Improving Copper Matte Grade Control in A Concentrate Flash Furnace
Improving Copper Matte Grade Control in A Concentrate Flash Furnace
Improving Copper Matte Grade Control in A Concentrate Flash Furnace
*CASIM, Automation and Supervision Centre for Mineral Industry, Chemical Engineering Department,
Santa Maria University, Valparaiso, Chile, (e-mail:
Process Control Manager, Anglo American Chile, Santiago, Chile
°Chagres Division, Anglo American Chile, Santiago, Chile
Abstract: The copper matte grade (CMG) variation in a flash furnace depends on bath temperature, phase
levels, ratio of oxygen to sulfur, iron and copper content on the feed, and tonnage ratio of silica flux and
feed, among others. The CMG is obtained from laboratory analysis of samples taken when the matte is
tapped out from the furnace. Then the CMG is known with a time delay of 1-2 hours, almost every one
hour. Since feed characteristics usually change during this period, any feedback control of CMG cannot
reduce enough the grade variability. On the other hand, it was shown that main disturbances are coming
with the composite feed tonnage and composition, being the powder tonnage control system the main
contribution. A new calibration system was proposed and implemented. During an evaluation period of
60 days, it was found that the standard deviation of the CMG was reduced in 25%. This improvement can
be explained considering two effects. First, the stabilization of the total feed tonnage that affect the mass
balance in the furnace. Second, even when the powder tonnage is only 7% of the total tonnage, its special
chemical composition contributed to increase the copper content in the matte. The stabilization of the
furnace operation also improved the phase separation, as well as reduced the variance of the gas SO2
composition and flow rate. The operators took advantage of this reduced variability to increase the fusion
rate and thus the mean generated gas flow rate in the furnace, without violating the plant constraints.
One important conclusion is that this result will permit to increase the average value of CMG, when the
development of the virtual sensor of feed composition is completed and when this estimation becomes
part of a FF-FB control. Copyright © 2012 IFAC
data was centered in 1270 °C with deviations between 1250 A typical flash furnace is described in Figure 3. In flash
and 1300 °C. smelting the fine, dried copper sulphide concentrate and silica
flux with air, oxygen enriched air or pure oxygen blast and
recycled flue dust are fed through a concentrate burner into
Copper matte grade (%)
14 AI
10 Fig. 3. A typical flash furnace.
4 The formed FeO then migrates from matte to slag phase due
2 to a change in density. The extension of both reactions is
0 controlled by the amount of oxygen, as a limiting reactive.
The powder is composed of oxidized sulfur, copper and iron,
sulfated and reduced copper, and other materials that do not
participate in oxidation reactions, and they only have the
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effect of cooling the bath.
Fig. 2. Typical magnetite concentration in slag. When the suspension leaves the reaction shaft, the reacted
molten concentrate particles and inert flux particles are
In the next sections the process characteristics, the main separated from the gas stream and hit towards molten slag
disturbances, measurements and control systems are and matte. In the molten bath, the reactions are completed
described to understand the causes of this poor control. Some and matte and slag will be settled at the settler of the furnace
solutions are first proposed and then successfully as respective layers due to their different density.
implemented to reduce the observed variance and to permit
displacing the mean value inside the control band. The matte and slag are tapped out through the holes located at
the side or at the end walls of the settler. The waste gases
2. COPPER FLASH SMELTING IN CHAGRES generated at the process are ducted through the uptake shaft
into waste-heat boiler and electrostatic precipitator, and then
Outokumpu flash smelting is a pyrometallurgical process for processed on the sulphuric acid plant.
smelting metal sulphide concentrates (Jamsa-Jounela et al.,
2003). The Outokumpu flash smelting process consists of a 2.1 Flash furnace operation and control
flash furnace, waste-heat boiler and electrostatic precipitator.
A flash smelter usually includes the following auxiliary units: The flash furnace operator must smelt concentrate at a steady,
feed mixture preparation and drying, converters, slag specified rate while: a) producing matte of specified Cu grade
treatment system, SO2 fixation system, anode furnace and b) producing slag of specified Fe3O4 content c) producing
anode casting. slag at specified temperature, d) producing waste gases of
September 10-12, 2012. Gifu, Japan
specified SO2 content and e) maintaining a protective coating (b) keeping enough Fe and S in the matte so that subsequent
of magnetite-rich slag into the furnace. convertions can operate autogenously while smelting some
other recycled materials.
The most important phenomenon that affects process control
is the quality of feed material. The overall quality of the feed The sampling points are located, one at the exit of the drying
mixture is influenced by quality and amount of the feed (dry system, and two in each of the powder belts. The revert is
concentrate, recycled slag, revert and powder) and the sampled before it is charged to the silo. All samples are taken
amount of silica flux. A schematic of the feed material and analysed for copper, iron, sulfur and other contents, 5-6
preparation is shown in Figure 4. times per day. Total dry feed load and composition are not
measured on line.
Dry concentrate
and silica flux 2.2. Problems in CMG control
Revert Powder
Feedback CMG control can work when the dry feed is a
T40 T100 T50 prepared mixture of a given and known composition that last
for several hours. In Chagres, a time variant composition feed
is produced mainly because of constraints in space and
7 tph 3 tph concentrates coming from different plants. The matte grade is
D D obtained by laboratory analysis from samples taken every one
hour in average, when the matte is tapped out of the furnace.
70 tph 80 tph The sample analysis can take 1-2 hours. When this delayed
FF information is available the ratio between the total oxygen
and concentrate can be adjusted. Most of the time, the feed
Fig. 4. Schematic of feed materials to the furnace. quality has changed during this period and the new ratio do
not help to reduce the variance in CMG. A large ratio gives
Dry copper concentrate is mixed with a dosed amount of extensive Fe and S oxidation and high CMG. Physically, the
silica flux, in a 400 tons silo, discharging in a dosing system. ratio is controlled by adjusting the rates at which air and
The total amount of dry feed is set by screws discharging on oxygen enter the furnace, at constant concentrate feed rate.
a conveyor. Test performed contrasting the tonnage delivered
against the set point of the dry feed control, showed that the Similarly, when the slag contents are available the silica flux
maximum tonnage error was less than 3%. can be adjusted. The iron oxide formed by concentrate
oxidation is fluxed with SiO2 to form liquid slag. The amount
Revert is transported from a 100 tons silo by a series of lift of SiO2 is based upon the slag having (a) a low solubility for
mats and conveyor belts to a 3 m3 silo that discharges into a Cu and (b) sufficient fluidity for easy tapping and a clean
weight meter conveyor set to a precise load. The revert matte/slag separation. A SiO2/Fe mass ratio of 0.7 to 1.0 is
loading control system started its operation in 2010, and test used. It is controlled by adjusting the rate at which silica flux
performed to contrast the tonnage delivered against the revert is fed.
tonnage set point showed that the maximum tonnage error
was less than 0.5 tons/h. Matte and slag temperatures are measured as matte and slag
flow from the furnace. Disposable thermocouple probes and
A pair of conveyor drags, from the electrostatic precipitators optical pyrometers are used. Matte and slag temperatures are
and the waste heat boiler, feed a 50 tons silo with powder. controlled by adjusting the air to concentrate and to oil
The load of powder is adjusted by setting the drags velocity. burners. Slag temperature is adjusted with the oil burner
Some tests were performed to the calibration system operation. Matte and slag temperatures are typically around
employed since 2006. Significant differences were found 1250°C. Excessive temperatures are avoided to minimize
between the tonnage set point value and the powder tonnage refractory and cooling jacket wear.
delivered. When the control system required 2.6 tons/h the
drags really delivered 3.9, and when the control system 2.3. Improvements in CMG control
required 2,9 tons/h the drags really delivered 5.6.
Furthermore, if the drags velocity was set to 0 rpm, the CMG control can be improved if a virtual sensor of the
SCADA system displayed 1.9 tons/h. Consequently, the objective replaces the lack of direct measurements on time.
powder tonnage control system must be reviewed. However, due to the sparse, delayed, and inaccurate
measurements available, even PLS methods were not able to
Chagres flash furnace strategy is to charge dried concentrate obtain a useful predictive model of CMG as a function of the
mix to the furnace at a prescribed rate and to base all other measured variables. An alternative is the incorporation of
controls on this rate. Having chosen concentrate feed rate, the feed forward control to adjust on-line the oxygen/concentrate
flash furnace operator must next select the matte copper ratio, based on stoichiometric calculations. To implement
grade by estimating the extent of Fe and S oxidation. It is this, the actual composition of the total feed to the furnace
selected as a compromise between: (a) maximizing SO2 must be estimated by using a virtual sensor based on delayed
evolution in the flash furnace (to be efficiently captured) and measurements from each kind of solid inputs.
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For a constant setting of total dry feed a large variance has This new system reduced the average powder tonnage set
been observed. A study (Cornejo, 2012) shows that the large point deviations from 2 to 0.25 tons/h, as it is illustrated in
variability contribution came from the powder loading system Figure 6.
(72%), and then from the dry feed loading system (21%) and
from the revert loading system (7%). Then the first step in
14 Using old Using new
this project was to reduce the feed bias and variance, by
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Fig. 7 Effect on copper matte grade.
New This unexpected result is explained in part because the total
3 feed tonnage variation was considerably decreased and
Old because the fraction of powder in the feed was reduced. The
2 particular effect of powder addition can be explained by the
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 chemical reactions occurring in the flash furnace. The powder
contains mainly copper sulfate and hematite, and therefore
Powder tonnage set point [t/h] the powder is decomposed, as follows:
Fig. 5. Comparison of new and old calibration systems. CuSO4 = 1/2Cu2O + SO2 + 1/4O2 (4)
Since this model is effective only when the powder hopper is Fe2O3 = 2/3Fe3O4 + 1/6O2 (5)
working normally, an algorithm to detect discharge problems
from the hopper was developed, by using the change in Both reactions liberate oxygen to be used in the oxidation of
tonnage available in the hopper. iron, and thus in the concentration of the copper in the matte.
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Additionally, the copper oxide produced in Eq. 4 reacts with A secondary effect of this result is that the standard deviation
the iron sulfur transferring the iron from the matte to the slag: of the gas flow rate generated at the flash furnace was also
reduced in almost 20%, as it is shown in Figure 10.
Cu2O + FeS = Cu2S + FeO (6)
Then by reducing the amount and variability of powder
addition, the copper matte grade average remained in 59.6%, 40
but its variability is significantly reduced in 25%. Finally, the
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Fig. 11. Effect on concentrate fusion rate.
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Feed back control of CMG has found to be inefficient
Fig. 9. Effect on oxygen/concentrate ratio. because of significant variation in the load preparation and
September 10-12, 2012. Gifu, Japan