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I dedicate this thesis to my wife Warisa and kids Adeer, Palvasha and
Ariana for their love and support
I would like to express my gratitude to my supervisor Associate Professor Dr. Rodica Ramer
for her guidance, support, and encouragement, especially in the last six months of my re-
search tenure. Working with her has been a true privilege and a great experience for me.
Without her guidance, this thesis would never have been completed. I also owe my deepest
appreciation to my ex-supervisor Professor Dr. Predrag Rapajic for his constant encourage-
ment and valuable guidance throughout my PhD study. I would also like to thank him for
his financial support for my travel to several international conferences and workshops. I am
also thankful to the Honorable Minister and staff of the Ministry of Science and Technology,
Pakistan for their TROSS sponsorship to support this PhD program.
I especially thank Professor Victor Solo and Dr. Jinhong Yuan for their useful suggestions in
my research study and thesis proposal. Their valuable advices have always inspired me from
time to time during my research projects. I would also like to thank Mr. Mohammed Simsim
for his contribution to some parts of my research work. I am also thankful to Ms. Parastoo
Sadeghi for having valuable discussions with me during my studies.
I would like to thank all of my colleagues in the Cellular Mobile Communication Group for
creating such a pleasant working environment and for having useful discussions with me. I
also owe many thanks to Mr. Joseph Yiu in the Cellular Mobile Communication Lab for his
prompt help in technical matters.
I would like to thank my affectionate parents and brothers for their continuous support and
encouragement. I also owe my deepest appreciation to my grandfather who always prayed
for me in my hard times. Finally, I would like to express my earnest gratitude to my loving
wife and beloved children whose incessant support and devotion to me and this research
work never once faded even during harsh times.
Related Publications
Journal Papers
Model for the Spatial Characteristics of the Cellular Mobile Channel”, Accepted for
publication in IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., submitted in April 2005, revised in January
[J02] Noor M. Khan, Mohammed T. Simsim, Predrag B. Rapajic, Rodica Ramer, “Effect
of Scattering around BS on the Azimuthal Distribution of Multipath Signals”, Sub-
mitted to IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun. in December 2005, Paper ID: TW05-988,
Paper Status: With Editor, Prof. Ross Murch
[J03] Noor M. Khan, Rodica Ramer, and Predrag B. Rapajic, “On Characterizing the
Angle Spread in Multipath Fading Channels”, Accepted for publication in IEEE Trans.
Antennas Propagat., submitted in February 2006, Paper ID: AP0602-0095, Paper Sta-
tus: In press
[J04] Noor M. Khan, Mohammed T. Simsim, Rodica Ramer, and Predrag B. Rapajic,
“Effect of Motion on the Spatio-Temporal Characteristics of Cellular Mobile Channel”,
Submitted to IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol. in February 2006, Paper ID: VT-2006-00106,
[J05] Mohammed T. Simsim, Noor M. Khan, and Predrag B. Rapajic, “Modeling Spatial
Aspects of Mobile Channel for Microcell and picocell Environments using Gaussian
[J06] Mohammed T. Simsim, Noor M. Khan, and Rodica Ramer, “Multipath Delay due
Conference Papers
[C01] Noor M. Khan, and Predrag B. Rapajic, “Use of State-Space Approach and
[C02] Noor M. Khan, Iftikhar A. Sheikh, and Predrag B. Rapajic, “Investigating Dif-
ferent Factors on Linear Channel Compensated MMSE Receiver Using Kalman Filter
[C03] Iftikhar A. Sheikh, Noor M. Khan, and Predrag B. Rapajic, “Kalman Filter
[C04] Noor M. Khan, Mohammed T. Simsim, and Predrag B. Rapajic, “A General-
ized Spatial Model for all Cellular Environments”, in Proc. IEEE Symp. Trends in
[C05] Mohammed T. Simsim, Noor M. Khan, and Predrag B. Rapajic, “Modeling Spatial
pp. 195-201
[C06] Noor M. Khan, Mohammed T. Simsim, and Predrag B. Rapajic, “Effect of Mobile
Motion on the Spatial Characteristics of Channel”, in Proc. 62nd IEEE Veh. Technol.
[C07] Noor M. Khan, and Predrag B. Rapajic, “A State-Space Approach to Semi Blind
Adaptive Multiuser Detection in Time-Varying Environment”, in Proc. 11th IEEE
[C08] Noor M. Khan, Mohammed T. Simsim, Predrag B. Rapajic, and Rodica Ramer,
“On the Spatial Characteristics of cellular Mobile Channel in Low Antenna Height
Environments”, Accepted for publication in Proc. the Progress in Electromagnetic
[C09] Noor M. Khan, and Rodica Ramer, “Effect of Distant Scatterers on MIMO Fading
[C10] Mohammed T. Simsim, Noor M. Khan, Predrag B. Rapajic, and Rodica Ramer,
“Investigating the Standard Deviation of the Distribution of Scatterers in Cellular
Environments”, Accepted for publication in Proc. the Progress in Electromagnetic
[C11] Mohammed T. Simsim, Noor M. Khan, Rodica Ramer, and Predrag B. Rapajic,
“Effect of Mobile Motion on the Temporal Characteristics of Cellular Mobile Channel”,
Accepted for publication in Proc. 63rd IEEE Veh. Technol. Conf. (VTC’05-Spring),
[C12] Mohammed T. Simsim, Noor M. Khan, Rodica Ramer, and Predrag B. Rapajic,
Proc. 63rd IEEE Veh. Technol. Conf. (VTC’05-Spring), Melbourne, Australia, May
[C13] Noor M. Khan, Mohammed T. Simsim, Rodica Ramer, and Predrag B. Rapajic,
“Modeling Spatial Aspects of Mobile Channel for Macrocells using Gaussian Scattering
Distribution”, Submitted to the 3rd IEEE Int. Symp. on Wireless Commun. Systems,
Due to the enormous capacity and performance gains associated with the use of antenna
arrays in wireless multi-input multi-output (MIMO) communication links, it is inevitable
that these technologies will become an integral part of future systems. In order to assess
the potential of such beam-oriented technologies, direct representation of the dispersion of
multipath fading channel in angular and temporal domains is required. This representation
can only be achieved with the use of spatial channel models. This thesis thus focuses on
the issue of spatial channel modeling for cellular systems and on its use in the characteri-
zation of multipath fading channels. The results of this thesis are presented mainly in five
parts: a) modeling of scattering mechanisms, b) derivation of the closed-form expressions for
the spatio-temporal characteristics, c) generalization of the quantitative measure of angular
spread, d) investigation of the effect of mobile motion on the spatio-temporal characteris-
tics, and e) characterization of fast fading channel and its use in the signature sequence
adaptation for direct sequence code division multiple access (DS-CDMA) system.
The thesis begins with an overview of the fundamentals of spatial channel modeling with
regards to the specifics of cellular environments. Previous modeling approaches are dis-
cussed intensively and a generalized spatial channel model, the ‘Eccentro-Scattering Model’
is proposed. Using this model, closed-form mathematical expressions for the distributions
of angle and time of multipath arrival are derived. These theoretical results for the picocell,
microcell and macrocell environments, when compared with previous models and available
measurements, are found to be realistic and generic. In macrocell environment, the model
incorporates the effect of distant scattering structures in addition to the local ones. Since
the angular spread is a key factor of the second order statistics of fading processes in wireless
communications, the thesis proposes a novel generalized method of quantifying the angular
spread of the multipath power distribution. The proposed method provides almost all pa-
rameters about the angular spread, which can be further used for calculating more accurate
spatial correlations and other statistics of multipath fading channels. The degree of accuracy
in such correlation calculations can lead to the computation of exact separation distances
among array elements required for maximizing capacity in MIMO systems or diversity an-
tennas. The proposed method is also helpful in finding the exact standard deviation of
the truncated angular distributions and angular data acquired in measurement campaigns.
This thesis also indicates the significance of the effects of angular distribution truncation
on the angular spread. Due to the importance of angular spread in the fading statistics,
it is proposed as the goodness-of-fit measure in measurement campaigns. In this regard,
comparisons of some notable azimuthal models with the measurement results are shown.
The effect of mobile motion on the spatial and temporal characteristics of the channel is
also discussed. Three mobile motion scenarios are presented, which can be considered to be
responsible for the variations of the spatio-temporal statistical parameters of the multipath
signals. Two different cases are also identified, when the terrain and clutter of the mobile
surroundings have an additional effect on the temporal spread of the channel during mobile
motion. The effect of increasing mobile-base separation on the angular and temporal spreads
is elaborated in detail. The proposed theoretical results in spatial characteristics can be
extended to characterizing and tracking transient behavior of Doppler spread in time-varying
fast fading channels; likewise the proposed theoretical results in temporal characteristics can
be utilized in designing efficient equalizers for combating inter-symbol interference (ISI) in
time-varying frequency-selective fading channels.
In the last part of the thesis, a linear state-space model is developed for signature sequence
adaptation over time-varying fast fading channels in DS-CDMA systems. A decision directed
adaptive algorithm, based on the proposed state-space model and Kalman filter, is presented.
The algorithm outperforms the gradient-based algorithms in tracking the received distorted
signature sequence over time-varying fast fading channels. Simulation results are presented
which show that the performance of a linear adaptive receiver can be improved significantly
with signature tracking on high Doppler spreads in DS-CDMA systems.
Acknowledgements iv
Related Publications v
Abstract ix
Table of Contents xi
Acronyms xxiii
Notations xxvii
1 Introduction 1
1.2.2 MIMO Communication Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
2.2 General Channel Modeling Assumptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
3.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
3.3 Angle Of Arrival For Macrocell Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
3.5 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
4.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
5.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
6.3.2 Effect of Mobile Motion on the Spatial Characteristics of the Channel 147
6.4.2 Some Important Temporal Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
7.3 Kalman Filter Based Adaptive Detection for DS-CDMA System . . . . . . . 189
xvi Receiver Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
List of Tables
2.1 Typical Values of the Parameters for Picocell and Microcell Environments
Based on the Eccentro-Scattering Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
2.2 Typical Values of the Parameters for Macrocell Environments Based on the
Eccentro-Scattering Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
List of Figures
1.4 Multipath scattering in (a) Picocell (Indoor), (b) Microcell (Outdoor), and (c)
Macrocell (Outdoor) Environments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.2 Modeling with respect to the shape of the scattering region for uniform scatterer
distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
2.6 Typical (a) Picocell and (b) Microcell Environments in Gaussian distributed scattering 49
3.3 Effect of increasing a with respect to σM S on the pdf of AoA in picocells and mi-
crocells, σBS =0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
3.4 Effect of increasing σM S with respect to a on the pdf of AoA in picocells and mi-
crocells, σBS =0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
3.5 Comparison of the pdf in AoA for the Eccentro-Scattering model, and Laplacian
function with measurements [1]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
3.7 Simulated and theoretical pdf of AoA for suburban macrocell with d = 2000m, a =
300m, D = 5000m, aD = 150m, and θD = 15◦ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
4.1 Comparison between truncated (θspan = 90◦ ) and untruncated (θspan = 360◦ ) Gaus-
sian density functions, σg = 30◦ , θ̄ = 45◦ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
4.3 Comparison between truncated (θspan = 90◦ ) and untruncated (θspan = 360◦ ) Lapla-
cian density functions, σl = 30◦ , θ̄ = 45◦ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
4.5 The factors which cause truncation of the Gaussian distribution in AoA . . . . . . 104
4.6 Comparison of the distribution in AoA for the candidate models (Eccentro-Scattering
Model [section 3.2], Gaussian [2] and Uniform Elliptical Scattering Model [3]) with
the measurements [1] and simulations in indoor environments . . . . . . . . . . . 108
4.7 Comparison of the distribution in AoA for the candidate models (Eccentro-Scattering
Model [section 3.2], Laplacian [1] and Raised-Laplacian) with the measurements [1]
in indoor environments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
4.8 Comparison of the distribution in AoA for the candidate models (GSDM [2] and
JGSM [section 3.4]) with the measurements [4] in outdoor environments . . . . . 110
5.3 Proposed temporal channel model for picocells and microcells . . . . . . . . . . . 125
5.6 pdf of ToA for macrocells with the effect of distant scatterers . . . . . . . . . . . 136
6.3 Effect of MS motion on the pdf of AoA, various line styles show the plots at three
different MS positions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
6.4 Behavior of θspan , θ̄ and σθ under the effect of MS motion in microcell and picocell
environments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
6.5 Behavior of S0 and Λ under the effect of MS motion in microcell and picocell envi-
ronments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
6.7 Behavior of θspan , θ̄ and σθ under the effect of MS motion in macrocell environment 154
6.8 Collective effect of distant scattering cluster and MS motion on the spatial spread
of cellular mobile channel in macrocell environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
6.9 Behavior of S0 and Λ under the effect of MS motion in macrocell environment . . 157
6.10 A general power delay profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
6.12 Behavior of power delay profile under the effect of MS motion . . . . . . . . . . . 164
6.13 Movement of scattering discs due to MS motion in (a) picocells and microcells (b)
macrocells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
6.14 Behavior of στ , τe , τ0 , τ̄ and τmax in picocells and microcells under the effect of MS
motion when lifetime of scatterers is based on case 1 and case 2 . . . . . . . . . . 167
6.15 Effect of MS motion on the pdf of ToA; various line styles show the plots at different
MS positions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
7.5 Proposed model of the receiver structure for the Kalman filter based adaptive mul-
tiuser detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
7.7 The criterion, Jk (i)=tr{P̃k (i)}, for arbitrary user, k, at iteration, i . . . . . . . . 204
7.8 BER performance comparison of different operation modes of the Kalman filter-
based adaptive CDMA detector, N = 31, K = 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
BS Base Stations
BW Bandwidth
CDF Cumulative Distribution Function
DD Decision Directed
DS Delay Spread
FM Frequency Modulation
MA Moving-Average
MC Multi-Carrier
MF Matched Filter
MLMR Maximum Likelihood Multiuser Receiver
NE Non-Estimation
OFDM Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing
RF Radio Frequency
SM Spatial Multiplexing
SNR Signal-to-Noise Ratio
ST Space-Time
TD Training Directed
TDD Time Division Duplex
UMTS Universal Mobile Telecommunication Systems
or scalar quantities
(·)T transpose
(·)∗ conjugate
(·)H Hermitian transpose
E(·) expectation
or determinant of a matrix
k·k Frobenius-norm
aij (i, j)th element of matrix A
Chapter 1
This chapter first gives a brief overview of wireless communications. The background and
motivations for the research work in this thesis are described. A concise outline for the thesis
munication Systems
Capacity enhancement has always been an important issue in wireless communication sys-
tems. The demand for more capacity was realized even, when the first 2 MHz land mobile
radiotelephone system was installed by the Detroit Police Department in 1921 for Police car
dispatch. This was the beginning of the civilian use of wireless technology. The problem
1.1 History of the Capacity Demands in Wireless Communication Systems
of the lack of channels in the low frequency band was initially tackled in 1933, with the
use of higher frequency bands and the invention of Frequency Modulation (FM). In 1946, a
Personal Correspondence System introduced by Bell Systems began service and operated at
150 MHz with speech channels 120 KHz apart [5]. As demand for public wireless services
began to grow, the Improved Mobile Telephone Service (IMTS) using FM technology was
developed by AT&T.
The Cellular concept, conceived by D. H. Ring at Bell Laboratories in 1947, paved the
way for the modern cellular mobile communication systems [6] and later inspired AT&T to
propose its first high capacity analog cellular telephone system called the Advanced Mobile
Phone Service (AMPS) in 1968-70. AMPS was the first U.S. cellular telephone system,
and was deployed in late 1983 by Ameritech in Chicago, IL [7, 8]. In AMPS, radio systems
rely on judicious frequency re-use plans and frequency division multiple access (FDMA) to
maximize capacity. The analog cellular mobile systems of that age, altogether, are known
as the First Generation (1G) wireless technologies. Mobile systems have evolved rapidly
since then, incorporating digital communication technology and have thus transformed into
the new era of the Second Generation (2G) wireless technologies. This era includes the
Global System for Mobiles (GSM), IS-136, and IS-95. In order to maximize capacity or to
accommodate a large number of users, the former two standards use time division multiple
access (TDMA), while the latter one uses code division multiple access (CDMA).
With the increasing use of the internet in the late 1990s, the demand for higher spec-
1.1 History of the Capacity Demands in Wireless Communication Systems
tral efficiency and data rates has led to the development of the Third Generation (3G)
i.e., wideband CDMA and 1xRTT, i.e., CDMA-2000 as the primary standards. The 1X in
1xRTT refers to 1x the number of 1.25MHz channels and RTT in 1xRTT stands for Ra-
dio Transmission Technology. In order to satisfy the higher- rate requirements of modern
data services, the narrow-band 2G systems are being upgraded to 3G cellular systems and
wideband wireless local area networks (WLANs). Limitations in the radio frequency (RF)
spectrum necessitate the use of some innovative techniques to meet the increased demand in
data rate, quality of service (QoS) [5] and capacity. The innovative technique, which opened
a new dimension - space and pledged to improve the performance substantially, is the use of
the mid 1990s, multiple transmit and receive antennas were incorporated effectively for the
first time, to establish a highly spectral efficient communication system - BLAST [9]. The
system was highly robust in highly scattering environments, with the assumption that the
signals arriving from the individual transmit antennas at each of the receive antennas are
uncorrelated. Soon V-BLAST was introduced with more improvements [10], but spectral
1.2 Multiantenna Systems
As spectrum became a more and more precious resource, researchers investigated ways of
increasing the capacity of wireless systems without actually increasing the required spectrum.
Multiantenna systems offer such a possibility. Multiantenna systems can be grouped into
1. Smart Antenna systems, where multiantenna elements are deployed at one link end
These are the antennas with multiple elements, where signals from different elements are
at the receiver, the signals are combined ; for the transmitter case, the signals are created [11].
In most practical situations, smart antennas are deployed at the BS. Smart antennas exploit
the directional properties of the channel; hence, they provide spatial diversity with smartness.
Increasing the capacity is the most important application of smart antennas. They
1.2 Multiantenna Systems
the same frequency in each neighboring cell, since the interference from the adjacent
cells would be too strong [11]. Smart antennas reduce interference and hence help in
reducing the reuse distance. This leads to an improvement in total spectral efficiency.
Space Division Multiple Access (SDMA): In this method, reuse distance remains un-
changed, while the number of users within a given cell is increased. SDMA controls the
radiated energy for each user in space and serves different users by using spot beam
smart antennas. Multiple users can be accommodated on the same time/frequency slot
of their different spatial signatures. SIR is increased for the desired users and hence
Capacity increase in CDMA systems: In these systems, smart antennas enhance the
received signal power and hence the number of admissible users is increased in the
cell. The number of admissible users in the cell increases linearly with the number of
sion is considered an important application. So users and interferers are usually allo-
cated low spreading factors. Hence, smart antennas have to use the spatial filtering
approach in these systems. Thus, they reduce the interference of the desired user by
1.3 Channel Fading
A large suite of techniques, known collectively as MIMO communications, have been devel-
oped in the past several years to exploit effectively the resulting multi-dimensionality, when
multiple antennas are used at both ends of the wireless communication link.
Since multiple antennas in MIMO systems can also serve as one-sided smart antennas,
MIMO systems are able to accomplish the tasks of smart antennas. Therefore, besides all
those applications meant for smart antennas, MIMO systems can also be used for spatial
1. Reflection
2. Diffraction
1.3 Channel Fading
3. Scattering
Reflections arise when plane waves are incident upon a surface with dimensions that are
very large compared to the wavelength. Diffraction occurs according to Huygen’s principle
when there is an obstruction between the transmitter and receiver antennas, and secondary
waves are generated behind the obstructing body. Scattering occurs when the plane waves
are incident upon an object whose dimensions are on the order of a wavelength or less, and
The above three mechanisms give rise to three nearly independent phenomena in radio
1. Path-loss
2. Shadowing
3. Multipath Fading
Path-loss is the variation of the signal strength with the distance, while shadowing occurs,
when the signal is obstructed by a huge terrain feature such as skyscrapers and hills. Most
cellular systems operate in urban areas where there is no direct line-of-sight (LoS) path be-
tween BS and MS, therefore the presence of high-rise buildings causes severe diffraction loss.
Due to multiple reflections from various objects, the electromagnetic waves travel along dif-
ferent paths of varying lengths. The interaction between these waves causes multipath fading
1.3 Channel Fading
principle and each must be accounted for when designing and evaluating the performance of
a cellular system.
Each of the above mentioned wave propagation phenomena has its own importance in
designing and evaluating the performance of a cellular system. However, the carrier wave-
length used in UHF mobile radio applications typically ranges from 15 to 60 cm. Therefore,
small changes in differential propagation delays due to MS mobility will cause large changes
in the phases of the individually arriving plane waves. Hence, multipath fading can be con-
sidered the most important wave propagation phenomenon, which causes small-scale fading
effects. In Fig. 1.1, a typical outdoor multipath propagation environment is shown, where
The three most important small-scale fading effects of multipath in the radio channel are [8]:
1.3 Channel Fading
1. Rapid changes in signal strength over a small travel distance or time interval
Multipath fading results in rapid variations in the envelope of the received signal and is
caused when plane waves arrive from many different directions with random phases and
combine vectorially at the receiver antenna. Typically the received envelope can vary by as
addition [13].
Multipath also causes time dispersion, because the multiple replicas of the transmit-
ted signal propagate over different transmission paths and reach the receiver antenna with
different time delays. The most important parameters of time dispersion of the channel
are mean excess delay and rms delay spread. Analogous to the delay spread parameters in
time domain, coherence bandwidth, BC , is used to characterize the channel in the frequency
domain. Coherence bandwidth is a statistical measure of the range of frequencies over which
the channel can be considered flat (i.e., a channel which passes all spectral components with
Due to the relative motion between the mobile and the base station, each multipath
wave experiences an apparent shift in frequency. The shift in received signal frequency due to
1.3 Channel Fading
y Scattering Point
MS v
Line of
motion is called the Doppler shift, and is directly proportional to the velocity and direction
of motion of the mobile with respect to the direction of arrival of the received multipath
fd = cos ψ
= cos ψ (1.1)
where v is the speed of the mobile, ψ is the direction of motion of the mobile with respect
to the direction of arrival of the multipath and λ and fc are the wavelength and carrier
frequency of the radio signal, respectively. Fig. 1.2 illustrates the Doppler effect on the
Since the angle of arrival of the multipath signal at MS varies constantly, Doppler shift
causes random frequency modulation of the radio signal at each instant of time. When a
pure sinusoidal frequency fc is transmitted, the received signal spectrum, called the Doppler
1.3 Channel Fading
spectrum, will have components in the range fc − fd to fc + fd . This spectral broadening can
be quantified by Doppler spread. Doppler spread is the measure of the spectral broadening
caused by the time rate of change of the mobile radio channel and is defined as the range
of frequencies over which the received Doppler spectrum is essentially non-zero [8]. If the
baseband signal bandwidth is much greater than the Doppler spread, the effects of Doppler
spread are negligible at the receiver. This is a slow fading channel. Coherence time, TC ,
is the time domain dual of the Doppler spread and is used to characterize the time-varying
Since small-scale fading channels are characterized by their time-dispersion and time-varying
nature, small-scale fading can thus be categorized on the basis of delay and Doppler spreads
[8, 11, 13]. However, another type of dispersion called spatial dispersion also has a significant
effect on the mobile channel, especially when a multiantenna system, discussed in the pre-
vious section, is used at one or both link ends. Large multipath angular spreads can induce
Flat Fading: If the mobile radio channel has a constant gain and linear phase response
over a bandwidth which is greater than the bandwidth of the transmitted signal, then
1.3 Channel Fading
the received signal will undergo frequency flat fading or simply, flat fading. This type
of fading is historically the most common type of fading described in the technical
literature. Flat fading channels are also known as amplitude varying channels and are
sometimes referred to as narrowband channels, since the bandwidth of the applied sig-
nal, BS , is narrow as compared to the channel flat fading bandwidth or the Coherence
BS << BC (1.2)
TS >> στ (1.3)
where BS and TS are the bandwidth and symbol duration of the transmitted signal
Frequency Selective Fading: If the channel possesses a constant-gain and linear phase
response over a bandwidth that is smaller than the bandwidth of transmitted signal,
then the channel creates frequency selective fading on the received signal. Under such
conditions, the channel impulse response has a multipath delay spread which is greater
than the reciprocal bandwidth of the transmitted message waveform. When this occurs,
the received signal includes multiple versions of the transmitted waveform which are
attenuated (faded) and delayed in time, and hence the received signal is distorted.
Thus the channel induces intersymbol interference (ISI) [8]. For frequency selective
fading, the spectrum S(f ) of the transmitted signal has a bandwidth which is greater
1.3 Channel Fading
BS > B C (1.4)
TS < σ τ (1.5)
Depending on how rapidly the transmitted baseband signal changes as compared to the rate
of change of the channel, a channel may be classified as a fast fading or slow fading channel.
Fast Fading or Time Selective Fading: If the channel impulse response changes rapidly
within the symbol duration, then the channel is said to be a fast fading channel.
Under such conditions, the coherence time of the channel is smaller than the symbol
period of the transmitted signal. This causes frequency dispersion (also called time-
selective fading) due to Doppler spreading, which leads to signal distortion. Viewed
in the frequency domain, signal distortion due to fast fading increases with increasing
Doppler spread relative to the bandwidth of the transmitted signal. Therefore, a signal
TS > T C (1.6)
1.3 Channel Fading
BS < B D (1.7)
Slow Fading: In a slow fading or time-flat fading channel, the channel impulse response
changes at a rate much slower than the transmitted baseband signal. In this case, the
channel may be assumed to be static over one or several reciprocal bandwidth intervals.
In the frequency domain, this implies that the Doppler spread of the channel is much
less than the bandwidth of the baseband signal. Therefore, a signal undergoes slow
TS << TC (1.8)
BS >> BD (1.9)
1.4 Cellular Environments
A typical cellular radio system consists of a collection of fixed base stations (BSs) that define
the radio coverage areas or cells1 . The height and placement of the BS antennas affect the
proximity of local scatterers at the BS [13]. Radio environments have extremely different
geographical and electrical features, which in turn lead to different propagation mechanisms.
These propagation mechanisms have been grouped into three categories based on the cell
type, i.e. picocell, microcell, and macrocell. However, there would still be variability within
these categories due to other factors such as the differences in antenna heights, average
height of the surrounding buildings, total number of users, distance between users, size of
In the picocell environment, BS and MS, both surrounded by scatterers, are a few meters
away from each other (see Fig. 1.4(a)). The antenna heights are relatively low and the
scatterers are assumed to exist near BS as likely as near MS. This situation mainly occurs
in indoor wireless communication, e.g. offices and factory halls, and it may include street
crossings under some circumstances. Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs) are also good
1.4 Cellular Environments
Low-Height BS Antenna
Scatterers common to both MS and BS
(Equally Influential) Scatterers local to both MS and BS (Influential)
(a) (b)
Elevated BS
Figure 1.4: Multipath scattering in (a) Picocell (Indoor), (b) Microcell (Outdoor), and (c) Macrocell
(Outdoor) Environments
1.4 Cellular Environments
In the Microcell environment, the distance between BS and MS is greater than that in
picocells (but less than a hundred meters [14]). Here also antenna heights are relatively low
and multipath scattering is assumed near BS. However BS possesses usually fewer scattering
points in its vicinity compared to MS (see Fig. 1.4(b)). This situation corresponds mostly
In the macrocell environment, BS is usually located far from MS in the order of kilometers.
This environment often refers to BS locations over rooftops [14]. The BS antenna height
no scatterers in the vicinity of BS. Hence, the received signal at BS results predominantly
from the local scattering process in the vicinity of MS [15] and the distant scattering process
in the transmission path between BS and MS. Rural, suburban, and hilly areas are the
best examples of the macrocell environment. Fig. 1.4(b) depicts a typical macrocellular
environment. Here, the spatial parameters are the functions of two major aspects, namely:
Local scattering: This is the scattering process which occurs in the vicinity of MS (it is
Distant or remote scattering: This is the scattering process which results from the dom-
1.5 Capacity of MIMO Systems in Fading Channels
inant distant scattering structures far from both BS and MS. This type of scattering
can occur in hilly and suburban areas due to large scattering structures such as moun-
tains and high-rise building clusters, which have a significant influence on the mobile
channel. Even though these large scattering structures are far away from both BS and
MS, they can act as discrete reflectors or clustered reflectors [16]. In a ‘bad urban’
In the early years of MIMO research, the main emphasis was on information-theoretic limits.
After 2000, emphasis shifted more to the question of how the theoretical gains of MIMO
systems can be realized in practice. Capacity of the MIMO systems is strictly dependent on
the channel fading. Following the landmark work done by Claude E. Shannon [17], Foschini
et al. has derived the capacity equation for MIMO systems in non-fading channels [18]. The
information-theoretic capacity for single antenna system, over AWGN channels, is [11]:
¡ ¢
Cshannon = log2 1 + γ|h|2 (1.10)
where γ is the SNR at the receiver and h is the normalized transfer function from the
obvious from equation (1.10) that capacity increases only logarithmically with the SNR, so
1.5 Capacity of MIMO Systems in Fading Channels
that boosting the transmitter power is a highly ineffective way of increasing capacity.
Now consider the case of MIMO, where the channel is represented by a complex channel
transfer matrix H, whose entries hij correspond to the response of the ith receiver to the
signal sent by the jth transmitter. Thus the matrix H can be written as,
h11 h12 ··· 0
h21 h22 ··· 0
H= .. .. .. .. (1.11)
. . . .
hNr 1 hNr 2 · · · hNr Nt
where Nr and Nt are the number of receive and transmit antennas. The received signal
r = Hs + n (1.12)
is received by Nr antenna elements, where s is the transmit signal vector and n is the AWGN
noise vector. The capacity equation for the MIMO system shown in (1.12) can be written
as [11],
· µ ¶¸
CMIMO = log2 det INr + HRss HH (1.13)
where INr is the Nr × Nr identity matrix, γ̄ is the mean SNR per receiver antenna element,
and Rss is the correlation matrix of the transmit data. It is evident from equation (1.13)
that capacity increases linearly with min(Nt , Nr , Ns ), where Ns is the number of significant
parallel paths in space on which data-streams from transmit antennas are transmitted to the
receive antennas.
1.5 Capacity of MIMO Systems in Fading Channels
It is also evident from equation (1.13) that channel matrix plays an important role in
and fading is independent at different antenna elements, the hij entries are iid zero-mean,
circularly symmetric complex Gaussian random variables with unit variance, i.e., the real
and imaginary part each has variance 1/2. Suppose that a large number of multipath compo-
nents of approximately equal strength exist and there is sufficient distance between antenna
elements. Then, the power carried by each hij is chi-square-distributed with 2 degrees of
freedom. Since fading is independent, there is high probability that the channel matrix H is
full rank and the eigenvalues are fairly similar to each other; consequently, capacity increases
linearly with the number of antenna elements. Thus, the existence of heavy multipath, which
On the other hand, the high spectral efficiency of the MIMO systems is significantly
reduced if the signals arriving at the receivers are correlated [19]. As the BS is usually placed
above local clutter, the angular spectrum incident on the base is narrow, inducing correlation
among BS signals, which reduces the capacity of the MIMO system. Maximum capacity can
Unfortunately, all channels occuring in practice are not ideal, as discussed in section
1.3. They are more complicated and their deviations from the idealized assumptions can
1.6 Problem Formulation
As discussed earlier, correlations of the signals at different antenna elements can significantly
reduce the capacity of a MIMO system. Actually, correlations of the signals force the spread
in the singular values of the channel matrix, H, lowering the SNRs of some of the parallel
Correlation is influenced by the angular spectrum of the channel as well as the arrange-
ment and spacing of the antenna elements [11, 19–21]. For antennas that are spaced half a
wavelength apart, a uniform angular power spectrum (i.e., Jakes Model [22, 23]) leads ap-
In order to overcome correlation, accurate spatial models are required. It means we need
to model and characterize the radio mobile channel, accurately, to find the exact angular
spreads of multipath signals at the BS. These angular spreads can thus be used to find the
exact separation between the antenna elements of MIMO arrays. Another fading effect which
significantly degrades the performance of a wireless communication and hence the capacity,
is the Doppler effect. In fast fading channels, frequency dispersion occurs, which leads to
severe signal distortion. Spatial models can also help in modeling the channel correlation
coefficients which can later be used in designing fast fading channel estimators.
As far as spatial channel models are concerned, many approaches [2, 3, 24–28] are used to
1.6 Problem Formulation
model the scatterers in some arbitrary scattering region. These approaches are specific either
approach for spatial channel modeling has been presented so far. A generalized spatial
channel modeling approach will certainly lead to the accurate characterization of the channel
Another important issue, which has not been addressed well in the literature, is the
generalization of the angular spread measure. Several definitions of angular spread [29–33],
have currently being used in the literature, but none is able to attain unanimous acceptance
in the research community. This situation makes the task of performance comparison of
different detection techniques difficult and even leads to wrongful results in some cases.
Since angular spread is the main cause of correlation between antenna elements, its wrong
definition will result in mismatched separations between antenna elements, decreasing the
All the above issues of performance degradation and capacity reduction are properly
addressed in their respective chapters in the thesis, where detailed overviews and broad
1.7 Scope of the Thesis and Proposed Methodology
Our methodology to achieve the goals set in the previous section is illustrated in Fig. 1.5.
In the first round of our research, we extensively study the previous spatial channel models
and find that almost all models are very specific to the particular cellular environments
and cannot be generalized. We thus propose a novel spatial channel model, which can be
exploited to model any cellular environment with the use of appropriate parameters. In the
second round, we derive the angular and temporal statistics of the cellular mobile channel
and discuss the impact of local-to-BS scattering on the angular dispersion. In the third
round, we address the issue of unanimous definition for the angular spread and propose a
novel method of quantifying the angular spread. In the fourth round, we investigate the effect
of mobile motion on the spatial and temporal characteristics of the cellular mobile channel,
which can lead to the optimization of spatial and temporal statistical parameters as functions
of BS-MS separation. In the fifth and last round, we propose a single user adaptive receiver
structure for single-carrier DS-CDMA system over time-varying fast fading channel.
Since the modeling approach used in the thesis can easily be extended to address various
nication system, there are several topics of future research work that can be investigated.
For example, the spatial statistics at BS derived in the thesis, can be utilized for the deriva-
tion of signal correlations between antenna elements to maximize the capacity of the system.
Similarly, robust channel equalizers and RAKE receivers can be designed with the help of
1.7 Scope of the Thesis and Proposed Methodology
Doppler At MS At BS
Coherence Time
Antenna Coherence
Coherence Rake Diversity Distance
Bandwidth Receiver
Channel case
Equalizer Exact Separations b/w
Envelope Antenna Elements
Full Exploitation of Multipath Fading
Power in case of CDMA Compensation
1.8 Contributions of the Thesis
temporal statistics, derived in the thesis, for signal detection schemes in frequency selec-
tive fading channels. Thus, in order to complete the picture of a full-bodied, efficient and
high-capacity cellular mobile communication system, Fig. 1.5 provides all necessary links to
various areas of future work, where our proposed results can be exploited.
Following the methodology depicted in Fig. 1.5, we have presented most of our theoretical
and practical findings in various international journals and conferences, at different stages
of our research tenure. The papers listed under the title of ‘Related Publications’ show
such presentations. This dissertation thus presents the systematized and combined version
of all those papers. However, some important additions have made it more vigorous and
In Chapter 2, we address the issue of physical channel modeling for the cellular mobile
communication system. In the first part of the chapter, we extensively study the previous
approaches used for mobile channel modeling in picocell, microcell, and macrocell environ-
ments, and present necessary channel modeling parameters. In the second part, we propose
can be applied to any type of cellular environment with appropriate choice of eccentricity,
1.8 Contributions of the Thesis
semi-major axis, and distribution of scatterers around MS and/or BS. We also introduce
a more applicable scattering model, the Jointly Gaussian Scattering Model (JGSM), which
consists of two Gaussian functions each for the distribution of scatterers around BS and MS.
We exploit these models (either individually or jointly) later in the thesis, in order to derive
expressions for the pdf of AoA of the multipath signals at BS in closed form for picocell,
microcell, and macrocell environments, assuming uniform and Gaussian distributed scatter-
ers. Gaussian distributed scatterers are confined, for the first time, within a scattering disc
and the advantages of this technique are discussed. Also, distant scatterers are considered
in macrocell environments and the pdf of AoA of the multipaths at BS due to dominant
distant scattering clusters is derived thereby. Since the AoA statistics are usually affected
we propose a modified JGSM model for such environments and present the comparison of
its results with the field measurements. The terrain and clutter conditions of the BS sur-
roundings are simply modeled by a scattering-free region around BS. In this way, the radius
of the scattering-free region indicates the extent of the density of the scattering structures
around BS. All presented formulas are compared with the results obtained by the previ-
ous researchers [2, 3, 24, 26–28]. We show that the Eccentro-Scattering model can be used
to model any type of cellular environment, by simply changing some of the modeling pa-
rameters. A table of comparisons is presented which shows the generality of our proposed
1.8 Contributions of the Thesis
Eccentro-Scattering model.
In Chapter 4, we discuss all previous definitions of the angle spread and propose
a novel generalized method of quantifying the angle spread of the multipath power. Our
method provides almost all parameters of the dispersion of multipath power in space, which
can be further used for calculating more accurate spatial correlations and other statistics
of multipath fading channels. These proposed parameters are also helpful in finding the
angular data acquired in measurement campaigns. The resulting standard deviations can
lead to the computation of the exact separation distances among array elements needed
for the maximization of capacity and the usage of diversity antennas. Keeping the recent
use of truncated Gaussian and Laplacian functions as the distributions of AoA in view,
we indicate the severity of the effects of distribution truncation on the angle spread. We
itemize all those factors which cause such truncations in the AoA distributions and provide
analytical solution to compensate for their effects. Furthermore, we propose the angle spread
as the goodness-of-fit measure in measurement campaigns and show the comparisons of some
Eccentro-Scattering discs. This is a more general approach from which the results of the
previous models, such as GBSBM model [3], can be deduced as its special cases. For macro-
1.8 Contributions of the Thesis
cell environments, we also include the effect of dominant distant scatterers on the temporal
dispersion of the multipath signals. Objects such as hills, mountains, and skyscrapers act as
clustered scatterers/reflectors when they have line of sight (LoS) to both BS and MS [16, 25].
The derived formulas in chapter 5, can easily be used to simulate temporal dispersion of wire-
less signal in several propagation conditions. Besides the handy use of the pdf of ToA in
determining the coherence bandwidth of a particular system, the pdf of ToA also emerges
as a basic characteristic of the system capacity along with the pdf of AoA [22]. Almost
complete description of the wireless system can be achieved if the pdfs of time and angle of
of multipath fading channel and investigate how this motion affects the spatio-temporal
characteristics at BS. We present three mobile motion scenarios that are responsible for the
alterations in the spatio-temporal characteristics and plot the behavior of various spatial and
temporal spread quantifiers during these motion scenarios. We also explain the behavior of
angle spread under the effect of mobile motion, observed in the field measurements [14]. We
show that the model successfully simulates the time-variability of the angle and delay spreads
induced during the course of MS motion. We identify two different cases when the terrain and
clutter of MS surroundings have an additional effect on the temporal spread of the channel
during MS motion. These cases can provide good basis for the performance evaluation in
1.8 Contributions of the Thesis
channel on the basis of its second order fading statistics and utilize it further to establish
a linear state-space equation pair for signature sequence adaptation in direct sequence code
division multiple access (DS-CDMA) system. We then exploit the Kalman filtering approach
to incorporate our proposed state-space equation pair in an algorithm, meant for estimating
channel-distorted received signature sequences. It is an established fact [34] that the Kalman
filter is a good optimal linear minimum mean squared error (MMSE) detector if a first
also use the Kalman filter as the MMSE solution for signature distortions caused by the
time-varying fading channel. However, different from the model used in [34], where the
unknown transmitted symbol vector has been used as the state-vector, we use channel-
distorted received signature vector as the state-vector in our model. This approach is based
on the fact that the time-varying channel behaves as the AR model depending on its past
values [23, 35]. In our proposed receiver structure, the need for training sequence is bound
to the startup period only. Later on, the receiver adapts itself to the changes of the channel
during data transmission depending on previous decisions. Simulation results show that
being based on the Kalman filter and of non-gradient nature, our proposed algorithm combats
effectively the impairments and fading effects caused by time-varying multipath channel.
Finally, Chapter 8 gives a brief summary of the thesis, discusses the future research
work based on the results of the dissertation and presents the concluding remarks.
Chapter 2
This chapter gives a detailed overview of physical spatial channel modeling in its section 2.1.
Section 2.2 and 2.3 describe the general channel modeling assumptions and parameters. In
section 2.4, the proposed generalized spatial channel model, the Eccentro-Scattering Model is
presented, which will be used as a global model throughout the thesis. Section 2.5, presents
another proposed scattering model, the Jointly Gaussian Scattering Model (JGSM), which
models the heavy scattering around BS in low antenna-height environments. Section 2.6
in the previous chapter. Finally, section 2.6 gives the summary and final remarks of this
2.1 Introduction
2.1 Introduction
With the growing use of antenna arrays in MIMO systems for enhancing system capacity,
signal detection, interference cancellation, and position location comes the need to better
understand the properties of the spatial channel [36]. MIMO systems have been shown to
offer very high information-theoretic capacities [18, 37]. In order to make realistic evaluations
of the capabilities of different system architectures and MIMO schemes, realistic channel
Although it is very difficult to categorize the previous approaches used in channel modeling,
especially the earlier work [22, 23, 39]; however, Molisch et al. [38] has grouped the recent
generic modeling approaches for MIMO channels into the following two categories:
Non-physical modeling: This approach is used to model the correlations of the fading of
Physical Modeling: This approach models the location of scatterers/reflectors, or the di-
The latter approach has become more and more popular recently [38, 41], and is being used in
many standard models such as COST 259 DCM [14] and 3GPP [42]. The resultant physical
channel models that use physical modeling approach for the location of scatterers/reflectors
2.1 Introduction
are also known as spatial channel models or the scattering models. Since scatterer locations
with respect to MS and BS provide the angular and temporal information of the multi-
path signals, the spatial models are very helpful in evaluating the performance of a wireless
For spatial models, it is a well-established fact that the scatterer locations (or equiva-
lently, the angles and delays of multipath components) are not distributed uniformly over
space, but tend to be concentrated in certain regions [38]. It is possible to obtain the pdf of
AoA and power delay profile from the measured data or from site-specific propagation pre-
diction techniques, but this type of data might not always be available. Therefore, physical
channel models providing statistics of the channel in angle and time-delay are very helpful
in characterizing the angular and time domains of the multipath signals. Accurate and, if
design and evaluation of modern communication systems. Such models are low-cost and
Appreciable contributions in spatial channel modeling have been made in [2, 3, 24–28]. The
two most common modeling parameters, used by the researchers in spatial channel modeling,
involve shape of the scattering region [3, 24–26, 39], and the scatter density in the scatter-
ing region [2, 27, 43]. Different shapes of the scattering region were proposed to model the
2.1 Introduction
scattering phenomenon for specific cellular environments. For example, Circular Scattering
Model (CSM) was proposed to model the scattering environment in macrocells [3, 25, 26],
while Elliptical Scattering Model (ESM) was proposed to model the scattering environments
in microcells and picocells [3, 24]. On the other hand, uniform and Gaussian distributions
were the most common approaches proposed for the distribution of scatterers within the
have constant density throughout the scattering area, while in a Gaussian distributed scat-
tering region the majority of scattering points are situated close to mobile station (MS)
and the density of scattering points decreases as the distance from MS increases. The uni-
form scattering assumption simplifies the analysis and manipulation whereas the Gaussian
terers are assumed around BS, since the scatterers around MS have the greater influence
on the received signal as compared to other scatterers [44]. Furthermore, the Gaussian dis-
tributed scattering assumption provides higher degrees of freedom to the model in its ability
to change the width and density of the scattering area by changing the standard deviation
models are very specific to the corresponding environments either with respect to the shape
of the scattering disc [3, 24–26] or with respect to the standard deviation of the Gaussian
distributed scatterers around MS [2, 27]. In [28], an elliptical model was proposed that
could be used as a circular one as well, with change in eccentricity of the ellipse assuming
2.1 Introduction
uniformly distributed scattering environment. The model might be suitable for macrocell
and quasi-macrocell environments, even though the suitable distribution of the scatterers
in macrocells is indeed Gaussian. Nevertheless the model in [28] was not able to explain
the radio wave propagation phenomenon in microcell and picocell environments where MS
is usually not situated at the center of the scattering area and BS possesses scatterers in
addition to those around MS. In such environments the antenna heights, of transmitter and
receiver, are relatively low and multipath scattering is assumed near BS to be as likely as
The study in [2] proposed a Gaussian Scatter Density Model (GSDM) to be applied to
every type of environment by changing only the standard deviation of the scatterers around
around MS. Therefore, it is more practical to model the distribution of scatterers around
BS separately from the distribution of scatterers around MS. In other words, a separate
Gaussian function for the distribution of scatterers around BS is also needed in addition to
In several measurement campaigns aiming to find the actual distribution of the Angle of
Arrival (AoA) of the multipath signals, both in indoor [1, 45–47] and outdoor (microcell [48]
and macrocell [4]) environments, different distinct distributions for the AoA of the multipath
signals at Base Station (BS) were observed on a short range of angular domain on both sides
of the mean AoA, while the distribution over the rest of the angular domain was found to
2.1 Introduction
be very uniform in all cases. Both sides of this uniform region are usually referred to as
the tails of the probability density function (pdf) of AoA. The formation of these uniform
tails in the distribution of AoA remained an unsolved issue in the statistical scattering
models [1, 2, 4] proposed so far. Thus a generalized scattering model is needed which can
In this chapter, we address the issue of physical channel modeling for the cellular mobile com-
munication system. We study intensively the previous approaches used for modeling cellular
channel modeling parameters and propose a generalized physical channel model, referred to
as the ‘Eccentro-Scattering Model’ which can be applied to any type of cellular environment
with appropriate choice of eccentricity, semi-major axis, and distribution of scatterers around
MS and/or BS. We also introduce a more applicable scattering model, the Jointly Gaussian
Scattering Model (JGSM), which consists of two Gaussian functions each for the distribu-
tion of scatterers around BS and MS. We will exploit these models (either individually or
jointly) to derive the spatial and temporal characteristics of the cellular mobile channel in
2.2 General Channel Modeling Assumptions
y Scattering Point
Multipath MS
Line of
Multiple replicas of the transmitted signal are received at the receiver due to the multipath
propagation in the radio environment. These multipath components of the received signal
arrive at the receiver antenna from different azimuth directions about the horizon with
identical or different delays [22, 23, 49]. The distributions of these multipath components in
the azimuth and time are conveniently described by the functions p(θ) and p(τ ), where θ is
the azimuthal angle of arrival (AoA) [32] and τ is the delay of the multipath component in
time domain. Before proceeding to formulate a generalized spatial channel model, we make
• Scatterers are confined in an elliptical shaped scattering disc whose eccentricity can be
changed according to the maximum delay and the distance between BS and MS. It is
2.2 General Channel Modeling Assumptions
desirable, practically, to consider only those scatterers that have significant influence
on the received signal. For example, multipaths with longer delays experience greater
path loss and hence have relatively low power as compared to those with shorter
delays [24, 44]. In our work, such a scattering disc, which can imitate both circular
as the ‘Eccentro-Scattering Disc’. In the next two sections, we will explain the use of
• The received signal at the antenna undergoes no more than one reflection by scatterers
when traveling from transmitter to receiver. Placing a scattering object at the last re-
radiation and approximating the preceding scattering as a stochastic process can retain
some of the properties of multiple bounces while providing for a much simpler model
the last reradiation while the preceding multiple-bounce can be modeled as a stochastic
process which has lognormal shadowing with Nakagami fading [20]. This assumption,
in conjunction with the first assumption, means that we are considering all scatterers
giving rise to a single bounce multipath signal arriving at the receiving antenna before
and up to time, τmax , where τmax is the maximum allowed delay, i.e. the time difference
between the first and the last signal arrivals at the receiving antenna with signal power
2.2 General Channel Modeling Assumptions
scattering coefficients and uniform random phases. The word ‘scattering’ is not only
used for diffuse scattering but even for those processes that are strictly speaking ‘spec-
• The effective antenna patterns are omnidirectional for both transmitter and receiver.
Practically, the derived formulas for the pdf of AoA should be used in conjunction with
• BS is set at the origin of the global coordinate system. β is the angle between Line of
Sight (LoS) and x-axis of this coordinate system, see Fig. 2.1. From now onward, the
word ‘x-axis’ refers to the x-axis of the global coordinate system. Hence, the location of
any scattering point, S, in the system is denoted by the Cartesian coordinates (xS ,yS )
or in polar coordinates (rBS ,θ). Furthermore, the angle θ = 0◦ corresponds to the angle
towards MS, i.e. the direction of Line of Sight (LoS). Consequently, MS is located at
• All signals received at the antenna are plane waves coming from the horizon, i.e. only
azimuthal coordinates are considered. Some environments such as indoor cellular en-
vironments may require knowledge of the elevation angle while in other environments
such as macrocell environments the waves propagated over rooftops experience stronger
attenuation, therefore, it is reasonable to study only the azimuthal angle in such envi-
ronments [14]. Yet, the established results are helpful in the analysis and performance
assessment of modern wireless techniques, such as smart antenna system, for all cel-
2.3 General Channel Modeling Parameters
lular environments. The angle θ in Fig. 2.1 is the azimuthal angle of arrival of the
• A specific signal delay τ defines a set of scatterers bounded by an elliptical region, with
distinct parameters, which will be referred to as the ‘bounding ellipse’ in our work. The
scatterers on the boundary of the bounding ellipse give rise to single bounce multipath
components [24, 51]. In chapter 5, we will explain further the significance and usage of
As discussed earlier in section 2.1 of this chapter, all previous spatial channel models are
based on specifying either the shape of the scattering region or the scatterer distribution in
There are two further models, which are usually used in modeling the scattering environment
around MS, depending on the shape of the scattering region with uniform scatter density.
2.3 General Channel Modeling Parameters
θ X
B d M
Figure 2.2: Modeling with respect to the shape of the scattering region for uniform scatterer distri-
This model is specifically used for macrocell environments [3, 25, 26], where BS antenna is
mounted on an elevated place. A typical circular scattering model is shown in Fig. 2.2(a).
It can excellently model villages and sparsely populated small towns. Since the distribution
distribution [4], this model can not be taken as the ultimate solution. However, it is very
simple and less calculations are involved in deriving its spatial statistics and correlations
among antenna elements at BS. However, the derivation of its temporal characteristics at
2.3 General Channel Modeling Parameters
This model is specifically used for picocell and microcell environments [3, 24], with low BS an-
tenna heights. A typical elliptical scattering model is shown in Fig. 2.2(b). It can excellently
model the indoor propagation phenomenon but fails in modeling dense urban streets, where
density of scatterers is not uniform. This model is comparatively more complicated than
circular scattering model in deriving its spatial statistics and correlations among antenna
elements at BS. However, the derivation of its temporal characteristics is very easy.
The wave propagation path changes in different environments according to scatterers’ density
and distance between BS and MS in regard to the maximum delay. The two most commonly
used approaches in literature for modeling the distribution of scatterers within the scattering
A uniform model of the spatial pdf of scatterers distributed uniformly within an arbitrarily
shaped region, RA with an area A around MS (and BS in case of elliptical scattering model)
2.3 General Channel Modeling Parameters
θ X
where rBS is the position vector of the scattering point S with respect to BS and θ is the
angle which rBS makes with the horizontal (in our case the AoA of the multipath signal
at BS from scattering point S), as shown in Fig. 2.2. Also, kxk denotes the norm of any
position vector x.
It assumes that the majority of scattering points are clustered together with their density
A Gaussian model of the spatial pdf of the scatterers around MS can be written as
2.4 The Proposed Eccentro-Scattering Channel Model
" ¯ ¯#
¯ ¯
(M S) 1 ¯(xS − xM )2 + (yS − yM )2 ¯
pXS ,YS (xS , yS ) = 2
exp − 2
2πσM S 2σM S
where σM S is the standard deviation of the distribution of scatterers around MS and rBM is
the position vector of MS with respect to BS, as shown in Fig. 2.3. The spatial pdf of the
scatterers around MS presented in [25, 27] is deficient in rBS factor, which is the Jacobian of
the transformation from the Cartesian coordinate system to the polar coordinate system.
The so-called Gaussian Scatter Density Model (GSDM) [2] and the other spatial models pre-
sented in [27, 43] are based on the Gaussian distribution of scatterers around MS. Although
cated compared to that in uniform distributed scattering. That is why Gaussian models are
Consider an ellipse centered at C with foci B and M separated by a distance 2f and with
major and minor axes 2a and 2b respectively, as shown in Fig. 2.4. rBS and rM S satisfy
rBS + rM S = 2a (2.5)
2.4 The Proposed Eccentro-Scattering Channel Model
e= 1 − κ2 (2.6)
where κ (the aspect ratio of the ellipse) = b/a. Eccentricity can also be defined in terms of
e= (2.7)
The circle is a special case of the ellipse with e = 0. The elliptical diagram presented in
Fig. 2.4 can easily be implemented to model any cellular mobile environment with scatterers
Restricting the shape of the scattering disc to be either circular or elliptical alone, does
not allow full flexibility to the physical channel modeling since the shape of the scattering
disc changes in accordance with the terrain, clutter, and location of scattering structures.
2.4 The Proposed Eccentro-Scattering Channel Model
For example, local scatterers in streets and shopping malls in urban areas [44] and dominant
distant scatterers like hills near villages and towns in rural areas can be best represented by
elliptical scattering discs where the length and width of streets and shopping malls in the
case of urban and those of hills in the case of rural areas determine the eccentricities and
major axes of the elliptical scattering discs. On the other hand, local scatterers around MS
in rural areas are best modeled by circular scattering discs. Therefore, there is a need for a
In this research work, we exploit the elliptical diagram depicted in Fig. 2.4 to make it
named due to the fact that it can be applied to any type of cellular environment with
and/or BS. The elliptical disc of scatterers, whose eccentricity can be adjusted with the type
of cellular environment and the conditions of the terrain, is referred to as the ’Eccentro-
Scattering Disc’.
Contrary to the previous physical channel models [2, 3, 24, 26–28], which are very specific
mobile channel modeling. We will use this model throughout our work for deriving spatial
2.5 The Proposed Jointly Gaussian Scattering (JGSM) Model
As mentioned earlier, Gaussian assumption for the distribution of scatterers in the scattering
region is considered the most appropriate in the case of urban, suburban and rural macrocell
That is why all the previous Gaussian scattering models assume the Gaussian scattering
cluster centered at MS. However, in some measurement campaigns aiming to find the actual
distribution of the AoA of the multipath signals, both in indoor [1] and outdoor [4] environ-
ments, two distinct distributions for the AoA of the multipath signals at BS were observed
on a short range of angular domain on both sides of the mean AoA, while the distribution
over the rest of the angular domain was found to be very uniform in both cases. Both sides
of this uniform region are usually referred to as the tails of the probability density function
(pdf) of AoA. The formation of these uniform tails in the distribution of AoA still remains
an unsolved issue in the statistical scattering models [1, 2, 4] proposed so far. These tails are
in fact the aftermath of the reflections/scattering of the radio signal from the scatterers that
Keeping the effect of scattering in the vicinity of BS in view, we propose a novel Gaussian
scattering model for the distribution of scatterers around MS and BS. In our proposed
model, Gaussian distributed scattering points around BS are also taken into consideration
2.5 The Proposed Jointly Gaussian Scattering (JGSM) Model
S2 S1
θ1 X
BS d
scattering phenomenon more realistically. We propose two distinct Gaussian functions for
the distribution of scatterers around BS and MS with different standard deviations. This
model will be referred to as the ‘Jointly Gaussian Scattering Model’ (JGSM), in our work.
This is in contrast to GSDM, where only one Gaussian function is used for the distribution
around BS, we introduce a scattering-free zone around BS whose dimensions depend generally
on the cell size and BS surroundings. We will explain the significance of this scattering-free
region in channel modeling, in the next chapter. Fig. 2.5, depicts JGSM model.
In addition to (2.3), we can write the Gaussian model of the spatial pdf of the scatterers
around BS as, ¯ ¯
" ¯ 2 2¯#
(BS) 1 ¯xS + yS ¯
pXS ,YS (xS , yS ) = 2
exp − 2
2πσBS 2σBS
2.6 Application of the Eccentro-Scattering Model
where σBS is the standard deviation of the distribution of scatterers around BS. Other
notations have been explained in section 2.3.2. JGSM along with the Eccentro-Scattering
multipath signals.
We exploit the Eccentro-Scattering model to represent all cellular environments with corre-
sponding choice of eccentricity (e), semi-major axis (a), and location of the foci and center
The antenna heights in picocell environments are very low, therefore, the scatterers are as-
sumed to exist near BS as likely as near MS (see Fig. 2.6a). Thus, according to the Eccentro-
Scattering model, BS and MS are located at the focal points of the Eccentro-Scattering disc.
The choice of the distribution of scatterers depends on the terrain and clutter conditions of
the environment. If a shopping mall or railway station is to be modeled, then Gaussian as-
sumption for the distribution of scatterers is the most appropriate choice, otherwise uniform
assumption is most suitable for offices and factory halls. In case of Gaussian distributed
scatterers, JGSM along with the Eccentro-Scattering model is the best modeling approach.
2.6 Application of the Eccentro-Scattering Model
Figure 2.6: Typical (a) Picocell and (b) Microcell Environments in Gaussian distributed scattering
In the Microcell environment, the antenna heights are also not very high and multipath
scattering is usually assumed near BS. However BS possesses relatively few scattering points
in its vicinity compared to MS (see Fig. 2.6b). Thus, according to the Eccentro-Scattering
model, BS and MS are located at the focal points of the Eccentro-Scattering disc. As for
the picocell environment, here also the choice of the distribution of scatterers depends on
2.6 Application of the Eccentro-Scattering Model
2.6 Application of the Eccentro-Scattering Model
2.6 Application of the Eccentro-Scattering Model
In the macrocell environment, the BS antenna is higher than the surrounding buildings/scatterers,
therefore, it is viable to assume no scatterers in the vicinity of BS. Here, the received signal at
BS results predominantly from the local scattering process in the vicinity of MS [15] and the
distant scattering process in the transmission path between BS and MS. Thus, according to
the Eccentro-Scattering model, BS is located outside the scattering region and MS is located
disc for the remote scatterers with some arbitrary center, which depends on the geographical
We consider suburban and hilly macrocell environments as having both dominant dis-
tant scatterers and local scatterers [41] as shown in Fig. 1.4(b), while in flat rural and urban
Exemplary values of the model parameters are listed in Tables 2.1 and 2.2. The values
in the tables are merely typical and they may differ slightly from more specific ones. For
example, the delay spread in corridors (picocells) may become larger than what is indicated in
Table 2.1. This difference in values usually results from the variety of antennas, measurement
techniques, measurement locations, and various assumptions made by the working groups.
However, we have chosen the most appropriate values for the model parameters listed in
Tables 2.1 and 2.2 from the studies in [2, 11, 14, 16, 53].
2.7 Summary of the Chapter
In this chapter, we have addressed the issue of physical channel modeling for the cellular
mobile communication system. We have studied intensively the previous approaches used
for modeling cellular mobile channel in picocell, microcell, and macrocell environments. We
have developed necessary channel modeling parameters and proposed a generalized physical
channel model, referred to as the ‘Eccentro-Scattering Model’, which can be applied to any
type of cellular environment with appropriate choice of eccentricity, semi-major axis, and
distribution of scatterers around MS and/or BS. We have also introduced a more appli-
cable scattering model, the Jointly Gaussian Scattering Model (JGSM), which consists of
two Gaussian functions each for the distribution of scatterers around BS and MS. We will
exploit both the JGSM and the Eccentro-Scattering model (either individually or jointly) to
derive the spatial and temporal characteristics of the cellular mobile channel in the following
chapters. The same methodology can also be used to develop a spatial channel model for a
3-D environment.
Chapter 3
Mobile Channel
In this chapter, section 3.1 gives overview of the chapter contributions. Section 3.2 and 3.3
present the derivation of the closed-form formulas for the pdf in AoA of multipaths as seen
from BS for picocell/microcell and macrocell environments. Section 3.4 models the impact
of scattering around BS on the AoA statistics of the cellular mobile channel in dense urban
environments. Finally, section 3.5 concludes the paper and presents final remarks.
3.1 Overview
3.1 Overview
In this chapter, we exploit the proposed Eccentro-Scattering Model to derive the general
expressions for the pdf of AoA of the multipaths at BS in closed form for picocell, mi-
crocell, and macrocell environments assuming uniform and Gaussian distributed scatterers.
Gaussian distributed scatterers are confined, for the first time, within a scattering disc and
the advantages of this technique are discussed. Also, distant scatterers are considered in
macrocell environments and the pdf of AoA of the multipaths at BS due to dominant dis-
tant scattering clusters is derived thereby. Since the AoA statistics are usually affected by
propose a modified JGSM model for such environments and present its comparison with the
field measurements. The terrain and clutter conditions of the BS surroundings are simply
modeled by a scattering-free region around BS. In this way, the radius of the scattering-free
region indicates the extent of the density of the scattering structures around BS. All presented
formulas are compared with the results obtained by the previous researchers [2, 3, 24, 26–28].
We show that the Eccentro-Scattering model can be used to model any type of cellular en-
is presented which shows the generality of the Eccentro-Scattering model, proposed in the
previous chapter.
3.2 Angle Of Arrival For Picocell And Microcell Environments
In picocell and microcell environments, both MS and BS are considered to have local scatter-
ers in their vicinity [41, 44] as shown in Fig. 2.6. The scatterers are confined in an Eccentro-
Scattering disc whose eccentricity can be changed according to the distance between BS and
MS and the maximum delay. Table 2.1 provides the corresponding choice of parameters.
Using radio signal propagation theory, the relationship among maximum delay τmax , total
The propagated radio signal experiences shorter delays in picocell and microcell environments
as compared to macrocell environment. Criteria for selecting τmax can be found in [24]. From
a= (3.2)
Here, the distance between BS and MS, d, is equal to 2f , so using (2.6) and (2.7), the semi-
minor axis b and eccentricity e of the Eccentro-Scattering discs in Fig. 3.1(a) and Fig. 3.2(a)
3.2 Angle Of Arrival For Picocell And Microcell Environments
Q 2b
Distant Scattering Disc
rBCD Local Scattering Disc
θ J
θD rBS
θ X
θL,max G M 2b
(b) macrocells
3.2 Angle Of Arrival For Picocell And Microcell Environments
The area bounded by the sector BSQ in Fig. 3.1(a) and Fig. 3.2(a) is a function of the
angle θ, with angles between 0◦ and θmax . For picocells, the maximum AoA, θmax is 180◦ [53],
which means multipath signals are arriving at BS antenna from all directions, whereas in
microcells, it was found that most of the multipath signals have maximum AoA, θmax of
60◦ [53]. The distance between BS and MS, d, is larger in the case of microcell environment
Fig. 3.1(a) represents the Eccentro-Scattering model for uniformly distributed scatterers in
picocells and microcells. Considering (2.2) and the geometry in Fig. 3.1(a), the Cumulative
Distribution Function (CDF) of the scattering points around BS and MS would be,
Z θ Z z2 Z θ
rBS z22 (ζ)
PΘ (θ) = drBS dζ = dζ (3.5)
−θmax 0 Ae −θmax 2Ae
where Ae is the area of the ellipse, ζ is a dummy variable used for the AoA and z2 is the
positive root of the equation defining the ellipse of Fig. 3.1(a) in polar coordinates,
à ! à !
2 cos2 θ sin2 θ d cos θ d2
rBS + 2 − rBS + −1=0 (3.6)
a2 b a2 4a2
4a2 − d2
z1 (θ), z2 (θ) = (3.7)
2(∓2a − d cos θ)
3.2 Angle Of Arrival For Picocell And Microcell Environments
So the pdf of AoA of the multipaths from all scattering points within the Eccentro-Scattering
d z 2 (θ)
pΘ (θ) = PΘ (θ) = 2 (3.8)
dθ 2Ae
Since Ae = 2
4a2 − d2 , therefore,
(4a2 − d2 )3/2
pΘ (θ) = (3.9)
4πa(2a − d cos θ)2
(1 − e2 )3/2
pΘ (θ) = (3.10)
2π(1 − e cos θ)2
It is evident from (3.10) that the pdf of AoA of the multipaths from all scattering points
within the Eccentro-Scattering disc depends mainly on its eccentricity. In other words, the
determined by the ratio of BS-MS distance to the major axis of the Eccentro-Scattering
Practically speaking, in picocells, the density of scatterers around MS is almost equal to that
around BS due to having the same scattering environment around their antennas, whereas
in microcells, the density of scatterers around MS is greater than that around BS.
Previously, researchers [2, 27] derived the pdf formulas assuming unbounded Gaussian
scattering points centered at MS. Even though this assumption simplifies the derivation, it
3.2 Angle Of Arrival For Picocell And Microcell Environments
L θ Q
Y Distant Scattering Disc
rBP U rMCD Local Scattering Disc
θ rBS J
θD rSM
θ X
θL,max G M H
d 2a
(b) macrocells
3.2 Angle Of Arrival For Picocell And Microcell Environments
is impractical because the maximum delay τmax specifies nearly all the power and AoA of
the multipath signals within some region. Hence, multipaths with longer delays experience
greater path loss and, therefore, have relatively low power compared to those with shorter
delays [16, 24]. It is more realistic to confine the scatterers inside a scattering disc as proposed
in Eccentro-Scattering model. Since the scattering points local to BS have a significant effect
on the AoA statistics, it is more viable to use the JGSM discussed earlier. That is why we
are considering two separate Gaussian functions for the distribution of scatterers around BS
and MS.
Considering (2.4) and the geometry in Fig. 3.2(a), the density of the scattering points
In a similar way, considering (2.9) and the geometry in Fig. 3.2(a), the density of the
Considering (3.11) and (3.12) and the geometry in Fig. 3.2(a), the CDF of the scattering
3.2 Angle Of Arrival For Picocell And Microcell Environments
Z θ Z z2 µ 2
(M S) rBS −rBS − d2 + 2rBS d cos ζ
PΘ (θ) = 2
exp 2
drBS dζ (3.13)
−θmax 0 2πσM S 2σM S
Z θ Z z2 µ 2
(BS) rBS −rBS
PΘ (θ) = 2
exp 2
drBS dζ (3.14)
−θmax 0 2πσBS 2σBS
where z2 is the positive root of the equation defining the ellipse of Fig. 3.2(a) and is defined
in (3.7). Since the received signal at the antenna has interacted with only one single scatterer
in the channel, as assumed earlier, then the AoA of the multipaths from scatterers around BS
and MS are two disjoint events. Hence, the pdf of AoA of the multipaths from all scattering
points within the Eccentro-Scattering disc, pΘ (θ), would be basically the addition of the
1 ³ (M S) (BS)
´ 1³ d
(M S) d (BS) ´
pΘ (θ) = pΘ (θ) + pΘ (θ) = PΘ (θ) + PΘ (θ) (3.15)
2 2 dθ dθ
Z z2 µ 2
¶ Z z2 µ 2 ¶
rBS −rBS − d2 + 2rBS d cos θ rBS −rBS
pΘ (θ) = 2
exp 2
drBS + 2
exp 2
0 2πσM S 2σM S 0 2πσBS 2σBS
Substituting the values of z2 from (3.7) into (3.16), we get the pdf of AoA of the
3.2 Angle Of Arrival For Picocell And Microcell Environments
eq(26) with a=0.5σMS
eq(26) with a=σMS
eq(26) with a=2σ
eq(26) with a=4σ
0.02 Janaswamy
−150 −100 −50 0 50 100 150
Angle of Arrival, (Degrees)
Figure 3.3: Effect of increasing a with respect to σM S on the pdf of AoA in picocells and microcells,
σBS =0.
R 2π
where Ω is the normalizing constant such that 0
pΘ (θ)dθ = 1, and erf(x) is the well known
error function defined as: erf(x) = 0
exp(−t2 )dt.
3.2 Angle Of Arrival For Picocell And Microcell Environments
2. If we consider a = 4σM S and σBS = 0, (3.17) approaches the result found by Janaswamy
[2] for unbounded Gaussian distributed scatterers around MS only. This result implies
because, at a = 4σM S , the Eccentro-Scattering disc would confine almost all (99.99%)
Fig. 3.3, we observe that when a is increased, the pdf of AoA curve tends to overlap
the exact overlap occurs, and the effect of increasing a on the pdf of AoA curve stops
for all values of a greater than 4σM S . In other words, we can say that the pdf of AoA
more realistic to bound the scatterers inside some scattering disc according to terrain
by Liberti [24] and derived again in a compact form by Ertel [3] for bounded uniformly
distributed scatterers confined in an elliptical scattering disc. Fig. 3.4 shows the effect
of using large values for σM S on the pdf of AoA of the multipaths at BS. The pdf
of AoA curves are plotted for different values of σM S . For the sake of convenience,
pdf of AoA curve tends to overlap the curve obtained in case of uniformly distributed
3.2 Angle Of Arrival For Picocell And Microcell Environments
eq(26) with σMS=a
eq(26) with σMS=2a
eq(26) with σMS=10a
−150 −100 −50 0 50 100 150
Angle of Arrival, (Degrees)
Figure 3.4: Effect of increasing σM S with respect to a on the pdf of AoA in picocells and microcells,
σBS =0.
scatterers bounded in an elliptical disc [3]. We thus conclude that Gaussian distributed
is not so visible because BS and MS are usually located very close to each other, while in
microcell environment this effect is more obvious because BS and MS are relatively far from
each other and the scattering disc gets larger values of eccentricity, e (closer to 1).
3.2 Angle Of Arrival For Picocell And Microcell Environments
Laplacian Function (σ = 25.5 )
Eccentro−Scattering Model
−1 Indoor Measurements
No. of Occurrences
−180 −120 −60 0 60 120 180
Angle of Arrival, (Degrees)
Figure 3.5: Comparison of the pdf in AoA for the Eccentro-Scattering model, and Laplacian func-
In the indoor measurement campaigns [1, 45–47], the formation of tails in the pdf of AoA
curves is actually due to the scattering effect of the radio waves by the scatterers closer to BS.
around BS. Fig. 3.5 shows the comparison of the Eccentro-Scattering model with the field
measurements obtained by Spencer [1]. The pdf of AoA curves using the Eccentro-Scattering
model and Laplacian function (suggested by [1]) are plotted against measurement data on
logarithmic scale. Eccentro-Scattering model shows the best fit for the data, especially for
the tails of the distribution. The tails of the other measurements can also be dealt with
3.3 Angle Of Arrival For Macrocell Environment
same as that at MS in shape. However, this phenomenon slightly differs in microcell urban
environments, where streets behave as wave-guides giving different shape to the azimuthal
distribution at MS. Anyhow, the azimuthal distribution of AoA at BS retains its common
shape, i.e. sharp rise on both sides of the mean AoA along LOS and uniform tails on the
rest of the domain. In [48], 3-D high-resolution AoA distribution plots have been presented
for different urban scenarios which reveal the formation of tails in their azimuthal domain
in most of the cases depending on the orientation of the streets. The Eccentro-Scattering
model provides the best modeling approach to represent widths and lengths of the streets in
In this section, we derive the pdf of AoA of the multipaths at BS for macrocell environments.
scattering is assumed in its vicinity. Further, we consider distant scattering discs in hilly
and suburban areas to represent large scattering structures such as mountains and high rise
building clusters.
Fig. 3.1(b) and Fig. 3.2(b) are modified representations of the Eccentro-Scattering model
for macrocell environment, in uniformly and Gaussian distributed scattering regions respec-
3.3 Angle Of Arrival For Macrocell Environment
tively. Consider the ellipses centered at M (MS) with semi-major and semi-minor axes a
and b, respectively, as given in Fig. 3.1(b) and Fig. 3.2(b). d is the distance between B (BS)
and M (MS) and S is a scattering point in the vicinity of MS. θ is the angle between the
position vector of any scattering point and x-axis, i.e. the AoA of the multipaths at BS,
taking values between −θL,max and θL,max , where θL,max is the maximum AoA at BS in local
µ µ ³ a ´¶¶
θL,max = arctan κ tan arcsin (3.18)
In macrocells, the eccentricity of the local Eccentro-Scattering disc does not depend on
d, because BS is located outside the scattering region, however it depends on the terrain and
Likewise for the distant Eccentro-Scattering disc, aD , and bD are the semi-major and
3.3 Angle Of Arrival For Macrocell Environment
semi-minor axes of the distant Eccentro-Scattering disc, P is a scattering point in that disc,
D is the total distance between BS and MS via CD , the center of the distant scattering
disc, i.e., D = krBCD k + krM CD k where krBCD k and krM CD k are shown in Fig. 3.1(b) and
Fig. 3.2(b). dD is the distance between BS and CD , i.e., dD = krBCD k, θD is the angle
of krBCD k with x-axis. We assume the major axis of the distant Eccentro-Scattering disc
is parallel to rBCD . This assumption is just for the sake of making the modeling easy,
otherwise any orientation of the distant Eccentro-Scattering disc can be taken according to
the physical location of distant scattering structures. For the distant scattering points, θ
takes values between θD − θD,max and θD + θD,max , where θD,max is the maximum AoA for
µ µ ³ a ´¶¶
θD,max = arctan κD tan arcsin (3.19)
where κD (the aspect ratio of the distant Eccentro-Scattering disc)= bD /aD . From the
geometry of Fig. 3.1(b) and Fig. 3.2(b), the angular spread, 2θmax , is defined as,
In the case of using two directional antennas to illuminate both local and distant scat-
terers, 2θL,max and 2θD,max would be treated as separate angular spreads each for individual
In Fig. 3.1(b) and Fig. 3.2(b), where a dominant distant Eccentro-Scattering disc exists
in addition to the local Eccentro-Scattering disc, the area bounded by the sector GJSH in
3.3 Angle Of Arrival For Macrocell Environment
the local Eccentro-Scattering disc is a function of the angle θ, with angles between 0 and
θL,max , and the area bounded by the sector U QP V in the distant Eccentro-Scattering disc
is a function of the angle θ, with angles between θD and θD + θD,max . Table 2.2 specifies the
Considering (2.2) and the geometry in Fig. 3.1(b), the CDFs of the scattering points for the
Z θD +θ Z w2 Z θD +θ
(D) rBP w22 (ζ) − w12 (ζ)
PΘ (θ) = drBP dζ = dζ (3.22)
θD −θD,max w1 AD θD −θD,max 2AD
where AL = πab, AD = πaD bD , and z1 , z2 and w1 , w2 are two pairs of roots for the equations
defining the local and distant Eccentro-Scattering discs, respectively, in polar coordinates,
à ! à !
2 2
2 cos θ sin θ 2d cos θ d2
rBS + − r BS + −1=0 (3.23)
a2 b2 a2 a2
à ! à ! à !
2 cos2 θ sin2 θ cos θ cos θD sin θ sin θD cos 2
θD sin 2
rBP + 2 −2dD rBP + +d2D + 2 −1 = 0
a2D bD a2D b2D a2D bD
with roots,
b2 d cos θ ∓ a2 sin2 θ + b2 cos2 θ − d2 sin2 θ
z1 , z 2 = (3.25)
a2 sin2 θ + b2 cos2 θ
3.3 Angle Of Arrival For Macrocell Environment
¡ ¢ p
dD a2D sin θ sin θD + b2D cos θ cos θD ∓ aD bD a2D sin2 θ + b2D cos2 θ − d2D sin2 (θ − θD )
w 1 , w2 =
a2D sin2 θ + b2D cos2 θ
Substituting the values of z1 , z2 and w1 , w2 from (3.25) and (3.26) into (3.21) and (3.22)
and differentiating with respect to θ, we get the pdf of AoA of the multipaths at BS from
the scatterers confined in the local and distant Eccentro-Scattering discs as follows,
2κ E cos θ ¡ sin2 θ + κ2 cos2 θ¢− E 2 sin2 θ , −θL,max ≤ θ ≤ θL,max
π sin2 θ + κ2 cos2 θ
0, θL,max < θ < θD − θD,max
pΘ (θ) = ¡ 2
¢q 2
2ED sin θ sin θD + κD cos θ cos θD sin θ + κ2D cos2 θ − ED
sin2 (θ − θD )
¡ ¢2 ,
π sin 2
θ + κ2
θD − θD,max ≤ θ ≤ θD + θD,max
0, elsewhere
where E = d/a and ED = dD /aD are important ratios that help in designing directional an-
tennas for local and dominant distant scattering environments especially in urban, suburban,
3.3 Angle Of Arrival For Macrocell Environment
Once again we say that Gaussian distributed scatterers represent a better assumption to the
real situations in macrocell environments. Here also, we confine the Gaussian distributed
scatterers, both local and distant, inside the Eccentro-Scattering discs since it is more prac-
Considering (2.4) and the geometry in Fig. 3.2(b), the CDFs of the scattering points
for the local and distant Eccentro-Scattering discs will be, respectively,
Z θ Z z2 µ 2
(L) rBS −rBS − d2 + 2rBS d cos ζ
PΘ (θ) = 2
exp 2
drBS dζ (3.28)
−θL,max z1 2πσM S 2σM S
Z θD +θ Z w2 µ 2
(D) rBP −rBP − d2D + 2rBP dD cos(ζ − θD )
PΘ (θ) = 2
exp 2
drBP dζ (3.29)
θD −θD,max w1 2πσD 2σD
To simplify the derivation, we assume a circular disc for the distant scatterers, i.e.
κD = 1, so, substituting aD and bD by RD in (3.24) and solving for rBP , results in the
Substituting the values of z1 , z2 from (3.25) and w1 , w2 from (3.30) into (3.28) and
(3.29) and differentiating with respect to θ, we get the pdf of AoA of the multipaths at BS
3.3 Angle Of Arrival For Macrocell Environment
from the scatterers confined in the local and distant Eccentro-Scattering discs as follows,
pΘ (θ) =
³ 2 2 ´· ³ ´ ¸
−κ f1 + 2κf1 f2 − E 2 sin2 θ(sin2 θ + κ4 cos2 θ) −4κf1 f2
K1 exp exp −1
f32· ¸f32
³ ´ ³ ´ ³ ´
a2 E 2 sin2 θ erf κf1 + f2 + erf κf1 − f2 ,
+K 2 E cos θ exp −
2σM 2
f3 f3
−θL,max ≤ θ ≤ θL,max
0, θL,max < θ < θD − θD,max
³ 2 2 ´ ³ RD 1 − ED 2
sin2 (θ − θD ) ´
RD ED√cos(θ − θD ) RD ED sin2 (θ − θD ) √
Ω exp 2 erf ,
2πσD 2σD 2σD
θD − θD,max ≤ θ ≤ θD + θD,max
0, elsewhere
where K1 = Ω
and K2 = Ωa√
2σM S 2π
are constants, f1 = sin2 θ + κ2 cos2 θ − E 2 sin2 θ, f2 =
2σM S
¡ ¢
E(1 − κ2 ) cos θ sin2 θ and f3 = a
sin2 θ + κ2 cos2 θ are some functions of θ, erf(x) is
Rx dD
the well known error function defined as erf(x) = 0
exp(−t2 )dt, ED = RD
and Ω is the
R 2π
normalizing constant such that 0
pΘ (θ)dθ = 1.
In (3.31), the semi-major axis for the local Eccentro-Scattering disc a and the radius of
the distant scattering disc RD do not change with distances d and dD and remain constant
as far as the terrain and clutter do not change in the scattering regions, so the pdf of AoA
1. The eccentricity of the local Eccentro-Scattering disc (and the eccentricity of the distant
3.3 Angle Of Arrival For Macrocell Environment
Distant Scattering
Figure 3.7: Simulated and theoretical pdf of AoA for suburban macrocell with d = 2000m, a =
3. The standard deviations of the scattering points around MS and of those around the
In (3.27) and (3.31), θD plays an important role in describing the total angle spread
when both local and distant scatterers are taken into account. θD usually remains constant
and indicates the deviation of the center of the dominant distant scattering cluster from the
center of the mobile service area. If θD is large as compared to the values of θL,max and
θD,max , then the use of two separate directional antennas is a valid recommendation when a
fixed beam antenna system is used at BS, see Fig. 3.6. However a smart antenna can handle
multiple beams, therefore the use of two directional antennas may not be needed. Thus,
3.3 Angle Of Arrival For Macrocell Environment
(3.27) and (3.31) are helpful in designing antenna systems in flat rural, suburban, urban,
and hilly areas. If θD − θD,max is less than θL,max then the pdf of AoA would be the addition
(L) (D)
of pΘ (θ) and pΘ (θ) for the overlapping region. In Fig. 3.7, simulation and theoretical
results, using (3.27) and (3.31), are presented for typical macrocell environments both for
uniform and Gaussian distributions. Keeping the assumptions itemized in section 2.2 of
the previous chapter in view, we use re-radiating scattering structures in our simulations.
We exploit mainly reflection and diffraction phenomena over 2 GHz frequency, i.e. 15 cm
wavelength. At this wavelength all scattering structures mostly buildings, trees and buses
look like big opaque or quasi-opaque spheres which reflect and diffract radio waves at 2 GHz.
Normalized histograms of the number of scattering occurrences are sketched in the plots using
The following additional remarks can be made about (3.27) and (3.31):
1. The work in [27] derived the pdf of AoA of the multipath signals at BS considering
scattering points that are Gaussian distributed around MS only, and within the angular
disc was defined, which is an impractical assumption as discussed earlier. The only
effect of using a directional antenna at BS is to reject the AoAs falling outside the
beamwidth, while it does not alter the distribution of AoA at BS. However, by substi-
tuting θL,max by α, the half beamwidth of the directional antenna, used at BS in (3.28)
3.3 Angle Of Arrival For Macrocell Environment
Tsoulos and McGeehan [28] for bounded uniformly distributed scatterers confined in
an elliptical scattering disc. Also if we exclude distant scattering clusters, (3.27) gives
3. The work in [3] for the uniformly distributed local scatterers confined in circular disc
4. In macrocell environments where BS antennas are not at higher altitudes, e.g. in urban
areas as compared to rural areas, the scatterers in the vicinity of BS have significant
impact on the pdf of AoA. Then using JGSM approach, the pdf of AoA of the multipath
signals at BS is,
µ ¶
1 (BS) (M S) (D)
pΘ (θ) = p (θ) + pΘ (θ) + pΘ (θ) (3.32)
3 Θ
(M S) (D)
where the sum pΘ (θ) + pΘ (θ) is given in (3.31) while,
( µ ¶)
(BS) 1 a2BS b2BS
PΘ (θ) = 1 − exp (3.33)
2π 2(a2BS sin2 θ + b2BS cos2 θ)σBS
In (3.33), aBS and bBS are the semi-major and semi-minor axes of the Eccentro-
As mentioned earlier, the maximum delay of the multipaths (τmax ) has a significant
effect on the pdf of AoA at BS. The pdf of AoA derived using the Eccentro-Scattering model
3.3 Angle Of Arrival For Macrocell Environment
depends on the size of the Eccentro-Scattering disc, which in turn depends on τmax , whereas
this is not the case for the corresponding pdf derived using unbounded scattering [2, 16, 27].
It was mentioned in [2] that, in the Gaussian AoA model, the distribution of arriving waves
in azimuth is assumed to be Gaussian without specific mention of the scatter density required
to produce it. Nevertheless it was stated earlier in [54] that, if the Gaussian model for the
distribution of scatterers round the mobile is assumed then the angular distribution seen
infinitely far distant scatterers, we get an exactly bell-shaped Gaussian pdf of AoA of the
disc i.e. the Eccentro-Scattering disc, then the pdf of AoA would be Gaussian distributed
with its feet depending on the size of the disc, the distance between BS and MS, and the
standard deviation of the scattering points around MS and BS under the zooming effect, see
similarity of the plots of the pdf of AoA for uniform and Gaussian scattering when the
standard deviation of the Gaussian distributed scatterers around MS is greater than twice
the semi-major axis of the respective Eccentro-Scattering discs. In other words, assuming
scattering to be either uniformly or Gaussian distributed for sparsely populated areas gives
almost the same distribution of AoA of multipaths at BS, see Fig. 3.4.
3.3 Angle Of Arrival For Macrocell Environment
Microcell Liberti [24] Uniform e= 2a in (3.10)
and Ertel [3] OR
σM S = 3a, σBS = 0 in (3.17)
Janaswamy [2] Gaussian a = 4σM S , σBS = 0
and Lotter [27] in (3.17)
Picocell Liberti [24] Uniform e = 2a in (3.10)
and Ertel [3] OR
σM S = 3a, σBS = 0 in (3.17)
Janaswamy [2] Gaussian a = 4σM S , σBS = 0
and Lotter [27] in (3.17)
Effect of Directional Lotter [27] Gaussian z1 = 0, z2 = ∞, and,
Antenna at BS θL,max = α in (3.28),
where α = half of
the beamwidth of
directional antenna
3.4 Modeling the Impact of Scattering around BS on the AoA Statistics
Table 3.1 summarizes the results and comparisons of the Eccentro-Scattering model with
previous physical channel models. Also in Table 3.1, the most common shapes of the pdf of
AoA of the multipaths at BS are given for all cellular environments in Gaussian distributed
scattering, which depend on σM S , σBS , e, and E of the Eccentro-Scattering discs. The work
in [2, 3, 16, 24, 27, 28] can easily be extracted from Table 3.1.
In this section, we address the issue of the impact of heavy scattering around BS on the AoA
statistics of multipath signals at BS. We utilize JGSM proposed in chapter 2, along with a
scattering-free region, which makes it feasible to model the effect of scattering around BS
on the azimuthal distribution. This combination successfully answers the formation of pdf
tails on both sides of the mean angle of arrival in the measurements performed by Pedersen
et al. [4] for an urban macrocell environment. JGSM along with the provision of scattering-
free region, provides simpler modeling as compared to the Gaussian Macrocell Eccentro-
Scattering model in section 3.3.2, where Gaussian distributed scatterers are confined in an
cellular environment, which makes it more complicated than the combination of JGSM and
3.4 Modeling the Impact of Scattering around BS on the AoA Statistics
y S
Rnull β
B x
scattering-free zone.
Fig. 3.8 depicts the proposed scattering model where BS and MS are surrounded by Gaussian
Let Rnull be the radius of circular shaped scattering-free zone around BS as shown in
Fig. 3.8. The value of Rnull depends on the radius of the cell, height of BS antenna, clustering
A Gaussian model of the spatial pdf of the scatterers around MS and BS is written in
3.4 Modeling the Impact of Scattering around BS on the AoA Statistics
The area bounded by the sector BSQ in Fig. 3.8 is a function of the angle θ, with angles
between β and θmax , where θmax is the maximum angle of arrival and gives the measure
for the maximum angular spread. For indoor picocells, multipath signals arrive at BS from
all directions, i.e. θ ∈ {−180◦ , 180◦ }. For outdoor microcells, a directional antenna of half
beamwidth α = 60◦ is usually used keeping the maximum angular spread as 120◦ . Whereas
in outdoor macrocells, the maximum AoA, θmax , and the minimum AoA, θmin , depend on
the standard deviation of the distribution of the scatterers around MS, the distance between
³ 4σ ´ d
θmax,min ≈ β ± arcsin , for σM S ≤ (3.34)
d 4
Considering (2.4) and the geometry in Fig. 3.8, the density of the scattering points
³ 2 2 ´
rBS exp − rBS + d − 2rBS d cos(θ − β) , for r > 0
(M S) 2 2 BS
pRBS ,Θ (rBS , θ) = 2πσM S 2σM S (3.35)
0, elsewhere
In a similar way, considering (2.9) and the geometry in Fig. 3.8, the density of the
From (3.35), (3.36) and Fig. 3.8, the Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) of the
3.4 Modeling the Impact of Scattering around BS on the AoA Statistics
Z θ Z ∞ µ 2
(M S) rBS −rBS − d2 + 2rBS d cos(ζ − β)
PΘ (θ) = 2
exp 2
drBS dζ (3.37)
θmin 0 2πσM S 2σM S
Z θ Z ∞ µ 2
(BS) rBS −rBS
PΘ (θ) = 2
exp 2
drBS dζ (3.38)
θmin Rnull 2πσBS 2σBS
We assume that the received signal at BS antenna interacts with one single scatterer in
the last reflection/scattering, therefore the AoA of the multipaths from scatterers around BS
and MS are two disjoint events. Hence, the pdf of AoA of the multipaths from all scattering
points, pΘ(θ) , will be basically the addition of the derivatives of (3.37) and (3.38) with respect
to θ, i.e.,
1 ³ (M S) ´ 1µd d (BS)
(BS) (M S)
pΘ (θ) = p (θ) + pΘ (θ) = P (θ) + PΘ (θ) (3.39)
2 Θ 2 dθ Θ dθ
Z ∞ µ 2
1 rBS −rBS − d2 + 2rBS d cos(θ − β)
pΘ (θ) = 2
exp 2
2 0 2πσM S 2σM S
Z ∞ µ 2
1 rBS −rBS
+ 2
exp 2
drBS (3.40)
2 Rnull 2πσBS 2σBS
Simplifying (3.40), we get the pdf of AoA of the multipaths at BS from the Gaussian dis-
3.4 Modeling the Impact of Scattering around BS on the AoA Statistics
R 2π
where Ω is normalizing constant such that 0
pΘ (θ)dθ = 1, and erfc(x) is the complementary
error function defined as: erfc(x) = √2 exp(−t2 )dt.
π x
In outdoor environments, the majority of scattering points are clustered together with their
density decreases as the distance from MS increases. This fact suggests a Gaussian model
for the distribution of scatterers in outdoor environments. Since the distribution of AoA in
outdoor environments strictly depends on the separation between BS and MS and the nature
of scattering structures; so, we use different values for Rnull in our proposed scattering model
to represent rural, suburban/bad urban, and urban environments as listed in Table 3.2.
Equation (3.41) represents the general closed-form expression for the pdf of AoA of the
multipaths at BS using the proposed scattering model. The following remarks can be made
1. We observe that the second and third terms in equation (3.41), which do not depend
on the AoA, θ, reveal the fact that the tails of the pdf of the AoA are usually uniform,
and their height can be easily controlled by the appropriate selection of Rnull .
for the AoA of the multipaths at BS. This is a common assumption made usually
to study the Doppler characteristics of the channel and is based on the fact that
3.4 Modeling the Impact of Scattering around BS on the AoA Statistics
Rate of Occurance
−25 −20 −15 −10 −5 0 5 10 15 20 25
Angle of Arrival, Degrees
Rate of Occurance
−25 −20 −15 −10
Angle of Arrival, Degrees
3.4 Modeling the Impact of Scattering around BS on the AoA Statistics
3. If we consider either σBS = 0 or Rnull > 4σBS , pdf in (3.41) approaches the result
found by Janaswamy [2] for Gaussian distributed scatterers located around MS only.
4. The work in [27] derived the pdf of AoA of the multipaths at BS considering scatter-
ing points that are Gaussian distributed and situated around MS within the angular
beamwidth, 2α, of a directional antenna at BS. The only effect of using directional an-
tenna at BS is the rejection of the AoAs falling outside the beamwidth of the antenna,
5. In [2, 4], a Gaussian function with standard deviation of 6◦ was suggested to fit field
for the tails of the histogram. It was observed that the tails were actually heavier
than predicted by Gaussian distribution. In fact, these tails are formed due to the
multipath signals reflected by the scatterers situated around BS. The height of these
tails depends on the standard deviation of the Gaussian distributed scatterers around
BS, σBS , and the value of Rnull . A lower value of Rnull produces heavier tails and vice
versa. Equation (3.41) explains the formation of the tails, which is due to the AoA
In Fig. 3.9(a) and 3.9(b), plots for the rate of occurrence of AoA of the multipaths at BS
have been presented using Uniform Scattering Model [3, 28], the Gaussian Scatter Density
3.5 Conclusion
Model (GSDM) [2] and the proposed scattering model besides measurement data [4]. The
first conclusion we can make from these plots is that Gaussian assumption for the distribution
Fig. 3.9(b), enlightens the tails of the distribution of AoA, on logarithmic scale. Here, we
can observe the effect of scattering around BS, which is successfully overcome by adjusting
3.5 Conclusion
In this chapter, we have studied the spatial characteristics of cellular mobile channel for
picocell, microcell, and macrocell environments assuming uniform and Gaussian distribution
for the scatterers. We have utilized the Eccentro-Scattering Model proposed in the previous
chapter and derived general expressions for the pdf of AoA of the multipath signals at BS
applicable to picocell, microcell, and macrocell environments assuming uniform and Gaussian
scatter density. The same methodology can be further used to derive the spatial statistics
3.5 Conclusion
of the mobile channel for a 3-D environment. The derived results show that the previous
spatial models can easily be extracted from our proposed model with appropriate selection
of parameters. We have thoroughly discussed the results and compared them with those of
Theoretical results when compared with some available measurements both in indoor
and outdoor environments, show good proximity with the realistic situations. We can thus
visualize our proposed model to be useful in simulating several propagation scenarios for
wireless communications systems. The derived results, in closed form, can also be used
in further research work to model Doppler characteristics and tracking properties of time-
We have also addressed the issue of the impact of local-to-BS scattering on the spa-
tial characteristics and implemented JGSM for low antenna-height urban environment by
region around BS models the extent of scattering in the vicinity of BS and thus can easily
BS according to their anticipated effect on the angular distribution of the cellular mobile
channel. We have found that the JGSM along with the provision of scattering-free region
provides good fitness to the field measurements when compared with all existing Gaussian
scattering models that consider only one Gaussian function for the distribution of scatterers
around MS.
Chapter 4
Section 4.1 of this chapter presents an overview of the significance of angle spread in MIMO
channel modeling and itemizes the contributions made in the chapter. Section 4.2 discusses
various definitions of angle spread, which are already being used in the literature. In section
4.3, a novel method for quantifying angle spread of multipath power is proposed and its
relations with the previous definitions are discussed. Section 4.4 presents the effect of AoA
distribution truncation on the angle spread, while section 4.5 itemizes various factors that
cause the truncation of AoA distributions. Section 4.6 compares different azimuthal models
with the measurement campaigns on the basis of angle spread and section 4.7 concludes the
4.1 Overview
Use of adaptive antenna arrays in MIMO communication systems has generated significant
interest in recent years. MIMO systems utilizing advanced diversity and spatial filtering
schemes [55], offer very high information-theoretic capacities [18, 37]. The optimum antenna
array topology and combining algorithm are strongly related to the azimuth dispersion of
the mobile radio channel [4], especially during small-scale fading. Hence, in order to make
realistic evaluations of the capabilities of diversity and spatial filtering schemes in MIMO
systems, deep understanding of the statistics of the azimuth angle spread is required.
Angle spread is the key factor of the second order statistics (or the correlation statis-
tics) of fading processes in wireless communications [22, 23, 33, 49]. The concept of isotropic
scattering or omni-directional azimuthal propagation modeling [23] does not cope with the
realistic situations anymore, therefore a lot of work has been done on non-isotropic spatial
channel models [30, 38, 49, 56] to simulate the angular energy distribution at BS antenna (or
antenna array). Use of these angular energy distributions in the mathematical calculations
for spatial fading correlations, opened a new debate on finding the exact definition of angle
spread in the research community. Various definitions of the angle spread have been used in
the literature so far, but unfortunately none of them is capable of establishing a generalized
relationships among different parameters of the angle spread and multipath fading. This
motivated us to focus on the spatial statistics of the cellular mobile channel and introduce
a generalized definition of the angle spread for its diverse use in correlation calculations.
4.1 Overview
1. We discuss all previous definitions of the angle spread and propose a novel generalized
method of quantifying the angle spread of the multipath power. Our method provides
almost all parameters of the dispersion of multipath power in space, which can be
further used for calculating more accurate spatial correlations and other statistics of
multipath fading channels. These proposed parameters are also helpful in finding the
angular data acquired in measurement campaigns, which can lead to the computation
of the exact separation distances among array elements needed for diversity antennas.
2. Keeping the recent use of truncated Gaussian and Laplacian functions as the distribu-
tions of AoA in view, we indicate the severity of the effects of distribution truncation
3. We itemize the factors which cause such truncations in the AoA distributions and
and show the comparisons of some notable azimuthal models with the measurement
4.2 Angle Spread
Multiple replicas of the transmitted signal are received at the receiver due to the multipath
propagation in the radio environment. These multipath components of the received signal
arrive at the receiver antenna from different azimuth directions about the horizon [22, 23, 49].
the function, p(θ), where θ is the azimuthal angle of arrival (AoA) [32].
Depending on their choices and requirements, the researchers are currently using several
definitions of quantifying angle spread in multipath fading channels. These definitions involve
total angular span [29], beamwidth, the rms value of the angular data, standard deviation
of Gaussian [30] or Laplacian distribution [31] and shape factor defined in [32, 33]. However,
Use of Beamwidth and rms value as the definition of angle spread are often ill suited for
general application to periodic functions such as angle of arrival (AoA) distributions [33].
Standard deviation (SD), σθ , of the Gaussian angular energy distribution heavily depends on
the total angular span, θspan , and the degree of truncation of the distribution (if there is any
function as the true SD of the angular data which represents a truncated Gaussian, will
The shape factor Λ defined in [32, 33] (we are keeping the same notation) used to denote
4.3 The Proposed Method to Quantify Angle Spread
the angle spread in the range from zero to one, can be considered as the most favorable one,
since it is invariant under the changes in transmitted power, under any series of rotational
or reflective transformation of p(θ) [33]. However, this definition has the disadvantage of
not providing true physical information about the angle spread, i.e. information either in
degrees or radians. This disadvantage is the main cause of its unpopularity in the research
community. We will show in sequel that one of our parameter in the proposed angle spread
Our method of quantifying angle spread is based on Fourier coefficients of p(θ), and is analo-
gous to the method used in [32]. However, we utilize trigonometric moments for calculating
the statistics of directional data in [57] instead of exponential moments. It can easily be
shown that both methods generate the same Fourier coefficients. Since the use of trigono-
metric moments is advantageous in manipulating discrete data, we will later extend our
Let R̄n = C¯n + j S¯n be defined as the nth complex trigonometric moment of the angular
R 2π
energy distribution p(θ) whose total power is equal to P0 = 0
p(θ)dθ. The trigonometric
parameters, C¯n and S¯n for the angular energy distribution p(θ) are defined as
4.3 The Proposed Method to Quantify Angle Spread
Z 2π
C̄n = p(θ) cos(nθ)dθ (4.1)
P0 0
Z 2π
S̄n = p(θ) sin(nθ)dθ (4.2)
P0 0
In case of discrete measured or observed data, the definitions for the trigonometric
1 X
C̄n = fi cos(nθi ) (4.3)
F0 i=1
1 X
S̄n = fi sin(nθi ) (4.4)
F0 i=1
where F0 = i=1 fi for i = 1, · · · , N and fi is the number of occurrences for the AoA θi in
where |R̄n | = C̄n2 + S̄n2 is the mean resultant of the nth trigonometric moment and θ̄n =
tan−1 ( C̄S̄nn ) is its direction [57]. If the first moment is considered, θ̄1 gives the mean angle
of the distribution, p(θ), i.e. the mean AoA in our case. From now onward, we will denote
θ̄1 as θ̄, the mean AoA. Furthermore, we will utilize only first and second moments in our
4.3 The Proposed Method to Quantify Angle Spread
Now we define our basic measure of angular dispersion, the circular variance, S0 as,
S0 = 1 − |R̄1 | (4.6)
where |R̄1 | is the magnitude of the first trigonometric moment of p(θ). S0 is invariant under
the changes in transmitted power, under any series of rotational or reflective transformation
of p(θ). We see that 0 ≤ S0 ≤ 1, which means that the observed AoAs are tightly clustered
about the mean direction θ̄, then |R̄1 | will be closer to 1 and S0 will be nearly zero. On the
other hand, if the AoAs are widely dispersed then |R̄1 | will be small and S0 will be nearly 1.
S0 and |R̄1 | can easily be transformed to the shape factor Λ discussed in [32] and the
Λ = 1 − |R̄1 |2
= 2S0 − S02 (4.7)
σθ = −2 ln(1 − S0 )
= −2 ln(|R̄1 |) (4.8)
where σθ is the conventional standard deviation of the angular energy distribution in ra-
dians. It gives the true physical information about the angular dispersion of the data. It
is also invariant under the circumstances discussed for S0 . Since it provides true physical
information about the dispersion of the multipath signals in space, it can also stand as the
major candidate for the unanimous definition of angle spread of multipath signals. If σθ is
4.4 Effect of Distribution Truncation on the Angle Spread
already known, then the circular variance S0 and the mean resultant of the first moment
S0 = 1 − e− 2 (4.9)
|R̄1 | = e− 2 (4.10)
σθ = − ln(1 − Λ2 ) (4.11)
p 2
Λ= 1 − e−σθ (4.12)
In [33], Durgin et al. have also proposed two more shape factors angular constriction γ
and orientation parameter θMF in their study. γ is a measure of how multipath concentrates
about two azimuthal directions and θMF provides the azimuthal direction of maximum fading.
These two parameters can also be related to the complex trigonometric moments as,
|R̄2 − R̄12 |
γ= (4.13)
1 − |R̄1 |2
θM F = phase{R̄2 − R̄12 } (4.14)
It has been observed in [54] that if the bell-shaped spatial Gaussian model for the distribution
of scatterers around the mobile is assumed, then the angular distribution as seen from the BS
4.4 Effect of Distribution Truncation on the Angle Spread
−135 −90 −45 0 45 90 135 180 225
angle in degrees
Figure 4.1: Comparison between truncated (θspan = 90◦ ) and untruncated (θspan = 360◦ ) Gaussian
is also Gaussian. Based on the measurements, Pedersen et al. [4] found that the scattering
structures in urban environments usually give rise to the Gaussian distribution in azimuthal
angle of arrival and the Laplacian distribution in power azimuthal spectrum (PAS). Laplacian
function was also considered the best candidate for the distribution in angle of arrival in
indoor environments [1]. However, many situations have been observed when neither the
distribution of the angle of arrival matches exactly a true bell-shaped Gaussian nor the
PAS fits an exact double exponential Laplacian function, then a truncated Gaussian or
emerge in outdoor environment when Gaussian distributed scatterers do not produce exact
Gaussian distributions in AoA at BS, but instead they form some truncated, distorted, cut
4.4 Effect of Distribution Truncation on the Angle Spread
part, which distorts the Gaussian function. This additional part certainly disturbs the angle
spread measure. That is why the SD of the exact bell-shaped Gaussian function, σg , can not
be trusted any more to be used in calculating the spatial fading correlations among antenna
array elements. If it is still used, the spatial fading correlation calculations will certainly
The true SD, σθ , of the angular energy distribution or the pdf of the AoA as seen at
BS, depends on the peak/s of the distribution, as well as on the angular span of the angular
data. SD of the exact bell-shaped Gaussian function, σg , remains equal to the true SD, σθ ,
of the Gaussian azimuthal distribution as long as the total angular span, θspan , remains more
than 8σg (or twice of 4σg ). Angular span, θspan , can be written as,
where θmax and θmin are the maximum and minimum angles of arrival, respectively.
As soon as the angular span lowers 8σg (in case of a truncated Gaussian), the true SD
of the angular energy starts decreasing, and it decreases very sharply for the smaller values
of the span.
Cg ³ (θ − θ̄)2 ´
p̃Θ (θ) =√ exp − (4.16)
2πσg 2σg2
4.4 Effect of Distribution Truncation on the Angle Spread
Gaussian, σ =60°
55 Gaussian, σ =45°
Gaussian, σg=30
50 Gaussian, σ =15°
360 320 280 240 200 160 120 80 40 0
Angular Span, 2θ0, Degrees
where θ̄ is the mean AoA and Cg is the normalizing constant chosen to make p̃Θ (θ) a density
function. In Fig. 4.1, a truncated Gaussian density function is plotted along with a full-span
Cg = (4.17)
erf( 2θ√span
In equation (4.16), σg defines the probability density function (pdf), p̃Θ (θ), but does
not provide the correct information about the deviation of the data from the mean AoA, θ̄.
σg is in fact the SD of the untruncated or full-span Gaussian with θspan = 8σg . For such
After some mathematical manipulations given in Appendix 4-A, the true SD, σθ , for the
4.4 Effect of Distribution Truncation on the Angle Spread
−135 −90 −45 0 45 90 135 180 225
angle in degrees
Figure 4.3: Comparison between truncated (θspan = 90◦ ) and untruncated (θspan = 360◦ ) Laplacian
truncated Gaussian function, p̃Θ (θ), can easily be related to the SD of full-span Gaussian
function, σg , as,
Cg θspan σg ³ θ2 ´
σθ2 = σg2 − √ exp − (4.18)
2π 8σg2
Fig. 4.2 shows the effect of truncation of the Gaussian function on the angle spread
measured as the true SD, σθ , using various values of σg . Fig. 4.2 also provides the corre-
sponding effect for the case of uniform distribution in AoA. We observe that the effect of
decreasing angular span, θspan , on the angle spread σθ in case of uniform distribution is linear
as expected from the definition, σθ = θspan /(2 3). On the other hand, the decreasing θspan
clearly affects σθ for large values of σg in case of Gaussian distribution, but does not affect
4.4 Effect of Distribution Truncation on the Angle Spread
σθ for small values of σg . One more interesting result that can be observed is the curve
of σθ versus θspan for Gaussian distribution follows the linear curve of uniform distribution,
indicating the turning of Gaussian distribution into uniform distribution in case of severe
Similarly Laplacian assumption of the angular energy distribution can also be ap-
proached using the same analogy. A truncated Laplacian function is defined in terms of
density function is plotted along with a full-span or untruncated Laplacian density function.
Cl is given as
Cl = ¡ θspan ¢
1 − exp − √
As mentioned earlier in the Gaussian case, in equation (4.19), σl also defines the pdf,
p̃Θ (θ), but does not provide the correct information about the deviation of the data from
the mean AoA, θ̄. If p̃Θ (θ) represent an untruncated Laplacian, Cl becomes unity and σθ
4.4 Effect of Distribution Truncation on the Angle Spread
Laplacian, σl=60°
55 Laplacian, σl=45°
Laplacian, σl=30°
50 Laplacian, σl=15°
360 320 280 240 200 160 120 80 40 0
Angular Span, 2θ0, Degrees
Fig. 4.4 shows the effect of truncation of the Laplacian function on the true SD, σθ ,
using various values of σl . Fig. 4.4 provides almost similar results as discussed in the case of
Fig. 4.2. However, one interesting result which can be deduced by comparing both figures is
that the effect of truncation on the angle spread is more gradual in case of Laplacian than
that in Gaussian, where sudden decline in σθ occurs for low values of θspan .
Keeping the above discussion in view, we can easily conclude that any calculations or
simulations carried out for spatial correlations by using truncated Gaussian or Laplacian
4.5 Factors which Cause Gaussian Distribution Truncation
models for the distribution of AoA will result in wrongful outcomes. Hence, the use of σg
angular energy distribution for calculating correlations among antenna elements in order to
compare BER performance of a uniform circular array with that of a uniform linear array)
The major factors which give rise to the situations where a Gaussian azimuthal distribution
Factor 1:
With the use of directional antenna at the base station in Gaussian scattering environment
[27] one can avoid the scatterers falling out of the beam-range of antenna. This gives rise
to a truncated Gaussian distribution of the AoA at the base station. In chapter 3, we have
explained the effect of directional antenna at BS on the AoA distribution. In this case,
the angular span θspan of the AoA data will be equal to the beam width of the directional
antenna, 2α, as shown in Fig. 4.5(a). This sort of situations usually belongs to the space
division multiple access (SDMA) systems which rely on the use of adaptive narrow-beam
4.5 Factors which Cause Gaussian Distribution Truncation
Factor 2:
The streets crowded with the automobile traffic represent an elliptical part of a Gaussian
scattering region centered at MS. 3D angular investigations at a BS site [14] also show street
canyon dominated propagation. This sort of situations have been modeled in [44]. Such
our thesis, due to the fact that the eccentricity of the disc can be altered according to the
scattering structures in the street. Fig. 4.5(b) shows a scenario where a mobile is surrounded
high-rise buildings define the boundaries of scattering disc. Here the angular span depends
on the major axis a and the minor axis b of the scattering disc and can be written as,
µ µ ³ a ´¶¶
−1 b −1
θspan = 2 tan tan sin (4.22)
a d
Factor 3:
In urban macrocell and microcell environment, the height of BS antenna is usually kept low,
so the high-rise buildings near BS also play an important role in the dispersion of angular
4.5 Factors which Cause Gaussian Distribution Truncation
BS θspan=2 α MS
(a) Use of Directional Antenna [27], (see (b) Eccentro-Scattering scenario, (see sec-
(c) Local-to-BS scattering scenario, (see (d) Far Scattering scenario [38], (see sec-
Figure 4.5: The factors which cause truncation of the Gaussian distribution in AoA
4.5 Factors which Cause Gaussian Distribution Truncation
energy as seen at BS. In the measurements campaigns of both indoor [1] and outdoor [4, 56]
environments, it was observed that in addition to the double exponential Laplacian (indoor
case) and bell-shaped Gaussian (outdoor case), there are always very uniform tails on both
sides of the mean AoA in the angular domain. The formation of these uniform tails in the
distribution of AoA is in fact the aftermath of the reflections/scattering of the radio signal
from the scatterers that surround BS, see Fig. 4.5(c). A detailed discussion on the issue
of scattering around BS can be found in section 3.4 of this thesis, where JGSM has been
proposed to model the effect of such scattering. The uniform tails cause deformation in
the shape of Gaussian or Laplacian, and hence alter the measure of angle spread, i.e. the
standard deviation. The angular span here mostly depend on the scatter spread around BS
or in other words, the span of uniform tails. Uniform tails usually span the whole antenna
beamwidth if a directional antenna of certain beamwidth (mostly 120◦ ) is used at the base
Factor 4:
It has been found that the scatterer locations (or equivalently, the azimuth angles of the mul-
tipath components) are not distributed uniformly over space but tend to be concentrated
in certain regions [38]. Far scatterers like high-rise buildings (in urban environments) or
mountains (in rural environments) significantly contribute to the multipath scattering phe-
nomenon in addition to the scattering structures located near the mobile stations [14, 25, 38].
4.5 Factors which Cause Gaussian Distribution Truncation
Hence, they give rise to non-symmetric and non-isotropic scattering. This kind of scattering
induces a non-uniform and non-symmetric distribution in the angle of arrival (AoA) as seen
at the base-station (BS). The measurement campaign conducted in [59] reveals that in some
urban areas, Power Azimuthal Spectrum (PAS) exhibits a narrow peak symmetrically cen-
tered at 0◦ described by a truncated Laplacian curve, but also embodies an additional part
centered around 8◦ . This additional part which breaks the symmetry of the PAS around 0◦ ,
Far scattering gives rise to multi-modal distribution of AoA at BS, where every peak
cases, the true standard deviation of the angular data differs significantly from the standard
detailed study of the effect of far or distant scatterers on the azimuthal angular distribution
of multipaths in chapter 3. Fig. 4.5(d) shows the situation of far scattering which gives rise
to the formation of multi-modal distribution in the AoA. Here the angular span is given as,
³ 4 σ (L) ´ ³ (D) ´
−1 g −1 4 σg
θspan ≈ sin + sin + |θD − β| (4.23)
d dD
• dD is the distance between BS and the center of the far scattering cluster, CD
• β and θD are the angles of d and dD with some reference axis (either the axis of antenna
4.6 Angle Spread as the Goodness-of-Fit Measure in Measurement Campaigns
(L) (D)
• σg and σg are the standard deviations of local Gaussian scattering and far Gaussian
scattering regions.
Measurement Campaigns
Many measurement campaigns [1, 4, 48, 60] have been undertaken to characterize the actual
azimuthal distribution or power azimuth spectrum (PAS) in the test environment. Several
analytical models have also been proposed to fit the results of such measurement campaigns
in closed-form formulas, either by using Gaussian functions [4], Laplacian functions [1, 4],
trigonometric functions [61] or the combinations of Gaussian and trigonometric functions [2],
(also Eccentro-Scattering and JGSM models, see chapter 3). No such measure of the angular
dispersion has been developed so far, on which the proximity of these models could be tested
with the measurement results. Usually standard deviations, σg of the Gaussian and σl of
the Laplacian functions are taken as the measures of angle spread to fit some specific model
to measurement data, but they do not provide adequate information, especially in the cases
of truncated Gaussian and Laplacian functions. On the other hand, equation (4.8) offers
substantial help in this regard. It gives almost all necessary information about the angle
spread, no matter what functions and how much truncation are used. We will thus exploit
4.6 Angle Spread as the Goodness-of-Fit Measure in Measurement Campaigns
Meas. [Spencer], σθ=36
−1 Simulations, σ =31.4°
10 θ
Eccentro−Scattering, σ =35.7
Uniform Scattering, σθ=29.5
Gaussian, σ =24.5°, σ =24.5°
g θ
° °
Gaussian, σg=30 , σθ=30
Rate of Occurrences
Figure 4.6: Comparison of the distribution in AoA for the candidate models (Eccentro-Scattering
Model [section 3.2], Gaussian [2] and Uniform Elliptical Scattering Model [3]) with the measure-
this measure as our goodness-of-fit criterion on good-fitting models for the two renowned
measurement results presented in [1] (Indoor) and [4] (Outdoor). One very important point,
which should be kept in mind while comparing the goodness-of-fit for various candidate
models to the measurement data, is that the shape of the PAS or exact distribution is not so
important rather the variance of the angle spread is important [62]. The same methodology
can also be extended to other models assumed to fit the measurement results of various
4.6 Angle Spread as the Goodness-of-Fit Measure in Measurement Campaigns
Rate of Occurrences
Measurements [Spencer], σθ=36
° °
Laplacian, σl=36 , σθ=34.2
° °
Laplacian, σl=25.5 , σθ=25
Eccentro−Scattering Model, σ =35.7°
10 Raised Laplacian, σl=25.5°, σθ=35.9°
Figure 4.7: Comparison of the distribution in AoA for the candidate models (Eccentro-Scattering
Model [section 3.2], Laplacian [1] and Raised-Laplacian) with the measurements [1] in indoor en-
In indoor environments, the scatterers are usually bounded by some rigid structures, forming
the boundary of the scattering region. For example, the furniture and the people in a
hall represent the scattering objects while walls indicate clear boundaries to those objects.
Previous research work [53] shows that in indoor environment the delay spread is usually
in the range of 0.1 − 0.2 µsec, which specifies the dimensions of the scattering area. So,
exact bell-shaped Gaussian assumption either for the distribution of scatterers [2] or for the
distribution of the AoA in indoor environments is usually not considered suitable (see chapter
4.6 Angle Spread as the Goodness-of-Fit Measure in Measurement Campaigns
Measurements [Pedersen], σ =7.1
Gaussian (GSDM), σ =6°, σ =6°
300 g θ
° °
JGSM or Raised Gaussian, σ =6 , σ =7.2
g θ
Rate of Occurrences
−25 −20 −15 −10 −5 0 5 10 15 20 25
Angle of Arrival, θ, Degrees
Figure 4.8: Comparison of the distribution in AoA for the candidate models (GSDM [2] and JGSM
3), while the three other candidates such as the elliptical uniform scattering model [3], the
Gaussian Eccentro-Scattering model and the Laplacian azimuthal distribution [1] are usually
believed to be more appropriate. Using the definition of the angle spread given in (4.8),
(4.18) and (4.21), we can compare all these candidate models for goodness-of-fit with the
In Fig. 4.6 and 4.7, all candidate models are plotted along with their respective angle
spread measures. In Fig. 4.6, we observe that the simulations (which are in fact the normal-
ized histograms of the arrival angles as seen from the BS) and the measurements tend to form
almost identical curves with a difference of 4.5◦ in their angle spreads. This difference seems
4.6 Angle Spread as the Goodness-of-Fit Measure in Measurement Campaigns
model (section 3.2) with σθ = 35.7◦ and uniform scattering model [3] with σθ = 29.5◦ are
observed as the best fits of first and second choices. Gaussian curves with σθ = 24.5◦ [2] and
with σθ = 30◦ are far from goodness-of-fit in both shape and angle spread.
In Fig. 4.7, the same measurement data has been plotted along with different Laplacian
functions. Laplacian functions are usually considered the best fits to model the pdf of AoA
in indoor environments [1] and the PAS in outdoor environments [4]. We observe that the
Laplacian function alone fails in modeling the measurements on the basis of both shape and
angle spread. If σl is increased to 36◦ , the Laplacian deviates from the measurements in the
narrow stem of the measurements pdf. On the other hand, if some constant value based
on the height of tails of the measurements pdf, is added to the Laplacian with σl = 25.5◦ ,
the resultant raised Laplacian function shows good proximity to the measurements, both in
shape and angle spread. Even the raised Laplacian surpasses the Eccentro-Scattering model.
Actually the additional constant compensates for the effects caused by the scattering local
In outdoor environments, the majority of scattering points are clustered together with their
density decreasing as the distance from MS increases. This fact suggests a Gaussian model
for the distribution of scatterers in outdoor environments [25, 27]. Measurement results for
4.7 Conclusion
the azimuthal distribution in outdoor urban environment [4] also showed a strong tendency
fit these measurements. Using (4.8), we see that σθ of measurements is 7.1◦ , which shows
1.1◦ discrepancy with the Gaussian. Fig. 4.8 shows that this discrepancy lies in the tails
of the measurement histogram where the Gaussian function alone is not able to model the
measurements. In section 3.4, formation of these tails has been discussed in the light of
the aftermath of the scattering phenomenon in the vicinity of BS and Jointly Gaussian
Scattering Model (JGSM) or raised Gaussian function has been suggested. In Fig. 4.8, a
raised Gaussian is shown with σθ = 7.2◦ , where a constant value based on the height of the
tails of the measurement histogram is added to the Gaussian function with σg = 6◦ . We see
that the resultant raised Gaussian function shows good agreement with the measurements
4.7 Conclusion
In this chapter, we have proposed a novel generalized method of quantifying the angle spread
of the multipath power distribution. The proposed method provides almost all parameters
about the angle spread, which can be further used for calculating more accurate spatial
correlations of the multipath fading channels. The proposed parameters are also useful in
finding the exact standard deviation of the truncated angular distributions and the angular
4.8 Appendix 4-A
can lead to the computation of exact separations among array elements needed for diversity
have indicated that the use of standard deviation of full-span functions as the standard
deviation of the truncated function causes severe effects on the angle spread, which in turn
distorts the accuracy of correlation figures in MIMO channels. Due to the importance of
angle spread in the fading statistics, we have proposed its use as the goodness-of-fit measure
in measurement campaigns. The proposed method of quantifying angle spread can thus be
used in finding the accurate separations among array elements in outdoor MIMO systems
Since the conventional definition of the standard deviation, σθ , and the one given in (4.8)
have the same meanings, we can use the conventional method to find the relationship between
true SD, σθ , of the truncated Gaussian, p̃Θ (θ), and the SD, σg , of untruncated or full-span
Gaussian function. The variance of the random variable, θ, with the function, p̃Θ (θ), is
defined as,
Z θmax
σθ2 = (θ − θ̄)2 p̃Θ (θ)dθ (4.24)
4.9 Appendix 4-B
where θ̄ is the mean AoA defined in section 4.3. It can also be defined conventionally as,
Z θmax
θ̄ = θp̃Θ (θ)dθ (4.25)
Using p̃Θ (θ) given in (4.16), and integrating with the help of tables of integrals [63], we get,
" ½ ¾
−Cg σg √ (θmax − θ̄)2 √ (θ̄ − θmax )2
σθ2 = √ 2 (θmax − θ̄) exp − + 2(θ̄ − θmin ) exp −
2 π 2σg2 2σg2
½ ³ #
√ θmax − θ̄ ´ ³ θ̄ − θ ´¾
−σg π erf √ − erf √ (4.26)
2σg 2σg
Let the distribution, p̃Θ (θ), be symmetrical around mean AoA, θ̄ (also see Fig. 4.1), then
the maximum and minimum values of the angular distribution can be written as,
θmax , θmin = θ̄ ± (4.27)
where θspan is the angular span of the distribution, p̃Θ (θ). Using these minimum and
maximum values in (4.26) and simplifying, we get the true variance of the truncated Gaussian
distribution, p̃Θ (θ), as given in (4.18). It is also evident from (4.18) that the true SD does
A method similar to the one used in Appendix 4-A, can be exploited to derive the relationship
between true SD, σθ , of the truncated Laplacian, p̃Θ (θ), and the SD, σl , of untruncated or
4.9 Appendix 4-B
The variance of the random variable, θ, with the function, p̃Θ (θ), is defined as,
Z θmax
σθ2 = (θ − θ̄)2 p̃Θ (θ)dθ (4.28)
where θ̄ is the mean AoA defined in section 4.3 and equation (4.25). Since the truncated
Laplacian p̃Θ (θ) given in (4.19) is symmetrical (also see Fig. 4.3), the true variance from
θmin to θ̄ is the same as that from θ̄ to θmax . Thus we can write (4.28) as
Z θ̄
σθ2 =2 (θ − θ̄)2 p̃Θ (θ)dθ (4.29)
Using p̃Θ (θ) given in (4.19), and integrating with the help of tables of integrals [63], we get,
" ½
−Cl 2 ³ √2 ´¾
σθ2 = σl 1 − exp − (θ̄ − θmin )
2 σl
√ ³ √2 ´¾
− (θ̄ − θmin )(θ̄ − θmin − 2σl ) exp − (θ̄ − θmin ) (4.30)
Assuming p̃Θ (θ) as symmetrical around θ̄ and substituting the value of θmin from (4.27), we
get σθ2 in terms of θspan as given in (4.21). From (4.21), it is again evident that the true SD,
Chapter 5
Mobile Channel
This chapter gives a brief overview of temporal channel modeling in its section 5.1. In section
5.2, the description of the proposed temporal modeling approach is presented. Section 5.3
and 5.4 present the derivations of the closed-form formulas for the pdf of time of arrival for
pico/micro and macrocell environments. In the end, section 5.5 gives the summary and final
5.1 Overview
5.1.1 Background
Modern wireless communication systems aim to provide reliable services to as many users as
possible regardless of their locations and mobility. This goal is seriously impeded by three
major channel impairments, i.e. multipath, delay spread (DS), and co-channel interference
(CCI). Multipath occurs in wireless communications when various incoming radio waves
reach their destination (the receiver) from different directions and/or with different time
delays [64]. The differences in propagation delays among these multiple propagation paths
cause delay spread, which in turn induces inter-symbol interference (ISI). The time-dispersive
nature of the channel determines the maximum data rate that may be transmitted without
requiring equalization and also determines the accuracy of navigational services such as vehi-
cle location [65]. Large values of DS (> 10% of the symbol duration), result in considerable
degradation in system performance in terms of the attainable data rates [64]. Therefore,
characterizing temporal dispersion of the channel is essential for wideband systems [66], e.g.
wideband code division multiple access (WCDMA), due to strong association between DS
and the inverse of signal bandwidth. Thus, it provides a measure of frequency selectivity
of the channel [67]. Accurate and, if possible, simple propagation models would lead to an
effective design and evaluation of modern communication systems. Such models are low-cost
5.1 Overview
Early models for the multipath arrival time in urban areas date back to [68–70]. It was
suggested in [68] that the sequence of path delays follows a Poisson process. But, this as-
sumption did not fit the empirical data particularly for early arrivals and, therefore, Turin et
al. [68] recommended a modified Poisson function to resolve this inconsistency (see footnote
6 in [68]). The modified Poisson function provided a better fit for the measured data as
compared to the Poisson sequence [70] but it is still not good enough. In [4], the exponential
decaying function has been reported as the best fit for estimated delays in outdoor environ-
ments. Indeed, the exponential function is an excellent fit to empirical data but it lacks a
theoretical explanation. In [2], excellent derivation and analysis has been presented for the
Gaussian Scatter Density Model (GSDM). Yet, analytical evaluation of the integral related
to the probability density function (pdf) of Time of Arrival (ToA) is not permissible due
to model complexity [2]. Thus, no closed-form formula for the pdf of ToA is provided for
the GSDM model. In [3], a closed-form formula for the pdf of ToA has been presented for
the Geometrically Based Single Bounce Macrocell (GBSBM) model, but it is valid only for
a circular scattering disc. This was a limitation because in some macrocell locations, e.g.
street canyon propagation [71], an elliptical scattering disc produces a more realistic propa-
far from Base Station (BS) and Mobile Station (MS) have considerable effect on the received
signal. However, few scattering models acquiesced the effect of distant scatterers on the
5.1 Overview
multipath signal. The model in [72] predicts the power of reflected paths from distant reflec-
tors with no consideration of spatial or temporal aspects of the received signal. In chapter
3, a model for the spatial statistics of cellular environments including the effect of distant
scatterers has been presented. So far, no scattering model incorporated the effect of distant
5.1.3 Contributions
In this chapter, we derive simplified closed-form expressions for the ToA distributions for
Eccentro-Scattering discs. This is a more general approach from which the results of the
previous models, such as GBSBM [3], can be deduced as its special cases. For macrocell
environments, we also include the effect of dominant distant scatterers on the temporal dis-
persion of the multipath signals. Objects such as hills, mountains, and skyscrapers act as
clustered scatterers/reflectors when they have line of sight (LoS) to both BS and MS [16, 25].
The derived formulas can be used to simulate temporal dispersion of wireless signal in several
propagation conditions. The pdf of ToA is very important for finding the covariance of two
signals is in fact the characteristic function of the pdf of time delays [22]. Besides the handy
use of the pdf of ToA in determining the coherence bandwidth of a particular system, it also
emerges as a basic characteristic of the system capacity along with the pdf of AoA [22]. The
5.2 Model Description
pdf of AoA has been discussed in detail in chapter 3. Almost complete description of the
wireless system can be achieved if the pdfs of time and angle of arrival are known.
In this chapter, we also present formulas for the areas of intersection between two
elliptical regions and between a circle and an ellipse. These formulas are necessary for the
derivation of the pdf of ToA and can also be used in other mathematical applications.
Multiple replicas of the transmitted signal are received at the receiver due to the multipath
propagation in the radio environment. These multipath components of the received signal
arrive at the receiver antenna with identical or different delays [22, 23, 49]. The distribution
where τ is the delay of the multipath component in time domain. Thus, a specific signal
delay τ defines a set of scatterers bounded by an elliptical region, with foci BS and MS and
distinct major and minor axes. This ellipse will be referred to as the ‘bounding ellipse’ in our
work. Such a bounding ellipse has been shown in Fig. 5.1. The scatterers on the boundary
of the bounding ellipse give rise to single bounce multipath components [24, 51]. Therefore,
different delays correspond to different confocal ellipses [13], with BS and MS as common
focal points.
Based on the assumptions given in chapter 2, an nth bounding ellipse defines a specific
5.2 Model Description
S bτ n
rBS d
aτ n
B x
Scatterers Medium Distant
BS τ0 MS
5.2 Model Description
set of scatterers that gives rise to multipath components arriving between time delays τn and
τn+1 = τn + δτ . This phenomenon is explained in Fig. 5.2, where different sets of scatterers
Consider an nth bounding ellipse centered at C with foci B (BS) and M (MS) separated
by a distance d and with semi-major and semi-minor axes aτn and bτn respectively, as shown
e τn = 1 − κ2τn (5.2)
where κτn is the aspect ratio of the bounding ellipse and equals bτn /aτn . Eccentricity of the
bounding ellipse can also be defined in terms of the MS-BS separation and the major axis
eτn = (5.3)
Using radio signal propagation theory, the relationship among time delay τn , path trav-
elled by the multipath signal, rBS + rM S , and speed of light c can be written as,
Let a specific time delay τn define a set of scatterers bounded by nth bounding ellipse.
Then the semi-major axis aτn and semi-minor axis bτn of the nth bounding ellipse can be
5.2 Model Description
written as,
aτn = (5.5)
1q 2
bτn = 4aτn − d2 (5.6)
In our work, we will denote the semi-major axis and eccentricity of the outermost
bounding ellipse by the notations aτmax and eτmax , respectively. Both variables are related
to the maximum delay spread, τmax . Use of aτn should not be confused with the notation
disc in a spatial channel model. However, aτmax and eτmax are equivalent to a and e of the
Eccentro-Scattering spatial channel model in the case of picocell and microcell environments,
but not equivalent to a and e of the Eccentro-Scattering spatial channel model in macrocell
environment. This is due to the fact that a and e of the Eccentro-Scattering disc in case
of picocell and microcell environments depend on τmax , while being independent of τmax in
macrocell environment, they depend only on the terrain and orientation of the streets, roads
or valleys.
In order to find the pdf of ToA, we will first find the cumulative distribution function
(CDF) of ToA, which may be calculated as the probability of a scatterer being placed inside
Aτn (τn )
Pτ (τn ) = (5.7)
where Aτn (τn ) is the area of overlap between the nth bounding ellipse corresponding to time
delay τn and the Eccentro-Scattering disc (pico/micro or macro) and A is the area of the
5.3 pdf of ToA for Picocells and Microcells
whole Eccentro-Scattering disc. Then, the pdf of ToA would be the derivative of the CDF
d 1 d
pτn (τn ) = Pτn (τn ) = Aτ (τn ) (5.8)
dτn A dτn n
In this section, we derive the pdf of ToA of the multipaths for picocell and microcell envi-
ronments. In such environments, BS and MS are located closer to each other and both have
scatterers around them. The antenna heights are relatively low and multipath scattering
is assumed near both BS and MS. Therefore, BS and MS are located at the focal points
of the Eccentro-Scattering disc. It was explained earlier that BS and MS are the common
focal points for all bounding ellipses. So, the pico/micro Eccentro-Scattering disc encloses
all bounding ellipses such that the bounding ellipse corresponding to the maximum allowed
2aτmax 2a
τmax = = (5.9)
c c
Fig. 5.3 represents the scattering model for picocell and microcell environments. In
the figure, C is the common center of all bounding ellipses and the pico/micro Eccentro-
Scattering disc; and B (BS) and M (MS) are their common focal points. a and b are the
For the nth bounding ellipse corresponding to the time delay τn in the case of picocells and
5.3 pdf of ToA for Picocells and Microcells
S b or bτ max
a or aτ max
B x
Outermost bounding ellipse
Figure 5.3: Proposed temporal channel model for picocells and microcells
aτn = (5.10)
1q 2
bτn = 4aτn − d2 (5.11)
eτn = (5.12)
The area of the pico/micro Eccentro-Scattering disc in Fig. 5.3, A, is defined as,
A = πab
Therefore, the area of overlap between the nth bounding ellipse corresponding to time
delay, τn , and the pico/micro Eccentro-Scattering disc will be equal to the whole area
πcτn p 2 2
= c τn − d2 (5.14)
5.3 pdf of ToA for Picocells and Microcells
Substituting (5.13) and (5.14) into (5.8), we get the pdf of ToA for picocell and microcell
disc, defined as e = d/(2a) and τ0 is a constant representing the delay of the first multipath
arrival or usually delay in LoS path, defined as τ0 = d/c. Equation (5.15) can also be written
τn (2 − e2τn )
√ q , τ0 < τn < τmax
2 2 2
pτ (τn ) = τmax 1 − e 1 − eτn (5.16)
0, elsewhere.
where eτn is a variable representing the eccentricity of the nth bounding ellipse, which cor-
Fig. 5.4 illustrates the effect of changing the value of the semi-major axis of the pico/micro
Eccentro-Scattering ellipse, a, or the distance between BS and MS, d, on the pdf of ToA in
picocells and microcells. In Fig. 5.4(a), we keep the distance between BS and MS fixed at the
value, d = 12 m, and change the value of the major axis of the Eccentro-Scattering ellipse, a,
consequently e and τmax change. Since d is fixed, then the delay of the LoS, τ0 , is also fixed.
Therefore, an increase in the value of the semi-major axis of the Eccentro-Scattering ellipse,
a, would result in an increase in the value of the maximum delay, τmax , thus the temporal
spread increases. This is the case when an increase in the number of scatterers influences the
multipath signal. Conversely, small values of the temporal spread correspond to situations
when only small numbers of scatterers influence the multipath signal, those influential scat-
5.3 pdf of ToA for Picocells and Microcells
a = 12 m ,e = 0.5
s s
as = 10 m ,es = 0.6
0.45 a = 8 m ,e = 0.75
s s
Rate of Occurrence
4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8
Time of Arrival, (seconds) x 10
d = 8 m, es = 0.5
d = 9.6 m, e = 0.6
0.45 d = 12 m, es = 0.75
Rate of Occurrence
2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6
Time of Arrival, (seconds) x 10
5.4 pdf Of ToA for Macrocells
terers exist around the direction of LoS thus the scattering ellipse (the Eccentro-Scattering
Fig. 5.4(b) illustrates the effect of changing the distance between BS and MS, d, on
the temporal spread of the multipath signal. We choose a fixed value for the semi-major
axis of the pico/micro Eccentro-Scattering disc, a = 8 m, and change the distance between
and τ0 change. Since a is fixed, then the maximum delay, τmax , is also fixed. Therefore, an
eccentricity value close to 0 implies that MS is in the neighborhood of BS, so the delay of
the first multipath signal (or the delay in the LoS) is small and, hence, the temporal spread
is large. Whereas, an eccentricity value close to 1, indicates MS is far from BS, so the delay
of the first multipath signal (or the delay in the LoS) is large, i.e. τ0 approaches τmax , and,
thus, the temporal spread would be small. Before e becomes 1, MS should be handed over
to a new BS in order to guarantee uninterrupted coverage. For more discussion on this issue
In macrocell environments, several local and distant scatterers contribute to the multipath
Here, BS is usually far away from MS, i.e. the distance between BS and MS is in the
5.4 pdf Of ToA for Macrocells
order of kilometers and BS is typically positioned higher than the surrounding scatterers,
i.e. more than 30 meters above ground [14]. Therefore, BS is located outside the scattering
ellipse, i.e. no scatterers are assumed around BS, and MS is located at its center. In [73],
a scattering model has been presented in which BS is assumed to be at the center of the
scattering area and MS is somewhere at the edge. This is an impractical assumption based
on numerous empirical and theoretical results. In macrocells, less, or no, scatterers exist in
the vicinity of BS. The scattering maps measured during the trials confirm that in many
cases the significant scattering from a mobile in the field is constrained to an area centered
Due to the far distance separating BS and MS, the multipath signal is also influenced by
objects far from transmitter and receiver. Objects such as hills, mountains, and skyscrapers
act as clustered scatterers when they have LoS to both BS and MS [25]. Therefore, signals
reflected from these structures arrive at the receiver as clusters in space and time. The effect
of distant scatterers is apparent in suburban and hilly areas. In bad urban environment, a
two-cluster model is more appropriate [14], where distant scatterers are usually the high-rise
buildings. Therefore, our model encompasses a distant scattering disc in addition to the
local scattering ellipse in suburban and hilly areas. For simplicity of the derivation, we will
derive the pdf of ToA for macrocells in two parts; first due to local scatterers around MS
5.4 pdf Of ToA for Macrocells
bτ n Lτ n
d Ellipse
aτ n
Distant aD
Disc bD
(x1, y1) LD
(x2, y2)
bτ n
aτ n
5.4 pdf Of ToA for Macrocells
The proposed scattering model for local scatterers in macrocell environment is depicted
Fig. 5.5(a). In the figure, C, B (BS), and M (MS) are the center and two focal points of
the bounding ellipse corresponding to time delay τn with semi-major and semi-minor axes
aτn and bτn , respectively. The local scattering ellipse is centered at M with semi-major and
semi-minor axes a and b, respectively. The location of a scattering point on the bounding
ellipse corresponding to time delay τn , Lτn , from M is defined by (rτn , φ), whereas the
location of a scattering point on the local scattering ellipse, Ls , from M is defined by (rs , φ).
The bounding ellipse corresponding to τn and the scattering ellipse intersect at Lx , which
is located at angle α1 as shown in Fig. 5.5(a). The equation defining the bounding ellipse
4a2τn − d2 c2 τn2 − d2
rτn = = (5.18)
2(2a2τn − d cos φ) 2(cτn − d cos φ)
The equation defining the Macro Eccentro-Scattering ellipse in Fig. 5.5(a) is,
a2 b2
rs = p (5.20)
a2s sin2 φ + b2 cos2 φ
5.4 pdf Of ToA for Macrocells
Here, an important part of the derivation is to find the area of overlap between the
bounding and the scattering ellipses. Referring to Fig. 5.5(a), the area of overlap between
the bounding ellipse corresponding to delay τn and the scattering ellipse, A1 (τn ), can be
Since α1 equals φ, when rτn = rs ; equating (5.18) and (5.20) and solving for φ, we get
4a2 κ2 cτ d + f2 (d2 − c2 τ 2 )
f1 = (5.23)
and κ and e are, respectively, the aspect ratio and eccentricity of the Macro Eccentro-
Scattering disc.
After carrying out the required mathematical manipulations and parameter substitu-
tions in (5.21), we get the area of the overlapping region between the bounding ellipse
corresponding to delay τn and the scattering ellipse in Fig. 5.5(a), A1 (τn ), as follows,
µ ¶
2 −1 tan α1
A1 (τn ) = a κ tan
( µ√ ¶)
c2 τ 2 (e2τn − 1) −π eτn sin α1 2 1 + eτ tan(α/2)
+ p + +p tan−1 √ n
4 1 − e2τn 1 − eτn cos α1 1 − e2τn 1 − eτn
5.4 pdf Of ToA for Macrocells
Substituting A = πab and A1 (τn ) from (5.26) into (5.8), we get the pdf of ToA for macrocell
1 ³ p ´
f4 = √ 4a2 κ2 cd f2 − 2f2 c2 e2 τn (d2 − c2 τn2 )(d2 − c2 τn2 + 2a2 κ2 )
f3 f2
1 ³ 2 2 2 3 2 2 p ´
+ 2 16a κ e c τn d(d − c2 τn2 ) + 4e2 c2 τn (d2 − c2 τn2 )2 f2 (5.28)
( s )
c(2c2 τ 2 − d2 ) π (cτ n + d)(1 − f 1 )
f5 = p n − tan−1
2 c2 τn2 − d2 2 (cτn − d)(1 + f1 )
cd2 (cτn f1 − d) 1 − f12 (c2 τn2 − d2 )2 f4
+ + p (5.29)
4(cτn − df1 )2 4(cτn − df1 )2 1 − f12
d + 2a
τmax = (5.30)
Assuming circular scattering disc around MS, i.e. a = b = R, as in GBSBM [3] is a special
case of our work. So, a simplified version of the pdf of ToA formula in [3] would be,
½ r p ¾
2 2
c(2cpτn − d2 ) π −1 (cτn + d − 2R) (2R − cτn ) d2 − (cτn − 2R)2
2πR2 c2 τ 2 − d2 2 − tan + ,
(cτn + d + 2R) 2(2c2 τn2 − d2 )
pτ (τn ) =
τ0 < τn ≤ τmax
0, elsewhere
5.4 pdf Of ToA for Macrocells
In Fig. 5.5(b), the proposed scattering model for dominant distant scatterers in macrocell
environment is illustrated. In the figure, C, B (BS), and M (MS) are the center and
focal points of the bounding ellipse corresponding to delay τn with semi-major and semi-
minor axes aτn and bτn , respectively. The following distances are defined; dBO = |BO|,
dOM = |OM |, rBL = |BLD |, and rM L = |LD M |. O is the center of the Distant Eccentro-
Scattering disc located at the point (dBO , θD ) with semi-major and semi-minor axes aD and
disc with respect to B is defined as (rBL , θ) and with respect to M is defined as (rM L , φ).
The distant scattering disc intersects with the bounding ellipse corresponding to delay τn at
Here also, an important part of the derivation is to find the area of overlap between
the bounding ellipse corresponding to delay τn and the distant Eccentro-Scattering disc. To
find the area of intersection, we need to find the abscissas of the two points of intersection,
5.4 pdf Of ToA for Macrocells
x1 and x2 in Fig. 5.5(b). Therefore, equating (5.32) and (5.33), we obtain the two solutions
for x. Alternatively, to simplify the derivation, we will assume that distant scatterers are
confined within a circular scattering disc with radius RD . The general case of elliptical
distant scattering disc can be handled similarly; although huge expressions will be required.
We adopt the following simplified equation for a circular distant scattering disc,
d 2
yD = tan θD − RD − (xD − d/2)2 (5.34)
Solving (5.32) and (5.34) simultaneously for x = xτn = xD , we get the following two real
1 2
x1,2 = (d ∓ cτn f6 ) (5.35)
r q
2 2
f6 = c2 τn2 + 4RD + (d2 − 2c2 τn2 ) sec2 θD + 2 tan θD (d2 − c2 τn2 )(4RD − c2 τn2 sec2 θD )
From (5.32) and (5.34), the area of intersection, A2 (τn ), would be,
Z x2
A2 (τn ) = (yτn (x) − yD (x)) dx (5.37)
µq q ¶
cτn f6 p
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
A2 (τn ) = 4RD d − c τn f6 c τn − d d − f6
µ ¶ µ ¶
cτn p 2 2 −1 f 6 2 −1 cτ n f6 cτn f6
+ c τn − d2 sin + RD sin − tan θD (5.38)
4 d 2RD d 2
Substituting, A = πRD , and the value of A2 (τn ) from (5.38) in (5.8), we get the pdf of ToA
5.4 pdf Of ToA for Macrocells
ToA from Local and Distant Scatterers
ToA from Local Scatterers only
ToA from Distant Scatterers only
Rate of Occurrence
3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7
Time of Arrival, (seconds) x 10
Figure 5.6: pdf of ToA for macrocells with the effect of distant scatterers
( )
c2 τn tan θD (4R 2
D + (2c2 2
τn − d2
) sec 2
θD )
f7 = 1 − 2 sec2 θD + p (5.40)
f6 2 2 2 2 2 2
(d − c τn )(4RD − c τn sec θD )2
Equation (5.39) is valid for τmin < τn ≤ τmax , where τmax and τmin are defined as,
sµ ¶ µ ¶2
2 d d
τmax , τmin = + tan θD ± RD (5.41)
c 2 2
The pdf of ToA due to local scatterers is given in (5.27) and the pdf of ToA due to distant
scatterers is given in (5.39). However, it should be noted that each of these two formulas
5.5 Conclusions
has to be applied over the corresponding region and the pdf of ToA is assumed to be zero
outside these regions. Nevertheless, when the two regions overlap, the resultant pdf of ToA
would then be the normalized sum of (5.27) and (5.39) over the common region, see Fig. 5.6.
The following model parameters were used in the simulation: d = 1000 m, a = 500 m,
e = 0.5, θD = 63.4◦ , and RD = 600 m. In several macrocell environments, e.g. hilly and
bad urban, a scattering model should consist of the distant scattering disc in addition to
local scattering disc, in order to imitate the physical scattering behavior more pragmatically.
Hence, Fig. 5.6 signifies the importance of the proposed model as it incorporates the effect
5.5 Conclusions
In this chapter, we have discussed the temporal characteristics of cellular mobile channel in
picocell, microcell, and macrocell environments. We have employed the proposed Eccentro-
Scattering model to derive the pdf of ToA of the multipath signal for these cellular environ-
ments. In macrocell environment, our model incorporated the effect of distant scatterers,
far from BS and MS on the temporal dispersion of the multipath signal in addition to that
of local scatterers. A simplified generic closed-form formula for the pdf of ToA due to local
scatterers has been derived from which previous models can be easily reproduced. For distant
scatterers, a circular scattering disc has been adopted; nevertheless the same methodology
5.5 Conclusions
The presented formulas can be used to simulate temporal dispersion of the multipath
channel in a variety of propagation conditions. Furthermore, these formulas are also help-
ful in designing efficient equalizers to combat intersymbol interference (ISI) for frequency-
Chapter 6
Spatio-Temporal Characteristics
In section 6.1 of this chapter, an overview of the previous work and chapter contributions
are presented. Section 6.2 describes the three MS motion scenarios which affect the spatial
and temporal statistics of the channel. In section 6.3, the important spatial parameters are
described, and the behavior of these parameters under MS motion is discussed in detail.
Section 6.4 presents the description of important temporal parameters and discusses their
behavior under MS motion. Finally, section 6.5, concludes the chapter and presents final
6.1 Overview
6.1 Overview
Propagation models are usually considered low-cost and handy means of predicting accurate
radio wave propagation behavior. In order to enhance capacity, efficient exploitation of radio
channel resources [5, 14] is required. Conventional physical channel models can be considered
as stationary models, since they exclude the effects of motion on the channel characteristics.
Recently, very good work has been presented to provide dynamic channel models by consid-
ering the motion of mobile station and/or scatterers [25, 74–79]. In [14], measurements have
been presented for the elevated BS-antenna systems (rural environments), which show incon-
sistent behavior of the angle spread when an increase occurs in MS-BS separation. However,
no explanatory model has been proposed so far to explain the behavior of spatio-temporal
statistical parameters of the multipath fading channel under the effect of the displacement of
MS or BS. This motivated us to analyze the spatial and temporal statistics of mobile radio
fading channel and investigate how this motion affects the spatio-temporal character-
istics at BS.
2. We present three mobile motion scenarios that are responsible for the alterations in the
spatio-temporal characteristics and plot the behavior of various spatial and temporal
6.2 Mobile Motion Scenarios
spread quantifiers during these motion scenarios. We also explain the behavior of angle
spread under the effect of mobile motion, observed in the field measurements [14]. We
show that the model successfully simulates the time-variability of the angle and delay
3. We identify two different cases when the terrain and clutter of MS surroundings have
an additional effect on the temporal spread of the channel during MS motion. These
cases can provide good basis for the performance evaluation in those wireless systems
signal arrive at the receiver antenna from different azimuth directions about the horizon
with identical or different delays. The distributions of these multipath components in the
azimuth and time are conveniently described by the functions p(θ) and p(τ ), where θ is the
azimuthal AoA and τ is the delay of the multipath component in time domain. The work in
this chapter is based on the general assumptions made in chapter 2. Moreover, we assume
uniformly distributed scatterers in the scattering region. However, the same methodology
Let MS moves from position Pi to position Pi+1 with velocity v and angle φv with x-axis
6.2 Mobile Motion Scenarios
Next MS position
in scenario # 2
Next MS position
y Next MS position in scenario # 1
in scenario # 3
Pi+1 φv
di+1 Pi
βi β i+1
and traverses a small distance δd such that δd → 0, in an infinitesimal small time interval δt
δd = vδt (6.1)
This change in the displacement causes a change in the whole scattering environment around
MS. If we use subscripts i and i + 1 to represent the values of various scattering variables
at positions Pi and Pi+1 , respectively, then we can write the general expression for the next
di+1 = d2i + 2δd di cos(β − φv ) + δd2 (6.2)
The above change in the MS-BS separation strictly depends on v and φv , because v and φv
collectively define MS motion. Especially φv forces the MS-BS separation either to undergo
speedy change or keep constant. We thus consider three possible trajectories of MS with
6.2 Mobile Motion Scenarios
respect to BS position as shown in Fig. 6.1. The motion scenarios which give rise to these
Scenario 1: MS is moving along the direction of LoS towards or away from BS. In this
case φv equals β and both do not change during MS motion. Obviously, the distance
Scenario 2: MS is moving in a circular path around BS. In this case, both φv and β change
an infinitesimally small interval such that δβ → 0, Fig. 6.1. Due to circular motion of
Scenario 3: MS is neither moving along the direction of LoS nor in a circular path with
respect to BS. This is the general case. Here, φv is assumed to be constant during MS
motion for a certain specified period of time depending on the rate of data processing.
β and the distance between BS and MS change at each instant of time, see Fig. 6.1.
6.3 Behavior of Spatial Characteristics under Mobile Motion
In this section, we revisit some of the important spatial parameters already defined and
explained in chapter 4.
Angular span, θspan : This is the total width of the AoA distribution, p(θ), on the angular
where θmax and θmin are the maximum and minimum angles of arrival, respectively.
Circular Variance, S0 : It is the basic measure of the dispersion of the multipath signals
S0 = 1 − |R̄1 | (6.4)
where R̄1 = C̄1 + j S̄1 is the first complex trigonometric moment of p(θ). The trigono-
Z 2π
S̄1 = p(θ) sin(θ)dθ (6.6)
P0 0
6.3 Behavior of Spatial Characteristics under Mobile Motion
R 2π
where P0 = 0
As we have discussed in detail in section 4.3 that S0 is invariant under the changes
We see that 0 ≤ S0 ≤ 1, which means that the observed AoAs are tightly clustered
about the mean direction θ̄; then, |R̄1 | will be closer to 1 and S0 will be nearly zero.
On the other hand, if the AoAs are widely dispersed then |R̄1 | will be small and S0
will be nearly 1.
Mean Angle of Arrival, θ̄: It can also be referred to as the mean direction of the first
µ ¶
−1 S̄1
θ̄ = tan (6.7)
Angle Spread Shape Factor, Λ: It is another measure of the azimuthal dispersion of the
multipath signals, used by Durgin et al. in [32]. It is closely related to the circular
variance and the first trigonometric moment proposed in in section 4.3 as,
Λ = 1 − |R̄1 |2
= 2S0 − S02 (6.8)
Standard Deviation of the AoA, σθ : Conventionally it is the square root of the second
6.3 Behavior of Spatial Characteristics under Mobile Motion
Ci MS at Pi
BS φv
MS at Pi+1
σθ = −2 ln(1 − S0 )
= −2 ln(|R̄1 |) (6.10)
It is the most important spatial parameter and provides the true physical information
6.3 Behavior of Spatial Characteristics under Mobile Motion
the Channel
In microcell and picocell environments, BS and MS are located close to each other and
both have scatterers in their vicinity. The antenna heights are relatively low and multipath
scattering is assumed near BS as well as near MS. So, according to the Eccentro-Scattering
model, BS and MS are located at the focal points of the Eccentro-Scattering disc as shown
in Fig. 6.2(a). Good examples of this model are the shopping malls, street crossings and
In picocell and microcell environments, multipath signals arrive at BS antenna from all
directions as shown in Fig. 6.2(a). Therefore, the azimuthal angular span, θspan , can always
be considered as 360◦ .
The pdf of AoA of the multipaths at BS from all scattering points within the Eccentro-
(1 − e2 )3/2
pΘ (θ) = (6.11)
2π (1 − e cos(θ − β))2
Considering the three motion scenarios and equation (6.2), change in eccentricity, e, of
di+1 − di
ei+1 − ei = (6.12)
6.3 Behavior of Spatial Characteristics under Mobile Motion
x 10
0.02 5
0 0
−150 −120 −90 −60 −30 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 −200 −150 −100 −50 0 50 100 150 200 250
AoA, degrees AoA, degrees
(a) Micro- and picocells, Scenario 1 (b) Micro- and picocells, Scenario 2
0.018 0.07
0.008 0.03
0 0
−200 −150 −100 −50 0 50 100 150 200 250 −5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65
AoA, degrees Angle of Arrival, degrees
0.03 0.03
0.025 0.025
0.02 0.02
0.015 0.015
0.01 0.01
0.005 0.005
0 0
−20 −10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 −60 −40 −20 0 20 40 60
Angle of Arrival, degrees Angle of Arrival, degrees
Figure 6.3: Effect of MS motion on the pdf of AoA, various line styles show the plots at three
different MS positions
6.3 Behavior of Spatial Characteristics under Mobile Motion
60 60 60
0 0 0
10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 10 20 30 40
Distance travelled in meters
Figure 6.4: Behavior of θspan , θ̄ and σθ under the effect of MS motion in microcell and picocell
where di and di+1 represent the MS-BS separations at positions Pi and Pi+1 , respectively,
Fig. 6.3(a), 6.3(b) and 6.3(c) show the effect of MS motion on the pdf of AoA of the
3, respectively. The behavior of various spatial spread parameters under the effect of MS
We see that,
• During motion scenario 1, the mean value of the pdf of AoA, θ̄, remains constant while
a considerable change occurs in its SD, σθ . As MS moves away from BS, SD decreases
6.3 Behavior of Spatial Characteristics under Mobile Motion
0 0 0
10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 10 20 30 40 50
Distance travelled in meters
Figure 6.5: Behavior of S0 and Λ under the effect of MS motion in microcell and picocell environ-
and vice versa. Since, in microcell and picocell environments, multipath signals arrive
at BS from all directions, angular span, θspan , remains 360◦ . Similar behavior of θspan
In this scenario, since the arrival angles tend to cluster more and more tightly about
• During motion scenario 2, the mean value, θ̄, of the pdf of AoA changes at each instant
of time while no change occurs in its SD, σθ . Since shape of the pdf does not disturb,
• During motion scenario 3, both mean value, θ̄, of the pdf of AoA and SD, σθ , change
6.3 Behavior of Spatial Characteristics under Mobile Motion
at each instant of time. Such varying effect can also be seen in S0 and Λ. That is why
this scenario is referred to as the general case and scenario 1 and scenario 2 are its
In macrocell environment, the BS is usually far away from MS, i.e. the distance between BS
and MS is in the order of kilometers [14]. Rural, urban, suburban, and hilly areas are the
In macrocell environments, the multipath signals arriving at BS antenna result mainly from
1. Local scattering
2. Distant scattering
Fig. 6.6(a) shows the Eccentro-Scattering model for typical macrocell environment where
MS is located at the center of the local scattering disc at distance d from BS while the center
of the dominant scattering disc is at distance dBD and dM D from BS and MS, respectively.
θD is the angle between the line joining the center of the dominant scattering disc to BS and
6.3 Behavior of Spatial Characteristics under Mobile Motion
Q Distant Scattering
D,max rMCD b
Q rMC D,1 rMCD,2
θ di+1
di Pi
β θL,max,i
β+δβ θL,max,i+1
6.3 Behavior of Spatial Characteristics under Mobile Motion
The azimuthal angular spans due to local and distant scattering discs, θL,max and θD,max ,
From the geometry of Fig. 6.6(a), the total azimuthal angular span, θspan , is defined as,
The eccentricities of the local and distant Eccentro-Scattering discs, e and eD , do not
depend on d or dD but they instead depend on the terrain and clutter of the scattering
regions and can be considered as fixed values between 0 and 1. For rural areas both are
The pdf of AoA of the multipaths at BS defined in (3.27) can also be written as,
2E(1 − e ) cos(θ − β) 1 − e2 cos2 (θ − β) − E 2 sin2 (θ − β)
¡ ¢2 ,
π 1 − e2 cos2 (θ − β)
β − θL,max ≤ θ ≤ β + θL,max
0, β + θL,max < θ < θD − θD,max
pΘ (θ) =
¡ ¢q
2E cos(θ − θ ) − e2
cos θ cos θ 1 − e2D cos2 θ − ED
sin2 (θ − θD )
¢2 ,
2 2
π 1 − e cos θ
θD − θD,max ≤ θ ≤ θD + θD,max
0, elsewhere
where E = d/a and ED = dBD /aD are important ratios, which help in designing directional
antennas for local and dominant distant scattering regions especially in rural areas.
6.3 Behavior of Spatial Characteristics under Mobile Motion
60 100
Angular Span, θspan
Angle Spread, σθ
Mean AoA
50 80
Angle in degrees
40 60
30 40
20 20
10 10 0
40 60 80 100 40 60 80 100 40 60 80 100
Distance travelled in meters
Figure 6.7: Behavior of θspan , θ̄ and σθ under the effect of MS motion in macrocell environment
Let MS moves from position Pi to position Pi+1 traversing a small distance δd as given
in (6.1); (also see Fig. 6.6(b)). The distance between BS and MS changes from di to di+1
according to the general expression given in (6.2). Consequently, E in (6.14) changes from
Ei to Ei+1 as,
Ei+1 = Ei2 + 2δE Ei cos(β − φv ) + δE2 (6.15)
where δE = δd /a = vδt /a. Since distant scattering clusters are usually the sets of stationary
structures like hills and high-rise buildings in towns and villages, dBD remains constant dur-
ing the course of MS motion. Therefore, change occurs only in local scattering parameters.
However, the dominant distant scattering disc has an immanent influence on the angular
6.3 Behavior of Spatial Characteristics under Mobile Motion
mobile motion on the angular spread due to dominant distant scattering must be considered
in addition to the aftermath of the motion scenarios given in section 6.2. We can classify
the behavior of spatial characteristics of mobile channel under the combined effect of mobile
motion and distant scattering disc into the following three situations.
Situation 1:
In this situation, the mobile moves towards (or away from) a dominant distant scattering
cluster (like a town, a village or a hill) in the direction of line of sight (LoS) with BS. This
situation usually develops during motion scenario 1 given in section 6.2. This situation is
the other hand, angle spread, σθ , decreases (or increases) slightly but angular span, θspan ,
Situation 2:
In this situation, the mobile moves in a circular or quasi-circular path with respect to BS,
and passes ahead or behind a dominant distant scattering cluster. This situation is usually
developed during motion scenario 2 given in section 6.2. This situation is elaborated in
Fig. 6.8(b).
6.3 Behavior of Spatial Characteristics under Mobile Motion
(a) Situation 1
(b) Situation 2
(c) Situation 3
Figure 6.8: Collective effect of distant scattering cluster and MS motion on the spatial spread of
6.3 Behavior of Spatial Characteristics under Mobile Motion
0 0 0
40 60 80 100 40 60 80 100 40 60 80 100
Distance travelled in meters
Figure 6.9: Behavior of S0 and Λ under the effect of MS motion in macrocell environment
In this situation, d does not change (or if it changes, the change is usually very minor),
but major change occurs in the value of β, proportional to the distance travelled by MS.
Thus in this situation, angle spread, σθ , and angular span, θspan , first decrease as MS comes
closer to the distant scattering cluster, stay fixed for some time proportional to the radius
of cluster and then increase again. Mean AoA, θ̄, also changes continuously.
Situation 3:
In this situation, neither MS travels in the direction of LoS nor in a circular path with
respect to BS. It follows the motion scenario 3 given in section 6.2 and passes alongside the
6.3 Behavior of Spatial Characteristics under Mobile Motion
In this situation, d and β both change at each instant of time in proportional to the
velocity, v, of the MS. On the other hand, angle spread, σθ , and angular span, θspan , both
decrease as MS comes closer to the distant scattering cluster as seen from BS, but they
increase when the distance between MS and distant scattering cluster increases. The effect
scattering cluster from the MS. Mean AoA, θ̄, also does not remain constant and alters with
This situation is observed very often in rural and hilly areas. Thus the smart antenna
The behavior of various spatial spread parameters for a moving mobile under the above
situations is shown in Fig. 6.7 and 6.9. The effect of mobile motion on the pdf of AoA under
Behavior of angle spread in rural areas, plotted in Fig. 3.2.5 of COST 259 [14] can easily
the angle of MS motion, φv , and the location of distant scattering cluster. Therefore, it is
6.4 Behavior of Temporal Characteristics under Mobile Motion
bile Motion
Based on the assumptions given in section 2.2 of chapter 2, an nth bounding ellipse defines a
specific set of scatterers that give rise to multipath components arriving between time delays
τn and τn+1 = τn + δτ . A temporal model along with all employed parameters has been
Let a specific time delay τn define a set of scatterers bounded by nth bounding ellipse.
Then the semi-major axis aτn and semi-minor axis bτn of the nth bounding ellipse can be
written as,
aτn = (6.16)
1q 2
bτn = 4aτn − d2 (6.17)
the outermost bounding ellipse by the notations aτmax and eτmax , respectively. Both variables
are related to the maximum delay spread, τmax . Use of aτn should not be confused with the
notation a in section 6.3, where a denotes the semi-major axis of a fixed Eccentro-Scattering
disc in a spatial channel model. However, aτmax and eτmax are equivalent to a and e of the
Eccentro-Scattering spatial channel model in the case of picocell and microcell environments,
6.4 Behavior of Temporal Characteristics under Mobile Motion
Signal Power
0 max
Excess Delay, sec
but not equivalent to a and e of the Eccentro-Scattering spatial channel model in macrocell
environment. This is due to the fact that a and e of the Eccentro-Scattering disc in case
of picocell and microcell environments depend on τmax , while being independent of τmax in
macrocell environment, they depend only on the terrain and orientation of the streets, roads
or valleys.
6.4 Behavior of Temporal Characteristics under Mobile Motion
Delay in LoS, τ0 : This is the time at which signal travels between BS and MS in LoS,
τ0 = (6.18)
Mean Excess Delay, τ̄ : This is the first moment of the power-delay profile, P (τ ), with
Maximum Delay, τmax : This can be specified as the time delay for which the power of
the multipath component, P (τn ), falls below a specific power level, referred to as the
threshold value. When the signal level is lower than the threshold, it is passed as
noise [24].
Maximum Excess Delay, τe : This is the time difference between the maximum delay,
τe = τmax − τ0 (6.20)
rms Delay Spread, στ : This is the square root of the second central moment of the power-
delay profile, P (τn ). This can also be referred to as the standard deviation of P (τn )
6.4 Behavior of Temporal Characteristics under Mobile Motion
B Ci Ci+1 Pi
2 aτ max
2 aτ max
B Ci Ci+1 Pi Pi+1
2 aτ max , i
2 aτ max , i +1 = 2 aτ max , i + δ a )
(b) Case 2: aτmax changes and eτmax remains constant
The effect of temporal dispersion on the performance of a digital receiver can be reliably
related to the rms delay spread, independently of the shape of power-delay profile [80].
As MS travels, the scattering environment changes such that some scatterers move out of the
scattering disc and some others move in; as a result new multipath components contribute
to the received signal. This phenomenon is referred to as multipath generation [81]. The
6.4 Behavior of Temporal Characteristics under Mobile Motion
distance between BS and MS, d, and maximum delay, τmax , collectively form a bounding
ellipse with parameters eτmax and aτmax as given in (5.3) and (6.16). This bounding ellipse
defines the outer boundary of the scattering points associated with time delays up to τmax .
According to terrain and clutter of the surroundings, MS motion affects the bounding Case 1
This case defines a situation where τmax is kept fixed during the course of MS motion, see
Fig. 6.11(a). Namely, as MS moves it loses some scatterers but does not attain new influential
ones that can affect the temporal spread of the received signal. In other words, it can be said
that the lifetime of multipath components has finished for the present cell and MS should
such a case, τmax and consequently aτmax do not change for the current cell while eτmax and
bτmax change due to change in d. Also, τ0 and στ incur a change in their values. Considering
three motion scenarios and (6.2), change in eτmax can be written as,
di+1 − di
eτmax , i+1 − eτmax , i = (6.22)
c τmax
In this case, eccentricity of the outer bounding ellipse, eτmax , takes a value in the range
6.4 Behavior of Temporal Characteristics under Mobile Motion
Received Signal
(a) Case 1
Received Signal
Fixed e
Fixed e
(b) Case 2
Figure 6.12: Behavior of power delay profile under the effect of MS motion
6.4 Behavior of Temporal Characteristics under Mobile Motion
between 0 and 1 during the course of MS motion. Hence, this value increases as the distance
between BS and MS increases such that eτmax approaches 1 at the edge of the cell where the
signal power falls lower than the threshold value. Before eτmax approaches 1, MS should be
handed over to the new cell and it comes under the influence of the new cell’s BS. Therefore,
in this case handover depends either on the power threshold or on the situation that τ0
approaches τmax (i.e. eτmax approaches 1 due to the terrain and clutter of the surroundings).
Effect of MS motion on the pdf of ToA and other statistical parameters has been illustrated Case 2
This case defines a situation where στ or τe is kept fixed during the course of MS motion as
long as MS remains in the same cell. In this situation, both τ0 and τmax change according
to the change in d, but the eccentricity of the outer bounding ellipse, eτmax , does not incur
change in its value. Instead, the semi-major axis of the outer bounding ellipse, aτmax , which
is a measure of τmax , changes as shown in Fig. 6.11(b). Considering equation (6.2) and the
di+1 − di
aτmax , i+1 − aτmax , i = (6.23)
2 eτmax
In this case, MS attains more and more scatterers from the surroundings, in addition to the
existing ones at each instant of time. Here, aτmax gets a change in its value between R0 and
; where, τex is the extreme maximum delay at which the signal power drops below the
6.4 Behavior of Temporal Characteristics under Mobile Motion
B Ci φv
B Ci
Pi φv
Figure 6.13: Movement of scattering discs due to MS motion in (a) picocells and microcells (b)
threshold value and MS is then handed over to a new BS; and, R0 is an arbitrary constant
value depending on the close-in-reference distance which is the minimum practical separation
between BS and MS. Effect of MS motion on the pdf of ToA and other statistical parameters
6.4 Behavior of Temporal Characteristics under Mobile Motion
x 10
σ , case 2
τ , case 2
6 τ , case 2
Mean ToA, case 2
τ , case 2
στ, case 1
5 τe, case 1
τ0, case 1
Mean ToA, case 1
τmax, case 1
time−delay in seconds
100 102 104 106 108 110 112 114 116 118
distance in meters
Figure 6.14: Behavior of στ , τe , τ0 , τ̄ and τmax in picocells and microcells under the effect of MS
In picocell and microcell environments, the Eccentro-Scattering disc covers the whole area
bounded by the outer bounding ellipse, as shown in Fig. 6.13(a). The pdf of ToA of the
multipaths at BS from all scattering points within the outer bounding ellipse or Eccentro-
c(2c2 τn2 − d2 )
pτ (τn ) = p p (6.24)
4a2τmax 1 − e2τmax c2 τn2 − d2
6.4 Behavior of Temporal Characteristics under Mobile Motion
100 15
0 0
0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
Time−delay in µ sec Time−delay in µ sec
30 15
20 10
10 5
0 0
3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 4 3 3.5 4 4.5
Time−delay in µ sec Time−delay in µ sec
Figure 6.15: Effect of MS motion on the pdf of ToA; various line styles show the plots at different
MS positions
Here, the effect of motion on the temporal statistics of the channel can be explained on the
Case 1: In this case, as mentioned earlier, τmax is kept fixed during the course of MS motion
while the eccentricity of the outer bounding ellipse, eτmax , changes due to the change in
d according to (6.2) and (6.22). Therefore, the semi-major axis of the outer bounding
ellipse, aτmax , remains constant. Since τmax is kept fixed, so with changing d, the values
of τ0 , τe , and στ change. Fig. 6.15(a) represents the plots of the pdf of ToA at various
MS positions.
6.4 Behavior of Temporal Characteristics under Mobile Motion
Case 2: In this case, as mentioned earlier, στ , or τe is kept fixed during the course of
MS motion while both τ0 and τmax change. Therefore, the eccentricity of the outer
bounding ellipse, eτmax , also remains constant and a change occurs in aτmax according
to (6.23), due to the change in d according to (6.2). In other words, the shape of the
pdf of ToA does not alter as a result of MS motion. Fig. 6.15(b) represents the plots
Fig. 6.14 shows the behavior of various temporal spread parameters under the effect of
In macrocell environments, the outer bounding ellipse intersects some part of the scattering
disc around MS as shown in Fig. 6.13(b). As MS moves from position Pi to position Pi+1 ,
it re-acquires almost the same scattering environment at the new position without having
any change in its shape. However, since change occurs in MS-BS separation, d, temporal
spread parameters are significantly affected. Let R be the effective radius of the scattering
disc around MS and eτmax be the eccentricity of the outer bounding ellipse. The pdf of ToA
of the multipaths at BS from all scattering points within the outer bounding ellipse, p(τn ),
6.4 Behavior of Temporal Characteristics under Mobile Motion
x 10
3 σ , case 1
τ , case 1
time−delay in seconds
τ , case 1
Mean ToA, case 1
τ , case 1
στ, case 2
τe, case 2
τ0, case 2
1.5 Mean ToA, case 2
τmax, case 2
1000 1050 1100 1150
distance in meters
Figure 6.16: Behavior of στ , τe , τ0 , τ̄ and τmax in macrocells under the effect of MS motion when
environment can also be discussed on the basis of the lifetime of scatterers. In case 1, τmax
is kept fixed during the course of MS motion while the eccentricity of the outer bounding
ellipse, eτmax , changes due to the change in d. Likewise, the values of τ0 , τe , and στ also
change as shown in Fig. 6.16. Also, Fig. 6.15(c) represents the plots of the pdf of ToA at
various MS positions.
On the other hand, in case 2, στ , or τe is kept fixed during the course of MS motion
while both τ0 and τmax are allowed to change. Thus, the shape of the pdf of ToA does not
6.5 Conclusion
alter as a result of MS motion. Fig. 6.15(d) represents the plots of the pdf of ToA at various
MS positions for case 2. Fig. 6.16 shows the behavior of various temporal spread parameters
Comparing Fig. 6.14 and Fig. 6.16, we observe that the values of τe and στ in macrocell
environments are very small as compared to those of τ0 and τmax . This is because of large
BS-MS separations and concentrations of scatterers in the vicinity of MS. It means that
the approach of keeping στ or τe fixed (i.e. case 2) is the most appropriate for macrocells.
Otherwise, temporal array processing receivers like Rake receivers cannot offer outstanding
performance. On the other hand, in picocell and microcell environments, both approaches
(case 1 and case 2) are equally applicable and either of them can be used, according to the
6.5 Conclusion
oriented algorithms such as Space Division Multiple Access (SDMA) [23, 82]. On the other
hand, besides the handy use of the delay spread in determining the coherence bandwidth
of a particular system [22], it is the main cause of frequency selective fading. It has also
attracted the attention of many researchers in order to design efficient receivers in wireless
6.5 Conclusion
mobile communications. Since mobile motion is responsible for the time variability of cellular
mobile channel, it is necessary to investigate its effect on the spatial and temporal statistics
of the cellular mobile channel. In this chapter, we have discussed several motion scenarios
We have formulated the changes in the AoA and ToA distributions of the multipath
signals at BS during the course of MS motion for different cellular environments. We have
plotted the behavior of all important spatial and temporal statistical parameters under the
effect of mobile motion. The proposed theoretical results in spatial characteristics can be
fast fading channel; likewise the proposed theoretical results in temporal characteristics can
Chapter 7
In this chapter, section 7.1 presents a comprehensive overview of adaptive multiuser detection
basis of the statistics of time-varying multipath fading channel. Section 7.3 presents the
Kalman filter based adaptive detection scheme for DS-CDMA system, which utilizes an
autoregressive (AR) model for signature sequence estimation. Section 7.4 summarizes the
7.1 Overview
In a code division multiple access spread spectrum (CDMA) system a number of users
simultaneously transmit information over a common channel using different code sequences
referred to as signatures. The receiver usually knows the assigned signatures and correlates
them with the received signal. If the assigned signatures are orthogonal, then a bank of
independently. Therefore, signals from different users arrive asynchronously at the receiver.
Since their relative time delays are arbitrary, the cross-correlation between the received
signals coming from different users is non-zero. To achieve a low level of interference the
assigned signatures need to have low cross-correlations for all relative time delays. A low
The presence of multiple access interference (MAI) has been considered as the major
limiting factor in CDMA systems. Many techniques have been proposed to decode users
successfully in the presence of MAI [84–90], while addressing CDMA demodulation problem.
7.1 Overview
The matched filter (MF) receiver demodulates the received signal with the use of a single-
user detector which consists of a matched filter followed by a threshold detector [84]. In
MF receivers, the MAI is modeled as additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN), ignoring
receiver structure is a maximum likelihood multiuser receiver (MLMR) for synchronous and
Viterbi maximum likelihood detector [91]. The computational complexity of this optimum
been used elsewhere, notably in [93], with applications to digital subscriber lines. MAI
cancellation has been used properly in systems where MAI is demodulated and subtracted
from the received signal prior to the user of interest signal detection. This method of MAI
detection and cancellation is combined with an adaptive antenna array in [94]. The concept
exploiting the cyclo-stationary nature of MAI which led to signature sequence adaptation
is obtained in a number of adaptive receiver structures which are very effective in MAI
cancellation and are moderately complex [85]. An adaptive filter is necessary to handle
time varying system parameters. But it is shown that the adaptive linear receiver is able
to completely remove the effect of multipath propagation provided the multipath parameter
7.1 Overview
Due to the exponential complexity of MLMR, suboptimum multiuser detection has been an
channels, transmitter precoding has been recently proposed [86, 95–97]. So considering the
good behavior of linear adaptive receiver in MAI cancellation, an improvement was made in
the same technique by shifting the bulk of processing to the transmitter and making it jointly
adaptive with the receiver [86]. With this joint adaptation of transmitter and receiver, better
MAI suppression is achieved and consequently a larger number of independent users were
accommodated per unit of bandwidth relative to the systems with adaptive receivers only.
The concept of the joint adaptive transmitter-receiver is based on feedback information from
the corresponding receiver. The information obtained from the receiver is used to calculate
the optimum signature for the respective transmitter. The signatures are adaptively adjusted
according to the MSE criterion of optimality during the training period as well as during
channel knowledge. When the system operates in the time-duplex mode, the channels’
responses can be estimated at the base station. Otherwise, channel estimates obtained by
mobile receivers have to be transmitted to the base via feedback channels. It is sufficient
to transmit channel estimates once per packet. The crucial assumptions for this scheme to
work are that channel characteristics remain constant over the block of precoded bits and
the transmitter has knowledge (at least sufficiently accurate) about all multipath profiles.
7.1 Overview
Selection of an ensemble of signature sequences that minimize total interference power with
Transmitter precoding assumes that the symbols of the users on the downlink are al-
ready modulated with some linearly independent signature sequences, and essentially undoes
drawback associated with transmitter adaptation in general is the feedback bandwidth re-
quired, which increases with the number of transmitter coefficients to be estimated [90].
It means that the feedback transmission of filter coefficients to the transmitter must not
require excessive bandwidth. These concerns need to be addressed for signature optimiza-
presented in [90]. The weights for the basis are then selected to optimize the performance cri-
terion, the output signal-to-interference-plus noise ratio (SINR). Different orthogonal bases
are assigned to different users. Selection of the subspace dimension allows a tradeoff between
the number of parameters to be estimated and steady-state performance. Their results show
that adaptive receivers based on a least squares performance criterion generally perform
worse than the non-adaptive RAKE, or MF receiver, since the adaptive receiver introduces
As far as the type of signature waveform or ’code’ is concerned, it also affects the design
7.1 Overview
and performance of DS-CDMA detector. There are two types of codes commonly used in
The use of short code in DS-CDMA systems gives rise to cyclo-stationary MAI which can be
exploited in adaptive detection as discussed earlier; whereas long code is usually difficult to
estimate with gradient-based algorithms over time-varying channels. However, MAI in the
case of long code, is usually assumed as Gaussian, which simplifies the receiver structure.
advantage for avoiding interference in adaptive techniques for multiuser detection [85, 86, 90].
The receiver structure in [85] uses short codes and requires no knowledge of the transmitted
signature sequences. Instead, it requires training bits and symbol timing of the desired
user. The minimization of the external information requirement, whether in form of training
sequence or knowledge of signature waveforms, has been a hot area of research in recent years.
In the adaptive operations, some external information, (sometimes in the form of training
sequences) must be sent not only during the startup period but also after sudden changes
in the channel response, or when a new active user appears [88, 89]. Especially in highly
time-varying channels or fast fading environment the need to retransmit training sequence is
very necessary otherwise performance of the multiuser detector degrades significantly. This
7.1 Overview
additional burden exploits a large part of the bandwidth resources with no beneficial use.
Thus a large effort has been made in eliminating the need for training sequences by proposing
The classical approaches [85, 89] used so far for signature adaptation suppose that either
multipath multiuser channels are fixed (whether known or unknown) or are slowly time-
varying. But in real life mobile channels are highly time-varying and their time-varying
nature can be interpreted as a dynamic system with uncertainties in its coefficients [35]. As
including multipath fading, noise and interference. Many of the signal processing algorithms
used to mitigate the multipath and fading aspects of the mobile channel require accurate
the accurate estimation of received code waveforms. The performance of adaptive multiuser
detector degrades significantly if signature estimates are not accurate. This lack of accuracy
time-varying signatures of different users. At high vehicle speeds (> 100 Km/h), the channel
conditions change significantly. So the signatures of different users in the system get highly
correlated and the performance of the system degrades. To combat this dynamic nature of
7.1 Overview
time-varying channels and other fading effects, state-space approach has been proposed as a
Autoregressive (AR) model is usually considered the simplest way to capture the dynamic
time-varying flat fading channel by using its second order fading statistics and utilize it fur-
ther to establish a linear state-space equation pair for signature sequence estimation in direct
sequence code division multiple access (DS-CDMA) system. We then exploit the Kalman fil-
tering approach to incorporate our proposed state-space equation pair in an algorithm, meant
that the Kalman filter is a good optimal linear minimum mean squared error (MMSE) de-
tector if a first order linear state-space model is applied to DS-CDMA system. As mentioned
earlier, we also use the Kalman filter as the MMSE solution for signature distortions caused
by the time-varying fading channel. However, different from the model used in [34], where the
unknown transmitted symbol vector has been used as state-vector, we use channel-distorted
received signature vector as the state-vector in our model. This approach is based on the fact
that the time-varying channel behaves as the AR model depending on its past values [23, 35].
In our proposed receiver structure, the need for training sequence is bound to the startup
period only. Later on, the receiver adapts itself to the changes of the channel during data
7.2 State-Space Approach in Multipath Fading Channel Modeling
transmission depending on previous decisions. Simulation results show that being based on
the Kalman filter and of non-gradient nature, our proposed algorithm combats effectively
nel Modeling
The performance of a wireless communication system strictly depends on the extent of the
prior knowledge of the time-varying fading channels [20], which in turn depends on the fad-
ing statistics utilized in the channel estimator. There is a lot of work on designing optimum
and sub-optimum channel estimators like the Kalman trackers [106, 107] or Wiener Least
Mean Square (WLMS) predictors [108], that utilize the fading statistics of cellular mobile
channel. State-space model is the best way to develop a channel estimator based on the
valid assumption that time-varying fading channel is Markovian in nature. Therefore, the
varying part of the channel is modeled either Autoregressive (AR) [102, 104], or Autoregres-
There is also a need for a highly time-selective fast fading channel model, which can become
a basis for optimum channel estimators for highly spatio-resolution systems like multi-input
multi-output (MIMO) and space division multiplexing (SDMA) systems. Our motivation
to present this section is thus to develop a state-space model based on the statistics of
7.2 State-Space Approach in Multipath Fading Channel Modeling
time-varying fast fading channels, for both the dynamic Rayleigh and Ricean processes.
Consider the equivalent low-pass signal received over a time-variant fading multipath channel
r (t) = αl (t) e−2 j π fc τl (t) s (t − τl (t)) + n(t) (7.1)
where s(t) is the equivalent low-pass transmitted signal, fc is the carrier frequency, αl is the
attenuation factor for the signal received on lth path, τl (t) is the propagation delay for the
lth path and n(t) is the additive white Gaussian noise with zero mean and σn2 variance.
Therefore, time-variant impulse response h(τ ; t) of the fading multipath channel comprised
h(τ ; t) is a complex-valued Gaussian random process in the t variable, and the amplitude
variations in the received signal (7.1) are due to the time-variant multipath characteristics
of h(τ ; t). When the impulse response h(τ ; t) is modeled as a zero-mean complex-valued
Gaussian process, the envelope |h(τ ; t)| at any instant t is Rayleigh-distributed. In the event
that there are fixed scatterers or signal reflectors in the medium, in addition to randomly
moving scatterers, |h(τ ; t)| has a Rice distribution [67]. Furthermore, if the differential path
delays τi − τj are small compared to the duration of a modulated symbol; then the received
signal can be considered to exhibit flat-fading and channel can be written as independent of
7.2 State-Space Approach in Multipath Fading Channel Modeling
τ . Writing the channel h(τ ; t) as the combination of fixed and time-varying parts [110], we
r L
Kt 1 X
h(t) = α0 (t)e−2 j π fc τ0 (t) + √ lim αl (t)e−2 j π fc τl (t)
Kt + 1 Kt + 1 M →∞ l=1
r L
Kt j(2πfD cos(ψ0 )t+ϕ0 ) 1 1 X j(2πfD cos(ψl )t+ϕl )
= e +√ lim √ ρl e (7.3)
Kt + 1 Kt + 1 L→∞ L
| {z } | l=1
{z }
h (t)c
ht (t)
• hc (t) and ht (t) are the line of sight (LoS) and diffuse components of the time-varying
channel h(t).
• Kt = E{|hc (t)|2 /|ht (t)|2 } is the ratio of the LoS component’s power to that of the
• fD is the maximum Doppler spread of the channel and can be defined as fD = v/λ,
where v is the velocity of the mobile, and λ is the wavelength of the signal.
• ψi , i = 1, ..., L is the angle between the ith incoming multipath signal and the mobile
• ϕi , i = 1, ..., L is the phase angle due to the ith incoming multipath signal and is equal
to −2πfc τi (t). In the absence of LoS component, i.e. in a Rayleigh channel, the phases
L in Equation (7.3) can be made arbitrarily large enough to ensure ht (t) to be a complex-
valued Gaussian process as discussed earlier. According to Bello’s WSSUS model [107, 111],
7.2 State-Space Approach in Multipath Fading Channel Modeling
y Scattering Point
Direction of
MS Motion
θ φ
Line of Sight x
all the channel multipaths are independent; therefore, each term ht , i = 1, ..., L, in the
where E{·} represents the expectation and x∗ is the complex conjugate of a complex-valued
variable x.
where p(ψ) is the distribution of angle of arrival of incoming multipaths with respect to the
direction of MS motion, φv , as shown in Fig. 7.1. It is evident from Equation (7.5) that
R(∆t) depends on p(ψ). Let φ be the angle of arrival (AoA) of the multipath signal at MS
7.2 State-Space Approach in Multipath Fading Channel Modeling
Direction of
MS Motion
S ψ
Q 2b
with respect to the x-axis as shown in Fig. 7.1. Then the distribution of the angle of arrival
model for picocell and microcell environments consists of an elliptical scattering disc
with BS and MS on its foci, as shown in Fig. 7.2. In these environments, scatterers are
usually uniformly distributed. Due to the symmetry of the focal points of the ellipse
with respect to its center, the distribution of AoA at MS will be the same as that at
(4a2 − d2 )3/2
pΦ (φ) = (7.6)
4πa(2a − d cos φ)2
7.2 State-Space Approach in Multipath Fading Channel Modeling
ψ Direction of
MS Motion
φ φv
BS d MS a
in Fig. 7.3. The BS in macrocells is usually free from local scatterers [13]. Considering
the geometry of the scattering disc, the distribution of AoA at MS is given as,
pΦ (φ) = 2 (7.7)
2π(a2 sin φ + b2 cos2 φ)
where a and b are the semi-major and semi-minor axes of the macrocell Eccentro-
pΦ (φ) = (7.8)
Since in picocell and microcell environments the velocity of MS is very low, there is no
considerable Doppler effect on the carrier frequency. Hence, channel can be considered as
time-invariant for the duration of at least one data frame. Therefore, there is no need of
high-complexity channel estimation algorithms, which are usually meant for rapidly time-
7.2 State-Space Approach in Multipath Fading Channel Modeling
can be employed at either of two wireless link ends. The main goal of our research work in
this section is to model a fast fading channel estimator that combats the rapid variations of
the channel. Thus, we will put emphasis on the macrocellular case where the velocity of MS
In macrocellular environments, the LoS component, hc (t), of the channel usually does
not exist and the channel behaves completely as ‘Rayleigh’ fading process [13]; therefore,
pΨ (ψ) = (7.9)
where J0 (·) is the zeroth order Bessel function of the first kind and σh2 = R(0) is the variance
of time-varying fading channel. Similar result for the autocorrelation function was first
reported in [23] and thus is known as ‘Jakes’ Model. Without loss of generality, we can
types of linear models are usually considered [103, 104, 109, 112, 113], which are:
7.2 State-Space Approach in Multipath Fading Channel Modeling
Out of these three, the AR model is the most frequently used model because of its simplicity
and ease of designing (i.e., the equations that determine its parameters are linear). The
Yule-Walker equations [112, 113], which are used to determine the parameters of the model,
become the normal equations in case of the AR model. The Levinson-Durbin recurrent algo-
rithm is used to solve these equations. The key of the algorithm is the recursive computation
of the filter coefficients, beginning with the first order and increasing the order recursively,
using the lower order solutions to obtain the solution to the next higher order [103, 112].
Selecting the order is another difficult problem in developing a linear model. In [114],
the information theoretic results show that the first-order AR model provides a sufficiently
accurate model for time-selective fading channels and, therefore, we will adopt it henceforth.
where ξ is the autoregressive (AR) coefficient which accounts for the variations in the channel
due to Doppler shift, and v(i) is the zero-mean complex Gaussian noise with covariance σv2
Using Yule-Walker equations [35, 112, 113], ξ and σv2 can be written as,
7.3 Kalman Filter Based Adaptive Detection for DS-CDMA System
If we consider Nt tap channel, then we can rewrite equations (7.1) and (7.11) in vector form
h(i) = Ξ h(i − 1) + v(i)
r(i) = sT (i)h(i) + n(i)
where, Ξ =diag{ξ0 , ξ1 , · · · ξNt −2 , ξNt −1 }, h(i) = [h0 (i) h1 (i) · · · hNt −2 hNt −1 ]T , v(i) =
[v0 (i) v1 (i) · · · vNt −2 vNt −1 ]T and s(i) = [s0 (i) s1 (i) · · · sNt −2 sNt −1 ]T .
The model in (7.14) is the well known State-Space model of a communication system over
CDMA System
In this section we present a first order linear state-space model of a DS-CDMA multiuser
channel. We use the Kalman filter for the estimation of channel-distorted received signature
sequences. In our proposed receiver structure, the need for training sequence is bound to the
startup period only. Later on, receiver adapts itself to the changes of the channel during data
transmission depending on previous decisions. Simulation results show that being based on
the Kalman filter and of non-gradient nature, our proposed algorithm combats, effectively,
7.3 Kalman Filter Based Adaptive Detection for DS-CDMA System
Estimator Noise
Signature Sequence
v (i)
Estimator, zk (i|i)
We assume a synchronous DS-CDMA system with K users and processing gain N . The
r(i) = Ak [H+ −
k (i)bk (i) + Hk (i − 1)bk (i − 1)]sk + n(i) (7.15)
• bk (i) is the ith symbol transmitted by user k with power E[|bk (i)|2 ] = 1,
7.3 Kalman Filter Based Adaptive Detection for DS-CDMA System
• H+
k (i) is N × N time-varying channel matrix for user k representing the contribution
• H−
k (i−1) is N ×N time-varying channel matrix for user k representing the inter-symbol
The spread symbols for user k in (7.15) are passed through the discrete time-varying channel
£ ¤T
hk (i) = hk,0 (i) hk,1 (i) hk,2 (i) · · · hk,Lk −1 (i) 0 · · · 0 (7.16)
where Lk represents the number of paths, assumed to be spaced at the chip duration, Tc =
T /N , such that N > Lk , T is the symbol duration and (·)T is the matrix transpose operator.
h i
+(N −2) +(N −1)
k (i) = h+0 +1 +2
k (i) hk (i) hk (i) · · · hk (i) hk (i) (7.17)
h i
−(N −1) −(N −3)
k (i) = h−N
k (i) hk (i) hk (i) ··· h−2
k (i) h−1
k (i)
7.3 Kalman Filter Based Adaptive Detection for DS-CDMA System
where hk±n (i) is hk (i) shifted down (+) or up (-) by n positions, and the vacant positions are
filled up with zeros. More conveniently, we can also write the N × N channel matrices as
hk,0 (i) 0 0 ··· 0 0
hk,1 (i) hk,0 (i) 0 ··· 0 0
hk,2 (i) hk,1 (i) hk,0 (i) ··· 0 0
.. .. ..
. . .. ..
+ . . . . . .
Hk (i) = (7.19)
hk,Lk −1 (i) hk,Lk −2 (i) hk,Lk −3 (i) ··· 0 0
0 hk,Lk −1 (i) hk,Lk −2 (i) ··· 0 0
. .. .. . . . .. ..
.. . . . .
0 0 0 · · · 0 hk,0 (i)
0 ··· 0 hk,Lk −1 (i) · · · hk,2 (i) hk,1 (i)
0 ··· 0 0 ··· hk,3 (i) hk,2 (i)
.. . . .. .. .. ..
. . . . . . .
− 0 ··· 0 0 · · · hk,Lk −1 (i) hk,Lk −2 (i)
Hk (i) = (7.20)
0 ··· 0 0 ··· 0 hk,Lk −1 (i)
0 ··· 0 0 ··· 0 0
.. . . .. .. .. .. ..
. . . . . . .
0 ··· 0 0 ··· 0 0
We see that H−
k (i) is a sparse matrix if Lk << N . In order to simplify the derivation and
formulation of our estimation algorithm, we will assume that the channel delay spreads are
small compared with the symbol duration and, hence, neglect ISI (i.e., H−
k (i) = 0). This
is a viable assumption and has also been made in [90]. We, therefore, use Hk (i) to denote
the channel matrix for user k. The necessary conditions for the optimal signatures pre-
sented here can be extended to asynchronous CDMA with ISI by expanding the observation
window for the received signal. This complicates the derivations while adding little insight
to the synchronous case, so that only synchronous CDMA with negligible ISI is considered
throughout the chapter. Rewriting equation (7.15) for synchronous DS-CDMA system over
7.3 Kalman Filter Based Adaptive Detection for DS-CDMA System
r(i) = Ak Hk (i)bk (i)sk + n(i) (7.21)
r(i) = Ak bk (i)zk (i) + n(i) (7.22)
The time-varying received signature vector zk (i) is actually the result of convolution between
the transmitted signature waveform sk and the time-varying channel vector hk (i) for user k.
where Hk (i) is the channel matrix defined in (7.19). For coherent reception over an ideal
zk (i) = sk (7.25)
Fig. 7.4 depicts a synchronous DS-CDMA system [90]. Different from [90], where the
channel coefficients have been assumed to be time-invariant, we consider more realistic fast
To account for the dynamic variations that arise in the channel due to the relative motion
7.3 Kalman Filter Based Adaptive Detection for DS-CDMA System
between transmitter and receiver, we use the AR model given in (7.11). Because of linear
channel hk (i), the transmitted signature sk deforms to time-varying signature, zk (i), after
passing through time-varying channel. Therefore, we can also write our AR channel model
£ ¤ £ ¤T
Ξk = diag ξk,0 ξk,1 ξk,2 · · · ξk,N −1 and v(i) = v0 (i) v1 (i) v2 (i) · · · vN −1 (i) .
ξk = E{zk,l (i)zk,l (i + T )} = J0 (2πfD T ) (7.27)
The received signal in (7.21) or (7.22) is the input to a linear filter with coefficients ck . Like
1. Coherent RAKE filter (i.e., maximum ratio combiner) or matched filter (MF), given
Hk (i)sk
ck (i) =
kHk (i)sk k
zk (i)
= (7.28)
kzk (i)k
7.3 Kalman Filter Based Adaptive Detection for DS-CDMA System
M(i) = A2k Hk (i)sk sH 2
k Hk (i) + σn IN
= A2k zk (i)zH 2
k (i) + σn IN (7.30)
is the time-varying received covariance matrix and (·)H denotes the Hermitian trans-
Thus we can say that our receiver consists of a bank of matched filters as its first part, where
we match the received signal vector with the estimated time-varying signature sequence,
zk (i) of user k. Thus, the output of conventional detector for user k can then be written as,
yk (i) = zH
k (i)r(i)
= Ak zH
k (i)bk (i)zk (i) + Aj zH
k (i)bj (i)zj (i) + ñ(i) (7.31)
where j6=k Aj zH
k (i)bj (i)zj (i) is the time-varying MAI, which depends on the time-varying
channel matrix Hk (i) for user k and thus on the quality of the channel estimates or received
signature estimates.
In order to detect the transmitted symbols, any of the two filters given in (7.28) and
(7.29) can be considered. The former’s output is equivalent to the output of the bank of
7.3 Kalman Filter Based Adaptive Detection for DS-CDMA System
matched filters in (7.31). If the latter is considered, then the output of the bank of matched
filters in (7.31) is passed to the linear MMSE filter that outputs the following decision for
user k [87],
½ ´ ¾
1 ³ −1 H
b̂k (i) = sgn M (i)zk (i)r(i)
Ak k
(Ã K ! )
³X ´−1
= sgn A2k zk (i)zH 2
k (i) + σn zH
k (i)r(i) (7.32)
k=1 k
where sgn represents the signum function. In this case, we use the time-varying linear
transformation on linear MMSE receiver basis, to eliminate the effects of time-varying MAI
and noise. As we know, the single-user matched filter receiver is optimized to fight the
background white noise, n(i), exclusively, where as the decorrelating detector eliminates
the multiuser access interference (MAI) disregarding the background noise. In contrast the
MMSE linear detector can be seen as a compromise solution that takes into account the
relative importance of each interfering user and the background noise. In fact both the
conventional receiver and the decorrelating receiver are the limiting cases of the MMSE
As mentioned in the previous sections, we base our time-varying signature sequence esti-
mation algorithm on the Kalman filter approach because of its good tracking properties
in a highly time-varying environment and its active minimization of estimation error vari-
ance [115]. Given the noisy measurements up to the time i in (7.22), and using signature
7.3 Kalman Filter Based Adaptive Detection for DS-CDMA System
state equation in (7.26), we have to find the best estimate of zk (i + 1|i) which minimizes
the error variance. In our case the estimation error vector is equal to the difference between
{True signature vector at time i + 1} and {Estimated signature vector at time i + 1 given
Jk (i + 1) = E{z̃H
k (i + 1)z̃k (i + 1)} = tr{P̃k (i + 1)} (7.35)
The implementation of our adaptive algorithm for signature sequence estimation starts with
a training mode that is used to acquire initial zk (i) estimates, after which it reverts to a
decision-directed mode. In the training mode, the receiver knows the transmitted symbols,
whereas in the decision-directed mode, the decoded symbols replace the information symbols.
We will focus on the decision-directed mode and assume that initial signature sequence
Selecting zk (i) = [zk,1 (i) zk,2 (i) zk,3 (i) · · · zk,N −1 (i) zk,N (i)]T as the state vector, we can
7.3 Kalman Filter Based Adaptive Detection for DS-CDMA System
Receiver Filter
ck (i)
Decision Device
bˆ ( i )
Vector, r (i) Demodulator
Figure 7.5: Proposed model of the receiver structure for the Kalman filter based adaptive multiuser
7.3 Kalman Filter Based Adaptive Detection for DS-CDMA System
From the general form of the State-Space model presented in (7.14), we can re-write our
state-space model specifically for the signature sequence estimation case as,
zk (i + 1) = Ξk zk (i) + v(i + 1)
P (7.36)
r(i) = K k=1 Ak bk (i)zk (i) + n(i)
2. To drive algorithm using decisions made in the detection prior to prediction and esti-
Various steps involved in our proposed algorithm are elaborated in Fig. 7.5, where the
proposed receiver structure for the Kalman filter based adaptive detection of DS-CDMA
signals is shown. We can present our signature sequence estimation algorithm based on the
7.3 Kalman Filter Based Adaptive Detection for DS-CDMA System
4. As an innovation step, find N ×1 observation error vector and observation error variance
Re,k (i + 1) = FH 2
k (i)P̃k (i + 1|i)Fk (i) + σv IN (7.40)
zk (i + 1) = zk (i + 1|i + 1)
= (IN − Gk (i + 1)FH
k (i))P̃k (i + 1|i) (7.43)
7. Use real-time corrected zk (i + 1) for the detection of b̂k (i + 1) and repeat steps 3-7 to
estimate and correct the received signature sequence vector at i+2 time-instant.
7.3 Kalman Filter Based Adaptive Detection for DS-CDMA System
Training sequence is usually employed to provide information of the channel to the receiver
so that it can get the accurate initial estimates of the signature sequences. Training sequence
helps the receiver to quickly adapt itself to the channel conditions. The length of the training
the training mode. This length is usually equal to the number of iterations required by
the receiver to converge to its optimum value. During simulations, the proposed adaptive
multiuser detector has been found to converge in about 45 symbols. Thus a training sequence
of length 50 is used for subsequent simulations. It is envisaged that this receiver can operate
In this mode, the receiver operates with Decision feedback only. The initial channel coeffi-
cients are assumed arbitrarily. The algorithm finds measurement error vector in (7.39) by
using the decision made in the previous iteration. There exists a chance of error propagation,
as subsequent decisions are heavily dependent upon the decisions made in earlier iterations.
7.3 Kalman Filter Based Adaptive Detection for DS-CDMA System
For overcoming the possibility of error propagation, training can be employed during the
convergence time of the algorithm. In this mode, the receiver operates in Training Directed
(TD) mode for 50 iterations and then switches to DD mode for the rest of the data trans-
In this mode, the receiver operates in TD mode for 50 iterations and then switches to NE
mode in which the estimated channel response is kept constant at the last optimized value
achieved at the end of TD mode. This mode is similar in analogy to the linear adaptive
In this mode, the receiver is provided training after short intervals of actual data transmis-
sion. The receiver operates in TD mode for 50 iterations and then switches to NE mode for
about one frame or block of data symbols. This pattern is repeated till the end of the data
transmission. This mode outperforms TD and NE mode but performs worse than TD and
7.3 Kalman Filter Based Adaptive Detection for DS-CDMA System
−1 −1
10 10
Average BER
Average BER
−2 −2
10 10
−3 −3
10 10
−4 −4
10 10
6 8 10 12 6 8 10 12
SNR in dB SNR in dB
In this section we present numerical results, which illustrate the relative performance of
our model. Numerical results are obtained using Monte-Carlo simulation. In each trial
of simulation, 5,000 data bits were generated for each user. All users have equal power
and undergo independent multipath fading with different multipath gains in their channel
impulse responses. The fading coefficients are regenerated with each simulation trial using
Jakes’ model [23]. The carrier frequency is 2.4 GHz and the mobile speed is considered
27 Km/h and 99 Km/h taking two different scenarios of Doppler spread (60 and 220 Hz).
7.3 Kalman Filter Based Adaptive Detection for DS-CDMA System
J (i)
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Iteration, i
Figure 7.7: The criterion, Jk (i)=tr{P̃k (i)}, for arbitrary user, k, at iteration, i
Each user generates bit streams of data with p(−1) = p(+1) = 1/2. Random sequences of
length 16 are used to spread each data bit of K users. The Signal to Noise ratios (Eb /N0 )
In Fig. 7.6, Bit Error Rate (BER) is evaluated in each value of Eb /N0 for a population
of 4 users, with equal powers and random signature sequences in a fading environment of
Doppler spread 60 and 220 Hz, separately. We have considered two multipaths Lk = 2,
are taken independently and the channel vectors hk are normalized so that E{khk k2 } = 1.
The results show that Doppler spread and multipath fading present a major impeding effect
7.3 Kalman Filter Based Adaptive Detection for DS-CDMA System
for the channel. The results also show that successful estimation of the received signature
waveforms in such a time varying environment leads us to relatively good performance. The
2. RLS
Fig. 7.7 shows that convergence of the Kalman filter-based signature sequence estimation
algorithm is very fast compared to other gradient based algorithms (almost two times faster
than LMS based algorithm given in [85]). It also shows that our criterion, Jk (i) = trP̃k (i),
discussed in section 7.3.2 is minimized properly which indicates that our estimation process
is running successfully. In our simulations, we have taken initial value of P̃k (i) as 0.05IN
for each user with different multipath gains obtained in training. Jazwinski [116] has shown
that the initial statistics, P̃k (0|0), is forgotten as more data are processed. These results
follow from the fact that as long as the filter is stable and the system (state-space model in
lim P̃k (i|i) = P̃k {very small and constant value} as i −→ ∞ (7.44)
7.3 Kalman Filter Based Adaptive Detection for DS-CDMA System
Thus the estimation error approaching zero implies that the state estimate converges to the
true value given that there exist enough data. The initial estimates will affect the transient
performance of the algorithm, since a large initial P̃k (0|0) gives a large the Kalman gain,
therefore heavily weighting the initial measurements and ignoring the model.
The different modes of operation of linear adaptive CDMA receiver are evaluated over
fast fading channel, where the channel conditions are assumed to change in every iteration.
The BER performance results for all operation modes are shown in Fig. 7.8. The following
1. The BER performance achieved by ‘TD and DD’ mode is the best among all of four
2. In ‘DD alone’ mode, the receiver suffers from error propagation phenomenon, which
3. In ‘TD and NE’ mode, the receiver performs worst, which means that ordinary CDMA
receiver can never cope with the variations in the time-varying channel.
repeated after short intervals of iterations, especially before each data block/frame
The above-mentioned observations indicate that the changing behavior of the channel affects
the receiver performance severely whenever channel estimation and compensation is not
7.3 Kalman Filter Based Adaptive Detection for DS-CDMA System
Repeated (TD+NE)
Average BER
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
SNR in dBs
Figure 7.8: BER performance comparison of different operation modes of the Kalman filter-based
performed. This situation improves when the training is repeated after short intervals. This
means that the channel information provided to the receiver by the training sequence in a
highly time varying environment is of great help since the channel response is continuously
changing. It implies that the receiver continuously needs to perform channel estimation and it
cannot just rely on the converged channel response achieved at the end of training. Moreover,
when training is not employed at the startup and the algorithm is running in decision directed
mode only, there are chances of error propagation. Therefore, it is sometimes required to
7.4 Conclusions
7.4 Conclusions
In this chapter, an autoregressive (AR) model was developed for the time-varying flat fading
channel on the basis of its second order fading statistics. The model was then utilized further
to establish a linear state-space equation pair for signature sequence adaptation in direct
sequence code division multiple access (DS-CDMA) system. Moreover, a decision directed
signature sequence estimation algorithm was proposed which worked on an iterative basis
during the course of data transmission in a rapidly time-varying environment. The algorithm
was based on the proposed state-space model and the Kalman filter so that it could estimate
and track the variations in the signature sequence over multipath and time varying fading
The performance of the proposed algorithm was compared with the other adaptive algo-
rithms over time-varying channels and it was found that the proposed algorithm outperforms
all other gradient-based algorithms like LMS and RLS, in tracking the rapid changes of the
channel. A linear minimum mean squared error (MMSE) detector was used to detect the
symbols, which were then exploited in updating the received signature waveforms, distorted
by the time-varying channel. Simulation results were presented which showed that the per-
formance of a linear adaptive receiver could be improved significantly with signature tracking
on high Doppler spreads in DS-CDMA system. The proposed model can also be extended
to eliminate other channel impairments such as CFO (Carrier Frequency Offset) in OFDM
Chapter 8
This chapter first gives a brief summary of the thesis in section 8.1 and then discusses final
conclusions and future research work based on the results of this dissertation in section 8.2.
8.1 Summary of the Thesis
In Chapter 2, we have addressed the issue of physical channel modeling for the cellular
mobile communication system. We have extensively studied the previous approaches used
for modeling cellular mobile channel in picocell, microcell, and macrocell environments. We
have developed necessary channel modeling parameters and proposed a generalized physical
channel model, referred to as the ‘Eccentro-Scattering Model’. This model can be applied to
any type of cellular environment with appropriate choice of eccentricity, semi-major axis, and
distribution of scatterers around MS and/or BS. We have also introduced a more practical
scattering model, the Jointly Gaussian Scattering Model (JGSM), which consists of two
Gaussian functions each for the distribution of scatterers around BS and MS. The same
methodology can also be used to develop a generalized spatial channel model for a 3-D
In Chapter 3, we have studied the spatial characteristics of cellular mobile channel for
picocell, microcell, and macrocell environments assuming uniform and Gaussian distribu-
tion for the scatterers. Utilizing the Eccentro-Scattering Model and JGSM, we have derived
general expressions for the pdf of AoA of the multipath signals at BS. The derived results
show that the previous spatial models can easily be extracted from our proposed model with
appropriate selection of parameters. We have thoroughly discussed the results and compared
them with those of all existing models. The theoretical results are also compared with some
available measurements both in indoor and outdoor environments. The resulting compar-
8.1 Summary of the Thesis
isons show good agreement with the realistic situations. We can thus assume our proposed
systems. The derived results, in closed form, can also be used in further research work to
In Chapter 3, we have also addressed the issue of the impact of local-to-BS scattering on
the spatial characteristics and implemented JGSM for low antenna-height urban environment
region around BS models the extent of scattering in the vicinity of BS and thus can easily
BS according to their anticipated effect on the angular distribution of the cellular mobile
channel. We have found that the JGSM along with the provision of scattering-free region
provides good fitness to the field measurements when compared with all existing Gaussian
scattering models that consider only one Gaussian function for the distribution of scatterers
around MS.
spread of the multipath power distribution. The proposed method provides almost all pa-
rameters associated to the angular spread, which can be further used for calculating more
accurate spatial correlations of the multipath fading channels. The proposed parameters are
also useful in finding the exact standard deviation of the truncated angular distributions and
the angular data acquired in measurement campaigns. The degree of accuracy in correlation
8.1 Summary of the Thesis
calculations can lead to the computation of exact separations among array elements needed
for diversity antennas. Currently, truncated Gaussian or Laplacian functions are often used
to represent the azimuthal distribution of multipath signals. Such functions usually simplify
the calculations of correlation in MIMO channels. We have indicated that the use of standard
deviation of full-span functions as the standard deviation of the truncated function causes
severe effects on the angle spread, which in turn distorts the accuracy of correlation figures
in MIMO channels. Due to the importance of angle spread in the fading statistics, we have
proposed its use as the goodness-of-fit measure in measurement campaigns. The proposed
method of quantifying angle spread can thus be used in finding the accurate separations
among array elements in outdoor MIMO systems where measurement campaigns provide
nel in picocell, microcell, and macrocell environments. We have employed the proposed
Eccentro-Scattering model to derive the pdf of ToA of the multipath signal for these cellular
environments. In macrocell environment, our model incorporated the effect of distant scat-
terers, far from BS and MS on the temporal dispersion of the multipath signal in addition
to that of local scatterers. A simplified generic closed-form formula for the pdf of ToA due
to local scatterers has been derived, from which previous models can be easily reproduced.
The presented formulas can be used to simulate temporal dispersion of the multipath chan-
nel in a variety of propagation conditions. Furthermore, these formulas are also helpful in
8.1 Summary of the Thesis
fading channels.
In Chapter 6, we have investigated the effects of mobile motion on the spatial and
temporal statistics of the cellular mobile channel. We have discussed several motion scenarios
that are responsible for such effects. We have formulated the changes in the AoA and ToA
distributions of the multipath signals at BS during the course of MS motion for different
cellular environments. We have plotted the behavior of all important spatial and temporal
statistical parameters under the effect of mobile motion. The proposed theoretical results in
Doppler spread in time-varying fast fading channels; likewise the proposed theoretical results
In Chapter 7, an autoregressive (AR) model was developed for the time-varying flat
fading channel on the basis of its second order fading statistics. The model was then utilized
further to establish a linear state-space equation pair for signature sequence adaptation in
was proposed which worked on iterative basis during the course of data transmission in
a rapidly time-varying environment. The algorithm was based on the proposed state-space
model and the Kalman filter so that it could estimate and track the variations in the signature
The performance of the proposed algorithm was compared with the other adaptive algo-
8.2 Conclusions and Future Work
rithms over time-varying channels and it was found that the proposed algorithm outperforms
all other gradient-based algorithms like LMS and RLS, in tracking the rapid changes of the
channel. A linear minimum mean squared error (MMSE) detector was used to detect the
symbols, which were then exploited in updating the received signature waveforms, distorted
by the time-varying channel. Simulation results were presented which showed that the per-
formance of a linear adaptive receiver could be improved significantly with signature tracking
This research has studied spatial channel models for cellular mobile systems and their use in
the characterization of multipath fading channels. The results were presented mainly in five
and e) characterization of fast fading channel and its use in signature sequence adaptation
The results presented in this work have implications to cellular wireless system design,
depicted in Fig. 1.5 of Chapter 1. The analytical results for the distributions of the angle
and time of arrival of multipath signals can be useful for the purposes of system design
8.2 Conclusions and Future Work
the angular spread proposed in the work will be used for calculating more accurate spatial
correlations and thus the exact separation distances between array elements required for
maximizing capacity in MIMO systems or diversity antennas. For the first time, angular
spread was proposed as the goodness-of-fit measure in angular measurement campaigns based
on its key role in the fading processes. The behavior of some important spatial and temporal
statistical parameters was investigated under the effect of mobile motion. The results, in
closed mathematical form in this regard, can be useful in studying the behavior of time-
varying frequency-selective fading channels. In the last part of the thesis, a Kalman filter
based adaptive DS-CDMA receiver structure was proposed, where the simulation results
showed that the performance of a linear adaptive receiver could be improved significantly
Besides the use of Fig. 1.5 of Chapter 1 in proposing the methodology of our dissertation,
it is also helpful in introducing the strategy of our future research work. This strategy can
Plan 1
The general formulas derived for the pdf of AoA of the multipath signals at BS in (3.10),
(3.17), (3.27), (3.31), and (3.41) provide almost all information needed for calculating the
spatial correlations among the antenna elements of MIMO arrays. We are thus planning to
8.2 Conclusions and Future Work
use these formulas along with the angular spread quantifiers, discussed in Chapter 4, to find:
1. the spatial correlations among antenna elements of MIMO arrays which are responsible
2. the exact separations between the antenna elements required to maximize MIMO ca-
3. the design parameters, needed for diversity antenna to overcome deep fades at BS
Plan 2
The general formulas derived for the pdf of ToA in Chapter 5, can be further extended to
Chapter 6 are also helpful in designing RAKE receiver fingers for CDMA and W-CDMA
multiuser detectors. If we apply the RAKE finger number decision rule, given in [117, 118]
and finger assignment algorithm, discussed in [119] on the general expressions of the pdf of
ToA in (5.15), (5.27) and (5.39), we will certainly approach a generalized RAKE receiver
finger number selection criteria for all cellular environments, according to their local terrain
and clutter.
8.2 Conclusions and Future Work
Plan 3
In Chapter 7, a state-space model was developed on the basis of the second order fading
statistics of the time-varying channel. The model was flexible to be used for any type of
cellular environment by simply changing the parameters of the AoA distribution in (7.6) and
(7.7). However, for the simplicity of theoretical results, an isotropic scattering environment
systems, antenna arrays are usually used on both link ends, which adds directionality to the
MS. In such cases, the state-space model can be modified by using the effects of induced
directionality on the fading statistics. Such effects are studied in [26, 120–122]. Spatial
correlations in non-isotropic scenarios are also discussed extensively in [123, 124]. However,
to the best of our knowledge, there is no inclusive time-varying channel estimation model
available in the literature which can be able to accommodate the directionality induced
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