Digital Beamforming Focal Plane Arrays For Radio Astronomy and Space-Borne Passive Remote Sensing
Digital Beamforming Focal Plane Arrays For Radio Astronomy and Space-Borne Passive Remote Sensing
Digital Beamforming Focal Plane Arrays For Radio Astronomy and Space-Borne Passive Remote Sensing
Oleg Iupikov
Typeset by the author using L E
Chalmers Reproservice
Göteborg, Sweden 2017
To my family
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better
-Albert Einstein
Dense Phased Array Feeds (PAFs) for reector antennas have numerous advantages
over traditional cluster feeds of horns in a one-horn-per-beam conguration, espe-
cially in RF-imaging applications which require multiple simultaneously formed and
closely overlapping beams. However, the accurate analysis and design of such PAF
systems represents a challenging problem, both from an EM-modeling and beamform-
ing optimization point of view. The current work addresses some of these challenges
and consists of two main parts.
In the rst part the mutual interaction eects that exist between a PAF consisting
of many densely packed antenna elements and an electrically large reector antenna
are investigated. For that purpose the iterative CBFM-PO method has been devel-
oped. This method not only allows one to tackle this problem in a time-ecient and
accurate manner, but also provides physical insight into the feed-reector coupling
mechanism and allows to quantify its eect on the antenna impedance and radiation
characteristics. Numerous numerical examples of large reector antennas with var-
ious representative feeds (e.g. a single dipole feed and complex PAFs of hundreds
of elements) are also presented and some of them are validated experimentally. In
order to analyze electrically large feeds eciently, a domain-decomposition approach
to Krylov subspace iteration, where macro basis functions (or characteristic basis
functions) on each subdomain are naturally constructed from the dierent segments
of the generating vectors, is also proposed.
The second part of the thesis is devoted to the optimization of PAF beamformers
and covers two application examples: (i) microwave satellite radiometers for accurate
ocean surveillance; and (ii) radio telescopes for wide eld-of-view sky surveys. Based
on the initial requirements for future antenna systems, which are currently being
formulated for these applications, we propose various gures-of-merits and describe
the corresponding optimal beamforming algorithms that have been developed. Stud-
ies into these numerical examples demonstrate how optimal beamforming strategies
can help to greatly improve the antenna system characteristics (e.g. beam eciency,
side-lobe level and sensitivity in the presence of the noise) as well as to reduce the
complexity of the beam calibration models and overall phased array feed design.
This thesis is in partial fulllment for the degree of PhD of Engineering at Chalmers
University of Technology.
The work that has resulted in this thesis was carried out between December 2011
and March 2017 and has been performed within the Antenna group at the Department
of Electrical Engineering, Chalmers. Professor Marianna Ivashina has been both the
examiner and main supervisor, and Associate Professor Rob Maaskant has been the
The work has been supported by a project grant System Modelering och Optimer-
ing av Gruppantenner för Digital Lobformning from the Swedish Research Council
(VR), Swedish National Space Board (SNSB) project grant 202-15 Antenna-Array
Digital-Beamforming and Calibration Methods for the Next Generation Multi-Beam
Space-borne Radiometers for Ocean Observation within the framework of the SNSB
2015-R open call for Space and Earth Observation Research, and a grant Study on
Advanced Multiple-Beam Radiometers (contract 4000107369-12-NL-MH) from the
European Space Agency (ESA).
First and foremost, I wish to thank my supervisor Prof. Marianna Ivashina for the
opportunity to work on challenging and relevant research topics, and for her contin-
uous guidance and encouragement during these years. I thank her for her patience
and signicant amount of time she spent in discussing the challenging phased-array
feed problems, reviewing my research papers and technical reports. I am very thank-
ful Prof. Ivashina for teaching me to be an independent researcher by giving me
a chance to be creative in my work. I would also like to thank my co-supervisor
Assoc. Prof. Rob Maaskant for numerous fruitful discussions related to my work,
and for the innite support in such complicated topics as numerical methods for
electromagnetic modeling, electromagnetic theory, and other technical topics I could
have a question on. All in all, it had been my honor to have worked with both of You.
You are as much as mentors to me as are friends. I would like to thank Prof. Per-
Simon Kildal for welcoming me to the Antenna group. Also, thanks to all of you I
have met my beloved Esperanza :)
I would also like to thank Drs. Kees van 't Klooster and Benedetta Fiorelli
from ESA, Drs. Knud Pontoppidan, Per Heighwood Nielsen and Cecilia Cap-
pellin from TICRA, Prof. Niels Skou from Technical University of Denmark for the
interesting and fruitful collaboration on new satellite radiometers, and Dr. Andre
Young from Stellenbosch University for common work on calibration techniques for
radio telescopes. I thank Prof. Christophe Craeye for inviting me to Université
Catholique de Louvain and for interesting collaboration which had led to our joint
journal publication on numerical methods.
I would like to acknowledge Dr. Wim van Cappellen from ASTRON, The
Netherlands, for providing us with measurements of the Vivaldi antenna PAF (APER-
TIF), that were made at the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope. These measure-
ment results have been very benecial for validating my numerical models.
My special thanks go to all the former and current colleagues of the Electrical
Engineering Department for creating a nice and enjoyable working environment.We've
had a lot of fun and enjoyable moments both at work and afterwork time.
List of Publications
This thesis is based on the work contained in the following appended papers:
Paper A
O. Iupikov, R. Maaskant, and M. Ivashina, Towards the Understanding of the
Interaction Eects Between Reector Antennas and Phased Array Feeds, in Proceed-
ings of the International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications,
ICEAA 2012, Cape Town, South Africa, September 2012, pp. 792795.
Paper B
O. Iupikov, R. Maaskant, and M. Ivashina, A plane wave approximation in the
Proceedings of the
computation of multiscattering eects in reector systems, in
7th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EUCAP 2013, Gothenburg,
Sweden, April 2013, pp. 38283832.
Paper C
O. Iupikov, R. Maaskant, M. Ivashina, A. Young, and P.S. Kildal, Fast and Ac-
curate Analysis of Reector Antennas with Phased Array Feeds including Multiple
Reections between Feed and Reector, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Prop-
agation, vol.62, no.7, 2014, pp. 34503462.
Paper D
C. Cappellin, K. Pontoppidan, P. H. Nielsen, N. Skou, S. S. Søbjærg, M. Ivashina,
O. Iupikov, A. Ihle, D. Hartmann, and K. v. 't Klooster, Novel Multi-Beam Radiome-
Proceedings of the 8th European Conference
ters for Accurate Ocean Surveillance, in
on Antennas and Propagation, EUCAP 2014, The Hague, The Netherlands, April
2014, pp. 15
Paper E
O. Iupikov, M. Ivashina, K. Pontoppidan, P. H. Nielsen, C. Cappellin, N. Skou,
S. S. Søbjærg, , A. Ihle, D. Hartmann, and K. v. 't Klooster, Dense Focal Plane
Proceedings of the 8th European
Arrays for Pushbroom Satellite Radiometers, in
Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EUCAP 2014, The Hague, The Nether-
lands, April 2014, pp. 15
List of Publications
Paper F
A. Young, M.V. Ivashina, R. Maaskant, O.A. Iupikov, D.B. Davidson, Improving
the Calibration Eciency of an Array Fed Reector Antenna Through Constrained
Beamforming, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol.61, no.7, July
2013, pp. 35383545.
Paper G
O. A. Iupikov, C. Craeye, R. Maaskant, M. V. Ivashina, Domain-Decomposition
Approach to Krylov Subspace Iteration, EEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation
Letters, vol.15, 2016, pp. 14141417.
Paper H
C. Cappellin, K. Pontoppidan, P. H. Nielsen, N. Skou, S. S. Søbjærg, A. Ihle,
M. V. Ivashina, O. A. Iupikov, K. v. 't Klooster, Design of a push-broom multi-
Proceedings of the 9th European
beam radiometer for future ocean observations, in
Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EUCAP 2015, Lisbon, Portugal, April
2015, pp. 15.
Paper I
O. A. Iupikov, M. V. Ivashina, K. Pontoppidan, P. H. Nielsen, C. Cappellin,
N. Skou, S. S. Søbjærg, A. Ihle, D. Hartmann, K. v. 't Klooster, An Optimal Beam-
forming Algorithm for Phased-Array Antennas Used in Multi-Beam Spaceborne Ra-
Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Antennas and Propa-
diometers, in
gation, EUCAP 2015, Lisbon, Portugal, April 2015, pp. 15.
Paper J
M. V. Ivashina, O. A. Iupikov, C. Cappellin, K. Pontoppidan, P. H. Nielsen,
N. Skou, S. S. Søbjærg, B. Fiorelli, Enabling High-sensitivity Near-land Radiometric
Measurements With Multi-beam Conical Scanners Employing Phased Arrays, in
Proceedings of the 36th ESA Antenna Workshop on Antennas and RF Systems for
Space Science, ESA/ESTEC, The Netherlands, 6-9 October 2015, pp. 16.
Paper K
O. A. Iupikov, M. V. Ivashina, N. Skou, C. Cappellin, K. Pontoppidan, K. v. 't
Klooster, Multi-Beam Focal Plane Arrays with Digital Beamforming for High Preci-
sion Space-Borne Remote Sensing, Under review for IEEE Transactions on Antennas
and Propagation, 2017.
Paper L
O. A. Iupikov, A. A. Roev, M. V. Ivashina, Prediction of Far-Field Pattern
Characteristics of Phased Array Fed Reector Antennas by Modeling Only a Small
Part of the Array Case Study of Spaceborne Radiometer Antennas, in Proceedings
of the 11th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EUCAP 2017, Paris,
France, April 2017, pp. 14.
Abstract i
Preface iii
Acknowledgments v
Contents ix
I Introductory Chapters
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Next generation radio telescopes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Satellite radiometers for Earth observations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.3 Antenna arrays in satellite communication and telecommunication sys-
tems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.4 Modeling, design and calibration challenges of novel Phased Array Feeds 6
1.5 Goal and outline of the thesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.5 Analysis of antenna arrays using Krylov subspace iteration with domain
decomposition approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
2.6 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
II Included Papers
Paper A Towards the Understanding of the Interaction Eects Be-
tween Reector Antennas and Phased Array Feeds 91
1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
2 Analysis methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
3 Numerical Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
4 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
Part I
Introductory Chapters
1 Introduction
Since recently, several types of so-called dense Phased-Array Feed (PAF) systems
for reector antennas have been designed for applications in future instruments for
radio astronomy, Earth surface and space observations [111]. The main advantage of
these PAFs over conventional single-horn feeds and cluster feeds of horns is that the
inter-element separation distance of such dense PAFs can be much smaller than one
wavelength to allows the formation of multiple closely overlapping beams with high
eciency [12]. Another advantage is that these PAFs can be equipped with digital
beamformers providing an individual complex excitation per array antenna element
and hence can realize an optimal illumination of the reector aperture [1318]. These
advantageous properties are of great importance both for radio astronomy and Earth
observation applications requiring fast and wide eld-of-view (FOV) surveys.
The FOV of conventional telescopes with single-beam feeds is limited to one half-
power beamwidth, where the sensitivity takes the maximum value along the beam
axis and gradually decreases from its center. To image a larger region of the sky,
Chapter 1. Introduction
Figure 1.1: APERTIF project [7], which aims to increase the eld-of-view of the Westerbork Syn-
thesis Radio Telescope (WSRT) with a factor 25, as is illustrated in the bottom-left inset. This
performance gain is achieved by placing a receiver array in the focus of each parabolic dish of the
WSRT, instead of the single receiver element that the current system employs [26].
astronomers use the mosaicing technique [21]. With this technique, a telescope
performs many observations by mechanically steering (scanning) the dish such that
the main lobes of the beams generated in subsequent observations closely overlap and
form an almost continuous beam envelope when superimposed. The large-eld image
is therefore formed by composing a mosaic of smaller sized overlapping images taken
during these observations. According to Nyquist's eld-sampling theorem, a uniform
sensitivity of the combined image is achieved when the beam separation is equal to
or smaller than one half of the half-power beamwidth [22]. A larger spacing between
the observations results in a sensitivity ripple over the FOV [17, 23]. The maximum
allowable ripple will depend on the particular science case.
PAFs can provide many closely overlapping beams in one snapshot, thereby
greatly improving the size of the FOV. However, to meet the required eld-sampling
limit with a cost-eective number of PAF beams, their shapes should be optimized
and the maximum achievable receiving sensitivity, as well as minimum receiver and
antenna noise [24, 25], should be traded against the maximum tolerable sensitivity
ripple over the FOV.
1.2. Satellite radiometers for Earth observations
calibration of the data. In this respect, two antenna design aspects are of particular
importance: the stability (i.e. variation over time) of the co- and cross-polarized
beams; and the orthogonality of the two beams in the direction of incidence. This
requires that the beams are formed simultaneously and span a 2-D basis along which
the incident eld is decomposed. Future PAF-equipped telescopes are potentially
accurate polarimeters thanks to the exibility that digital beamforming oers. How-
ever, although the orthogonality of the beam pair in the direction of observation may
be improved electronically, it is important that the intrinsic polarization character-
istics of the beams are suciently good to minimize such corrections as they may
compromise the receiving sensitivity.
Another important concern about radio telescopes is their calibration procedure.
This requires accurate models of the instrumental parameters and propagation con-
ditions, which vary over time, so that the model parameters have to be determined
during the observation time through a number of calibration measurements [30]. To
perform calibration of radio telescopes eciently, the number of model parameters
should be minimal. One of the instrumental parameters that needs accurate char-
acterization is the radiation pattern of the antenna, which is especially challenging
for future array based multiple beam radio telescopes due to complexity of such
instruments and increased size of the FOV.
To be able to characterize all beams inside the FOV by means of a simple beam
model, beamforming techniques can be used to create similarly shaped beams [31,32].
However, this leads to a loss in the receiving sensitivity requiring us to employ more
advanced but still simple beam models. An attempt to develop such beam model in
conjunction with constrained beamforming technique is made in this work.
Chapter 1. Introduction
Figure 1.2: Operational principle of a push-broom microwave radiometer, which includes an o-set
toroidal reector antenna fed by a multi-beam focal plane array of horns arranged perpendicular
to the ight direction of the spacecraft. Dierent areas of the ocean-surface are scanned as the
spacecraft ies forward.
1.3. Antenna arrays in satellite communication and telecommunication...
designs are required. For push-broom radiometers, various optics concepts have been
investigated [37], and the optimum solution has been found to be an oset toroidal
single reector antenna, such as illustrated in Fig. 1.2. This reector structure is ro-
tationally symmetric around its vertical axis, and thus is able to cover a wide swath
range. However, its aperture eld exhibits signicant phase errors due to the non-
ideal (parabolic) surface of the reector, which requires the use of a more complex
feed system.
Figure 1.3: Prototype of the array-fed oset reector antenna [42], and the array of sequentially
rotated aperture-coupled microstrip antennas in the focal plane of the prototype.
Chapter 1. Introduction
the exibility of phased arrays. The recently funded Horizon 2020 Innovative Train-
ing Network SILIKA [43] is dealing with quasi-optically beamformed array antennas
such as Focal Line Arrays and Focal Plane Arrays, where each antenna element sees
multiple users within a sector of the total coverage area, and where each active array
element consists of a silicon integrated circuit with integrated antenna radiator.
During the last decades, a number of analytical and numerical techniques have
been developed to model feed-reector interaction eects. For example, in [44], the
multiscattered eld between the feed and reector is approximated by a geometric
series of on-axis plane wave (PW) elds, each of which is scattered by the antenna
feed due to its incident PW at each iteration, and where the amplitudes of these PWs
are known in closed-form for a given reector geometry. This method is very fast and
insightful, while MoM-level accuracy can be achieved for single-horn feeds, but not
for array feeds as demonstrated in Paper B. An alternative approach is to use more
versatile, though more time-consuming, hybrid numerical methods combining Phys-
ical Optics or Gaussian beams for the analysis of reectors with MoM and/or Mode
Matching techniques for horn feeds [45, 46]. The recent article [47] has introduced a
PO/Generalized-Scattering-Matrix approach for solving multiple domain problems,
and has shown its application to a cluster of disjoint horns. This approach is generic
and accurate, but may require the lling of a large scattering matrix for electrically
large PAFs and/or multifrequency front-ends (MFFEs) that often includes a large
extended metal structure [48]. Other hybrid methods, which are not specic for solv-
ing the present type of problems, make use of eld transformations, eld operators,
multilevel fast multipole approaches (MLFMA), and matrix modications [4952].
Recently, a Krylov subspace iterative method has been combined with an MBF-
PO approach for solving feed-reector problems [53], and complementary to this, an
iteration-free CBFM-PO approach has been presented by S. Hay, where a modied
reduced MoM matrix for the array feed is constructed by directly accounting for the
presence of the reector [54]. However, most of these methods are either complicated
1.5. Goal and outline of the thesis
or slow, or do not allow for the extraction of the feed-reector interaction eect in a
systematic manner.
Besides the eciency and simplicity of modeling techniques, their accuracy is of
great importance too. For example, present-day radio telescopes with single-beam
feeds can achieve a dynamic range upward to 10 : 1 along the on-axis beam direction.
However, the o-axis dynamic range is severely limited by uncertainties and temporal
instabilities in the beam patterns caused by gain drift in PAF channels, mispointing
and mechanical deformations of the dishes, as well as by station-to-station beam pat-
terns dierences [55, 56]. A number of calibration techniques for dealing with these
eects have been proposed and used in practical systems [21, 30, 57, 58]. For novel
PAF-based telescopes, the beam calibration is a new challenging eld and there is
not yet a clear consensus on what constitutes a good beam pattern. Furthermore,
the mutual coupling between the PAF and the dish(es) of a reector antenna gives
rise to a frequency dependent ripple in the antenna radiation and impedance char-
acteristics [59], which exacerbates the calibration. Accurate system models can help
alleviating the beam calibration problem.
In conclusion, the challenges in modeling, designing and calibrating novel PAFs,
Calibration of the Phased array feed (PAF) based radio telescope, which largely
depends on the accuracy of the antenna beam model.
Chapter 1. Introduction
are preferred in terms of low feed-reector coupling and overall antenna performance;
(ii) the design of PAFs for an oset toroidal reector antenna and the development
of optimal beamforming algorithms for accurate radiometric measurements; (iii) im-
proving the calibratibility of the beam shape of a radio telescope.
This thesis is organized as follows. In Chapter 2 a general CBFM-PO model of a
reector antenna system is developed. This model is based upon the Jacobi method
for solving a system of linear equations iteratively. The Characteristic Basis Function
Method (CBFM) is used to model the feed, while the Physical Optics (PO) approach
is used to model the current on the reector at each iteration.
To speed-up the method, several acceleration techniques are developed: the eld
scattered from the reector is expanded in a Plane Wave Spectrum (PWS), while
the eld radiated/scattered by the feed is computed at few near-eld points only
and then interpolated in order to nd the PO current distribution on the reector
surface. This allows us to simulate a reector antenna 5 − 100 times faster than a
pure CBFM-PO approach.
Afterwards, the developed method is used to model large reector antennas (38λ
and 118λ) fed by dierent types of feeds: (i) a single dipole above a ground plane;
(ii) a 20-elements dipole array; (iii) a 121-element dipole array; (iv) a 121-element
Vivaldi array; (v) a classical pyramidal horn with aperture size of ∼1λ, and; (vi) the
same horn with extended ground plane, which could represent a feed cabin of the
reector antenna.
Chapter 3 describes a PAF design procedure and several beamforming strate-
gies for the application of satellite radiometers observing the sea surface, where the
requirements for such radiometers are specied and translated into performance g-
ures in terms of antenna characteristics. Two beamformer algorithms are developed
to meet the tight radiometer requirements, and compared to the commonly used
Conjugate-Field-Matching beamformer. An algorithm to limit the weights dynamic
range keeping them optimal is also developed and numerically tested.
Next, a design procedure of an optimal PAF is presented, including analysis of
the required array size and inter-element spacing, as well as trade-o study between
several candidates for the array radiating element. In the later study several analysis
approaches are described and compared, which allow for a time-ecient analysis of
radiometers with PAFs.
Numerical results for the designed radiometer equipped with the optimal PAF are
presented for each type of beamformer.
In a short Chapter 4 it is shown how a constrained beamforming strategy can be
used to improve the calibration eciency of the PAF beam shape of a radio telescope.
The conclusions and recommendations are described in Chapter 5.
2 Electromagnetic Analysis
of Reector Antennas with
Phased Array Feeds Includ-
ing Feed-Reector Multiple
Reection Eects
The characterization of feeds in unblocked reectors and on-axis beams can be han-
dled by the traditional spillover, illumination, polarization and phase subeciency
factors dened for rotationally symmetric reectors in [60], and be extended to in-
clude excitation-dependent decoupling eciencies of PAFs [20, 61]. The current work
investigates the eects of aperture blockage and multiple reections on the system
performance in a more generic fashion than it was done in [44] and [62] for rotationally
symmetric antennas and single-pixel feeds.
ZI = V, (2.1)
Z Zrf Ir
rr r
f = , (2.2)
I Vf
Chapter 2. Electromagnetic Analysis of Reflector Antennas with Phased...
where Zrr Z are the MoM matrix self-blocks of the reector and feed, re-
1 r f
spectively , and V and V are the corresponding excitation vectors. The matrix
Zrf = (Zfr )T contains the mutual reactions involving the basis functions on the feed
and reector. The unknown current expansion coecient vectors are denoted by I
and I .
It can be shown that the solution to Eq. (2.2) can be written as an innite
geometric series (see Paper C for the derivation), which, in turn, can be represented
by the recursive scheme:
Reector Feed
∞ ∞
r r Ifn
I = In (2.3a) I = (2.4a)
n=0 n=0
The cross-coupled recursive scheme as formulated by Eqs. (2.3) and (2.4) is ex-
emplied in Fig. 2.1 as a ve-step procedure, in which the problem is rst solved in
isolation to obtain Ir0 and If0 . Afterwards, the feed current If0 is used to induce the
reector current I1 , which is then added up to the initial reector current. Likewise,
the initial reector current Ir0 is used to induce the feed current If1 , which is then
added to the initial feed current, and so forth.
Rather than computing the reector and feed currents through the large-size MoM
matrix blocks Zrr , Zrf , Zfr , and Z , additional computational and memory ecient
techniques can be employed for the rapid computation of these currents at each
iteration. Here, the Physical Optics (PO) current is used on the reector surface
and the Characteristic Basis Function Method (CBFM, [64]) is invoked as a MoM
enhancement technique for computing the current on the feed. Please see the Paper C
for details on how this is done.
The above described approach has been validated using the MoM solver as part of
the CAESAR software [64, 65] and the commercial software FEKO [66] (c.f. Paper C
for details).
2.2. Acceleration techniques
Transmit case:
Ir0 = 0 Ir1
Step (v)
If = If0 + If1 + If2 + . . .
Figure 2.1: Illustration of the cross-coupled iterative scheme for the multiscattering analysis of the
feed-reector interaction eects, as formulated by Eqs. (2.3) and (2.4): (i) The antenna feed radiates
in the absence of reector; (ii) the radiated eld from the feed scatters from the reector; (iii) the
scattered reector eld is incident on the terminated feed and re-scatters; (iv) the re-scattered eld
from the feed is incident on the reector; etc. (v) the nal solution for the current is the sum of the
subsequently induced currents.
Chapter 2. Electromagnetic Analysis of Reflector Antennas with Phased...
where Er and Es are the radiation and scattering far-eld patterns of the feed in
isolation correspondingly, and A(0) and As (0) are values of the co-polarization com-
ponent of these elds in the on-axis direction [see Fig. 2.2(a) and 2.2(b)]; r0 is the
distance between the reector apex and the phase reference point with respect to
which Er and Es are dened.
Plane Plane
wave wave
r0 r0
A(0) A(0) As(0) As(0)
Er Er Es Es Etot Etot
Phase ref. Phase ref. Phase ref. Phase ref.
point point point point
(a) The radiation (b) The scattering (c) The total pattern of the
pattern of the feed pattern of the feed feed including coupling with
on transmit due to an incident the reector
unit PW from the
direction of the
2.2. Acceleration techniques
However, as shown in Paper B, this semi-analytical approach works well only when
the feed is small w.r.t. the reector and when it has low-scattering properties. If the
feed becomes electrically large and high-scattering (such as for conventional multi-
frequency front-ends in radio telescopes), the accuracy of this method deteriorates. In
order to improve the accuracy, the plane wave coecient can be computed numerically
at each iteration. To do so, the eld scattered from the reector is sampled in the
focal plane, and the PW coecient is computed as an average of the sampled eld
values on a regular grid (see Paper B for the derivation):
1 X ref
α≈ E (rk ), (2.6)
K k=1 p
where Epref is the dominant p-component of the focal eld, and the set {rk }K
k=1 are K
sample points, which are assumed to be located on a uniform grid in the focal plane.
In summary, the plane-wave-enhanced MoM/PO method consists of the following
steps: (i) the antenna feed currents are computed through a method-of-moments
(MoM) approach by exciting the antenna port(s) in the absence of the reector;
(ii) these currents generate an EM eld which induces PO-currents on the reector
surface; (iii) the PO currents create a scattered eld that is tested at only a few
points in the focal plane; (iv) the eld intensity at the sample points is averaged in
accordance with (2.6), and the obtained value is used as the expansion coecient for
the plane wave traveling from the reector towards the feed; (v) this incident plane
wave induces a new current distribution on the feed structure. The steps (ii)(v) are
repeated until a convergence condition is met.
The following three types of feeds are used to illuminate a reector antenna: (i) a
pyramidal horn with aperture diameter in the order of one wavelength; (ii) a pyrami-
dal horn with extended ground plane, and; (iii) an 121-element dual-polarized dipole
array (see Fig. 2.3). All antennas are impedance power-matched, so that the an-
tenna component [67] of their corresponding radar cross-section (RCS) is minimized.
However, the residual component of the RCS of the horn with ground plane is still
high due to the extended metal structure surrounding it, so that this feed is a high
scattering antenna and strong feed-reector coupling can be expected.
The above feeds are used to illuminate two parabolic reectors with aperture
diameters 38λ and 118λ, and the errors introduced by the PW approximation in the
focal eld and scalars antenna characteristics are computed as
ref − E mod |2
|Ep;k p;k
1 = rP × 100% (2.7)
ref |2
|f ref − f mod |
2 = × 100%, (2.8)
|f ref |
Chapter 2. Electromagnetic Analysis of Reflector Antennas with Phased...
ref and E mod are the k -th sample of the discretized p-components of the actual
Ep;k p;k
focal E-eld E (x, y) and the focal eld modeled by a plane wave E
mod (x, y) respec-
tively; f
ref and f
mod is the gain or antenna input impedance, reference and modeled
values, respectively. The MoM/PO results without the plane wave approximation
are used as the reference solution.
(a) Horn (b) Horn with gnd plane (c) Dipole array
Figure 2.3: Considered feed geometries (in addition to the dipole feed with PEC ground plane):
(a) a classical pyramidal horn with aperture length ∼ 1λ; (b) the same horn but with extended
ground plane (∼3.7λ), where the ground plane may model the presence of a large feed cabin; (c) an
antenna array consisting of 121 0.45λ-dipoles above a ground plane of the same size; (d) the same
array, but with the dipoles replaced by wideband tapered slot Vivaldi antennas.
2.2. Acceleration techniques
The above errors that have been computed for both the semi-analytical and the
numerical PW-approximation approaches are summarized in Table 2.1. We will refer
to the semi-analytical method as Method 1, while the proposed above approach is
denoted as Method 2.
The total simulation time (10 frequency points) for the 38λ reector fed by the
considered feeds is shown in Table 2.2.
By analyzing Table 2.1 and Table 2.2 the following observations can be made:
Method 1 is numerically ecient and accurate for small feeds (whose sizes are
in the order of one wavelength) and for low-scattering feeds, but fails in case
of large high-scattering feeds, such as MFFEs, because the focal eld produced
by the feed scattering pattern has a high level and a highly tapered shape;
Both methods are accurate in case of large reectors, because the multiscat-
tering eects are less pronounced (see Parameter variation in Table 2.1), and
the eld scattered from the reector is close to a plane wave at all iterations.
For the focal eld distribution plots and more detailed discussions, see Paper B.
With reference to Fig. 2.4, a grid of sampling points in the xy -plane P in front of
the feed at z=0 is chosen for the expansion of the PO radiated eld in terms of a
PWS. Each PW propagates to a specic observation point r on the feed where the
eld E i,f is tested. This process of eld expansion and PW propagation is realized
Chapter 2. Electromagnetic Analysis of Reflector Antennas with Phased...
Zymax Zxmax
A(kx , ky ) = E i,f (x, y, z = 0)ej(kx x+ky y) dx dy (2.9a)
−ymax −xmax
max kymax
E i,f (r) = A(kx , ky )e−jkz z e−j(kx x+ky y) dkx dky (2.9b)
−kxmax −kymax
k 2 > kx2 − ky2
p 2
kp− kx2 − ky2 if
kz = , (2.10)
−j kx2 − ky2 − k 2 otherwise.
and where the spectrum of PWs is limited to only those that are incident on the feed
from directions within an angle subtended by the reector and seen from the center
of the plane P (see Fig. 2.4).
The magnitude of the co-polarized spatial frequency spectrum |Aco (kx , ky )| com-
puted for small and large sampling plane sizes are shown in Fig. 2.5. It exhibits
several interesting features: (i) as expected, the dominant spectral component corre-
sponds to the on-axis PW, for which kx = ky = 0, while the second strongest set of
r xfmax
Ei,f ẑ
P ŷ
z=0 kxmax x̂ ∆y
Figure 2.4: The FFT-enhanced PWS expansion method for the fast computation of the feed current
due to the E -eld from the reector. Firstly, the incident eld E i,f is sampled in the xy plane P
in front of the feed in order to obtain the sampled PWS A(kx , ky ); Secondly, each spectral PW
propagates to an observation point r on the feed where E i,f is tested to compute the induced feed
2.2. Acceleration techniques
0 0
30 30
−10 −10
20 20
−20 −20
10 10
−30 −30
−40 −40
−10 −10
−50 −50
−20 −20
−60 −60
−30 −30
−70 −70
−20 0 20 −20 0 20
kx kx kxmax
(a) (b)
Figure 2.5: (a) The magnitude of the spatial frequency spectrum |Aco (kx , ky )| (i.e. plane wave
spectrum) for the 38λ reector fed by the dipole array in case the FFT grid size is equal to size of
the feed, and (b) when it is eight times the feed size.
PWs originate from the rim of the reector, as observed by the spectral ring structure
2 2 max )2 = (k max )2 ; (ii) the magnitude of the PWs originating from
for which kx +ky = (kx y
the rim is polarization dependent, in fact, it is seen that, since the feed is X -polarized,
the feed eld interacts more at the top and bottom segments of the rim.
The approximation of the reector eld by a PWS introduces an error, 1 , in the
surface current of the feed. The relative error between the current expansion coef-
cient vectors Iapprox and Iref for the iterative CBFM-PO solution with and without
eld approximations, respectively is computed as
s s
|Iiref − Iiapprox |2 |Iiref |2 × 100%.
1 = (2.11)
i i
Fig. 2.6 illustrates the relative error computed as a function of the FFT sampling
plane size P when the PWS is employed for expanding the reector radiated eld
(for PWS parameters see Paper C), and when only the dominant on-axis PW term
is used. As expected, the error decreases for an increasing sampling plane size, since
more spectral PW terms are taken into account while the eect of the FFT-related
periodic continuation of the spatial aperture eld decreases. Henceforth, we choose
the sampling plane size equal to that of the feed, for which the feed current error is
about −35 dB for all the considered feeds, while it represents a good compromise from
both a minimum number of sampling points and accuracy point of view. Conversely,
if only the dominant on-axis PW term is used to approximate the reector eld, the
error increases when the plane P becomes larger. This is due to the tapering of
Chapter 2. Electromagnetic Analysis of Reflector Antennas with Phased...
Error in currents, dB
−30 Only
PW is used
−60 Horn
Horns Max. array or is used
aperture ext. ground plane
size dimension
1 2 3 5 7 10 20 30 40
Sample plane size, λ
Figure 2.6: The relative error in induced feed currents [cf. (2.11)] as a function of the FFT sampling
plane size P.
the reector scattered eld which becomes more pronounced when the plane size P
increases, so that the PW amplitude A(kx , ky ) is underestimated when using the eld
averaging in (2.9a) for kx = ky = 0, as opposed to the direct on-axis point sampling
method that has been presented in [44] and overviewed in Sec. 2.2.1.
In summary, and with reference to Fig. 2.7, the H -eld interpolation algorithm
for determining the reector PO current
1. Denes a grid on the reector surface (white circles) for computing the H -eld.
2. De-embeds the H -eld to a reference sphere around the feed phase center (green
2.2. Acceleration techniques
dm sph
Hm dq
Hm H i,r (rqr )
Figure 2.7: The near-eld interpolation technique for the rapid determination of the induced PO
current on the reector.
sph = H d ejkdm ,
Hm (2.12)
m m
where dm is the distance between the reector surface and the sphere of radius
R along the line connecting the mth sample point on the reector and the feed
phase center.
3. Computes the elds on the sphere in the same directions as the reector triangle
centroids are observed (blue square markers) through interpolating the elds
at the adjacent (green) points.
4. Propagates the eld to the reector surface; that is, at the q th triangle, the
H -eld
The error in the reector current as a function of the sampling grid density is
depicted in Fig. 2.8. It shows that the error in the resulting induced reector current
depends on the angular step size ∆θ and ∆φ of the initial eld sampling grid (before
interpolation). As expected, the error increases when the sampling grid coarsens.
Furthermore, the error is larger for larger feeds, especially for high-scattering ones,
for which the scattered elds (i.e. 2nd iteration and further) vary more rapidly than
for smaller low-scattering antennas for which a coarser grid can be applied.
Chapter 2. Electromagnetic Analysis of Reflector Antennas with Phased...
0 0
∆φ = 2.5 deg ∆θ = 2.5 deg
−20 −20
Error, [dB]
Error, [dB]
−40 −40
−60 −60
−80 −80
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
∆θ, [deg] ∆φ, [deg]
(a) (b)
Figure 2.8: The interpolation error in the 38λ reector current as a function of (a) the sampling
step ∆θ, and (b) the sampling step ∆φ of the near elds of the feed.
2.3. Experimental verification of the CBFM-PO approach with...
Chapter 2. Electromagnetic Analysis of Reflector Antennas with Phased...
Illumination efficiency, [%]
1.295 1.3 1.305 1.31 1.315 1.32
Frequency, [GHz]
Figure 2.9: Illumination eciencies of the 118λ reector antenna, either fed by the 121 Vivaldi PAF,
or the single-horn feed. The CBFM-PO simulated results are compared to the measured ones for
a 25 m reector antenna of the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope [7]. Bottom of the gure: a
photo of the experimental PAF system placed at the focal region of the reector, and an image of
a smaller-scale PAF-reector model.
receiving sensitivity, and the aperture- and focal eld distributions are analyzed using
the CBFM-PO approach. First, we will show how the feed-reector coupling aects
the eld distribution in the aperture of the reector when fed by the horn with
extended ground plane or the dipole antenna array of the same size [see Fig. 2.3(b)
and (c)]. Afterwards, the model of the antenna system will be extended to include
the spillover and antenna-LNA noise mismatch characteristics, so that the receiving
sensitivity can be analyzed.
As one can observe from the gures, the aperture eld at the 2nd iteration, i.e., due
to the scattered eld of the feed [Fig. 2.10(c) and Fig. 2.11(c)], is about 20 dB lower
for the array feed, thereby rendering the eld variation negligible. On the contrary,
for the horn feed, the peak and dip of the eld is clearly seen in the aperture center.
2.4. Numerical studies for different types of reflector antenna feeds
(a) Total aperture eld, (b) Total aperture eld, (c) Aperture eld at 2nd iter-
f @ min ηap f @ max ηap ation, f @ max ηap
Figure 2.10: The eld distribution in the aperture of a 38λ reector fed by the horn with extended
ground plane.
(a) Total aperture eld, (b) Total aperture eld, (c) Aperture eld at 2nd iter-
f @ min ηap f @ max ηap ation, f @ max ηap
Figure 2.11: The eld distribution in the aperture of a 38λ reector fed by the array of 121 half-
wavelength dipoles.
This leads to a signicant variation of the aperture eciency ηap over frequency, viz.
19.6% versus 0.6% for the array.
For some applications, such as for radio astronomy, a reector antenna works
purely in receiving mode, and other system characteristics, such as the system noise
temperature Tsys and the receiving sensitivity Ae /Tsys , become important. The main
contributors to Tsys that are dependent on multiscattering eects, are the spillover
noise temperature Tspill and the noise temperature due to the noise mismatch between
the antenna(s) and LNA(s) , Tcoup . In order to compute Tcoup , the equivalent one-
port system representation is used as described in [72]. By using this extension to the
CBFM-PO approach, the next step is to consider the two relatively small feeds shown
in Fig. 2.12. The antenna array ports are connected to Low Noise Ampliers (LNAs)
which are also part of the antenna-receiver model. Two beamforming scenarios for
the array are considered: (i) a singly-excited embedded element, and; (ii) a fully-
excited antenna array employing the Conjugate Field Matching (CFM) beamformer
for maximizing the gain of the secondary far-eld beam.
The computed aperture eciency ηap , system noise temperature Tsys , and the
2 in case of phased array feeds Tcoup also takes the excitation scheme and coupling between the
array elements into account.
Chapter 2. Electromagnetic Analysis of Reflector Antennas with Phased...
Figure 2.12: The considered dipole antenna feeds. The dipole length is 0.47λ and the ground plane
size is 1.66λ × 1.33λ
2 10
Tsys variation, %
ηap variation, %
−1 0
One dipole
Dip array, CFM
Dip array, one excited −5
−3 One dipole
Dip array, CFM
−4 −10 Dip array, one excited
1.39 1.4 1.41 1.42 1.43 1.44 1.45 1.39 1.4 1.41 1.42 1.43 1.44 1.45
Frequency, GHz Frequency, GHz
(a) (b)
Dip array, CFM
Sensitivity variation, %
1.39 1.4 1.41 1.42 1.43 1.44 1.45
Frequency, GHz
Figure 2.13: The aperture eciency, the system noise temperature, and the resulting receiving
sensitivity of the reector antenna system as a function of frequency.
resulting receiving sensitivity Ae /Tsys are shown in Fig. 2.13. By analyzing these
gures, one can conclude that the aperture eciency varies with frequency much
more for the case of a single element due to a fact that a lot of energy scatters from
the ground plane behind the dipole.
The feed-reector interaction phenomenon leads not only to the variation in ηap ,
but also leads to a variation in Tsys . These variations are comparable for the the single
dipole and array feeds, and have a major impact on the sensitivity ripple. Although
Tsys is similar for both feeds, the mechanism of forming the ripple is dierent; when
the reector is fed by the feed shown in Fig. 2.12(a), the radiation pattern of the
feed is breathing over frequency, resulting in the variation of the spillover noise
2.5. Analysis of antenna arrays using Krylov subspace iteration with...
temperature Tspill , while for the feed in Fig. 2.12(b) the main contribution to the Tsys
variation is caused by the variation Tcoup . See Paper A for more details.
ZI = e, (2.14)
Z̃i,j = KH
i Zi,j Kj , (2.15b)
ẽi = KH
i ei , (2.15c)
Chapter 2. Electromagnetic Analysis of Reflector Antennas with Phased...
Segment i of the vector k(p+1) (at the next iteration) is obtained by a simple summa-
tion of vectors vi,j as
(p+1) (p)
ki = vi,j . (2.19)
If the vectors vi,j are concatenated in a matrix Q as
h i
(1) (2) (p)
Qi,j = vi,j | vi,j | ... | vi,j , (2.20)
Z̃i,j = KH H
i Zi,j Kj = Ki Qi,j , (2.21)
which allows one to reduce the time involved in (2.15)-(2.17) by almost a factor two ,
as compared to a straight-forward implementation. The appendix in Paper G explains
how (2.21) can be modied when the set of MBFs needs to be orthogonalized.
Fig. 2.14(a) visualizes the matrix Q, which consists of vectors v, and Fig. 2.14(b)
shows the matrix segment Qi,j .
Numerical results
The proposed approach is compared to the GMRES algorithm in terms of the relative
error in the surface current (reference is exact MoM solution) versus the solving
complexity. The complexity is herein dened as the number of elementary operations
2.5. Analysis of antenna arrays using Krylov subspace iteration with...
(P) V2
1 iteration P
(a) (b)
Figure 2.14: (a) Matrix Q and its vectors, and (b) its sub-matrices Qi,j .
ab+ (oating point product of complex scalar numbers and summation with another
complex number), required to solve the problem.
Fig. 2.15(a) and (b) show two similar antenna arrays consisting of Vivaldi ra-
diators, where in the rst case the elements are electrically interconnected, and in
second array there is a small air-gap between the elements. Dierent colors denote
dierent subdomains in which the arrays are divided. First, a reference surface cur-
rent distribution on each array was found using pure method-of-moments. Then, the
current was computed using GMRES and the proposed CBF approach. Finally, an
error between each of these and the reference solution was obtained, the result of
which is depicted in Fig. 2.15(c). The round markers denote restart positions. From
the gure one can see a clear advantage of the proposed CBFM approach as it takes
about 1.5 to 2.6 times less of elementary operations to reach same level of the error,
which was chosen to be −50 dB.
Of course, the benet of using this approach varies depending on the type of
structure under investigation. We have considered two more structures in Paper G:
i) a sphere at a resonant frequency, and; ii) a rectangular plate, both of which were
divided in subdomains of dierent sizes. It turned out that in the worst case (like
for the rectangular plate) the iterative CBF approach essentially provides the same
accuracy as GMRES, but for the best case (the sphere at resonant frequency), the
time to reach convergence for the CBFM can be more than 3 times shorter.
Chapter 2. Electromagnetic Analysis of Reflector Antennas with Phased...
61.69 161.52
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
Complexity, 10 9
Figure 2.15: Numerical example: (a) a connected, and; (b) disconnected 121-element dual-polarized
Vivaldi array, divided into 121 subdomains and excited by a delta-gap voltage sources at each
antenna element. Subgure (c) compares the convergence rates of restarted GMRES and CBF
method. The restart positions are indicated by circles.
When well-preconditioned, GMRES converges very rapidly (i.e. within a few tens
of iterations), almost irrespective of the number of unknowns. As explained in [74],
GMRES amounts to solving a reduced system of equations, whose size (i.e. number
of degrees of freedom, DoFs), corresponds to the number of iterations. For large
problems, this solution takes a negligible time as compared to that involved in the
mat-vec operations. This means that, without signicant increase in the computation
time, one can aord more DoFs, as is the case with the approach proposed here, since
the number of DoFs now corresponds to the number of mat-vecs P multiplied by the
number of subdomains. Without any specic matrix-vector multiplication, solving
the reduced system of equations has a complexity (P M ) (here it is worthwhile
mentioning that there exist methods to reduce this exponent, see e.g. [75]), while the
complexity of the mat-vecs is P N . The increase in computational time is therefore
2 2 2
small as long as P M Nsd , where Nsd is the average number of elementary basis
functions per subdomain.
2.6. Conclusions
2.6 Conclusions
To conclude the research that has been presented in this chapter, we highlight the
following observations:
The scattering from the feed is minimal for power-matched antenna loads (more
critical for PAFs) and when size of the surrounding metal structure is minimized
(more critical for single-port feeds, especially in MFFEs).
The electromagnetic coupling between the reector antenna and the dipole
PAFs under study have a minor impact on the antenna beam shape and aperture
eciency, as opposed to that of a single dipole feed. The nite ground plane
behind the single dipole, which is part of the feed supporting structure and is
often much larger than one antenna element, but comparable to the size of a
PAF, is a reason for this dierence.
The sensitivity variation is mainly driven by the variation in the system noise
temperature, of which the main contribution is due to the noise mismatch of
the considered PAF array elements with LNAs. Therefore, in order to reduce
the sensitivity ripple of reector antennas with PAFs, major attention should
be paid to the noise matching and its stability over time in the presence of a
reector when designing a PAF system.
The conclusion in [48] states that the Radar Cross-Section (RCS) of the feed is
the determining factor in magnitude of the standing wave eect. This is true
only for the aperture eciency variation, but it does not apply to the noise
Chapter 2. Electromagnetic Analysis of Reflector Antennas with Phased...
characteristics (Tspill , Tcoup ). Other factors showing why the RCS is not a good
gure of merit to quantify the standing wave eect in receiving systems are
that the the RCS does not account for the relative size of the feed w.r.t. the
reector, and that it assumes a uniform PW eld radiated by the reector.
3 Optimum Beamforming
Strategies for Earth Obser-
It has been argued in Sec. 1.2 that push-broom congurations for satellite radiometers
are advantageous for Earth observation systems when equipped by PAFs. Therefore,
the goals of the work presented in this chapter are to determine: (i) to what extent
the performance-limiting factors of push-broom radiometers can be reduced by using
dense PAFs employing advanced beamforming schemes; (ii) the minimum required
complexity of the PAF design (size, number of elements and their arrangement in the
feed as well as the number of active receiver channels), and; (iii) what beamforming
strategy to use for meeting the instrument specications for future radiometers [10].
Finally, a trade-o analysis will be performed in order to choose the radiating antenna
element for the PAF.
Chapter 3. Optimum Beamforming Strategies for Earth Observations
that is illuminated by the antenna beam from −3 to 0 dB level with respect to the
beam maximum. Additionally, the instrument should satisfy the above-described
requirements even when the observation is as close as 15 km from the coast line. The
latter requirement is called distance to coast and explained with the aid of Fig. 3.1.
The brightness temperature of the land surface is assumed to be TL = 250 K.
Assume next that we wish to measure the sea at horizontal polarization for which
the brightness temperature is around TH = 75 K (the brightness temperature of
the vertical polarization is higher, i.e. 150 K, and therefore it is less aected by
the erroneous power signal from land). It can be shown that the requirement for
the maximum error ∆T = 0.25 K can be satised only if the power of the beam
in the cone with half-angle θc is 99.72 % of the total power incident on the Earth's
surface [35]. This determines the distance to coast Dc , which is dened as the angular
dierence θc − θ3dB projected on the Earth surface, i.e.,
where Y is the distance from the satellite to the observation point on the Earth (see
Fig. 3.2 for the satellite orbit parameters). Therefore, to nd the distance-to-coast
%iofitheib -3 d B
99.72 ittingi eami
Thi=i75iK theiEa
ow e rih rthi
p Velocityv
- 3i d B
i FPL =
Beami θ 3 αv θE
45. =v
θci 07°
Rv=v6378vkm Hv=v817vkm
Dista D c
to a
c o
X = 880 km
h sur
Land Ea r t
il ine
Coast Tlandi=i250iK
Figure 3.1: Denition of the Distance to coast diometer antenna system located on the Earth
radiometer requirement. A typical radiation orbit. The notation of the major and minor axes
pattern of the torus reector antenna is shown of the footprint ellipse is shown in the top-left
as background. insertion.
3.2. Reflector antenna design
characteristic, the angles θc and θ3dB are found rst from the antenna compound
beam and Eq. (3.1) is used afterwards.
Since the radiometer must be able to measure the brightness temperature of both
polarizations separately, an error is introduced due to the received power of the cross-
polarized component of the incident eld. It is shown in [35] that this power must
not exceed 0.34 % of the co-polarized power, in order to satisfy the maximum error
requirement ∆T = 0.25 K. Since the brightness temperature of the sky is very low
and the amount of power radiated towards the sky is small, it suces to compute the
antenna total radiation pattern only at the angular range subtended by the Earth
(θ = 0 . . . θE from the Nadir direction).
Another requirement for the radiometer is the sampling resolution, which sets
requirements on the maximum size of the footprint (FP). The footprint will have an
elliptical shape due to oblique incidence of the radiated eld on the Earth's surface
as shown in the top-left insertion of Fig. 3.2. The longitudinal and transverse to the
movement direction axes of the ellipse are denoted as FPL and FPS, correspondingly.
The footprint size, FP, is determined as the average of FPS and FPL:
FP = , (3.2)
where FPS is related to the half-power beamwidth (HPBW) as
and FPL is
Y × HPBWlong
FPL = , (3.4)
cos ν
where HPBWtransv and HPBWlong are the longitudinal and transverse beamwidths
to the movement vector directions; and ν is the incidence angle.
Another characteristic of the radiometer radiation pattern is the beam eciency,
which is usually dened as the relative power within the main beam down to the
−20 dB contour level. A high beam eciency is generally synonymous with a good
quality antenna. However, a low beam eciency antenna may not necessarily rep-
resent a bad antenna. For example, for the radiometer, the feed spillover past the
reector edge reduces the beam eciency, but it illuminates the cold sky and does
no harm; it is the radiation towards the Earth that makes a signicant impact, and
must therefore be taken in account.
Chapter 3. Optimum Beamforming Strategies for Earth Observations
Axis of rotation
Fo Pa
ca l rab
line ( ola
ar c) Z CS
X ic
ol Y
r ab ile
Pa rof
Figure 3.3: Design procedure of a parabolic torus reector: the parabolic prole (black circles at the
bottom), dened in the coordinate system Parabola CS and with focal point F, is rotated around
the green axis of rotation which itself is tilted with respect to the parabola axis. This transforms
the prole focal point F to the focal line (arc) along which a PAF will be positioned.
in the coordinate system Parabola CS and with focal point F, around the green
axis of rotation which is tilted with respect to the parabola axis. The reector rim
(edge of the red area) is chosen based on the requirements on the projected aperture
area and maximum scan angle. The latter parameter also denes the size of the PAF
along the focal arc, which is created by rotating the focal point F around the axis of
Due to the rotational symmetry of the reector, it is natural to locate the array
antenna elements in a polar grid with the origin located at the point where the axis
of rotation intersects the plane of the focal arc. The layout of such an array is shown
in Fig. 3.4. The reector focal arc is denoted by the black curve to show the position
of the array relative to the reector.
Here, w
= [w1∗ , . . . , wN
] is the beamformer weight vector, H is the Hermitian
conjugate-transpose, and the asterisk denotes the complex conjugate. Furthermore,
3.3. Optimum PAF beamformers
Figure 3.4: Preliminary layout of the PAF for the push-broom reector. The black arc shows the
position of the focal arc of the reector.
Chapter 3. Optimum Beamforming Strategies for Earth Observations
tionality constant has been dropped as this is customary in array signal processing
and because we will consider only ratio of powers.
Although each subsystem can be rather complex and contain multiple internal sig-
nal/noise sources, it is characterized externally (at its accessible ports) by a scattering
matrix in conjunction with a noise- and signal-wave correlation matrix. Accordingly,
the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) can be expressed as
wH Pw
SNR = , (3.5)
wH Cw
that is, the SNR function is dened as a ratio of quadratic forms, where P = eeH is
the signal-wave correlation matrix, which is a one-rank positive semi-denite matrix
for a single point source; the vector e = [e1 , . . . , eN ] holds the signal-wave amplitudes
at the receiver outputs and arises due to an externally applied electromagnetic plane
wave Ei ; and C is a Hermitian spectral noise-wave correlation matrix holding the cor-
∗ ∗
relation coecients between the array receiver channels, i.e., Cmk = E{cm ck } = cm ck .
Here, cm is the complex-valued voltage amplitude of the noise wave emanating from
channel m, which includes the external and internal noise contributions inside the
frontend block in Fig. 3.5, and the overbar denotes time average. We consider only a
narrow frequency band, and assume that the statistical noise sources are (wide-sense)
stationary random processes which exhibit ergodicity, so that the statistical expec-
tation can be replaced by a time average (as also exploited in hardware correlators).
Below, we will rst discuss two standard signal processing algorithms, which are
then used as the starting point to develop the two customized push-broom radiometer
Cmn = Text (Ω)[fm (Ω) · fn∗ (Ω)] dΩ, (3.7)
3.3. Optimum PAF beamformers
where Text (Ω) is the brightness temperature distribution of the environment. The
proportionality constants between the right-hand side and the noise waves on the
left-hand side are omitted.
wH Pw
max , (3.8)
w wH w
which is also equivalent to maximizing the directivity. The trivial solution to that is
(provided that P = ee )
wCFM = e. (3.9)
However, since this beamformer assumes a noiseless system and a uniform incident
plane wave from the direction of observation, it will provide a sub-optimal solution
for practical systems. In particular, it allows no control on the radiation outside of
the main beam.
To overcome this issue, a slightly dierent CFM approach is used, in which we let
a tapered plane wave with a Gaussian amplitude distribution be incident from the
observation direction, calculate the focal eld at location of the PAF elements and
use the conjugate values of this eld as excitation coecients. Thus, the excitation
coecient are calculated as
wCo = ECo (xCo , yCo )
CFM2 foc i∗ (3.10)
wXp = EXp
(x Xp , yXp )
CFM2 foc
where wCo
CFM2 and wXp
CFM2 are vectors holding the excitation coecients of co- and
cross-polarized components, correspondingly; x{Co,Xp} and y{Co,Xp} are vectors with
x- and y -coordinates of the co- and cross-polarized PAF elements in the focal plane;
Xp Xp Xp
Co h
and foc = E foc,1 , . . . Efoc,N and E foc = E foc,1 , . . . Efoc,N are vectors holding the
focal eld components at position of each PAF element and corresponding to their
In contrast to (3.9), the CFM approach in (3.10) assumes that the PAF elements
are isotropic within the reector subtended angle (there are no array EEPs incor-
porated in this beamformer, and the array radiators are just point linear/circular
polarized sources), but this assumption is still good because a typical small radiator
used in dense PAFs has a wide beamwidth and nearly spherical phase front of the
radiated eld within the reector subtended angle (±24 in our case).
This CFM formulation allows us to choose the taper of the incident plane wave in
order to control such beam parameters as side-lobes (related to the distance-to-coast
radiometer characteristic) and beamwidth (related to the footprint size).
Chapter 3. Optimum Beamforming Strategies for Earth Observations
This beamforming approach has been used by our co-authors in Paper D, where
the optimal taper value has been determined through a study how it aects the
radiometer performance. Although the radiometer characteristics will then satisfy
the system performance specications, the PAF requires us to employ too many
antenna elements (almost a factor 2 more as compared to the customized beamformers
presented in the following subsections 3.3.3 and 3.3.4), which is not feasible for a
realistic satellite system due to an excessive power consumption.
Figure 3.6: The Text (Ω) mask-constraint functions dened for the calculation of the antenna noise
correlation matrices C1 due to the noise sources within the Earth angular region (see the inset in
the left upper corner) and C2 due to the noise sources in the sky region (see the inset in the right
upper corner). The toroidal reector fed with a PAF is shown in the middle of the illustration,
where the multiple secondary beams point to the Earth.
3.3. Optimum PAF beamformers
temperature values in the region of the expected main lobe (down to −20 dB level)
and high values outside of this region. In this way, we maximize the beam eciency
dened at the −20 dB level while minimizing the side-lobe and cross-polarization
powers outside of this region, as required for the radiometers.
The top-left insertion in Fig. 3.6 shows the function Text (Ω), where the cold
region around the main lobe has an elliptical shape with major a and minor b semi-
axes. Later in the results section we will refer to this ellipse as mask ellipse, because
it is a stepped function.
The temperature of the hot region is chosen to be as high as 1000 K to strongly
suppress the side lobes in order to satisfy the distance-to-coast requirement. This
value can also be a beamformer control parameter for optimization radiometer char-
In order to use the beamformer to realize scanned beams (pink rays in Fig. 3.6),
the noise temperature distribution function Text (Ω) can be assumed the same for each
of them, but the matrix C needs to be recomputed.
Chapter 3. Optimum Beamforming Strategies for Earth Observations
[w(1) ]H Pw(1)
At the rst iteration (q = 1) the sensitivity function
[w(1) ]H C(1) w(1)
is maximized
(1) (1)
to determine the reference weight vector w . The matrix C is computed as
described above for the standard MaxSNR beamformer (with no constraints on
the dynamic range of the weight amplitudes).
[w(q) ]H Pw(q)
At iteration q = 2, 3 . . . the sensitivity function
[w(q) ]H C(q) w(q)
is maximized to
determine the new weight vector w(q) , where P is the signal covariance matrix
(computed only once, for the 1st iteration), C is the noise covariance matrix,
whose diagonal elements are a function of the weight vector w(q−1) obtained
after the previous iteration, i.e.,
3.3. Optimum PAF beamformers
f ( |w| )
−60 −50 −40 −30 −20 −10 0
|w|, dB
Figure 3.7: The function f used in the numerical examples presented hereafter.
Check whether the magnitude of all weights are either higher than wconstr or
negligibly low (i.e. −80 dB in this work). If this condition is satised, the
iterative procedure is terminated. The channels with negligible weights are
switched-o, while the resulting set of weight coecients is considered to be
the nal one.
where Ei (θ, φ) is i-th secondary (after reection from the dish) embedded element
pattern (EEP). The proportionality constant 1/(2η) in front of the integral is omitted.
It can be shown that the integrand is a quadratic form which we write in a matrix
Pmb = wH Xw dΩmb = wH X dΩmb w = wH Aw, (3.13)
Ωmb Ωmb
Chapter 3. Optimum Beamforming Strategies for Earth Observations
and, therefore, the elements of the matrix A are calculated as so-called pattern overlap
integrals, i.e.,
Ej∗ dΩmb EiCO Ej∗CO + EiXP Ej∗XP
Aij = Ei · = dΩmb , (3.15)
Ωmb Ωmb
where each EEP Ei is decomposed in co- and cross-polarized components EiCO and
EiXP , respectively.
We aim at maximizing the beam eciency, as well as to minimize the power in
cross-polarized eld component. Therefore, only the power in the co-polarized eld
component should be maximized. This leads to removal of the EiXP Ej term from
(3.15) in the optimization process, i.e. the elements of the matrix A are computed
now as ZZ
Aij = EiCO Ej∗CO dΩmb , (3.16)
Following the same procedure for calculating Pmb , we can calculate the total
radiated power Ptot as
Ptot = wH Bw, (3.17)
where the elements of the matrix B are calculated similar to (3.15), but with inte-
gration over full sphere, i.e.,
Bij = dΩ. (3.18)
For a given solid angle Ωmb it is thus desired to nd the weight coecients w that
maximizes the following ratio of quadratic forms:
Pmb wH Aw
= H , (3.19)
Ptot w Bw
It can be shown that the maximum value of this ratio is the maximum eigenvalue
λ of the expression
Aw = λBw, (3.20)
and that the vector holding the optimal complex-valued excitation coecients is given
by the corresponding eigenvector. In MATLAB [80] this can be coded as
[W , D] = eig (A ,B); % generalized eigenvalue decomposition ; matrix W holds
Lam = diag (D); % extract the vector holding the eigenvalues
w = conj (W (: , Lam == max ( Lam )) ); % take eigenvector corresponding to the maximum
Note that the AMBER beamformer is parametric, i.e. the solid angle Ωmb must be
dened before computing the weight coecients. Similar to the MSMDL beamformer,
Ωmb is dened by the major semi-axis and axis ratio of an ellipse centered around
the expected main lobe. We will use them as the beamformer parameters when
calculating the radiometer characteristics presented in the following sections.
3.3. Optimum PAF beamformers
-250 −50 0 50
-100 0 100
X, [mm] θ, [deg]
(a) (b)
Figure 3.8: (a) The layout of the optimal (for a one beam) 6 × 13 array feed of the torus reector
antenna when the radiating element is a crossed half-wavelength dipole antenna, and (b) cuts of the
array embedded element patterns. The cuts are shown of the co-polar patterns for E- and H-planes,
as well as cross-polar pattern for diagonal plane (φ = 45◦ ), and the green area denotes the reector
subtended angle.
The array was analyzed using the HFSS software [81] and the obtained primary
EEPs were imported into GRASP software [79] to calculate the secondary EEPs (after
reection from the reector), which in turn were used to perform the beamforming.
After determining the excitation coecients, the compound beam was computed and
the radiometer characteristics as discussed in Sec. 3.1 were calculated.
As described in Sec. 3.3.2, the CFM beamformer has one parameter the taper of
the incident plane wave (PW). Fig. 3.9 shows the calculated focal eld distribution,
the corresponding weight coecients and the radiation patterns of the primary and
secondary compound beams when the incident PW taper is equal to −50 dB, −30 dB
and −10 dB. As one can see from the gure, the focal eld becomes less blurry and
its side lobes increase as the PW taper decreases (the PW becomes more uniform).
This results in better reector illumination eciency (and consequently increased
directivity), narrower beamwidth (≡ footprint size), but at the same time the side lobe
level of the secondary beam increases, which degrades distance-to-coast characteristic.
This can be seen more clearly in Fig. 3.10 (top row), where the main radiometer
PW taper = −50 dB PW taper = −30 dB PW taper = −10 dB
Optimum Beamforming Strategies for Earth Observations
weight coecients
Focal eld and
X, [m]
X, [m]
X, [m]
X, [m]
X, [m]
X, [m]
0.2 0.1 0 −0.1 −0.2 0.2 0.1 0 −0.1 −0.2 0.2 0.1 0 −0.1 −0.2 0.2 0.1 0 −0.1 −0.2 0.2 0.1 0 −0.1 −0.2 0.2 0.1 0 −0.1 −0.2
Y, [m] Y, [m] Y, [m] Y, [m] Y, [m] Y, [m]
0 −5 −10 −15 −20 −25 −30 −35 −40 0 −5 −10 −15 −20 −25 −30 −35 −40 0 −5 −10 −15 −20 −25 −30 −35 −40 0 −5 −10 −15 −20 −25 −30 −35 −40 0 −5 −10 −15 −20 −25 −30 −35 −40 0 −5 −10 −15 −20 −25 −30 −35 −40
-29.1 -25.1 -21.3 -22.1 -17.3 -9.3 -7.0 -9.3 -17.3 -22.1 -21.3 -25.1 -29.1 -34.8 -35.3 -35.3 -34.8 -23.8 -21.5 -18.6 -14.7 -18.4 -12.9 -8.4 -12.9 -18.4 -14.7 -18.6 -21.5 -23.8 -39.6 -34.8 -32.0 -32.0 -34.8 -39.6 -20.7 -15.6 -17.9 -12.5 -9.5 -24.1 -8.7 -24.1 -9.5 -12.5 -17.9 -15.6 -20.7 -35.1 -31.1 -36.6 -26.7 -26.7 -36.6 -31.1 -35.1
-28.1 -23.4 -21.5 -18.9 -9.5 -4.1 -2.4 -4.1 -9.5 -18.9 -21.5 -23.4 -28.1 -35.8 -31.3 -33.0 -33.0 -31.4 -35.8 -25.0 -21.2 -16.3 -16.0 -15.1 -5.6 -2.9 -5.6 -15.1 -16.0 -16.3 -21.2 -25.0 -30.2 -30.0 -30.0 -30.2 -20.1 -20.2 -15.2 -9.1 -15.4 -8.9 -3.5 -8.9 -15.4 -9.1 -15.2 -20.3 -20.1 -33.3 -37.8 -28.0 -26.0 -26.0 -28.0 -37.8 -33.3
-27.9 -24.3 -20.9 -12.2 -5.2 -1.3 0.0 -1.3 -5.2 -12.2 -20.9 -24.3 -27.9 -39.8 -32.9 -30.2 -32.7 -32.7 -30.2 -32.9 -39.8 -26.0 -20.9 -18.7 -17.0 -7.3 -1.7 0.0 -1.7 -7.3 -17.0 -18.8 -20.9 -26.0 -33.7 -28.7 -30.3 -30.3 -28.7 -33.7 -24.7 -19.2 -14.1 -17.8 -11.2 -2.2 0.0 -2.2 -11.2 -17.8 -14.2 -19.2 -24.7 -33.2 -26.0 -27.7 -27.7 -26.0 -33.3
-29.7 -24.7 -16.9 -9.5 -4.2 -1.1 -0.1 -1.1 -4.2 -9.5 -16.9 -24.8 -29.7 -37.8 -33.0 -31.5 -34.6 -34.6 -31.5 -33.0 -37.8 -27.9 -24.6 -20.5 -11.9 -5.3 -1.6 -0.4 -1.6 -5.3 -11.9 -20.5 -24.6 -28.0 -33.2 -30.7 -33.4 -33.4 -30.7 -33.2 -25.7 -22.1 -25.1 -14.6 -5.9 -2.1 -1.2 -2.1 -5.9 -14.6 -25.1 -22.1 -25.7 -39.6 -31.8 -28.8 -33.1 -33.1 -28.8 -31.8 -39.6
-31.1 -23.7 -16.3 -10.3 -6.1 -3.6 -2.7 -3.6 -6.1 -10.3 -16.3 -23.7 -31.1 -39.4 -35.9 -35.2 -38.8 -38.8 -35.2 -35.9 -39.4 -32.5 -26.8 -19.2 -12.6 -8.1 -5.5 -4.7 -5.5 -8.1 -12.6 -19.2 -26.8 -32.5 -37.3 -36.4 -36.4 -37.3 -30.8 -29.2 -20.6 -14.1 -10.8 -9.6 -9.7 -9.6 -10.8 -14.1 -20.6 -29.2 -30.8 -37.2 -36.3 -36.3 -37.2
-32.7 -25.5 -19.2 -14.3 -10.9 -8.8 -8.1 -8.8 -10.9 -14.3 -19.2 -25.5 -32.7 -36.4 -29.6 -23.6 -19.1 -16.0 -14.2 -13.6 -14.2 -16.0 -19.1 -23.6 -29.6 -36.4 -35.3 -30.1 -28.8 -29.4 -35.0 -30.3 -29.3 -30.4 -35.1 -29.4 -28.8 -30.2 -35.3
Co-polarized Cross-polarized Co-polarized Cross-polarized Co-polarized Cross-polarized
Spillover efficiency = 99.03 % Relative cross-pol. level = -30.92 dB Spillover efficiency = 99.12 % Relative cross-pol. level = -29.1 dB Spillover efficiency = 96.56 % Relative cross-pol. level = -21.16 dB
0 0 0 0 0 0
105 90 75 105 90 75 105 90 75 105 90 75 105 90 75 105 90 75
120 40 60 120 60 120 40 60 120 40 60 120 40 60 120 60
40 40
135 45 135 45 135 45 135 45 135 45 135 45
2 2 2 2 2 2
30 30
30 30
30 30
Elevation, [deg]
Elevation, [deg]
Elevation, [deg]
Elevation, [deg]
Elevation, [deg]
Elevation, [deg]
1 1 1 1 1 1
20 20
20 20
0 0 0 0 0 20 0 20
−1 10 −1 10 −1 −1 −1 −1
10 10
10 10
−2 0 −2 0 −2 −2 −2 −2
0 0
0 0
−3 −3 −3 −3 −3 −3
−10 −10 −10 −10
−4 −4 −4 −4 −4 −10 −4 −10
−4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4
Azimuth, [deg] Azimuth, [deg] Azimuth, [deg] Azimuth, [deg] Azimuth, [deg] Azimuth, [deg]
Chapter 3.
Figure 3.9: CFM beamformer results for 3 plane wave tapers: (from top to bottom) co- and cross-polarized components of the focal eld (white
crosses denote dipole elements); excitation coecients of corresponding array elements; primary compound beam illuminating the reector
(white line denotes the reector rim); secondary compound beam.
Distance to coast, [km] Relative cross-polar power, [%] Average footprint size, [km] Beam eciency, [%]
80 Requirement 35 Average FP 98
0.3 Requirement 97.19
60 30
For uniform aperture
47.84 96
25 22.49
40 0.2
Footprint, [km]
0.1 15
CFM beamformer
−60 −50 −40 −30 −20 −10
Plane wave taper, [dB]
(PW taper
Relative power in cross-polar, [%]
Plane wave taper, [dB]
km % km %
1.7 0.4 1.7 100
24 1.7 1.7
24 98
1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6
1.5 20 22 1.5 1.5 1.5 98
1.4 1.4 0.17 1.4 22 1.4
Optimum PAF beamformers
1.3 20 1.3 96
1.3 1.3
1.2 18 1.2 0.2 1.2 20 1.2 98
17 15.6 km 0.22% 21.8 km 98%
1.1 16 1.1 0.1 1.1 1.1 94
1 1 0.1 1 18 1
0.9 14 −2
0.1 0.9 0.9 97
0.9 5 · 10 22 92
0.8 12 0.8 0.8 0.8 96
19 18
16 95 93 90
0.7 0.7 0.7 21 20 0.7
10 0 90
Major semi-axis of mask ellipse, [deg]
Axis ratio of the mask ellipse, [-] Axis ratio of the mask ellipse, [-] Axis ratio of the mask ellipse, [-] Axis ratio of the mask ellipse, [-]
km % km %
1.7 0.4 1.7 100
24 1.7 1.7
1.6 1.6 24 98
1.6 1.6
1.5 22 1.5 1.5 1.5 98
1.4 20 1.4 1.4 22 1.4
20 20
1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 96
18 30
1.2 20 1.2 0.012% 0.2 1.2 28 20 1.2 98.6%
17 km 27 23.6 km
1.1 16 1.1 1.1 26 1.1 94
1 1 1 24 18 1
0.9 14 0.9 0.1 0.9 0.9
23 92
0.8 12 0.8 0.8 0.8 98
22 21 16 96 95
0.7 0.7 0.7 20 19 0.7 97
10 0 90
Major semi-axis of mask ellipse, [deg]
Axis ratio of the mask ellipse, [-] Axis ratio of the mask ellipse, [-] Axis ratio of the mask ellipse, [-] Axis ratio of the mask ellipse, [-]
Figure 3.10: Comparison of three beamformers in terms of the main radiometer characteristics, i.e. distance to coast, relative power in
cross-polarized eld component; average footprint size, and beam eciency.
CFM (PW taper = −30 dB) MSMDL AMBER
Co-polarized Cross-polarized Co-polarized Cross-polarized Co-polarized Cross-polarized
Optimum Beamforming Strategies for Earth Observations
−5 −10 −15 −20 −25 −30 −35 −40 0 −5 −10 −15 −20 −25 −30 −35 −40 −5 −10 −15 −20 −25 −30 −35 −40 0 −5 −10 −15 −20 −25 −30 −35 −40 −5 −10 −15 −20 −25 −30 −35 −40 0 −5 −10 −15 −20 −25 −30 −35 −40
0 0 0
-23.8 -21.5 -18.6 -14.7 -18.4 -12.9 -8.4 -12.9 -18.4 -14.7 -18.6 -21.5 -23.8 -39.6 -34.8 -32.0 -32.0 -34.8 -39.6 -29.2 -26.7 -31.9 -18.2 -18.3 -22.3 -12.7 -22.4 -18.3 -18.3 -32.0 -26.7 -29.1 -37.3 -35.7 -22.8 -19.7 -22.6 -18.2 -15.3 -17.3 -21.5 -19.7 -22.5 -31.2
-25.0 -21.2 -16.3 -16.0 -15.1 -5.6 -2.9 -5.6 -15.1 -16.0 -16.3 -21.2 -25.0 -30.2 -30.0 -30.0 -30.2 -30.9 -26.3 -20.2 -19.0 -20.0 -9.0 -6.2 -8.9 -20.0 -19.0 -20.1 -26.3 -30.8 -30.9 -28.6 -19.4 -18.0 -13.9 -7.7 -5.6 -7.2 -12.9 -17.2 -18.9 -27.3 -36.1 -36.7 -36.4 -36.2 -36.1
-26.0 -20.9 -18.7 -17.0 -7.3 -1.7 0.0 -1.7 -7.3 -17.0 -18.8 -20.9 -26.0 -33.7 -28.7 -30.3 -30.3 -28.7 -33.7 -37.4 -27.2 -22.2 -29.0 -9.8 -2.7 -0.7 -2.7 -9.8 -29.1 -22.2 -27.1 -37.4 -33.8 -27.7 -22.1 -16.1 -7.7 -2.7 -1.0 -2.4 -7.3 -15.3 -20.4 -25.2 -33.2 -36.1 -30.8 -31.7 -32.0 -30.4 -35.2
-27.9 -24.6 -20.5 -11.9 -5.3 -1.6 -0.4 -1.6 -5.3 -11.9 -20.5 -24.6 -28.0 -33.2 -30.7 -33.4 -33.4 -30.7 -33.2 -32.2 -32.7 -39.8 -14.7 -6.0 -1.4 0.0 -1.4 -6.0 -14.6 -39.1 -32.9 -32.8 -35.1 -22.3 -11.9 -5.3 -1.4 0.0 -1.2 -5.0 -11.6 -21.5 -35.0 -38.9 -32.7 -29.8 -31.2 -31.6 -29.4 -32.5 -38.5
-32.5 -26.8 -19.2 -12.6 -8.1 -5.5 -4.7 -5.5 -8.1 -12.6 -19.2 -26.8 -32.5 -37.3 -36.4 -36.4 -37.3 -35.0 -23.2 -13.1 -7.9 -4.9 -3.9 -4.9 -7.8 -13.1 -23.3 -34.1 -30.0 -28.4 -19.1 -12.1 -7.2 -4.0 -2.8 -3.7 -6.7 -11.6 -18.4 -27.4 -30.7 -38.6 -34.5 -32.4 -34.4 -35.0 -32.5 -34.1 -38.5
-36.4 -29.6 -23.6 -19.1 -16.0 -14.2 -13.6 -14.2 -16.0 -19.1 -23.6 -29.6 -36.4 -34.7 -28.6 -22.5 -18.4 -15.1 -13.6 -13.0 -13.6 -15.1 -18.4 -22.3 -28.4 -33.9 -35.5 -31.3 -23.9 -18.5 -14.6 -11.9 -10.7 -11.5 -13.9 -17.5 -22.3 -28.2 -31.5
Co-polarized Cross-polarized Co-polarized Cross-polarized Co-polarized Cross-polarized
Spillover efficiency = 99.12 % Relative cross-pol. level = -29.1 dB Spillover efficiency = 98.73 % Relative cross-pol. level = -37.27 dB Spillover efficiency = 99.01 % Relative cross-pol. level = -30.61 dB
0 0 0 0 0 0
105 90 75 105 90 75 105 90 75 105 90 75 105 90 75 105 90 75
120 40 60 120 40 60 120 40 60 120 60 120 40 60 120 60
40 40
135 45 135 45 135 45 135 45 135 45 135 45
Elevation, [deg]
Elevation, [deg]
Elevation, [deg]
Elevation, [deg]
Elevation, [deg]
1 1 1 1 1 1
20 20 20 20 20
0 0 0 0 0 0
Secondary patterns
−1 10 −1 10 −1 −1 10 −1 10 −1 10
−2 −2 −2 −2 −2 −2
0 0 0 0 0
−3 −3 −3 −3 −3 −3
and cuts
|Gco |, [dB]
|Gco |, [dB]
Phi=90 Phi=90 Phi=90
20 20 20
10 10 10
0 0 0
−10 −10 −10
−20 −20 −20
−4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4
Chapter 3.
3.4. Optimum PAF architectures
Having analyzed the gures one can conclude that there is a trade-o between the
distance-to-coast and the footprint characteristics, which is valid for all the beam-
formers. This is easy to explain from a physics point-of-view: the smaller footprint
we want, the larger part of reector should be illuminated, which results in higher
side lobes and, correspondingly, a larger distance-to-coast value. From Fig. 3.10 we
can see that the CFM beamformer does not allow us to satisfy both requirements at
the same time, while for the MSMDL and the AMBER beamformers we can choose
a point in the parametric space such that both radiometer characteristics get very
close to the requirements.
Table 3.3 summarizes the radiometer performance for all three beamformers with
their optimal parameters. It is pointed out that these calculations have been per-
formed at C-band (6.9 GHz).
Table 3.3: Radiometric characteristics of the push-broom system for three types of beamformers
at C-band, when the PAF consists of dipole elements, the EEPs of which are calculated using the
FEM method in HFSS.
Radiometer characte- Requirement CFM (PW
ristic taper −30dB) MSMDL AMBER
Distance to coast, [km] <15 47.8 15.6 17.0
Rel. cross-pol. power, [%] <0.34 0.04 0.22 0.01
Beam eciency, [%] 97.2 98.0 98.6
Footprint, [km] <20 22.5 21.8 23.6
For the X- and Ku-bands (10.65 GHz and 18.7 GHz) all requirements for the ra-
diometer characteristics are fully satised (see Paper K) using MSMDL beamformer.
Concluding the beamformer comparison we can say that the MSMDL is more
benecial when a measurement is performed close to a coast line as it allows smaller
distance-to-coast and footprint values, while measuring far from the coast line, the
CFM and AMBER may be a better choice thanks to their high polarization purities.
Chapter 3. Optimum Beamforming Strategies for Earth Observations
Figure 3.12: Initial layout of the PAF for the push-broom reector: red and green lines denote the
ρ- and φ-polarized array elements correspondingly, while the black arc shows the position of the
focal arc of the reector. The E-eld distribution in the array plane (when a tapered plane wave is
incident on the reector from the direction of observation) is shown as the background color, [dB].
3.4. Optimum PAF architectures
of interest in the optimization, since the array will need to form multiple beams in
this direction and sub-arrays for the neighbouring beams will partially overlap. This
work is presented in Paper E, while the performance of the radiometer at the X-band
is summarized in Table 3.4. In this case the radiometer is subsequently equipped
with: (i) a horn feed (its radiation pattern is modeled as a Gaussian beam), (ii) the
initial array with the CFM beamformer, and (iii) the optimized array feed employing
the MSMDL beamformer (unconstrained dynamic range of the beamformer weight
Reector illumina-
tion patterns
Table 3.4: Radiometer characteristics for dierent PAFs and beamformers at X-band (10.65 GHz).
As expected, dense PAFs have obvious benets in achieving the required minimum
distance-to-coast and footprint roundness, while meeting all the other radiometer
requirements at the same time. The minimum size of the PAF sub-array has been
found to be 6 × 13 elements (for each polarization) with the inter-element separation
distance in the order of del = 0.75λ.
It generally known that for maximizing the illumination eciency of the reector
the focal eld should be sampled by an array with the element spacing ≤ 0.5λ [82].
For the considered applications, however, a reduced eciency is acceptable as long
as the primary requirements (such as distance-to-coast, cross-polar power, footprint
size) are satised and the total number of the array elements are minimized. From
the other hand, del > 0.75λ leads to the grating lobes, and hence signicant drop in
the antenna beam eciency. Furthermore, the grating lobes may be directed towards
Chapter 3. Optimum Beamforming Strategies for Earth Observations
a strong noise source in the sky (e.g. sun, moon) and hence increase the measurement
Three dierent antenna technologies have been considered for the analysis (see
Fig. 3.13): (i) a crossed-dipole antenna, (ii) a patch-excited cup antenna developed
by RUAG [83], and (iii) a tapered-slot antenna (Vivaldi antenna) [Paper L].
Figure 3.13: Considered radiating elements for the PAF: (a) a crossed-dipole antenna (HFSS model);
(b) RUAG's patch-excited cup antenna [83]; (c) Vivaldi antenna [Paper L].
3.5. Radiating element trade-off study
∆T ≥ (Tland − Th ) , (3.21)
where ∆T = 0.25 K is the accuracy requirement; Th = 75 K is the brightness tem-
perature of the sea surface (horizontal polarization); Tland = 250 K is the brightness
temperature of the land surface; and Pland is power radiated towards the hot land,
Pco − Pc
Pland = , (3.22)
where Pco is the co-polarization received power within the angular region subtended
by the Earth; and Pc is the power contained in the beam cone with semi-angle θc
(= angle between the beam center and the closest point at a coast line, see also
Fig. 3.1).
If we make the same assumption as in Paper K that only half of transmitted
power in reciprocal transmitting situation is outside of the beam cone (including the
back radiation) and thus incident on the hot land, then we can write Pland as
Pcob + Pcov − Pc
Pland = , (3.23)
Chapter 3. Optimum Beamforming Strategies for Earth Observations
Beam width
Should be wider than the reector subtended angle (±24 )
Suciently low in the angular range subtended by the reector
(±24 ) *
Mechanical considerations
* Requirements on both the cross-polarization power and back-radiated power are important
for the entire array (not for a single element as in conventional non-dense arrays), since they
directly aect the radiometric characteristics. It is impossible to dene these requirements
for a radiating element in isolation, since the resulting values will depend not only on the
element type, but also on the array topology, excitation scheme and supporting structure
around the array. Therefore, at this stage, we can dene these requirements for the entire
array with a particular array topology, excitation scheme, and no supporting structure. The
calculation methodology and two case studies are in this section.
where we split the total co-polar power over the Earth Pco into the power in the back
radiation, Pcob , and the power in the main beam vicinity, Pcov , which should have
a size sucient to capture most of the power around the main beam; we used θmax
such that about 10 side-lobes are accounted for. Substituting (3.23) in (3.21) leads
3.5. Radiating element trade-off study
rel ,
Pout the corresponding cone angle θc can be found from the radiation
pattern, after which the distance-to-coast is calculated using Eq. (3.1).
Fig. 3.14 shows the dependence of the distance-to-coast characteristic Dc of the
relative back radiated power
rel .
Pco The gure shows that if we allow for the maximum
distance to coast of 20 km, the maximum acceptable co-polar back radiation power
is about 0.11%. The curves on the gure were obtained using MSMDL beamformer.
Distance to coast, [km]
Vivaldi EEP
40 Dipole EEP
16.13 0.111 0.119
10 0.28
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3
Ralative back radiation power, Pcorelb , [%]
Figure 3.14: Distance-to-coast as a function of back-radiated power of the PAF feed, consisting of
either Vivaldi or dipole radiating elements, excited with the weight coecients obtained using the
MSMDL beamformer.
Note that the maximum of the acceptable back-radiated power is 0.28%, other-
wise the accuracy requirement of 0.25 K cannot be satised, even if measurements
are performed far from the coast line.
Chapter 3. Optimum Beamforming Strategies for Earth Observations
array back radiation is about 0.34 − 0.1 = 0.24%. It is pointed out that this value
depends on the beamforming algorithm used.
Therefore, the back radiation of the radiating element should be such that the
total back radiation of the array after beamforming (both co- and cross-polar powers)
satisfy the requirements described in this section.
Cross-polarization requirements
Previous studies by Chalmers and TICRA [84] show that the cross-polar power is a
minor issue for the push-broom conguration. This is due to:
The relatively low XP generated by the torus reector itself (e.g. XP power is
0.23% when the reector is fed by a Gaussian feed with taper -30 dB and zero
cross-polar level, versus 0.87% for the conical scanner with a similar feed);
The relatively low feed XP power inside the feed-to-reector subtended angle.
In Sec. 3.5.3 it will be shown that the cross-polar power of the reector fed by PAF
of Vivaldi antenna elements is even better than when a PAF of dipole elements is used,
despite the fact that the cross-polar level of the Vivaldi EEP is higher. This is due to
the beamformer, which compensates the cross-polar component by means of exciting
the orthogonal elements as well (see weight coecients in Figs. 3.19 and A.6). Owing
to this property of the beamformer, the cross-polar level of the radiating element
is not an issue for the most commonly used radiators. A more detailed analysis is
presented in Sec. 3.5.3.
3.5. Radiating element trade-off study
Y, [mm]
Y, [mm]
Y, [mm]
0 0 0
-50 -50
-100 -100
-150 -150
Figure 3.15: The layouts of the 6 × 13 array feed of the torus reector when the radiating antenna
element is: (a) a crossed half-wavelength dipole antenna; (b) a dual-polarized patch-excited cup
antenna, and; (c) a Vivaldi antenna (the Y-polarized elements in the 7th column are passive).
here we perform validation tests for the push-broom radiometer, and in particular
consider three modeling approaches for the computation of the EEPs of the array
elements (see also Fig. 3.16):
1. Modeling approach I: All EEPs are identical, obtained from an innite array
simulation and shifted to the positions of array elements in the layout;
2. Modeling approach II: The same as Modeling approach I, but where the
EEPs are obtained from the central element of a nite 5×5 rectangular array,
which allows for better estimation of the EEPs (especially its cross-polarization
The rst approach is the fastest one, however, as can be seen from the EEPs (see
e.g. Fig. 3.17), its accuracy is limited. On the other hand, and as expected, the
full-wave full-array approach is very time-consuming.
In next section we show the results for all radiators using the above described
Chapter 3. Optimum Beamforming Strategies for Earth Observations
Figure 3.16: HFSS models to calculate EEPs for the 6x13 array: (a) Innite array simulations
(Approach I); (b) a small-scale nite array simulation and phase-shifted versions of the central
element EEP (Approach II), and; (c) a complete large-scale array simulation (Approach III).
1. (Fig. 3.17) EEPs of the array including: (i) the co- and cross-polarization com-
ponent contour plots of the central element, and; (ii) the E- and H-plane cuts
of co-polarized E-eld component, as well as D-plane cuts of cross-polarized
E-eld component. In case of the small-scale array (Modeling approach II) the
cuts are shown for the central element only, while in case of the full-scale array
model (Modeling approach III) the cuts are shown for every array element.
Additionally, in Fig. 3.20, the resultant radiation patterns of the PAF are shown
for the dipole array, when the antenna array elements are excited using optimal
beamforming weights, as well as the corresponding radiation pattern of the whole
3.5. Radiating element trade-off study
Table 3.6: Radiometric characteristics of the push-broom system for three types of PAF with EEPs
each calculated using three methods.
Radiometer characte- Requirement Approach
I: Approach II: Approach III:
Small array
ristic Full-wave
Dipole array
Distance-to-coast, [km] <15 15.3 15.5 16.5
Rel. cross-pol. power, [%] <0.34 0.20 0.18 0.19
Beam eciency, [%] 98.5 98.3 98.1
Footprint, [km] <20 22.6 22.2 22.2
Footprint ellipticity 1.54 1.57 1.54
Patch-excited cup array
Distance-to-coast, [km] <15 15.3 15.2 16.1
Rel. cross-pol. power, [%] <0.34 0.20 0.16 0.15
Beam eciency, [%] 98.3 98.3 98.1
Footprint, [km] <20 22.5 22.7 23.1
Footprint ellipticity 1.54 1.53 1.42
Vivaldi array
Distance-to-coast, [km] <15 16.6 16.6 N/A
Rel. cross-pol. power, [%] <0.34 0.17 0.10 N/A
Beam eciency, [%] 98.0 98.3 N/A
Footprint, [km] <20 22.0 22.2 N/A
Footprint ellipticity 1.51 1.59 N/A
As one can see, the power of the cross-polarized component is not an issue re-
gardless of the radiating element type and analysis approach. The distance-to-coast
and footprint size exceed a little the requirement, but is still much better than if a
horn feed is used (see Papers K and E for the push-broom radiometer results with
a horn feed). From Fig. 3.18 it follows that we could reduce the footprint size, but
this would result in a unacceptably large distance-to-coast characteristic and reduced
beam eciency. This trade-o eect is expected because in order to achieve a smaller
footprint we need to over-illuminate the reector (reduce the illumination taper at
the reector edge), which leads also to increased side-lobe and spillover levels, which
in turn aect the distance-to-coast and the beam eciency, respectively.
Another interesting observation can be made about the cross-polarization power
for each radiating element. Despite the cross-polarization level within the reector
subtended angle is the lowest for the PAF of dipole elements and the largest for the
Vivaldi PAF (see 2nd column in Figs. 3.17, A.1 and A.4), the power contained in
the cross-polarized eld component after beamforming behaves in opposite way, i.e.,
Identical EEPs from an innite array Identical EEPs from a 5x5 nite Individual EEPs from a full-wave array
(Approach I) rectangular array (Approach II) (Approach III)
0 0 0
Optimum Beamforming Strategies for Earth Observations
Relative cross-polar power,
Distance to coast, [km] Average footprint size, [km] Beam eciency, [%]
km % km %
0.4 100
1.6 24 1.6 1.6 1.6
1.5 22 1.5 1.5 1.5 98
1.4 1.4 0.17 0.3 1.4 1.4
20 22
1.3 17 1.3 1.3 1.3 96
15.3 km 18 0.2% 22.6 km 98%
1.2 1.2 0.2 1.2 20 1.2
1.1 16 1.1 1.1 23 1.1 94
1 14 1 1 18 1
0.17 0.1 98
0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 92
12 0.1 −2
10 22 20 16 93
(Approach I)
0.8 0.8 5· 0.8 21 19 18 0.8 97 96 95 90
10 0 90
an innite array
Major semi-axis of mask ellipse, [deg]
km % km %
0.4 100
1.6 24 1.6 1.6 1.6
24 98
1.5 20 1.5 1.5 1.5
22 98
1.4 1.4 0.3 1.4 1.4
20 22
1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 96
15.5 km 18 0.18% 22.2 km 98%
1.2 1.2 0.2 1.2 20 1.2
1.1 16 1.1 1.1 1.1 94
1 14 1 1 18 1
0.1 0.1 98
Radiating element trade-off study
(Approach II)
10 0 90
Major semi-axis of mask ellipse, [deg]
Axis ratio of the mask ellipse, [-] Axis ratio of the mask ellipse, [-]
1.4 20 1.4 0.17 0.3 1.4 1.4
20 22
1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 96
16.5 km 18 0.2% 22.2 km 98%
1.2 1.2 0.2 1.2 20 1.2
1.1 16 1.1 1.1 1.1 98 94
1 14 1 1 18 1
0.17 0.1
0.9 0.9 0.1 0.9 0.9 92
12 22
20 18 16 0.8 97 96 95 93 90
0.8 0.8 5 · 10 0.8 21 19
(Approach III)
10 0 90
a full-wave array
Major semi-axis of mask ellipse, [deg]
Figure 3.18: Radiometer characteristics as function of two beamformer parameters, i.e. major semi-axis and axis ratio of the antenna main
lobe. The black marker shows the chosen optimum parameters and corresponding characteristic's value.
Optimum Beamforming Strategies for Earth Observations
Identical EEPs from an innite array Identical EEPs from a 5x5 nite rectangular Individual EEPs from a full-wave array
(Approach I) array (Approach II) (Approach III)
Co-polarized elements, [dB] Co-polarized elements, [dB] Co-polarized elements, [dB]
0 −5 −10 −15 −20 −25 −30 −35 −40 0 −5 −10 −15 −20 −25 −30 −35 −40 0 −5 −10 −15 −20 −25 −30 −35 −40
-29.5 -26.0 -30.7 -17.4 -16.4 -24.1 -9.4 -24.1 -16.4 -17.4 -30.7 -26.0 -29.5 -29.2 -27.1 -30.8 -17.2 -16.9 -23.1 -9.1 -23.1 -17.0 -17.2 -30.8 -27.1 -29.2 -29.3 -26.1 -29.8 -17.4 -16.7 -22.3 -9.2 -22.4 -16.7 -17.4 -29.8 -26.1 -29.3
-27.2 -22.5 -20.9 -23.9 -13.7 -9.4 -10.9 -9.4 -13.7 -23.9 -20.9 -22.5 -27.2 -27.4 -22.1 -22.4 -27.8 -12.9 -8.9 -10.5 -8.9 -12.9 -27.8 -22.4 -22.1 -27.4 -27.7 -21.9 -21.0 -23.7 -14.2 -9.9 -11.0 -9.9 -14.2 -23.7 -21.0 -22.0 -27.7
-34.5 -36.6 -21.0 -21.1 -15.9 -3.2 0.0 -3.2 -15.9 -21.1 -21.0 -36.6 -34.5 -33.0 -21.8 -22.0 -15.6 -3.1 0.0 -3.1 -15.6 -22.0 -21.8 -33.0 -34.6 -39.8 -21.0 -21.0 -14.2 -3.0 0.0 -3.0 -14.2 -21.0 -21.0 -39.6 -34.6
-31.4 -33.2 -27.2 -11.6 -5.4 -2.6 -2.0 -2.6 -5.4 -11.6 -27.2 -33.2 -31.4 -30.7 -36.9 -27.0 -10.8 -4.9 -2.2 -1.5 -2.2 -4.9 -10.8 -27.0 -36.9 -30.7 -33.0 -32.7 -25.2 -11.6 -5.6 -2.8 -2.2 -2.8 -5.6 -11.5 -25.2 -32.7 -33.0
-33.1 -26.6 -18.1 -9.8 -5.4 -4.1 -5.4 -9.8 -18.1 -26.6 -33.1 -34.2 -24.9 -18.2 -9.9 -5.7 -4.4 -5.7 -9.9 -18.2 -24.9 -34.3 -32.5 -39.0 -26.4 -17.6 -10.1 -5.5 -4.3 -5.5 -10.1 -17.6 -26.4 -39.0 -32.4
-36.9 -30.1 -21.3 -17.2 -14.0 -13.9 -12.7 -13.9 -14.0 -17.2 -21.3 -30.1 -36.9 -37.0 -29.7 -21.4 -17.2 -13.9 -13.5 -12.4 -13.5 -13.9 -17.2 -21.4 -29.7 -37.0 -34.1 -29.0 -20.6 -16.5 -13.3 -13.4 -12.2 -13.4 -13.3 -16.5 -20.5 -28.9 -34.1
Cross-polarized elements, [dB] Cross-polarized elements, [dB] Cross-polarized elements, [dB]
0 −5 −10 −15 −20 −25 −30 −35 −40 0 −5 −10 −15 −20 −25 −30 −35 −40 0 −5 −10 −15 −20 −25 −30 −35 −40
Figure 3.19: Amplitude of the weighting coecients, [dB], of the 6 × 13 elements for the chosen beamformer parameters (black color indicates
Chapter 3.
3.6. Conclusions
Elevation, [deg]
165 15
10 20
180 0 0 −15
−1 10
195 345
−20 −2
210 330
225 315 −25 −10
240 300 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4
255 270 285 Azimuth, [deg]
Figure 3.20: (left) PAF radiation pattern, illuminating the reector aperture, where the white line
denotes the reector rim, and; (right) radiation pattern of the reector antenna illuminated by the
PAF (central beam). The patterns are for the full-wave dipole array. Radiation patterns for other
arrays and calculation approaches are visually very similar.
it is the smallest for the Vivaldi PAF (see the "Approach II" column in Table 3.6).
This can be explained by the capability of the beamformer to use orthogonal array
elements to compensate for the cross-polarized component of the secondary eld.
This can be seen from Figs. 3.19, A.3 and A.6, where the cross-polarized elements
are most strongly excited for the Vivaldi array.
In summary, we can say that the numerical results demonstrate that all con-
sidered radiating elements perform well in the array environment and meet the ra-
diometer specications when excited according to the optimum beamforming strategy
(MSMDL, [Paper I]). They weakly depend on the modeling approach for the array
antenna element, in the sense that the nal beams of the PAF-fed reector antenna
are almost identical, though the primary embedded element patterns and their ex-
citations derived by the three approaches dier. The three approaches require very
dierent computation times, as well as the time for setting up the array geometry in
Since all elements were found to meet the radiometer requirements, the nal choice
of the nal array element should be mainly based on the mass and cost gures, as
well as possible multi-band considerations for future potential ocean missions.
3.6 Conclusions
Existing space-borne microwave radiometers that are used for the assessment of ocean
parameters like salinity, temperature, and wind can provide valid observations only
Chapter 3. Optimum Beamforming Strategies for Earth Observations
up to ∼ 100 km from the coastline, and hence do not allow for monitoring of the
coastal areas and ice-edge polar seas, or for measuring under extreme wind and
weather conditions. To achieve the desired precision, as required for future missions,
we propose digitally-beamforming phased array feeds (PAFs) previously not used
in space-borne applications employed either in a traditional conical-scan oset
parabolic reector antenna or in a wide-scan torus reector system.
When synthesized and excited according to the proposed optimum beamforming
procedure aiming at minimizing the signal contamination given by the side-lobe and
cross-polarization levels of antenna beams over the land the number of PAF antenna
elements and associated receivers can be kept to a minimum. In this procedure,
the input parameters include the number of array elements, their positions and the
secondary embedded element patterns (EEPs), which are computed after illuminating
the reector antenna. The output parameters are the optimal complex-valued element
excitations. Although the primary EEPs are generally not identical due to the array
antenna mutual coupling and edge truncation eects, for the considered PAFs with
more than 100 dipole antenna elements and inter-element spacing of 0.75λ, it has
been found sucient to use a single primary EEP. That is, the one for a central
element of the array as the source for each secondary EEP to accurately predict the
achievable radiometric characteristics.
For both types of radiometers , the realized resolutions are at least twice higher
than those realized by present-day systems; the distance-to-coast is as short as 6-16
km, depending on the frequency band. This excellent performance was shown to
be impossible with traditional multi-frequency PAFs of horns in one-horn-per-beam
congurations, as these cannot compensate for the high cross-polarization levels of
o-axis beams in conical-scanners and lead to unacceptably high side-lobes due to
severe focal-eld under-sampling eects in torus reector systems.
4 Beamforming Strategy for
Beam Shape Calibration of
PAF-equipped Radio Tele-
In this chapter we will come back to the radio astronomy application of phased array
feeds and show how a constrained beamformer may simplify the calibration of a beam
The proposed idea on improving the calibration eciency of a radio telescope ra-
diation pattern is to conform the beamformed far-eld patterns to a two-parameter
physics-based analytic reference model through the use of a linearly constrained min-
imum variance (LCMV) beamformer. Through this approach, which requires only a
few calibration measurements, an accurate and simple pattern model is obtained.
The rst term of the Jacobi-Bessel (JB) series solution of reector antenna far
Chapter 4. Beamforming Strategy for Beam Shape Calibration of PAF-...
J1 (ka sin θ)
FA (θ, φ) ∝ ≡ jinc(ka sin θ), (4.1)
ka sin θ
where a is the reector aperture radius; k is the free space wavenumber. This model
has been extended to account for a beam width (parameter s in the equation below)
and the phase gradient of a scanned beam (parameter Ψ):
in which s and Ψ control the the amplitude and phase distributions of the reference
pattern, respectively.
The reference pattern (4.2) is used to dene directional constraints in a LCMV
beamformed PAF, for which the weights applied to the elements of the PAF are
calculated according to [90] [77, p. 526]
−1 H −1
= gH GH C−1 G
wLCMV G C (4.3)
5 Conclusions and recommenda-
tions for future work
During last decades phased array feeds (PAFs) for reector antennas have been proven
to have numerous advantages over single-pixel feeds or clusters of them. However,
many unsolved questions remain, among them: "What is the mechanism governing
the PAF-reector interaction and how does it aect the reector antenna charac-
teristics, such as its radiation pattern, directivity, receiving sensitivity, etc?" In the
rst part of the current work an attempt to answer this question is made. For this
purpose a CBFM-PO Jacobi-iterative approach has been developed to model a large
reector antenna (with a diameter exceeding 100 wavelengths) that is fed by a com-
plex PAF. This approach, in combination with the proposed acceleration techniques,
not only allows one to solve electrically large antenna systems accurately and time-
eciently, but it also provides a physical insight in the feed-reector mutual coupling
mechanism. Several numerical computations have been performed including for a
real-world PAF system (i.e. a prototype of APERTIF system of the Westerbork
Synthesis Radio Telescope located in The Netherlands) and demonstrated excel-
lent agreement with the measurements. As a part of this study on PAFs for radio
astronomy, it has been shown how advanced beamforming algorithms can be used to
reduce the calibration complexity of the beam shape, while maintaining high receiving
sensitivity of radio telescopes equipped with PAFs.
The second part of the thesis is devoted to a feasibility study of PAFs in satellite
radiometers for remote sensing of the sea surface. In the current work the push-broom
radiometer with a toroidal reector has been considered and the following questions
have been addressed:
what is the minimum complexity of the PAF design (size, number of elements
and their arrangement in the feed as well as the number of active receiver
Chapter 5. Conclusions and recommendations for future work
what radiating element types are most suitable for such radiometer applica-
To answer these questions several optimum beamforming methods have been con-
sidered, including a conventional Conjugate Field Matching (CFM) method and
two new methods which have been developed in this work: Maximum-radiometric
Sensitivity-to Minimum-Distance-to-Land (MSMDL) beamformer; and Advanced Max-
imum Beam Eciency beamformer (AMBER). The latter are specialized optimum
beamforming algorithms aiming at minimizing the signal contamination caused by
the side-lobes and cross-polarization of antenna beams covering the land, when mea-
suring the brightness temperature of the sea with a certain footprint.
The proposed beamforming solutions have been evaluated for the torus reector
antenna, which has the projected aperture of 5 × 7.5 m and the focal length of
5 m. It has been found that the MSMDL beamformer has the best performance in
terms of minimum distance-to-coast for the required footprint size, which is given by
the reector antenna aperture. The CFM and AMBER beamformers are preferred
when high polarization purity is required (e.g. the relative cross-polar power was
found to be in order of 0.01% for the AMBER and 0.2% for MSMDL beamformers,
respectively); with the dierence that AMBER leads to a more compact array with
almost twice fewer active antenna elements as compared to CFM in order to achieve
similar distance-to-coast.
Furthermore, it has been shown that when the PAF antenna elements are located
along the focal line of the torus reector (i.e. synthesize a moon-shaped array
layout), the optimum beamforming coecients are virtually identical for all sub-
arrays generating multiple beams over a wide scanning range (±20 for the present
study case, and potentially up to ±180 ). This is an advantage of the torus geometry
over conventional parabolic reectors, though this wide scanning range can be realized
only in a single dimension. A drawback of the torus conguration is that it requires
a very large number of the PAF antenna elements and associated receivers in the
present case 1332, 1836 and 3060 elements for 58, 89, and 156 beams at C-, X-
and Ku-bands, respectively. (In comparison, the L-band PAF illuminating a prime-
focus parabolic reector of the APERTIF radio telescope has ∼ 100 Vivaldi antenna
elements producing 37 beams.) Therefore, a modied torus reector geometry can
be further considered that has shorter focal length, and hence more compact focal
eld distribution.
Several types of PAF elements have been studied, including a crossed-dipole an-
tenna, patch-excited cup antenna, and tapered-slot antenna elements. To cross-
compare these elements, we used the above array layout synthesis procedure and
beamforming algorithms optimizing the radiometer characteristics while minimizing
the numbers of array elements. It was found that for dense PAFs (where the inter-
element-separation distance is ∼ 0.75λ and the total number of elements is large)
the type of the antenna element has a minor impact on the radiometer characteris-
tics, as opposed to the array beamforming method. Thanks to the large number of
degrees of freedom in beamforming (i.e. the fact that all array elements are excited
with their individual complex-valued coecients), the relative dierence between the
array embedded element patterns are compensated for in the beam forming process.
At present, a research project funded by the European Space Agency, is manufac-
turing a test 7 × 5 × 2 element PAF breadboard, that has been designed by using the
proposed array synthesis methodology and optimum beamforming algorithms. This
project is carried out in collaboration with TICRA and DTU-Space (Denmark).
A Radiometer characteristics for
the PAFs of the patch-excited
cups and Vivaldi elements
Identical EEPs from an innite array Identical EEPs from a 5x5 nite Individual EEPs from a full-wave array
(Approach I) rectangular array (Approach II) (Approach III)
0 0 0
Appendix A. Radiometer characteristics for the PAFs of the patch-...
Relative cross-polar power,
Distance to coast, [km] Average footprint size, [km] Beam eciency, [%]
km % km %
0.4 100
1.6 24 1.6 1.6 1.6
1.5 22 1.5 1.5 1.5 98
1.4 1.4 0.17 0.3 1.4 1.4
20 22
1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 96
15.3 km 18 0.2% 22.5 km 98%
1.2 17 1.2 0.2 1.2 20 1.2
16 23 94
1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1
1 14 1 1 18 1 98
0.9 0.9 0.1 0.9 0.9 92
12 16
22 20 95 90
(Approach I)
0.8 0.8 5 · 10−2 0.8 21 19 18 0.8 97 96 93
10 0 90
an innite array
Major semi-axis of mask ellipse, [deg]
km % km %
0.4 100
1.6 24 1.6 1.6 1.6
1.5 22 1.5 1.5 1.5 98
1.4 1.4 0.3 1.4 1.4
20 22
1.3 17 1.3 1.3 1.3 96
15.2 km 18 0.16% 22.7 km 98%
1.2 1.2 0.2 1.2 20 1.2
1.1 16 1.1 1.1 1.1 94
23 18 98
1 14 1 0.1 1 1
0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 92
12 97
21 16 93
0.8 0.8 0.8 22 20 19 18 0.8 96 95 90
(Approach II)
10 0 90
0.8 1
Major semi-axis of mask ellipse, [deg]
0.95 10 −2
Axis ratio of the mask ellipse, [-] Axis ratio of the mask ellipse, [-]
(Approach III)
10 0 90
a full-wave array
Major semi-axis of mask ellipse, [deg]
Figure A.2: Patch array: Radiometer characteristics as function of two beamformer parameters, i.e. major semi-axis and axis ratio of the
antenna main lobe. The black marker shows the chosen optimum parameters and corresponding characteristic's value.
Appendix A. Radiometer characteristics for the PAFs of the patch-...
Identical EEPs from an innite array Identical EEPs from a 5x5 nite rectangular Individual EEPs from a full-wave array
(Approach I) array (Approach II) (Approach III)
Co-polarized elements, [dB] Co-polarized elements, [dB] Co-polarized elements, [dB]
0 −5 −10 −15 −20 −25 −30 −35 −40 0 −5 −10 −15 −20 −25 −30 −35 −40 0 −5 −10 −15 −20 −25 −30 −35 −40
-29.7 -29.6 -30.4 -18.9 -20.6 -20.8 -13.4 -20.9 -20.7 -18.9 -30.5 -29.6 -29.6 -28.9 -29.0 -29.2 -18.9 -22.4 -18.4 -12.3 -18.4 -22.5 -18.8 -28.8 -29.2 -28.8 -28.8 -31.2 -26.2 -18.1 -23.1 -20.2 -14.2 -20.0 -23.2 -18.1 -26.2 -30.9 -28.8
-34.0 -27.5 -20.5 -19.9 -19.0 -8.4 -5.8 -8.5 -19.0 -19.9 -20.4 -27.5 -34.1 -33.6 -29.0 -19.9 -19.1 -19.5 -7.6 -4.9 -7.6 -19.0 -19.4 -19.8 -28.3 -34.2 -25.8 -20.5 -20.0 -17.1 -8.1 -5.7 -8.1 -17.0 -19.9 -20.4 -25.7
-36.3 -26.6 -22.7 -26.1 -9.1 -2.5 -0.6 -2.5 -9.1 -26.1 -22.7 -26.6 -36.5 -39.0 -25.0 -20.9 -33.2 -9.2 -2.4 -0.4 -2.3 -9.0 -29.6 -21.5 -25.0 -38.6 -31.2 -25.1 -24.8 -20.4 -8.0 -2.3 -0.6 -2.3 -8.0 -20.4 -24.8 -25.0 -31.2
-32.4 -33.9 -33.5 -13.9 -5.6 -1.3 0.0 -1.3 -5.6 -13.9 -33.3 -34.0 -32.8 -31.5 -27.9 -15.3 -6.0 -1.4 0.0 -1.4 -5.9 -14.8 -29.2 -32.1 -30.7 -36.7 -26.1 -12.1 -5.1 -1.3 0.0 -1.2 -5.0 -12.1 -26.1 -37.2 -31.0
-36.2 -22.1 -13.0 -7.6 -4.6 -3.6 -4.6 -7.6 -13.0 -22.2 -35.3 -34.4 -25.2 -14.0 -8.2 -4.9 -3.8 -4.9 -8.1 -13.9 -24.2 -32.8 -37.4 -34.5 -20.2 -12.2 -7.4 -4.6 -3.7 -4.6 -7.4 -12.2 -20.2 -34.8 -36.1
-36.7 -28.6 -22.3 -17.5 -14.3 -12.6 -11.9 -12.6 -14.3 -17.5 -22.2 -28.5 -35.9 -31.1 -23.5 -18.4 -15.1 -13.4 -12.7 -13.4 -15.1 -18.4 -23.3 -31.2 -39.7 -35.3 -28.6 -22.0 -17.7 -14.6 -13.0 -12.4 -13.0 -14.7 -17.7 -21.9 -28.3 -34.4
Cross-polarized elements, [dB] Cross-polarized elements, [dB] Cross-polarized elements, [dB]
0 −5 −10 −15 −20 −25 −30 −35 −40 0 −5 −10 −15 −20 −25 −30 −35 −40 0 −5 −10 −15 −20 −25 −30 −35 −40
-33.5 -34.8 -38.0 -36.7
-34.1 -32.5 -33.8 -35.9 -34.4 -36.6
-35.3 -34.6 -37.9 -37.1 -35.7
-37.4 -34.8 -36.9
-36.8 -37.1
Figure A.3: Patch array: Amplitude of the weighting coecients, [dB], of the 6 × 13 elements for the chosen beamformer parameters (black
color indicates passive elements): (top) co-polarized and (bottom) cross-polarized elements
Identical EEPs from an innite array Identical EEPs from a 5x5 nite Individual EEPs from a full-wave array
(Approach I) rectangular array (Approach II) (Approach III)
0 0
−10 −10
−20 −20
Central element:
0 0
105 909075 105 909075
120 60 120 60
135 75 45 135 75 45
60 60
150 45 30 150 45 30
165 30 15
165 30 15
15 15
180 0 0 180 0 0 N/A
195 345 195 345
−20 −20
210 330 210 330
225 315 225 315
240 300 240 300
255 270 285 255 270 285
−30 −30
0 0
105 909075 105 909075
120 60 120 60
135 75 45 135 75 45
60 60
150 45 30 150 45 30
165 30 15
165 30 15
15 15
180 0 0 180 0 0 N/A
195 345 195 345
−20 −20
210 330 210 330
225 315 225 315
240 300 240 300
255 270 285 255 270 285
−30 −30
Figure A.4: Vivaldi array: Embedded element patterns. Cuts of the co-polar patterns for E- and H-planes, as well as cross-polar pattern for
diagonal plane (φ = 45◦ ) are shown on top, and the green area denotes the reector subtended angle.
Distance to coast, [km] Relative cross-polar power, [%] Average footprint size, [km] Beam eciency, [%]
Major semi-axis of mask ellipse, [deg]
Axis ratio of the mask ellipse, [-] Axis ratio of the mask ellipse, [-] Axis ratio of the mask ellipse, [-] Axis ratio of the mask ellipse, [-]
Identical EEPs from a 5x5
0.4 100
1.6 24 1.6 1.6 1.6
24 98
0.5 0.34
22 20 18 16 0.8 97 96 95 93 90
0.8 0.8 0.8 21 19
10 0 90
Axis ratio of the mask ellipse, [-] Axis ratio of the mask ellipse, [-] Axis ratio of the mask ellipse, [-] Axis ratio of the mask ellipse, [-]
Individual EEPs from
a full-wave array
(Approach III)
Figure A.5: Vivaldi array: Radiometer characteristics as function of two beamformer parameters, i.e. major semi-axis and axis ratio of the
antenna main lobe. The black marker shows the chosen optimum parameters and corresponding characteristic's value.
Identical EEPs from an innite array Identical EEPs from a 5x5 nite rectangular Individual EEPs from a full-wave array
(Approach I) array (Approach II) (Approach III)
-28.1 -32.5 -24.7 -17.8 -35.3 -14.7 -14.8 -34.7 -17.6 -24.4 -32.6 -28.1
-29.4 -27.7 -31.5 -20.8 -20.6 -24.9 -15.2 -25.1 -20.5 -20.8 -31.2 -27.5 -29.2
-35.3 -22.8 -18.3 -22.7 -12.1 -6.1 -6.1 -12.1 -22.3 -18.1 -22.6 -34.4
-30.8 -29.3 -20.8 -18.3 -25.2 -11.2 -7.9 -11.3 -25.3 -18.3 -20.9 -29.2 -30.7
-35.4 -26.4 -21.0 -29.3 -11.5 -3.8 -1.7 -3.8 -11.6 -29.3 -20.9 -26.3 -35.3 -29.4 -22.8 -24.2 -14.2 -4.6 -0.8 -0.8 -4.6 -14.2 -23.8 -22.8 -29.5
-30.7 -28.2 -15.7 -6.1 -1.4 0.0 -1.5 -6.2 -15.8 -29.4 -31.4 -8.5 -2.6 -0.0 0.0 -2.6 -8.5
-28.5 -35.2 -20.2 -20.1 -35.8 -28.8
-32.4 -23.9 -12.6 -6.8 -3.7 -2.8 -3.7 -6.9 -12.7 -24.2 -39.1 -32.2 -5.4 -3.6 -3.6 -5.3
-37.5 -29.2 -15.8 -9.1 -9.0 -15.9 -29.1 -37.0
-35.6 -27.9 -20.3 -15.5 -12.0 -10.3 -9.7 -10.3 -12.0 -15.4 -20.2 -27.3 -34.6
-31.2 -24.6 -18.8 -15.1 -12.7 -11.7 -11.7 -12.7 -15.0 -18.7 -24.5 -30.6
Figure A.6: Vivaldi array: Amplitude of the weighting coecients, [dB], of the 6 × 13 elements for the chosen beamformer parameters (black
color indicates passive elements): (top) co-polarized and (bottom) cross-polarized elements
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Part II
Included Papers
Paper A
The layout of this paper has been revised in order to comply with the rest of
the thesis.
Towards the Understanding of the Interaction
Eects Between Reector Antennas and Phased
Array Feeds
O. A. Iupikov, R. Maaskant, and M. Ivashina
1 Introduction
For many practical applications it is required to accurately model the beam patterns
of reector antennas. Several factors can cause the actual beam to dier from the ide-
ally designed one due to inaccuracies of the antenna system model. For instance, one
often neglects or only partly takes into account the eects of the feed supporting
structure and reector-feed interactions. A rigorous analysis of such electrically large
antenna structures represents a challenging electromagnetic problem, especially when
the reector is fed with a phased array feed (PAF) consisting of many strongly cou-
pled antenna elements. During the last few years a number of pioneering studies have
been carried out towards the development of more complete numerical models [14]
while, at the same time, knowledge has been acquired through experimental stud-
ies [5, 6]. For example, in [6] it has been observed that the magnitude of the receiving
sensitivity ripple as a function of frequency caused by the feed-reector interactions
is signicantly smaller for a PAF of wideband Vivaldi antennas than it is for a horn
feed. It has been suggested that the smaller radar cross section (RCS) of Vivaldi
PAFs is a reason for this improvement. However, the fact that there exist dierences
in the EM coupling mechanisms for dierent phased-array and single-element feeds,
and how this aects the system design procedure, is not yet fully understood. The
objective of the present work is therefore to investigate this phenomenon in more
Paper A. Towards the Understanding of the Interaction Effects Between...
2 Analysis methodology
First, we examine a single dipole antenna feed above a nite ground plane, after which
an array of dipole elements is considered, as shown in Fig. 1(a) and (b), respectively.
The antenna array ports are connected to Low Noise Ampliers (LNAs) which are also
part of the antenna-receiver model. Two beamforming scenarios are considered: (i)
a singly-excited embedded element, and; (ii) a fully-excited antenna array employing
the Conjugate Field Matching (CFM) beamformer for maximizing the gain of the
secondary far-eld beam. This beamforming array system is analyzed in combination
with a parabolic reector of 8 m in diameter (∼ 38λ @ f = 1.42 GHz), F/D = 0.35.
(a) (b)
Figure 1: The considered dipole antenna feeds: (a) a single dipole; and (b) a dual-polarized array of
20 dipole antenna elements. The dipole length is (0.47λ) and the ground plane size is (3.3λ × 2.65λ)
To account for the mutual coupling between the feed and reector antenna in the
described system, a rapidly converging iterative procedure has been developed. It
consists of the following steps: (i) the antenna feed currents are computed through a
method-of-moments (MoM) approach by exciting the antenna port(s) in the absence
of the reector; (ii) these currents generate an EM eld which induces PO-currents
on the reector surface; (iii) the PO currents create a scattered eld that, in turn,
induces currents on the feed structure. The steps (ii) and (iii) are repeated until
the multiply induced currents which form the total current when summed has
converged. Afterwards, the antenna radiation pattern, the input impedance (matrix)
and derived antenna parameters aecting the receiving sensitivity can be computed.
It is worthwhile to mention that the antenna elements in our study are loaded
by LNAs, so that we will account for this loading when solving for the antenna feed
currents through the MoM. This is done through the modication of the diagonal
elements of the MoM matrix corresponding to the port basis functions as described
in [7, p. 223]. The impedance of the loads, and thus the input impedance of the
LNAs, has been chosen real-valued. Next, the (passive) reection coecient of the
antenna was minimized, which yielded the optimum load resistance of 80 and 140 Ω
for the single dipole and array case, respectively.
3. Numerical Results
where Aph and Ae are the physical and eective areas of the reector antenna,
respectively; Tsys the system noise temperature; ηap the aperture eciency; Tspil
the spillover noise temperature contribution; ηrad the antenna radiation eciency
(herein assumed 100%);
LNA the receiver
Tamb = 290 K the ambient temperature; TEq
noise temperature due to LNAs with minimum noise temperature Tmin , a component
which is independent from the antenna, and the noise coupling component Tcoup , due
to the impedance noise mismatch between the LNAs and the antenna elements [8].
In the next section it will be shown which of the above contributions are most
aected by the feed-reector interaction eects.
3 Numerical Results
The frequency-varying receiving sensitivity, which is caused by the interaction eects,
gives rise to a standing wave component between feed and reector with oscillation
period ∆f = 2F/c, where c is the speed of light [3]. Fig. 2 presents the computed
current distributions on the ground plane of the three feeds at two frequency points
leading to the minimum and maximum antenna aperture eciency within one period
of the oscillation. For the case of the single dipole [see Fig. 2(a)], one can clearly
see a signicant dierence between the areas supporting large currents on the ground
plane at these frequencies, as a result of which the corresponding far-eld patterns
of the feed dier in shape and beamwidth [see Fig. 3(a)].
Upon comparing the left- and right-hand-side subgures in Fig. 2, one observes
that the groundplane for the single-dipole case has a predominant eect on the scat-
tering mechanism. On the contrary, when the eld from the reector illuminates the
antenna array (the physical area of which is comparable to the size of the ground
plane), part of this eld is blocked by the dipoles. Therefore, the dierences be-
tween the feed patterns for the dipole arrays in Fig. 3(b) and (c) are less pronounced,
regardless of the beamforming scenario.
Next, we present the results for the system sensitivity and its subeciencies for
the three considered antenna feeds.
Fig. 4(a)(c) shows the aperture eciency and its dominant contributions, i.e.,
the spillover eciency ηspil and the taper illumination eciency ηtap ; and Fig. 4(d)
compares the respective frequency variations of ηap due to the standing wave phe-
nomenon. It is readily seen that the aperture eciency variation is less than 1% for
Paper A. Towards the Understanding of the Interaction Effects Between...
−30 −30
−35 −35
−40 −40
−45 −45
−50 −50
−55 −55
−60 −60
−30 −30
−35 −35
−40 −40
−45 −45
−50 −50
−55 −55
−60 −60
−30 −30
−35 −35
−40 −40
−45 −45
−50 −50
−55 −55
−60 −60
Figure 2: Current distributions on the ground plane of the feeds for two frequency points corre-
sponding to the minimum (left column) and maximum (right column) of the aperture eciency.
the two PAF cases, since the illumination pattern remains almost constant, whereas
this variation is approximately three times larger for the single dipole case, due to
the scattering mechanism dierences as described above.
A similar analysis has been performed for the system noise temperature Tsys (see
Fig. 5). Note that, for the embedded element case, Tsys is not aected much by
the standing wave phenomenon, since the input impedance of a centralized dipole
array element varies only little with frequency and is therefore well-matched (after
optimally loading the array elements), as opposed to the single dipole antenna. Also,
3. Numerical Results
Level, dB
−10 −10
−15 −15
−20 −20
−200 −100 0 100 200 −200 −100 0 100 200
θ, deg θ, deg
−200 −100 0 100 200
θ, deg
100 100
90 90
Efficiencies, %
Efficiencies, %
80 80
70 70
60 60
1.39 1.4 1.41 1.42 1.43 1.44 1.45 1.39 1.4 1.41 1.42 1.43 1.44 1.45
Frequency, GHz Frequency, GHz
90 1
Efficiencies, %
ηap variation, %
70 One dipole
Dip array, one excited
60 Dip array, CFM
1.39 1.4 1.41 1.42 1.43 1.44 1.45 1.39 1.4 1.41 1.42 1.43 1.44 1.45
Frequency, GHz Frequency, GHz
Figure 4: The aperture eciency and its dominant contributions. The solid and dotted lines are for
with and without accounting for feed-reector interactions, respectively.
Paper A. Towards the Understanding of the Interaction Effects Between...
50 50
40 40
30 30
T, K
T, K
20 20
10 10
0 0
1.39 1.4 1.41 1.42 1.43 1.44 1.45 1.39 1.4 1.41 1.42 1.43 1.44 1.45
Frequency, GHz Frequency, GHz
Dip array, CFM
10 −5
One dipole
0 −10 Dip array, one excited
1.39 1.4 1.41 1.42 1.43 1.44 1.45 1.39 1.4 1.41 1.42 1.43 1.44 1.45
Frequency, GHz Frequency, GHz
when beamforming is performed, the input impedance of each antenna array element
(scan impedance) will dier from its optimal noise-match impedance, and therefore
becomes more sensitive to the feed-reector coupling. This results to higher Tcoup
and a stronger frequency variation. Hence, and in contrast to the systems employing
single antenna feeds, the noise temperature due to mismatch eects, Tcoup , is the
dominant contribution to Tsys in case of PAF systems.
Dip array, CFM
Sensitivity variation, %
1.39 1.4 1.41 1.42 1.43 1.44 1.45
Frequency, GHz
The sensitivity variation for all three cases is shown in Fig. 6. Although both
ηap and Tsys vary signicantly for the system with a single dipole (i.e. −4% to
4. Conclusions
1.5%; and −5.5% to 3%, respectively), they partly compensate each other, leading
to approximately the same sensitivity variation for all three feeding schemes.
4 Conclusions
The electromagnetic coupling between the reector antenna and a single dipole feed
was found to have a signicant eect on the antenna beam shape and aperture ef-
ciency, as opposed to the dipole PAFs. Our study indicates that the nite ground
plane behind the single dipole, which is part of the feed supporting structure and of-
ten much larger than one antenna element, but comparable to the size of a PAF, is a
reason for this dierence. However, the (active) impedance matching of the strongly-
coupled PAF elements appears to be more sensitive to the feed-reector interaction,
which has an impact on the receiver noise temperature. Similar conclusions were
drawn from the numerical analysis of the checkerboard PAF of patch antennas [4],
whereas these eects were found to be much smaller for the larger experimentally
characterized array of 121 tapered-slot antenna elements [6]. The latter dierence
will be examined in more detail in future studies.
[1] N.-T. Huang, R. Mittra, M. Ivashina, and R. Maaskant, Numerical study of a
dual-polarized focal plane array (FPA) with vivaldi elements in the vicinity of a
large feed box using the parallelized FDTD code GEMS, in Proc. IEEE AP-S
International Symposium, Charleston, South Carolina, Jun. 2009, pp. 14.
[2] C. Craeye, Analysis of complex phased array feeds and their interaction with a
cylindrical reector, in Proc. IEEE AP-S International Symposium, San Diego,
California, Jul. 2008, pp. 14.
[4] S. Hay, R. Mittra, and N. Huang. (2010) Analysis of reector and feed scattering
and coupling eects on the sensitivity of phased array feeds. [Online]. Available:
Paper A. Towards the Understanding of the Interaction Effects Between...
[7] S. N. Makarov, Antenna and EM Modeling With MATLAB. New York: John
Wiley and Sons, Inc., 2002.
Paper B
The layout of this paper has been revised in order to comply with the rest of
the thesis.
A Plane Wave Approximation In The
Computation Of Multiscattering Eects In
Reector Systems
O. A. Iupikov, R. Maaskant, and M. Ivashina
1 Introduction
Prime-focus reector antennas are widely used for radio astronomy, satellite and radio
link communication thanks to their relatively low cost as compared to that of more
complex oset- and multi-reector systems. When designing these antennas, one
focuses on the optimization of the antenna feed to realize high gain, low sidelobes,
and low spillover loss for the selected reector, often under stringent dimensional
constraints to minimize the aperture blockage and frequency variation of the antenna
characteristics due to multiple scattering eects of electromagnetic waves traveling
between the feed and reector antenna.
During the last decades, a number of analytic and numerical techniques have been
developed to model feed-reector interaction eects. For example, in [1] the scattered
eld of the feed is approximated by a geometric series of elds scattered by the an-
tenna feed due to an incident plane wave at each iteration, where the amplitudes
of these plane waves are expressed analytically for a given reector geometry. This
method is very fast and, for the case of a horn feed with an aperture diameter in the
order of one wavelength, has been demonstrated to have an accuracy comparable to
that of a MoM approach. An alternative to this method is the use of more rigorous
(though more time-consuming) hybrid numerical methods combining Physical Optics
or Gaussian beams for the analysis of reectors with the Method of Moments and/or
Mode Matching techniques for radiating horns feeds [2, 3]. The recent article [4]
has introduced the PO/Generalized-Scattering-Matrix approach for solving multiple
domain problems, and has shown its application to a cluster of a few horns. This
Paper B. A Plane Wave Approximation In The Computation Of...
approach is generic and accurate, but requires the lling of a large scattering matrix
that can be time consuming especially for more complex feed systems, such as (i)
multifrequency front-ends (MFFEs) in which higher frequency feeds operate in the
vicinity of an extended metal structure, or (ii) dense multibeam phased array feeds
(PAFs [5, 6]). On the other hand, the above-mentioned analytic method may be in-
accurate for these systems, due to a much larger physical area and higher complexity
of radiation/scattering mechanisms (the plane wave approximation may not hold).
To examine this multiple domain problem with MFFEs and PAFs, we propose to use
a hybrid MoM/PO approach as described in [7]. While in [7] the eld is computed
at each mesh cell of the feed and reector structure, herein we investigate the ap-
proximation of the eld scattered by the reector with a (single) uniform plane wave
dened over the area of the feed. As will be shown in this paper, the scattered eld
computed through integration of the reector PO currents needs to be known only
at a few points in the focal plane region in order to determine the plane wave expan-
sion coecient in an accurate manner. This signicantly reduces the simulation time
relative to a direct MoM/PO solution.
The third step of this procedure is the most time-consuming since it requires the
eld computation (integrating of PO currents) at each mesh cell of the feed. To
alleviate this computational burden, the eld scattered from the reector can be
expanded into a plane wave spectrum, each spectral component of which induces
a current on the feed. This approach is much faster since it does not require the
integration of the reector currents at each basis function of the feed; the smoothly-
varying eld has to be tested at a few points only to nd the expansion coecients
of the corresponding plane wave modes. The incident eld on the feed is then tested
through these plane wave modes.
The model Emod of the actual focal eld Eref of the reector antenna, due to a
radiating PO current on the reector, can be expanded into a set of plane wave modes
2. Modeling procedure and numerical results
{En } as
Emod =
αn En . (1)
The least squares error between the actual eld Eref and the modeled eld (1) can
be expressed as
ha, bi = aH b dS; (3)
(. . .)H is the Hermitian operator; and Sa is the area constituting the support of the
vector function a.
It can be shown that, the solution that minimizes is obtained through solving
the matrix expression
Aα = b (4)
where α = [α1 , α2 , . . . , αN ]T ;
Amn = hEm , En i and bm = hEm , Eref i (5)
for m, n = 1, 2, ..., N .
Since the scattered eld from large parabolic reectors resembles a plane wave in
the vicinity of the antenna feed, it is sucient to employ only a single plane wave
expansion function [1]. Hence, we can solve Eq. (4) analytically for the coecient
α1 :
hE1 , Eref i
α1 = . (6)
hE1 , E1 i
If we choose the plane wave expansion function to have unit amplitude, the coecient
α1 will be equal to
α1 = Epref dS (7)
where the subscript p denotes the dominant component of the eld Eref ; Af is the
area in the focal plane occupied by the feed. Eq. (7) can be evaluated numerically
using the midpoint integration rule, i.e.,
1 X ref
α1 ≈ E (rk ), (8)
K k=1 p
Paper B. A Plane Wave Approximation In The Computation Of...
The following three types of feeds were used to illuminate a reector antenna:
(i) a pyramidal horn with aperture diameter in the order of one wavelength, (ii) a
pyramidal horn with extended ground plane, and (iii) an 121-element dual-polarized
dipole array [see Fig. 1(a)]. All antennas are impedance power-matched, so that
antenna component [8] of their corresponding radar cross-section (RCS) is minimized.
However, the residual component of the RCS of the horn with ground plane is still
high due to the extended metal structure surrounding it, so that this feed is a high
scattering antenna and strong feed-reector coupling can be expected.
The corresponding E- and H-plane focal eld distribution cuts at the 1st and 2nd
iterations are shown in Figs. 2(b) and (c), respectively, each for the reector antenna
with the semi-subtended angle of 70 deg and a respective diameter of 38λ and 118λ.
This result clearly demonstrates that the eld scattered by the reector diers slightly
from a uniform plane wave, where the largest variation in amplitude is about 0.81.5
dB (and 46 degrees in phase) over the area occupied by the feed (the vertical dashed
line). The ripples in the focal plane eld at the 1st iteration are due to diraction
eects from the reector edges when it is illuminated by the primary feed pattern and,
as expected, are more pronounced for the electrically smaller reector, regardless of
the type of the feed. It is also observed that, at the 2nd iteration, when the scattered
eld component of the feed is incident on the reector, the focal eld distribution due
to the horn feed remains rather uniform, but becomes more tapered for the case of the
electrically larger feeds (the PAF and horn with the extended ground plane) because
of the much narrower scattered patterns of these feeds [see Fig. 1(b)]. Thus, larger
errors due to the plane wave approximation can be expected for these feed structures.
Another important observation is that the shapes of the scattered patterns and the
corresponding focal elds at the 2nd iteration are rather similar in case of the PAF
and horn with the extended ground plane, as the result of the equal aperture areas.
This similarity, however, does not imply that modeling errors due to the plane wave
approximation will be close as well. This can be readily seen from Table 1, where
the errors in the total focal eld and several antenna characteristics such as the gain,
2. Modeling procedure and numerical results
the gain at -3 dB level, and the antenna input impedance (in case of an array the
input impedance of the most excited antenna element) are summarized.
The errors in focal eld and scalars antenna characteristics are computed as
ref − E mod |2
|Ep;k p;k
1 = rP × 100% (9)
|E ref |2
|f ref − f mod |
2 = × 100%, (10)
|f ref |
Ep;k and
Ep;k are the k -th sample of the discretized p-components of the
ref mod
focal E-eld E and E respectively; f ref and f mod is the gain or antenna input
impedance, reference and modeled values respectively. The MoM/PO results without
the plane wave approximation are used as the reference solution.
Paper B. A Plane Wave Approximation In The Computation Of...
The above values were also computed using the method described in [1], where
the plane wave coecient α1 is computed analytically from the eld intensity in the
on-axis direction of both the original and the scattered feed pattern due to an incident
plane wave. We will refer to this method as Method 1 while the herein proposed
approach is denoted as Method 2.
The total simulation time (10 frequency points) for the 38λ reector fed by the
considered feeds is shown in table 2. Virtually all simulation time is consumed by
the eld computation on the reector surface for obtaining its PO currents, while the
computation of the currents on the feed due to the currents on the reector is more
than 1000 times faster when a plane wave approximation is used.
By analyzing Table 1 and Table 2 the following observations can be made:
Method 1 is numerically ecient and accurate for small feeds (whose size is in
the order of one wavelength) and for low-scattering feeds, but fails in case of
large high-scattering feeds, such as MFFEs, because the focal eld produced by
the feed scattering pattern has a high level and a highly tapered shape;
Both methods are accurate in case of large reectors because (i) the multiscat-
tering eects are less pronounced (see Parameter variation in Table 1), and
(ii) the eld scattered from the reector is close to a plane wave at all iterations.
3 Conclusions
A hybrid MoM/PO method for the analysis of multiple scattering eects between the
reector and large feeds, such as PAFs and MFFEs, has been presented and studied.
It has been shown that, although the eld scattered by the parabolic reector diers
slightly from that of a uniform plane wave, the plane wave approximation can be used
to predict the main antenna parameters with an error less than a few percent relative
3. Conclusions
0 0 0
primary primary
−10 −10 scattered −10
primary scattered
|E|, dB
|E|, dB
|E|, dB
Figure 1: (a) EM models of the reector antenna feeds, including (when viewing from left to right)
the pyramidal horn feed (with the aperture diameter of one wavelength) without and with the
extended ground plane and the phased array feed of 121 half wavelength dipole antenna elements;
and (b) the corresponding primary eld patterns of the feeds and their scattered eld patterns due
to the eld incident from the reector at the 1st iteration.
Feed type Focal eld at 1st iteration Focal eld at 2nd iteration
0 0 38λ dish, E−plane
38λ dish, H−plane
−1 118λ dish, E−plane
|E|, dB
|E|, dB
118λ dish, H−plane 118λ dish, H−plane
118λ dish, E−plane
38λ dish, E−plane −30
38λ dish, H−plane
−3 −40
−0.5 0 0.5 −0.5 0 0.5
X, m X, m
0 0
38λ dish, H−plane
|E|, dB
|E|, dB
0 0
38λ dish, E−plane
38λ dish, H−plane
−1 118λ dish, E−plane
|E|, dB
|E|, dB
(a) (b)
Figure 2: (a)-(b) The focal plane elds of the reector antenna on transmit for the feeds shown in
Fig. 1(a). The plots in Fig. 2(a) are for the elds computed at the 1st iteration, when the reector
is illuminated by the primary eld of each of the considered feeds, and the results in Fig. 2(b)
are for the elds obtained at the 2nd iteration, when the illumination source is the scattering eld
component of the feed due to the scattered eld from the reector at the 1st iteration.
Paper B. A Plane Wave Approximation In The Computation Of...
[1] A. Moldsvor and P.-S. Kildal, Systematic approach to control feed scattering and
multiple reections in symmetrical primary-fed reector antennas, IEEE Trans.
Antennas Propag., vol. 139, no. 1, pp. 6571, Sep. 1992.
[2] P. Bolli, G. Gentili, L. Lucci, R. Nesti, G. Pelosi, and G. Toso, A hybrid pertur-
bative technique to characterize the coupling between a corrugated horn and a
reector dish, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 54, no. 2, pp. 595603, Sep.
[5] S. Hay, R. Mittra, and N. Huang. (2010) Analysis of reector and feed scattering
and coupling eects on the sensitivity of phased array feeds. [Online]. Available:
[8] B. A. Munk, Finite Antenna Arrays and FSS. Danvers, Massachusetts: John
Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2003.
Paper C
The layout of this paper has been revised in order to comply with the rest of
the thesis.
Fast and Accurate Analysis of Reector Antennas
with Phased Array Feeds including Multiple
Reections between Feed and Reector
O. A. Iupikov, R. Maaskant, M. Ivashina, A. Young, and P.S. Kildal
Several electrically large Phased Array Feed (PAF) reector systems
are modeled to examine the mechanism of multiple reections between
parabolic reectors and low- and high-scattering feeds giving rise to frequency-
dependent patterns and impedance ripples. The PAF current is expanded
in physics-based macro domain basis functions (CBFs), while the reector
employs the Physical Optics (PO) equivalent current. The reector-feed
coupling is systematically accounted for through a multiscattering Jacobi
approach. An FFT expands the reector radiated eld in only a few
plane waves, and the reector PO current is computed rapidly through a
near-eld interpolation technique. The FEKO software is used for several
cross validations, and the convergence properties of the hybrid method
are studied for several representative examples showing excellent numer-
ical performance. The measured and simulated results for a 121-element
Vivaldi PAF, which is installed on the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Tele-
scope, are in very good agreement.
1 Introduction
Focal plane arrays can be used to form multiple reector beams covering a wide eld-
of-view (FoV) and large bandwidth. Among these feeds, one can distinguish between
a cluster of horns yielding one beam per feed [1, 2], and the more densely packed
beamforming array antennas commonly referred to as Phased Array Feeds (PAFs)
capable of providing a continuous FoV of simultaneous beams. Examples that ben-
et from these technologies are radars and terrestrial communications; while since
recently, PAFs have also been developed for astronomical and geoscientic instru-
ments, as well as for commercial satellite communication terminals [36]. Thanks to
their electronic beamforming capabilities, these new systems potentially enable much
faster studies of the Earth and Space than currently possible and are an attractive
alternative to bulky mechanically beam steered antennas.
The characterization of feeds in unblocked reectors and on-axis beams can be
handled by the traditional spillover, illumination, polarization and phase sube-
ciency factors dened for rotationally symmetric reectors in [7], and be extended to
Paper C. Fast and Accurate Analysis of Reflector Antennas with Phased...
include excitation-dependent decoupling eciencies of PAFs [8, 9]. The present paper
investigates the eects of aperture blockage and multiple reections on the system
performance in a more generic fashion than in [10] and [11] for rotationally symmetric
During the last decades, a number of analytical and numerical techniques have
been developed to model feed-reector interaction eects. For example, in [10] the
multiscattered eld is approximated by a geometric series of on-axis plane wave (PW)
eld scattered by the antenna feed due to an incident PW at each iteration, where
the amplitudes of these PWs are expressed analytically for a given reector geometry.
This method is very fast and insightful, while MoM-level accuracy can be achieved
2. Iterative CBFM-PO Formulation
for single-horn feeds, but not for array feeds as demonstrated in this paper. An
alternative approach is to use more versatile, though more time-consuming, hybrid
numerical methods combining Physical Optics or Gaussian beams for the analysis of
reectors with MoM and/or Mode Matching techniques for horn feeds [21, 22]. The
recent article [23] has introduced the PO/Generalized-Scattering-Matrix approach
for solving multiple domain problems, and has shown its application to a cluster of
a few horns. This approach is generic and accurate, but may require the lling of a
large scattering matrix for electrically large PAFs and/or multifrequency front-ends
(MFFEs) that often have an extended metal structure [17]. Other hybrid methods,
which are not specic for solving the present type of problems, make use of eld
transformations, eld operators, multilevel fast multipole approaches (MLFMA), and
matrix modications [2427].
Recently, a Krylov subspace iterative method has been combined with an MBF-
PO approach for solving feed-reector problems [28], and complementary to this,
an iteration-free CBFM-PO approach has been presented by Hay, where a modied
reduced MoM matrix for the array feed is constructed by directly accounting for the
reector [16].
Among the above methods, the iterative methods have shown to be most useful
for gaining insight in the feed-reector multiscattering eects. In the present paper,
we therefore employ the Jacobi iterative approach as a simplied version of the full
orthogonalization method (FOM [28]), and combine it with an CBFM-PO approach
enhanced by eld expansion (see also [18]) and interpolation techniques. The method
is shown to converge within a few iterations.
The paper is arranged as follows: rst, the numerical approach is formulated and
then validated through a few representative examples, after which the eld expan-
sion and interpolation techniques are described along with a numerical accuracy and
eciency assessment; second, the performance and the multiscattering mechanism be-
tween electrically large reector antennas and several fundamentally dierent types
of feeds, including single-pixel horn feeds as in practical MFFEs, and 121-element
PAFs of dipoles and tapered slot Vivaldi antennas are studied for dierent port ter-
mination schemes. The predicted system sensitivity is in very good agreement with
the measurements of a single horn and Vivaldi PAF system feeding one of the 25-m
Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope reector antennas [29].
Suppose the Method of Moments (MoM) matrix equation of the entire antenna
Paper C. Fast and Accurate Analysis of Reflector Antennas with Phased...
system comprised of both the parabolic reector and the antenna feed is given by
ZI = V, (1)
where the elements of the K ×K MoM matrix Z and K ×1 excitation vector V are
computed as
for p, q = 1, 2, . . . K .
Furthermore, fp,q are the K basis/test functions for the
current/eld (Galerkin method); E
i,s is the incident/scattered electric eld, and
ha, bi = Sa ∩Sb
[a · b] dS is the symmetric product, where Sa and Sb are the sup-
ports of the vector functions a and b, respectively. The expansion coecient vector
is given by I = [I1 , . . . IK ] , where T denotes the transposition operator.
To allow for a multiscattering analysis between the feed and reector, the MoM
matrix equation in (1) is rst partitioned into matrix blocks as
Z Zrf Ir
rr r
f = (3)
I Vf
where Zrr Z are the MoM matrix self-blocks of the reector and feed, re-
1 r f
spectively , and V and V are the corresponding excitation vectors. The matrix
rf fr T
Z = (Z ) contains the mutual reactions involving the basis functions on the feed
and reector. The unknown current expansion coecient vectors are denoted by I
and I . Next, Eq. (3) is written as
rr r r
0 Zrf
Z 0 I V
+ f = . (4)
0 Z Zfr
0 I Vf
[Zrr , 0; 0, Z ]
Upon multiplying both sides by , the nal solution for the combined
problem can be obtained as
r rr !−1 r
0 Zrf
I 1 0 Z 0 I0
= + . (5)
If 0 1 0 Z
Z fr
0 If0
where 1
is the identity matrix, and where the initial expansion coecient vector for
r rr −1 r f −1 f
the reector current I0 = (Z ) V , while for the feed current I0 = (Z ) V . These
initial currents are obtained by solving the reector and antenna feed problems in
isolation. It is observed that Eq. (5) is of the form
I = 1 + (Zd )−1 Zo
I0 (6)
2. Iterative CBFM-PO Formulation
0 Zrf
d Z 0 o
Z = and Z = fr . (7)
0 Z Z 0
P∞ n
Upon using the matrix equivalent of the scalar innite geometric series n=0 r =
(1 − r) , where |r| < 1 for the series to converge, Eq. (6) can be rewritten in terms
of the innite series
−(Zd )−1 Zo I0
X n
I= (8)
where the spectral radius ρ((Zd )−1 Zo ) = max(|λi |) d −1 o
of the matrix (Z ) Z with
eigenvalues {λi } must be smaller than unity for the series to converge. The phys-
ical multiscattering interpretation of the geometric series in (8) is apparent when
expanding it as:
− (Zd )−1 Zo I (Zd )−1 Zo I
2 X
I = I0 0 + 0 + ... = In (9)
where the last summation is supposed to add up successively smaller contributions for
the currents on the reector and antenna feed in order to converge. It is conjectured
d −1 o
that ρ((Z ) Z ) 1 for the practical reector antenna systems that we consider,
since most of the energy is radiated out after each iteration and where the feeds
have relatively small aperture areas (weak reector-feed coupling), so that the sum
converges within a few iterations (cf. Sec. 4.1 and 4.3). Finally, using (7), the innite
series summation in Eq. (9) can be written in the cross-coupled recursive scheme
Reector Feed
∞ ∞
r r If = Ifn
I = In (10a) (11a)
n=0 n=0
r rr −1 rf f
In+1 = −(Z ) Zfr Irn
f −1
In+1 = −(Z ) Z In (10b) (11b)
where Vr0 = Vr and Vf0 = Vf are the initial excitation voltage vectors of the reector
and the feed, respectively (in transmit situation Vr0 = 0).
The cross-coupled recursive scheme as formulated by Eqs. (10) and (11) is ex-
emplied in Fig. 2 as a ve-step procedure, in which the problem is rst solved in
isolation to obtain Ir0 and If0 . Afterwards, the feed current If0 is used to induce the
reector current I1 , which is then added up to the initial reector current. Likewise,
the initial reector current Ir0 is used to induce the feed current If1 , which is then
Paper C. Fast and Accurate Analysis of Reflector Antennas with Phased...
Transmit case:
Ir0 = 0 Ir1
Step (v)
If = If0 + If1 + If2 + . . .
Figure 2: Illustration of the cross-coupled iterative scheme for multiscattering analysis of the feed-
reector interaction eects, as formulated by Eqs. (10) and (11): (i) The antenna feed radiates in
the absence of reector; (ii) the radiated eld from feed scatters from the reector; (iii) the scattered
reector eld is incident on the terminated feed and re-scatters; (iv) the re-scattered eld from the
feed is incident on the reector; etc. (v) the nal solution for the current is the sum of the induced
2. Iterative CBFM-PO Formulation
added to the initial feed current, and so forth. It is pointed out that this recursive
scheme can be used for any pair of radiating and/or scattering objects, provided that
the system is weakly coupled due to radiation and/or dissipation losses in order
to obtain a convergent solution.
Rather than computing the reector and feed currents through the large-size MoM
matrix blocks Zrr , Zrf , Zfr , and Z , additional computational and memory ecient
techniques can be used for the rapid computation of these currents at each iteration;
we propose to employ the Physical Optics (PO) current on the reector and invoke
the Characteristic Basis Function Method (CBFM, [33]) as a MoM enhancement
technique for computing the current on the feed.
Ifn+1 = (Z ) Vfn , where
Note that (11b) represents the MoM matrix solution
Vfn = −Zfr Irn is the voltage excitation vector of the feed at iteration n. Hence, one
fr f
can obviate the construction of the large matrix Z by directly computing Vn . This
is done through testing the incident electric eld En (r) by the P basis functions
{fpf }Pp=1 supported by the feed, i.e.,
where Eni,f is taken equal to the E -eld radiated by the PO current Jrn on the reector,
which is directly known through the reector incident H -eld Hn , so that there is
no need to compute the basis function coecients In explicitly.
For electrically small triangular cells on the reector surface (with edge length
< 0.2λ), the smoothly-varying PO current can be considered constant over each cell,
so that the electric eld produced by the q th reector triangle at the pth observation
point, E i,f
n,pq , can be computed through the near-eld formula for an incremental
electric current source, i.e. [34, p. 102],
−jηk e−jkrpq
E i,f
n,pq = [C1;pq `n,q − C2;pq (`n,q · r̂pq )r̂pq ] (13)
4π rpq
1 1
C1;pq = 1 + − , C2;pq = 3C1;pq − 2, (14)
jkrpq (krpq )2
and where the dipole moment is computed as
r A ,
`n,q = Jn,q with Aq the area of q th
reector triangle (q = 1, 2, . . . , Q). Hence, by using the expression for the PO current
Jn,q [35, p. 343], we nd that
Paper C. Fast and Accurate Analysis of Reflector Antennas with Phased...
In+1 = J In+1
I =Z Vn , (16)
Vn = (J ) Vn
where ZCBF = (JCBF )T Z JCBF is the CBFM-reduced MoM matrix of the feed; JCBF =
2 | . . . |JCBF
L ] is the column-augmented matrix of Characteristic Basis Func-
tions (CBFs), i.e., Jl is the set of CBFs (pre-dened expansion coecient vectors)
on the l th macro domain of the feed, and l = 1 . . . L, where L is number of macro
domains on the feed. Specic details on the generation of CBFs can be found in [33],
where the feed is analyzed as a phased array antenna in the absence of the reector.
Also, it is worth pointing out that the computation of ZCBF (i.e. the CBF coupling
terms) is performed in a time-ecient manner through utilizing the Adaptive Cross
Approximation (ACA) algorithm [36].
3. Acceleration of the Field Computations
r xfmax
Ei,f ẑ
P ŷ
z=0 kxmax x̂ ∆y
Figure 3: The FFT-enhanced PWS expansion method for the fast computation of the feed current
due to the E -eld from the reector. Firstly, the incident eld E i,f is sampled in the xy plane P
in front of the feed in order to obtain the sampled PWS A(kx , ky ); Secondly, each spectral PW
propagates to an observation point r on the feed where E i,f is tested to compute the induced feed
Zymax Zxmax
A(kx , ky ) = E i,f (x, y, z = 0)ej(kx x+ky y) dx dy (17a)
−ymax −xmax
max max
Zkx Zky
E i,f (r) = A(kx , ky )e−jkz z e−j(kx x+ky y) dkx dky (17b)
−kxmax −kymax
k 2 > kx2 − ky2
p 2
kp− kx2 − ky2 if
kz = , (18)
−j kx2 − ky2 − k 2 otherwise.
and where the spectrum of PWs is limited to only those that are incident on the feed
from directions within an angle subtended by the reector and seen from the center
Paper C. Fast and Accurate Analysis of Reflector Antennas with Phased...
of the plane P (see Fig. 3); hence, the maximum wavenumbers kxmax and kymax in (17b)
are chosen to be equal to
kxmax = kymax = k sin tan−1 h D i (19)
F 2 F −1
16 D
1− d
where k = 2π/λ is the free-space wavenumber; F and D are the focal distance and
diameter of the parabolic reector, respectively; and d is the distance between the
plane P and the geometrical focal plane of the reector. Since the maximum spectral
components kxmax and kymax are known, the minimum step size ∆x and ∆y for the
spatial sampling of the eld is found from Nyquist's sampling theorem:
Furthermore, if (17) is evaluated through a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), the dis-
cretely sampled eld functions are periodic in both the spatial and frequency domains.
To minimize the eld artifacts that are associated with this periodicity,xmax and ymax
must be chosen suciently large, that is, at least equal to the maximum size xmax and
ymax of the feed coordinates. The examination of how the error of the feed current
depends on xmax and ymax is presented in Sec. 4.2.
As a result, the total number of sampling points in the x and y directions are Nx =
2xmax /∆x and Ny = 2ymax /∆y , respectively, and the spectral spacings and the spatial
extents are related through ∆kx = 2kx
max /N = π/x max
x max and ∆ky = 2ky /Ny =
π/ymax .
1. Denes a grid on the reector surface (white circles) for computing the H -eld.
4. Numerical Results
dm sph
Hm dq
Hm H i,r (rqr )
Figure 4: The near-eld interpolation technique for the rapid determination of the induced PO
current on the reector.
2. De-embeds the H -eld to a reference sphere around the feed phase center (green
sph = H d ejkdm ,
Hm (21)
m m
where dm is the distance between the reector surface and the sphere of radius
R along the line connecting the mth sample point on the reector and the feed
phase center.
3. Computes the elds on the sphere in the same directions as the reector triangle
centroids are observed (blue square markers) through interpolating the elds
at the adjacent (green) points.
4. Propagates the eld to the reector surface; that is, at the q th triangle, the
H -eld
Sec. 4.2 examines the error in the reector current as a function of the sample grid
density, in addition to the improvement in computation time that this method oers.
4 Numerical Results
In this section, we start with the validation of the proposed iterative MoM-PO ap-
proach for a relatively strongly coupled feed-reector system, comprised of a small
Paper C. Fast and Accurate Analysis of Reflector Antennas with Phased...
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 5: Considered feed geometries (in addition to the dipole feed with PEC ground plane): (a) a
classical pyramidal horn with aperture length ∼1λ; (b) the same horn but with extended ground
plane (∼3.7λ), where the ground plane may model the presence of a large feed cabin; (c) an antenna
array consisting of 121 0.45λ-dipoles above a ground plane of the same size; (d) the same array, but
with the dipoles replaced by wideband tapered slot Vivaldi antennas.
reector (D = 14λ) fed by a dipole antenna over a ground plane for which we examine
the convergence rate of the solution for the antenna input impedance. Furthermore,
we validate the frequency-dependent radiation characteristics of a dipole array feed
through the commercially available software FEKO [41]. Afterwards, a relative error
analysis of the antenna transmit characteristics is performed when the acceleration
techniques in Sec. 3 are utilized. Finally, a more practical study is carried out, where
the impact of the feed-reector coupling on the performance of the antenna reector
system for dierent types of low- and high-scattering feeds is analyzed and discussed.
For the latter study, two parabolic reectors with diameters D = 38λ and 118λ are
considered, in conjunction with the four types of feeds that are shown in Fig. 5. It
is shown that the measured and simulated results for a 121-element Vivaldi PAF,
which is installed on the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope, are in very good
The MoM computations have been carried out on a 64-bit openSUSE Linux server
(kernel version:, equipped with 144 GB of RAM and two quad-
core Intel(R) Xeon(R) E5640 CPUs, each operating at 2.67 GHz. The FEKO Suite
6.0 EM solver runs on an Ubuntu Linux server (kernel-release: 2.6.32-21-server),
equipped with a Dual Core AMD Opteron Processor 275 at 2.2 GHz with 16 GB of
4. Numerical Results
Γact, [dB]
MoM (2λ ground plane)
MoM−PO (2λ ground plane)
−24 MoM (1λ ground plane)
−26 MoM−PO (1λ ground plane)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Number of iterations
Gain, [dBi]
Figure 6: The convergence of the feed radiation characteristics in the presence of the reector as a
function of the number of Jacobi iterations, in terms of: (a) the dipole input reection coecient,
and; (b) the dipole illumination pattern at 1 GHz (ground plane size is 2λ × 2λ). The convergence
as a function of the dipole load impedance is analyzed for a dipole antenna array feeding a 38λ
Paper C. Fast and Accurate Analysis of Reflector Antennas with Phased...
−10 0
MLFMM (FEKO), array only
−11 MLFMM (FEKO), with reflector interaction effect
CBFM, array only
−12 CBFM−PO, with reflector
Gain, [dB]
Γact, [dB]
(a) (b)
500 18
100 Opt 16
Imaginary part of Z load, [Ohm]
20 14
3 12
−50 8
−200 6
3 5 10 20 50 100 200 500 1k
Real part of Z load, [Ohm]
Figure 7: (a) The magnitude of the active reection coecient of the most excited antenna array
dipole element feeding a 38λ reector as a function of frequency, and; (b) reector antenna radiation
pattern, simulated in FEKO (MLFMM) and using the described iterative CBFM-PO approach; (c)
the number of required iterations for reaching convergence (error in feed current less than 0.5%).
Interesting fact: the round marker indicates the impedance that maximizes the decoupling eciency
(=power-matched case) when the array feed is used as a broadside-scanned aperture array, which
also happens to coincide with the minimum number of iterations (=low multiscattering eect).
count is shown in Fig. 6(a). Even though the feed-reector coupling is relatively large
due to a relatively large blockage area of the high-scattering feed, convergence of the
impedance down to 0.1% relative error level, measured as a change between the last
two iterations, is seen to occur within 5 and 9 iterations for the 1λ × 1λ and 2λ × 2λ
PEC ground planes, respectively. This error n at iteration n is computed as
s .sX
n = |Iin − Iin−1 |2 |Iin |2 × 100%. (23)
i i
4. Numerical Results
Error in currents, dB
−30 Only
PW is used
−60 Horn
Horns Max. array or is used
aperture ext. ground plane
size dimension
1 2 3 5 7 10 20 30 40
Sample plane size, λ
0 0
30 30
−10 −10
20 20
−20 −20
10 10
−30 −30
−40 −40
−10 −10
−50 −50
−20 −20
−60 −60
−30 −30
−70 −70
−20 0 20 −20 0 20
kx kx
(b) (c)
Figure 8: (a) The relative error in induced feed currents [cf. (24)] as a function of the FFT sampling
plane size P; (b) the magnitude of the spatial frequency spectrum |Aco (kx , ky )| (i.e. plane wave
spectrum) for the 38λ reector fed by the dipole array in case the FFT grid size is equal to size of
the feed, and (c) when it is eight times the feed size.
For cross-code validation purposes, a larger and more complex 38λ reector
(F/D = 0.35) fed by an 121-dipole array feed has been analyzed [cf. Fig. 5(c)], both
by the proposed iterative approach and the commercial FEKO software. Fig. 7(a,b)
demonstrates a good agreement between the reector antenna radiation patterns (in-
cludes the feed blockage eect) and the magnitudes of the computed active reection
coecients as a function of frequency, where the frequency interval ∆f of the os-
cillation period is consistent with the electrical distance between the feed and the
Paper C. Fast and Accurate Analysis of Reflector Antennas with Phased...
reector vertex, i.e., ∆f = c/2F . Here, the optimal port termination that maximizes
the array decoupling eciency [8] was found through Matlab's fminsearch uncon-
strained nonlinear optimization routine (Nelder-Mead simplex direct search method)
and was found to be 147 + 45.6j Ω. Thus far, practical PAF antenna elements have
been optimized in phased array mode, broadside scan, using periodic boundary con-
ditions in EM simulation software [42], hence, here too, the co-polarized elements
of the array feed are excited in-phase to determine the optimal port loading. This
optimal impedance is marked on Fig. 7(c) (and Fig. 11), where its plot shows the
number of iterations required to obtain an error in the dipole array feed current
between the two last iterations less than 0.5% as a function of the array loading.
Note the interesting fact that the minimum number of iterations (=lowest multiscat-
tering eect) occurs when the array is optimally loaded (=power matched), which is
in accordance with our expectations, and this applies even though the antenna load
impedance has been found for the aperture-array-excited case.
The relative error between vector (or matrix) quantities such as between the cur-
rent expansion coecient vectors Iapprox and Iref for the iterative CBFM-PO solution
with and without eld approximations, respectively is computed as
s s
|Iiref − Iiapprox |2 |Iiref |2 × 100%,
1 = (24)
i i
while the relative error for scalar functions (antenna gain, impedance characteristics,
4. Numerical Results
etc.), is computed as
Fig. C.8(a) illustrates the relative error in the feed surface current as a function of
the FFT sampling plane size when the PWS is employed for expanding the reector
Paper C. Fast and Accurate Analysis of Reflector Antennas with Phased...
0 0
∆φ = 2.5 deg ∆θ = 2.5 deg
−20 −20
Error, [dB]
Error, [dB]
−40 −40
−60 −60
−80 −80
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
∆θ, [deg] ∆φ, [deg]
(a) (b)
Figure 9: The interpolation error in the 38λ reector current as a function of (a) the sampling step
∆θ, and (b) the sampling step ∆φ of the near elds of the feed.
radiated eld (for PWS parameters see Sec. 3.1), and when only the dominant on-
axis PW term is used. As expected, the error decreases for an increasing sampling
plane size, since more spectral PW terms are taken into account while the eect of the
FFT-related periodic continuation of the spatial aperture eld decreases. Henceforth,
we choose the sampling plane size equal to that of the feed, for which the feed
current error is about −35 dB for all the considered feeds, while it represents a good
compromise from both a minimum number of sampling points and accuracy point of
view. Conversely, if only the dominant on-axis PW term is used to approximate the
reector eld, the error increases when the plane P becomes larger. This is due to
the tapering of the reector scattered eld which becomes more pronounced when the
plane size P increases, so that the PW amplitude A(kx , ky ) is underestimated when
using the eld averaging in (17a) for kx = ky = 0, as opposed to the direct on-axis
point sampling method that has been presented in [10].
Note that the magnitude of the co-polarized spatial frequency spectrum |Aco (kx , ky )|
in Figs. 8(b) and (c) exhibit several interesting features; as expected, the dominant
spectral component corresponds to the on-axis PW, for which kx = ky = 0, while the
second strongest set of PWs originate from the rim of the reector, as observed by
2 2 max )2 = (k max )2 .
the spectral ring structure for which kx + ky = (kx y
Regarding the interpolation method for the radiated near-elds of the feed (Sec. 3.2),
Figs. C.9(a) and (b) show that the error in the resulting induced reector current
depends on the angular step size ∆θ and ∆φ of the initial eld sampling grid (before
interpolation). As expected, the error increases when the sampling grid coarsens.
Furthermore, the error is larger for larger feeds, especially for high-scattering ones,
for which the scattered elds (i.e. 2nd iteration and further) vary more rapidly than
4. Numerical Results
for smaller low-scattering antennas for which a coarser grid can be applied.
Table 1 summarizes the relative errors in both the currents and relevant antenna
characteristics, while Table 2 shows how the simulation time of a plain iterative
CBFM-PO (or MoM-PO) approach reduces when the eld approximations of Sec. 2
are used. Note that the PWS approximation leads to a small relative error in the
surface current of the high-scattering feed for the 38λ reector, i.e. 0.28%, while
if only a single on-axis PW is used, the relative error is found to be two orders
larger [37]. It is also observed that, when applying the eld approximations for both
the reector and feed, the error in the considered antenna characteristics remains less
than 1%, while the computational speed advantage is signicant, i.e., a factor 5 to
100, depending on the reector size and feed complexity.
Fig. 10 illustrates the level of the total (including feed-reector interaction) and
the scattered eld distributions in the aperture of a 38λ reector fed by the horn
with an extended ground plane, the dipole array, and the Vivaldi array, for both the
short-circuited (left column) and the power-matched (right column) loading schemes.
Although the short-circuited case is not very practical, it does showcase how two very
dierent loading scenarios aect the aperture eld variation, and how it depends on
the type of the feed. The two solid lines in each sub-gure show the extrema that the
aperture eld distribution attains within one period of the ripple's frequency interval
∆f = c/2F . The dashed lines show the aperture eld due to the scattered eld of the
feeds. Clearly, for array feeds, the aperture eld distribution is strongly dependent on
the antenna port termination; the re-scattered elds from the array feeds aect the
aperture eld distribution signicantly when the antenna ports are short-circuited,
as opposed to the power-matched array feeds, whose scattered elds are signicantly
weaker. Note the dierences in results for the horn with extended ground plane, for
which the dominant part of the scattered eld is primarily attributed to the metallic
ground plane, while the impedance mismatch of the horn itself has only a minor eect
(i.e. the residual component of the Radar Cross Section is large, but the antenna
component is small [19]).
From the above analysis, one concludes that more Jacobi iterations are required
to reach convergence for feeds that are poorly impedance matched as they tend to
scatter a larger portion of the incident eld (stronger multiscattering eects). It is
therefore likely that the number of Jacobi iterations is closely related to the magnitude
Paper C. Fast and Accurate Analysis of Reflector Antennas with Phased...
0 0
|E|, [dB]
|E|, [dB]
−20 −20
−40 −40 PM
−4 −2 0 2 4 −4 −2 0 2 4
X, [m] X, [m]
(a) Horn with ground plane
0 0
|E|, [dB]
|E|, [dB]
−20 −20
−40 SC −40 PM
−4 −2 0 2 4 −4 −2 0 2 4
X, [m] X, [m]
(b) Dipole array
0 0
|E|, [dB]
|E|, [dB]
−20 −20
−40 SC −40 PM
−4 −2 0 2 4 −4 −2 0 2 4
X, [m] X, [m]
(c) Vivaldi array
Figure 10: Distribution of the eld in the aperture of a 38λ reector fed by: (a) horn with extended
ground plane; (b) dipole array, and; (c) Vivaldi array. Left and right columns correspond to the
short-circuited (SC) and average power-matched (PM) feeds, respectively.
4. Numerical Results
Table 3: Maximum parameter dierence due to feed-reector coupling eect w.r.t. the cases when
no coupling is taken in account, %
Feed Reector Gain Gain
surface surface (on-axis) (@−3 dB) Impedance
current current
Reector 38λ 118λ 38λ 118λ 38λ 118λ 38λ 118λ 38λ 118λ
7.9 2.5 4.2 1.3 2.0 0.6 4.0 2.2 15.1 4.7
Horn with
ext. ground 23.2 3.5 65.1 11.9 19.2 3.4 29.4 3.6 43.4 6.1
13.8 4.2 3.2 0.8 1.8 0.3 3.7 0.7 5.8 1.7
14.1 4.1 3.4 1.0 1.9 0.3 3.4 0.4 4.6 1.4
One concludes from Fig. C.11(a) that the aperture eciency is a function of the
antenna port loading, and that the impedance for which ηap attains a maximum
is close to the optimal power-match impedance found in Sec. 4.1 for the uniformly
excited array case. This apparently even holds in the absence of the feed-reector
interactions, in which case the array illumination pattern has changed slightly due
to perturbed array embedded element patterns while the CFM excitation coecients
remain unaltered. In Sec. 4.1 we maximized the decoupling eciency to nd the
optimal port loading. For the present CFM all-excited array case the decoupling
eciency reduces to the mismatch factor ηmis . The maximum of ηmis does, however,
not coincide with the earlier optimal load impedance primarily due to the dierence
Paper C. Fast and Accurate Analysis of Reflector Antennas with Phased...
Imaginary part of Z load, [Ohm]
Figure 11: Eect of the antenna port loading on (a) the aperture eciency without feed-reector
coupling, and (b) aperture eciency ripple when the feed-reector coupling is present; (c),(d) the
same for the mismatch eciency. A 38λ reector is fed by the 121-element dipole array. The round
marker denotes the optimal load impedance that maximizes the decoupling eciency (cf. Sec. 4.1).
in array excitation schemes. Nonetheless, the observed quantities are only weakly
dependent on impedance variations around their maximums. As for the feed-reector-
induced ripple of ηap and ηmis [Fig. C.11(b) and Fig. C.11(d)], we can conclude that
the ηmis ripple is more sensitive to variations in the array loading relative to the
ripple in ηap . In practice, however, when the amplier/LNA impedance changes up
to 10-20%, this only weakly aect ηap and ηmis and their ripple.
Table 3 and 4 summarize the maximum dierence in mean values and ripple,
respectively, of several other relevant antenna radiation characteristics when the
feed-reector coupling is taken into account. For the computation of this dier-
ence Eq. (24) is used, where the superscripts ref and approx denote in this case
the considered antenna parameter after the 1st (no coupling) and nal iteration,
4. Numerical Results
38λ reector
Horn Horn + gnd Dipole array Vivaldi array
ηill 0.71 (7.2%) 0.67 (34.1%) 0.86 (1.0%) 0.92 (0.6%)
ηmis 0.992 (1.0%) 0.987 (5.1%) 0.830 (1.2%) 0.910 (0.9%)
Tsp 7.7 K (18%) 6.8 K (39%) 4.2 K (16.8%) 8.8 K (9.6%)
118λ reector
Horn Horn + gnd Dipole array Vivaldi array
ηill 0.71 (2.2%) 0.72 (4.1%) 0.85 (0.4%) 0.92 (0.2%)
ηmis 0.999 (0.2%) 0.999 (0.2%) 0.853 (0.5%) 0.926 (0.4%)
Tsp 7.7 K (6.0%) 7.2 K (6.8%) 3.8 K (5.7%) 8.7 K (3.4%)
Illumination efficiency, [%]
1.295 1.3 1.305 1.31 1.315 1.32
Frequency, [GHz]
Figure 12: Illumination eciencies of the 118λ reector antenna, either fed by the 121 Vivaldi PAF,
or the single-horn feed. The CBFM-PO simulated results are compared to the measured ones for
a 25 m reector antenna of the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope [4]. Bottom of the gure: a
photo of the experimental PAF system placed at the focal region of the reector, and an image of
a smaller-scale PAF-reector model.
respectively, and where the summations are taken over frequency samples. Hence,
this table allows us to estimate how strong the feed-reector coupling is and how it
aects the antenna characteristics. As expected, the high-scattering horn feeds cause
stronger multiscattering eects, which is further excercebated for smaller dishes due
to the larger relative blockage area. The dierence in the antenna characteristics
and their ripples are largest for the case of the 38λ reector fed by the horn with
Paper C. Fast and Accurate Analysis of Reflector Antennas with Phased...
extended ground plane, while these values are comparable and weakly dependent on
the antenna element type in case of the array feeds.
Table 4 shows the mean values of various antenna radiation characteristics as
well as their ripple caused by the multiscattering phenomenon, where the reector
antenna is assumed to be pointed at zenith for the computation of the spillover noise
temperature Tsp . Upon comparing the values in the table, one conludes that the
spillover noise temperature Tsp is most sensitive to the feed-reector coupling, which
may be of importance in radio astronomy applications where high receiving sensitivity
is required.
Fig. 12 shows the illumination eciencies ηill of a 118λ reector antenna (D = 25
m, F/D = 0.35), either fed by the Vivaldi array feed, or a single horn antenna.
The numerically computed results are compared to measurements at the Westerbork
Synthesis Radio Telescope (WSRT) [4]. As one can see, the agreement is very good.
In the simulations, the size of the ground plane has been chosen equal to the size of
the feed cabin (≈ 1×1 m). The fact that ηill is higher for the array feed than for
the horn antenna nicely demonstrates the superior focal eld sampling capabilities of
dense phased array feeds. Furthermore, one can also observe a rather strong ripple
in ηill for the case of the horn feed with extended ground plane. This ripple is caused
by the relatively high feed scattering of the reector eld.
5 Conclusions
An FFT-enhanced Plane Wave Spectrum (PWS) approach has been formulated in
conjunction with the Characteristic Basis Function Method, a Jacobi iterative multi-
scattering approach, and a near-eld interpolation technique for the fast and accurate
analysis of electrically large array feed reector systems. Numerical validation has
been carried out using the multilevel fast multipole algorithm method available in
the commercially available FEKO software.
This physics-based numerical modeling oers the possibility to pull the feed-
reector interaction eects apart in a systematic manner and has demonstrated that:
(i) a relation exists between the number of Jacobi iterations and the magnitude of
the ripple on the frequency-dependent antenna radiation characteristics introduced
by the feed-reector coupling; (ii) the on-axis plane wave of the reector eld and
the ones originating from the reector rim are the strongest PWS components; (iii)
the reector-feed-induced ripple reduces when the array port termination is near a
power-matched situation; (iv) the array feeds demonstrate a higher illumination ef-
ciency than a single-horn feed with extended ground plane as a result of a better
synthesized illumination pattern, and; (v) the level of the ripple as a function of fre-
quency is smaller due to a smaller fraction of the scattered eld from the array feed.
The latter two ndings have also been observed in measurements [4] for a horn feed
and a 121-element Vivaldi PAF system installed at the Westerbork Synthesis Radio
Telescope (118λ-diameter), where we have shown that the relative dierence between
the simulated and measured antenna eciencies is only in the order of a few percent.
The authors thank Wim van Cappellen from ASTRON for providing the measurement
data of the APERTIF PAF system.
[1] B. Veidt. (2006) SKA memo 71: Focal-plane array architectures: Horn clusters
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[4] W. A. van Cappellen and L. Bakker, APERTIF: Phased array feeds for the
Westerbork synthesis radio telescope, in IEEE International Symposium on
Proc. Phased Array Systems and Technology (ARRAY), Boston, Oct. 2010, pp.
[5] K. F. Warnick, High eciency phased array feed antennas for large radio tele-
scopes and small satellite communication terminals, in Proc. European Confer-
ence on Antennas and Propag. (EuCAP), Gothenburg, Sweden, Apr. 2013, pp.
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[7] P.-S. Kildal, Factorization of the feed eciency of paraboloids and cassegrain
antennas, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 33, no. 8, pp. 903908, Aug.
[10] A. Moldsvor and P.-S. Kildal, Systematic approach to control feed scattering
and multiple reections in symmetrical primary-fed reector antennas, IEEE
Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 139, no. 1, pp. 6571, Sep. 1992.
[14] A. Popping and R. Braun, The standing wave phenomenon in radio telescopes,
frequency modulation of the wsrt primary beam, Astronomy and Astrophysics,
vol. 479, no. 3, pp. 903913, Mar. 2008.
[16] S. Hay, R. Mittra, and N. Huang. (2010) Analysis of reector and feed
scattering and coupling eects on the sensitivity of phased array feeds. [Online].
[19] B. A. Munk, Finite Antenna Arrays and FSS. Danvers, Massachusetts: John
Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2003.
[21] P. Bolli, G. Gentili, L. Lucci, R. Nesti, G. Pelosi, and G. Toso, A hybrid pertur-
bative technique to characterize the coupling between a corrugated horn and a
reector dish, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 54, no. 2, pp. 595603, Sep.
[25] C. S. Kim and Y. Rahmat-Samii, Low prole antenna study using the physical
optics hybrid method (POHM), in Proc. IEEE AP-S International Symposium,
Ontario, Canada, Jun. 1991, pp. 13501353.
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[32] S. N. Makarov, Antenna and EM Modeling With MATLAB. New York: John
Wiley and Sons, Inc., 2002.
[38] J. J. H. Wang, An examination of the theory and practices of planar near-eld
measurement, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 36, no. 6, pp. 746753, Jun.
[39] J. P. McKay and Y. Rahmat-Samii, Compact range reector analysis using the
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Antennas Propag., vol. 39, no. 6, pp. 746753, Jun. 1991.
[41] (2007) EM Software & Systems S.A. (Pty) Ltd, Stellenbosch, South Africa,
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[42] M. Arts, M. Ivashina, O. Iupikov, L. Bakker, and R. van den Brink, Design
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Spain, Apr. 2010, pp. 15.
Paper D
The layout of this paper has been revised in order to comply with the rest of
the thesis.
Novel Multi-Beam Radiometers for Accurate
Ocean Surveillance
C. Cappellin, K. Pontoppidan, P. H. Nielsen, N. Skou, S. S. Søbjærg, M. Ivashina,
O. Iupikov, A. Ihle, D. Hartmann, and K. v. 't Klooster
Novel antenna architectures for real aperture multi-beam radiometers
providing high resolution and high sensitivity for accurate sea surface
temperature (SST) and ocean vector wind (OVW) measurements are in-
vestigated. On the basis of the radiometer requirements set for future
SST/OVW missions, conical scanners and push-broom antennas are com-
pared. The comparison will cover reector optics and focal plane array
1 Introduction
The assessment of ocean parameters like salinity, sea surface temperature and ocean
vector wind based on spaceborne microwave radiometer measurements is an impor-
tant and challenging task, not only concerning geophysical algorithms but also con-
cerning technical aspects. A thorough and very recent review of ocean sensing was
carried out by ESTEC and leading oceanography expert groups worldwide, produc-
ing the instrument requirements that future radiometers shall aim at, according to
Table 1. The satellite height above the Earth and the incidence angle are assumed
equal to 817 km and 53 deg, respectively.
Table 1: Radiometer characteristics for the conical scan antenna at C-, X- and Ku-band.
It is seen that SST and OVW are measured from C to Ku band, with a desired
ground resolution of around 20 km at C- and X-band, and 10 km at Ku-band. The
desired sensitivity is around 0.22 K. It is easily derived, see the procedure described
Paper D. Novel Multi-Beam Radiometers for Accurate Ocean Surveillance
in [1], that a radiometer with antenna aperture of around 5 m provides the required
ground resolution but cannot achieve the desired sensitivity in a traditional single
radiometer channel/beam concept, even with the state-of-the-art noise performance
of receivers available in the market. The required sensitivity can only be met by
considering several simultaneous beams in the along- and across-track, in either a
push-broom system, or in a multi-beam scanning system, as depicted in Fig. 1.
The push-broom system achieves very high sensitivity since all across track foot-
prints are measured simultaneously by their own receivers [2]. The antenna has the
clear advantage of being stationary, but the number of beams and receivers is very
high. An advanced feed design and reector are necessary, and its light-weight me-
chanical realization is challenging. The multi-beam scanning system achieves high
sensitivity by measuring each footprint several times followed by integration. The
antenna is mechanically smaller than an equivalent torus, but presents numerous
challenges in order to achieve a well-balanced rotation at satellite level [3]. Again,
an advanced feed design is necessary.
In February 2013 the ESA contract 4000107369-12-NL-MH was awarded the team
consisting of TICRA, DTU-Space, HPS and Chalmers University. The purpose of
the activity is to identify the antenna requirements for a conical scanning and a push-
broom radiometer for accurate SST and OVW measurements, and to make a trade-o
of such two antennas, with respect to reector optics, focal plane array conguration,
ultra-light mesh reector technology, mechanical stability, and calibration and RFI
mitigation techniques. The purpose of the present paper is to describe the reector
optics and feed array design used for the trade-o, for a conical scanning and a
push-broom radiometer antenna satisfying the requirements of Table 1. The paper is
organized as follows: In Section 2 the optical design is described, while in Section 3
the antenna requirements derived from the radiometer requirements are highlighted.
The feed array design is nally given in Section 4.
2. Optical Design
2 Optical Design
Following the procedure described in [1] it was found that a reector antenna with
projected aperture of around 5 m provides the required ground resolution. A coni-
cal scanning and a torus-push-broom antenna implementation were then considered.
They are described in more detail in the following subsections.
The number of beams in the along track direction is selected such that they cover the
same strip width on the Earth. The antenna rotates at 11.5 RPM and the radiometer
has a for-and-aft look.
Paper D. Novel Multi-Beam Radiometers for Accurate Ocean Surveillance
Figure 4: Torus push-broom antenna with projected aperture D of 5 m, three feeds located at 0◦
and ±20 , f /D = 1, and swath of 600 km.
3. Antenna Requirements
3 Antenna Requirements
3.1 Acceptable cross-polarization
The requirement for the cross polarisation is not given directly in Table 1. We know,
however, that the radiometer shall operate with two linear polarisations, vertical and
horizontal, and that the accuracy indicated in the column Bias in Table 1 shall be
achieved. It can be shown that the required ∆T ≤ 0.25 K implies that the cross
polar power must not exceed 0.33 % of the total power on the Earth.
The feed array element is a half wave dipole above an innite ground plane;
The feed array elements are arranged in a square grid with a spacing of 0.75
We wish to design the feed arrays for the three frequencies and to calculate the
properties of the least scanned and the most scanned beams. This will require the
following steps:
1. Determine the necessary feed array size for each of the bands C, X and Ku;
Paper D. Novel Multi-Beam Radiometers for Accurate Ocean Surveillance
The conical scan antenna is a focusing system and the half power beam width
is inversely proportional to the frequency. With this in mind, and the previously
mentioned required number of beams, it is a simple task to determine the size of the
feed arrays for the three frequencies. The result is shown in Fig. 5. The layout is
selected such that the scan, measured in beam widths, for the most scanned beam
has been minimized. It is noted that the required number of beams is obtained by
assuming that the beams overlap at the −3 dB cross-over points.
To calculate the performance of the conical scan antenna we select the least
scanned and the most scanned beam for each frequency. The feed positions cor-
responding to these beams are indicated by small black crosses in Fig. 5. In order
to nd the feed array excitations necessary to generate these beams, the following
procedure is used:
1. Illuminate the reector with a Gaussian beam with correct direction and ori-
The direction of the Gaussian beam in step 1 is given directly by the selected
beam. The orientation of the beam is especially important for the scanned beams:
it must be such that the beam on the Earth is vertically and horizontally polarized.
The Gaussian beam incident on the reector has a taper of 20 dB. The focal plane
eld is calculated in step 2. This eld is used to calculate the excitation of the array
elements in step 3 applying the Conjugate Field Matching (CFM) method. Only the
4. Feed Array Design
elements with excitations from the maximum value and down to 30 dB below the
maximum value are included, in order to account for realistic receivers.
The radiometer characteristics for the six beams of the conical scan antenna are
summarized in Table 2. It is seen that the X and Ku band beams satisfy the require-
ments of Table 1, relative to distance to coast, footprint and cross-polar power. The
performances for the C-band beams are not acceptable with respect to cross polar-
ization, while the distance to coast is around 20 km, slightly more than the required
15 km. The design and performances of the above feed array was obtained both by
TICRA and Chalmers, following the same procedure.
Table 2: Radiometer characteristics for the conical scan antenna at C-, X- and Ku-band.
Paper D. Novel Multi-Beam Radiometers for Accurate Ocean Surveillance
Figure 6: Focal plane eld (left) and far eld (right) for incident beam tapers of −20 dB (top) and
−60 dB (bottom). The center beam is considered.
which then are used to generate the radiated center beam. The co polar component
of the calculated far elds is shown to the right in Fig. 6 and it is seen, as expected,
that the beam becomes broader as the taper increases, and, at the same time, the
side lobes become smaller.
The radiometer characteristics for the center beams of Fig. 6 are shown in Table 3.
We see that the cross polarisation requirement is always perfectly met. The footprint
and the distance to coast increase as the taper increases. The results here are for
10 GHz which is close to the X-band frequency, where the requirement to footprint
and distance to coast is 20 km and 15 km, respectively.
The results in Table 3 include all the elements in the feed array. It is of course of
interest to reduce the number of active elements. Fig. 6 shows that the extent of the
eld in the focal plane decreases as the incident beam taper increases so from a feed
array size point of view it is better to use a high input taper. Table 3 shows that
with an incident taper of 50 dB a very acceptable beam is obtained. It is therefore
attempted to use this focal plane eld but only use those elements in the feed array
with an excitation larger than a certain value below the maximum. Table 4 shows
the results obtained when this limit is set to 40, 30 and 20 dB below the maximum.
It is seen that with a 30 dB limit both the cross polarisation, the footprint and
the distance to coast meet the requirements and the number of active elements are
4. Feed Array Design
Table 3: Radiometer characteristics for the toroidal push broom antenna at 10 GHz for varying
taper of the incident beam.
Table 4: Radiometer characteristics for an incident eld taper of 50 dB and excitation limits of 40,
30 and 20 dB.
reduced from 10658 to 157, i.e. 155 in the radial direction and 2 in the azimuthal
The experience gained at 10 GHz is used to design the feed array in the three
bands, following pretty much the same procedure. It is recalled that it is necessary
to tilt the direction of the incident beams such that the focal plane elds for the
dierent frequencies are located side by side, leading to the feed array parameters
shown in Table 5. Again, it is assumed that beams overlap at the −3 dB cross-over
points. The feed arrays are shown in Fig. 7 and the radiometer characteristics for
the center beam are presented in Table 6. It is seen that the performance meet the
requirements except for the distance to coast at C-band.
Table 5: Table used to determine the necessary size of the feed arrays for the push broom torus
reector antenna.
Paper D. Novel Multi-Beam Radiometers for Accurate Ocean Surveillance
Figure 7: The three feed arrays for the push broom torus reector antenna.
The feed array designed by Chalmers for the torus push-broom antenna is de-
scribed in detail in [4]. The feed array element is a Vivaldi antenna and the element
spacing is 0.7 wavelength. The number of active elements and their weight coecients
is found with a customized beam former that aims to realize the best trade-o be-
tween the maximum beam eciency and the minimum sidelobe and cross-polarization
power. To include constraints on the dynamic range of the beamformer in the course
of optimization, the customized beamforming algorithm proposed in [4] has been fur-
ther extended through the use of an iterative procedure. This procedure modies
the reference weights, as determined for the beamformer without constraints, while
aiming to maintain the radiometer characteristics as close as possible to the refer-
ences ones for a specied value of the dynamic range. The performances obtained by
Chalmers coincided with Table 6, except for the distance to land at C-band which
was 16.9 Km, and thus met the requirements. The total number of elements of the
complete feed array for one polarization was 888, 1224 and 2184, for the C- X- and
Ku-band respectively, thus smaller than the number of elements obtained by TICRA
and reported in the last column of Table 5.
5. Conclusions
5 Conclusions
The reector optics and feed array designs of a conical scanning and push-broom
radiometer antenna for future SST/OVW missions were described. The conical scan-
ning is a traditional oset paraboloid with reduced f /D rotating at 11.5 RPM, while
the push-broom is a stationary torus reector, with projected aperture of 5 m by
7.5 m. The feed array of the conical scan antenna was obtained by considering half
wave dipoles above an innite ground plane, with a spacing of 0.75 wavelengths. The
array excitations were obtained by CFM, considering a Gaussian beam with taper of
20 dB impinging on the reector. The performances of the least and most scanned
beams met all the requirements at X- and Ku-band. The performances for the C-
band beams were not acceptable with respect to cross polarization, and the distance
to coast was slightly more than the required 15 km. The feed array of the torus
push-broom antenna was derived by TICRA in a way similar to the one used for the
conical scan, while Chalmers developed a customized beam former to optimize the
maximum beam eciency and the minimum sidelobe and cross-polarization power,
including constraints on the dynamic range of the beamformer. The performances of
the center beam obtained by Chalmers met all the requirements at all three frequency
bands, while TICRA obtained a slightly larger distance to coast at C-band and used
more antenna elements. The present results must be considered preliminary.
[1] N. Skou and D. L. Vine, Microwave Radiometer Systems: Design & Analysis.
Artech House, 2006.
[3] M. Mobrem, E. Keay, G. Marks, and E. Slimko, Development of the large aper-
ture reector/boom assembly for the SMAP spacecraft, in ESA/ESTEC Work-
shop on Large Deployable Antennas, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, Oct. 2012.
Paper E
The layout of this paper has been revised in order to comply with the rest of
the thesis.
Dense Focal Plane Arrays for Pushbroom Satellite
O. Iupikov, M. Ivashina, K. Pontoppidan, P. H. Nielsen, C. Cappellin, N. Skou,
S. S. Søbjærg, , A. Ihle, D. Hartmann, and K. v. 't Klooster
1 Introduction
Recent advances in phased-array antenna technologies and low-cost active electronic
components open up new possibilities for designing Earth observation instruments, in
particular those used for radiometric measurements. Nowadays, two design concepts
of microwave radiometers are in use: push-broom and whisk-broom scanners [1].
Push-broom scanners have an important advantage over whisk-broom scanner in
providing larger eld-of-view with higher sensitivity, owing to the fact that these
systems can look at a particular area of the ocean for a longer time with multiple
simultaneous beams. This concept is illustrated on Fig. 1, where one can see several
beams, arranged perpendicular to the ight direction of the spacecraft. However, the
drawback of pushbroom designs based on conventional focal plane arrays (FPAs) of
horns in one-horn-per-beam conguration [2] or clusters with simplistic beamforming
[3] is the varying sensitivity. This variation occurs due to the dierence between
the scanned beams (as these are formed by dierent horns/clusters) and their large
separation on the ocean surface, as the result of the large separation between the
This drawback may be signicantly reduced by employing dense FPAs, i.e. phased-
array feeds consisting of many electrically small antenna elements, with advanced
beamforming [4]. This technology has been extensively studied during the last
decade in the radio astronomy community, and several telescopes are currently being
equipted with dense FPAs [57]. While those systems aim to provide the scan range
Paper E. Dense Focal Plane Arrays for Pushbroom Satellite Radiometers
The purpose of this work is, therefore, (i) to determine to what extent the
performance-limiting factors of push-broom radiometers can be reduced by using
dense FPAs with advanced beamforming; and (ii) what is the minimum complexity
of the FPA design (size, number of elements) that is required for meeting the instru-
2. Antenna Requirements
ment specications at which future radiometers aim [8]. To address these questions,
we have created an initial numerical model of the array that is based on the MoM-
CBFM-model in [4]; the elements of this array represent tapered-slot antennas, as
designed for the FPA system in [5]. To perform the parametric study, we have im-
plemented this model for dierent array sizes and inter-element separation distances
varying from 0.5 to 1 wavelength. For the evaluation of the radiometer characteris-
tics, two beamforming methods have been considered that aim to optimize the beam
eciency with the minimum distance to land and cross-polarization loss.
2 Antenna Requirements
In February 2013 the ESA contract 4000107369-12-NLMH was awarded the team
consisting of TICRA, DTU-Space, HPS and Chalmers University. The group com-
prises experts in reector antennas design and analysis, passive microwave radiometry,
mechanical and thermal analysis of ultra-light mesh reector technology, and radio
astronomy with the knowledge of dense focal plane arrays designs. As a part of this
activity, we perform a preliminary design study of a pushbroom antenna, as shown
on Fig. 1 with conventional FPAs of horns, as well as novel dense FPAs with active
To identify the best design for the targeted application, we use the list of antenna
system requirements that has been derived in [8], based on the the instrument spec-
ications for accurate sea surface temperature and ocean vector wind measurements.
This list includes the values for the required half-power beamwidth (and correspond-
ing footprint on the sea-surface), acceptable cross-polarization power, as well as the
minimum distance to coast at which the radiometer stops working correctly. It can
be shown that in order to meet the requirements for radiometer characteristics (max-
imum allowed error of the measured sea brightness temperature ∆T < 0.25K and the
distance to coast < 15km) the power incident on the land must be less than 0.14%
of the total power hitting the Earth. This requirement leads to stringent constraints
on both the side-lobe and cross-polarization levels of the antenna beams.
At present, the pushbroom antenna which can satisfy these requirements is a torus
antenna with projected aperture of 5 m, (±20 ) scan, the focal length to diameter
ratio f/D=1 and swath of 600 km. This antenna has been designed by TICRA; it
achieves the swath on the Earth equal to600 km, assuming the satellite altitude
above the Earth of 817 km and the incidence angle of 53◦ . This antenna should
operate at C-band (6.9 GHz), X-band (10.65 GHz) and Ku-band (18.7 GHz) with
bandwidth 300 MHz, 100 MHz and 200 MHz, respectively. The analysis in this paper
is performed at X-band only.
Paper E. Dense Focal Plane Arrays for Pushbroom Satellite Radiometers
Figure 2: Eect of the inter-element separation distance del on (top) the optimized amplitude weights
of the FPA sub-array elements for the centre beam, as determined for the customized beamformer
maximizing the beam eciency (@−20 dB) with constraints on the side-lobe and cross-polarization
levels towards the Earth, and (bottom) the resultant illumination patterns of the reector antenna.
The array size is xed to Lx × Ly = 7λ × 14λ.
3 FPA-system design
3.1 Antenna array model
As a starting point of the design procedure, we have considered a sub-array for the
centre beam. The selected initial model of this sub-array represents a dual-polarized
antenna array consisting of 15 × 29 × 2 interconnected tapered-slot antenna elements
with the inter-element distance varying from 0.5λ to 1.0λ. This model is based on the
MoM-CBFM model of the 8×9×2 element array in [4]. To reduce the computational
time for our parametric studies, we have simplied this original model by assuming
that all embedded element patterns are identical to that of the central element of the
nite array. The sub-array embedded element patterns have been imported into the
3. FPA-system design
Paper E. Dense Focal Plane Arrays for Pushbroom Satellite Radiometers
Figure 3: Comparison of two beamforming algorithms for the FPA sub-array for the centre beam:
(a, b) the array element amplitude weight coecients for the CFM beamformer (CFM-BF) and
customized beamformer (Customized-BF), where each block represents an element and the black
line shows the focal line of the torus reector, and the the corresponding (c, d) reector aperture
illumination patterns and (e, f ) footprint patterns on the sea-surface.
the array aperture eld, resulting in the well-behaved illumination of the reector,
whereas the eld produced by the most sparse array with 1λ-spaced elements exhibits
3. FPA-system design
18 Distance to land
0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 1
Element spacing, λ
Footprint, [km]
in cross−polar, [%]
Relative power
XP relative power
0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 1
Element spacing, λ
Figure 4: Radiometer characteristics as function of the FPA element spacing (del ) for the case of
Lx = 7λ, including (from top to bottom) the antenna beam eciency (dened within the −20 dB
region), distance to land at which the radiometer should stop working correctly, averaged footprint
and relative cross-polarization power loss in the entire region.
the grating lobes. The importance of the array density can be also seen from the
computed radiometer parameters that are shown on Fig. 4 as function of del . It is
interesting to see that the beam eciency and cross-polarization power are aected
most when the array becomes sparse (del > 0.7λ) because the array aperture eld
gets under-sampled and the grating lobes start to appear , while the minimum
distance from land remains small almost over the entire region of del (and within the
required value of 15 km) thanks to the low side-lobes in the coastal region that are
forced by the beamformer.
Paper E. Dense Focal Plane Arrays for Pushbroom Satellite Radiometers
Figure 5: Eect of the array size Lx on (top) the optimized amplitude weights of the FPA sub-
array elements for the centre beam, as determined for the customized beamformer maximizing the
beam eciency (@−20 dB) with constraints on the side-lobe and cross-polarization levels towards
the coastal region, and (bottom) the resultant illumination patterns of the reector antenna. The
distance between the array elements is xed to del = 0.5λ.
Array size
The second set of the parametric study results is illustrated on Fig. 5 and Fig. 6,
that show the eect of the sub-array size along x-direction, for the case of del = 0.5λ.
These results demonstrate that all the radiometer parameters are sensitive to change
of the array size, and their values degrade when it becomes smaller. This observation
is expected, since the larger arrays have more degrees of freedom that the smaller
ones. In general, the minimum size of the array along x-direction should be ∼ 4.9λ
to realize the beam eciency higher than ∼ 91% with the distance to coast according
to the requirements. For del = 0.7λ, this would corresponds to 8 × 21 × 2 elements
in total for the center sub-array. Interestingly enough, the beam eciency of twice
3. FPA-system design
Distance to land
2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0
Array size along X−axis, [λ]
Footprint, [km]
Requirement FPL (Phi=90) Average FPS (Phi=0)
2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0
Array size along X−axis, [λ]
XP relative power
2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0
Array size along X−axis, [λ]
Figure 6: Radiometer characteristics as function of the number of elements (array size) alone X-axis
for the case of del = 0.5λ, including (from top to bottom) the antenna beam eciency (dened
within the −20 dB region), distance to land at which the radiometer should stop working correctly,
averaged footprint and relative cross-polarization power loss in the entire Earth region.
Paper E. Dense Focal Plane Arrays for Pushbroom Satellite Radiometers
larger sub-array (Lx = 9λ) would be only a few percent higher (∼ 96%) with the
similar values of other considered radiometer parameters.
4 Conclusions
5 Acknowledgment
The present work has been carried out in the framework of the Advanced Multi-Beam
Radiometers project that is a collaborative eort between TICRA, DTU-Space (Den-
mark), HPS (Germany) and Chalmers, funded by European Space Agency (ESA).
The toroidal push-broom reector antenna used for our study has been designed by
TICRA. The authors would like to acknowledge the Swedish Research Council for
providing partial support to this work through the VR project grant.
[1] (2013, Sep.). [Online]. Available:
[5] W. A. van Cappellen and L. Bakker, APERTIF: Phased array feeds for the
IEEE International Symposium on Proc.
Westerbork synthesis radio telescope, in
Phased Array Systems and Technology (ARRAY), Boston, Oct. 2010, pp. 640647.
[6] K. F. Warnick, High eciency phased array feed antennas for large radio tele-
scopes and small satellite communication terminals, in Proc. European Confer-
ence on Antennas and Propag. (EuCAP), Gothenburg, Sweden, Apr. 2013, pp.
Paper F
The layout of this paper has been revised in order to comply with the rest of
the thesis.
Improving the Calibration Eciency of an Array
Fed Reector Antenna Through Constrained
A. Young; M. V. Ivashina; R. Maaskant; O. A. Iupikov and D. B. Davidson
1 Introduction
Calibration of radio telescopes requires accurate models of the instrumental param-
eters and propagation conditions that aect the reception of radio waves [1]. These
eects vary over time and the model parameters have to be determined at the time
of observation through a number of calibration measurements. Furthermore, the
calibration measurements should complete in a relatively short time and may be re-
peated often over the course of an observation during which the instrumental and
atmospheric conditions can change signicantly. One of the instrumental param-
eters that needs accurate characterization is the radiation pattern of the antenna,
which is especially challenging in the arena of future array based multiple beam ra-
dio telescopes [24], both due to the complexity of these instruments, as well as the
Paper F. Improving the Calibration Efficiency of an Array Fed Reflector...
increased size of the Field-of-View (FoV). Above the requirement that the radiation
pattern should be accurately known, currently developed techniques for the pattern
calibration of these devices also emphasize the need for beams
1 over the FoV that are
similar in shape, and that each beam varies smoothly with time, frequency, and over
the main beam angular region [5]. Such beams can be described by simpler models,
which reduce the number of pattern model parameters that need to be solved for,
and also simplify the complexity of direction dependent calibration which is vitally
important for future radio telescopes [610]. However, achieving patterns exhibit-
ing these qualities, while also meeting the already stringent sensitivity requirements,
presents a dicult task.
Here, the reference pattern of [11] is extended to model the widening of the
scanned beam as well as the change in the phase distribution for an oset dual-
reector antenna by introducing two additional model parameters. It will be shown
that this model allows for the accurate characterization of multiple beams over a
wide FoV without the need to perform additional calibration measurements. The
eects of the model parameters on the directivity and sidelobe levels are investigated
for a proposed design of the MeerKAT radio telescope reector antenna [15]. An
LCMV beamformer is designed based on the results of this study, and its performance
evaluated through comparison with a Maximum Directivity (MaxDir) beamformer.
1 Often referred to as the direction-dependent gain or primary beam in the radio interferometer
2. Antenna Pattern Model
J1 (ka sin θ)
FA (θ, φ) ∝ ≡ jinc(ka sin θ) (1)
ka sin θ
where a is the aperture radius, k is the free space wavenumber, and J1 is the Bessel
function of the rst kind of order one. Patterns radiated by more general aperture
eld distributions, including o-axis patterns of a scanned reector are represented
as a sum of (possibly) many more JB-terms. However, the rst term in the series
is still dominant over an angular region around the beam maximum. To obtain a
pattern function that applies to more general aperture eld distributions, certain
modications to the reference pattern (1) are required as detailed below.
In order to control the beamwidth of the pattern model, an angular scaling pa-
rameter s is introduced by letting a → sa, which enables accounting for widening
of the beam due to under-illumination of the reector aperture or coma aberration
when scanning [17, 18] . In this sense a distinction can be made between the physical
aperture radius a, and an eective aperture radius sa, where s . 1.
Another limitation of (1) is that it assumes a constant phase distribution of the
beam pattern. This implies that the phase reference of the pattern coincides with
the phase center of the antenna, dened here for a small angular region of the far
eld around the main beam center. Whereas this condition is easily satised for an
on-axis beam of a prime focus reector, the proper choice for the phase reference is
not straightforward for scanned beams. In the latter case it is more convenient to
keep the phase reference xed at the center of the projected aperture and to account
for a phase variation over the main beam through multiplying the pattern model by
in which Ψ is a constant that determines the phase gradient, and φ0 denes the
direction of the phase center shift. The value of φ0 can be determined by noting that
for a scanned beam the phase center shift is in the scan plane. It can be shown that
the value of Ψ is proportional to the phase center shift projected orthogonally to the
direction of observation [19].
2 The pattern deformations for o-axis scanning are known to be asymmetrical, and since the
analytic model is used here to constrain the pattern shape so that it is easily modeled, we elect to
use a circularly symmetric pattern model.
Paper F. Improving the Calibration Efficiency of an Array Fed Reflector...
Combining (1) and (2) gives the extended reference pattern model
in which the the amplitude and phase distributions of the reference pattern are con-
trolled independently by the parameters s and Ψ, respectively. Note that (3) will
serve as a reference pattern for deriving the directional constraints in an LCMV beam-
former, as well as a pattern calibration model to describe the realized beamformed
3 Beamforming Strategy
An LCMV beamformer is implemented which minimizes the power received by the
antenna due to noise subject to linear constraints that conform the co-polarized
pattern shape to the reference pattern in (3). The beamformer weights applied to
the elements of the PAF are calculated according to [20] [21, p. 526]
−1 H −1
= gH GH C−1 G
wLCMV G C (4)
where v is the signal response vector of the array due to a plane wave incident from
the direction of interest. In this study a noiseless system is assumed which means
that the noise correlation matrix C can be taken equal to the identity matrix, and
therefore the weights in (5) maximize the received signal power. It can be shown
that this is approximately equivalent to maximizing the directivity, if the antenna
exhibits low loss and low scattering, as is the case for the PAF used herein. Therefore
the beamformer using the weights in (5) shall hereafter be referred to as a MaxDir
(Maximum Directivity) beamformer.
3 Henceforth we assume that (θ, φ) are dened in a local coordinate system for each beam in
which the maximum is at θ = 0.
3. Beamforming Strategy
θ sin φ [degrees]
Figure 1: Beams arranged over the FoV to enable reuse of constraint directions between adjacent
beams. Nominal half-power contours (HPBW = 1◦ ) and constraint positions of each beam shown
as solid lines and crosses, respectively.
Paper F. Improving the Calibration Efficiency of an Array Fed Reflector...
angular region. Also, the total required number of pattern calibration measurements
may be reduced by positioning the constraint directions at the centers of adjacent
beams, as shown in Fig. 1. This allows the reuse of measurement data between
multiple beams which is readily available in this type of measurement. In this example
six constraints are enforced in a circularly symmetric fashion around, and an angular
distance θc from the beam center for each beam. This arrangement results in a
ne enough sampling of the FoV since the half-power beams overlap [22], and the
constraints are enforced around the -8 to -5 dB level. In this case only 37 pattern
calibration measurements are needed to realize a total of 19 constrained beams over
the FoV, which is a minor increase over that for unconstrained beamforming as in (5).
The 18 additional measurements are necessary for the constraints enforced around
the edge of the FoV.
F (s, Ψ; 0, 0) for i=1
gi = (6)
F (s, Ψ; θc , φi ) for i = 2, 3, . . . , 7,
where the selection of the model parameters s and Ψ has to be made for each scan
direction to account for the beam widening and the increasing phase gradient over
the main lobe region. In order not to compromise the beam sensitivity too much,
it is natural to derive the initial physics-based values s = s0 and Ψ = Ψ0 from the
reference patterns realized by the MaxDir beamformer, i.e.,
ae,MaxDir λ DMaxDir
s0 = = (7a)
a 2πa
Ψ0 = (7b)
∂θ θ=0,φ=φ0
where ae,MaxDir is the eective aperture radius, and DMaxDir and ψMaxDir are the
directivity and phase pattern over the main lobe region, respectively, of the MaxDir
beam. Using thus obtained values for the parameters s and Ψ result in rotationally
symmetric beams that have sensitivities close to the MaxDir beams. However, this
choice leads to a sidelobe level (SLL) that can be relatively high for certain (o-axis)
beams. Hence, the optimum values for s and Ψ may be slightly dierent from s0 and
Ψ0 depending upon the required antenna beam performance, such as minimum beam
sensitivity and maximum allowable SLL, as explained below for a numerical example.
4. Numerical Results
-10 s0
Normalized directivity [dB]
-1 -20
-1.2 0 0◦
0.75◦ 0.75◦
-1.4 -25
1.5◦ 1.5◦
-1.6 2.25◦ 2.25◦
3◦ 3◦
-1.8 -30
0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95
Beamwidth scaling parameter s Beamwidth scaling parameter s
(a) (b)
-10 Ψ0
Normalized directivity [dB]
-1 -20
-1.2 0◦ 0◦
0.75◦ 0.75◦
-1.4 -25
1.5◦ 1.5◦
-1.6 2.25◦ 2.25◦
3◦ 3◦
-1.8 -30
-30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30
Phase gradient Ψ − Ψ0 [radians] Phase gradient Ψ − Ψ0 [radians]
(c) (d)
Figure 2: Eect of model parameters on beam pattern performance. (a) and (c) show the directivity
of scanned LCMV patterns relative to that of the on-axis MaxDir pattern for various values of s and
Ψ, respectively; (b) and (d) show the highest SLL of scanned LCMV patterns for various values of
s and Ψ, respectively. Markers indicate the results for s = s0 and Ψ = Ψ0 for each scan direction.
4 Numerical Results
In this section we investigate the trade-o eects of the beam model parameters s and
Ψ on the directivity and SLL. After choosing s and Ψ, the beam model accuracy is
examined as the dierence between the resulting LCMV-beamformed pattern and the
reference beam. As a numerical example, we present results for an oset Gregorian
geometry based on the MeerKAT radio telescope reector antenna [15] by employing
simulated primary far-eld patterns of the APERTIF PAF [6]. The reector has a
projected diameter of 13.5 m (64λ at 1.42 GHz) and an equivalent focal length to di-
ameter ratio (F/D ) of 0.55. The APERTIF PAF is a dual-polarized array composed
of 121 tapered slot antenna elements. Here all elements in the array (both polar-
Paper F. Improving the Calibration Efficiency of an Array Fed Reflector...
izations) are employed to produce patterns on the sky for each nominal polarization
(as opposed to a bi-scalar beamfomer wherein only elements of one polarization are
used, cf. [24]). Results presented here are for only one nominal polarization, as the
results for either polarization are very similar. The numerical results are shown for
the operating frequency of 1.42 GHz at which the half-power beamwidth (HPBW)
is approximately 1 , and results were obtained using a toolbox interface [22] to the
GRASP software.
4 Although results are only shown for scanning in a single plane, the conclusions are valid for
scanning in all φ-directions.
4. Numerical Results
patterns. This underlines the importance of using a proper reference pattern function
such as (3) which represents a more accurate description of the (o-axis) radiation
characteristics of the antenna. The eect of small variations of Ψ around the value
Ψ0 on the relative directivity and SLLs was found to be less pronounced than the
eect of parameter s, so that, generally, the choice Ψ = Ψ0 yielded the best results.
Paper F. Improving the Calibration Efficiency of an Array Fed Reflector...
In Fig. 4(a) the aperture eciencies achieved with the respective beamformers are
shown as a function of scan direction. The asymmetry of the results over the FoV is a
consequence of the oset geometry and wide scanning towards φ = 0 is seen to result
in the largest reduction in eciency. A FoV was dened for each beamformer as the
region within which the aperture eciency is greater than 70%, the size of which was
23.6 and 19.3 square degrees for the MaxDir and LCMV beamformers, respectively.
The boundary of each FoV is indicated on the plots in Fig. 4 as a solid black line,
and the results presented below were calculated within the respective regions for the
two beamformers.
Finally, the maximum 1st and 2nd SLLs are shown as a function of scan direction
in Figs. 4(c) and (d), respectively. Compared to the MaxDir beams, the LCMV beams
have 1st SLLs that are 0.8 dB lower and 2nd SLLs that are 1.0 dB lower, on average
over the FoV. The 2nd SLL is of particular interest in the case of MeerKAT, for which
the maximum is specied as -23 dB (L-band). The LCMV beamformer meets this
◦ ◦
specication over most of the FoV (except for wide scanning in the φ ≈ 135 , 225
5. Conclusions and Recommendations
directions), whereas the MaxDir beams exceed this limit over a much larger region.
In order to quantify the trade-o in sensitivity for this reduction in sidelobes through
constrained beamforming, LCMV beams were also realized to yield 1st SLLs within
0.2 dB of that for the MaxDir beams. Following this approach the size of the FoV
could be increased by 4.6% to 20.2 square degrees.
[1] O. Smirnov, Revisiting the radio interferometer measurement equation. ii.
calibration and direction-dependent eects, Astronomy and Astrophysics, vol.
527, Feb. 2011. [Online]. Available:
[3] M. D. Vos, A. Gunst, and R. Nijboer, The lofar telescope: System architecture
and signal processing, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 97, no. 8, pp. 1431
1437, Aug. 2009.
Paper F. Improving the Calibration Efficiency of an Array Fed Reflector...
[9] S. G. Hay, SKA eld of view de-rotation using connected array beam scanning
with constant beam shape, in Proc. 25th Asia-Pacic Microwave Conference,
Melbourne, Dec. 2011, pp. 11741177.
[12] V. Galindo-Israel and R. Mittra, A new series representation for the radiation
integral with application to reector antennas, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag.,
vol. 55, no. 5, pp. 631641, Sep. 1977.
[15] I. Theron, R. Lehmensiek, and D. de Villiers, The design of the meerkat dish
optics, in Proc. Int. Conf. on Electromagn. in Adv. Applicat. (ICEAA), Cape
Town, Sep. 2012, pp. 539542.
[19] Y. Y. Hu, A method of determining phase centers and its application to elec-
tromagnetic horns, J. Franklin Inst., Technical Report, Jan. 1966.
[20] O. I. Frost, An algorithm for linearly constrained adaptive array processing,
Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 60, no. 8, pp. 926935, Aug. 1972.
Paper F. Improving the Calibration Efficiency of an Array Fed Reflector...
101 s0
Error [%]
100 2.25◦
Error [%]
100 2.25◦
Ψ0 3◦
0.75◦ -10 dB
101 3◦
-8 dB
Error [%]
100 -3 dB
-5 dB
0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
Constraint position θc [degrees]
Figure 3: Maximum normalized error over the 10 dB beamwidth of the LCMV beamformed patterns
when approximated by the analytical function (3), and using the same parameter values as was used
to dene directional constraints. The error is shown as a function of the parameter (a) s, (b) Ψ−Ψ0 ,
and (c) θc . Default values for these parameters are s = s0 , Ψ = Ψ0 , and θc = 0.75◦ .
Paper F. Improving the Calibration Efficiency of an Array Fed Reflector...
3 3
θ sin φ [degrees]
1 1
0 0 70
-1 -1
-2 -2
-3 -3
-4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 4
θ cos φ [degrees] θ cos φ [degrees]
3 3
θ sin φ [degrees]
1 1 10
0 0
-1 -1 5
-2 -2
-3 -3
-4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 4
θ cos φ [degrees] θ cos φ [degrees]
3 3
2 2 1st SLL [dB] -16
θ sin φ [degrees]
θ sin φ [degrees]
1 1
0 0
-1 -1
-2 -2 -19
-3 -3
-4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 4
θ cos φ [degrees] θ cos φ [degrees]
3 3
2 2 -22
2nd SLL [dB]
θ sin φ [degrees]
θ sin φ [degrees]
1 1
0 0
-1 -1
-2 -2 -25
-3 -3
-4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 4
θ cos φ [degrees] θ cos φ [degrees]
Figure 4: Comparison of LCMV and MaxDir beamformers over a θ ≤ 3◦ angular region based on
(a) aperture eciency, (b) maximum beam model error, (c) 1st SLL, and (d) 2nd SLL. Figures of
merit are shown as functions of beam steering direction over the FoV. Solid lines on all plots indicate
the FoV within which aperture eciency is above 70% for each beamformer. The asymmetry in the
results is due to the oset geometry of the antenna.
Paper G
The layout of this paper has been revised in order to comply with the rest of
the thesis.
Domain-Decomposition Approach to Krylov
Subspace Iteration
O. A. Iupikov; C. Craeye; R. Maaskant and M. V. Ivashina
1 Introduction
Conventional iterative techniques, such as the Full Orthogonalization Method (FOM)
or the Generalized Minimal Residual Method (GMRES) [1], have proved their ca-
pability and eciency to solve large-scale electromagnetic problems. They dene a
set of current distributions on the whole domain through successive matrix-vector
multiplications (mat-vecs) and then solve for their expansion coecients in an it-
erative manner. However, these methods become computationally expensive for a
large number of generating vectors. To avoid this, a restart procedure is often used,
which in addition helps to improve the condition number of the generated system of
equations, thereby improving the accuracy of the method.
Many improvements on the GMRES method can be found in the literature. For
example, in [2] an adaptive deation strategy is proposed, which retains useful in-
formation at the time of a restart to avoid stagnation and improve the convergence
The generating vectors in GMRES can also be seen as Macro Basis Functions
(MBFs) [3, 4]. A similar approach is used in domain-decomposition methods like
the Characteristic Basis Functions Method (CBFM) [5] and the Synthetic Functions
method (SFX) [6]. A major dierence between them is that MBFs in GMRES (or
Paper G. Domain-Decomposition Approach to Krylov Subspace Iteration
FOM) are dened on the whole computational domain and belong to a Krylov sub-
space, while CBFM-like techniques split the structure into subdomains and analyze
them in isolation through the denition of set of independent MBFs on each subdo-
main, obtained by exciting the subdomain in various ways . Assuming that MBFs
are obtained using a multiple-scattering (between subdomains) methodology, a rule
of thumb is proposed in [7] stating that both FOM and CBFM provide a similar
accuracy when the number of iterations in FOM is equal to the average number of
MBFs per subdomain in CBFM. However, in some cases, the CBFM yields better
accuracy, owing to the fact that it provides more degrees of freedom (DoFs).
ZI = e, (1)
Z̃i,j = KH
i Zi,j Kj , (2b)
ẽi = KH
i ei , (2c)
1 More about the relationship between CBFM-like approaches and Krylov subspace iterative
methods can be found in [7].
3. CBFM with restarts
h i
(1) (2) (P )
Ki = ki = ei | ki | . . . | ki , (3)
Segment i of the vector k(p+1) (at the next iteration) is obtained by a simple summa-
tion of vectors vi,j as
(p+1) (p)
ki = vi,j . (6)
If the vectors vi,j are concatenated in a matrix Q as
h i
(1) (2) (p)
Qi,j = vi,j | vi,j | . . . | vi,j , (7)
Z̃i,j = KH H
i Zi,j Kj = Ki Qi,j , (8)
which allows one to reduce by a factor close to two the time involved in (2)-(4), as
compared to a straight-forward implementation. The appendix explains how (8) can
be modied when the set of MBFs needs to be orthogonalized.
Step 2. Set the excitation vector e in (2c) to the initial excitation vector e0 .
Paper G. Domain-Decomposition Approach to Krylov Subspace Iteration
Step 3. Build and solve the reduced system of equations (2a), compute the
solution Ij = Kj Ĩj for j = 1, . . . , M . Note that the reduced system of equations
can be built progressively, similar to the internal iterations in GMRES.
Step 6. Set the excitation vector e to the residue r and go to Step 3 until the
required residue is reached.
The main dierence with GMRES is that the subspace is restarted on every
4 Numerical results
In this section the proposed approach is compared to the GMRES algorithm in terms
of an error in surface current versus the solving complexity. The complexity is de-
ned herein as the number of elementary operations ab+ (oating point product of
complex scalar numbers and summation with another complex number), required to
solve the problem, while the relative error in the surface current is computed as
s s
X approx
− Inref |2 |Inref |2 ,
= 20 log10 |In (9)
n n
where Iapprox is the current expansion coecient vector, obtained using the proposed
approach or restarted GMRES; and Iref is the reference solution, obtained by direct
solution of the MoM matrix equation (1).
The structures considered hereafter are subdivided into subdomains to have nearly
equal and compact surfaces; for antenna arrays each subdomain is chosen to be a
single antenna element. One possible way to improve the division into subdomains
is through the so-called graph-partitioning technique (see e.g. [8]).
The system of equations (1) is assumed to be preconditioned for both CBFM
and GMRES using the preconditioner described in [9], during which auxiliary subdo-
mains are considered [7] in order to deal with the nearest interactions. Furthermore,
a simplied version of GMRES is used [10], which implements the Gram-Schmidt
orthogonalization of the vectors in the Krylov sub-space instead of using the Arnoldi
iteration. This approach has a similar complexity as the original GMRES algorithm,
while it is structurally closer to the CBFM.
For each geometry considered below a series of simulations have been performed
for dierent numbers of CBFM-generating vectors and dierent numbers of internal
iterations (between restarts) for GMRES, and the best convergence curves of both
4. Numerical results
Error in current, [dB]
GMRES: 384 subdomains (P=24)
CBFM: 384 subdomains (P=12)
GMRES: 96 subdomains (P=24)
CBFM: 96 subdomains (P=20)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Complexity, 10 9
(c) GMRES and CBFM convergence.
Figure 1: Numerical example 1: A sphere with radius 1.58λ, divided into (a) 96 subdomains and (b)
384 subdomains, and excited by an incident plane wave. Subgure (c) compares the convergence
rates of restarted GMRES and CBFM. The restart positions are indicated with circles.
methods are compared. Under an iteration for CBFM approach we understand
hereafter a procedure consisting of (i) building the reduced system of equations of
size P M × P M, which involves P mat-vecs, and (ii) solving this system.
Paper G. Domain-Decomposition Approach to Krylov Subspace Iteration
Error in current, [dB]
GMRES: 256 subdomains (P=6)
CBFM: 256 subdomains (P=9)
GMRES: 144 subdomains (P=6)
CBFM: 144 subdomains (P=9)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Complexity, 10
(c) GMRES and CBFM convergence.
Figure 2: Numerical example 2: A rectangular plate with size 12λ, divided into (a) 144 subdomains
and (b) 256 subdomains, and excited by a plane wave under 45 deg incidence. Subgure (c) compares
the convergence rates of restarted GMRES and CBFM. The restart positions are indicated with
Fig. 1 demonstrates the convergence rate of the newly dened iterative CBFM and
GMRES for the sphere. If one aims at an accuracy in the surface current of e.g. 50 dB,
the domain-decomposition approach is more than twice faster than GMRES, i.e. with
twice smaller operations count. The convergence in case of 96 subdomains is faster
for both methods, and this can be explained by the inuence of the preconditioner,
which accounts for all adjacent neighbours of each subdomain. This is true as long
as the solution time of the reduced system of equations is small compared to the
matrix-vector product needed to produce that system of equations. As explained in
Section 5, this supposes that the number of subdomains M remains small compared
2 2
to F , where F > 1 is the DoF reduction factor , which is satised in all numerical
2 F = N /P is average ratio between numbers of elementary basis functions and MBFs on each
4. Numerical results
61.69 161.52
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
Complexity, 10 9
(c) GMRES and CBFM convergence.
Figure 3: Numerical example 3: (a) A connected and (b) disconnected 121-element dual-polarized
Vivaldi array, divided into 121 subdomains, and excited by a delta-gap voltage sources at each
antenna element. Subgure (c) compares the convergence rates of restarted GMRES and CBFM.
The restart positions are indicated with circles.
Paper G. Domain-Decomposition Approach to Krylov Subspace Iteration
array the proposed domain-decomposition approach is more than a factor two faster,
as compared to a conventional GMRES approach.
In all numerical examples the CBFM reaches an accuracy better than −50 dB in
only 1 to2 iterations (for 0 to 1 restarts), with the number of mat-vecs per iteration
equal to P as indicated in the legends of Figs. 13. GMRES requires 1 to 5 restarts
to achieve similar accuracy levels.
It worth noting that we used an integral error in the surface current as a main
gure of merit in this study. However, antenna characteristics, such as the antenna
impedance and radiation pattern, are most commonly used by antenna designers. The
relation between respective errors is not straightforward, however it can be assumed
that the error in surface current and the error in antenna characteristics are of same
order (see e.g. the approximation error analysis in [12], where dierent reector
antenna feeds are considered).
5 Discussion
When well preconditioned, GMRES converges very rapidly (i.e. within a few tens
of iterations), almost irrespective of the number of unknowns. As explained in [10],
GMRES amounts to solving a reduced system of equations, whose size (i.e. number
of DoFs), corresponds to the number of iterations. For large problems, this solution
takes a negligible time as compared to that involved in the mat-vec operations. This
means that, without signicant increase in the computation time, one can aord
more DoFs, as is the case with the approach proposed here, since the number of
DoFs now corresponds to the number of mat-vecs P multiplied by the number of
subdomains. Without any specic matrix-vector multiplication, solving the reduced
system of equations has a complexity (P M ) (here it is worth to mention that there
are methods to reduce this exponent, see e.g. [13]), while the complexity of mat-vecs
2 2 2
is P N . The increase of computational time is hence small as long as P M Nsd ,
where Nsd is the average number of elementary basis functions per subdomain.
It is pointed out that the gained accuracy does not seem to be commensurate
with the increase of the degrees of freedom. More precisely, the achieved accuracy
is not as good as that we may expect from GMRES when the number of iterations
equals the total number of CBFs in the problem (in that case GMRES exploits the
same number of DoF, at the expense of an excessive number of mat-vecs). This is
probably due to the possible slight discontinuity between current distributions on
contiguous subdomains; part of the newly generated DoFs may actually be needed
to correct this deciency.
In the very worst case, i.e., when the iterative CBF approach essentially provides
the same accuracy as GMRES, one has two methods, one based on GMRES and
one based on CBFs, with comparable accuracies when the number of iterations in
the former is equal to the number of CBFs per subdomains in the latter. That
6. Conclusions
equality is obtained by construction of the proposed method, since one new CBF per
segment from the new generating vector is created at every iteration. It is interesting
to notice that this equality precisely corresponds to the rule of thumb delineated
from numerical experiments in [7] where MBFs (or CBFs) were created in a multiple-
scattering fashion, and it is shown here that this rule of thumb constitutes a lower
bound for the capabilities of the iterative CBF (or MBF) approach.
It appears that a clear advantage beyond this rule is obtained with CBFs when
as proposed here the CBFs on a given subdomain are simply taken as the segments
of the generating vectors (which correspond to the subdomain of interest). Other
(either purely algebraic or more physical) ways of creating the CBFs may allow us to
further benet from the larger number of DoFs created through the subdomain-based
6 Conclusions
This work has introduced a domain-decomposition technique into Krylov subspace
iteration, such as in GMRES for instance. This method is similar to the CBFM, here
the MBFs are generated by simple segmentation of the pre-computed vectors of the
Krylov subspace. The achieved convergence is faster than with GMRES by a factor
ranging from 1.05 (the rectangular plate with large subdomains) to 2.6 (the connected
Vivaldi array) while keeping the same accuracy. This opens new perspectives for the
solution of multi-scaled radiation and scattering problems.
To keep a well-conditioned reduced system of equations, the set K of MBFs should
be orthogonalized by means of, e.g., a QR-decomposition. This slightly complicates
the acceleration technique described in the Sec. 2. The updated acceleration can be
carried out in the following way.
After performing the QR-decomposition for each sub-domain j , Kj = Koj Rj , Eq. (10)
can be rewritten as
which only involves small matrices, and based on (7), is the nal expression of the
(i, j) block of the reduced MoM matrix.
Paper G. Domain-Decomposition Approach to Krylov Subspace Iteration
[1] Y. Saad and M. H. Schultz, GMRES: a generalized minimal residual algorithm
for solving nonsymmetric linear systems, SIAM Journal on Scientic and Sta-
tistical Computing, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 856869, Jul. 1986.
[3] E. Suter and J. R. Mosig, A subdomain multilevel approach for the ecient
MoM analysis of large planar antennas, Micr. Opt. Technol., vol. 26, no. 4, pp.
270277, Aug. 2000.
[4] I. Stevanovic and J. R. Mosig, Subdomain multilevel approach with fast MBF
interactions, in Proc. IEEE AP-S International Symposium, Monterey, Califor-
nia, Jun. 2004, pp. 367370.
[5] V. Prakash and R. Mittra, Characteristic basis function method: A new tech-
nique for ecient solution of method of moments matrix equations, Micr. Opt.
Technol., vol. 36, no. 2, pp. 95100, Jan. 2003.
[11] M. Arts, M. Ivashina, O. Iupikov, L. Bakker, and R. van den Brink, Design
of a low-loss low-noise tapered slot phased array feed for reector antennas,
in Proc. European Conference on Antennas and Propag. (EuCAP), Barcelona,
Spain, Apr. 2010, pp. 15.
Paper H
The layout of this paper has been revised in order to comply with the rest of
the thesis.
Design of a push-broom multi-beam radiometer
for future ocean observations
C. Cappellin, K. Pontoppidan, P. H. Nielsen, N. Skou, S. S. Søbjærg, A. Ihle,
M. V. Ivashina, O. A. Iupikov, and K. v. 't Klooster
1 Introduction
The oceanographic community has strong interest in high spatial resolution. Current
microwave radiometers in space operating at C-band (6.9 GHz) or at higher frequency
provide a spatial resolution of around 50 km, whereas less than 20 km is desirable.
Current capabilities provide measurements not closer than around 100 km from the
shore-line, because of the signal contamination by the antenna side-lobes illuminating
the land. There is a strong desire to reduce this distance to 5-15 km.
The instrument requirements for future radiometers measuring sea surface tem-
perature (SST) and ocean vector wind (OVW) are summarized in Table 1. The
instrument shall operate in three well separated bands, C-band (6.9 GHz), X-band
(10.65 GHz) and Ku-band (18.7 GHz). The required 20 km resolution, i.e. 3 dB
footprint, at C-band leads to a large antenna aperture of around 5 m in diameter.
This is considerably larger than any radiometer system antenna own hitherto.
The conical scanning antenna rotates around a vertical axis, and the coverage of
the Earth is obtained partly by the movement of the satellite and partly by the rota-
tion. For the push-broom system there are no moving parts but the antenna radiates
as many beams as required to cover the swath. The push-broom system achieves very
high sensitivity since all across track footprints are measured simultaneously. The
antenna has the clear advantage of being stationary, but the number of beams and
receivers is very high.
Paper H. Design of a push-broom multi-beam radiometer for future ocean...
Table 1: Radiometer characteristics for the conical scan antenna at C-, X- and Ku-band.
The purpose of the present paper is to focus on the detailed design of the push-
broom antenna radiometer.
The paper is organized as follows: in Sec. 2 the antenna requirements are sum-
marized, in Sec. 3 the geometry of the push-broom antenna and its focal plane array
are described. The principles behind the optimization of the focal plane array are
given in Sec. 4, while the detailed RF performances of the antenna are given in Sec. 5.
Finally, Sec. 6 describes the mechanical realization of the push-broom reector and
Sec. 7 summarizes important results on the feeding network and the necessary power.
2 Antenna requirements
The requirements for the radiometer antenna can be derived from the radiometric
requirements of Table 1.
The instrument must be able to measure as close as 5-15 km from the coast. The
brightness temperature of the sea is between 75 and 150K, whereas the land is 250K.
The power in the pattern over the land shall be suciently small. It can be found [1]
that the required accuracy is obtained when the coast line is located outside a cone
around the main beam containing 99.72% of the total power on the Earth. In order
to obtain a small distance to coast it is therefore of interest to reduce this cone.
The satellite height above the Earth and the incidence angle are assumed equal to
817 km and 53◦ , respectively. The required swath width was initially set to 1500 km.
It was however realized very early in the study that, as far as push-broom systems are
concerned, this will lead to a very large antenna. It was therefore decided to reduce
3. Push-broom antenna
the swath width to 600 km. Even with this reduction the radiometer will represent
a major advancement in the study of the oceans.
3 Push-broom antenna
3.1 Antenna geometry
For the push-broom system a torus reector has been considered with projected
aperture D of 5 m. The torus surface is obtained by rotating a section of a parabolic
arc around a rotation axis, as shown in Fig. 1. The focal length f of the parabolic
generator has been selected as 5 m. The angle α between the rotation axis and the
parabola axis is connected to the orbit geometry, including the satellite height and
the required incidence angle on ground. The distance p from the parabola vertex to
the rotation axis is a function of f and α. The feed axis is selected parallel to the
rotation axis, implying that all feed element axes are parallel and orthogonal to the
focal plane. The feed array becomes therefore planar, simplifying the mechanical and
electrical design. The reector rim is found by intersecting the torus surface by the
feed cone up to the outmost scan positions.
The antenna shall be able to provide a scan of ±20◦ corresponding to a swath
Paper H. Design of a push-broom multi-beam radiometer for future ocean...
width of 600 km. The nal design is shown in Fig. 2, where the projected reector
aperture is 5 m by 7.5 m.
The array elements are arranged in a ρφ-grid around the rotation axis. The
distance between the elements is approximately the same in the ρ-direction and in
the φ-direction, and set equal to 0.75 wavelength. This distance was proven to be
the optimal distance. For analysis purposes the array elements are assumed to be
half-wave dipoles located a quarter of a wavelength above an innite ground plane.
Each element consists of both an x- and a y -directed dipole with separate ports.
They only radiate in the upper half space above the ground plane.
5. RF performance results
the array excitations are obtained by directly minimizing the distance to coast. It
turns out that the optimization can be formulated as an eigenvalue problem, where
the eigenvalue represents the maximum radiated power inside a given cone and the
eigenvector holds the excitations to generate this eld. The number of elements along
the ρ and φ direction must be given as input to the algorithm.
5 RF performance results
The reector surface is not a paraboloid and the performances are therefore expected
to be most critical at the highest frequency. In this section the central beam at
Ku-band, 18.7 GHz, is thus presented.
The feed array has 8 elements in the ρ-direction and 21 elements in the φ-direction,
as indicated by Chalmers. The total number of array elements to generate the central
beam is therefore 168. The element excitations are determined by TICRA's optimiza-
tion approach described earlier and the result shows that 99.72% of the power from
the antenna is contained inside a cone with half angle 0.5 . The synthesized excita-
tion coecients in amplitude are shown in Fig. 3 and the far eld from the feed array
at 18.7 GHz is shown in Fig. 4. It is seen that the radiation outside the reector rim
is very low leading to a spill-over of only 0.05%. The far-eld pattern of the antenna
is depicted in Fig. 5. It is evident that this pattern is not rotationally symmetric and
one could therefore get the impression that the actual orientation of the coast line
would be very important for the instrument performance quality. When the -30 dB
contour is plotted, one can nd that it is nearly a circle with radius 0.5 . This circle
contains 99.72% of the power and the coast line can therefore be located anywhere
outside this circle and its orientation is not important.
The radiometer characteristics are shown in Table 2 and include not only the
centre frequency but also the two band ends in order to demonstrate that the per-
formance is almost constant across the entire band. It is noticed that the distance to
coast at Ku-band is only 7 km.
Paper H. Design of a push-broom multi-beam radiometer for future ocean...
Figure 3: Excitation coecients for the centre beam for minimum distance to coast.
Figure 4: Far-eld radiation pattern of the Figure 5: Image plot of the co-polar far eld
feed array for the centre beam. of the centre beam for the push-broom an-
tenna optimised for low distance to coast.
Table 2: Radiometer characteristics for the central ku-band beam for the push-broom antenna
optimized for low distance to coast.
The excitations are determined such that 99.72% of the power is contained in
the smallest possible cone around the beam peak. Using a smaller number of rows
generates a more elliptical illumination on the reector and a more elliptical far-eld
beam. The radiometer characteristics are summarized in Table 3 where it is seen
5. RF performance results
that with 6 rows the footprint is slightly larger than 10 km and the distance to coast
is smaller than 10 km, thus acceptable.
Table 3: Radiometer characteristics for the central ku-band beam for dierent number of feed array
rows along φ.
Table 4: Radiometer characteristics for the centre beam at C-, X- and Ku-band.
Having determined the feed array for the centre beam the complete feed array can
be readily designed. The Ku-band feeds are located close to the focal circle of the
push-broom torus and the feed arrays for C- and X-band are located on either side of
the Ku-band array. The three feed arrays are shown in Fig. 6. The total number of
array elements is 1284, 1956 and 3156 for C-, X- and Ku-band, respectively. If 8 rows
along φ instead of 6 were used the number of elements becomes 1616, 2480 and 4320.
(The latter numbers are used for the power estimates in Sec. 7.) These numbers
clearly show that the number of rows along φ is an important design parameter for
the push-broom system.
Paper H. Design of a push-broom multi-beam radiometer for future ocean...
7. Feeding network and receiver issues
back. The corners of the triangles of the two nets are connected by adjustment wires,
as shown in Fig. 7. The front net forms the support of the reector.
Initially it was assumed that the front net would be covered with a knitted metal
mesh in order to provide the necessary RF reection. It was realized, however, that
the triangular facets would generate high and unacceptable grating lobes unless the
triangles were made very small, i.e. 100 mm size. Consequently, it was proposed to
construct the reector as a doubly curved CFRS (Carbon Fibre Reinforced Silicon)
surface. The triangular net is maintained to support the CFRS but the size of the
triangles can be much larger, around 400 mm.
Paper H. Design of a push-broom multi-beam radiometer for future ocean...
[1] C. Cappellin, K. Pontoppidan, P. Nielsen, N. Skou, S. S. Søbjærg, A. Ihle,
D. Hartmann, M. Ivashina, O.Iupikov, and K. v. t Klooster, Novel multi-beam
radiometers for accurate ocean surveillance, in Proc. European Conference on
Antennas and Propag. (EuCAP), The Hague, The Netherlands, Apr. 2014, pp.
Paper I
The layout of this paper has been revised in order to comply with the rest of
the thesis.
An Optimal Beamforming Algorithm for
Phased-Array Antennas Used in Multi-Beam
Spaceborne Radiometers
O. A. Iupikov, M. V. Ivashina, K. Pontoppidan, P. H. Nielsen, C. Cappellin,
N. Skou, S. S. Søbjærg, A. Ihle, D. Hartmann, K. v. 't Klooster
1 Introduction
Recent advances in phased-array antenna technologies and low-cost active electronic
components open up new possibilities for designing Earth observation instruments.
One example of such technologies is digital beamforming phased-array feeds (PAFs)
(often referred to as dense focal plane arrays [1]). Using PAFs is especially attrac-
tive in spaceborne radiometers in so-called push-broom conguration [2], where a
large number of beams cover a wide region (swath) of the Earth simultaneously to
achieve high sensitivity. For such radiometers, various optics concepts have been
investigated [3], and the optimum solution has been found to be an oset toroidal
single reector antenna. This reector structure is rotationally symmetric around its
vertical axis, and thus is able to cover a wide swath range. However, its aperture
eld exhibits signicant phase errors due to the non-ideal (parabolic) surface of the
Paper I. An Optimal Beamforming Algorithm for Phased-Array Antennas...
reector that lead to the beam deformation. Accurate compensation for these ef-
fects requires the use of a moon-shaped PAF (as shown on g.1) as well as dedicated
beamforming algorithms. Development of such an optimal algorithm is the objective
of this paper.
feed arrays
H torus reector rim
Figure 1: A schematic layout of the moon-shaped phased-array feeds for X-, Ku- and C-bands that
are located in the focal eld region of the torus reector. The arrays comprise dual-polarized dipole
antenna elements, denoted by the red and green lines. The black curve denotes the focal arc of the
torus reector.
2 Array design
An initial design of the PAF has been reported in [4]; where the array elements
are arranged on the rectangular grid. For the current study, we have re-arranged
the element positions along the focal-eld arc of the torus reector (see Fig. 1).
This re-arrangement has led to the moon-shaped layout of the present PAF enabling
similar focal-eld distributions that are resulted from dierent incident directions
upon the apertures of the corresponding sub-arrays. Thanks to this advantageous
property, optimization of the beamformer weights for multiple beams reduces to the
optimization of a single set of weights for one beam only, and most importantly, to the
virtually identical beam shapes over the wide observation range. Furthermore, the
new design consists of dual-polarized 0.5λ-dipole antennas, having higher polarization
purity, as compared to the tapered-slot antenna elements used in the array in [4].
To simplify the modeling of the array for this study, we have made the following
assumptions: (i) all array elements have the same radiation patterns; (ii) no mutual
coupling and edge truncation eects are accounted for the array, and; (iii) the dipoles
3. Optimal beamforming algorithm
are located above an innite ground plane. In the future studies, these simplications
will be eliminated.
where the vector e = [e1 , . . . , eN ]T holds the signal-wave amplitudes at the receiver
outputs and arises due to an externally applied electromagnetic plane wave Ei ; and
C is a Hermitian spectral noise-wave correlation matrix holding the correlation coef-
cients between the outputs of the array receiving system.
If we assume a noiseless receiver system, the matrix C represents the antenna noise
correlation matrix, which contains the noise correlation coecients due to external
noise sources (that are present in the region of observation on the Earth as well as
outside). The elements of C can be calculated through the pattern-overlap integrals
between fn (Ω) and fm (Ω), which are the nth and mth embedded element pattern
(EEP) of the array (dened after the reection from the dish), respectively [6], i.e.,
Cmn = Text (Ω)[fm (Ω) · fn∗ (Ω)] dΩ, (2)
where Text (Ω) is the brightness temperature distribution of the environment. To meet
the radiometer requirements [2], the function Text (Ω) is chosen such that it has low
temperature values in the region of the expected main lobe (down to −20 dB level)
and high values outside of this region. In this way, we realize the maximization of
the beam eciency dened at the −20 dB level while minimizing the side-lobe
and cross-polarization power outside of this region, as required for the radiometers.
Paper I. An Optimal Beamforming Algorithm for Phased-Array Antennas...
Figure 2: The Text mask-constrained functions dened for the calculation of the antenna noise
correlation matrices C1 due to the noise sources in the Earth region (see the inset in the left upper
corner) and C2 due to the noise sources in the sky region (see the inset in the right upper corner).
The toroidal reector fed with a PAF is in the middle of the illustration, where the multiple beams
point to the Earth.
can be calculated relatively fast. The rst matrix is obtained by using the secondary
EEPs computed in a limited angular range around the main lobe region, while the
second matrix is used for correcting for the spillover eects and evaluated through
the primary feed patterns. The brightness temperature distribution functions Text (Ω)
corresponding to C1 and C2 are illustratively shown in the insets of Fig. 2.
The table below cross-compares the computational time at Ku band that is needed
for the simulations (using GRASP) of the secondary patterns over the entire sphere
(when computing the matrix C through the brute-force approach) and over the re-
duced region with the post-correction for the spillover eect (when computing the
matrices C1 and C2 through the proposed approach). There is obvious advantage in
using the latter approach, especially for the systems with a large number of beams
and high operational frequencies.
3. Optimal beamforming algorithm
(q) (q−1)
Cnn = Cnn f (|wn(q−1) |) (3)
f ( |w| )
−60 −50 −40 −30 −20 −10 0
|w|, dB
Figure 3: The function f used in the iterative procedure described in section III.C.
Check whether all the weights are higher than wconstr , or negligibly low (i.e.
−80 dB in this work). If this condition is satised, the iterative procedure is
terminated. The channels with negligible weights are switched-o, while the
resulting set of weight coecients is considered to be the nal one.
Paper I. An Optimal Beamforming Algorithm for Phased-Array Antennas...
In order to use the beamformer for scanned beams, the noise temperature distri-
bution function Text (Ω) must be provided for each of them and the matrix C needs
to be recomputed.
More detailed on the formulation and implementation of the beamformer can be
found in [7].
4 Parametric studies
4.1 Beamformer
The proposed beamformer has two parameters for dening the cold ellipse of the
mask-constrained function Text (Ω) that are used for the computation of C1 : the ellipse
major semi-axis a and the axis ratio a/b (see Fig. 2, top-left inset). Since the area
of the ellipse is related to the area of the main lobe over which the received power
is maximized, and the size of the foot print is known from specications, the range
of practical values for a and the axis ratio a/b is relatively small, and hence the
parametric study to nd the optimal values is not time-consuming.
The considered radiometer characteristics [2] as functions of these parameters have
been computed and the most critical ones, i.e. the distance-to-land and footprint size,
are shown in Fig. 4. As a trade-o between the required values of the distance-to-
land (< 15 km) and the footprint size (< 10 km), the following best values have been
chosen: a = 0.535 and a/b = 1.3.
25 11
0.575 0.575
Major semi−axis, [deg]
0.565 0.565
0.555 20 0.555
0.545 0.545 10
0.535 0.535
0.525 15 0.525 9.5
0.515 0.515
0.505 0.505 9
0.495 10 0.495
0.485 0.485 8.5
0.475 0.475
5 8
0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2 2.1 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2 2.1
Axis ratio of the mask ellipse, [−] Axis ratio of the mask ellipse, [−]
(a) (b)
Figure 4: (a) Distance-to-land, [km]; and, (b) footprint size, [km], as functions of a and a/b used
for the denition of the mask-constrained function Text (Ω) as shown on Fig. 2.
4. Parametric studies
radiometer characteristics for the range of rows are shown in Fig. 5. As one can see,
to satisfy all radiometer requirements, the minimum number of rows in the PAF must
be equal to 6.
99 30
25 Distance to land
98 Requirement
96 5
5 6 7 8 5 6 7 8
Number of rows Number of rows
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 5: Radiometer characteristics, including the beam eciency, distance to land, footprint and
relative cross-polarization power, vs. the number of rows in the PAF.
The optimized set of weight coecients are shown in Fig. 6. The corresponding
pattern of the phased-array feed and the pattern of the entire reector antenna system
for the on-axis beam are shown in Fig. 7. We can observe the very ne shape of the
illumination pattern across the reector aperture, and well-behaved nal beam with
the minimized side-lobe levels. The levels of the side lobes are dierent, though, over
the angular region; that results in the angular dependence of the distance-to-land
parameter, which becomes a function of the coast line position. Since the footprint
on the Earth resulted from this beam, is not symmetric either, we have investigated
whether the distance-to-land requirement is satised for all possible locations on
Paper I. An Optimal Beamforming Algorithm for Phased-Array Antennas...
Figure 6: The array element amplitude weight coecients, [dB], as obtained with the proposed
beamforming algorithm. Each block represents an element of the array.
(a) (b)
Figure 7: (a) The optimized pattern of the PAF when illuminating the aperture of the torus reector,
[dB], and (b) the corresponding nal beam of the entire reector antenna system for the case of the
center beam, [dBi].
5 rows
Distance to land, [km]
25 6 rows
7 rows
20 8 rows
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Coast angle, [deg]
Figure 8: Distance-to-land as a function of angle at which the coast line is approached by the beam
for dierent array sizes.
the land line with respect to the beam footprint. As the data on Fig. 8 show, the
PAF with 6 rows satises this criterion for all possible positions.
The corresponding radiometer characteristics for the on-axis beam are summa-
rized in Table 2. Thanks to the rotational symmetry of the reector and the moon-
shaped array layout, the scanned beams will have similar characteristics.
5. Conclusion
5 Conclusion
An optimal beamforming algorithm for phased-array antennas, such as considered
for the next generation multi-beam radiometers, has been presented and evaluated
for a currently designed prototype system. It yields well behaved multiple beams
which satisfy strick requirements to the footprint on the Earth, minimized power in
the side-lobes and cross-polarization as well as the distance-to-coast. The proposed
algorithm is formulated in a closed form and enables dierent performance trade-os.
[1] M. Ivashina and J. Bregman, A way to improve the eld of view of the radio
telescope with a dense focal plane array, in Proc. of the Int. conf. on Microwave
and Telecommunication Technology, Sevastopol, Ukraine, Sep. 2002.
[7] O. Iupikov, Phased-array-fed reector antenna systems for radio astronomy and
Earth observations, Licentiate Thesis, Institutionen för signaler och system,
Antenner, Chalmers tekniska högskola, Göteborg, Oct. 2014. [Online]. Available:
Paper J
The layout of this paper has been revised in order to comply with the rest of
the thesis.
Enabling High-sensitivity Near-land Radiometric
Measurements With Multi-beam Conical Scanners
Employing Phased Arrays
M. V. Ivashina, O. A. Iupikov, C. Cappellin, K. Pontoppidan, P. H. Nielsen,
N. Skou, S. S. Søbjærg, B. Fiorelli
In the recent study, carried out under the ESA contract 4000107369/12/
NL/MH Study on Advanced Multiple-Beam Radiometers, we investi-
gated the use of dense phased arrays feeds (dPAFs) for conical scan
and push-broom radiometer congurations. It has been found that such
systems can satisfy all the challenging requirements for the future Earth
observation missions, but need large arrays with many antenna elements.
To determine the minimum number of elements and their excitations, we
have developed a dedicated optimization procedure and applied it to the
dPAFs for the push-broom case. This procedure is based on the beam-
forming approach that jointly optimizes for the maximum beam eciency
(or the maximum beam sensitivity) and minimum distance-to-land. The
goal of this work is to repeat the same procedure for the conical-scan ra-
diometer, for which we initially used a simplied Conjugate Field Match-
ing based beamforming approach.
1 Introduction
Existing spaceborne microwave radiometers typically use conical-scan (CS) reector
antennas with horn feeds. Such systems, operating at C-band (6.9 GHz) or at higher
frequency, provide a spatial resolution of around 50 km, whereas less than 20 km
is desirable [1, 2]. Furthermore, accurate radiometric measurements are currently
possible at not closer than around 100 km from the shore-line, because of the signal
contamination by the antenna side-lobes illuminating the land (see Table 1). There
is a strong desire to reduce it to 5-15 km.
The required 20 km resolution, i.e. 3-dB footprint, at C-band leads to a large
antenna aperture of around 5 m in diameter that is considerably larger than any
radiometer system antenna own hitherto. Moreover, the required short distance-to-
land (i.e. 5-15 km) can only be achieved by replacing the conventional feed technology
with novel dense phased arrays feeds (dPAFs), which are capable of producing many
simultaneously-formed and closely-spaced beams. A feasibility study of dPFAs was
Paper J. Enabling High-sensitivity Near-land Radiometric Measurements...
Table 1: Characteristics of the existing radiometers (ANSR-E and WindSat). The desired values
for future observation missions are shown in parentheses.
conducted by the authors (in collaboration with HPS, Germany), where dPAFs were
investigated in both CS and more advanced push-broom congurations. This study
has demonstrated that with dPFAs we could satisfy all the challenging radiometric
requirements, but at the expenses of a large number of array elements [3, 4]. To deter-
mine the optimum number of elements and their excitations, we developed a dedicated
procedure maximizing the beam eciency or the beam sensitivity (as formulated by
TICRA and CHALMERS, respectively), while minimizing the distance-to-land [5, 6].
First, this procedure was applied to reduce the number of elements in the dPAFs
for the push-broom antenna, while for the conical scanner which needs relatively
smaller array feeds we used a simplied Conjugate Field Matching (CFM) based
approach. In this paper, we apply this dedicated procedure to the conical-scan case
and show its advantages.
These simulations have been used as the starting point of our research on dPAFs
in order to quantitatively illustrate fundamental limitations of conventional feed tech-
nologies. Indeed, as the results in Figures 1(e-h) show, the cross-polarization power
2. Limitations of horn feeds
Focal point
To form taper -50 dB @ θ sub=35°
To form taper -25 dB @ θ sub=35°
To form taper -10 dB @ θ sub=35°
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
in cross−polar, [%]
Distance to land, [km]
50 4
Requirement Requirement
Relative power
30 2
10 0
−60 −50 −40 −30 −20 −10 −60 −50 −40 −30 −20 −10
Gaussian beam taper @ 35 deg, [dB] Gaussian beam taper @ 35 deg, [dB]
(e) (f )
Directivity, [dB]
(g) (h)
Figure 1: (b) Simulated locations and aperture diameters of the horn feeds at C, X and Ku frequency
bands for three dierent values of the illumination taper; (b) Illumination pattern of the Gaussian
feed with the optimal relative taper toward the edge of reector of -25dB and (c-d) Co- and cross-
polarization patterns of the reector antenna. (e-h) Radiometer characteristics, i.e. the distance-to-
land, relative cross-polarization power, footprint size and directivity as function of the illumination
taper of the Gaussian feed.
Paper J. Enabling High-sensitivity Near-land Radiometric Measurements...
for the conical-scan radiometer can only be minimized by strongly tapering the feed
pattern, but this leads to the increase of the footprint size and distance-to-land, and
hence the diculties to satisfy the sensitivity requirements (more horn/receivers may
be needed). The shortest distance-to-land that can be achieved with this tapering
approach is ∼ 20 km for the taper value of −25dB, for which the realized cross-
polarization power is at least 3 times higher than the desired 0.34%. The radiometer
characteristics for the optimal taper value are also summarized in Table 3.
Number of elements
Band Array size
X-orient. Y-orient. Total
C 6.0 × 5.3λ 64 63 127
X 6.0 × 11.3λ 128 135 263
Ku 8.3 × 10.5λ 165 168 333
In the course of this study, some assumptions and simplications were made in
order to limit the complexity of the phased array feed. One of these assumption
was that the array has identical embedded element patterns, which were modeled
for the case for a half wavelength dipole antenna array with 0.75 wavelength inter-
element separation distance, located above an innite ground plane. Furthermore,
for the conical scanner, a simple beamforming method was applied to determine the
optimal excitation coecients of the feed array elements. This method is based on
the Conjugate Field Matching (CFM) approach that has been conventionally used
as a feed synthesis technique for horn feeds [10]. The core of this approach is to
analyze the focal region eld of a reector antenna (in the absence of the feed) for an
incident plane wave (PW), and then calculate the desired size of the feed aperture,
which should conjugately match the truncated reference focal-eld distribution. One
of the limitations of this CFM method is that the optimal taper of the incident plane
wave (that is typically used to control side-lobe levels) is a priory not known, and
if not determined correctly can yield an over-estimated feed size or unsatisfactory
beam performance. This limitation can be critical, especially when applying CFM to
3. Arrays feeds: CFM beamforming
in cross−polar, [%]
0.4 beam 1
beam 1
Relative power
40 beam 2
beam 2
30 0.2 Requirement
10 0
−50 −45 −40 −35 −30 −25 −20 −50 −45 −40 −35 −30 −25 −20
Incident PW taper @ reflector edge, [dB] Incident PW taper @ reflector edge, [dB]
(a) (b)
beam 1
Directivity, [dB]
FPS, (across track) beam 2
30 Average 48
20 46
−50 −45 −40 −35 −30 −25 −20 −50 −45 −40 −35 −30 −25 −20
PW taper @ reflector edge, [dB] Incident PW taper @ reflector edge, [dB]
(c) (d)
−44.0 −34.9 −26.7 −26.5 −29.8 −54.6 −44.9 −47.4
−35.9 −20.3 −12.9 −11.5 −16.0 −27.1 −60.7 −50.9
−23.7 −11.6 −4.5 −3.1 −7.1 −17.0 −30.4 −51.5
−16.6 −7.1 −1.3 0.0 −3.5 −11.3 −23.4 −38.9
−13.6 −6.2 −2.4 −1.8 −4.2 −10.0 −19.2 −31.6
−13.3 −8.6 −6.8 −7.2 −8.6 −12.2 −18.9 −28.7
−16.0 −14.1 −14.4 −14.7 −16.5 −17.8 −21.3 −28.4
−21.7 −23.4 −23.4 −25.4 −25.4 −27.8 −27.4 −29.6
(e) (f )
(g) (h)
Figure 2: CFM beamforming approach: (a-d) Radiometer characteristics, i.e. the distance-to-land,
relative cross-polarization power, footprint size and directivity as function of the incident plane wave
taper; (e) Excitation coecients of the PAF at C-band, dB, as obtained with the CFM approach
for the plane wave taper of -30 dB as an example, (f ) corresponding illumination pattern, (g-h) co-
and cross-polarization patterns of the reector antenna.
Paper J. Enabling High-sensitivity Near-land Radiometric Measurements...
design PAFs, which can have a large number of active antenna elements and exhibit
strong mutual coupling eects.
Y, [m]
-0.15 -0.1 -0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2
X, [m]
Figure 3: Original (black) and enlarged (green) dual-polarized phased array feeds for C-band.
Figure 2(a-d) presents the results of a parametric study aimed to determine the
optimal value of the plane wave taper that could meet the performance specications
at C-band (see Array I in Table 3). As seen, with the given array size and utilized
CFM optimization approach, the performance upper bound in terms of the distance-
to-land is 18 and 20 km that is similar to that with the Gaussian feed, while the
relative cross-polarization power is signicantly better (0.20% vs. 1.04%). Figure 2(e-
h) shows the element excitation coecients and antenna patterns for the optimum
PW taper value of -30dB.
As one can notice from the Figure 2(e), the excitation coecients at the left
edge of the array have relatively high amplitude values (> −14 dB). Therefore, an
improvement in the radiometer performance can be expected by adding additional
column of antenna elements. The enlarged in such way array is shown on Figure 3,
where newly added elements are denoted by green color. The radiometer character-
istics for this array (Array II) are also summarized in Table 3. A better performance
is observed now, where most of the requirements are satised, though with the larger
array of 30 more antenna elements.
4. Arrays feeds: Max. Sensitivity - Min. Distance-to-Land beamforming
−44.7 −32.4 −25.7 −22.9 −24.3 −28.8 −39.1 −44.2
−36.6 −21.8 −12.5 −9.5 −12.0 −20.2 −39.7 −41.5
−36.7 −16.9 −5.8 −2.1 −5.4 −16.5 −33.4 −37.4
−27.9 −13.9 −3.9 −0.0 −3.2 −12.5 −26.8 −46.2
−21.0 −11.4 −4.8 −2.5 −4.0 −10.0 −21.3 −42.4
−19.2 −11.5 −8.4 −7.6 −7.4 −9.9 −17.1 −29.6
−20.1 −14.7 −14.0 −13.6 −13.9 −13.6 −17.3 −25.5
−23.1 −19.7 −19.2 −20.1 −21.0 −20.5 −20.6 −26.0
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 4: MSMDL beamforming approach: (a) Excitation coecients of the PAF at C-band, (b)
corresponding illumination pattern, (c-d) co- and cross-polarization patterns of the reector antenna.
All values are in dB.
Paper J. Enabling High-sensitivity Near-land Radiometric Measurements...
C−1 e with with SNR = eH wMaxSNR , where where the vector e = [e1 , . . . , eN ]T holds
the signal-wave amplitudes at the receiver outputs and arises due to an externally
applied electromagnetic plane wave Ei ; and C is a Hermitian spectral noise-wave
correlation matrix holding the correlation coecients between the outputs of the
array receiving system.
If we assume a noiseless receiver system, the matrix C represents the antenna noise
correlation matrix. The elements of C can be calculated through the pattern-overlap
integrals between fn (Ω) and fm (Ω), which are the nth and mth embedded element
pattern of the array (dened after the reection from the dish), respectively [12], i.e.,
Cmn = Text (Ω)[fm (Ω) · fn∗ (Ω)] dΩ, where Text (Ω) is the brightness temperature dis-
tribution of the environment. To meet the radiometer requirements [3], the function
Text (Ω) is chosen such that it has low temperature values in the region of the expected
main lobe and high values outside of this region. In this way, we realize the maxi-
mization of the beam eciency, while minimizing the side-lobe and cross-polarization
power outside of this region.
The resulting excitation coecients and antenna patterns for the smaller array
(Array I) are shown on Figure 4 and the radiometer characteristics are summarized in
Table 3. These results clearly demonstrate the advantage of the MSMDL beamform-
ing approach to determine the minimum number of antenna elements, as compared
to the CFM approach. Further minor reduction in the array size could be possible
for the MSMDL beamformer, but this has to be still studied.
5 Conclusions
The authors acknowledge the Swedish Research Council for providing partial support
to this work as well as Kees van 't Klooster for many fruitful discussions.
[1] P. W. Gaiser, The WindSat spaceborne polarimetric microwave radiometer:
Sensor description and early orbit performance, IEEE Trans. Geo. Rem. Sens-
ing, vol. 42, no. 11, pp. 591603, Nov. 2004.
Paper J. Enabling High-sensitivity Near-land Radiometric Measurements...
Paper K
The layout of this paper has been revised in order to comply with the rest of
the thesis.
Multi-Beam Focal Plane Arrays with Digital
Beamforming for High Precision Space-Borne
Remote Sensing
O. A. Iupikov, M. V. Ivashina, N. Skou, C. Cappellin, K. Pontoppidan,
K. v. 't Klooster
1 Introduction
Microwave radiometry is a highly versatile method of remote sensing, capable of de-
livering measurements of a variety of geophysical properties of the ocean and atmo-
sphere, even through clouds. The retrieval methods distinguish the individual eects
of dierent geophysical properties by using the frequency and polarization state of
the microwave radiation detected by the antenna. Despite such versatility, the ex-
ploitation of microwave radiometry in Earth observation has been constrained by the
diculties of generating antenna beams with low side-lobes and cross-polarization,
and accomodating several feeds operating at dierent frequencies, when deploying the
antenna on a satellite platform [1]. In particular, for high resolutions demanded by
oceanographers, the current antenna designs would need to be scaled up to a physical
Paper K. Multi-Beam Focal Plane Arrays with Digital Beamforming for...
size that is too large to be achievable or aordable within typical Earth observation
infrastructure budgets. For this reason, space agencies have been seeking solutions
to overcome what seems at present to be an unpassable barrier to further signicant
improvement of a whole class of remote sensing methods.
The European Space Agency (ESA) is currently considering the ocean missions
where extreme weather, climate variability, coastal and marginal-ice-zone studies
are strong drivers [2, 3]. These studies require a very high radiometric resolution, i.e.
around 0.25 Kelvin, and at the same time a high spatial resolution approaching 20 km
at C and X bands and 10 km at Ku band (see Table 1) [4]. This desired performance
represents a signicant improvement compared with existing space-borne radiometer
systems, such as AMSR-E and WindSat [5,6]. They feature spatial resolutions around
55 km, 35 km, and 20 km at the C, X, and Ku bands, and the radiometric resolution
provided by AMSR-E is 0.3 K at C band and 0.6 K at X and Ku band, while for
WindSat it is around 0.7 K. Moreover, future systems are required to provide valid
observations up to very short distances from the coastline, i.e. 5-15 km, while the
existing systems can observe only up to ∼ 100 km.
It can be shown that the desired spatial resolution calls for a reector antenna with
∼ 5 m aperture diameter [7]; that is considerably larger than any radiometer antenna
own hitherto. On the other hand, for all three frequency bands the bandwidths
are limited to a few hundreds of MHz, that makes it possible (at least in theory)
to achieve very low noise temperatures of the receivers. However, even the most
optimistic receiver noise properties cannot ensure the required radiometric resolution
when considering a single beam scanning system (see Fig. 1(a)). For a scanner, the
only solution is to employ several independent beams per frequency, and improve
radiometric resolution by integrating several footprints. This calls for a large number
of overlapping beams in the present case up to 30 beams at Ku-band. An alternative
is a push-broom system [8, 9], where many beams cover the swath simultaneously,
as illustrated in Fig. 1(b). Using traditional feeds, each antenna beam is associated
with its own receiver, and high radiometric resolution is achieved thanks to the fact
that the signals associated with multiple across-track footprints do not have to be
multiplexed through a single receiver. Radiometric resolution is no longer a problem,
but a more complicated antenna design (a tilted parabolic torus reector) is needed
as well as many beams for the present case up to 156 at Ku-band. Realizing these,
while correcting for the antenna eld distortions causing the well-known triangular
footprints and their large separation on the Earth [8, 9], represents a great challenge.
Also the implementation of this concept should be feasible regarding the resource
requirements, i.e. the size, mass and power consumption.
As demonstrated in this study (see Sec. 4), the above radiometric requirements
cannot be fullled by using traditional cluster feeds of horns (in one-horn-per-beam
conguration), employed at such multi-frequency radiometer antennas. Recent stud-
ies supported by ESA [1013] have identied a promising solution that originates
2. From oceonagraphic requirements to antenna system specifications
from the eld of radio astronomy [1420], where instrument designs have evolved to
meet the high-sensitivity and large-coverage requirements of ground based observa-
tories exploring the universe without the above challenges. This solution is based on
`dense' focal plane arrays (FPAs), where many small antenna elements take part in
the formation of each beam (so that each beam can be optimized for high performace,
even far o-axis beams) and the same element takes part in the formation of multiple
beams (so that the footprints overlap), thanks to digital beamforming. Although
the basic principles of these systems are rather similar to those in radio astronomy,
there are many dierences, which are related to application specic requirements.
These requirements will be discussed in Sec. 2, and transtated into antenna system
specications and beam characteristics to optimize for. The reector antenna ge-
ometries used in this study are briey described in Sec. 3. Section 5 will cover the
synthesis of FPAs for such systems, and include the following original contributions:
(i) a dedicated optimum-beamforming algorithm minimizing the distance to coast;
(ii) optimized antenna patterns and radiometric parameters as obtained for the
half-wavelength dipole element FPAs that fulll all above requirements with al-
most twice less elements in comparison to the conventional conjugate-eld-matching
optimization approach [10]; and (iii) validation of the simplied array model with the
assumed identical embeded element patterns [10, 12] across the full MoM model for
the purpose of the FPA synthesis. Finally, digital receiver resource requirements will
be considered in Sec. 6.
Paper K. Multi-Beam Focal Plane Arrays with Digital Beamforming for...
Figure 1: Operational principle of (left) the conical scan and (right) push-broom microwave ra-
diometers for ocean remote sensing.
where θ3dBL and θ3dBT are the half-power beamwidths of the antenna main beam
along the elevation and azimuth directions, respectively, ν is the incidence angle as
measured from the normal to the Earth's surface and Y is the distance from the
satellite to the observation point on the Earth.
The FP is directly related to the antenna beamwidth, and hence determines its
aperture diameter. This diameter should be at least 5 m for the present case (ν = 53
and Y = 1243 km) in order to realize the FP of 20 km at C-band. Since for the
considered system, the same antenna is used at dierent bands, the same FP cannot
be obtained at both C- and X-bands. The required FP shall therefore be considered
a guideline and values both slightly above and below are acceptable. The important
factor is that the beam crossover points should be at the -3 dB level. This means
that if the FP is reduced, more beams are needed to cover a particular region on the
2. From oceonagraphic requirements to antenna system specifications
Th , one can select the co-polar component as the horizontal polarization. The cross-
polarization component of the pattern, however, will pick up the vertical component
of the radiation from the sea, which has a temperature of 150 K. Using the assumption
that the amount of radiation received from the sky is negligible, it is sucient to
consider the antenna pattern in the angular region covering the Earth only, and
hence compute the total temperature as Tb = Tv Pcross + Th Pco , where Pco and Pcross
are the co- and cross-polarization received powers in the angular region of the Earth.
Then, ∆T can be found as
where Pcross is the acceptable relative cross-polarization power of the antenna pattern
that coverers the Earth. Using (2), one can show that the requirement for the ∆T =
0.25 K can be satised only if Pcross does not exceed 0.34 %.
∆T = Tb − Th = (Tland − Th ) . (4)
We will now determine Dc by the help of Fig. 2, where we have assumed a straight
coastline and a circular symmetric beam with the beamwidth of θ3dB . The beam is
located over the sea and the distance from the peak to the coast is indicated by the
angle θc , while the power in the cone with semi-angle θc is denoted by Pc . The power
outside this cone is Pco − Pc and approximately half of this power will fall on the
land, so we have Pland = (Pco − Pc )/2. Substituting this into (4) gives
Pc 2∆T
=1− . (5)
Pco Tland − Th
Paper K. Multi-Beam Focal Plane Arrays with Digital Beamforming for...
Pc 2 × 0.25
≥1− = 0.9972. (6)
Pco Tland − Th
This equation shows that the required accuracy is obtained when the coastline is
located outside a cone around the main beam containing 99.72% of the total power
on the Earth. Hence, in order to reduceDc , one should minimize this cone. Then Dc
can be dened as the angular dierence θc − θ3dB projected on the Earth surface, i.e.,
It should be noted that for non-symmetric patterns, the same procedure can be used,
where the resulting distance to coast should be an average value for all antenna
pattern cuts.
Tsys Trec + Tb
∆Tmin = √ = √ , (8)
Nb Bτ Nb Bτ
where τ is the integration interval, B is the radiometer eective bandwidth, Trec is
the receiver noise temperature, and Nb is the number of beams. Since Th Tv , it is
more aected by the erroneous power signal from land.
The required ∆Tmin can be achieved by making a trade-o between Nb for a given
reector diameter, and complexity of the feed. For a conically scanning antenna,
rotating at 11.5 RPM, Nb in the along-track direction is selected such to cover the
same strip width on the Earth at each frequency band. To reach the required ∆Tmin
we need:
For a push-broom case, the antenna is stationary, and its ∆Tmin is about one
order of magnitude better than the one for the scanner. This is at the expense of a
very large Nb , and correspondingly large number of receivers. For a swath of 600 km
we need:
3. Reflector antenna design
Thi=i75iK 99.72 ittingi eami
e r ih theiEa
pow rthi
- 3i d B
Beami θ 3
peak θci
Dista D c
to c a
Coast Tlandi=i250iK
Figure 2: Footprint falling on the sea near a coast: illustration for the denition of the distance to
coast Dc .
For both cases listed above, we have considered a FP overlap of ∼ 30% both
along track and across track to assure accurate sampling of the temperature scene
on-ground, and the values of B and Trec as shown in the Table 1 and Table 2 [7].
Paper K. Multi-Beam Focal Plane Arrays with Digital Beamforming for...
elliptical apertures as the conical scanner, and toroidal single- and dual-reector an-
tennas for the push-broom concept. The sections below describe the selected conical
scanner and push-broom antenna implementations.
The conical scan antenna is a conventional oset paraboloid with projected aper-
ture D of 5 m and circular rim. The clearance is set to 1 meter in order to provide
space for the feed cluster and the focal length f is set to 3 m in order to make the
design more compact.
The push-broom antenna is a torus reector with projected aperture D of 5 m.
The torus is obtained by rotating a section of a parabolic arc around a rotation axis.
The focal length of the parabolic generator is also 5 m. A possible way of obtaining
the torus is shown in Fig. 3: the feed axis is selected parallel to the rotation axis,
implying that all feed element axes are parallel and orthogonal to the focal plane.
The array feed becomes therefore planar, simplifying the mechanical and electrical
design. The antenna shall be able to provide a scan of ±20 corresponding to a swath
width of 600 km. The reector rim is found by intersecting the torus surface by the
◦ ◦
feed cone up to the out-most scan positions of 20 and −20 (see Fig.3 in [10]). The
antenna projected aperture is 5 × 7.5 m.
4. Limitations of cluster feeds of horns
i.e. 100 mm size. Consequently, it was proposed to construct the reector as a doubly
curved CFRS (Carbon Fibre Reinforced Silicon) surface (see Fig. 4.). The triangular
net is maintained to support the CFRS but the size of the triangles can be much
larger, around 400 mm.
Paper K. Multi-Beam Focal Plane Arrays with Digital Beamforming for...
Dc, [km]
Requirement Requirement
Dc, [km]
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
-60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10
Gauss beam taper @ 35 deg, [dB] Gauss beam taper @ 23.9 deg, [dB]
(a) (d)
Requirement Requirement
1 1
0.5 0.5
0 0
-60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10
Gauss beam taper @ 35 deg, [dB] Gauss beam taper @ 23.9 deg, [dB]
(b) (e)
FP, [km]
C,X-bands C,X-bands
20 20
15 15
10 10 Ku-band
5 5
-60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10
Gauss beam taper @ 35 deg, [dB] Gauss beam taper @ 23.9 deg, [dB]
(c) (f )
Figure 5: Radiometer characteristics, i.e. the distance-to-land, relative cross-polarization power and
footprint size, as function of the illumination taper of the Gaussian feed for (a-c) the conical scanner
and (d-f ) push-broom antenna conguration. The corresponding aperture diameter of the optimal
circular horn [23, 24] is shown on the top axis.
high coma-side lobes and non-circular main lobe of the focal eld distribution of the
torus reector (see Fig. K.8(b)) cannot be accurately sampled by a single (horn)
antenna feed; and this is the reason of the high side-lobe of the antenna far-eld
pattern (see Figs. 7(a-c)), and hence too large distance-to-coast. In contrast, dense
FPAs are capable of handeling these complexities, as will be demonstrated in the
following section.
5. Dense Focal Plane Arrays
◦ xp,
co, φ=0 ◦
co, φ=0
◦ co, φ=0◦
co, φ=45 ◦
30 30 co, φ=45 30 φ=45◦
|Gco |, |Gxp |,
|Gco |, |Gxp |,
|Gco |, |Gxp |,
◦ co,
co, φ=90 ◦
co, φ=90
co, φ=90◦
Conical scanner
20 20 20
10 10 10
0 0 0
−5 −5 −5
−4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 −2 −1 0 1 2
θ, [deg] θ, [deg] θ, [deg]
50 50 51.76 50
48.86 xp, φ=0◦
xp, φ=45
xp, φ=45 ◦ xp, φ=45◦
40 40 40
xp, φ=90 xp, φ=90◦ xp,
co, φ=0
co, φ=0◦ co, φ=0◦
30 30 30 φ=45◦
|Gco |, |Gxp |,
|Gco |, |Gxp |,
|Gco |, |Gxp |,
co, φ=45 co, φ=45◦ co,
co, φ=90
co, φ=90◦ co, φ=90◦
20 20 20
10 10 10
0 0 0
−5 −5 −5
−4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 −2 −1 0 1 2
θ, [deg] θ, [deg] θ, [deg]
(d) (e) (f )
Figure 6: Far-eld pattern cuts for the conical scanner antenna at (a,d) C-band, (b,e) X-band, and
(c,f ) Ku-band, when the feed is (a-c) the Gaussian horn feed illuminating the reector edge with
the taper -30 dB, and (d-e) FPA with the optimum beamforming.
Paper K. Multi-Beam Focal Plane Arrays with Digital Beamforming for...
co, φ=0 co, co, φ=90◦
co, φ=45 co, φ=90◦
30 30 30
|Gco |, |Gxp |,
|Gco |, |Gxp |,
|Gco |, |Gxp |,
co, φ=90
20 20 20
10 10 10
0 0 0
−5 −5 −5
−4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 −2 −1 0 1 2
θ, [deg] θ, [deg] θ, [deg]
xp, φ=45
◦ co, φ=0◦ co, φ=0◦
co, φ=0
φ=45◦ co, φ=45◦
30 ◦ 30 co, 30
|Gco |, |Gxp |,
|Gco |, |Gxp |,
|Gco |, |Gxp |,
co, φ=45
◦ co, φ=90◦ co, φ=90◦
co, φ=90
20 20 20
10 10 10
0 0 0
−5 −5 −5
−4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 −2 −1 0 1 2
θ, [deg] θ, [deg] θ, [deg]
(d) (e) (f )
Figure 7: Far-eld pattern cuts for the push-broom radiometer antenna at (a,d) C-band, (b,e) X-
band, and (c,f ) Ku-band, when the feed is (a-c) the Gaussian horn feed illuminating the reector
edge with the taper -30 dB, and (d-e) FPA with the optimum beamforming.
5. Dense Focal Plane Arrays
(a) (b)
Figure 8: Focal eld distributions of multiple plane waves incident on (a) the conical scan reector
antenna and (b) torus reector antenna at C-, X- and Ku-bands, as calculated using the Physical
Optics software GRASP10. For each band, the eld distributions are shown for two beam directions
and overlaid with the array grids.
Efar (θ, φ) = αi Efar,i (θ, φ), (9)
where Efar,i is the eld due to element i, Nel is the total number of elements; and αi
is the corresponding complex excitation coecient. The radiated power within the
cone of half-angle θc can be written as
Z 2π Z θc
Pc (θc ) = |Efar (θ, φ)|2 sin θ dθ dφ, (10)
0 0
Paper K. Multi-Beam Focal Plane Arrays with Digital Beamforming for...
by π/2 and the reector patterns Efar,i are replaced by the array element patterns
Efar,array,i . Again the power Ptot becomes a quadratic polynomial in the variables α
such that
For a given value of θc it is thus desired to nd the excitations α that maximize the
Pc (θc ) αH Aα
= H , (13)
Ptot α Cα
It can be shown that the maximum value of this ratio is the maximum eigenvalue λ
of the expression
Aα = λCα, (14)
and that the vector holding the complex excitation coecients are given by the
corresponding eigenvector.
Spillover loss
10 0 towards the 0
sky is 3.2%
Subtended angle
Co-polar, H-plane
|Gco |, |Gxp |,
Xp-polar, D-plane
−5 −15
|Gco |,
|Gco |,
−10 −20
−15 −25
Figure 9: (a) All embedded element patterns of the C-band FPA for the conical scanner at E-, H-
and D-planes, as obtained through the Method of Moments in CAESAR software [28], where the
bold lines correspond to the central antenna element of the array; (b) beamformed far-eld pattern
cuts of the FPA within the reector subtended angle region for the conical scan antenna, and (c)
far-eld pattern cuts of the reector antenna for beam 1. The solid lines correspond to the MoM
array model, dashed lines represent the model with the assumed identical embedded element patters
of the array, and the thin solid lines show the relative normalized dierence between the antenna
patterns obtained with the above models.
The present optimisation method is similar to the one reported in [12] which is
based on a more general Signal-To-Noise-Ratio algorithm but simpler to implement.
Since for the considered application scenario, the optimization is strongly driven by
the acceptable side-lobe and cross-polarization power of the antenna, the radiometric
performances obtained by the two algorithms are very similar.
5. Dense Focal Plane Arrays
demonstrated in Figs 6(d-f ) and 7(d-f ). This results in signicantly better radiomet-
ric characteristics for both systems. As one can see in Table 4, the realized Dc of the
conical scanner is 6.6-14 km and Pcross is only 0.10-0.15% (i.e. about one order of
magnitude better than the horn feed); for the push-broom radiometer, the respective
quantities are less than 16 km (while the horn feed cannot fulll this requirement)
and 0.08-0.12% (i.e. 3 times better than the horn feed). Furthermore, the latter sys-
tem has wide scan-range performance, where the characteristics of all multiple beams
within the angular range of ±20 deg are virtually identical, thanks to the symmetry
of the torus reector in the azimuthal plane and the moon-like shape of the FPA that
matches the focal line of the reector (see Fig. 8(b)).
Table 4: Radiometric characteristics of the conical scanner and push-broom systems for the Gaussian
horn and FPA. The values in brackets are for the full MoM array model, and the other values are
when assuming identical embedded element patterns
The accuracy of the above analysis (that is based on the assumption of identical
array element patterns) has been evaluated by cross-comparing the antenna patterns
and corresponding radiometric characteristics with those obtained through the full
MoM model. Fig. 9 shows the results for C-band, as the worse case scenario among
the considered ones. As seen, the relative dierence between the far-eld patterns
obtained with the simplied and more rigorous FPA models is negligible, so as the
dierence between the corresponding sets of radiometric characteristics (see Table 4).
This observation might appear count-intuitive, given a signicant variation between
the embedded element patterns (EEPs) of the array, as shown in Fig. K.9(a). How-
Paper K. Multi-Beam Focal Plane Arrays with Digital Beamforming for...
ever, one should realize that the optimal pattern of the feed leading to the minimum
distance to land represents a combined eect of the EEPs and element excitation coef-
cients. Hence, when the optimization algorithm is applied to the set of non-identical
EEPs, the excitation coecients are modied with respect to that determined for the
identical EEP case. For the considered arrays with more than 100 dipole antenna
elements, the resultant optimal feed patterns have been found very similar for both
array models (see the example for C-band in Fig. 9(b,c)). This observation, however,
may not be valid for arrays with fewer and denser-spaced elements.
6 Receiver considerations
In this section, we briey consider receiver resource requirements in order to see if
implementation of the present antenna concept is feasible and realistic. We con-
sider the receiver where the signals from dierent antenna elements contribute to
more than one beam, and each antenna element is connected to its own receiver,
followed by an A/D converter. The beam-forming process takes place in an Field
Programmable Gate Array (FPGA), using complex digital multipliers and adders.
Both the scanner and the push-broom system require a large number of elements to
fulll the radiometric requirements. Hence resource requirements concerning the size,
mass and especially power consumption, is an important issue.
A study of state-of-the-art microwave components, assuming a super-heterodyne
receiver (see Fig.7 in [29]), has been carried out. It has been found that at the
considered frequency bands, most components are small and light weight, and thus
volume and mass are not deemed to be a problematic issue. Power consumption has
dropped dramatically over the past decade, and 1 W per receiver is now a realistic
estimate. Furthermore, the output signals from FPA elements have to be optimally
combined in a dedicated beamforming network to form the desired antenna beams.
This involves a number of FPGAs and the average power consumption is estimated to
be 0.24 W per receiver. Future radiometers must include intelligent RFI detection and
mitigation processors. Based on a representative case study of such a processor [30],
the power consumption can be estimated to be 0.14 W per receiver.
In summary, the power estimate is: 1 + 0.24 + 0.14 = 1.38 W per receiver, using
present state-of-the-art components. The total number of receivers is 6228 in the
push-broom case. This results in a total power consumption of 8.6 kW, which is not
realistic today. For the scanner with 723 receivers, the estimate is 1000 W a large
number, but feasible.
The present study is a preparation for the future, and it is of interest to base
a power budget on realistic developments over a 5 years time frame. Already now,
A/D converters able to sub-sample signals up to X-band are available in research
labs, and within very few years Ku band is also possible. Thus we do not need the
super-heterodyne layout, and the local oscillator and its power consumption, can be
7. Conclusions
avoided. The new, fast A/D converters use very small signal levels typically around
−35 dBm, and hence not much gain is needed in the receiver (also saving on power).
The development concerning amplier power consumption is also impressive. For
global power budget estimates we can within a few years assume ∼ 35 mW per
receiver. If we assume a similar reduction for processing circuitry, the result is 9 mW
for the beam forming network, and 5 mW for the RFI processor, i.e. 49 mW per
receiver. For the push-broom system this amounts to a total power consumption of
305 W, which is certainly realistic. For the scanner the estimate is about 35 W.
7 Conclusions
Existing space-borne microwave radiometers that are used for the assessment of ocean
parameters like salinity, temperature, and wind can provide valid observations only
up to ∼ 100 km from the coastline, and hence do not allow for monitoring of the
coastal areas and ice-edge polar seas, and measuring under extreme wind and weather
conditions. To achieve the desired precision, as required for future missions, we
propose digitally-beamforming dense focal plane arrays (FPAs) previously not used
in space-borne applications, employed either in a traditional conical-scan o-set
parabolic reector antenna or in a wide-scan torus reector system.
When synthesized and excited according to the proposed optimum beamforming
procedure aiming to minimize the signal contamination given by the side-lobes
and cross-polarization of antenna beams covering the land, the number of the
FPA antenna elements and associated receivers can be kept to minimum. In this
procedure, the input parameters include the number of array elements, their positions
and the secondary embedded element patterns (EEPs), which are computed after
the illumination of the reector antenna, and the output parameters are the optimal
complex-valued element excitations. Although, the primary EEPs are generally not
identical, due to the array antenna mutual coupling and edge truncation eects, for
the considered FPAs with more than 100 dipole antenna elements and inter-element
spacing of 0.75λ, it has been found sucient to use a single primary EEP, i.e. the
one for a central element of the array, as the source of the secondary EEPs for all
elements in order to accurately predict the achievable radiometric characteristics.
For both types of radiometers, the realized resolutions are at least twice higher
than the values provided by the current systems, and the distance to coastline is
as short as 6-15 km. This excellent performance was shown to be impossible with
traditional multi-frequency FPAs of horns in one-horn-per-beam conguration, as
these cannot compensate for the high cross-polarization of o-axis beams in conical-
scanners, and produce unacceptably high side-lobes due to severe focal-eld under-
sampling eects in torus reector systems.
Our analysis of realistic developments of digital processors predicts acceptable
receiver resources budget for such multi-beam radiometers within a 5 years time
Paper K. Multi-Beam Focal Plane Arrays with Digital Beamforming for...
[1] C. Prigent, F. Aires, F. Bernardo, J.-C. Orlhac, J.-M. Goutoule, H. Roquet, and
C. Donlon, Analysis of the potential and limitations of microwave radiometry
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[3] N. Reul, B. Chapron, T. Lee, C. Donlon, J. Boutin, and G. Alory, Sea surface
salinity structure of the meandering Gulf stream revealed by SMOS sensor,
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[7] N. Skou and D. L. Vine, Microwave Radiometer Systems: Design & Analysis.
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multi-beam spaceborne radiometers, in Proc. European Conference on Antennas
and Propag. (EuCAP), Lisbon, Portugal, Apr. 2015, pp. 15.
[14] J. Fisher and R. Bradley, Full-sampling array feeds for radio telescopes, in Proc.
SPIE, Radio Telescopes, vol. 4015, Munich, Germany, Jul. 2000, pp. 308318.
[17] B. Veidt, T. Burgess, R. Messing, G. Hovey, and R. Smegal, The DRAO phased
array feed demonstrator: Recent results, in 13th Int. Symp. on Antenna Tech-
nology and Applied Electromagnetics and the Canadian Radio Science Meeting,
ANTEM/URSI 2009, Ban, Canada, Feb. 2009, pp. 14.
[19] Y. Wu, X. Zhang, B. Du, C. Jin, L. Zhang, and K. Zhu, Design of antenna array
for the L-band phased array feed for FAST, in Antennas Propagation (ISAP),
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2013 Proceedings of the International Symposium on, Nanjing, China, Oct. 2013,
pp. 1113.
[25] S. Contu and F. M. Marinelli, The antenna system for the multi-frequency
imaging microwave radiometer: M.I.M.R, inAntennas and Propagation Society
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Paper L
The layout of this paper has been revised in order to comply with the rest of
the thesis.
Prediction of Far-Field Pattern Characteristics of
Phased Array Fed Reector Antennas by
Modeling Only a Small Part of the Array Case
Study of Spaceborne Radiometer Antennas
O. A. Iupikov, A. A. Roev, M. V. Ivashina
1 Introduction
Recent advances in radio-frequency and digital electronics have allowed for the design
of novel antenna systems, which have superior beamforming capabilities. Examples
of such systems are spaceborne antennas for ocean surveillance and satellite commu-
nication; these systems are capable to provide multiple high-eciency beams (with
extremely low side-lobes or cross-polarization) and operate at several frequency bands
(typically L-, C-, X and Ku-bands), while having a compact single-antenna design.
These challenging requirements can be met by using dense focal plane arrays (FPAs)
feeding a reector (or a lens), or directly-radiating sparse irregular arrays [1, 2]. How-
ever, there are common problems with such large and multi-scale antenna designs,
including fast and accurate electromagnetic analysis as well as cost-ecient prototype
development. Dierent approaches have been proposed to overcome these problems
for the sparse arrays, where performance of the whole antenna system is evaluated
through the analysis of a small part of it (e.g. [1, 2]).
Paper L. Prediction of Far-Field Pattern Characteristics of Phased...
In this work we address this problem for the case of FPA systems, and in particular
present a validated simplied approach where a reduced-size FPA simulations are used
to predict the performance of the whole array feeding the reector antenna.
1.404 − 19 V, H 0.15 0.25 100 50-100
6.8 − 7.0 200 V, H 0.30 0.25 20 15-20
7.2 − 7.4
3. Array antenna design
use for this purpose the requirements in Table 1. To simplify the prototyping phase,
our focus will be on the high frequency performance only (C-band), for which the
small-size array demonstrator has only 24 elements, while the operational bandwidth
of the designed full-scale array covers both L- and C-bands.
to improve the matching for the reference impedance of 50 Ohm (in opposite
to the original design, where 70 Ohm LNAs are used).
Thus a new element geometry of a dual-polarized phased array has been optimized
and analyzed with the aid of periodic boundary conditions. The slotline width, rate
of exponential slotline, cavity length, stub radius and stripline width were chosen as
variable parameters. The main goal was to achieve the impedance matching condition
with magnitude of the active reection coecient less than −10 dB within ±45 deg
scan range. The optimization have been performed with the commercially available
EM software HFSS and CST.
The nal antenna and feed geometries with dimensions are shown in Fig. L.1(a)
and L.1(b), respectively. Tapered slot prole is determined by curve:
y = C1 eRx + C2 , (1)
where R is the rate of exponential slotline, and coecients C1 and C2 are dened as
− y1
C1 = (2)
− eRx1
e 2
y1 eRx2 − y2 eRx1
C2 = , (3)
eRx2 − eRx1
where points (x1 , y1 ) and (x2 , y2 ) determine a slot width in the excitation region and
the aperture, respectively.
Based on the simulations, a prototype of the small-scale dual-polarized array,
comprising 24 elements, was designed and manufactured (Fig. 2). The array antenna
structure consists of 4 orthogonally placed brass sheets with 3 TSA elements per
polarization. All elements are mounted on the 250x250 mm aluminum ground plane.
Each element is excited directly by a PCB feed with the SMA connector located
under the ground plane.
Paper L. Prediction of Far-Field Pattern Characteristics of Phased...
(a) (b)
x1 y1 x2 y2 R
13.21 0.25 82.57 13.92 0.04
Figure 1: Geometrical dimensions of (a) the proposed TSA element and (b) feeding plate. All
dimensions are given in [mm].
1. Simplied model I, where FPA EEPs are phase-shifted versions of the EEP
of the central element (element No.18), which was obtained for the full-scale
2. Simplied model II, where FPA EEPs are phase-shifted versions of the EEP
of the central element (element No.5), which was obtained for the small-sized
array, shown in Fig. L.3(b).
4. Analysis methodology and numerical results
array have been chosen to be a sub-set of the calculated coecients that correspond
to the most strongly excited elements; they are shown in Fig. L.3(d).
To cross-compare the array performances, we have used the active reection co-
ecient [12] of the central element, when all antenna elements are excited with a
certain complex-valued weight, as well as the radiometric characteristics specied in
Table 3.
The full-sized and small-scaled arrays have been modeled using a full-wave ap-
proach and the active reection coecient of the most excited elements are shown
in Fig. 5. The red curve (a) corresponds to the fully-excited full-sized array; dashed
curve (b) is for the same array when only 24 elements (highlighted in Fig. L.3(a)) are
active; and the blue curve (c) corresponds to the most excited element of the small
array, when the same weight coecients are used as for the previous case.
As one can see, the curves (a) and (b) are nearly identical. This is expected,
since they are for the same EM model of the full-sized array, and the array elements
outside the highlighted area are weakly excited, so they have negligible eect on
the central element active reection coecient. The result (c) diers from (b) since
the edge truncation eects are stronger in the smaller array. Nevertheless, the overall
prediction of the reference reection coecient (a) is good enough for such a strongly-
coupled antenna array.
The total primary- and secondary patterns of the array, i.e. the pattern before
and after reection from the dish) are cross-compared for the above cases in Fig. 6
and Fig. 7, respectively.
One can see the overall shape of the co-polar pattern of the reference full-wave
array model has been predicted rather well with both simplied models, however the
cross-polar components obtained with the latter appear to be higher. Similar obser-
Paper L. Prediction of Far-Field Pattern Characteristics of Phased...
29 30 31 32 33 34 35
39 43 47 51 55 59 63 67
22 23 24 25 26 27 28 10 11 12
38 42 46 50 54 58 62 66 15 18 21 24
15 16 17 18 19 20 21 7 8 9
37 41 45 49 53 57 61 65 14 17 20 23
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 4 5 6
36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 13 16 19 22
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3
(a) (b)
0 −30 −20 −10 0
-31.5 -27.3 -30.2 -33.5 -36.9 -37.4
-30.4 -10.1 -4.7 -9.4 -22.0 -33.8 -27.3 -30.2 -33.5
-28.8 -5.2 0.0 -4.3 -18.4 -27.5 -31.5 −20
-10.1 -4.7 -9.4
-30.8 -10.0 -4.6 -9.3 -21.9 -34.5 -5.2 0.0 -4.3
(c) (d)
Figure 3: (a,c) Full-size array and (b,d) small-sized array layouts, and the corresponding weight-
ing coecients of the horizontally-polarized elements at 6.9 GHz (weighting coecients of the
orthogonally-polarized elements are not shown due to their low values), in [dB]
5. Conclusions
Figure 4: (solid lines) The E-, H- and D-plane embedded element pattern (EEP) cuts of the 67-
element array at C-band, simulated with the nite element method in HFSS software (reference
case), where the bold lines denote the EEP of the central element (no. 18) of the full-size array,
used for Simplied model I; and the dashed lines denote the EEP of the central element (no. 5) in
the small-sized array, used for Simplied model II.
5 Conclusions
The simplied modeling approach assuming identical embedded element patterns of
the phased array feed illuminating a large reector has been validated for the case
of a conical scan radiometer antenna fed with a strongly coupled Vivaldi antenna
element array. It has been shown that rather signicant dierences between the
embedded element patterns, introduced by the edge truncation eects, have relatively
weak contribution to the total compound beam of the array, when all elements are
excited to provide optimum illumination. As the result, radiometer characteristics
derived from the antenna far-eld pattern, such as the beam eciency, footprint, and
distance to coast can be predicted almost as equally well as with the full-wave array
model that is important for the antenna system optimization and array prototype
development phase. When applying this approach to applications with stringent
requirements on the cross-polarization, one could expect pessimistic estimation of its
Paper L. Prediction of Far-Field Pattern Characteristics of Phased...
(a) 67-elem array, all active
(b) 67-elem array, 24 active
(c) 24-elem array, all active
|Γact |, [dB]
6.7 6.8 6.9 7 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5
Frequency, [GHz]
Figure 5: Central active reection coecient for (a) full-size array, when all elements are excited to
form the optimum beam; (b) full-size array, when only 24 most strongly excited elements are used
in the calcultion; and (c) 24-element array with the same weight coecients as for the previous case.
The operating frequency bands are shown as green strips.
Subtended angle
−5 Reference model
−10 Simplified model I
|Gco |, |Gxp |, [dB]
Simplified model II
−60 −40 −20 0 20 40 60
θ, [deg]
Figure 6: Comparison of the total primary patterns obtained for the reference full-wave array
model and Simplied models I and II. Solid and dashed lines show the co-polarized (at φ = 0◦ ) and
cross-polarized (at φ = 45 ) eld components, respectively.
Reference model
−10 Simplified model I
Simplified model II
|Gco |, |Gxp |, [dB]
−3 −2.5 −2 −1.5 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
θ, [deg]
Figure 7: Comparison of the total secondary patterns obtained for the reference full-wave array
model and Simplied models I and II. Solid and dashed lines show the co-polarized (at φ = 0◦ ) and
cross-polarized (at φ = 45 ) eld components, respectively.
The present work has been funded by the Swedish National Space Board. The ra-
diometer requirements have been derived by the team consisting of TICRA and DTU-
Space (Denmark).
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