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Elex Post Test

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1. As the hysteresis loop of a magnetic material widens.

Ans. C. The residual magnetism increases

2.Permeability is the inverse equivalent of which electrical terms?

Ans. C. Resistance

3.What are the effects of moving a closed wire loop through a magnetic field?
Ans. A voltage is induced in the wire, A current is induced in the wire. The polarity
across the wire depends on the direction of motion.
D. All of the above

4. What is the flux density of a magnetic field whose flux is 300µWb and cross-sectional area
is 0.25 m2?
Ans. A. 12,000 T

5. Which two values are plotted on a B-H curve graph?

Ans. D. Flux density and magnetizing force

6. Derived units are obtained from various combinations of.

Ans. B. fundamental units

7. A carbon resistor has a resistance of 50 , and a tolerance of 5 percent. What are the colors
of bands one, two, three, and four, respectively?
Ans. A. The bands are green, black, black, and gold.

8. Find the electric field intensity 10 cm from a charge Q=5nC.

Ans. B. 4.5 x 10^3 N/C

9. What can a relay provide between the triggering source and the output that semiconductor
switching devices cannot?
Ans. D. total isolation and higher current rating

10. Which device(s) have almost ideal ON and OFF resistances?

Ans. D. electromechanical relays and manual switches

11. An RL high-pass filter consists of a 470 ohms resistor and a 600 mH coil. The output is
taken across the coil. The circuit’s critical frequency is
Ans. A. 125 Hz

12. Electrical energy is converted to heat at the rate of 7.5kJ/min in a resistor which has 210
C/min passing through. What is the voltage difference across the resistor terminals?
Ans. B. 28 V
13. A resistor has three bands: gray, red, yellow. This unit can be expected to have a value
within approximately what range?
Ans. B. 740k to 900k

14. Which of the following types of resistors will overcome the disadvantages of a carbon
Ans. D. wirewound resistor

15. A straight wire of length 0.5 metre and carrying a current of 1.2 ampere is placed in
uniform magnetic field of induction 2 Tesla. The magnetic field is perpendicular to the length
of the wire. The force on the wire is?
Ans. B. 1.2N

16. A cell of 1.5 V supplies 100 mA for seven hours and twenty minutes, and then it is
replaced. It has supplied of what value:
Ans. B. 733 mAh

17. Which of the following can be used to produce voltage?

Ans. Friction and pressure, heat and light, magnetism and chemical action
D. All of these

18. The force created by generator armature current that tends to oppose normal rotation of
the armature.
Ans. B. Motor reaction

19. A wire moving at a speed of 18.6 meters per second passes through a magnetic field
whose magnetic flux density is 2 Tesla. Find the length of the wire if it cuts an average of 2.8
Weber of flux in 0.5 sec.?
Ans. A. 15 cm

20. What is the average voltage generated in a single conductor of a four-pole dc generator if
the effective flux per pole is 2.8 mWb and the speed pf the armature is 1,800 rpm?
Ans. B. 0.336 V

21. In a DC shunt motor, speed is.

Ans. B. directly proportional to the armature current

22. Determine the emf generated a 4-pole simplex lap wound armature having 300
conductors running at 900 rpm. The flux per pole is 50 mWb.
Ans. B. 225 V

23. Two batteries having unequal emf

Ans. C. can be connected in series only
24. A battery is made up of 5 voltage cells is series. Each cell has an open circuit e.m.f. of
1.6V and an internal resistance of 0.08 ohms. What is the battery terminal voltage for a load
of 6 ohms.
Ans. D. 7.5 V

25. A generator has an open-circuit emf of 180 V. its terminal voltage drops to 150 V with a
load resistance of 10 kohm. What is the internal resistance?
Ans. B. 2000 ohms

26. If the voltage at the source terminals of a circuit is 100 volts without load and 90 volts
with 10 amperes are drawn from the source. What value is the load resistance to afford
maximum power transfer?

27. In a sine wave, it is the value of voltage or current at one particular instant of time.
Ans. B. Instantaneous value

28. What effect does inductance have on steady direct current?

Ans. D. no effect

29. In a medium time-constant circuit, the time-constant (τ) is

Ans. A. equal to the pulse duration

30. The inductance of two coils A and B when connected in Series is 0.6 H and 0.1 H
depending on the relation of the direction of the current in the coils. Coil A when isolated
from coil B has self inductance of 0.2 H. Calculate the coupling factor between the coils.
Ans. B. 72%

31. What is the magnitude of the current at the input of parallel R-L-C circuit at resonance?
Ans. A. Minimum

32. What is the relationship between the current through and the voltage across a capacitor?
Ans. A. Current leads voltage by 90 degrees

33. A certain series RLC circuit with a 200 Hz, 15 V ac source has the following values: R=
22 , c = 80 µF, and L = 10 mH. The total impedance, expressed in polar form, is
Ans. D. 22. 16< 6.79º

34. How long does it takes for an initial charge of 20 V DC to decrease to 4.46 V DC in a
0.01-microfarad capacitor when a 2-megaohm resistor is connected across it?
Ans. D. 0.03 seconds

35. A 2 k resistor, and a 0.002 µF capacitor are in series across an ac source. Current in the
circuit is 6.50 mA. The true power is
Ans. A. 84.5 mW
36. A sine wave of voltage varies from zero to maximum of 200 V. how much is the voltage
at the instant of 30º cycle.
Ans. B. 100 V

37. The quality factor of R-L-C circuit will increase if

Ans. B. R decreases

38. The resistance of a given electrical device is 46 ohms at 25º C. if the temperature
coefficient of resistance of the material is 0.004545 at 20º C. what is the temperature of the
device when its resistance is 92 ohms?
Ans. C. 250 C

39. A 12 V battery has an internal resistance of 0.05 ohm. Two load are connected in parallel
across its terminals, the fire drawing a current of 12 A and the other taking a power of 200
watts. Determine the load terminal voltage.

40. RMS value and the mean value is the same in case of
Ans. C. square wave

41. A non-inductive resistance and a condenser are connected in series across 220 V, 60 cycle
main. They are adjusted so that the current is 8 amperes and the power absorbed is 250 watts,
what is the resistance?
Ans. A. 3.91 ohms

42. A non-inductive resistance and a condenser are connected in series across 220 V, 60 cycle
main. They are adjusted so that the current is 8 amperes and the power absorbed is 250 watts,
what is the capacitance?
Ans. D. 71.6 uF

43. A parallel resonant circuit having L = 100 µH and C = 100 pF. If Q factor of the circuit
___ what is the bandwidth of the resonant circuit?

44. For the same peak value of voltage, which wave will have the highest rms value?
Ans. C. square wave

45. A DC voltage is applied to an RC circuit at t = 0 with the capacitor initially uncharged. At

a time equal to the time constant of the circuit, the current is ____ percent of its initial value.
Ans. D. 36.8%

46. Which of the following amplifier types reduces or eliminates even-order harmonics?
Ans. A. Push-pull
47. Afield effect transistor (FET) differs from the conventional transistor in the respect that
Ans. B. It is a unipolar device

48. N-channel FET’s are superior to P-channel FET’s because

Ans. B. Mobility of electrons is greater than that of holes and charge carries in N-
channel FET’s are electrons

49. An amplifier that decreases the leading effect on the oscillator by reducing the interaction
(matching impedance) between the load and the oscillator is called a
Ans. D. buffer amplifier

50. Which of the following is unique to common-emitter amplifiers?

Ans. B. Input and output signal voltages that are 180º out of phase

51. LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes) fabricated from GaAs emit radiations in the
Ans. B. Visible region

52. You have a need to apply an amplifier with a very high power gain. Which of the
following would you choose?
Ans. B. common-emitter

53. The amount of the time between the creation of a hole and its disappearance is called
Ans. B. Lifetime

54. A measure of the repeatability of a measurement of some quantity is

Ans. B. precision

55. It is often necessary to make rapid measurements of low resistances. What basic bridge
circuit is suited for this type of measurement?
Ans. B. Kevin

56. An enhancement-mode MOSFET can be recognized in schematic diagrams by:

Ans. B. A broken vertical line inside the circle

57. An op-amp has an open-loop gain of 100,000 and a cutoff frequency of 40 Hz. Find the
open-loop gain at frequency of 30 Hz.
Ans. D. 100,000

58. In the active region while the collector-base junction is _____-based, the base-emitter is
Ans. C. reverse, forward

59. Also known as a DC restorer

Ans. D. clamping circuit
60. What transistor configuration should be used to match a high output impedance to a low
Ans. A. Common collector

61. Determine the output level for the positive logic AND gate for the figure below.
Ans. B. 0.7 V

62. Determine the output dc level for the positive cycle of the figure.
Ans. D. 3.18 V

63. Determine the minimum voltage of RL that will result in VRL being mainted at 10 V in
the figure.
Ans. A. 1.25 kohm
64. Solve for the value of Ic in the figure.
Ans. D. 4.12 mA

65. The non-inverting and inverting inputs of an op-amp have an input voltage of 1.5 mV and
1.0 mV, respectively. If the op-amp has a common-mode voltage gain of 10 and a
differential-mode gain of 10,000, what is its output voltage?
Ans. C. 5.0125 V

66. An IC comprises of 40 logic gates, each of which consists of 4 components. This is an

example of
Ans. B. Medium Scale Integration (MSI)

67. A current booster is a transistor in

Ans. A. Series with the IC regulator

68. Which of the following best describes nonvolatile memory?

Ans. A. memory that contains stored information when electrical power removed

69. Internally, a computer’s binary data are almost always transmitted on parallel channels,
commonly referred to as the:
Ans. C. data bus

70. What is the difference between mnemonics codes and machine codes?
Ans. B. Matching codes are in binary, mnemonic codes are in shorthand English

71. The expression W(X + YZ) can be converted to SOP form by applying which law?
Ans. C. distributive law

72. The equivalent of (13.21)4 in base 10

Ans. B. 7.5625
73. Add 2236 to 2236
Ans. D. 10026

74. What is the BCD code for 354.

Ans. C. 1101010100

75. What is 7's complement of (534500)5?

Ans. A. 1321677

76. In a UJT, at the valley point

Ans. A. The current is maximum

77. An SCR may be turned off

Ans. C. By reducing the current below the holding value
78. What can cause an SUS to conduct before it reaches the breakover voltage?
Ans. C. An increase in device temperature

79. A triode has a gm=350uS, a u=20 and a plate resistance equal to 1.2 Kohms, solve for the
grid voltage if there are 9.362 x 10^12 electrons flowing in the plate in 1 second
Ans. C. 4.28 mV

80. When Gate current is equal to zero, SCR acts as

Ans. A. Diode

81.The intrinsic stand off ratio of UJT is 0.65 and VBB = 10 V. what will be the voltage
across RB1?
Ans. A. 6.5 V

82. An electronic switch that has the highest single-device current capacity and can withstand
overloads better.
Ans. B. Ignitrons

83. What is true about SCRs after they ar being switched “ON”?
Ans. A. The anode (A) to cathode (K) continues to conduct even if the gate triggering
voltage is removed.

84. In controlling electrical power using phase control method with SCR/triac being the
active device, what do we call the period of the cycle before the device switches to
Ans. C. firing frequency

85. A UJT has an internal resistances of Re3 = 6 k and Re2 = 2 k , find Re1?
Ans. B. 3 k

86. Silicon unilateral switches (SUSs) generally have a breakover voltage of 8 V, however,
this value can be altered by normally connecting a zener diode. How is the diode installed?
Ans. D. diode’s cathode to SUS’s gate and diode’s anode to SUS’s cathode
87. How can we increase the forward-voltage blocking capability of SCRs?

88. Which semiconductor device acts like diode and two resistors
Ans. D. UJT

89. A UJT has RBB = 10 K and RB2 = 4 K. Its intrin-sic stand-off ratio 1
Ans. A. 0.6

90. A solid-state chopper converts a fixed-voltage d.c. supply into a

Ans. B. variable-voltage d.c. supply

91. A practical op-amp has very ____ input impedance, very ____ output impedance, very
____ open-loop voltage gain, and a ____ bandwidth.
Ans. A. high, low, high, wide

92. A galvanometer of resistance 20 Ohms gives full scale deflection with a current of 0.004
A. To convert it into an ammeter of range 1A, the required shunt resistance should be?
Ans. C. 0.08

93. When a closed-loop system is used to maintain physical position it is referred as

Ans. B. feedback system

94. Proportional mode of control wherein the controller is not only considering the magnitude
of the error signal but as well as the time that it has persisted.
Ans. C. Proportional plus integral

95. A galvanometer having a resistance of 8 ohms is shunted by a wire of resistance 2 ohms.

If the total current is 1 amp, the part of it passing through the shunt will be?
Ans. B. 0.8 Amp

96. If a meter with full-scale current of 100µA is used as an ac voltmeter with half-wave
rectification, its ac sensitivity is
Ans. B. 4,500 /V

97. An ammeter has a full-scale deflection current of 100mA. If the same ammeter is used to
measure a full-scale current of 1.0 ampere, what is the value of the shunt resistor in ohms if
the voltage across the meter is 9.0 volts?
Ans. B. 10

98. What is the purpose of the rheostat in ohmmeter?

Ans. D. compensate aging battery of the meter

99. Increasing the value of the series resistor of a voltmeter, its voltage measuring capability
Ans. A. increases

100. The two most common audio oscillators are

Ans. B. Wien bridge and phase-shift

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