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Role of Calcium

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Biochemistry of Calcium

Calcium in biology: earth crust, Sea water

Calcium in adult: as skeleton 1.2 Kg, daily intake 0.7-


99%-in structural; teeth, bone

1% body fluid: associated with enzymes. Complex
formation, free ions as electrolytes

Functions: Activation of enzymes, muscle contraction;

blood clotting; cell division; sensory function;
generation of energy (hydrolysis of ATP)
lonized CCa
(biologically active)

Ca complexed with
50% citrate, phosphate,



non-diffusible Ca
Deficiency of Ca2*; Metabolism disorder, Vomiting,
abdominal pain, Mascle contraction problem
Overload of Ca2t: complexation with fat; insoluble salt

Calcium in skeleton;
Calcium in activation of enzyme;
Calcium in contraction of muscle;
Calcium in blood clotting
Deficiency of Ca: Metabolism disorder, Vomiting,
abdominal pain, Mascle contraction problem
Overload of Ca2: complexation with fat; insoluble salt
1. Calcium in skeleton; Mineralisation of Bones and teeth.
Bone is a
mineralized connectivetissue.
It containa
organic (collagen protein) and inorganic (mineral)


2. Calcium in activation of enzyme;
Calmodulin is a Calcium binding regulatory protein mol wt
17000 Calmodulin can bind with 4 calcium ions
3. Calcium in contraction of muscle; Glycolysis metabolic
degradation of glucose
4. Gluconeogenesis-metabolic synthesis of
5. in blood clotting: whenever our skin becomes broken,
calcium works together with vitamin K and protein wll helps to
blood clotting.
Calcium is factor IV in coagulation cascade. Prothromlin (factor 10)
contains Gla(y Carboxy glutamate) Residues.
forms a bridge between Gla residues of prothrombin and
membrane phospholipids of platelets
6. Messenger system
is necessary for transmission of nerve impulses from
synaptic to post-synaptic region.
Secretion Hormones: for hormonal activation: Parathyroid hormone, Calcitonin
Calcium mediates secretion of Insulin, parathyroid hormone, calcitonin,
vasopressin,ete. from the cells
in myocardium, Ca++ prolongs systole. in hypercalcemia cardiac arrest is seen in
Caution: when calcium is administered intravenously, it should be given very
Calmodulin, or calcium-modulated protein, is a calcium-binding8
protein found in the cytoplasm of all eukaryotic cells. It interacts with
many other proteins in the cell, and acts as a regulator or an effector
molecule in a wide variety of cellular functions.

Calmodulin (CaM) (an abbreviation for calcium-modulated protein)

is a multifunctional intermediate calcium-binding messenger
protein expressed in all eukaryoticcells. It is an intracellular target
of the secondary messenger Ca, and the binding of Ca* is
required for the activation of calmodulin. Once bound to Ca,
calmodulin acts as part of a calcium
signaltransduction pathway by
modifying its interactions with various target proteins such
as kinases or phosphatases
Calmodulin is a small, highly conserved protein that is 148 amino acids long
(16.7 kDa). The protein has two approximately symmetrical domains
(the N- and C- domains) each containing a pair of EF hand motifs separated by
a flexible linker region for a total of four Ca binding sites, two in each globular
domain In the Ca~-free state, the helices that form the four EF-hands

collapsed in a compact orientation, and the central linker is

disordered;15IGLZ8! the Ca-saturated state, the EF-hand helices adopt an

one another, and the central linker
open orientation roughly perpendicular to
forms an extended alpha-helix in the crystal structure, ala but remains largely
disordered in solution The Cdomain has a higher binding affinity for
Ca than the N-domain.
Dalmadulin s a
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Cm Sists ef 148 ami00acids
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-b4 Chonale21,25 Jomodu Ra 1406
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Jnachia Ca
M-4 active

g g m a Inacfu
Resgno-CM 4Ca
ComplesX achve
Kecogrition 2activation ap orgtae
Mechanism: Binding of Ca by the EF-hands causes an opening of the N- and
C-domains, which exposes hydrophobic target-binding surfaces,l These
interact complementarynonpolar segments on target proteins,
surfaces with
typically consisting of groups of bulky
hydrophobic amino acids separated by
10-16 polar and/or basic amino acids.18134 The flexible central domain of
allows the protein wrap around its target,
modes of
to although
known. "Canonical" targets of calmodulin, such as myosin
binding are
light-chain kinases and CaMKIL, bind only to the Ca-bound protein, whereas
some proteins, such as Nav channels and 1Q-motif proteins, also bind to
calmodulin in the absence of Caj1l Binding of calmodulin induces
conformational rearrangements in the target protein via "mutually induced
fit"12 leading to changes in the target protein's function.
Calcium binding by calmodulin exhibits considerable cooperativity
511 making
calmodulin unusual example of a monomeric
an (single-chain) cooperative
binding protein. Furthermore, target binding alters the binding affinity of
calmodulin toward Ca ions, 201211122 which allows for
complex allosteric interplay between Ca? and target binding
interactions.l This influenceofof target binding on Ca affinity is believed to
allow for Ca activation proteins that constitutively
are bound to
calmodulin, such as small-conductance Ca-activated potassium (SK)
aCalcu tn e acfrafi.on of onygne
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Calmpdulin. Ccium- bind, ro gulalen
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Ggta qen Non-mS Cle
Caltium meldhsophou
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Mg ATPase
SecgeHon-rhesina on
Noto tsensmle
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ih muscla CantncionS
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Rbe fosallel) Coveed by Saxce lomma,


Myefi bril Saxcoplasm Lispd ss6are

3togen phawphefiaatin, ATP

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CKnant Thi lemot
Myofin Act

hopotin- C(Suburit)
aclina Qs Cal nodulin.
Role in animals (edit)
Calmodulin mediates many crucial processes such
as inflammation, metabolism, apoptosis, smooth muscle contraction,
intracellular movement, short-term and long-term memory and
the immune response2120 Calcium participates in an intracellular
signaling system by acting as a diffusible second messenger to the initial
stimuli. It does this by binding various targets in the cell including a large
number of enzymes, ion channels, aguaporins and other
proteins, Calmodulin is expressed in many cell types and can have
different subcellular locations, including the Cytoplasm
within organelles, or associated with the plasma or organelle
membranes, but it is always found intracellularly.2 Many of the proteins
that calmodulin binds are unable to bind calcium themselves, and use
calmodulin as a calcium sensor and signal transducer. Calmodulin can
also make use of the calcium stores in the endoplasmic reticulum, and
the sarcoplasmic reticulum. Calmodulin can undergo post-translational
modifications, such
as phosphorylation acetylation, methylation and proteolytic cleavage,
each of which has potential to modulate its actions.
Biologicalvoles of calciu

Calcium is major components of the structural


materials like bone and shell.

of skeleton occurs through the
calcium ion.
biomineralisalion of
units calcium forms the
such structural
like insoluble carbonate
Muscle contraction-Glycolysis - metabolic
degradation of glucose.
Gluconeogenesis metabolic

synthesis of
Blood cloting whenever our skin becomes
broken, calcium works together with vitamin
Kand proteinwillhelps to bloodclotting
Messenger system for hormonal activation
1 Parathyroid hormone
2 Calcitonin

Eggshells Dental caries


Rickets (defective
(cdemineralisation of

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