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Saturn or Sani

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1. Tall and black colour
2. hair is profuse but is matted and coarse and stiff
3. eyes are depressed which is reddish brown in colour.The gaze is directed downwards which
is utterly terrifying.
4. teeth are large and nails are large
5. beard is long
6. stomach is sunken
. porminent !eins
". body is emanciated.#abnormally thin and weak due to the illness or lack offood$ and stiff
%. wears dark shabby torn clothes
&ifferent names of saturn 1. 'e is the PLANET OF KARMA and FATE
2. he is the force that can make one e(perience one)s karmas
whether you want it or not
3. 'e makes people learn life lessons .
4. 'e is the end causer and a lane! of e"erience#
&# 'e is the signifactor of longe!ity and death.'ence he is the
karaka of "
the 12
houses .
. 'e is the brother of yama
". son of *un and +haya
'# 'e is called Ud(oga )ara)a* !+e signifac!or of rofession#
1,. The babylonians called saturn as -,s+a-as+, -eaning sun of
!+e nig+!#
11. .estern alchemist called him the ,!+e .lac) sunda(,
12. /reeks called him ))ronos, which meant..he who gi!es
measures...the originator of time)or the crow god
13. he is called the lord of the .est and the lord of saturday.
/0# lord of sine1s and ner2es
/$# god of rig+!eousness and dea!+
1. psychologically, it
gives coolness
and calmness
2. sense of duty and
3. sincerety
1. 'e is the mightest and most terrible of all planets. 'e is
)the controller). *o 1 2sychologically 1 too much of wrath
ultimately leads to coolness and calmness in an indi!idual.
2. 'e is of cruel nature. 3ery harsh. 4nd tamasik temperament.
,hardwork and
4. bestows fame
and integrity and
5. bestows patience
and endurance as
everything gets
. bestows authority
and fame
!. stability ,caution
and permanence
". wisdom born out
of e#perience
$. ascetism.spirituali
ty and non
1%. love for &ustice,
11. awareness of
right and wrong
and spirituality
when it is well
3. !ery authoritati!e and a disciplinarian
4. !ery practical
5. !ery slow
6. 5(tremely indolent#wanting to a!oid work or e(tremly lazy$
. planet of secrecy and concealment and stealthiness
". windy temperament
%. cruel nature
1,. !ery harsh
11. will cause delay and pessimism6depresseion.disputes1
finanacial loss
12. tamasik inclination
13. will rule berea!ements and misfortunes%6
14. if pleased will gi!e kingdoms and makes one e(tremely happy1
but when irate 1 will snatchaway e!erything from the nat!e in
a moment
15. will ruin the nati!e to such an e(tent that the name is forgotten
in human world.
16. Thus saturn teaches endurance and humility.
1. 'e represents the worst that karmas ha!e in store for you
1". he is a disciplinarian and will control e!eryone)s destiny.
1%. +an make a king into a pauper and !ice !ersa
34# S5A6HA7O 7I8AYATI ITI SHAURYAM9 the true
heroism is to co7uor yur own nature
saturn will notlea!e util you ha!e con7uered your nature.8t
will search for weaknesses inyour personality and will e(pose
them to full !iew. 'e will make you e(perience your
limitations1 and makes your ego and self identify with your
.hat is sade sati
1. The zodiac has
12signs. *aturn
stays in one sign
for 2 162 years that
is 3, months.8t
takes 3, years to
complete one
zodiac sign.
2. The zodiac has
12signs. *aturn
stays in one sign
for 2 162 years that
is 3, months.8t
takes 3, years to
complete one
zodiac sign.
3. 9a(imum
importance is gi!en
to the asccendant
and then to the
8t is 162 year cycle. 8t is called elinati sani in andhra.
1,. *ade sati starts when the transit saturn enters the sign before
the nati!es moon sign.and comes out of the sade sati period
one sign after the moon sign of the nati!e..That is in each sign
it is staying 2 and half years ...so in 3 signs it stays in and a
half years.so if the moon sign is tula rasi1the sade sati period
starts when saturn enters !irgo and stops when saturns goes
aways from scorpio.
11. 4 person gets sade sati two times in a life time.
moon .
4. 9oon is the fastest
mo!ing planet
which stays in a
sign for 2 and
7uater days and
tra!els through the
whole zodiac in 2"
5. moon represents
the mind of the
person and while it
tra!els the whole
zodiac sign it
touches other
planets preset in the
6. 9oon recei!es the
energies of other
planets and pours
them into the mind
of that
nati!e.'ence the
mind of the nati!e
is continuously
. *ince our actions
are moti!ated by
the mind1 life is
influenced by the
". when a person
reaches 35 years of
age1 the physical
body ceases to
grow and the mind
starts growing
which means we
are affected by the
%. 'ence the !edi
consider the moon
as the ascendant if
the nati!e reaches
abo!e 35 years.
2eople associated with
.The nati!es1 under the
influence of saturn ha!e to
1. :ld people
2. *aturn in!ol!es people who are isolated from daily life of the
rest of the world.like .custom agents6;ailors6;ailbirds6
ascetics6penintents in religious retreats6patients in isolation
wards6latrine cleaners6gra!e diggers
do hard work whether in
ser!ice or business1<
*aturn represents labour
3. miners and diggers
4. engineers
5. geologists
6. mechanical workers
. low 7uality sculptors and
". slaughterers66
%. eminent scientist and e(plorers
1,. freedom fighters
11. preachers <<
12. parliamentarians and kings
:rgans affeted by saturn 1. *pleen
2. skeletal system
3. skin
&iseases caused by saturn
*aturn is a general
signifactor of diseases
8t is a signifactor of old
age6premeture aging6
deafness6failure of !ision6
8t is a signifactor of death
'ence it represents
negati!e power of time
8t produces chronic
diseases leading to poor
resistance to diseases
4ll the abo!e leads to
o!erall depression of
bodily and mental energy
=uilding up to(ins due to
the inability of discharging
the food from the body
*aturn combined with
9ars leads to surgery1
causing the body to be
disfigured or organs to be
1. 'pleen is related ot pancreatic function .(he spleen rules the
muscles.(hus spleen de)ciency lead viral *u leading to
in*ammation within the nervous system and muscles leading to
muscle atrophy
2. spleen de)ciency leads to malabsorption due to weak
immunitywithin the gut ,leaky gut and diarrhoea.
3. (here is blood dyscrasias, e#cessive red blood cell haemolysis.
4. (here is a platelet disturbances with e#cessive or de)cient
clotting.(here is especially a relationship to the moon and
nepturne with reference to the spleen
5. (he mal absorption, easy bleeding and prolapse of tissues
suggests e#cessive activity of neptune not balanced
enough by saturn
. +n overactive saturn can cause e#cessive clotting and
',-.-(+. '/'(-0
1. (his means bone formation.growth1teeth in general2enamel
outer covering3 activity of parathyroid harmone1vitamin
41kidney physiology is also relevant
2. if cartilage is a5ected, one should considerthe in*uence of
&upiter which governs the formation of gels
3. e#cessive saturn forces leas to arthritis1sti5ness1bony
deformities and
4. one should consider the in*uence of mercury when there is
deformity and the syphilitic miasm3
5. it leads to teeth and bone breakdown
. 6f there is pagets disease2which is breaking down of bones3
one must consider the in*uence of 0ars and 'un.7ere there
is e#cessive blood*ow into the bones
1. when saturn is underactive, the skin will have e#cess
moisture and leads to ec9ema and pustula
2. e#cessive blood *ow leading to psoriasis and heat *ushes
3. e#cessive nerve signals leading to phantom pains after
amputation or surgery1crawling unsusual skin
sensations1persistant neuralgic pains
4. :ut when saturn is overactive, it leads to e#cessive dryness
of the skin with dry itching ec9ema
5. less blood *ow leading to poor circulation
. gangarene where the blood has become obstructed at the
deeper level
!. poor wound healing after in&ury2similiar to in*icted mars or
". supressed nerve signals causing numbness.(his can be
seen in diabetics
$. unnoticed cronic in&uries 2similar to mercury3
;7-8 '+(<=8 =-(=>?=+4-'
1. (he native will feel di@cult to have any sense of optimism
for the future and for the healing &ourney
2. (he pattern of disease and behaviour keeps repeating.(hey
will feel as if they have got stuck in the karma of disease
3. (here will be rigidity in the musculoskeletal system.with
crippling arthritis and severe rhumaticsm
4. 'ome of the

>emedies 1. >ecitation of das+ara!+o)!a s+ani s!o!ra
2. >egular offering of black sesame seeds 1sesame oil and suga
on saturday to the iron image of that planet
3. select a de!out and learned brahman and make him recite
saturn mantra 23,,,times. 4fter mantra recitation is o!er1
ha!e 5.5,
4. donate black gram6black cloth6iron6oil to brahmans
5. worshipping lord shi! by reciting shi!a panchakshari stotra
and mahamritun;aya mantra
6. -reciting ekadasi rudra abhisekam#11forms of lord shi!a$ by
pouring of cows milk on lord si!a linga
. reciting si!a stotram
". feeding grains and seeds to birds especially crows.
%. ?eeding sugar and honey to black ants
1,. donating curdrice to beggars
11. wear blue sapphire on your body
S5A6HA7O 7I8AYATI ITI SHAURYAM9 the true heroism is to co7uor yur own nature
saturn will notlea!e util you ha!e con7uered your nature.8t will search for weaknesses inyour
personality and will e(pose them to full !iew

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