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No Source Language Target Language Translation Method Accuracy Inaccuracy

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No Source Language Target Language Accuracy Inaccuracy

1 Tujuan dari penelitian The objective of The translation 95% - The 5% - the writer
ini adalah untuk this research was to method used in accuracy of could use
mendeskripsikan describe about this sentence is this sentence “criteria” instead
tentang kriteria dalam subtitle translation Communicative is good. of “criterion.”
penerjemahan subtitle criterion of Django translation by
film Django Unchained Unchained movie delivering the
dari Bahasa Inggris ke from English to message as clear
Bahasa Indonesia. Indonesian. as possible
2. Ini adalah It was a qualitative The translation 90% - The 10% - the writer
penelitian kualitatif research with a method used in accuracy of could write “The
dengan metode analisis content analysis. these sentences are these technique used in
isi. Teknik The data were Communicative sentences are collecting the
pengumpulan data collected by translation. good. data…” instead
adalah dengan watching the of “The data were
menonton movie and writing collected by..” to
film dan menulis the subtitle. make the SL
subtitlenya. equivalent to TL.
3. Proses analisis data The data analysis The translation 95% - The 5% - the writer
dan and method used in accuracy of could add or omit
menginterpretasikannya interpretation these sentences are these some words to
mencakup (1) indicates that (1) Communicative sentences are make the
kesepadanan yang the equivalents used translation. Also good. translation
digunakan dalam in subtitle the cultural loan equivalent each
penerjemahan subtitle translation from used in these other.
dari bahasa Inggris ke English to sentences, we can
bahasa Indonesian; (2) the find it in the word
Indonesia; (2) teknik techniques used in “subtitle” which
yang digunakan dalam subtitle translation also can be
terjemahan subtitle from English to translated to
dari bahasa Inggris ke Indonesian; (3) the Indonesian as
bahasa methods used in “takarir” or
Indonesia; (3) metode subtitle translation “subjudul.”
yang digunakan dalam from English to
terjemahan subtitle Indonesian; and (4)
dari bahasa Inggris ke errors that found in
bahasa subtitle
Indonesia; dan (4) translation from
kesalahan yang English to
ditemukan dalam Indonesian.
terjemahan subtitle
dari bahasa Inggris ke
bahasa Indonesia.
4. Temuan penelitian The findings of The translation 98% - The 2% - there is
adalah kesepadanan the research are method used in accuracy of some lexical
yang dominan the most these sentences are these mistranslation
digunakan penerjemah equivalent that Communicative sentences are and mistyping, as
adalah kesepadanan translator used was translation. good. we can see at
dinamis, teknik dinamic equivalent, “communicative
terjemahan yang the highest translator” that
paling dominan technique that should be
digunakan penerjemah translator used was “communicative
adalah teknik literal translation” and
penerjemahan harfiah, translation, the most “dinamic” that
metode yang paling method that should be
sering digunakan translator used was “dynamic.”
penerjemah adalah communicative
terjemahan translator, and the
komunikatif, dan most error
kesalahan terbanyak in subtitle
yang ditemukan dalam translation was
penelitian ini adalah lexical errror.
kesalahan leksikal.
5. Hasil penelitian ini The results of this The translation 98% - The 2% - the
diharapkan dapat research are method used in accuracy of translator could
berguna dalam proses expected to be this sentences is these write “and also
pembelajaran useful in Communicative sentences are useful for
matakuliah learning the translation. good. translator to
penerjemahan dan juga translation subject improve…”
bagi penerjemah agar and also for the instead of “also
dapat membantu translator can for the translator
meningkatkan improve their skill can improve…”
kemampuannya di in writing
dalam menulis sebuah translation.

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