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astern a: SITS 2. Waa: wt: Srimad Valmiki-Ramayana Book One (Balakanda) . . Canto I The celestial sage Narada narrates to Valmiki the Story of $1 Rama in a nutshell % meTerahe wet aft aa outers | aatniPgrATeN arate Laon ete urertas ata nies gay wea | GeaA TN Sir SY ge: ey @ fife we: a: wrig wdafraeyia: ng areerL er forced yar aasTEME: ar fiat Aas wae dqtnsn wafeesrag sit ut wiqet fe Ringh ao ameisfe wqtdfiet am Gn an tefactagt aretisict we: spent ert weet araarai ne wet ghd ear sitter qu meet agen adm: qua AT ett The ascetic Valmiki put the following question direct to Narada, the chief of hermits, (nay) the foremost of those skilled in expression, who remains (ever) engaged in askesis and self-study (the study of the Vedas):—(1) "Who can possibly be full of virtues in this world at present? Nay, who is possessed of prowess and knows what is right? Who is conscious of services done, truthful of speech and firm of resolve? (2) Who is possessed of right conduct and who is friendly toall living beings? Who is a man of knowledge? Nay, who is powerful and who has a singularly lovable appearance? (3) Who has subdued his self? Who has conquered anger? Who is possessed of splendour and who is above fault-finding, and whom do the very gods dread when his wrath has been (apparently) provoked in battle? (4) 1 wish to hear this; for there is a great curiosity in my mind about it, while you are capable of knowing such a man. O eminent seer!" (5) Hearing this appeal of Valmiki, the sage Narada, who possessed knowledge of the three worlds, said, “Listen!” and greatly delighted, addressed the following words:—(6) I shall (duly) consider and tell you (of such a hero). Be pleased to hear (from me) of the man endowed with the manifold and rare virtues that have been described by you. (7) peargerraat TA aT A: ata: Frere werd afer yf att eH Afear ter armt sitmeaghrator: faqetet werarg: araitey wereq: tt ¢ tt were ater | qaugpfien: vamarqarg: afr: qerete: Etre: wont wa: anfararg: fereraut: waroary itraa feerealt creattarsqeraraT: 128— ee re ante Rertug vari ow fac vam gente: eftety: fire fer ere antes gente Mother tarry ote Pai Retvrrerrehrers: rayftrar wirenrery vrtetasfier: emyrétrren ForerneT 1 93. weterfiern: wf, THE oe feat: vam: wetumytin ta firanyty a Rete, Ween wlerarrernht: va geomet dator Fireren ere 1 9,5 feI™ wGeh wh chafiecris: imenfenegen ead om fers sett area wat anf yar: There is one descended in the line of Ikswaku, and known by He has fuil men by the name of Bam, ‘eyrety Powerful, radiant and resolute and has brouss T control. (8) He is intelligent, sagacious, eloquent, glorious and 1s distinguished with broad shoulders, Powerful arms, a neck-sh, and a stout chin (9) He is marked with a broad chest, a mighty bow and a coli 'd 18 capable of subduing his fi le has a well-formed head, a s\ Stature (neither very tall nor mplexion, is mughty, has a roui ht hy an extermunate, aped as a conch lar bone coverey xtend right UD to Balt. (10) He ied limbs, has a, full of splendour and ha, foes. His (unusually long) arms e: hapely forehead and a charming very short), has well-proportion inded chest, large eyes, is unctuous co; Tighteous (even) as the ocean leasing countenance (16) He les, the bestower of wealth) in re in point of truthfulness. eeu Te WRITER 88 II as sae fir cee: aM i weatat fetrefet wepfafirerenrerar i011 rereretes eciragtresa vivar aerate: 1 renfiteraeurer ger rater Semel ze UR yoo ewan eet ate free aoe eae wae Tar ena dan: ifearranra Ai at eee: Arai i i ingly sought to inves! With intent to gratify the people the king (Emperor Dasaratha) loving y 9 ered Me with the office of Regent his beloved son, Sri Rama, who possesse unfailing rin pol : i fc id qualities, who was not only the eldest (of his four so’ a ial signe ape owed | ih the highest virtues and devoted to the interests of the peop’ e i f Sri Rama illustrious of age) but was also endows wi g OE te i i i arati nection with the installation i who had Witnessing the preparations in con with eee tases peta noasepmernn aay aa’ on ene (in recognition of her outstanding by the Empero: a been granted a boon (A commage and eervice i sai Tan) the ber and on the ficld of battle), however, askee OTN aS of Sti Rama and the installation of Bharata (her own e ( sina the as) by the tie of duty (in the form of bis plighted word) due wm 1. the tiuth, Kings Daéaratha exiled his beloved son, Rama. 23) geome eie uftameurereny RretersPratea Arar: weet demed UA wT oN IM BART fevers: aqhrareaeria: 124 wat au hurmeyaetery rarer afar rat fret wroverat frat 28 erent HAL or Reva Paftey aeferqroreeray are ay; WROTE imenpr tt wird AR aeridteprt gt Rear ayat Ne In obedience to his father's command in the form of the boon (granted by him in favour stepmother), the heroic Rama retired ther), (24) His loving (younger) brother, ger of the two wee reuent the ame te. 220 on af Raikey)) and with a view to pleasing Kaikeyi (b fothe woods i order fo implement the pledge (ot his f takemana whe enhanced the delight of (his own mother) Sumitra (the youn! principal consotts of Emperor Da: atha) and who was not only adorned with modesty puta favou af his brother (Sri Rama)—followed his aforesaid brother out of affection as ihe latter set out Con his journey to the forest), thus testifying ( his amicable relation. Stl Kama'’s newly wedded spouse, Sita, (so called because she was unearthed from the track of j ploughishare) — who was dear to him as fife and was ever friendly to him, who (though not horn in the ordinary way froma mother's womb) was (taken as) descended in the line of Janaka aking of Mithila, Siradhwaja by name, Janake being his family title), was endowed with all auspicious marks (on her person) and was a (veritable) jewel among women and who looked like the Lord’s own wonderful potency manifested by the Lord Himself—also accompanied Si Rama ay Rohini (the spouse of the moon god also a constellation of that name, follows on-god). (Nay), he was followed afar by the citizens (of Ayodhya) as welll as by his | Dagaratha, (25— 28) spare | at wy preston ayerrare: rater frovarfiraft freee it ae afin) ey agers iar AF at rear etedret AERA: 20M Rewgperrqurer — WURTOTET prea carareraed ra CHATTY ay Wa agi Qamarddenrgrerd YT gor ferrepe na Ua yayivenrecedey aR com agrea; wart SIT ‘ferent, amin afer wet afer ates: 1 33 at at camrewaras: eel rt RTT | STATS, qrat reheat: 34 It enter on ent yf metsoedtey ereitse wea: AAT: ACTA: 138 Ul vy eho ferereregereg, Td wir apron Uae ITE TAT ATR SAAT YA: GTN BO Protarara aay Te eran: a area UMTATA TEAM 86 Ut afer sertre 79d TTT aATAT | as (a mixed tribe sprung trom a Brahmana nk of the Ganga, $ri Rama (who was and Sita, sent away the charioteer (back ms contaning deep water, they ater on reached Citrakata ge. the three sojourned [ musicians). Sri Rama 0 had since returned ascended to heaven other the mor (aged) Cath chiet of the Nisa Meeting his beloved Guha, the aon the t through a Sadra woman), al Srngaverapur virtue incarnate), accompanied by Guha, Laksmana forest, and crossing strear to Ayodhya). Going from forest (0 (saw the sage Bharadwaja at Prayaga and, dismissing Guha there) Li according to the instructions of Bharadwaja and, erecting a lovely cotta; bee vate sporting 0 the woods like gods and Gandharvas (celestial te eras fo Citrakita (on foot as reported by the charioteer. whi ya), Emperor Dasaratha forthwith (gave up the ghost and) ~_yALMER aration from the latter. Thou, : t his SeP a i m ith grief 2 the sage Vasistha (the family 5. ven as he was wil jed bY (to the one Pe ling his son, stricken & apmanas heade® ©” departed (to the other y, bewailing his Brahn the kil ha’ i proceeded 10 the foresig the throne BY , on aaa the kins Of nea “covet the eee to Ayodhya and accept his tay” Bharata, who was very powel ful ‘4 persuade hm to of uol failing prowess, Bharata, Ra s to please the venerable Rama re high-souled t mcide srother (accordingly) (ae throne). (29—34) Appr tnlored (Sti BO be the ruler, since you gy See Talsalie words to Sti Re ae - hoe . what is right." In deference 10 his Lesats ty magna nimous Da 3 Tee ove Bharata) $i Rama too, who W% ae did not hanker ea to rule over the king a : , di and who (always) wore a gracious aspect, s represe v to cia his fe pair of wooden sandals eel of great might persuaded him to rete Sa Rima, Bharat’ elder brothe? ae Pithowt realizing his ambition (of seeing Rin, .d to Ayodhya, touching the fe, from Citrakiita after repeated importunities ta returne rouch back in Ayodhya and crowning him king), Bharata 7 for the return of Sri Rama, he rleg in . of $1i Rama (and taking leave of him). 35-38) ae at fourteen miles ftom Ayodhys (over the kingdom while living) at Nan alot 3 sa, Beaee Parafaa: 1 38 Ul 7 ere = (earner SUSSTT vfeaet Fii¥on faery mereod ager fd TH weg cet Tuyen : hal Caan semts PATTY? I Biest eremnad a sere FUT a : ; wentaregatt areca | TTT we arat: ENV Saasearney, w Prashant fat vfagysra TATA AT Bes Vigrag wi au: daft een hora SVAN Sq ata wea aaearafraferdt i ferafiear afore Tet arp TTTT ye When Bharata, however, had lef, the glorious Rama of unfailing vow, who had conquered his senses and was intent on one object (viz., that of implementing the pledge of his father), entered the Dandaka forest, they say, anticipating the renewed visit of the people of Ayodhya forest (of Dandaka) and having despatched the to that region. (39-40) Entering the great fe ogre Viradha, the lotus-eyed Rama saw one after another the sages Sarabhanga and Sutiksna as well as Agastya and his brother (Idhmavahana). Nay, at the instance of Agastya himself he accepted with supreme delight a bow, a sword, a pair of quivers containing an inexhaustible store of arrows, (all) bestowed (upon the sage) by Indra (the lord of paradise). While the aforesaid Rama was sojourning in the forest with foresters, all the seers (dwelling in the forest) called (on him) with a request to make short work of the demons and ogres (haunting the forest). In the presence of those seers dwelling in the forest of Dandaka and glorious as fire Sti Rama then agreed to kill the ogres in that forest. Nay, the destruction of the ogres in an encounter was solemnly promised by Rama. (41—45) The ogress Sirpanakha (so-called because the monstress possessed nails as big as a winnowing fen). who dwelt in Janasthdna (a portion of the Dandaka forest) and was capable of assuming any form at will, was disfigured by Sri Rama (by having her nose and ears lopped off by Laksmana) while living in that very forest. (46) we SOM He TT fated a quot ta Ter Ys! lnanih wwe x TET ay fears Prererar arrears renferaTa 86 ac — ; eer ch afer see rer: weraEg: 18! Kak wrdtee AH TRA Vardar: Gage wreras A TAM: 49!wrt Tam a a er uTat Tag ‘SPER wea: tea Fo wee Ta et e a u _— ve feat a Revtay, Sri Rama then a TREE Ba me fava encounter) at the instioar On the fi A ean a stiga field of watt WEAR ogre Diisana as also hee of Sirpanaktns battle all the ogres tha = MOU = nakha, i it Janasthana were made arcllowers. (No Tea auding (their Yeaders) Kha Prepared (for an through anger to hear of we vo Of by Ra than) fourtee ata, indi and the 2 of te at of bY Rana while spurng in tha hes Spee : on of his kinsmen, Ravana the king of Lasko) ea a I Maren M° Sons of the ogress Tidak). Masi ‘powerful prince (Sri Rama). 0 Saying, "It is not avis Tagaka), Mitiea by name, Though yy ath, the aforesaid Ravana, © Ravana” yet oi waetes you {0 make enemies iit tion)’ na, wi ear to his i crpedi a rocended to ths nie ohn espe scream in eee et a a's hermit F wherever he went out in Sas Sry a me meetas Gone meee him and thereby deliver Sta pen ic ee te vale sae re morally wounded and fd Hom his lubes), Row eens goto perceive panes Janaka) having been eres (from it) of Sita (the princess OFM, the ital ae wailed, his mind agitated ee off (by Ravana), $ri Rama (a sci baer deel hunting up S12 in the forest Care ted var andha by name, who wa: aed at very state of grief, Sri Ris jedan op . Ass grief, Si Rama descried an o goes.(47--55) Havin, S of body and terrible ha made shart le to look at: so the traditi Scere es “vee wile sng to heaven) he said to $ti Rama, "Seek, ee viens ber ‘tess, who is well-versed in the principles of ri nea ee a, the destroyer of his foes, (accordingly) approached Sabar (36 ol Ba reat gfe: weary, Te RUT NT YATRA ATT i Buyen epee aan warra: (Retterea ee ered RPA RTA: 148 It safer qe sera s fade: aitaanf aad get THT aan war wet wae Miagenfrentirqiad arte arm Cate rorarafect we worarg, gfatt aiufrart a Titer wet anferert sree afrg at aa Hea art igpia: wigasretfid attr aed 1 . ; , wagn ‘arene wrgrarg: Bea ae aera: rerergt faae aeyet ea aoe a qremery whet rigor fat Taraet a WER, werd AaTNRE II oon worshipped by Sabari, $41 Rama, son of Dasaratha, came into contact with the mectey chief, Hanuman, on the brink of the Pampa lake: so the tradition goes.(58) At the exceedingly of Hanuman alone he further made friends with Sugriva. Nay, to Sugriva the of his en Rama duly narrated from the very beginning (his very birth) the whole hear the whole es Ges the oon tl story of Sita (his consort) in particular. Pleased to ree oe Sef Rama, the monkey chief Sugriva too made friendship with ftVALMIKI-RAMAYS°" ‘1 +, Nay, in response to an ingy; fire as a witness Val ad $n ers oe ln tn sw aie ae Ps 3 rs y sugriva (the ruler oe | pam a that (very) moment to the oe Rune Soa elat aan ‘a vow was taken 3 ae (on Mount Rsyamiika) the mo - : And, . by A a eu) ee age ee pee chie! to Sri nae Rama (a scion of isgivil cerning Sti - a Rai Vali's strength) " eee tm a nS oy Dua Ol is his opponent, Val). (°° nally) tall skeleton of (the Comoe a actually showed to him the (exceptionally) been disdainfully kicked away ,, : ich had Val, which looked like a big mountain (and which BAG Ot tv the mighty-armeg a long distance by Val). (64) Smiling (at tis) ane ET is ig toe t0 a distance of fy Rama, who .d extraordinary strength, F i ‘iva Sri Rama eighty stiles (65) Nay, in order to inspire confidence in (the un (iis en na ey i pierced on tat (very) occasion with a single mighty shat (on hillock (standing by) as ae palmyra trees (standing in a line adjacent to one another), @ in ones viz., Atala, Vitaly Rasatala (the sixth subterranean plane including the five preceding a h Vitala, Sutala, Talatala and Mahatala). (66) ; am # fa, Pearce Tore STA A RT TATU G91 bid li = i gafege 37 eT FET fasta eta nee aa an foo warra:Proart att wt Wea ee a it aaferrnrea atta war WAR: WATS IN 90 aw wai wart arr, aerate: fem: eeTaTaTe ‘Pega TARTAN SR Reassured by the latter feat and accompanied by Sri Rama, that great monkey (Sugtiva) then marched at once with a mind full of delight to Kiskindha (the capital of Vali), situated cave-like (in the midst of mountains). (67) Then roared Sugriva, the monkey chief, who was tawny as gold (in appearance). Distracted by that great (unusual) roar, Vali (the king of the monkeys) sallied forth (to meet Sugriva). (68) Reassuring Tara (his devoted and sagacious wife, who discouraged him by pleading that Sugriva had since secured the alliance of Sri Rama and as such could no longer be conquered), he then closed with Sugriva and in the course of that (very) encounter Sri Rama (the celebrated scion of Raghu) disposed of Vali with a single arrow. (69) Having (thus) killed Vali on the field of battle at the instance of Sugriva, Sti Rama (a scion of Raghu) then installed Sugriva himself on Vali's throne. (70) Bringing together all the monkeys, the said Sugriva (the jewel among the monkeys) too despatched them in all directions, keen as he was to have Sita (the daughter of Janaka) traced out. (71) wat er weer eet, ach medortaetof yey caurofay ner wa agi wares Ut raurnfeacest dat aracitagteratrent war in9g it fraefentiart waft fares diame a aad adarra demos we trem wet ee afagarafiyprat a ffir meet AAEM 4 II areauagerrrrerrd reer eave, eT eT TRAY AAT aA OT EAT AG RIAT 1 98 at arar yt agrya Stat a Afeetime frame qrrarrereft: uo atshera vareart area we veo ertaaetrare eet Ataf area: Hise I Then, according to the counsel of Sampati, the vulture king (who could see Sita in Lanka 6 ‘It has been customary among the Hindus to contract friendships—more especially matrimonial alliances—in the presence of the sacred fire as a witness with a view to solemnizing them. Lai, ———' . BALAKAt distance) . NDA son that . the d, (that parted the mais aman leapt 7 across Med over by (the demon king) selia from aka) oe brackish sea, eight hundred miles s, contemplating (on the feet ree Ne found thes Seach the iy of Laka, Spe ofa signet ring hand Sto Se Rama rs te Sta confined in a grove of Agoka jiance With Sugriva ang the ate by Sri Rima) and ane 9 Hed the souvenir (in the elder hie mortal “rs installation on the iheges St Ka ey . . skindha after Vali, sor dispose a vith the assure yi oF by Sui Rama) and having conte the per after disposing of the tyran: sutan consort i a ‘ard, (14) Haney YFannical Ravana), Hoey Csr Would shortly come and rescue oft 8 Made short Work of ar ‘anuman demolished the outer gate of the as also Seven sons of minig, of five army- i ters ae 'y-commanders (Pingalanetra and others of Ravana), he allowed hj 8 Jambumali and so. galanetra and others) imself to on), and crushed the gallant Aksa (a son presided over by Brahmi, the Creator, PS bound (under the spell of a Brahmastra or missile Though knowing himself as relea;cn4 ts hatBed by Ravana’s heir-apparent Meghandda).(75) granted by Brahma (to the effect hat by the (aforesaid) missile in consequence of a boon the missile associated with his at after undergoing bondage for about a couple of hours, who was keen to meet Ravana) enemy vee infallible, he would be rid of it) the hero (Hanuman, Ht 2 (to Ravana). (76) Having set ‘ately bore with those ogres who carried him in bondage On fire the city of Lanka barrin, (the abode of) Sita, the princess of Mithila, alone, the great monkey (Hanuma : 5 test Kiskindha) to break the deli y (Hanuman) then came back (by the same route to 2 ightful news (of Sita having been found) to Sri Rama. (77) Approaching the high-souled Rama and going round him clockwise (as a mark of respect), Hanuman (who was possessed of infinite intelligence) submitted (to him) that Sita had been seen (by him) in reality. (78) wa: Giitersfcdt meat ae ometeds reggae pitafarifra: ee autora area ays: aftat svaqeereta ae ATTA Not a ower yt agi ret waueaiae: diag wi dterqa etn aera ad Wa: Tew retafe aryeraron a eer feraer aT AAT UCT watsfiraerr atat weet forcererery ao at HEAT Heer eT C3 zat; qe Weer marr: tae om: weneE: yfaa: waded: ue¥ tl afufrer a grat Taee fair ape TA fate: WEE Tucult i i south), accompanied by Sugriva, ge x Moning the sor ofthe nan Pa, een eres ae) Sri Rama then shook the ocean to#8 a tte refusing to allow passage to the army of monkeys, by his arrows glorious asthe sun (on In Vain their bid to recover Sit). (79) (Att) that sought to march across iin Orde imself (in person to Sef Rama) but also ae the tor aa Se eaies) and only at the intercession of Ocean Sri Rama caused apologized to him (for his rel Oh), (80) Reaching the city of Lanka along the bridge and Nala to build a bridge (actos: mbat, Sri Rama experienced a sense of great shame on getting tilling Ravana in @ net) ne ong at the house of a demon and could be easily pe pee had eS Sim then spoke harsh words to her in the assembly of mon ays by critics as polluted). (81) Se nar esaid Sita, chaste as she was, entered fire. (82) CODE © and Lees Resenting fnew words of the fire-god (who testified to her chastity), Si ao know Siti as sinless from the three worlds, comprising the animate and inanimate aed thereupon accepted her. All the Reis were pleased with that remarkable feat of the hig! 0 a ee Bases of gods ea of Ravana and the deliverance of Sita). See ald the gods, Sr peer oked extremely delighted. (83-84) Nay, having A6) Valmiki Rarmeoos © ) ection 4.1. Front‘ Thy VR AN vara ’ Sry Rama felt goog neva ot Laika wn awe yg wa oe dhe HATTON BOWS ¥ AE the ages 8 yard . Vidhisana, Me : pete eat enn afters? i Wear WN: | ey Repose and nd ot « meet wes SY ret SATU Cg anne Rewer FRET ener 1 werse RTE et ay Swed omen oe pett ges setter wey Ney, Me ah Xu . Soe TT , TARO vet fen any INST pat all ade combatants that had fought tothe aflevt Having received a hoon (lv on jum the gods (who came in thei J py hfe) fro e be rest’ Sf SH Rima and fallen in bathe tg lace 16 all the thee og 84 has vic, that Ral Ne ny Rama few to Ayaan, Sars fo felicwtate Sry Rama on his ems alten in Nate, $F Rama by Rivage toa eep) the 0 had been sinal ’ na aroused (as though from skey Paspaka that s relations (Siti and La (the aerial car known by the name des), sopnangarad by bis the heritage SMany) ‘ . of nel Ss Reac! o wad aN Kober. the ee cl atten) (80) Reaching owess despatcheg Hang and fends (Vibhisana, Sugriva cx), $0 Raina of unfailing prowes ; Ned Haine Bharadw a an the Rea) Tayi ES cede apprise hint of his safe return lege he Ain advance) to the presenc ie sl o nstances that had leg to his 5). (87) Narreting past histor’ (the circum! , ton it Ra nee on es “ S ss (then a part of Ayodhya) sscompanied by Sugtiva (and others). ( nathers got back Sit Teaued hair at Nancigrima alongwith his three) brothers and em TeBained his kingdom (too). So) ing disentangleg ‘a. the sinle, - Ss Ring . ore We Ts ney (During the reign of Sti Rims) Fevple will be positively much delighted and cheerful,
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Bad Feminist: Essays
Roxane Gay
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The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer
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The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer
Siddhartha Mukherjee
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Steve Jobs
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Steve Jobs
Walter Isaacson
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The Outsider: A Novel
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The Outsider: A Novel
Stephen King
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Angela's Ashes: A Memoir
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Angela's Ashes: A Memoir
Frank McCourt
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Brooklyn: A Novel
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Brooklyn: A Novel
Colm Tóibín
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The Little Book of Hygge: Danish Secrets to Happy Living
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The Little Book of Hygge: Danish Secrets to Happy Living
Meik Wiking
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The World Is Flat 3.0: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century
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The World Is Flat 3.0: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century
Thomas L. Friedman
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A Man Called Ove: A Novel
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A Man Called Ove: A Novel
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The Yellow House: A Memoir (2019 National Book Award Winner)
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The Yellow House: A Memoir (2019 National Book Award Winner)
Sarah M. Broom
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The Sympathizer: A Novel (Pulitzer Prize for Fiction)
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The Sympathizer: A Novel (Pulitzer Prize for Fiction)
Viet Thanh Nguyen
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Yes Please
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Yes Please
Amy Poehler
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Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America
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Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America
Gilbert King
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The Art of Racing in the Rain: A Novel
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The Art of Racing in the Rain: A Novel
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A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
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A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
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Fear: Trump in the White House
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Fear: Trump in the White House
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