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BusinessJournal THE

May 2011

Blanchard Valley Hospital Named One of the Nation’s 100 Top Hospitals
Blanchard Valley Hospital has been named one of the nation’s 100 Top Hospitals® by reports, Medicare Provider Analysis and Review (MedPAR) data, and core measures and
Thomson Reuters, a leading provider of information and solutions to improve the cost and patient satisfaction data from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Hos-
quality of healthcare. pital Compare Web site. Hospitals do not apply, and winners do not pay to market this
The Thomson Reuters 100 Top Hospitals(r) study evaluates performance in 10 areas: honor.
mortality; medical complications; patient safety; average patient stay; expenses; operating The winning hospitals were announced in the March 28 edition of Modern Healthcare
income; patient satisfaction; adherence to clinical standards of care; post-discharge mortal- magazine.
ity; and readmission rates for acute myocardial infarction (heart attack), heart failure, and If all Medicare inpatients received the same level of care as those treated in the award-
pneumonia. The study has been conducted annually since 1993. This is the second time winning facilities:
Blanchard Valley Hospital has been recognized with this honor.
“Blanchard Valley Hospital is proud to be named one of the highest performing hospi- • Nearly 116,000 additional patients would survive each year.
tals in the nation. This is a credit to our associates, physicians, and volunteers. It’s national * More than 197,000 patient complications would be avoided annually.
recognition for a job well done, every day,” said Christopher Press, president of Blanchard * The average patient stay would decrease by half a day.
Valley Hospital. “Our goal is to offer exceptional care. These awards are one measure of
how well we’re doing.” If the same standards were applied to all inpatients, the impact would be even greater.
To conduct the 100 Top Hospitals study, Thomson Reuters researchers evaluated 2,914 More information on this study and other 100 Top Hospitals research is available at
short-term, acute care, non-federal hospitals. They used public information - Medicare cost www.100tophospitals.com<http://www.100tophospitals.com>.

Deep roots and bright future continue at messenger Press

CARTHAGENA, OH -- The smell of duce materials for print clients throughout digital production techniques the firm of- solutions.
ink and the sound of printing presses have the US. Since 1992, The Messenger Press fers. Techniques like variable data print- Thoughtful use of many different forms
been a presence in Carthagena since 1882 has been independently owned and oper- ing, intelligent mail bar coding, QR codes of media allows businesses and organiza-
when the Society of the Precious Blood ated by Randy Heitkamp and Allan Kre- and pURLs. tions to increase customer response rates
began producing religious materials for mer. The pair has successfully moved the The newest addition is Cross Media in a manner that is both environmentally
Catholics around the world. firm into the 21st century by continually Marketing campaigns the firm helps cus- responsible and cost-effective.
Times have changed. What was once pairing new technologies with staff expe- tomers execute. Cross Media Marketing Print is now one of many tools avail-
St. Charles Seminary now houses the St. rience and expertise. integrates digital printing, database tech- able in developing 1:1 content that allows
Charles Living Community, and fields This continual evolution means ever- nology, mass media, email, social media businesses, large and small, to market
formerly tended by priests and brothers changing services and products for a cli- and beyond. The real value to clients is smarter. While the printing industry, and
are now leased to area farmers. But the ent base that stretches from coast to coast. the technology provided to develop and the use of print, continues to change, it
sound of printing presses continues. Marketing firms in Columbus, hospital track very sophisticated marketing cam- remains a true power player in the most
The majority of the equipment is now systems in Philadelphia and small busi- paigns. The traditional role of providing effective marketing campaigns and The
digitized, but some of the hulking cast nesses in the immediate area are able to printed materials has now evolved into a Messenger Press continues to provide
iron pieces remain and continue to pro- improve their marketing ROI by utilizing one-stop shop for cutting-edge marketing those solutions.

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direct mail marketing collateral branding cross media marketing digital printing variable data fullfillment large format creative design
Occupational Health
Occupational health & workplace safety
It is a priority of utmost importance for safe an environment at possible, and that reputation; the financial costs of injury also will identify risks involved with her oc-
many if not all businesses throughout the they’re free to carry out their job roles and can be very high, with legal costs to consid- cupation and how these will be avoided.
developed world to provide a workplace responsibilities in safety. er, as well as incurred compensation costs if Workstations may be designed to be more
that is safe and risk free. In many countries, the company is found negligent with regard ergonomic, which means that it is tailored
laws ensure that employees are kept in as Law to health and safety. around the physical and occupational needs
There are many laws concerning work- Types of the worker.
place safety. Toxic chemicals can cause injury or Some employers also insist on regular
There are a number of laws in place in death. breaks from work, to ensure that their em-
:H·UHPRUHWKDQ the United States to regulate companies There are a number of different types of ployees get a chance to rest and relax, re-
MXVW and ensure a safe working environment. hazards in the workplace. The first is physi- ducing the risk of stress and emotional dam-
%XLOGLQJVDQG The Occupational Safety and Health Act of cal and ranges from eyestrain, to crushing age.
1970 was passed to prevent injury and risk injuries for those who work with heavy ma-
7UXFNV to workers as a result of their occupational chinery. Physical health risks also can come Training
surroundings. Risks are not limited to those about through exposure to toxic chemicals Staff should be trained to avoid hazards.
who cause physical injury alone; hazards or biological pathogens that can cause ill- Injuries also can be avoided through
AIP offers a full range of that have the potential to inflict damage on ness. thorough and regularly updated training of
services an employee’s mental or emotional state Employers also have a responsibility to all employees, so they are aware of hazards
Warehousing • Distribution • also should be minimized. ensure the good mental health of their em- and can identify them before they cause any
Transportation • Pick and Pack Importance ployees, carrying this out through supervi- harm.
• Freight Management • Health and safety negligence can be cost- sion of workload and workplace stress. This Many employees may have a designated
Transloading ly to a business. can also damage an employee’s emotional health and safety adviser, whose responsibil-
It is the right of any worker or employee health. ity it is to ensure that the workplace is safe
of any company to carry out his occupation- and free from occupational hazards, as well
300 Industrial Dr
al activities without risk of injury or death, Avoiding Injury as carrying out necessary health and safety
Wapakoneta, OH 45895 and the advent of health and safety in the Workstation equipment may be ergo- training to all staff.
www.aiplogistics.com workplace is of critical importance in ensur- nomically designed. Read more: Occupational Health & Work-
ing that this is adhered to and maintained. Each employee should have a job-spe- place Safety | eHow.com http://www.ehow.
A company will not only suffer in the cific risk assessment carried out upon her com/about_6397298_occupational-health-
Servingthe Corporate
the Corporate event of injury or fatality with regard to its commencement with the company, which workplace-safety.html#ixzz1KGCkkk00

Personal Community
Personal Community Full Payroll Service:
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•Check Printing taking the job market a lot
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PAYROLL seriously …
SERVICES, INC. because they realize the com-
The experts providing full payroll services are: 207 N. Main St. • Delphos petition is a lot tougher.”
Anna Bruns, Eric Macwhinney and Kristen Ulm 419-227-9040 – Rita BocchinfusoCohen, director of
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2B TheBusinessJournal
www.hhhinsurance.com May 2011
MHCS Well at Work Ad v2.qxd 5/19/09 9:38 PM Page 1

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May 2011 TheBusinessJournal 3B

Post-Grad Degrees
Defiance MBA Program! OSU celebrating 50
college The Ohio State University at Lima is cel-
ebrating its 50th year as west central Ohio’s
“It is our belief that everyone who
comes to Ohio State Lima can be successful
Ohio State University. More than 40,000 and we will do everything we can to make
alumni and a record-breaking 1,530 current that happen,” said Dr. John R. Snyder, dean
u MBA summer courses students are marking the institution’s half and director of Ohio State Lima.
start May 16! century along with the communities Ohio In an effort to foster student success,
State Lima serves. Ohio State Lima is focusing more and more
u Designed for the working When business, community and govern- on helping students make the transition to
ment leaders decided that the students of the demands of University living and learn-
professional the region needed an institution of higher ing.
education, they went after the very best in “We know that a student’s success in
u Concentrations in Health the state. In 1960, Ohio State offered its college depends on many things – academ-
first classes in Lima at Lima Senior High ic, social and financial wellness,” said Beth
Care, Leadership, and School. Building on the founding principles Keehn, Director of Enrollment Services at
Criminal Justice of access to world class education and high Ohio State Lima. “Study after study con-
academic standards, Ohio State Lima has firms that students who are successful in
u Most affordable tuition worked to meet the educational needs of these three areas during their first year are
the area. most likely to graduate.”
in the area Today, students study on a beautiful, To further student success, Ohio State
wooded campus set on a 565-acre learn- Lima has expanded its First Year Experi-
ing laboratory. Near campus housing has ence (FYE) program to include a variety of
Center for Adult and opened the doors to students who want a
traditional away-from-home campus ex-
programs, including Campin’ on the Quad,
a leadership retreat for incoming freshmen;
Graduate Programs perience and for those who live outside the a Family and Parent Newsletter; Home-
traditional 10-county service area. The ex- coming and Spring Game trips to Colum-
1-800-520 GO DC panded student services, challenging course bus; the First Year Success Series covering
cap@defiance.edu work and dedicated faculty and staff are at- topics such as good financial practices and
tracting an increasing number of students to social networking safety; and free tutoring
the Lima area. See OSU, page 6B

4B TheBusinessJournal May 2011

Insurance The Business Journal
Distributed in Straley Insurance
13 counties... Services, LLC
The Demise of the Insurance Factory ALLEN, AUGLAIZE,
• MATT GROWN Dan & Jill Straley
We are now living in a post-industrial era and many businesses are struggling to connect
with their consumers and maintain loyalty. The idea behind the industrial era was to build
203 N. Harrison Street 419-899-4000
things faster and cheaper so we could sell more of the product. The quality of the product P.O. Box 4573 Fax: 419-899-3500
mattered, but if we could find a similar product that was cheaper, we would many times
purchase it...and our loyalties were only of the moment. The insurance industry is very PUTNAM, SHELBY, VAN Sherwood, Ohio 43556 Toll free:
much like a factory and of the industrial mindset – we produce a product (insurance policy) WERT, WOOD straleyinsurance@smta.cc 1-888-899-8820
and compete on price.
Sales letters are sent to homes of people like you and me claiming the company saves
most insureds 40% on their auto rates. That’s a manipulative tactic for getting people to call
in and see if the agent or company can rip your price down. It’s a numbers game to these
Hays Insurance Agencies
companies and individuals. If we get enough people to call in, we will write “x” amount
of business. That’s an industrial mindset. A capitalistic mindset. What’s wrong with that, 202 S. Main St.
you ask? It’s selfish, first of all. It’s focused on me (the agent and the company). It’s com- Ada, Ohio 45810
I recently read a book by Lewis Hyde, entitled The Gift, and he noted that in a commod- * Also located in Celina, OH
ity economy (think insurance sales – all focused on price and policy x for premium y), status
is all about how much stuff you have, how much money you have made, and how much
premium you have written. In a gift economy, status is according to those who give the most (Direct) 419-371-7053
to others. This doesn’t mean that we give policies away for free. It means we take on a new
mind, one of gifting our talents and expertise to help insureds solve problems.
Don’t get me wrong, we still want to earn money; but it’s not about us getting filthy rich. Learn more about Matt at:
It’s about creating a brand that an insured likes, trusts and believes in. Excellent service is www.mattmbrown.com
as providing insureds with solutions that protect them and their business at a fair premium MATT BROWN
– as well as being there after the sale to provide quick and speedy solutions to any other Insurance Advisor
problems that arise. That’s it. Our job is not to lower premiums every year.
If we use our job as a platform to gift our expertise and provide an experience
that went beyond excellent service, then price wouldn’t matter so much. The gift
economy is about giving freely and expecting nothing in return – I’m not scratch-
ing Jim’s back and expecting him to turn around and scratch mine. This new A CENTURY OF PROTECTION SINCE 1904
economy is all about one-sided generosity and maximizing the positive effects
on our market and society at large – not your bottom line. The bottom line takes
care of itself when we focus on gifting ourselves to others with no hidden agenda.
Besides, that’s what a gift is anyways.

Business insurance to
protect your new company
As you contemplate the prospect of your family car to go on sales calls, meet with in-
fledgling business taking off and becoming vestors, etc. In that case you should make sure
successful, keep in mind one of the down- your personal auto coverage is sufficient. Af-
sides to operating a business: Risk. This is ter all, if you get in an accident, you’ll need a
where insurance comes in. Similar to the way replacement car to continue running the busi-
you protect your car and home with insur- ness. If you have company cars, then they’ll
ance, you also must protect your business’s need to be insured, too.
assets in the event of a natural disaster, legal Consider Liability Insurance
liability or any other any other risk you can’t This type of coverage may not be familiar
afford to cover. to you. About.com’s small business expert
Review Your Coverage Needs Darrell Zahorsky, in his article Protecting
The specific coverage and amount that Your Assets With Business Liability Insur-
you need will vary, depending on the type of ance, explains that most small businesses are
business you’re running. If you are renting partnerships or sole proprietorships. Even if
office space, check with the landlord or leas- you are incorporated, there are still instances
ing company about what insurance coverage where you can be held personally liable for
is included with your rental agreement. You the actions of your business.
may need to purchase business property in- There are a few types of business liability
surance. This type of policy usually covers insurance. General liability insurance covers
the structure of your building and the con- claims related to a customer or other persons
tents of your office. who injures themselves while at your office.
In the early stages of your business, you No matter how safe you keep your office,
may find there is a lot of crossover between there is always a risk of being sued, and gen-
your personal belongings and business prop- eral liability insurance is crucial to all busi-
erty. For example, you may be using your See insurance, page 6B
May 2011 TheBusinessJournal 5B
nesses. Depending on the nature of your business,
(Continued from page 5B)
well as policies that cover unique circumstances.
you may need more coverage. Doctors and lawyers usually carry a type of profes-
Zahorsky suggests you look into errors and sional liability coverage called malpractice insur-
Lima Office Bluffton Office omissions coverage, also known as professional ance. Product liability offers coverage to compa-
212 W. High St. 138 N. Main St. liability coverage, as well as product liability cov- nies that make or sell a product whose use results in
Lima, OH 45801 Bluffton, OH 45817 erage, which, in addition to general liability insur- a consumer being injured. The amount of coverage
ance, round out the three kinds of liability coverage you seek here should be proportionate to the poten-
(419) 228-3211 (419) 358-4015 most critical for businesses. Errors and omissions tial risk of your product.
coverage is designed to protect professionals from If you’re hiring employees, then you are likely
financial loss associated with negligence such as to have to cover workers’ compensation coverage
if a client alleges you gave him bad professional and possibly even a health insurance plan. Re-
advice or botched a job. quirements for these two types of coverage differ
There are various forms of professional liabil- by state.
www.webbinsagency.com ity coverage, depending on your field of work, as Establish an agent relationship
You’ll want to work with an insurance agent
Lifetime Warranty who you are comfortable with and could envision
Support... Register your Basket yourself working with for the long-term. Converse-

The 155th
Van Wert County Fair
Support.... rranty
Lifetime Wa r Basket ly, be wary of agents who try to load you up with
yo u

The 155th VanWert County Fair

policies. The agent should view you as a long-term
client and should respect the fact that you’re in the
The Van Wert County Agricultural Society is looking forward to commemorating their 155th Anniversary early stages of operations. Do a lot of comparison
in 2011 with a limited edition IronSociety
Handle Collector Basket created shopping among insurance agencies, and look for
The Van Wert County Agricultural is looking forward to exclusively by the their
commemorating opportunities to bundle your plans together with
155th Traditions in
Anniversary Basket
2011Co. A limited
with number
a limited of baskets
edition will be created.
Iron Handle Order
Collector yours today!
Basket created one agent. Some agents will offer you a discount
exclusively by the American Traditions Basket Co. A limited number of baskets will be on multiple policies, but it is fine to use several
created. Order yours today! agents if the numbers make more sense.
Join an association
A strong professional association will have the
Limited Edition buying power to offer you better insurance rates
Handle Edition This brass plate will be proudly
This brass plate will be proudly
and options in the form of group coverage than you
Collector Handle
Basket displayed on your
displayed on Limited Edition
your Limited basket.
Edition basket. would get with an individual policy. National Fed-
Collector Basket eration of Independent Business (NFIB) is a popu-
lar U.S. organization for entrepreneurs that offers
business insurance benefits.
Watch your claims Just like your personal car

insurance, business insurance rates can jump dra-
matically if you make claims early in the relation-
ship. If your claim is small, pay it yourself, and
use your insurance policy as a fallback option for
costlier items.

(Continued from page 4B)
The “Napkin Basket” in the Heath Learning Center. More about
The "Napkin
Complete Basket”
with brass tag, blue
8.25”x x8.25”
8.25” 8.25”x x4.5”
4.5” Complete withlid
brass tag, blue these programs can be found on the Ohio
ribbon tacks, laser & plastic State Lima website Lima.OSU.edu.
Made ininthe ribbon tacks, laser lid & plastic
the U.S.A. byAmerican
American workers. protector.
Made U.S.A. by workers.
Every one
Every oneof
of American Traditions
American Traditions Baskets
Baskets are are
hand-woven of hard maple; signed and dated by the artisan.
$_____ Students at Ohio State Lima can follow
several paths once they begin their Buckeye
hand-woven of hard maple; signed and dated by the artisan.
careers. About a third will spend a year or
two in Lima before moving to the Colum-
bus campus to finish their degrees. Another
third will stay at the Lima Campus to earn
a degree in Business, Biology, Education,
et English, Family Financial Services, History,
ur Bask
Register yo Health Sciences or Psychology. Associate
degree holders can also complete degrees in
Basket #: dental hygiene, nursing or education. Several
master’s degree programs and an associate of
arts degree are also offered. Visit Lima.OSU.
Please make checks payable to: You will be called when your order comes in & edu to find out more.
e your order will be at the Fair office.
Mor Van Wert County Fair The Offices of Admissions, Financial Aid
For mation and FYE are easily accessible at the Visitor
Info Please call Paul at the Fair office @ 419-238-9270 or email him at vwfair@bright.net and Student Services Center in the Ag Build-
OR Visit: www.vanwertcountyfair.com ing off Mumaugh Road. This freshly reno-
vated space is a one-stop shop for prospec-
American Traditions Basket Company 1-800-404-9965 www.americantraditionsbaskets.com tive and current students to reach their goals
as a Buckeye.
6B TheBusinessJournal May 2011
Miller Precision Industries, Inc.
Miller Precision Mfg. Ind. located in keep up with capacity to meet customer MPI will also be adding staff to meet the change you can find MPI in the change
the Ottoville Industrial Park has been in demands. With this addition it will put needs of the additional equipment. for many years to come.
business for over 22 years. We offer CNC the computerized machines (CNC) to 58. As new technology and equipment
Precision Machining Services including
turning, drilling, tapping, and milling.
MPI not only provides machine service
we also offer assembly, and many other
value added services. Parts produced are
used in lift trucks, military, food service,
medical devices and many other places
that require a precision machine part.
Being in high tech manufacturing,
equipment is always changing. Keeping
up with the new technology has helped
MPI stay competitive in the world mar- Serving clients since 1953
kets. The staff at MPI has the precision
machining experience and training to pro-
duce a quality product that our customers
come to expect.
Facilities at the Ottoville location com- We have the experience to handle all your advanced
prise of 72,000 sq ft. of manufacturing &
warehousing. Also in Van Wert Industrial manufacturing and power distribution needs.
Park we have 40,000 sq. ft. of machin-
ing, fabrication and warehouse space to
serve our customer base. In 2011 we will
Call our experts for your next manufacturing project!
be adding 3 new pieces of equipment to
Sidney Office
The Business Journal 840 S. Vandemark Rd.
Sidney, Ohio 45365
Distributed in 937.498.2357
13 counties...
Lima Office
800 Buckeye Rd.
Lima, Ohio 45804
DEFIANCE, 419.222.1109
HANCOCK, HARDIN, 800.589.2357
Muncie Office
MERCER, PAULDING, 3100 E. County Road 350N
PUTNAM, SHELBY, VAN Muncie, Indiana 47303 OH LIC #37625
WERT, WOOD 765.284.1594 www.sidneyelectric.com

Miller Precision Industries, Inc.

• CNC Precision Machining 131 Progressive Dr.
P.O. Box 489
• Small & Large Production Runs
Ottoville, Ohio 45876
• Fixtures • Special Machinery & Tooling Phone 419-453-3251
• Secondary Machine Operations FAX 419-453-3030
May 2011 TheBusinessJournal 7B


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8B TheBusinessJournal May 2011

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May 2011 TheBusinessJournal 9B

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10B TheBusinessJournal May 2011

Movers & Shakers
Miller joins staff
at Garmann/Miller
Delphos Area Sidney Electric Company adds
Residents Recognized
Josh Miller,
of St. Henry, at Lima Memorial new staff members
recently joined
the staff of Gar- Volunteer Banquet Lima –– Sidney Electric Company is
pleased to announce the addition of two
Bowling Green State University in 2010.
He is a 2006 graduate of Miami East High
mann/Miller as new staff members to its Lima and Sidney School.
a technology Lima, Ohio –Delphos residents will be office locations. “We are pleased to have Thomas join
designer. He is honored at the annual Lima Memorial Hos- Scott Michael joins the Lima of- our team here in Sidney,” reports Mark
a 2003 gradu- pital Volunteer Banquet held April 21 at fice with over 17 years experience as an Iiames, Vice President. “Thomas served
ate of St. Henry the University of Northwestern Ohio Event electrical design engineer. Also, Scott as an intern for us last summer and was
High School and Center in Lima. has experience in the field of electrical a tremendous help on many projects. We
holds a Bachelor The following Delphos residents will be construction, project management, and are very pleased to add both Thomas and
degree in Man- honored for hours of service in 2010: project estimating. Michael earned his Scott to our team and know they will help
agement Infor- Merlene Metzger – 2,000 hours Bachelors of Science degree in Electrical contribute to our growth and success in
mation Systems Sally Kiggins – 750 hours Engineering from Ohio Northern Univer- each of our markets.”
from Wright Keith Kiggins – 750 hours sity. He also carries certification from the Founded in 1953, Sidney Electric
State University. Overall, more than 150 awards will be FMI Project Manager Institute of Raleigh, Company has been a regional leader in
Miller previ- JOSH MILLER presented, with special awards given to the
ously worked at
North Carolina. electrical contracting services for the in-
Rookie of the Year, those who volunteered “We are please to have Scott join our dustrial and commercial markets, serving
Hometown Cable 1,000 hours or more last year, as well as
in Coldwater as an IT Manager. He is work- team here in Lima,” reports Mike Ellett, the West Central Ohio and East Central
those who reached10,000 lifetime service Vice President. “Scott brings extensive Indiana region. The company provides
ing toward obtaining his BICSI RCDD® hours.
credential. professional experience and knowledge complete design, construction and main-
In 2010, 340 active adult volunteers con- of the Lima area marketplace to our tenance services and has offices in Sidney
Miller joins the staff of 36 employees in- tributed 93,000 hours to Lima Memorial
cluding registered architects, landscape ar- group.” and Lima, Ohio and an office in Muncie,
Health System. Thomas Jacquemin joins the Sidney Indiana. To find out more about Sidney
chitects, designers, professional engineers,
For more information, contact Rebecca office as a CAD designer and Project Es- Electric Company and their design-build
construction administrators and administra-
tive personnel serving public and private cli- Jenkins, director of marketing and public re- timator. Jacquemin earned his Bachelors electrical contracting services, take a tour
ents throughout western Ohio. lations, at 419.998.4645. of Science and Technology degree from at www.sidneyelectric.com.

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May 2011 TheBusinessJournal 11B
In 2009, the Ohio Department of Development designated MAGNET as the “go to” MAGNET–An Edison Technology Center
Edison Technology Center serving the motor vehicle and parts manufacturing
industry statewide. MAGNET looks forward to providing its proven consulting MAGNET, designated by the Ohio Department of Development
expertise to that industry segment throughout Ohio while continuing to serve the as one of the state’s seven Edison Technology Centers, is also
entire manufacturing community in Northern Ohio with programs and activities the Third Frontier Center of Excellence in Product Innovation.
designed to increase your growth and improve your profitability. MAGNET focuses its Edison Technology Center activities
on a variety of product and process innovation and commercialization services to both
established and early-stage technology based businesses.
Making Manufacturing Innovative and Productive MAGNET has partnered with the Ohio State University Center for Automotive
Consistently successful manufacturers know that top line growth and greater Research (CAR) to generate increased growth and profitability for that industry
profitability are possible by increasing productivity and making enterprise-wide throughout Ohio. Both organizations are active participants in the Ohio Automotive
innovation a high priority in their companies. Industry Council established in 2009.
MAGNET’s experienced industry professionals have proven expertise capable
of assisting manufacturers of all sizes and segments in their efforts to achieve
greater growth and profitability.
MAGNET—An MEP Service Provider
We specialize and are noted for being able to customize programs which meet MAGNET is a provider of Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP)
the unique needs of each client who comes to MAGNET for help. services through the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), an agency
How do we measure success and what can you expect from working with of the United States Department of Commerce.
MAGNET consultants? MEP is a national network of specialists who understand the needs of manufacturers.
Through MEP, manufacturers can access public and private resources that enhance
growth, improve productivity and expand capacity.
A 56-to-1 Return on Investment
Our clients report that for every dollar they spend with MAGNET, they receive back
an average of $56 through sales growth and/or cost savings! MAGNET offers
manufacturing help in these areas: MARK SCHARBONEAU JOINS MAGNET
Business Growth
� Growth Planning � Product Design, Engineering,
� Market Diversification Development and Launch MAGNET has named Mark Scharboneau as its Senior
� IDEA Engineering � Sustainable Manufacturing Business Consultant serving manufacturers in
Northwest Ohio.
Profitability Improvement Scharboneau has more than 20 years
experience in project management,
� Lean/Six Sigma Transformation � Supply Chain Optimization
product engineering, global sales
� Quality Systems & � Facility Layout & Design
and business development
Problem Resolution � Inventory Productivity Analysis
working with companies such
� Lean Product Development
as Sheller-Globe, Ford, Toyota,
� Workforce and Organizational

For more information about MAGNET, contact Mark Scharboneau at 419.595.0002 or mark.scharboneau@magnetwork.org

12B TheBusinessJournal May 2011

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