Effect of Reaction Conditions and Kinetic Modelling
Effect of Reaction Conditions and Kinetic Modelling
Effect of Reaction Conditions and Kinetic Modelling
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Keywords: Catalytic hydrogenation of CO2 to methanol has gained considerable interest for its significant role in CO2 uti
Carbon capture and utilization (CCU) lization using heterogeneous catalysts. This study is the first to propose a kinetic model based on Langmuir-
Methanol synthesis Hinshelwood-Hougen-Watson (LHHW) mechanism for CO2 hydrogenation to methanol over a highly effective
CO2 hydrogenation, Indium oxide
indium oxide (In2O3) catalyst. The work focuses on different reaction conditions mainly revolving around the
Kinetic model
variation of operating temperature, total reactor pressure, H2/CO2 molar feed ratio and weight hourly space
velocity (WHSV) of the system. The experimental data were modeled using a competitive single-site kinetic
model based on LHHW rate equations. A parameter optimization procedure was undertaken to determine the
kinetic parameters of the developed rate equations. The model predicts that when the methanol synthesis re
action becomes equilibrium limited, the progress of the RWGS reaction forces the methanol yield to decrease due
to the reversal of the methanol synthesis reaction. A mixture of CO2 and H2 has been used as the reactor feed in
all the cases. Significantly w.r.t. the CO2 partial pressure, the reaction rate for methanol synthesis initially
increased and then slightly decreased indicating a varying order. The single-site model accurately predicted the
trends in the experimental data which would enable the development of reliable reactor and process designs.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: derek.creaser@chalmers.se (D. Creaser).
Received 17 November 2020; Received in revised form 31 January 2021; Accepted 20 February 2021
Available online 27 February 2021
1385-8947/© 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
S. Ghosh et al. Chemical Engineering Journal 416 (2021) 129120
temperatures [2]. Reactions involving eq. (1) and eq. (3) are exothermic, 2. Experimental
and particularly for the less thermodynamically favorable methanol
synthesis, a tradeoff temperature is required to maximize the CO2 con 2.1. Catalyst preparation
version to methanol [8].
Kinetic modeling finds wide applications in biomass utilization Indium hydroxide, In(OH)3, was first synthesized by the standard
[9–11]. Among the different catalytic materials investigated so far for precipitation method. An aqueous solution of Na2CO3 (10 g, Sigma
CO2 hydrogenation to methanol, Cu-based catalysts have attracted much Aldrich, ≥99.5%) was slowly added dropwise to the aqueous solution of
attention due to the high intrinsic activity of Cu [4,12–16]. Therefore, Indium (III) nitrate hydrate (7.7 g, Sigma Aldrich, 99.99%) under
most of the kinetic models for methanol synthesis are centered on Cu- magnetic stirring until the pH reached ~ 9.2. The resulting solution was
based catalysts. A model obtained for a Cu/ZnO catalyst presented by aged for 1 h under continuous stirring and then filtered and washed
Klier et al. showed that the rate of methanol conversion significantly profusely with deionized water. The sample was then collected and
increased with the addition of CO2 along with CO and H2 in the feed dried in a vacuum oven overnight at 60 ℃. The resultant white In(OH)3
[17]. A Langmuir-Hinshelwood-Hougen-Watson (LHHW) rate expres powder was then calcined by heating at a ramp rate of 2 ℃ min− 1 and
sion was applied by Villa et al. for a commercial Cu/ZnO/Al2O3 catalyst maintained at 300 ℃ for 3 h, to obtain crystalline In2O3 powder [32].
both for methanol synthesis as well as the RWGS reaction. The mecha The In2O3 powder thus obtained was pressed, crushed and sieved to
nism was based on the non-dissociative adsorption of CO and H2 [18]. granules with a size range of 350 to 500 µm. As a diluent to ensure
These kinetic studies were based on a single-site model. Later, a dual-site isothermal conditions in the reactor, these In2O3 granules were mixed
model based on an LHHW rate expression was proposed by Graaf et al. with commercial SiO2 granules of the same size range by mechanical
by considering dissociative adsorption of H2 over Cu/ZnO/Al2O3. The shaking in a 2:1 mass ratio of In2O3 and SiO2.
feed gas was a mixture of CO/CO2/H2 gas. On one site CO and CO2 could
competitively adsorb, while the other site was dedicated to the 2.2. Catalyst characterization
competitive adsorption of H2 and H2O. The adsorption of methanol was
assumed to be negligible on these sites [19–21]. In Cu/ZnO catalysts, The morphology of the catalyst was examined using Scanning elec
adsorption and dissociation of H2 are considered to occur on the Cu- tron microscopy (SEM) and Transmission electron microscopy (TEM).
sites, whereas, ZnO is responsible for CO2 adsorption as bicarbonate SEM analysis was performed using JEOL 7800F Prime and TEM was
species [22]. The model of Graaf et al. has later been validated and done using an FEI Titan 80–300 instrument having an accelerating
extended for use for a wider range of reaction conditions in several other voltage of 300 kV. The lattice spacing was measured using Gatan Digital
kinetic modeling studies focused on the hydrogenation of CO2 to Micrograph software. The crystalline nature of the sample was analyzed
methanol [8,23–27]. However, the Cu-based catalysts have certain from the X-Ray diffraction (XRD) pattern that was obtained using a
limitations. For instance, the industrial Cu/ZnO/Al2O3 catalyst is less Bruker D8 X-ray Diffractometer with CuKα (λ = 1.54 Å) radiation within
selective towards methanol directly from CO2 owing to its high activity a scanning angle of 2θ from 20 to 80˚. The specific surface area and pore
towards the RWGS reaction when a mixed syngas (CO/CO2/H2) is used size distribution were measured from nitrogen physisorption isotherm
as feed and it is also less stable due to the deactivating effect of the analysis carried out using a Micromeritics Tristar 3000 surface area and
additional H2O produced as a byproduct of the RWGS reaction [3,28]. porosity analyzer. The catalyst was degassed at 300 ℃ for 3 h under
Recent studies have shown that In2O3 based catalysts are highly se nitrogen flow before the analysis. The specific surface area was calcu
lective for methanol from CO2 via its direct hydrogenation [28,29]. The lated using the Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) equation and the pore
high selectivity of the catalyst was attributed to its ability to inhibit the size was estimated using the Barrett-Joyner-Halenda (BJH) equation. X-
RWGS reaction. Based on density functional theory (DFT) studies on a ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) studies were performed using a
model (1 1 0) surface of In2O3, methanol formation proceeds through PerkinElmer PHI 5000 VersaProbe III Scanning XPS Microprobe. The
the surface formate (HCOO) species[30], where the surface oxygen va sample was irradiated with a monochromatic Al-Kα source with a
cancies act as active sites for CO2 activation and hydrogenation to form binding energy of 1486.6 eV in a vacuum chamber. The data obtained
methanol [31]. A microkinetic analysis was performed by Frei et al. for were analyzed by using Multipack software and with CasaXPS.
In2O3 using Arrhenius and reaction order plots [3]. In addition, a
mechanistic model with corresponding energy levels was developed 2.3. Catalytic tests
based on DFT simulations over the (1 1 1) plane of In2O3 [3].
However, to the best of our knowledge, there are no results of kinetic The CO2 hydrogenation kinetic experiments were performed in a
models based on the LHHW mechanism published that describe CO2 high pressure fixed-bed vertically positioned tubular stainless steel
hydrogenation to methanol over In2O3, which is the objective of the reactor (VINCI Technologies, France) having an inner diameter of 1.27
current work. Herein, a fundamental understanding of the kinetics of cm and length of 21.5 cm. 1.0 g of the composite catalyst (2:1 mass ratio
methanol (CH3OH) synthesis from CO2 hydrogenation is studied over an of In2O3 and commercial Silica mixture) was packed inside the reactor
unsupported In2O3 catalyst to develop an effective, robust and practical which was equipped with a thermocouple and held in place by thin
LHHW kinetic model. An understanding of the kinetic and thermody layers of quartz wool both up- and downstream from the catalyst. The
namic coupling of the CO2 hydrogenation to methanol and the RWGS catalyst was positioned at the vertical center position of the reactor such
reactions by a modeling technique is presented here. A comparative that the thermocouple tip was in contact with the catalyst bed. The total
study between single-site and dual-site kinetic models is also performed depth of the composite catalyst bed was 1.4 cm. The remaining portions
to evaluate their consistencies with the experimental data. An of the reactor were filled with SiC (500 µm size particles). The total
isothermal fixed bed reactor was used to execute the catalytic reactions volume of the reactor was 12.1 cm3. The reactor was placed inside a
with a temperature ranging between 200 and 400 ℃, a total pressure furnace. H2 and CO2 were fed through separate mass flow controllers
between 20 and 40 bar, varying H2:CO2 molar feed ratios (2:1–6:1) and a upstream from the reactor. Before reaction, the catalyst was pretreated
range of WHSV (weight hourly space velocity) from 6000 to 16000 mL by heating at a ramp rate of 5 ℃ min− 1 and maintained at 400 ℃ for 1 h
g−cat1h− 1. The developed set of optimized kinetic parameters from this in Ar flow at 150 NmL min− 1. The reactor was then allowed to cool down
model could enable the design of reactors for this catalytic system. to the desired reaction temperature in Ar flow before the feed gas was
switched to CO2 and H2 and pressurized to the desired total pressure.
Tests were conducted at a temperature of 200–400 ℃, a total pressure of
20–40 bar and with different H2:CO2 molar feed ratios from 2:1–6:1. By
varying the total molar feed rate, the resulting variation in Weight
S. Ghosh et al. Chemical Engineering Journal 416 (2021) 129120
Hourly Space Velocity (WHSV) was from 6000 to 16000 mL g−cat1 h− 1. The ( )
effluent gas from the reactor was quantitatively analyzed online using a PCO2 .PH2 3 −
gas chromatograph (GC, SCION 456) equipped with both thermal con k1 PH2 2
ductivity (TCD) and flame ionization detectors (FID). Immediately rMeOH = (8)
Inhibition term
downstream from the reactor, a back pressure regulating valve reduced
( )
the pressure of the gas to near atmospheric pressure before it flowed into PCO .PH O
k2 √̅̅̅̅̅̅
exceeded its vapor pressure, water condensed and the effluent gas after PH2
rRWGS = (9)
the condenser was saturated with water. Based on mass balance calcu Inhibition term
lations, it was found that water condensation occurred only at condi ( )
tions with the conversion of CO2 exceeding ca. 10%. Partial pressures of PCH4 .P2H
methanol in the effluent gas were always well below its vapor pressure. √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅√̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ PCO2 P4H Keq,CH4
The possible condensation of water was accounted for, in order to rectify rCH4 = k3 PCO2 PH2 (10)
Inhibition term
the simulated effluent gas composition with the experimental mea
surements. The GC was calibrated with varying concentrations of ab where rMeOH , rRWGS and rCH4 are the reaction rates for methanol syn
solute methanol, CO2, CO and CH4. The calibration curves of CO2 and thesis, RWGS and methanation reactions respectively. k1 , k2 and k3 (in
methanol are presented in Fig. S1 in Supplementary Information (SI). mol s− 1 bar− 1 kg−cat1) respectively represent the rate constants of the
All calculations were performed with the data collected after the steady- corresponding equations and Keq,MeOH , Keq,RWGS and Keq,CH4 (in bar− 1) are
state conditions were obtained. Carbon balances calculated were all the equilibrium constants for each of the reactions. The values of the
greater than 95% for each experiment. The experimental error range reaction equilibrium constants are calculated at the particular reaction
was measured by repeating certain experimental reaction conditions. temperatures from the Gibbs free energy of formation values reported in
CO2 conversion (XCO2 ) was calculated based on the molar flow rates literature and correlations of heat capacities of the components. Pj
as: corresponds to the partial pressure of each species j. The denominators
of the rate equations are referred to as the inhibition terms. These re
FCO2 ,in − FCO2 ,out
XCO2 = × 100% (4) action rates (Eq. 8–10) are applied for both the single- and dual-site
FCO2 ,in
models but using different inhibition terms, which are shown in
where FCO2 ,in and FCO2 ,out are the molar CO2 flow rates at the inlet and Table 1. KCO2 and KH2 represent the adsorption equilibrium constants for
outlet respectively. CO2 and H2 respectively.
The selectivities to the main product methanol (SCH3 OH ) and side
products CO (SCO ) and CH4 (SCH4 ) are calculated as follows: 2.4.2. Reactor modeling technique
For the kinetic modeling, the reactor has been represented by a one-
FCH3 OH,out
× 100% (5) dimensional pseudo-homogeneous plug flow model considering the
FCO2 ,in − FCO2 ,out following assumptions: isothermal and isobaric conditions, steady-state
regime, absence of axial dispersion and negligible mass transfer limi
FCO,out tations. At low temperatures, the adiabatic temperature increase was a
SCO = × 100% (6)
FCO2 ,in − FCO2 ,out maximum of 13 ℃, whereas, at the highest temperature, where the
RWGS reaction was dominant, the adiabatic temperature decrease was
FCH4 ,out
SCH4 = × 100% (7) up to 55 ℃. However, during experiments, no deviations between the
FCO2 ,in − FCO2 ,out
control temperature and the measured catalyst bed temperature were
observed and hence heat transport was adequate to maintain isothermal
where FCH3OH,out , FCO,out , and FCH4,out are the corresponding outlet molar
reactor condition. The pressure drop in the reactor was calculated at
flow rates of methanol, CO and CH4 respectively. The component molar
typical conditions using the Ergun equation [34] and was in all condi
flow rates were calculated from the measured gas compositions by mass
tions found to be less than a negligible value of ~ 0.04 Pa, allowing the
balance calculations and accounting for the possible condensation of
reactor to be considered as isobaric. The mass transfer resistances of the
H2O as explained above.
reactants from the bulk gas to the catalyst particle surfaces and there
after through the pores of the catalyst particles were evaluated by the
2.4. Modeling methods
Mears parameter (MP) and the Weisz-Prater parameter (WP) respec
tively. It was found that for all the reaction temperatures, MP was less
2.4.1. Kinetic modeling
than 0.0015 (MP < 0.0015) indicating that the external mass transfer
Single-site (competitive) and dual-site Langmuir–Hinshelwood ki
could be neglected. In addition, the values of WP only approached 0.1 at
netic models have been evaluated as alternatives. For the single-site
the highest reaction temperature (WP < 0.1), and thus also internal
model, it is assumed that the catalyst has only one type of active site
diffusion resistance could be neglected. The variation of WP and MP
(mainly the oxygen vacancies of In2O3) where both CO2 and H2
with reaction temperatures (Fig. S2) and details regarding their calcu
competitively adsorb [33]. H2 is believed to adsorb dissociatively and
lations are given in the supplementary information.
the adsorption of methanol was assumed to be negligible. For compar
The corresponding mass balance equation [8] is given by:
ison, a dual-site model has been considered to have two different sites
for CO2 and H2 adsorption. The motivation behind considering a dual- dFj ∑ n
site model is that the main active sites for CO2 hydrogenation at a = vij ri (11)
microscopic level are considered to be oxygen vacancies of In2O3,
S. Ghosh et al. Chemical Engineering Journal 416 (2021) 129120
where w represents the catalyst weight, Fj the molar flow rate of species ∑∑
SSR = wi (yexp sim 2
i,j − yi,j ) (14)
j, vij the stoichiometric coefficient of species j in reaction i and ri the rate i j
of the reaction i.
where yexp
i,j represents the experimental mole fractions of the species i in
2.4.3. Parameter optimization for the kinetic model experiment j and ysim
i,j represents those calculated by numerical solution
To minimize the high correlation between the pre-exponential factor
of the system of ordinary differential equations (Eq. (11)) that are solved
and the activation energy, the reparametrized form of the Arrhenius
by the ode15s solver using Matlab. wi represents the weighting factor
equation has been used:
used typically to weigh up the residuals of species having lower con
( ( ))
Ei 1 1 centrations. All components except H2 and H2O were included in the
ki = ki,ref exp − (12)
R Tref T optimization.
Normalized sensitivity coefficients (S) for the parameters are calcu
where ki,ref is the reaction rate constant at the reference temperature Tref lated using eq. (15):
and Ei is the activation energy. Also, to minimize the correlation be ( )
tween the adsorption equilibrium constants and the enthalpy of ∑ Δysim 2
adsorption, the reparameterized form of the Van’t Hoff equation was S = β0
used: Δβ
( ( ))
ΔHi 1 1 where,
Ki = Ki,ref exp − (13)
R Tref T β0 = parameter at its optimal value
Δβ = change in parameter from optimal value
where Ki,ref is the equilibrium constant at the reference temperature Tref ysim = simulated mole fraction value at an optimal value of the
and ΔHi is the enthalpy change. The reference temperature for all the parameter
calculations is 300 ℃, which is the average experimental temperature. Δysim = change in simulated mole fraction due to change in the
The nonlinear least square function ‘lsqnonlin’ subroutine, based on the parameter value
Levenberg-Marquardt method, in Matlab (MathWorks, Inc.) R2019b’s
optimization package was used for carrying out non-linear regression.
3. Results and discussion
This non-linear least square solver uses a gradient-based optimization
method to minimize the residual sum of squares (SSR) function between
3.1. Catalyst characterization
the experimental and simulated results as shown in eq. 14 to optimize
the kinetic parameters to find the best fit of model predictions to
Fig. 1a shows the XRD pattern of the as-prepared In2O3 catalyst.
experimental measurements.
Distinct peaks corresponding to body-centered cubic In2O3 confirm the
crystalline nature of the sample. The diffraction peaks at 21.5˚, 30.7˚,
35.5 ˚, 37.8 ˚
, 41.9 ˚
, 45.8 ˚
, 51.05 ˚
, 56.1 ˚
, 60.8 ˚
, 63.7 ˚
, 68.0 ˚and 76.3 ˚
Fig. 1. (a) XRD pattern, (b) BET adsorption–desorption isotherm and (c) pore size distribution of In2O3 catalyst.
S. Ghosh et al. Chemical Engineering Journal 416 (2021) 129120
correspond to the (2 1 1), (2 2 2), (4 0 0), (4 1 1), (3 3 2), (4 3 1), (4 4 0), reported in the literature that this thermal treatment can favorably lead
(6 1 1), (6 2 2), (4 4 4), (7 2 1) and (7 4 1) planes respectively (ICDD to the formation of oxygen vacancies on the catalyst [35]. From the
01–088-2160) [3]. The corresponding standard pattern has also been deconvoluted O1s XPS spectra shown in Fig. S5, it was found that the
shown. The average crystallite size of 10 nm was calculated using the fresh catalyst has 22% oxygen vacancies which reduced to 16.5% after
Scherrer equation from the (2 2 2) diffraction peak. CO2 hydrogenation in the spent catalyst. Our results are consistent with
The specific surface area of the In2O3 catalyst as measured from the those reported by Martin et al. [28] where they have mentioned that a
nitrogen adsorption–desorption isotherm was 112 m2 g− 1 (Fig. 1b). An substantial drop in the surface area and noticeable sintering can be the
average pore size of 9.5 nm and a total pore volume of 0.34 cm3 g− 1 was probable reasons behind the reduction in the number of oxygen defects
obtained (Fig. 1c). The adsorption–desorption curve shows type IV after CO2 hydrogenation over the In2O3 catalyst [28,36].
isotherm characteristics having a prominent hysteresis loop in the
relative pressure (P/P0) range of 0.6–1, signifying its mesoporous
structure. 3.2. Kinetic analysis
To get a deeper insight into the morphology of the as-prepared In2O3
catalyst, a high resolution TEM analysis has been performed (Fig. 2a-c). To study the kinetics of the reaction mechanism, a series of experi
The lattice fringes with an interplanar spacing of 0.291 nm corre ments have been carried out. All the kinetic experiments were carried
sponding to the (2 2 2) plane agree with the reported literature (Fig. 2d) out under steady-state conditions. A broad range of experimental con
[3]. A particle size distribution is shown in Fig. 2e, where the average ditions was examined to provide a good basis for data for the kinetic
diameter of the In2O3 particles (as estimated from the TEM image shown model. The reaction conditions and the corresponding CO2 conversions
in Fig. 2b) is approximately 16.4 nm. However, some of the 10–20 nm and product selectivities for the catalytic hydrogenation of CO2 are
particles shown in TEM have aggregated together to form larger parti summarized in Table 2. Here the four main experimental conditions that
cles which appear to be 30 nm or more. These large agglomerates were have been varied are a) temperature (Exp. 1a–1e), b) pressure (Exp.
not included in the estimation of the average particle size. The SEM 2a–2c), c) H2:CO2 molar feed ratio (Exp. 3a–3e) and d) WHSV (Exp.
images of In2O3 are shown in Fig. S3 in the Supplementary Information, 4a–4d). Experiments 5a–5o investigated the simultaneous variation of
which also shows large aggregated clusters with the aggregates varying temperature and molar feed ratio. The standard reaction conditions are
in sizes up to at least 1 μm. The as-prepared and spent In2O3 catalysts defined as T = 300 ℃, P = 40 bar, WHSV = 9000 mL g−cat1h− 1 and molar
were analyzed using TEM and XPS, to determine chemical and H2:CO2 = 3:1. These conditions were repeated periodically throughout
morphological differences before and after the reaction. These results the experimental study in each experiment set (i.e. experiments 1c, 2c,
are shown in Figs. S4 and S5 in the Supplementary Information. The 3b, 4b and 5 h). There were only small variations in the measured
average particle size slightly increased from 16.4 nm (before reaction) to methanol conversion and product selectivities for these repeated ex
17.7 nm (after reaction) as can be seen from the TEM particle size dis periments, which indicates the stability of the catalyst. From the catalyst
tribution graphs (Figs. S4c and f). XPS was performed on the argon characterization results in Section 3.1 above, it was observed that
pretreated In2O3 catalyst to study the possible change in reactivity due exposure of the catalyst to reaction conditions caused a slight increase in
to oxygen vacancies before and after the CO2 hydrogenation reaction. average particle size and a small decrease in the number of oxygen va
The catalyst pretreatment was done at 400 ℃ for 1 h in Ar atmosphere cancies. Apparently, these changes occurred in the catalyst either very
before CO2 hydrogenation activity measurements because it has been early after exposure to the reaction conditions or they were not sufficient
to cause any significant changes in the catalyst performance. The small
Fig. 2. HRTEM images (a-c), (d) the profile of the lattice fringes of In2O3 and (e) particle size distribution.
S. Ghosh et al. Chemical Engineering Journal 416 (2021) 129120
Table 2
Overview of reaction conditions and results of the catalytic hydrogenation of CO2 over In2O3.
Exp P (bar) T (℃) WHSV(mL g−cat1 h− 1) H2:CO2 XCO2 (%) SCH3OH(%) SCO(%) SCH4(%)
XCO2 = CO2 Conversion; Si = Selectivity for product i (calculated using eqs. (4) through (7))
deviations at the repeated standard reaction conditions were used to temperatures, the RWGS reaction is both thermodynamically and
provide an estimate of the purely experimental variation of the results kinetically favored as it is an endothermic reaction (eq. (2)). It has been
(Section 3.5 Figs. 5, 7, 8 and 9 show error bars for the experimental observed that methanol synthesis from CO2 hydrogenation over the
results). It was confirmed from the experimental findings that no In2O3 catalyst is usually accompanied by undesirable CO formation,
dimethyl ether (DME) was formed under any conditions. specifically at higher temperatures [35]. Calculations for the simulta
neous equilibrium for the methanol synthesis and RWGS reactions from
3.3. Analysis of experimental results CO2 reveal that equilibrium CO selectivity reaches around 99.2% at 400
℃ with the methanol selectivity dropping to around 0.77% (Fig. 3a).
Although the methanation reaction (eq. (3)) is strongly thermody The experimental data also shows a similar trend for CO selectivity
namically favored, it can be seen from Table 2 that it is only a minor reaching as high as 97.3% with methanol selectivity dropping to 1.3% at
reaction at these conditions over In2O3, with a selectivity only reaching 400 ℃ (Fig. 3b). However, due to kinetic limitations, the experimental
up to about 2.3%. Hydrogenation of CO2 to methanol (eq. (1)) is an CO2 conversion is always lower than the thermodynamic values, even at
exothermic process, hence low temperature and high pressure thermo higher temperatures, indicating that simultaneous equilibrium was
dynamically favor the production of methanol. But at high never reached for these two reactions. Another significant observation is
Fig. 3. (a) Calculated equilibrium conversion and selectivity for simultaneous methanol synthesis and RWGS reactions and (b) experimental data of CO2 hydro
genation over In2O3 for varying temperatures at P = 40 bar, WHSV = 9000 mL g−cat1h− 1 and molar H2:CO2 = 3:1.
S. Ghosh et al. Chemical Engineering Journal 416 (2021) 129120
Fig. 4. Effect of (a) H2:CO2 molar feed ratio and (b) WHSV on CO2 conversion and methanol selectivity over In2O3 and (c) simultaneous effect of temperature and H2:
CO2 molar feed ratio on methanol and CO selectivity. Standard reaction conditions: 300 ℃, 40 bar, WHSV = 9000 mL g−cat1 h− 1 and molar H2:CO2 = 3:1.
that the 50% selectivity point for methanol and CO shifts to a higher about 3.5 times the amount of CO at the highest temperature of 400 ℃
temperature (320 ℃) for the experimental data points when compared when the RWGS becomes the dominating reaction. Therefore, we can
to the thermodynamic calculation (260 ℃). So, as the reaction tem consider that the dominating portion of methanol formed at these re
perature increases from 200 ℃ to 400 ℃, methanol selectivity decreases action conditions originates directly from CO2 hydrogenation. In this
significantly from 100% to 1.3% although CO2 conversion increases work, we have not investigated the direct effect of water on the In2O3
simultaneously. We have observed a similar trend for our experimental catalyst since the presence of water in the feed is unlikely under prac
data as that shown by Sun et al. with their spherical cubic-In2O3 nano tical conditions as mentioned by Frei et al. [3].
particle catalyst [35].
. When the H2:CO2 ratio is increased from 2:1 to 6:1, the methanol
3.4. Determination of kinetic parameters
selectivity reaches 68.0% at a CO2 conversion of 10.3% (Fig. 4a). On the
other hand, the higher the molar feed ratio, the higher is the CO2 con
The optimization procedure described in Section 2.4.3 was used to
version but it is just the reverse in the case of increasing WHSV. As
determine the values of the kinetic parameters in the rate equations (8)
WHSV increases, CO2 conversion reduces gradually. Methanol selec
to (10) using the single- and dual-site kinetic models. Only the optimized
tivity reaches 65.2% for WHSV of 16000 mL g−cat1h− 1 with a CO2 con
parameters resulting from the single-site model will be shown and dis
version of 3.4% (Fig. 4b). Methanol selectivity enhances and CO
cussed in depth in this section because it was found to be superior for
selectivity diminishes with the increased molar H2:CO2 feed ratio at all
describing the experimental data. A comparison of the performance of
reaction temperatures above 200 ◦ C as shown in Fig. 4c. At any given
the kinetic models will be shown and discussed later in section 3.6. From
temperature e.g. 300 ℃, the methanol selectivity increases from 61.6%
a series of simulations, 10 parameters were estimated for each kinetic
to 69.8% and the CO selectivity drops from 37.8% to 29.6% when the
model: 3 rate constants (kref ), 3 activation energies (Ea ), 2 equilibrium
molar flow ratio of H2:CO2 increases from 2:1 to 4:1. This implies that a
adsorption constants (Kref ) and 2 heat of adsorptions (ΔHa ) pertaining to
higher concentration of hydrogen in the feed gas relative to CO2 pro
the methanol synthesis, RWGS and methanation reactions. The rate
motes methanol formation. But for very high as well as very low tem
constants and equilibrium adsorption constants are determined at the
peratures, this effect is less clear.
reference temperature Tref (300 ℃). The optimized parameter values are
The catalytic hydrogenation of carbon monoxide is another possible
listed in Tables 3 and 4 for the single-site model. The corresponding
route of methanol formation according to the reaction shown in eq. (16):
parameters for the dual-site model are listed in Tables S1 and S2 in
CO + 2H2 →CH3 OH (16) Supplementary Information.
As shown in Table 2, the series 1 experiments (varying temperature)
However, for our reaction conditions, we expect that it should be
were important to obtain the rate constants and activation energies. The
negligible because the amount of CO2 is always much more than CO. At
series 2 and 3 experiments (varying pressure and molar feed ratio) were
the reactor outlet, for reaction temperatures less than 350 ℃, the con
important for determining the adsorption equilibrium constants and in
centration of CO2 is about 150 times more than CO and it decreases to
turn their values established the effective order of the reactions. Then
S. Ghosh et al. Chemical Engineering Journal 416 (2021) 129120
Fig. 5. Effect of temperature on the outlet mole fractions of (a) CO2 and H2, (b) CH3OH and CO and (c) CH4. and (d) mole fraction of CH3OH, CO CH4 as a function of
catalyst weight at 400 ◦ C. Standard reaction conditions: 40 bar, WHSV = 9000 mL g−cat1 h− 1 and molar H2:CO2 = 3:1. The experimental results are shown with symbols
and the modeling results with lines.
Fig. 6. Surface plots showing the change in mole fractions of (a) CH3OH and (b) CO along the catalyst bed at varying temperatures and (c) thermodynamic coupling
between the CO2 hydrogenation to methanol and the RWGS reactions.
S. Ghosh et al. Chemical Engineering Journal 416 (2021) 129120
Fig. 7. Effect of total reactor pressure on the outlet mole fractions of (a) CO2 and H2, (b) CH3OH and CO and (c) CH4. Standard reaction conditions: 300 ℃, WHSV =
9000 mL g−cat1 h− 1 and molar H2:CO2 = 3:1. The experimental results are shown with symbols and the modeling results with lines.
the series 5 experiments (both varying molar feed ratio and tempera model reported here, the parameters for CO2 and H2 adsorption on the
ture) were important for determining the heats of adsorption (ΔHa ). surface, must in fact account for the influence of many other adsorbed
There was also a correlation between parameters like for example be species like H2O, CO, formate and other intermediate species formed
tween the rate constants and the adsorption equilibrium constants. from the reactants. Moreover, Frei et al. have derived apparent activa
The parameter sensitivities in Tables 3 and 4, measure the influence tion energies of 1.73 eV (166 kJ mol− 1) and 1.96 eV (189 kJ mol− 1) for
that a parameter has on the model predictions. The sensitivities are CO2 hydrogenation to methanol and the RWGS reaction respectively
obtained from a 0.1% change in each parameter and they are normalized over In2O3 based on DFT simulations [3]. Our values of activation en
with respect to the value of the parameter so that the sensitivities for ergies from the single-site model are lower (35.7 and 54.5 kJ mol− 1
each parameter can be compared (eq. (15)). A high sensitivity indicates respectively) for these two reactions. In the formulation of an LHHW
that the experiments were appropriate to successfully resolve the value overall rate equation, the rate constants, shown here in eqs. (8) to (10),
of a parameter. Whereas, a low sensitivity indicates the parameter value are lumped parameters that are a product of the rate constant of the rate-
is more uncertain and it may even be excluded from the model. As we determining step and the adsorption equilibrium constants. As a result,
can see from Table 4, the sensitivity of the heat of adsorption value for these activation energies do not reflect the apparent activation energies
H2 was very low and as well the adsorption equilibrium constant for H2 of the reaction. Later in section 3.7, from an analysis of the experimental
was less sensitive than that for CO2. This indicates that the inhibiting data, it can be shown that the apparent activation energies are greater
effects of CO2 were of greater importance for the predictions of the (90 and 110 kJ mol− 1) than those in the single-site rate expressions but
model than that of H2 and the inhibiting effects for H2 varied negligibly still lower than those reported by Frei et al. There could be different
over the temperature range investigated when the molar feed ratios reasons for the differences, such as the DFT simulations were performed
were simultaneously varied. It can also be noted that among the acti on (1 1 1) plane of In2O3, while our catalyst exhibited many different
vation energies in Table 3, the activation energy for methanol synthesis crystal planes and where (2 2 2) was dominating (as shown in Fig. 1a).
had the lowest sensitivity. This is because, as will be shown below in
section 3.5.1, the methanol synthesis reaction became equilibrium 3.5. Comparison of experiments and kinetic model predictions
limited at higher reaction temperatures.
CO2 hydrogenation over a defective In2O3 (1 1 0) surface with oxy The developed single-site model was based on the effects of different
gen vacancies for methanol synthesis was investigated using DFT cal reaction conditions (as shown in Table 2) in terms of temperature,
culations as mentioned before. The adsorption energy of CO2 was pressure, molar feed ratio and WHSV on the catalytic performance of
reported to be − 0.61 eV (− 56.8 kJ mol− 1) and that of H2 to be − 0.44 eV In2O3. All the plots in the following sections (Figs. 5 and 7-10) contain
(− 42.4 kJ mol− 1) [31]. The heat of adsorption (ΔHa ) values observed both the experimental data points (represented by symbols) as well as
from our single-site model are − 12.5 and − 25.9 kJ mol− 1 for CO2 and H2 the simulation data (represented by lines) obtained from the model
respectively. These values are considerably lower than those reported by predictions.
Ge et al. [31]. The probable reason behind this is that for the kinetic
S. Ghosh et al. Chemical Engineering Journal 416 (2021) 129120
Fig. 8. Effect of molar feed ratio of H2:CO2 on the outlet mole fractions of (a) CO2 and H2, (b) CH3OH and CO and (c) CH4. Standard reaction conditions: 300 ℃, 40
bar and WHSV = 9000 mL g−cat1 h− 1. The experimental results are shown with symbols and the modeling results with lines.
3.5.1. Effect of temperature within the kinetic regime rather than reaching thermodynamic equi
The reaction temperature has been varied between 200 and 400 ℃ librium (Fig. 5b). The error bars around the experimental data points in
mainly to investigate how the methanol synthesis and the competitive Fig. 5 indicate the estimated variation in the experimental measure
RWGS reactions (eqs. (1) and (2)) occur on the In2O3 surface over this ments from repeated experiments. A strength of this single-site kinetic
range of temperature. Low temperature and high pressure favor meth model is that the deviations of the model predictions are largely always
anol synthesis as the RWGS reaction is suppressed under these reaction within the range of the estimated experimental variation. The model
conditions. At higher temperatures, the methanol selectivity largely also shows that the methanation reaction is also favored with the in
reduces as the RWGS starts becoming more prominent. Fig. 5 shows the crease in temperature (Fig. 5c). According to the model, initially, the
variation in outlet mole fractions of CO2, H2, CH3OH, CO and CH4 w.r.t. rate of methanol synthesis is almost equal to that of RWGS at 400 ◦ C
the reaction temperature. Both the outlet reactant concentrations (H2 (Fig. 5d). But then eventually after a small amount of catalyst mass (1 ×
and CO2) were found to reduce with the increase in temperature 10-4 kg), the methanol synthesis reaches equilibrium in the simulations,
(Fig. 5a). The temperature has a considerable effect on the equilibrium but the RWGS reaction continues. So, at 400 ℃ it could be possible to
conversion of CO2 to methanol over the In2O3 catalyst. Our model shows achieve a higher selectivity for methanol, with a higher WHSV.
that as temperature increases from 200 ℃, methanol concentration The surface plots, shown in Fig. 6, give a clearer picture of the
initially increases up to around 330 ℃, after which the methanol syn variation of methanol and CO concentrations along the catalyst bed at
thesis reaction reaches equilibrium and therefore the methanol con varying temperatures as discussed in Fig. 5b. Our single-site model
centration begins to drop (Fig. 5b). The equilibrium outlet methanol shows that methanol concentration increases with catalyst mass up to
concentration from 235 to 400 ℃ is also shown for comparison (dotted about 330 ℃ after which it reaches a maximum, then it remains constant
line in Fig. 5b). It represents how much more methanol could have been till 350 ℃ as it reaches thermodynamic equilibrium, and finally, above
produced, before thermodynamic equilibrium for methanol synthesis is 350 ℃ its concentration decreases with high catalyst mass. This is
reached, given the amount of CO already present from the RWGS re because simultaneously the concentration of CO is increasing and the
action. It can be seen that below 330 ℃, the methanol synthesis is RWGS reaction causes CO2 to decrease and H2O to increase. This H2O
kinetically limited whereas above 330 ℃ it reaches thermodynamic produced from the RWGS reaction can further react with the methanol
equilibrium. The same equilibrium calculation was done for the RWGS formed already from the CO2 hydrogenation reaction and can shift the
reaction, i.e. how much more CO could have been produced was equilibrium for CH3OH synthesis backward. So, at high temperature, the
calculated given the amount of methanol already present. This result is progress of the RWGS reaction causes the methanol synthesis reaction to
not shown in Fig. 5b, but these amounts were in all cases well above the reverse, so that methanol steam reforming begins to occur as CO con
experimental outlet CO mole fractions. On the other hand, temperature centration increases (Fig. 6a). The CO2 formed from methanol steam
favors the RWGS reaction as it is an endothermic reaction and therefore reforming can either help in the forward reaction of methanol synthesis
our model shows that with the increase in temperature, at least up to again or can also assist RWGS reaction. On the other hand, the CO
400 ℃, the concentration of CO in the outlet increases and remains concentration at all temperatures simply always increases with the
S. Ghosh et al. Chemical Engineering Journal 416 (2021) 129120
Fig. 9. Effect of WHSV on the outlet mole fractions of (a) CO2 and H2, (b) MeOH and CO and (c) CH4. Standard reaction conditions: 300 ℃, 40 bar and molar H2:CO2
= 3:1. The experimental results are shown with symbols and the modeling results with lines.
from CO2 hydrogenation over the In2O3 catalyst. The pressure effect was
Table 3
investigated in the 20–40 bar range with the reactor operating at a
Optimized rate constants and activation energies along with their sensitivity
constant temperature of 300 ℃, WHSV of 9000 mL g−cat1 h− 1 and molar
coefficients obtained from the single-site kinetic model for the In2O3 catalyst.
feed ratio of H2:CO2 = 3:1 (as shown in Fig. 7). An increase in total
Reactions *kref (mol s− 1 Normalized Ea (kJ Normalized pressure thermodynamically favors CO2 conversion to methanol,
bar-n kg−cat1) at sensitivity mol− 1) sensitivity
whereas, the equilibrium for the RWGS reaction is unaffected by pres
300 ◦ C
sure. As can be seen from Fig. 5b, at 300 ℃ and the highest pressure (40
CH3OH 6.9 × 10-4 0.022 35.7 0.012 bar), both reactions are still operating within the kinetic regime. We
RWGS 1.8 × 10-3 0.038 54.5 0.059
have calculated that at 40 bar, the outlet methanol reaches 13% of the
Methanation 1.1 × 10-4 0.032 42.5 0.026
equilibrium, whereas at 20 bar it reaches 34% of equilibrium for
* Regarding units for kref for CH3OH synthesis n = 2; RWGS n = 1.5; Metha methanol synthesis. Thus, the experiments in Fig. 7 are all within the
nation n = 1. kinetic regime for methanol synthesis. As a result, the improved selec
tivity for methanol at higher pressure, as evident from Fig. 7b, is not
purely a result of thermodynamic effects, and instead, some kinetic ef
Table 4
fect must be present. Apparently, an increase in the total pressure results
Adsorption constants and enthalpy of adsorption along with their sensitivity
coefficients obtained from the single-site model for the In2O3 catalyst. in higher adsorption of CO2 and H2 on the In2O3 surface and this favors
higher methanol production. The simulated data points from the model
Parameters H2 Normalized CO2 Normalized
fitted well with the experimental data. The model shows that CO pro
sensitivity sensitivity
duction is less affected by the enhancement in pressure, but CH4 con
Kref (bar− 1) at 0.76 0.013 0.79 0.129
centration substantially increases with an increase in total pressure
300 ◦ C
(Fig. 7c), although still at low levels.
ΔHa (kJ mol− 1) − 12.5 8.0 × 10− 4
− 25.9 0.053
S. Ghosh et al. Chemical Engineering Journal 416 (2021) 129120
Fig. 10. Comparison of simulated and experimental data using the dual-site Langmuir Hinshelwood model to predict the effects of (a) pressure and (b) molar feed
ratio on the outlet mole fraction of CH3OH and CO. The experimental results are shown with symbols and the modeling results with lines.
S. Ghosh et al. Chemical Engineering Journal 416 (2021) 129120
Fig. 11. Determination of the apparent reaction orders w.r.t. (a) partial pressure of H2 and (b) partial pressure of CO2 (c) Effect of H2/CO2 molar feed ratio on rates
from single-site kinetic model and (d) Arrhenius plot for CO2 hydrogenation to methanol and RWGS over In2O3 catalyst derived from experiment reaction rates.
with the single-site model, were important for reproducing the variation RWGS reaction. This is because in the LHHW kinetic model there are
in selectivity with the molar feed ratio. The superiority of the single-site inhibition terms that decrease with temperature due to ΔHa values,
model could be because, for the single-site model, the reaction rates for which also effectively increase the reaction rates with temperature.
methanol synthesis and the RWGS reaction first increase and then Fig. 12 shows a series of parity plots for the outlet mole fractions of
decrease at different ranges of the partial pressure of CO2 (Fig. 11b), CO2, CH3OH, CO and CH4 comparing the experimental data with the
resulting in a variable order w.r.t. CO2 that is not possible with the dual- corresponding simulated results. The experimental data set consists of
site model. However, the single-site model does not disprove the theory all the experimental data from 1a to 4d as shown in Table 2, used for
that CO2 reacts on the oxygen vacancies as predicted by DFT simulation optimizing the kinetic model. The experimental data points corre
studies. It might be possible that CO2 and H2 can compete for adsorption sponding to (□) are the additional validation experiments listed in
on most of the sites and then CO2 preferentially reacts further on the Table S3 in the Supplementary Information at other varying conditions
oxygen vacancy sites to form methanol. To estimate the apparent acti that are not used for model optimization. The parity plots showed good
vation energies for CO2 hydrogenation to methanol and RWGS re agreement between the experimental mole fractions of each of these
actions, the Arrhenius plot is presented based on the experimental species and those calculated by the model, thereby showing that the
reaction rates. Apparent activation energies of 90 kJ mol− 1 and 110 kJ single-site kinetic model predicts the data with good accuracy.
mol− 1 were derived for the methanol synthesis and RWGS reactions
respectively (Fig. 11d). Some of the points in Fig. 11d for the methanol 4. Conclusions
synthesis at the highest temperatures are not linear. This is because the
methanol synthesis became equilibrium limited at high temperatures. As This work includes a kinetic study of CO2 hydrogenation to methanol
a result, the activation energy for methanol synthesis is only calculated over an In2O3 catalyst taking into consideration two significant
from the 200–300 ℃ temperature range. The lower activation energy for competitive reactions, namely the RWGS and methanation reactions.
methanol synthesis indicates that the In2O3 catalyst mediates methanol The catalytic reactions have been performed in an isothermal fixed-bed
synthesis over the RWGS reaction [38]. The reaction rates, in this case, stainless steel tube reactor with a temperature ranging between 200 and
have been directly calculated from the experimental data. These results 400 ℃, a total pressure between 20 and 40 bar and for varying H2:CO2
are very close to those obtained by Frei et al. from their experiments with molar ratios (2:1–6:1) and different WHSV (6000–16000 mL g−cat1 h− 1). A
the In2O3 catalyst. They have reported, apparent activation energies of single-site kinetic model based on the LHHW rate equations is presented
103 kJ mol− 1 and 117 kJ mol− 1 for methanol synthesis and RWGS re assuming that both CO2 and H2 can competitively adsorb on the same
actions respectively [3]. The activation energies obtained from the ki site that can predict the trends in the experimental data very well. The
netic model are much lower (35.7 and 54.5 kJ mol− 1 respectively), model predicts that at high temperature the progress of the RWGS re
although the activation energy for methanol synthesis is lower than the action causes the methanol synthesis reaction to reverse, so that
S. Ghosh et al. Chemical Engineering Journal 416 (2021) 129120
Fig. 12. Parity plots of the experimental data vs. the simulated single-site model results for the components (a) CO2, (b) CH3OH, (c) CO and (d) CH4.
S. Ghosh et al. Chemical Engineering Journal 416 (2021) 129120
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