as a coolant (Fig. 8). In the latter case prismatic or pebble bed type HTGR
fuel has been advocated. Table VI describes22 the list of currently known MSRs.
Nuclear Power in the 21st Century 219
Small and medium sized reactors are, however, not new. We have currently
150 SMRs operational in the world, 41 of these with power levels less than 300 MWe
and 109 having power levels between 300 and 700 MWe. The detailed breakdown
show 32 gas cooled reactors in UK (AGR and GCR), 32 PWR, 24 BWR, 29 WWER
and 27 HWRs.
Recent major drive for innovation in light water reactors has been toward
integral reactors, where the core, pumps, pressurizers, and steam generators are
contained inside a single reactor pressure vessel (RPV). They are of enhanced safety
because there is no large break LOCA; they also endure less fluence on the reactor
pressure vessel and employ passive safety systems. Three primary examples of these
reactors are CAREM (Argentina), IRIS (USA), and SMART (Republic of Korea).
Being small, they allow more shop-fabrication and hence improved quality. These are
being designed primarily for sizes up to 700 MWe due to easy constructability of
Reactor Pressure Vessels and to better match smaller electric grids.
SMR designs are also attempting to increase the fuel core life to enhance
proliferation-resistant features and also to reduce the O&M costs. Eight to even 20
years of single core life has been envisioned. Another idea in this regard is to have
refueling services provided by a central refueling organization, with crew dedicated to
refueling, visiting each site as required. This would also improve efficiency.
Similarly, barge mounted reactors could be returned to a central location for
the nuclear power plant to more easily controlled manufacturing environment. This
reduces the site construction infrastructure and shortens the construction schedule,
and hence the capital cost.
Major innovative reactors in the world26 are tabulated in Table VII. Key
features of SMRs include simplification and streamlining of designs as well as
emphasis placed on safety features avoiding off-site impacts in case of accident. Such
characteristics should facilitate their acceptability by local communities. However,
none of these reactors have been built; only recently announcements have been made
for beginning the preparatory phase for construction of KLT-40 in Severodvinsk in
Russia and of a 65 MWt pilot version of SMART in KAERI, Republic of Korea. Two
KLT-40 nuclear submarine reactors will be built on a floating barge with a
displacement capacity of 20,000 tonnes. It is expected that the floating nuclear plant
in Russia will produce power in 2006 and the pilot plant in Korea in 2008.
Nuclear Power in the 21st Century 223
There has been a recent renewed interest in thorium fuel cycles. The reasons
for this are to (1) burn excess weapons Pu without creating more, (2) generate less
long-lived radioactive waste, (3) design reactors to operate in a safer mode, (4) reduce
U-235 enrichment, (5) go to higher temperatures, and finally having large thorium
Thorium-232 is three times more abundant than uranium and available in India,
Brazil, USA, Turkey and China. It is not a fissile material but it can produce U-233 in
a reactor, which, from a neutronic standpoint, is an excellent nuclear fuel among the
three nuclear fuels – U-235, Pu-239 and U-233. It also produces much less minor
actinides from fission. Thorium dioxide is the only stable oxide of thorium, which
accounts for its greater stability compared to uranium dioxide. It is also much more
resistant to chemical interactions and has a high thermal conductivity. The melting
point of thorium dioxide is 3050 degree centigrade. Thorium contains naturally up to
about 100 ppm of Th-230; this and other neutron reactions of Th-232 and U-233
produces U-232, which decays with emission of hard gamma rays. Thorium fuel
fabrication is similar to U-fuel but it requires remote operation because of the gamma
emission from U-232 decay chains. In addition high chemical inertness of thorium
dioxide makes it very difficult to be dissolved and reprocessed. Because of these
drawbacks the thorium fuel cycle is considered a more proliferation-resistant fuel.
Thorium fuel cycles have been studied in the past in several countries on a
smaller scale but its importance has increased in recent years as a non-proliferating
fuel and also for reducing the inventory of Pu. Germany had used Thorium fuels for
several years on the AVR, a pebble-bed high temperature research reactor, and on the
THTR, Thorium High Temerature Reactor. Both in Germany and the US the fuel
fabrication technology has been developed under high temperature reactor programs
to a well proven, industrial process. The coated fuel particles for the HTGRs have
shown excellent performance under irradiation and reactor operation. In Russia also
tests of thorium-based fuels for WWER and LMFBRs have shown an excellent
irradiation behavior.
The US has shown new interest in thorium fuel and has initiated four projects
under the Nuclear Energy Research Initiative. Their primary motive is to develop an
advanced proliferation-resistant, low cost uranium-thorium dioxide fuel. The
Radkowski Thorium Reactor (RTR), being investigated in the US, Russia and Israel,
revives the seed-blanket concept of the US Light Water Breeder Reactor design that
operated in Shippingport in the late 50s. The concept assumes a once-through fuel
cycle with no reprocessing; U-233 is bred and mostly burned in the reactor.
Most prominently, India has been pursuing a strong program on thorium fuel
cycle activities. India has a closed fuel cycle strategy, which calls for using U-Pu fuel
cycle for fast breeder reactors and a closed Th-U-233 fuel cycle in the next stage with
Nuclear Power in the 21st Century 225
advanced heavy water reactors. The Advanced Heavy Water Reactor (AHWR),
currently under design, plans to use thorium for 75% of the power. Utilization of
thorium is their focal point for development. All aspects of the fuel cycle including
the back end are being studied in India. Activities for Thorium fuel development in
India include studying: (1) dissolution of irradiated thorium fuel, (2) effective
utilization of recovered fissile and fertile material, and (3) thorium fuel fabrication.
A lot of attention has been given in recent years on the subject of partitioning
and transmutation of the actinides and some long-lived fission products contained in
the spent fuel as it has the potential of easing operational and safety requirements of a
repository. Some would even like this to become an important alternative to direct
disposal of spent fuel. Separation of the long-lived isotopes and transmutation of
these into less hazardous materials have several advantages. It allows a reduction of
the volume, toxicity, and fissile content of waste and supports a simpler repository.
The issues related to long-term disposal of spent nuclear fuel is attributable to only
~1% of its content, namely plutonium, neptunium, americium, and curium (the
transuranic elements) and long-lived isotopes of iodine and technetium. When
transuranics are removed, the toxic nature of the spent fuel drops below that of
natural uranium ore within a period of several hundred years. The removal of
neptunium, technetium, and iodine also makes the waste safer for the biosphere.
Removal of plutonium eliminates the relevance of the waste from the point of view of
nuclear proliferation. Thus if the nuclear waste can be partitioned and transmuted
economically to more benign materials, the waste can be disposed of in controlled
environments having time scales of a few centuries rather than millenniums.
Fig. 9. A schematic diagram of an Accelerator Driven System to incinerate waste and produce
Various ADS schemes are being studied in several countries: the OMEGA
(Option Making Extra Gain from Actinides) project in Japan, Advanced Accelerator
Applications (AAA) program in the US, HYPER (Hybrid Power Extraction Reactor)
project in the Republic of Korea, European Industrial Partnership and other projects
at CERN, and CEA, France, and China. Russia is also participating in international
collaboration activities. Carlo Rubbia’s “Energy Amplifier” is one ADS design that
provided a strong, early impetus in developing a system to generate more energy than
needed for the accelerator.
There are many technical problems to be solved; ADS is only at the beginning
stage of investigation. It is very likely that the best results in terms of high level waste
radio-toxicity reduction will be achieved by symbiotic systems, including critical fast
reactors and hybrid systems (e.g., accelerator driven concepts).
Although fuel diversity and energy security are important items for a country,
economic competitiveness with alternate sources of electricity has been recognized as
the critical element for the survival of nuclear power. Hence consorted efforts are
being made with design, construction, operation and maintenance of new nuclear
Nuclear Power in the 21st Century 227
power plants to reduce its capital and operation costs. Currently nuclear production
costs (fuel and O&M) of existing plants are low, approaching 1 cent/KW-hr; hence
the critical issue is capital cost for new plants. Also, investors expect a short-term
payback of capital costs such as within 20 years of operation. It appears that capital
costs in the range of $1000 – 1200 per KWe are needed for competition with natural
gas. In this regard, construction of large nuclear power plants, if allowed by the
infrastructure of a country, provides an advantage. At the same time, new generation
of small, innovative plants are needed for specific markets and especially for
developing countries.
The September 11, 2001 event has highlighted the importance of protecting
nuclear facilities from sabotage and stealing of nuclear material by terrorist
organizations. Even if the actual impact of a potential terrorist activity is very
minimal, the occurrence of such an event will create havoc from the public perception
point of view; hence nuclear facilities including spent fuel storage facilities must be
secured. An issue here is how to achieve this in a cost-effective manner and how
much security effort is good enough.
amount of research is required, particularly for the design and testing of new fuel and
other materials and the final demonstration. In the deregulated market no one
company or even a country can afford to or willing to allocate the expenses necessary
to bring a design to the market place. Hence international development and
partnership may be required. From this perspective two efforts are already underway
– the US-initiated Generation IV International Forum (GIF) and the IAEA-initiated
International Project on Innovative Nuclear Reactors and Fuel Cycles (INPRO).
The time frame of interest to the GIF is two or three decades from now, and
their goal is development of suitable technology for nuclear power (reliable and safe,
sustainable, and economic). They also want to increase the assurance that the reactor
system is a very unattractive and undesirable route for diversion or theft of weapons-
usable materials. The US DOE has conducted wide-ranging discussions on the
development of next-generation nuclear energy systems, engaging governments,
industry and the research community of several countries. Ten countries have joined
in this effort; they are Argentina, Brazil, Canada, France, Japan, Republic of Korea,
South Africa, Switzerland, UK and the US. After long deliberations, the GIF has
selected six areas for further research and collaboration among interested countries.
These are gas-cooled fast reactor, molten salt reactor, liquid sodium metal-cooled
reactor, lead alloy-cooled reactor, supercritical water-cooled reactor and very high
temperature reactor systems.
economics of these new plants are excellent and are beginning to compete with other
base load alternatives. These larger plants are currently being constructed in Japan,
Republic of Korea and Taiwan, China. New small and medium sized designs are
underway. They are of interest to many countries for many reasons. Due to
population growth and demand for a higher standard of living, they are of primary
importance to countries with a shortage of electric power and low grid capacity. Work
is progressing on several innovative reactor and fuel cycle designs in several
countries. However, these innovative, smaller reactor designs must be demonstrated
in the near future because the time frame for the availability of commercial SMRs is
very important as most developing countries can not wait for another two or three
decades to increase their installed electricity generation capacities.
J. Murray “Global Energy Supply and Demand and the Potential Role of Nuclear
Power,” Proceedings of the International Seminar on Status and Prospects for Small
and Medium Sized reactors, Cairo, 27 – 31 May 2001.
IPCC Third Assessment Report: Climate Change 2001, Watson, R.T. and the Core
Writing Team (Eds.), IPCC, Geneva, Switzerland.
IAEA EEDB and PRIS data base, 2002.
IAEA PRIS data base, Nuclear Power Reactors in the world, April 2002.
Advanced light water reactor utility requirements document, Electric Power
Research Institute.
European utility requirements for LWR nuclear power plants (revision B),
November, 1995.
International Atomic Energy Agency, Terms for Describing New, Advanced Nuclear
Power Plants, IAEA-TECDOC-936, IAEA, Vienna (1997). Also see Projected costs of
generating electricity - Update 1998, OECD-NEA.
J. Kupitz, “Status and trends in advanced nuclear power plants development and
applications,” presented in Workshop on Nuclear Reaction Data and Nuclear
Reactors: Physics, Design and Safety, 13 March – 14 April 2000, Trieste, Italy.
W. D. Magwood, “Looking Toward Generation Four: Considerations for a New
Generation R&D Agenda,” American Nuclear Society Proceedings, June 7, 1999.
Nuclear Reactor technology Review 2001, IAEA report.
International Atomic Energy Agency, ‘Heavy Water Reactors: Status and Projected
Development’ TRS 407 IAEA 2002
IAEA Technical report series no. 407, Heavy Water Reactors: Status and Projected
Development, Vienna 2002.
J.F.M. Slabber, “Non-proliferation aspects of the PBMR fuel cycle,” Proceedings
of the International Seminar on Status and Prospects for Small and Medium Sized
reactors, Cairo, 27 – 31 May 2001.
P.E. Juhn and Y.I. Kim, “Fast reactor technology development and IAEA’s
I. Kinoshita and A. Minato, “Liquid metal cooled small reactors (MDP & 4S) in
Criepi,” Proceedings of the International Seminar on Status and Prospects for Small
and Medium Sized reactors, Cairo, 27 – 31 May 2001.
Nuclear Power in the 21st Century 231
T. Swada, A. Netchaev, H. Endo, H.Ninokata, “Long life multipurpose small size
fast reactor with liquid metallic-fuelled core,” Proceedings of the International
Seminar on Status and Prospects for Small and Medium Sized reactors, Cairo, 27 – 31
May 2001.
H. Sekimoto, S. makino, K. Nakamura, Y. Kamishima, and T. Kawakita, “A long-
life small reactor for developing countries, LSPR,” Proceedings of the International
Seminar on Status and Prospects for Small and Medium Sized reactors, Cairo, 27 – 31
May 2001.
A. I. Kiryushin, B.A. Vasilev, V. Yu, Sedakov, and V. Polunichev, “Small power
sodium cooled fast nuclear reactors,” Proceedings of the International Seminar on
Status and Prospects for Small and Medium Sized reactors, Cairo, 27 – 31 May 2001.
E. Adamov, V. Orlov, et. al., “Conceptual Design of BREST-300 Lead-Cooled Fast
Reactors”, Proc. of ARS’94 International Topical Meeting on Advanced Reactor
Safety, Volume 2, Pittsburgh, April, 1994.
B. F. Gromov, O.G. Grigoriev, A.V. Dedoul, A.V. Zrodnikov, G.I. Toshinsky, et.
Al., “Nuclear power complex based on SVBR-75 small reactors cooled by lead-
bismuth liquid metal coolant, competitiveness, simplified life cycle, safety, non-
proliferation,” Proceedings of the International Seminar on Status and Prospects for
Small and Medium Sized reactors, Cairo, 27 – 31 May 2001.
D. Wade, J. Sienichi, N. Brown, Q. Hossain, M. Carelli, et. al., “The Encapsulated
nuclear heat source reactor for low-waste proliferation-resistant nuclear energy,”
Proceedings of the International Seminar on Status and Prospects for Small and
Medium Sized reactors, Cairo, 27 – 31 May 2001.
P.N. Alekseev, I.A. Belov, N.N.Ponomarev-Stepnoy, S.A. Subbotin, Y.N.
Udjansky, A.V. Chibinjaev, T.D. Schepetina, and P.A. Fomichenko, “Micro-particles
fuel autonomous melted salt reactor (MARS),” Russian Research Centre, Kurchatov
Institute, IAE-6216/4
K. Furukawa, K.Mitachi, and Y. Kato, “Small molten-salt reactors with a rational
thorium fuel cycle,” Nucl. Eng. and Design 136, 157-165, 1992.
Figure taken from GIF presentation at the Winter ANS meeting in Reno, Nevada,
D. Majumdar, J. Kupitz, H. Rogner, T. Shea, F. Niehaus and F. Fukuda,
“Development of Nuclear Reactors and Fuel Cycles: The need for innovation,” IAEA
Bulletin, Vol 42, No. 2, 2000.
D. Majumdar and J. Kupitz, “A Global perspective on small and medium reactor
designs,” paper presented at the 4th International Conference on nuclear option in
232 D. Majumdar
countries with small and medium electricity grids, Dubrovnik, Croatia, June 16 – 20,
H. Conde, “Introduction to ADS for waste incineration and energy production,”
Uppsala University, Sweden.
Desalination and Other Non-electric Applications
of Nuclear Energy
Debu Majumdar*
As the standard of living increases globally, the need for fresh water and
industrial products is also increasing; they require energy for production and hence,
the demand for energy – both electric and non-electric, is also increasing. Nuclear
energy provides now only about 7% of global energy use; fossil fuels which degrade
the environment provide the rest. Nuclear energy has the potential to provide an
abundance of greenhouse-gas-free energy for mankind. Currently, nuclear energy is
mainly used for electricity production. This paper discusses non-electric applications
of nuclear energy, summarizing the global status and enumerating the areas where it
could be used.
Desalination & Other Non-electric Applications of Nuclear Energy 235
Some of the first civilian reactors in the world were used to supply heat, e.g.,
Calder Hall in UK (1956) and Agesta in Sweden (1963). Calder Hall provided
electricity to the grid and heat to a fuel reprocessing plant, and Agesta provided hot
water for district heating of a suburb of Stockholm. The first nuclear power station in
Russia (1954) was also a multi-purpose facility providing electricity and heat to the
closed city of Obninsk in Kaluja region, near Moscow. Currently less than 1% of the
heat generated in nuclear reactors is used for non-electric applications1. Direct use of
heat energy is more desirable from an energy efficiency point of view and nuclear
energy is an enormous source of greenhouse-gas-free energy. However, nuclear
power has remained primarily a source for electricity generation. Presently about 30%
of the world’s primary energy is used for electricity production, and approximately
2/3 of this energy is thrown away as waste heat. Yet despite past and current use
models, it is possible to optimise the use of nuclear heat for both electric and non-
electric applications, thereby making more efficient use of nuclear energy. Experience
in co-generation of nuclear electricity and heat has been gained in Bulgaria, Canada,
China, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Russia, Slovakia and Ukraine2. This paper examines the
scope of non-electric applications of nuclear energy3 .
There are four areas where nuclear heat can be utilized: for desalination of salty
and waste water, district heating of residence and commercial buildings in cold
countries, industrial process heat supply, and fuel synthesis. Primary experience of
non-electric applications of nuclear energy is in the first two categories. There are
more than 150 reactor-years of operating experience with nuclear desalination,
particularly in Japan and Kazakhstan. District heating systems from nuclear power
plants have operated reliably in many countries, particularly in Eastern Europe. Fuel
synthesis has evolved in recent years because nuclear energy can generate high
temperature heat; this heat can be used for hydrogen production, coal gasification and
production of other fuels. The heating requirements of different industrial processes
vary. The temperature requirements for the principal applications are shown in Table
I. They vary from low temperature applications for hot water to high temperature
industrial processes.
236 D. Majumdar
Various types of reactors are designed with different ranges of inlet and outlet
coolant temperatures, and hence will be useful for different applications. Table II
shows the range of coolant temperatures for different reactor types. A nuclear plant
can provide steam or process heat from about 100 C for district heating or
desalination to about 1000 C for very high temperature industrial applications. Table
III shows the characteristic parameters of steam that could be produced by various
reactor types4. Water reactors can provide steam in the range of 250 to 300 C at about
5 to 7 Mpa pressure, while liquid metal and gas cooled reactors can generate steam at
higher temperature and pressure. LMFBRs can provide steam at approximately 500 C
and gas cooled reactors at somewhat higher temperatures.
Desalination & Other Non-electric Applications of Nuclear Energy 237
Steam Parameters
Nuclear Power Plant
Pressure (Mpa) Temperature (C)
PWR (U-tube SG) 6.5 280
PWR (Once-through SG) 6.9 312
BWR 5.5 270
PHWR 5.6 271
CANDU PHWR 4.7 260
Phenix LMFBR 16.3 510
THTR-300 18.1 530
Fort St.Vrain HTGR 17.3 541
Water is essential for living but over a billion people, approximately 20% of the
world’s population, lack safe drinking water, and three billion lack access to adequate
sanitation5 for lack of water. Unfortunately, 94% of the world’s water is salt water
and only 6% is fresh6, and less than 1% of the fresh water is easily accessible (27%
being in the glaciers and 72% underground). As the standard of living increases all
over the globe, the demand for both energy and water is also increasing. In this
regard, the development and use of water desalination technologies7 are helping
tremendously. Desalination of water requires energy but, as shown in Table I, it can
be done at relatively low temperatures. Waste heat from power plants is sufficient for
this purpose. Nuclear power can play a significant role, particularly in a dual capacity,
238 D. Majumdar
Nuclear desalination can be described as production of potable water from seawater or brackish water
in a facility in which a nuclear reactor is used as the source of energy for the desalination process.
Desalination & Other Non-electric Applications of Nuclear Energy 239
2002 IAEA 25
Economic studies performed at the IAEA indicate that nuclear energy can be
competitive for desalination compared with fossil-fuelled energy sources11. The
desalination costs range from $0.40 to $1.90 per m3 of fresh water produced. It was
generally found that (a) MSF processes cost higher than RO and MED processes, (b)
RO and MED processes costs are in general comparable, (c) RO is economically
more favourable for less stringent drinking standards, and (d) desalination costs are
higher for smaller reactors.
and the MSF section is expected to be done in 2003. Pakistan has initiated a
feasibility study for coupling a 4500m3/d desalination plant with the 137 MWe
PHWR KANUPP. Russia has investigated various coupling schemes for 35 MWe
KLT-40, 55 MWt RUTA, and 70 MWe NIKA reactors. Russia and Canada are
working on a floating nuclear desalination plant with the KLT-40 reactor and an
optimised Canadian desalination system involving reverse osmosis. The construction
of the KLT-40 on a barge is expected to be completed in 2006. China is investigating
a nuclear desalination project in Shandong peninsula with a 200 MWt nuclear heating
reactor (NHR-200). Their plan is couple it to an MED process to produce 160,000
m3/d of potable water. The study was finalized in 2001, and Tsinghua University is
setting up a test system to verify the design performance of the MED process.
Candesal Technologies in Canada is developing a unique approach to the design and
operation of RO system to improve energy efficiency and reduce the life cycle cost of
potable water. The Republic of Korea (ROK) is developing an integrated desalination
plant with the SMART reactor for dual purpose application. They aim to provide 90
MWe and 40,000 m3/d of fresh water. A 65 MWt pilot version of the SMART reactor
is expected to be built in the ROK by 2008. ROK and Indonesia are also investigating
the feasibility of nuclear desalination in Madura Island, Indonesia. France is working
with Tunisia for a site-specific desalination study for La Skhira in Tunisia.
District heating has been used in some countries for decades. District heating
networks exist in Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia, Belarus, Russia and
Ukraine. Denmark, Finland, Sweden, and Switzerland also have developed heating
networks. The power capacity of heat networks is estimated to be about 600 – 1200
242 D. Majumdar
MWt in large cities and 10 –50 MWt in small communities2. At present nuclear
district heating appears to be most promising in countries which already have heat
distribution networks.
The concern of leakage of radioactivity into the heating network has been taken
care of by intermediate heat transfer loops operating at higher pressures than the
steam loop from the turbines, and by constant monitoring. The safe and reliable
operation of several district heating networks (e.g., in Bulgaria, Hungary, Slovakia,
Russia, Ukraine and Switzerland) has proved their effectiveness.
Table VI from IAEA Tecdoc 1056 (1998), as improved in ref 2, shows the
world experience of nuclear reactors in commercial district heating. Out of these 46
reactors, only two in China and Russia were used for the sole purpose of district
heating. Over twenty plants in Russia and the Bruce CANDU plants in Canada were
used for electricity generation and to provide heat for both process heat and district
heating. Steam from Bruce A plant was used for the heavy water production plant and
for the nearby agricultural and industrial complex. One also notes that of the many
existing and proposed designs of nuclear power systems for district heating, the
majority are based on the use of water reactor technology.
Desalination & Other Non-electric Applications of Nuclear Energy 243
E, P and DH stand for electricity, process heat and district heating.
Bruce A reactors are currently laid up; it is expected to start up in 2003.
Unit 1 was taken out of operation in 1988, unit 2 in 1990.
244 D. Majumdar
The market potential for district heating has been estimated2 to be between
340GWt and 7600GWt. Table VI shows that nuclear power provides only about 4.4
GWt. Since there are various sources for heat such as oil, coal and natural gas, unless
nuclear power is economical in the open market, it cannot make a big dent in
commercialising nuclear district heating. The scaling effect is also important for
nuclear district heating as it is more expensive at lower power. At 500 MWt and
above the nuclear option shows good chances to be competitive even at higher
discount rates2. Perhaps as nuclear power receives more acceptance from the public
and nuclear electricity becomes competitive with other sources of electricity, nuclear
district heating will also become more common.
There are five primary areas of industrial heat applications: food processing,
paper industry, chemical industry, petroleum and coal processing, and primary metal
industries. Relative use of process heat in these industries is shown in Table VII for
two developed countries, the U.S. (1994) and Germany (1989).
There are three cases of commercial use of nuclear process heat in Canada,
Germany and Switzerland. This is shown in Table VIII. The application to the heavy
water production facility in Bruce, Canada was the largest use of nuclear process heat
and it has operated very successfully for over 20 years. The six other industries the
Bruce complex provided process heat were plastic film manufacturing, ethanol plant,
apple juice concentration plant, alfalfa dehydration, cubing and pelletizing plant, a
greenhouse, and an agricultural research facility.
Desalination & Other Non-electric Applications of Nuclear Energy 245
Unit 2 of Bruce A was taken out of service in 1995, units 1,3 and 4 were taken out of
service in 1998. They are expected to start up in 2003.
The total potential market of industrial process heat is large and of the same
order of magnitude as district heating. It is estimated to be between 240 GWt and
2900 GWt2. However, the demand in terms of size varies; some 50% of the users
need less than 10 MWt, 40% need sizes from 10 to 50 MWt, and only 10% need sizes
greater than 50 MWt3. Very few need a large amount of process heat as in the Bruce
example in Canada. The market is also very competitive as small fossil fuel units can
provide the needed steam.
As shown in Table II, liquid metal and gas-cooled reactors can generate very
high temperatures, which could be used to create new synthetic fuels for energy. This
will be an innovative application of nuclear energy and can considerably expand its
use. This is because the transportation sector is responsible for about a quarter of the
total energy use and almost 99% of this is currently supplied by organic fuel. Nuclear
power can penetrate this large market through use of electric cars and production of
synthetic fuels such as methanol, ethanol and their derivatives; nuclear power can
also be used for coal gasification, oil extraction and hydrogen production. All of these
are being seriously considered in the 21st century. However, the infrastructure for use
of these fuels needs to be created first, particularly in the case of environmentally
ideal hydrogen fuel.
246 D. Majumdar
Coal gasification (i.e., conversion of solid coal into a gaseous fuel like the
natural gas) requires very high temperatures but could be practical because the
infrastructure for use of natural gas already exists, and there are vast deposits of coal
in the world and this conversion can remove environmental pollutants such as
particulates like sulphur-dioxide and nitrogen oxides. The efficiency of coal fire
plants will also be improved by coal gasification. The process of coal gasification is,
however, quite energy intensive; one unit of gasified coal may require about 1.7 units
of energy in solid coal13. High temperature gas-cooled reactors can play a role here.
Another possible use of nuclear energy is for oil extraction from tar and oil
sands and for enhanced oil recovery operations, particularly from depleted oil
deposits. Canada and Venezuela have large resources of oil and tar sands. Steam
injection is used for these extraction applications and steam can also be used for
processing the oil after the extraction.
The feasibility of nuclear application for production of more organic fuel really
depends on the economics. So long as fossil fuel, particularly oil and gas, are
available at low prices, nuclear will not be a preferable option. Only dual use, where
nuclear electricity can compete in the market, could make these applications
In this method Methane (CH4), a main component of natural gas, and water
react at temperatures of 600 – 800 C to produce hydrogen and carbon monoxide and
dioxide. The steam reforming system can be easily coupled to a HTGR, which can
provide the necessary heat and high temperature. Considerable R&D work has been
carried out in Germany for the steam reforming of methane including performing
experiments in a pilot plant, EVA-I and EVA-II. Currently work is in progress in
JAERI for the HTTR14, in China for the HTR-1015 and in Russia.
The basic CH4 and CO2 reaction for this process (with no addition of steam)
produces CO and hydrogen. The reforming process requires high temperature (800 –
900 C) and high energy input, both of which can be provided by HTGRs. The
Desalination & Other Non-electric Applications of Nuclear Energy 247
generated CO and H2 mixture (syngas) can be used directly as fuel for electricity
generation (e.g., by fuel cells).
D. Electrolysis
There are several possibilities for direct utilization of heat from nuclear
reactors. Nuclear desalination, district heating and industrial process heat are
examples where this has been done, and these non-electric applications of nuclear
power can be expanded in the future. It is also important to note that a wide range of
temperatures, for low to high temperature applications, can be tailored for specific
uses by different reactor types. Table IX shows the status of projects in several
countries for non-electric applications of nuclear energy. The proposed applications
are primarily for dual-purpose use but dedicated heating reactors are also being
developed in China and Russia. Innovative applications are being explored with gas-
cooled reactors because of their high temperatures. High temperature applications of
nuclear energy, particularly for production of new fuel such as hydrogen, are in the
laboratory stage now but have a great potential for the future3.
248 D. Majumdar
E: Electricity (Power), P: Steam supply for process heat, DH: Steam/Hot water supply for heating.
250 D. Majumdar
IAEA-Tecdoc 1056, “Nuclear heat applications: design aspects and operating
experience”, November 1998.
B.J. Csik and J. Kupitz, “Nuclear power applications: supplying heat for home and
industries”, IAEA Bulletin, Vol 39, No. 2, IAEA, Vienna, 1997.
IAEA-TRS-410, “Market potential for non-electric applications of nuclear energy”,
to be published.
IAEA-Tecdoc-1085, “Hydrogen as an energy carrier and its production by nuclear
power”, May 1999.
World Water Vision Commission Report: A Water Secure World, World Water
Forum, The Hague, Netherlands, 2000.
O.K. Buros, “The ABCs of Desalting”, International Desalination Association,
USA, February 2000.
Introduction of nuclear desalination – a guidebook, IAEA Technical Reports Series
No. 400, Vienna 2000.
T. Konishi, R.S. Faibish, and M. Gasparini, “Application of nuclear energy for
seawater desalination – design concepts of nuclear desalination plants”, Proc. of tenth
Int. Conf. On nuclear engineering, April 14 – 18, 2002, Arlington, VA, USA.
Y. Kupitz and T. Konishi, Encyclopedia of Desalination and Water Resources,
EOSS publications, Oxford, 2000.
Ted Prato et al., “Successful use of membranes at Diablo Canyon nuclear plant”,
The International Desalination and Water Reuse Quarterly, 27, vol 10/4, Feb/March
IAEA-Tecdoc-1186, “Examining the economics of seawater desalination using the
DEEP code”, December 2000.
P.K. Tewari and B.M. Misra, “Emerging trends in R&D on desalination in India”,
Desalination and Water Reuse, 46,vol.12/1, 2001.
Energy and nuclear power planning in developing countries, Technical Reports
Series No. 245, IAEA, Vienna, 1985.
S. Shiozawa, Y. Tachibana. O. Baba and M. Ogawa, “Present status and
perspective of HTGR in Japan”, Proceedings of the International Seminar on Status
and Prospects for Small and Medium Sized reactors, Cairo, 27 – 31 May 2001.
Desalination & Other Non-electric Applications of Nuclear Energy 251
Zongxin Wu and Yuliang Sun, “The technical design and safety features of the 10
MW HTGR test reactor”, Proceedings of the International Seminar on Status and
Prospects for Small and Medium Sized reactors, Cairo, 27 – 31 May 2001.
IAEA-Tecdoc-1236, “Design and evaluation of heat utilization systems for the high
temperature engineering test reactor”, August 2001.
Experiences and Techniques in the Decommissioning
of Old Nuclear Power Plants
Maurizio Cumo1
Experiences & Techniques in the Decommissioning of Old Nuclear Power Plants 255
1. Introduction
The main goal for the decommissioning activities is to place the facility in a condition
that eliminate any risk for the health and safety of the general public and the
environment, removing, in particular, from systems and structures any radioactivity
that may have been accumulated during plant operations. Of course, all the
decommissioning activities shall be carried out with great attention to assure the
minimization of the risks to both the public and the workers involved in the process.
All power plants, coal, gas and nuclear, have a finite life beyond which it is no longer
economical to operate them. Generally speaking, Nuclear Power Plants (NPP's) were
designed for a life of about 30 years, though some have proved capable of continuing
well beyond this term. Newer plants are designed for a 40 to 60 years operating life.
To date, 70 commercial power reactors, over 250 research reactors and a number of
fuel cycle facilities, have been retired from operation. Some of these have been fully
dismantled. Assuming an average of about 25-years lifespan, almost 300 nuclear
power plants would have to be decommissioned by the year 2010. By appropriate
refurbishment, replacement or upgrading of some equipment, operations at many of
these plants can probably be extended well beyond this conservative estimate.
256 M. Cumo
Commercial Plant
Plant Type Designer Mwe
operations shutdown
Latina Magnox TNPG 200 1963 1986
Stage 1
a) The first contamination barrier is kept as it was during operation but the
mechanical opening systems are permanently blocked and sealed (valves, plugs
etc.). The containment building is kept in a state appropriate to the remaining
hazard. The atmosphere inside the containment building is subject to appropriate
control. Access to the inside of the containment building is subject to monitoring
and surveillance procedures.
b) The unit is under surveillance and the equipment necessary for monitoring
radioactivity both inside the plant and in the area around it is kept in good
condition and used when necessary and in accordance with national legal
requirements. Inspections are carried out to check that the plant remains in good
condition. If necessary, checks are carried out to see that there are no leaks in
the first contamination barrier and the containment building.
Stage 2
a) The first contamination barrier is reduced to a minimum size (all parts easily
dismantled are removed). The sealing of that barrier is reinforced by physical means
and the biological shield is extended if necessary so that it completely surrounds the
barrier. After decontamination to acceptable levels, the containment building and the
nuclear ventilation systems may be modified or removed if they no longer play a role
in radiological safety and, depending on the extent to which other equipment is
removed decontaminated, access to the former containment building, if it is left
standing, can be permitted. The non-radioactive parts of the plant (buildings or
equipment) may be converted for new purposes.
b) Surveillance around the barrier can be relaxed but is desirable for periodic spot
checks to be continued, as well as surveillance of the environment. External
inspections of the sealed parts should be performed. Checks for leaks are no longer
necessary on any remaining containment buildings.
Stage 3
All materials, equipment and part of the plant, the activity of which remains
significant despite decontamination procedures are removed. In all remaining parts
contamination has been reduced to acceptable levels. The plant is decommissioned
258 M. Cumo
Other terms that are widely used to describe the strategy adopted for the
decommissioning are those that have been introduced in USA by the Nuclear
Regulatory Commission (US NRC):
The radioactive inventory is enclosed in a monolithic structure, e.g. concrete, to
secure the public safety. The monolithic structure should ensure integrity for about
100 years to derive benefit from the decay of the nuclides. After the entombment
period, all enclosed components are very low radioactive and the assumption should
be that dismantling at that time can be performed in a “conventional” way. During
entombment the plant remains under a nuclear license.
60 years is a limitation existing in the USA. In other countries this condition may last longer up to 100
years and more
If a plant is allowed to sit idle for 30 years, for example, only about 1/50th of its original radioactivity
from cobalt-60 will remain; after 50 years, some 1/1,000th will remain.
Experiences & Techniques in the Decommissioning of Old Nuclear Power Plants 259
On the other side, the SAFSTOR option may really imply a simple “close and seal the
door”, or a combination of immediate dismantling and safe store. In the latter case it
may be considered the immediate dismantling of systems and buildings which are
not, or only slightly, contaminated and a SAFSTOR strategy for the most radioactive
portion of the plant. Also the safe storage period may range from 30 to more than 100
years, depending on a number of parameters and conditions that will be discussed
The third strategy (ENTOMBMENT) has never been applied yet to a NPP. There are
several reasons for that. The first one is that the size of a NPP is too large to be
simply entombed. A second reason is related to the fact that most power reactors will
have radionuclides in concentrations exceeding the limits for unrestricted use even
after 100 years and more and therefore this strategy cannot be successful.
ENTOMBMENT is, however, a possible strategy for smaller reactors and for other
small nuclear facilities.
Post-Operation – It is the sum of the activities that are needed to maintain the safety
of the plant even after the plant has been definitely shutdown. These activities are
more relevant while the spent fuel is still present in the plant.
Dismantling – It is the real demolition activity. It may be a rather simple and quick
activity, using conventional tools, but it may also be a very complex activity in the
case of highly radioactive parts, using remote cutting and other sophisticated tools.
Safe Storage – It is the period in which the plant is left in dormancy, waiting
for the radioactive decay. The plant is not left without controls, but a number
of activities are still needed and, in some cases, some maintenance and even
construction activities are necessary to maintain the safety for the workers and
the public.
Isotope Half-life
Principal Associated Materials
(years)decay γ energy where isotopes
mode (MeV) can be found
H3 5 12,3 β- - C,O,S2
C14 5730 β- - G, M, S
Na22 2 2,6 EC, β + 0,51 - 1,28 O
Cl36 3,1 108 β -, EC - C
Ar39 2 269 β- - C
41 5
Ca 1 10 EC - C
Ca45 0,4 β- - C
V49 2 0,9 EC - S2
Mn54 0,9 EC, γ 0,83 A, M, S
Fe55 2 2,7 EC - C, M, O, S2
Co57 2 0,7 EC, γ 0,12 - 0,14 S2
β, γ
60 2 -
Co 5,3 1,2 – 1,3 C, M, O, S, Z
Ni59 7,5 104 EC - C, M, O, S, Z
63 2
Ni 100 -
- C, M, O, S2
Zn65 0,7 β +, γ, EC 0,51 – 1,12 A
Zr93 1,5 106 β- - O, Z
Nb94 2 104 β -, γ 0,70 – 0,87 M, O, S, Z
EC, γ -
93 3
Mo 3,5 10 0,3 M
Ag108m 130 EC, γ 0,4 – 0,6 – M, O, S
Ag110m 0,7 β -, γ 0,6 – 0,9 M, O, S
EC, γ
133 2
Ba 10,7 0,08 – 0,36 C
Sm151 93 β -, γ 0,02 C
Eu152 13,4 β -, γ EC 0,1 C, G
Eu154 8,2 β-, γ 0,1 – 1,3 C, G
Fission products are also often found in nuclear reactors as a result of defects in the fuel
Important in fusion devices also
Experiences & Techniques in the Decommissioning of Old Nuclear Power Plants 261
Worker doses are not included in the previous list, since it is assumed that with
proper preparation and the use of proper tools, including remote operations and
decontamination activities, the worker dose can always be reduced to acceptable
levels. Also environment and public health impact levels have not been included in
this list, since they are generally so low that do not present any serious concern. Of
course also these elements have to be taken into account in a complete strategy
• Work force policy - In general at the time of final plant shutdown of one unit the
work force is between 200 and 500 people. If the unit is isolated on the site and if
the utility has no other nuclear operating plant, the social situation may become
acute, also in areas industrially developed. Therefore the worker decrease curve
shall be carefully studied and their useful employment in the decommissioning
process shall be planned, even considering their requalification.
• Pressures by central or local authorities - Pressures may exist from local and
central authorities to clean up the site as soon as possible to solve the
occupational issue mentioned above, to improve the "image" of a certain area
with touristic or agricultural objectives, and so on.
Detailed planning of the decommissioning activity is also a difficult task. Very few
activities are routine activities and some last for years.
It is also necessary to mention that planning is also difficult because the plant
configuration is different day by day. To keep under control the status of the plant
and its configuration is an heavy task, addressed generally with complex and specific
planning tools.
6. Waste management
Wastes related to plant decommissioning come only from the structures of the plant
which have been either irradiated or contaminated with radioactive isotopes.
Criteria for waste classification are not standardized worldwide and therefore a
consensus classification is not possible. Criteria may be related to the type of
isotopes, to their concentration and/or to the total amount of radioactivity in a
package. However, in general, 3 categories of wastes are identified:
264 M. Cumo
1. Low level radwaste – these are waste that would not be radioactive (i.e. their
radioactivity will be below the clearance level6) in a period that can last from few
days to some decades. This type of waste is not the waste that concern most in the
decommissioning. In the cases in which also concentration is important, then it
becomes a very important issue for decommissioning. In fact, one of the isotopes
that may influence the entire decommissioning process is Cobalt-60, which has
an half-life of 5,3 years. Since it is present in significant quantities in all plants
and since it is dangerous to workers, because it decays with a strong gamma, it
may lead to very large quantities of waste. Therefore the need for concentration
of radioactivity, the appropriate treatment and the waste form is strictly related to
the country regulations, definitions and disposal costs for such a type of waste.
2. Intermediate level radwaste – this is the waste which needs up to some centuries
to decay below the clearance threshold level
3. High level radwaste – All other radioactive waste, that do not fit in the 2 previous
categories are classified as high level waste. This category may include activated
materials, components contaminated with transuranic isotopes, Carbon-14
isotopes, such as graphite blocks of Magnox reactors, etc. Vitrified residues of
reprocessing certainly fall into this category.
The need for proper processing indeed exists. However, in many cases the required
technologies and the goals are the same as those for operational wastes. In particular,
the goals to be achieved and optimized should be minimization of the quantities and
volumes at the origin, stabilization, concentration, conditioning, sorting and
packaging. Among the technologies used for waste conditioning we may recall:
nitrification, bitumization, polymerization, cementation, super-compaction,
incineration, vitrification, etc.
In fig.2 below a flow diagram is depicted to show the process of producing, treating,
characterizing and packaging of decommissioning wastes.
The clearance ‘’is the removal of material from a system of regulatory control provided that
the radiological impact of these sources after removal from the system is sufficiently low as
not to warrant any further control’’
Experiences & Techniques in the Decommissioning of Old Nuclear Power Plants 265
7. Decontamination technologies
Decontamination objectives can vary according to the specific strategy chosen and
according to the specific phase of the decommissioning process. For example in the
SAFSTOR strategy the decontamination can be reduced to eliminate the easy
removable contamination and to minimize the doses to workers at the end of the safe
store period.
Chemical techniques use diluted or concentrated solvents which come in contact with
the radioactive substances to be dissolved. The dissolution may imply also the
dissolution of part of the base material or simply of the radioactive deposit film on the
surface. This last way is adopted when there is an interest in maintaining the integrity
of the base metal such as in the case of operating plants, where the decontamination is
applied only to reduce worker doses during maintenance activities. Chemical
decontamination is applied by a continuous flushing in intact piping, creating a closed
loop, and it is preferred for areas where access is difficult and for decontaminating the
internal surfaces of piping. Chemical decontamination can be also successfully used
for large areas such as floors and walls.
8. Dismantling technologies
The conditions under which the cutting operations are carried out depend on the
location and space of the working area, on the qualification and experiences of the
Experiences & Techniques in the Decommissioning of Old Nuclear Power Plants 267
• the technique (tool) should be used in practice, so that experience exists and a
safety in furnish, spare parts and handling is available
• the technique (tool) should only generate a minimum of secondary waste, e.g.
dust, particles, smokes, aerosols with controlled dispersion, liquid effluents
• low risk of contamination for personnel on site
• the technique (tool) has to be compatible to the working-environment.
In thermal cutting techniques, the solid material is melted and then blown away.
Since molten states of material are present, the net amount of force needed is much
smaller than for the techniques which use strain energy. Hence the contribution of
mechanical force is only a minor part of thermal cutting processes.
It is possible to subdivide the thermal cutting techniques, according to the type of heat
source, in:
• gas processes
• arc processes
• plasma arc processes
• a composition of the above processes
The energy density of the heat source increases from the gas flame over the arc and
the plasma arc to the laser beam.
268 M. Cumo
The abrasive water jet cutting technique is based on the application of plain water
jets. Abrasive particles are accelerated by a high speed water jet and cause the
removal of the material. Instead of an erosion process as in case of plain water jets,
abrasive water jets cut by micro-chipping the material by the sharp-edged particles.
When using the correct abrasive material, which has to be harder than the work piece
material, any material can be cut - metals as well as ceramics, glass and concrete.
With abrasive water jets, severance cutting as well as gouging, is possible. To
generate abrasive water jets two different methods are currently available. The
abrasive can be added to a plain water jet in a special mixing head (injection jet), or a
premixed and pressurised abrasive water suspension can be released to the nozzle to
form the abrasive jet (suspension jet). Sharp-edged mineral particles such as silicon
sand, corundum or garnet sand are used as abrasives. The increasing number of
cutting applications has helped the abrasive water suspension jet (AWSJ) to become
more important despite the high consumption of water and abrasives.
The last groups of techniques are the mechanical cutting techniques. A limited list of
such techniques is reported below as an example of the available alternatives to be
optimized on a case by case basis:
• Grinder
• Hacksaw and Guillotine Saw
• Shears
• Milling Cutters and Orbital Cutters
• Knurl Tube Cutter (rotary disk knife or cutting wheel or plumber's pipe cutter)
• Diamond Saws and Cables
The issue of health and safety aspects and the broader one of the environmental
impact of the decommissioning process is far reaching and it may only be
The first aspect is probably the most significant. Decommissioning is a very labour
intensive activity and workers will be in contact with radioactive and other toxic
wastes. However, all the means of the plant are still available to reduce the worker
doses to the minimum and, while individual doses will always be below acceptable
levels, an ALARA (As Low As Reasonably Achievable) analysis of single activities
and process could reduce the cumulative occupational doses to values below a few
years of plant operation for the entire decommissioning process (few hundreds of
Risks to the public are extremely low in comparison with those associated with plant
operation. Radioactive inventory available for release to atmosphere or water bodies
is a very small fraction of the previous ones. In general the most dangerous situations
are associated with large fires in contaminated areas, breaks in tanks with large
inventories of liquid radwaste, drop of contaminated loads. All these situations,
however, in general would not even require the activation of an emergency plan.
The total cost of decommissioning is dependent on the sequence and timing of the
various stages of the program. Deferment of a stage tends to reduce its cost, due to
decreasing radioactivity, but this may be offset by increased storage and surveillance
Even allowing for uncertainties in cost estimates and applicable discount rates,
decommissioning contributes less than 5% to total electricity generation costs. In
USA many utilities have revised their cost projections downwards in the light of
experience, and estimates now average 325 million dollars per reactor all-up.
270 M. Cumo
The cost of decommissioning nuclear power plants is based on the following factors:
In addition, costs depend on such country- and site-specific factors as the type of
reactor, waste management and disposal practices and labor rates. The importance of
the last item is due to the fact that decommissioning is a labour intensive activity and,
therefore, its cost is strongly connected with labour practices, working hours and, of
course, labor rates.
Total decommissioning costs include all costs from the start of decommissioning until
the site is released for unrestricted use.
The results, which include a 25 per cent contingency factor, showed a range of costs
for an immediate Stage 3 decommissioning of between 97 and 173 million U.S.
dollars (1984). Costs for combining Stages 1 and 3 ranged from 117 to 181 million
dollars. Only the United States estimated the costs of combining Stages 2 and 3, from
158 to 186 million dollars. While these figures cannot be absolutely precise, due to
differences in the original contingency factors and definitions of decommissioning
stages among countries, they nevertheless show what order of magnitude actual
decommissioning costs are likely to be for large power plants.
In the last case a detailed database and a computer code treating a large number of
information are needed.
For example, one of these computer codes (STILLKO) has been developed in
Germany by NIS Company and has been extensively used not only in Germany, but
also in many European countries, including Italy. The STILLKO Cost Breakdown
Structure (CBS) includes all decommissioning activities that are necessary for the
successful completion of the decommissioning project, beginning with the licensing
procedure up to the green field status at the end. The CBS is organized into different
levels in a hierarchical structure as described in fig. 3.
On the second level, the decommissioning phases are divided into the following cost
• Project management and project administration
• Planning and licensing
• Plant operation and security
• Plant technical activities for Safe Enclosure
• Preparations for Dismantling
• Dismantling activated and contaminated components
• Decontamination
• Conventional dismantling
• Waste management
• Radiological and conventional worker protection
These cost categories have been created according to functional points of view and
represent the volume of the decommissioning activities. The cost categories may
occur in every decommissioning phase, with suitable contents of the cost categories
regarding the respective phase.
The third level is used to allocate the decommissioning activities to the buildings and
areas on site. Using this level in the cost structure it is possible to assign the work
directly to the place where it arises but also to determine the sequence of the activities
and their schedule in relation to the specific building.
On the fourth level, individual tasks are defined which allow a room by room or
system by system planning, regarding to the situation on site. The execution of the
tasks may be done parallel in different buildings, building levels or rooms.
On the fifth, the lowest level, the decommissioning tasks are divided into activities.
These activities are formed in a way that each of them can be individually calculated.
It is useful to mention that a standardization of cost items has been developed in the
framework of OECD and European Union and that it can be a useful reference for the
The drawback to this system is that the amount estimated would not be in place if the
plant were to be shut down before the end of its normal lifetime. To avoid this, a fund
could be established at the start of the plant's operation which would cover the cost of
decommissioning whenever it became necessary. However, this represents a heavy
burden for the utility at the moment when construction and start-up costs are already
high, and thus, although it may be imposed by law, this solution is clearly not
favoured by utilities.
Financing methods vary from country to country. Among the most common are:
• External sinking fund (Nuclear Power Levy): This is built up over the years from
a percentage of the electricity rates charged to consumers. Proceeds are placed in
a trust fund outside the utility’s control. This is the main US system, where
sufficient funds are set aside during the reactor’s operating lifetime to cover the
cost of decommissioning.
• Prepayment, where money is deposited in a separate account to cover
decommissioning costs even before the plant begins operation. This may be done
in a number of ways, but the funds cannot be withdrawn other than for
decommissioning purposes.
• Surety fund, letter of credit, or insurance purchased by the utility to guarantee
that decommissioning costs will be covered even if the utility defaults.
In Italy a fund has been established to enable the decommissioning of Italian NPPs
and the closure of the nuclear fuel cycle. These special provisions are included in the
Financial Statement of the SOGIN Company.
In this field the role of the universities may be limited, since the matter is more
related to an industrial development in many cases at competitive levels among
suppliers, but it is anyway important, in the advanced and high technology fields
(advanced chemical decontamination, waste treatment such as vitrification,
robotization, waste stream characterization), as well as in computer codes for dose or
environmental impact calculations.
First ENEL and then SOGIN have carried out a number of activities in the framework
of the general decommissioning programs. They are both in-field activities and
planning and designing activities. The current situation at the four NPP's is the
• Reactor defuelling and off-site shipment of spent fuel: 1985 - 1987
• Radiological characterisation of plant systems, components and structures:
• Safe Enclosure of Reactor building: 1990 - 1998
• Safe Enclosure of Turbine building: 1994 - 1995
• Treatment of low-level waste and retrieval/conditioning of intermediate-
level and high-level waste: 1988 - 1999
• Dismantling and safe enclosure of existing Radwaste system, demolition of
Off-gas stack and Safe Enclosure condition to be reached within the year
• Reactor defuelling and off-site shipment of spent fuel: 1988 - 1991
• Radiological characterisation of plant systems, components and structures:
• Decontamination and dismantling of systems and components: 1992 - 1996
• Decontamination of the spent fuel pool: 1996 - 1999
• Treatment of radioactive waste, dismantling of primary circuit ducts and
components and Safe Enclosure condition to be reached within the year
• Radiological characterisation of plant systems, components and structures:
1992 - 1994
• Reactor defuelling: 1991
• Temporary dry storage of spent fuel at plant site within the year 2003
• Safe Enclosure condition to be reached in the year 2007
• Radiological characterisation of plant systems, components and structures:
1992 - 1995
Experiences & Techniques in the Decommissioning of Old Nuclear Power Plants 275
Engineering and R&D Departments of ENEL were also involved in the development
and design of special equipments and tools, used for waste retrieval and
decontamination of structures.
After plants shutdown the plant staff were significantly reduced; part of the personnel
were transferred to fossil power plants, and retired personnel were not replaced.
13. Conclusions
Some broad conclusions can be drawn from the issues that have been briefly
correct funding scheme is very important to provide for all necessary funds at the end
of the plant operating life.
International consensus and harmonization are needed in several areas. This need has
been recognized only recently, in the last years, when a greater number of NPP's have
terminated their service life.
A decision making process transparent both to the politicians and to the public, who
deserve the information they want in an activity that is finally for their assurance, is
undoubtedly useful.
This design has been aimed at strongly simplifying the plant layout, the components
construction and assembling on the site in order to reduce construction times and
This effort has produced, as a parallel significant result, a huge simplification of all
decommissioning activities. In particular, the basic design choices of the MARS
plant affecting decommissioning are shown in Table 3. These choices produce the
results shown in Table 4.
The selected plant characteristics (specific power, temperature, pressure, thermal inertia, etc.) have
allowed to simplify all non safety-related auxiliary systems thanks to reduced performances.
The extensive use of passive systems to assure plant safety has allowed to eliminate some traditional
safety-related auxiliary systems (e.g. injection systems) or to strongly simplify other ones, reducing
the number of redundant components (e.g. boron emergency shutdown).
The selected plant power has allowed to reduce the size of main components, making them easily
The selected process parameters, even if reducing the plant global efficiency, guarantee a great
retention of fission products inside the fuel matrix, that, together with low stressed fuel cladding,
strongly reduce the amount of fission products dispersed within the primary coolant.
The selected structural materials (extensive use of stainless steel, elimination of cobalt alloys, etc.)
have allowed to reduce the materials activation.
The adoption of metal structures to support components, to build the working floors and the
biological screen, have allowed to limit the amount of concrete in the plant, simplifying and
speeding the construction phase.
The adoption of flanged connections between components and piping (also for the primary loop)
has allowed the easy mounting and dismounting of all components.
The adoption of an innovative design for all big components has allowed the possibility of their
easy and fast construction, assembling and disassembling.
The disassembling of flanged connections allows the easy and fast removal of all primary loop
components (the biggest components may be also disassembled in transportable sub-components)
with no needs for special equipment or complex activities to disassembly activated components
inside the reactor building.
The general plant simplification allows a huge reduction, up to 50% in comparison with a same size
traditional plant, of the number of contaminated or activated components (pumps, valves, tanks,
etc.), with the correspondent reduction of the amount of radioactive materials.
The limited size, as well as the possibility of disassembling of components allows their easy
The use of a "clean" primary coolant and the reduced number of components allows the reduction of
total and specific contamination of all materials facing the primary coolant.
The exclusive use of metallic structures allows the strong reduction, up to 50% in comparison with a
same size traditional plant, of the volume of concrete buildings potentially contaminated.
The reduced number of components to be removed, their limited size and the presence of flanged
connections make the decommissioning operations faster and faster than in traditional plants
(usually characterized by a lot of big components welded to piping).
The short and easy decommissioning phase allows a strong reduction of doses to personnel.
The short and easy decommissioning phase allows a strong reduction of decommissioning cost.
278 M. Cumo