Borton's Reflection 3 Phases
Borton's Reflection 3 Phases
Borton's Reflection 3 Phases
1st Reflection
1. What?
• What are the areas that have been studied by other researchers and what have been
found out?
• What is your justification for choosing the research topic?
• What are the methodologies used by other researchers for similar studies?
• What are some factors that will make a method better than others in the research if
there is more than 1 methodology available?
• What are the similarities and difference in your method and theirs?
• What are some variables that need to be controlled to ensure reliability and
accuracy of data and what are the ways to control them?
• What is some evidence or data that can be collected to support the research and
what are the different ways to collect them?
2. So What? (What does the issue reveal about the chemistry investigation/ discipline?)
3. Now What? (Any proposed solution or application?)
2nd Reflection
1. What?
• What are some of the challenges faced in the actual experiment and why do they
• What did you do to overcome the challenges faced in the actual experiment?
• What are the chemicals used/ reactions involved in the research and what are their
potential safety, ethical and environmental concerns?
• What are some preventive measures/modifications that can be done to
prevent/reduce the safety, ethical and environmental concerns?
2. So What? (What does the issue reveal about the chemistry investigation/ discipline?)
3. Now What? (Any proposed solution or application?)
• What are the modifications made to your method after initial trials?
Final Reflection
1. What?
• What do the experimental data obtained which deviates from your
hypotheses/expected trend signifies?
• What scientific concept can be used to explain the deviation of experimental data
obtained from your hypotheses/expected trend?
• What are some assumptions made in the methodology and what are the possible
consequence on your experimental data?
• Graphical representations are visual representations of data, and so use sense
perception as the way of knowing. To what extent do their interpretations also rely
on other ways of knowing, such as language and reason? -- TOK
• What are some ways which the data collected can be processed or looked at to look
for patterns, trends and discrepancies?
• What are some of the limitations present in your procedures and methodology that
will impact the reliability and validity of your conclusion?
• What are some strengths of your research?
• What are some assumptions made in the data processing and what are the possible
consequence on the conclusion?
• What does the data/trend reveal about the impact of the independent variable in
the reaction?
2. So What? (What does the issue reveal about the chemistry investigation/ discipline?)
• What are the ways that the research can be extended to enable a better
understanding of the research topic?
• What are the possible suggestions that can be made in future to overcome the
limitations present in your procedures and methodology for similar research
• What are the recommended changes that can be introduced to increase
rate/yield/lower risk pertaining to a chemical reaction/problem?