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Configuring and


1.01 Configure TCP/IP on Servers

and Clients
1.02 Determine Valid IP Addresses
1.03 Configure Routing
1.04 Troubleshoot TCP/IP and Routing
✓ Two-Minute Drill
Q&A Self Test

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Chapter 1

4 Chapter 1: Configuring and Troubleshooting TCP/IP

T he goal of Exam 70-218 is to test your ability to implement, manage, and

troubleshoot an existing Windows 2000 network environment. It’s a very broad
exam, covering skills and concepts “from the ground up,” so to speak. As such, it
helps to understand how certain features are dependent on other features working properly.
For example, a successful deployment of an application across multiple computers requires that
Active Directory be working properly. A successful Active Directory implementation, in turn,
requires a successful DNS installation. And DNS is part of a valid, working network infrastructure.

In this book, we’ll take it from the ground up, starting with basic TCP/IP
addressing in this chapter. We’ll look at the “rhyme and reason” behind TCP/IP,
as well as specific techniques for setting up, maintaining, and troubleshooting
TCP/IP networks. As with all chapters in this book, we’ll focus on the skills
and concepts you’re most likely to need to succeed on exam 70-218.


Configure TCP/IP on Servers and Clients

TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) is a set of protocols
that enable computers to communicate with one another. It has been in use for
over 20 years, and is the set of protocols used by the Internet, as well as countless
smaller networks.
The protocols were developed by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)
using a system based on Requests for Comments (RFCs). The RFC system allows
engineers to post technical papers describing new technologies to an electronic
bulletin board for review and comments by peers. Today, there are over 3,000 RFCs
published on IETF’s web site at www.ietf.org.
A TCP/IP network is composed of hosts. A host, in turn, is any device or service
that’s connected to the network. The hosts use a couple of different addresses to
identify and communicate with one another, a hardware address and an IP address.

Hardware Addresses
To connect to a network, a host must have a network interface card (NIC) installed.
Every NIC that’s manufactured is given a unique 48-bit hardware address. The
hardware address is literally “burned into” the card during the manufacturing
process, and as a rule cannot be changed by the user. (Actually, some devices do

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Configure TCP/IP on Servers and Clients 5

allow you to change a card’s hardware address, though it’s unlikely you’d ever want
to do this.)

The terms “Ethernet board” and “Ethernet card” are often used as synonyms
for “network interface card.”

Before we go any further, I need to point out that the term “hardware address”
could probably win some kind of award for having the most synonyms on the
planet. While I’ll stick to the term “hardware address” in this book, you may come
across any of the following terms used as a synonym:

■ Media Access Control (MAC) address

■ Physical address
■ Ethernet address
■ Token Ring address
■ NIC address

As mentioned, the hardware address is a 48-bit number, something along the

lines of 000000001000000010101101011110111110000010110111, although
it’s far more common to see it expressed as six hexadecimal numbers separated by
hyphens or periods, as in 00-80-AD-7B-E0-B7 or 00.80.AD.7B.E0.B7. You can
view a machine’s hardware address by entering the ipconfig /all command at a
command prompt. (To get to the command prompt in Windows 2000, click the
Start button and choose Programs | Accessories | Command Prompt.) The hardware
address is next to Physical Address in the display, as in the example shown in
Figure 1-1. (To close the Command Prompt window, type exit and press ENTER.)

IP Addresses
In addition to the hardware address that’s physically burned into each NIC, each
host on a TCP/IP network also has an IP address (sometimes called an Internet address).
Unlike the hardware address, the IP address is a logical address that’s assigned by
a network administrator, or by DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol),
which can automatically assign an IP address when the host first connects to the
network. We’ll get into DHCP in detail in Chapter 4. For now, it’s sufficient to
keep in mind that the IP address is flexible in that it can be assigned or changed
at any time.

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Chapter 1

6 Chapter 1: Configuring and Troubleshooting TCP/IP

FIGURE 1-1 The hardware address is listed as Physical Address in an ipconfig /all command’s output.

Each TCP/IP address is a 32-bit number, as in 1111111111111111010011

0111001110. You’ll rarely see a TCP/IP address expressed in that binary notation.
Instead, you’ll see them expressed in dotted quad format (also called dotted decimal
notation), where the address is divided into four octets. Each octet represents 8 bits
of the address, and is expressed as a decimal number in the range of 0 to 255. Dots
are used to separate the octets, as in the example

Subnet Masks
Every host that has an IP address also has a subnet mask. The name “subnet mask”
is a good one, because it “masks” the portion of the IP address that identifies the
network to which a host belongs. Like IP addresses, a subnet mask is a 32-bit
number. A series of 1’s are used to identify the network portion of the address. The
0’s are used to represent the host portion of the address. For example, Figure 1-2
shows an IP address expressed in binary format (1’s and 0’s). Beneath that is a
subnet mask, also expressed in binary. The 1’s “mask off” those digits in the IP
address that identify the network as a whole. The 0’s represent the portion of the
address that identifies the host.
It’s customary to display the subnet mask in dotted quad format, just as we
usually do with IP addresses. The binary octet 11111111, when converted to

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Configure TCP/IP on Servers and Clients 7

FIGURE 1-2 An IP address and subnet mask in binary format, where 1’s “mask” the portion of
the address that identifies the network

decimal, is 255. The binary octet 00000000 is, of course, just 0 in decimal. Thus,
we can display an IP address/subnet mask pair in the following more “human
readable” format:

In English, we can say the preceding IP address/subnet mask combination

identifies “host number 204 on network number 192.168.221.” However, it
would be more correct to say that it identifies host number 204 on the network because host number 0 on a network isn’t really a host at all. Rather,
a 0 in the host portion of the address is the address of the network as a whole.
Here’s another way to view it. Think of the network ID as the area code, and
the host ID as the specific phone number. But, unlike telephone numbers, where
all area codes are three digits, the number of digits used for the area code can vary.
The subnet mask “masks” the bits that represent the area code (network ID). The
unmasked bits are the telephone number (host ID).

Getting IP Addresses
Just as a person’s Social Security Number uniquely identifies them among all the
millions of U.S. citizens, an IP address uniquely identifies each host on the Internet.
Which perhaps brings up the question, “With millions of IP addresses already taken,
how do I know what IP addresses I can use for my network?” The answer to that
question is a resounding “It depends.” Every single computer that can access the
Internet doesn’t necessarily have its own unique IP address. However, the hosts that
serve the Internet—that is, the hosts that can be reached from other computers on
the Internet—all do have unique IP addresses. Each of those servers also has a unique
fully qualified domain name (FQDN). For example, the FQDN www.microsoft.com
uniquely identifies the web site host, www, on the unique domain name microsoft.com.

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Chapter 1

8 Chapter 1: Configuring and Troubleshooting TCP/IP


Who Controls IP Addresses?

When reading about the various agencies confusing matters, I’ll generally refer to
involved in doling out globally unique IP ICANN as “the” organization in charge of
addresses and domain names, you’ll probably allocating IP addresses, simply because they’re
come across many agency names and acronyms at the top of the heap, so to speak. If you’re
including the Internet Corporation for Assigned interested in learning more about how it all
Names and Numbers (ICANN), the Internet works and the organizations involved, you
Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA), the can start by visiting ICANN’s web site at
American Registry for Internet Numbers www.icann.org. The first step involves finding
(ARIN), Asia Pacific Network Information and registering a unique domain name through
Center (APNIC), European IP Networks an InterNIC accredited registrar. You can find
(RIPE), InterNIC, and others. To avoid a list of those at www.internic.net/regist.html.
—Alan Simpson, MA, MCSA

Class A, B and C Addresses

There was a time when IP addresses were assigned to organizations based on their
size—or roughly the number of computers that would be connected to the network.
The largest organizations, such as IBM, General Electric, MIT, and Xerox, were
assigned Class A addresses. Slightly smaller organizations received Class B addresses,
and the smallest organizations got Class C addresses. Class A IP addresses all start
with the number in the range of 1 to 126 and, by default, have a subnet mask of Class B addresses have starting numbers in the range of 128 to 191, and
use a standard subnet mask of Class C network addresses all start with
a number between 192 and 223, and have a default subnet mask of
Some ranges of IP addresses, such as those starting with 127 and those starting
with 224 through 255, aren’t classified as A, B, or C. These addresses are reserved
as follows:

■ 127.x.y.z (reserved loopback address)

■ 224.x.y.z through 239.x.y.z (Class D reserved multicast addresses)
■ 240.x.y.z through 254.x.y.z (Class E reserved experimental addresses)

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Configure TCP/IP on Servers and Clients 9

There are also ranges of private IP addresses, which can assigned to hosts that are
clients to, but not servers on, the Web, as listed here:

■ through (subnet mask

■ through (subnet mask
■ through (subnet mask

While the private IP addresses can’t be used for servers on the Internet,
they can access the Internet through a proxy server or Network Address
Translation (NAT).

Table 1-1 summarizes what you’ve just learned about the classed (also called
classful ) IP addresses. Each class is defined by a certain range of IP addresses. Each
class also has “set aside” some private addresses that can be used on a local network
without approval from a governing body that assigns globally unique IP addresses.
Recall that the subnet mask identifies which portion of an IP address represents
the address of the network as a whole versus the address of an individual host. In a
subnet mask, each 255 value indicates 8 bits. The more bits there are in the host
portion of the IP addresses, the more unique hosts you can identify on that network.
Table 1-2 illustrates this by comparing Class A, B, and C networks. As you increase
the number of bits used to identify the network, you increase the number of networks
you can have within the class. But, at the same time, since you’re taking away bits
for identifying individual hosts, you decrease the maximum number of hosts a given
network could contain.

TABLE 1-1 Ranges of Public and Private IP Addresses

Class From… To… Default Subnet Mask Private

Class A 1.x.y.z 126.x.y.z 10.x.y.z
Loopback 127.x.y.z
Class B 128.x.y.z 191.x.y.z 172.16.y.z through 172.31.y.z
Class C 192.x.y.z 223.x.y.z 192.168.y.z
Class D 224.x.y.z 239.x.y.z N/A N/A
Class E 240.x.y.z 254.x.y.z N/A N/A

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Chapter 1

10 Chapter 1: Configuring and Troubleshooting TCP/IP

TABLE 1-2 Number of Networks and Hosts per Network for Each TCP/IP Address (Classes A–C)

Possible Hosts per

Class Subnet Network Bits Networks Host Bits Network
A 255.0.0 8 126 24 16,777,214
B 16 16,384 16 65,534
C 24 2,097,152 8 254

Subnet and Broadcast Addresses

As previously stated in our discussions of the network and host portions of IP
addresses, you can use the bits to the right of the network portion of the address to
identify individual hosts on the network. While that’s true, there are a couple of
exceptions. As mentioned, the lowest possible number is reserved as the network ID
(also called the subnet address, the subnet ID, or IP network address). For example,
if the IP address is 169.254.1.x with a subnet mask of, you cannot
assign the address to any specific host, because is reserved
as the network ID.
The highest possible address in the range of available addresses is reserved as the
broadcast address. The broadcast address is used when a host needs to send a message
to all other hosts on the network. Using the example 169.254.1.x with a subnet
mask of, the highest possible host ID is 11111111, or 255 in binary.
Hence, you cannot assign the address to a host because that address
is reserved for broadcasting. (We’ll discuss broadcasting in depth a little later in this
chapter.) So, when you break it all down, here’s what you end up with, given
169.254.1.x with the subnet mask subnet address (network ID) broadcast address

That leaves the following host addresses remaining, which you can assign to hosts: to

It’s not always quite as simple as that because subnetting would allow you to break
that network into smaller subnets, as we’ll discuss later in the chapter. But before we
complicate matters, let’s look at another address you’re likely to assign to hosts in
your network, the default gateway.

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Configure TCP/IP on Servers and Clients 11

The Default Gateway

Every computer in a network is likely to have a default gateway address. This address
represents an interface to computers outside the local subnet. The most common
example is a NIC that connects the subnet to the Internet, as in the example shown
in Figure 1-3. There, the address identifies the NIC that connects
the computer to other computers in the local subnet. The IP address
identifies the NIC that connects that computer to the Internet (in other words,
computers not within the local subnet).
To understand how it works, you first need to be aware that all information sent
across the network is divided into packets (also called frames), each of which contains
the data to be sent, as well as the IP address of the destination. When the NIC is
handed a packet, it compares the network portion of the destination address to the
network portion of its own address. If it determines that the destination address is
not the same as its own subnet address, it just sends the packet to the default
gateway instead.
In the example shown in Figure 1-3, the server at the top of the subnet is playing
the role of a router, in that it accepts messages that are intended for a host that’s
not in the current subnet and sends them out through the default gateway. Any
Windows 2000 Server computer can play the role of a router, as you’ll learn later.
The important point to remember for now is that the default gateway address


The default
gateway provides
access to
outside the
local subnet.

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Chapter 1

12 Chapter 1: Configuring and Troubleshooting TCP/IP

represents the place to which all “foreign” packets are sent. If any host in the subnet
needs to send a packet to some host that’s not in its own subnet, the packet gets
shipped straight to the default gateway.

CertCam 1-1
Configuring TCP/IP on Servers
In this exercise, we’ll look at the specific steps required to assign an IP address
to a Windows computer on a LAN. We’ll use an example of assigning a static IP
address to a computer running Windows 2000 Server. A static IP address is one
that’s assigned by the administrator and never changes. Windows 2000 also
supports dynamic IP addressing, where a host gets its IP address automatically
from a DHCP server. We’ll discuss all of that in Chapter 4. But since Microsoft
recommends that all servers in a network use static IP addresses, we’ll assign a
static IP address to a server here. Here are the steps involved:

1. Open the Network and Dial-Up Connections window, either from the
Settings menu on the Start menu, or by right-clicking My Network Places
on the desktop and choosing Properties.
2. Right-click the icon for your Local Area Connection and choose Properties.
3. In the dialog box that opens, click Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and then click
the Properties button.
4. Choose Use The Following IP Address to set a static IP address.
5. Fill in this computer’s IP address and subnet mask as in the example shown
in Figure 1-4. Of course, you’ll want to use an IP address and subnet mask
appropriate for your own network.
6. If you already know the IP addresses of the default gateway and DNS servers
for this network, you can fill those in as well. Otherwise, you can leave those
options blank for now.
7. Click the OK button in the current dialog box, and then click the OK
button in the remaining dialog box to close that. You can also close the
Network and Dial-Up Connections window if you like.

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Configure TCP/IP on Servers and Clients 13


dialog box

If you have access to two or more computers, and they’re connected right now,
you can repeat these steps on any other computers in the network. Generally,
Microsoft recommends using dynamic IP addressing in client computers. But until
you have a DHCP server set up to assign IP addresses automatically, you can just
assign static IP addresses to all of your computers. For the purposes of the exercises
in this book, be sure to make all the computers part of the same subnet.

There’s no rule that says you must use dynamic addresses on hosts and static IP addresses
on servers. But since Microsoft recommends that approach, you should keep it in mind
when answering any questions about assigning IP addresses to hosts.

Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR)

The classed A, B, and C networks were fine in the early days of the Internet, when
there were relatively few networks connected. But, as time went by and the Internet

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Chapter 1

14 Chapter 1: Configuring and Troubleshooting TCP/IP

grew, it became clear that the powers that be were going to run out of globally
unique IP Class A, B, and C addresses.
To gain some flexibility in doling out ranges of globally unique IP addresses,
the registrars came up with Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR, pronounced
cider) addresses. CIDR addresses don’t use traditional subnet masks to identify the
network and host portions of an IP address. Rather, they use a /x at the end of the
IP address, where x is the number of bits used to indicate the network portion of
the address.
For example, the address would be called a slash 26 address.
When viewing the address in binary format, the top (leftmost) 26 bits would be the
ones assigned by the registrar, leaving the remaining 6 bits for the administrators
assigned to hosts. Referring back to our discussion of subnet masks, if we write the
address in binary, and then use corresponding 1’s and 0’s to mask
the network portion of the address, we end up with the address and mask shown
in Figure 1-5.
You can easily convert a /x to a more traditional subnet mask, though you’ll need
to covert binary numbers to their decimal equivalents. You just have to jot down
the 32-bit mask with x number of 1’s, followed by enough 0’s to make the number
36 bits in length. Divide that 32-bit number into four octets. Then convert each
octet to a decimal number. For example, let’s take the /26 designation. We jot down
26 ones, followed by 6 zeros:

Use dots to separate that into four 8-bit octets:


Now convert each binary octet to a decimal number, and you get the following:


The address
in binary with 1’s
representing the
network portion
in the lower mask

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Configure TCP/IP on Servers and Clients 15

Thus, and /26 are just two different ways of expressing the
same thing—a subnet mask that, in binary, has 26 network bits and 6 host bits.
If you take a look at Table 1-3, where I’ve converted a series of /x designations
to binary and to subnet masks, you’ll see the progression. The last number in the
subnet mask is just the last octet converted from binary to decimal.
Before we get any deeper into this business of working with binary numbers, let’s
take a moment to look at some strategies you can use to convert decimal to binary,
and vice versa.

Converting Between Binary and Decimal

The easiest way to convert a binary number to decimal, or a decimal number to
binary, is to use the Windows Calculator. Click the Start button, choose Programs |
Accessories | Calculator. From the Calculator’s menu bar, choose View | Scientific to
get to the view shown in Figure 1-6. Notice the Hex (hexadecimal), Dec (decimal),
Oct (octal), and Bin (binary) options.
To convert from decimal to binary, first click the Dec option button to let the
Calculator know that you’re about to enter a decimal number. Then enter your
decimal number and click the Bin option button to view that value in binary. For
example, if you punch in the number 18 in decimal, and then click the Bin option
button, the calculator displays 10010, which is the number 18 in binary. To convert
that to the 8-bit chunk typically used in TCP/IP addressing, just pad the left side
with leading 0’s, such as 00010010.

TABLE 1-3 Some /x Designations, with Their Corresponding Subnet Masks in Binary and Decimal

/x Designation Subnet Mask in Binary Format Subnet Mask

/24 11111111.11111111.11111111.00000000
/25 11111111.11111111.11111111.10000000
/26 11111111.11111111.11111111.11000000
/27 11111111.11111111.11111111.11100000
/28 11111111.11111111.11111111.11110000
/29 11111111.11111111.11111111.11111000
/30 11111111.11111111.11111111.11111100

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Chapter 1

16 Chapter 1: Configuring and Troubleshooting TCP/IP


The Windows
Calculator in
scientific view

To convert decimal to binary, start by clicking the Bin option button. Then type
in the binary number. Leading 0’s will be ignored because they have no value, so just
start typing at the first 1. For example, to convert 00110011 to decimal, you’d type
or punch in 110011. Then click the Dec option button to see the result, 51.


My work PC’s IP address is Your company has a Class A address. It’s using the subnet mask (Class A) and has a to break it down into smaller subnets. This illustrates
subnet mask of the fact that it’s really the IP address, and not the subnet mask, that
(Class C). What’s up with that? defines Class A, B, or C.
Are hardware addresses used at Ethernet cards don’t understand TCP/IP, they only understand
all in TCP/IP? hardware addresses. TCP/IP messages contain both the IP and hardware
addresses of the sending and receiving machines. The protocol that
resolves IP addresses to hardware addresses is called Address Resolution
Protocol (ARP).
Do I have to get a globally Not at all. You can use a private address to set up your network. For
unique domain name and IP example, if your subnet will have no more that 254 hosts, you can use
address to set up my network? as your network address and as your subnet
mask. You can then assign addresses from to
to hosts in your network. You’ll still have basic Internet connectivity.

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Determine Valid IP Addresses 17

Now that we’ve been through some of the basics of TCP/IP addressing, let’s take
a look at some scenario questions and answers that might come up.


Determine Valid IP Addresses

When you’re working with a standard Class C address, it’s easy to figure out the
subnet address, broadcast address, and remaining addresses that are available to
assign to hosts within the network. Recall that the subnet address is the last octet
set to its lowest possible value, 0 in a Class C address; and the broadcast address is
the last octet set to its highest possible value, 255 when you’re talking about an
octet (because 11111111 = 255). You can assign all the addresses between those
two extremes to hosts within your network. Thus, we end up with this:
Subnet mask:
Subnet address:
Broadcast address:
Remaining addresses for hosts to

Working with these same numbers in binary shows why this all makes sense. For
example, using those same values, and a subnet mask of
in binary, we can use the letter n to identify network bits, and h to identify host bits:
192 168 0 0 IP Address (decimal)
11000000 10101000 00000000 00000000 IP address (binary)
nnnnnnnn nnnnnnnn nnnnnnnn hhhhhhhh network or host
11111111 11111111 11111111 00000000 Subnet mask (binary)
255 255 255 0 Subnet mask (decimal)

When we subnet a Class C address (in other words, break it down into two or more
subnets), we’re “swiping” host bits and making them into subnet bits. Let’s see
what happens when we change the subnet mask in the preceding example from to The bits that are affected by the change are
indicated next by the letter s, to indicate that they’re “swiped” bits now used to
identify the subnet:

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18 Chapter 1: Configuring and Troubleshooting TCP/IP

192 168 0 0 IP address (decimal)

11000000 10101000 00000001 00000000 IP address (binary)
nnnnnnnn nnnnnnnn nnnnnnnn ssshhhhh net, sub, or host
11111111 11111111 11111111 11100000 Subnet mask (binary)
255 255 255 224 Subnet mask (decimal)

It’s important to keep in mind that the subnet is a mask, not a number per se,
and as such you must have a series of contiguous 1’s for the network/subnet,
followed by contiguous 0’s for the host portion. Thus, only values that have leading
1’s, like 10000000, 11000000, 11100000, and so forth, are valid. There are only
nine possibilities, as summarized in Table 1-4.
It wouldn’t actually make sense to have a /32 designation (for example, subnet mask), since there wouldn’t be any bits left in the host
portion of the address. I’ve only included that in the table to show the progression.

Finding Valid IP Addresses

You can determine how many subnets, and how many hosts per subnet, you’ll get
from each /x designation as follows:
Number of subnets = 2
Number of hosts = 2h – 2

where n is the number of network bits, and h is the number of host bits. Since
there are always 32 bits in the mask, and we’re given the number of network bits

/x Last Octet (Binary) Last Octet (Decimal)
The Full Range of /24 00000000 0
Viable Subnet
/25 10000000 128
Octets in Binary
and Decimal /26 11000000 192
/27 11100000 224
/28 11110000 240
/29 11111000 248
/30 11111100 252
/31 11111110 254
/32 11111111 255

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Determine Valid IP Addresses 19

by the /x designation, we know there will always be 32 – n host bits available.

(Incidentally, the reason you have to subtract 2 from the hosts calculation is because
the highest and lowest addresses are reserved for the subnet address and broadcast
address, respectively, so you can’t assign those two addresses to hosts.)
With that in mind, Table 1-5 lists some /x designations, the number of subnets
each provides, and the number of hosts you’ll get per subnet. I’ve included /31
and /32 in the table just to illustrate the progression. These actually are invalid
for practical use, though, because they don’t leave a sufficient number of bits for
addressing hosts.
Suppose you want to work with the IP address You know you
have two subnets to work with. But what are the ranges of available IP addresses to
work with? Well, we know the network ID of the first subnet is

We know we have 126 host addresses to work with, and the first possible host
address is Therefore, the range of available addresses must be to

TABLE 1-5 Number of Subnets and Possible Hosts per Subnet per /x Designation

n Bits in Available Hosts per

Last Octet Subnets h Bits Subnet Subnet Mask
/x Designation (x-24) (2n) (32 – n) (2h – 2) (Decimal)
/24 0 1 8 254
/25 1 2 7 126
/26 2 3 6 62
/27 3 8 5 30
/28 4 16 4 14
/29 5 32 3 6
/30 6 64 2 2
/31* 7 128 1 0 Not valid
/32* 8 256 0 0 Not valid

*Invalid because they don’t leave a sufficient number of host bits.

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20 Chapter 1: Configuring and Troubleshooting TCP/IP

The broadcast address would be one higher than the last host address, so it
must be

That covers the first subnet. The second subnet then starts right after the first
subnet’s broadcast address. Thus, the subnet address of the second subnet must be

Once again, we have 126 possible host addresses. The first valid host address
would be one greater than the subnet address, so the range must be to

because that’s the range of numbers needed to address 126 hosts. The second
subnet’s broadcast address would be one greater than the last host address, so that
address must be to

Table 1-6 summarizes the preceding information. As you can see, we’ve actually
taken a Class C address and split it right in half, making two equal-sized subnets.
If you use a /26 designation with a class C address of, you end up
with 2 or 4 subnet bits. To determine the remaining host bits, we subtract 26 from
32, which tells us we have 6 host bits to work with. Thus, the maximum number
of hosts per subnet would be 2 – 2, or 62. Again, reserving the lowest and highest
address within each of the four subnets for the network ID and broadcast address
leaves us with the subnets and IP addresses listed in Table 1-7.

TABLE 1-6 IP Addresses and Subnet Masks for (126 Hosts per Subnet)

Subnet Broadcast
Subnet Address First Host Last Host Address Subnet Mask

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Determine Valid IP Addresses 21

TABLE 1-7 IP Addresses and Subnet Masks for 192.168.0/26 (62 Hosts per Subnet)

Subnet Broadcast
Subnet Address(s) First Host Last Host Address Subnet Mask

In a nutshell, we’ve taken the Class C address and divided it into
four separate, equal-sized chunks. The starting address of each subnet is exactly 64
greater than the previous subnet’s starting address, because we have 64 addresses per
subnet (60 hosts plus the subnet and broadcast addresses).
Subnetting is simple to do with a good subnet calculator, like SolarWinds.Net
Advanced Subnet Calculator, available from www.tucows.com—though, of course,
you wouldn’t be able to use that during your exam. But even without a subnet
calculator, you can figure out anything as long as you know the network address
and subnet mask. For example, suppose a senior administrator asks you to configure
some new network using with a subnet mask
What IP addresses can you assign to your host? Right off the bat, we know our
network address, since that’s a given: subnet address (given)

So, how many hosts per subnet? First, we need to figure out how many subnet
bits are available, so we convert the last octet in the subnet mask, 240, to binary,
which yields 11110000. So, we have 4 host bits to work with, and hence 2 – 2, or
14 hosts per subnet. We know that the IP address of the first host will be one greater
than the subnet address, thus our range of IP addresses is to (14 hosts per subnet)

The broadcast address is one more than the last IP address, and thus is the
following: (broadcast address)

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22 Chapter 1: Configuring and Troubleshooting TCP/IP

Hosts on small subnets often use broadcasting to communicate with one another.
Broadcasting is required when a given host doesn’t know the address of some host
with which it needs to communicate. To illustrate how broadcasting works, let’s
suppose a host named Igor needs to contact a host named Franz, but doesn’t know
Franz’s hardware address or IP address. How’s Igor going to get his message across?
Easy. Since he doesn’t know of a specific address to send the message to, he sends it
to the broadcast address, which, in turn, automatically delivers the message to every
host in the subnet. You might think of Igor sending his message to the subnet’s
broadcast address as being the same as Igor shouting “Igor at here. If
there is a Franz out there, please send me your address.”
Every host on the network hears the broadcast message and checks to see who the
message is intended for. Each host examines the message to see if the name Igor is
looking for matches its own name. If the names don’t match, the message is just
ignored and no reply is sent back to Igor. However, when Franz sees that the message
is addressed to him, he replies, “Hey Igor at, Franz here, and my address
is,” as illustrated in Figure 1-7. So now Igor and Franz know each other’s
addresses, and can send messages directly back and forth.
That all works just fine and dandy, but there’s one big drawback. Igor has
to pester every host in the LAN just to find the one host he’s really trying to
communicate with. That’s not a big deal on a single small subnet. However, if you
look at an extremely large network, like the Internet, you can see why broadcasting
would create way too much traffic and take way too long. For example, suppose
you type www.GeneralSpecificX.com into your web browser, which knows nothing
about that site’s IP address. If your browser had to go to every single host on the
Internet asking “Are you www.GeneralSpecificX.com?,” it would be pestering literally
hundreds of millions of computers with this stupid question. And those other
hundreds of millions of hosts would be pestering each other, and your computer,
with similar stupid questions. There’d be so much bandwidth eaten up by all these
broadcasts, it would be impossible to get anything else done.
So what’s the solution to the broadcasting problem? In a word, routing. As you
may recall, a router (or default gateway) connects a subnet to the “outside world.”
One side of the router has an IP address that makes it a member of the subnet to
which it’s connected. As such, the router “hears” all the broadcast messages going
across the subnet. However, the one thing it won’t do is send those broadcast messages
through to the outside world. In other words, when the router gets a broadcast

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Configure Routing 23


Igor broadcasting
a message to
everyone, trying
to find Franz

message, it “shuts down the gateway,” in essence saying “Broadcast messages stop
here,” as illustrated in Figure 1-8.


Configure Routing
So now, armed with this information, let’s look at the concept of routing, which is
central to TCP/IP. The simplest form of routing is the network that’s attached to
the Internet via a router or modem and an Internet service provider (ISP). Hosts
within the local subnet can communicate by broadcasts, and such messages stay
within the subnet. Messages that are destined for hosts outside the local subnet are
sent to the default gateway, which is the IP address of the device that connects the
subnet to the Internet, as illustrated in Figure 1-9. That device then forwards the
message to the ISP, who handles it from there.

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24 Chapter 1: Configuring and Troubleshooting TCP/IP

FIGURE 1-8 An intranet composed of two subnets joined by a router

Small Business Routing Scenario

In a small business, we might find multiple routers connecting multiple departmental
subnets, as shown in Figure 1-10. In that scenario, Router1 connects the Marketing
and Sales subnets, Router2 connects Sales to Accounting, and Router3 connects
Accounting to Marketing. Any host in the company can contact any other host,
since all the subnets are connected by routers.
In this scenario, computers within any given department can communicate with
one another by broadcasting. But, for a message to reach a remote network (some
other department’s subnet), the message will have to cross one or two routers. For
efficiency, we’d prefer messages to take the shortest path through one router. For
example, we’d prefer a message being sent from Sales to Marketing to go through

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Configure Routing 25


A small subnet
that uses a default
gateway to access
the Internet

Router1. However, if Router1 were unavailable, Sales could still get its message
across to Marketing by going through Router2 and Router 3. Hence, we get some
fault tolerance here in that if one router goes down, messages can still get through.


A small business
with routers
connecting three

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26 Chapter 1: Configuring and Troubleshooting TCP/IP

Corporate Scenario
We can keep scaling up to larger, more complex scenarios. For example, Figure 1-11
shows a larger corporate or enterprise network with all kinds of networks and
protocols joined together with a bunch of routers. In that example, Windows 2000
Server computers are used as routers (as opposed to “dedicated routers”). I’ll show
you how to make a Windows 2000 Server computer into a router momentarily.
Obviously, we won’t get into all of the configuring needed to set up such a
complex network right here. The point, though, is that a little bit of routing goes
a long way in connecting all kinds of networks together, providing network
communications across a wide variety of platforms. The Internet is exactly that,

FIGURE 1-11 A corporate routing scenario involving many routers and protocols

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Configure Routing 27

a complex of computers, cables, networks, and routers connecting computers and

networks around the globe.
Finally, bear in mind that there are no geographical boundaries here either. Any
given subnet or network can be anywhere in the world. A large enterprise with
offices in Europe, Asia, Mexico, and the United States would still use the same basic
routing mechanisms to connect all these far-flung clients together into a (relatively)
seamless network where any host could communicate with any other host, anywhere
in the world.

Building a Windows 2000 Router

As you probably know, you can buy “dedicated” routers from manufacturers like
Cisco and Lucent. But it’s not entirely necessary to do so, as any Windows 2000
Server computer can easily play the role of router. Configuration is easy as well.
First, you need to have two separate subnets to connect, of course. On the


What’s the difference The terms are used interchangeably, just as the terms folder, subfolder, and
between a network, a directory are. Any time you have two or more computers connected, you
subnet, a physical segment, essentially have a network. Large networks, however, are often divided into
and a segment? smaller subnets (also called segments), largely for efficiency. Technically, a
subnet (or segment) is any group of computers that can communicate with
one another without the aid of a router.
What’s the difference The terms tend to be used interchangeably, as a synonym for “the way out
between a router and of this local subnet.” However, the term gateway is a bit more generic, in
a gateway ? that it can refer to a router; a computer that’s acting as a router; or even the
software used to provide communications between disparate networks, such
as a Gateway Services for NetWare, which provides connectivity between
Windows and Novell networks. The default gateway is where all “foreign”
packets are sent—all packets that aren’t addressed to a host that’s within the
current subnet.
What’s the difference An intranet is composed of two or more subnets that use TCP/IP and routers
between the Internet and to communicate with one another, though you’ll sometimes hear these
an intranet? referred to as “internets.” The Internet (with a capital I ) is the big daddy of
all internets that connects networks from all over the globe.

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28 Chapter 1: Configuring and Troubleshooting TCP/IP

Windows 2000 Server computer that will be playing the role of router, you need to
make sure the Routing and Remote Access Server is configured. Here’s how:

1. Click the Start button, choose Programs | Administrative Tools | Routing

And Remote Access. The Routing and Remote Access console opens.
2. Click the name of the server that will be acting as router. If you’ve never
configured this service before, you’ll see a message prompting you to
configure the service now, as in Figure 1-12. Click the Action button
and choose Configure Routing and Remote Access.
3. A wizard opens up and takes you through the steps required for the basic
configuration. In this scenario, you’d choose Network Router when
prompted for the configuration type, and click the Next button.
4. Follow the wizard through until you get to the Finish page.

When you’ve completed the wizard, you’re ready to start the next phase, which
involves installing the NICs. You would just go through the usual procedure.
When both NICs are installed, each will have its own icon in Network and
Dial-Up Connections, as in the example shown in Figure 1-13.
Since each NIC is a separate network interface, each can have its own unique
TCP/IP settings. In this situation, you need to configure each NIC with a valid IP
address for the subnet to which it connects. For example, take a look at Figure 1-14.


Routing and
Remote Access
Services, not
yet configured

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Configure Routing 29


Each installed
NIC has its own
icon in Network
and Dial-Up

The subnet on the left has the address subnet mask The
subnet on the right has the address subnet mask
These are two separate subnets, since the network portions of their IP addresses
clearly don’t match.
To get routing to work, each NIC needs to be connected to and configured as
a host within its subnet. For example, in the example shown in Figure 1-14, I’ve
given NIC1 the IP address, thereby making it a host on the


Server01 playing
the role of
router between and

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30 Chapter 1: Configuring and Troubleshooting TCP/IP

subnet. I gave NIC2 the IP address, making it a host on the subnet. By the way, a computer that contains two or more NICs is
called a multihomed computer. Server01 in this example is, obviously, a multihomed
computer at this point.
To use the router, all the hosts on network would need to be
configured to use as their default gateway. All the hosts on subnet would use as their default gateway. Thus, broadcasts
and other communications within each subnet stay in their respective subnets.
Messages intended for “some other subnet” are sent to the interface on the router.
Finally, you’ll want to make sure routing is enabled on the server. Typically, the
wizard you ran earlier in this section would be sufficient to get that going. But just
in case you have any problems with the router connection, you’ll want to make
sure the service is enabled. Again, open the Routing and Remote Access Services
administrative tool, right-click the server’s name in the console tree, and choose
Properties. On the General tab, make sure routing is enabled. For this scenario,
where you have only two subnets connected, you’ll also want to make sure the Local
Area Network (LAN) Routing Only option is selected, as shown in Figure 1-15.

How Routing Works

To understand the basics of routing, start with a single source host that’s trying to
get a message to some other destination host. The source host’s own IP address is with a subnet mask of The destination host’s IP
address is with a subnet mask of If we stack the
IP addresses and subnet mask one atop the other, we can see that the destination
host is on the same network (or subnet) as the source host: (source) (destination) (subnet mask)

The source host can “see” this same relationship. It “knows” that the destination
host is on the same subnet. So it need not go through any routers to get to that host.

Viewing the Routing Table

Every computer on a TCP/IP network has a built-in routing table. The routing table
is built automatically from known information. You can view the routing table by

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Configure Routing 31


Routing must be
enabled for a
Windows 2000
Server computer
to function as a

entering the command route print at the command prompt. The results might look
something like the example in Figure 1-16.
To interpret the command’s output in this example, you first need to know
some things about the machine on which the command was entered. In this example,
I entered the command at a Windows 2000 Professional computer that has the
following TCP/IP configuration:
TCP/IP Address:
Subnet mask:
Default gateway:

The lines under Interface List indicate this computer’s network interfaces. The
first item, 0x1, is the TCP loopback interface used in conjunction with the loopback
address for testing purposes. Every TCP/IP client has the same loopback address of; the loopback interface is just the address where loopback messages get
sent. Later in this chapter, you’ll see how you can use that address for testing and

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32 Chapter 1: Configuring and Troubleshooting TCP/IP


Sample output
from a

troubleshooting. The second item in this example, 0x2, is this computer’s NIC.
You can see its hardware address, as well as the make and model of the card. This
particular machine has only one NIC installed. If it were a multihomed machine
with multiple NICs, those additional NICs would be listed as 0x3, 0x4, and so forth.
The next section of the display, titled Active Routes, lists routes that this machine
knows about. Each row is divided into the following columns:

■ Network Destination A potential destination IP address, to which

messages might be sent.
■ Netmask A subnet mask for the network destination, which further
defines which addresses will be included in this route.
■ Gateway The IP address that provides access to the network destination
■ Interface The local IP address that leads to the gateway.
■ Metric The “cost” of a route in terms of “hops” across routers that will
be required. The path from a host to its default gateway is also considered a
hop, so there is always at least one hop, even when no routers are involved.

Now let’s take a look at some of the routes listed in the sample output. The first
line looks like this:
Network Destination Netmask Gateway Interface Metric 1

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Configure Routing 33

The address with the netmask translates roughly to “the place you
should go if none of the lines in the routing table apply.” In other words, this row
defines the default gateway for all packets that aren’t within broadcast range, and
that don’t meet any of the criteria in the other lines in the routing table.
Let’s take a look at the next line now:
Network Destination Netmask Gateway Interface Metric 1

This line says that “To get to any address that starts with 10. (in other words, subnet, use your own NIC at There will not be
any router hops to make.” This makes sense if you think about it for a minute.
Recall that this is a machine on a Class A network. We know this because its own
IP address and subnet mask are and So it stands to reason that
in order to get a message out to another machine on this same network, the machine
could use its own NIC ( as the gateway to the local network, and there
wouldn’t be any routers involved.
The third route network destination, netmask,
refers to the local computer. This line essentially says “To get to yourself, use the
loopback address” The next destination, netmask, is the broadcast address. So this line says “To broadcast a message
to all hosts on the network, use your own NIC.” The next
destination address, netmask, is the reserved loopback address.
Because the netmask uses, this line says “Any message sent to
127.anything.anything.anything gets sent to the IP address”
The network destination netmask is the reserved multicast
address. We’ll discuss multicasting in depth later in the book. For now, it’s sufficient
to know that multicasting is a means of sending a single stream of data to multiple
IP addresses, sort of like a radio station that just sends out its show via an antenna,
and any radio that happens to be tuned to that station hears the show. The netmask is the limited broadcast address, any
alternative route used by some broadcasts to the local subnet.
The last section shown in Figure 1-16, titled Persistent Routes, lists static, permanent
routes created by an administrator. In the sample output, there are none listed,
simply because I haven’t created any. I’m relying on the default gateway address to
handle all messages with destinations outside my local subnet. But you can’t always
rely on that. We’ll discuss why, and how to get around it, in the next section.

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34 Chapter 1: Configuring and Troubleshooting TCP/IP

CertCam 1-2
Viewing a Computer’s Routing Table
Like I said, every computer has a built-in routing table. So you can do this simple
exercise on virtually any Windows machine. I didn’t create an exercise that actually
lets you change the routing table, as you wouldn’t want to play around with that on
a real, production network. Furthermore, you could only create a route to a viable
network, and I don’t know what, if any, networks you’re connected to. But, anyway,
to perform this simple exercise on a Windows 2000 machine, follow these steps:

1. Click the Start button and choose Programs | Accessories | Command Prompt.
2. Type route print and press ENTER.
3. That’s it. If you’d like a printed copy, type route print >prn and press ENTER.
4. Type exit and press ENTER if you want to close the Command Prompt window.

The output of your route print command may not match the example shown in
this chapter, but you should see many of the same default routes.

Configuring Routing Tables

Suppose you work in a company that has an intranet composed of three networks
and two routers, as shown in Figure 1-17. Notice some features of this scenario.
We have three separate Class C networks here. Network A’s network address is, Network B’s network address is, and Network C’s
address is Networks A, B, and C could all be subnets of one Class
C address, in which case you’d need a custom subnet mask. But for our current
example, that wouldn’t matter. Either way, you’d still need routers to connect the
various networks or subnets.
Notice that Network C contains two routers, one at the address
and the other at There is no Internet connection in this example,
which means there is no default gateway to which Network C can just send all
messages intended for hosts outside itself. So how does a host on Network C

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Configure Routing 35

FIGURE 1-17 Three networks connected by two routers

(say, get a message to a host on Network A (say,

The obvious answer is through Router1. But the machine can only know this if its
routing table tells it to go through Router1. You can manually add a route to a
machine’s routing table to handle a situation like this. In this example, in order for
a host from Network C to get a message to Network A or B, it would need the
following “instructions” placed in its routing table:

■ To get a message to Network A (, send it to Router1 at
■ To get a message to Network B (, send it to Router2

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36 Chapter 1: Configuring and Troubleshooting TCP/IP

These “instructions,” which are formally called static routes, can be added to the
routing table using the ROUTE command with the following syntax
ROUTE [-p] ADD destination MASK subnet gateway METRIC m IF interface


■ –p is an optional switch. If included, manually added routes are persistent,

in that they exist from one reboot to the next. If omitted, the route exists
only during the current session, and will cease to exist once the machine is
■ destination is the address or range of addresses that this routing table applies to.
■ subnet is the subnet mask for the destination that identifies the network and
host portions of the destination address.
■ gateway is the IP address that provides access to the network.
■ m is the number of router hops required to get to the destination.
■ interface is a single-digit number identifying which NIC card interface to use.
You can omit this to have the command locate the best interface automatically.

Let’s look at an example. Suppose I want to tell one of the workstations in

Network C “When you get a message that’s addressed to any address starting
with 200.50.50, send it to IP address” To do that, I get to the
command prompt on that computer and enter the following command:
route -p ADD MASK METRIC 2

We’d also want to tell that computer to send all messages destined for any address
starting with 199.150.150 to, the near-side IP address of the
router that connects network C to network B. So we’d also enter this command:
route -p ADD MASK METRIC 2

The command will check the specified route before adding it to the routing table.
If for some reason the specified network cannot be reached, the entry will be rejected
and you’ll see an error message to that effect. The problem could be a simple typo or
a connection problem to the remote network.
Once you’ve successfully entered a route, it will appear in the output of the route
print command. If you included the -p switch, the route will be listed under the

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Configure Routing 37

Persistent Routes heading. Otherwise, the new route just appears in the regular list
of routes. In this example, the following lines would be added under Persistent Routes:
Network Destination Netmask Gateway Interface Metric 2 2

Notice that in both route add commands, I omitted the IF interface parameter.
Since this machine has only one NIC, the route add command can test the
connection and figure this out on its own.

How Routing Conflicts Are Handled

Recall that our small sample network contained no default gateway to the Internet.
As such, there’s no way for our sample host to communicate with the outside world
beyond Networks A and B. But suppose we add another NIC to that machine,
or an Internet connection through some other machine on the same subnet. For
the sake of example, let’s say that the default gateway address to the Internet is at When we do a route print command on that machine, the output
might include the following routes:
Network Destination Netmask Gateway Interface Metric 40 2 2

The large metric, 40, is somewhat typical of an Internet connection where many
routers might have to be crossed to get to a specific destination on the Internet. But
more importantly, there’s also a conflict here. The default gateway address
says “Use for all communications outside this subnet.” But then, the
next two lines say “Use for communications to, and for communications to” So, which will it be when
it comes time to send a message to Network A, the default gateway address or the
specified route?
For example, let’s say some hypothetical routing table contains these two routes:
Network Destination Netmask Gateway Interface Metric 2 2

The first route tells the machine to send anything destined for the network through” The second one tells the machine that a

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38 Chapter 1: Configuring and Troubleshooting TCP/IP

message specifically destined for netmask goes

through Since the second entry has the more specific netmask, (in other words, “this particular host”), as opposed to an entire
network (, the second item wins. In the event that two routes have
identical subnet masks, the route with the smallest metric will be chosen first.

You can intentionally add some conflicting, static routes to a routing table
for fault tolerance. Give the preferred route a low metric, such as 1; the
“backup” route a higher metric, like 2; and so forth.

Managing the Routing Table

The route command offers two more options that you can use to manage a routing
table. The route delete command allows you to delete static routes from the routing
table. For example, entering the command
route delete 200.50.50 200

would delete the route that has the network destination address
If you have two routes with the same network destination address but different
gateways, you can include the gateway address to specify the record you want to delete.
You can use the * wildcard character in both the print and delete versions of the
command. For example route print 200* displays only routes whose network
destination starts with 200. The route delete 200* command would delete all routes
whose network destinations start with 200.
The route change command lets you change an existing static route, for example,
route change MASK METRIC 4

The route command alone on a line prints help for the command (same as
entering the command route /?).
Now that I’ve told you all of this, let me first point out that it’s very unlikely
that you’ll ever have to go from one machine to the next, setting up all these routes.
Thanks to dynamic routing and modern routing protocols like RIP (Routing
Information Protocol) and OSPF (Open Shortest Path First), routers can keep
machines informed of available routes, and individual hosts can compare routing
tables to one another and keep each other up to date. We’ll get to these protocols

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in a later chapter. For now, the important thing is to understand that all machines
have a routing table. And even if you don’t specifically need to manually add static
routes to a machine’s table, it’s good to be able to interpret the contents of the table
for troubleshooting purposes.

Just because you might not have to use static routing much in the real world,
that doesn’t mean you can just ignore all this stuff. You may well need to
analyze some routing tables and understand how ROUTE ADD works to
answer some questions on your certification exam!


Troubleshoot TCP/IP and Routing

As you probably know, there’s a lot more to a TCP/IP network than just assigning
IP addresses to machines. There are many things that can go wrong after the network
is built, and even more things that can go wrong as you’re building the network. For
the rest of this chapter, we’ll take a look at some diagnostic tools and troubleshooting
techniques that you can use at any time to solve problems as they arise.

Troubleshooting with IPCONFIG

As the name implies, IPCONFIG is a command for checking a machine’s IP
configuration. Checking a host’s IP configuration is always the best first step in
troubleshooting connectivity problems. Entering just the command ipconfig at the
command prompt displays basic IP configuration information (IP address, subnet
mask, default gateway, and DNS suffix) for each network adapter in the computer.
Settings that haven’t been configured yet are left blank.
For more detailed information, use the /all switch by entering the command
ipconfig /all. This command will display general information about the current
computer’s IP configuration, followed by detailed information about each installed
NIC. Figure 1-18 shows an example of the display produced by an ipconfig /all
command. Here’s a brief description of what each line is about. Some items describe
settings that we haven’t discussed yet—but will over the next two chapters.

■ Host Name This computer’s hostname, which might be a single name

like server01 if DNS hasn’t been set up yet, or it might be a FQDN like
server01.certifiable.net if DNS is set up.

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40 Chapter 1: Configuring and Troubleshooting TCP/IP

FIGURE 1-18 Sample ipconfig /all command display

■ Primary DNS Suffix If DNS has been set up, the domain portion of the
DNS name (for example, certifiable.net) appears here.
■ Node Type Describes the method used to resolve NetBIOS-style hostnames,
like server01, to IP addresses, as will be discussed in Chapter 2.
■ IP Routing Enabled A simple Yes or No answer describing whether or not
this machine is functioning as a router.
■ WINS Proxy Enabled Specifies whether WINS name resolution is enabled,
as described in Chapter 2.

Information that’s specific to network adapter cards is listed under the Ethernet
Adapter heading. The name of the connection, as it appears in the Network and
Dial-Up Connections window is followed by these lines:

■ Connection-Specific DNS Suffix If DNS is enabled, shows the DNS

domain name that’s specific to this network interface card.
■ Description The make and model of the network interface card.
■ Physical Address The hardware address of the network interface card.

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■ DHCP Enabled Determines whether or not this card’s address can be

assigned automatically by a DHCP server (Yes) or was manually entered
(No). More information on DHCP is provided in Chapter 4.
■ IP Address The IP address of the network interface card.
■ Subnet Mask The subnet mask of the network interface card.
■ Default Gateway The IP address of the default gateway where messages
outside the broadcast range will be sent.
■ DNS Servers If DNS is set up, lists the IP address of all available DNS

In terms of what we’ve discussed so far in this chapter, what you’re mainly
looking for in IPCONFIG’s output is to ensure that the computer has a valid IP
address and subnet mask. If there is a gateway of some sort on the network, whether
it be a dedicated router or just a computer that provides access to the Internet, the
default gateway address for that router must be correct as well. If you find an error
that needs correcting, you can make changes through the TCP/IP Properties dialog
box, described previously in Exercise 1-1.
The IPCONFIG command works only on systems that have the TCP/IP
networking protocols installed. If entering the ipconfig /all command returns an
error message like “TCP/IP is not running on this system,” there’s a problem with
the NIC or with the TCP/IP installation. To check to see if the NIC is working
properly, open the Control Panel, open the System icon, and click the Hardware
tab. Then click the Device Manager button and expand the Network Adapters
category. Double-click the icon for your NIC to view its properties. If the dialog
box doesn’t indicate any problems, you know the problem lies outside the NIC.

Windows 2000 doesn’t automatically install drivers for every NIC on the
market, so it’s a good idea to check the card and TCP/IP right after you
install Windows, or install a new card.

If the Properties dialog box indicates, instead, that there is a problem with the
card, first check to make sure the card is on the Windows 2000 Hardware
Compatibility List. Optionally, you can search for updated drivers via the Internet,
and use the Update Driver button on the Drivers tab of the Properties dialog box to
install the updated driver.

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42 Chapter 1: Configuring and Troubleshooting TCP/IP


Checking an IP Configuration
You’ll no doubt be using the ipconfig /all command often through this book, and in
the real world as well. So, in this exercise, we’ll go through the simple steps necessary
to use the command:

1. Click the Windows Start button and choose Programs | Accessories |

Command Prompt.
2. Type ipconfig /all and press ENTER. You should see output similar to the
example shown in Figure 1-18, earlier in this chapter, but with the data from
the current machine.
3. After viewing the output, type exit and press ENTER to close the Command
Prompt window.

Just about all versions of Windows support the IPCONFIG command.

However, Windows 95 and 98 use the command WINIPCFG instead.

Troubleshooting with PING

Whereas ipconfig is a good tool for checking a machine’s IP configuration, ping
(Packet Internet Groper) is the preferred tool for checking to see if a NIC is working,
and for checking connectivity between two machines. Basically, ping sends an echo
request message that basically asks “Are you there?” If the machine being pinged can
be reached from the current machine, ping displays that machine’s reply. Otherwise,
it displays a list of “Request timed out” error messages.
A good strategy for troubleshooting TCP/IP problems with ping is to start with
the local host, and then gradually work your way out to hosts that are increasingly
distant from the local host, as discussed in the sections that follow.

Ping the Loopback Address

For testing and debugging purposes, you can start by pinging the loopback address, That is, at the command prompt, type ping and press ENTER.
You should get a reply, as in the example shown in Figure 1-19.

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TABLE 1-19 Results of pinging the loopback address

If pinging the loopback address results in an error message, there’s likely a

communication problem between Windows 2000 and your NIC. In that case,
Microsoft recommends that you remove and reinstall TCP/IP.

Ping Your Own IP Address

If you can successfully ping the loopback address, try pinging the local PC’s IP
address. Once again, you should see some sort of successful feedback. If you get an
error message instead, there’s likely a communication problem between your NIC
and Windows 2000. In that case, Microsoft recommends that you remove and then
reinstall your NIC’s driver.

Ping the Default Gateway Address

If your network has a functioning default gateway, you can ping its IP address to
verify connectivity to the gateway. For example, if the default gateway address is, but pinging that address returns “Request timed out” errors, there’s a
problem with the address or the connection. If some other administrator already set
up the default gateway, verify that you’re using the correct default gateway address,
and also have that administrator verify that the default gateway is properly connected
to the network and functioning correctly.

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44 Chapter 1: Configuring and Troubleshooting TCP/IP

Ping Nearby IP Addresses

Next, try pinging a host on the near side of the router (a computer on the same
subnet) by its IP address. For example, let’s say you have a computer named server01
configured as IP and another set up as client01, IP If you’re
sitting at and want to check connectivity with the other machine, enter
the ping command followed by that machine’s address; for example, ping
If the connection works, you’ll get a successful reply. If instead of a reply you get a
“Destination host unreachable” error message, then obviously there’s some problem.
If you were able to successfully ping the loopback address, but can’t ping a
separate machine, first check the network cabling. Many connectivity problems are
nothing more than faulty cable connections. Another obvious but often overlooked
potential cause should be checked—make sure the computer that you’re trying to
ping is up and running and connected to the network! Finally, if you have basic
connectivity but still can’t ping the other machine, the reason may lie in faulty ARP
cache entries. You can use the ARP command, discussed in a moment, to view the
contents of the cache, as well as to delete faulty entries.

Ping More Distant IP Addresses

If your network contains routers or you have an Internet connection, you can use
the PING command to test connectivity to hosts on the far side of your router
(outside your local subnet). The same basic syntax applies—ping ipaddress. For
example, if you’re connected to the Internet, you could try pinging a web site of
mine by entering ping
Be forewarned that some web sites, including www.microsoft.com, are designed
not to respond to ICMP Echo Requests, which is the official name of the type of
packet a ping command sends. So, if a first attempt fails, try some other sites. If you
can’t ping any web sites, trying pinging your default gateway address. If you can’t
ping your default gateway, check to make sure its IP address and subnet mask are
set up correctly, and that you’re pinging the correct address of the default gateway.

Pinging Hostnames
You can also ping another computer by its hostname. For example, if you’re sitting
at a computer named client01, which has a connection to a computer named
server01, you can ping the server by entering the command ping server01. Once

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again, if the connection works, you’ll get a positive response. If the ping fails, it
could be a name resolution problem—a topic we’ll discuss at length in Chapter 2.

If you can ping a host by its IP address, but not its hostname, you should
suspect a problem with your DNS configuration or name resolution.

Troubleshooting with ARP

The Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) maintains a cache of IP address to hardware
address mappings. Entering the command arp -g or arp -a displays the current
mappings. Faulty ARP entries can cause PING echo requests to other computers
in the network to fail. For example, if you can ping both the loopback address and
your own IP address, but not any other IP addresses, you might be able to fix the
problem by clearing out the ARP cache. You can clear individual entries using the
syntax arp -d IPaddress, where IPaddress represents the entry you want to remove.
You can delete all ARP entries by using the * wildcard with -d (for example, arp -d *)
or by entering the command netsh interface ip delete arpcache.

Troubleshooting with Tracert

If you cannot ping a host outside your subnet, you can use the tracert (Trace Route)
command to locate where the problem might lie. tracert provides information about
each router or gateway that a message crosses when trying to reach another host. Each
router that the message crosses is considered a hop.
The basic syntax for the command is tracert IPaddress, where IPaddress is the IP
address of the destination you’re trying to reach—just as in the PING command.
For example, entering the command tracert would return a list of
routers crossed on the way to that destination. The basic format of the display will
look like this, where name represents the hostname of each router (as available) and
xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx represents each router’s IP address:
Tracing route to www.coolnerds.com []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms name <xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx>

2 12 ms 19 ms 19 ms name <xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx>
3 9 ms 15 ms 50 ms name <xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx>

Trace complete.

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46 Chapter 1: Configuring and Troubleshooting TCP/IP

By default, tracert is limited to testing 30 hops. But you can use the -h switch to
test more or fewer maximum hops. For example, if 30 hops weren’t enough to reach
the destination host, you could try something like tracert -h 40 to
increase the maximum number of hops to 40.

CertCam 1-4
Tracing a Route
If you have Internet access from your current machine, you can try out the
TRACERT command by following these simple steps:

1. Click the Windows Start button and choose Programs | Accessories |

Command Prompt.
2. Type tracert to ping my web site. You should see output
similar to the example shown in Figure 1-20, though the names and IP
addresses of routers crossed will be different.

FIGURE 1-20 Results of a sample TRACERT command

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3. After viewing the output, type exit and press ENTER to close the Command
Prompt window.

Since you’re tracing the route to an IP address that’s on the Internet, the trace
should complete successfully, provided your Internet connection is working.

If there is a problem with a router between your computer and the destination
computer, you may receive feedback that looks more like this:
Tracing route to www.coolnerds.com []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 <10 ms <10 ms <10 ms <xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx>

2 50 ms 50 ms 51 ms <xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx>
3 <xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx> reports: Destination net unreachable.

Or perhaps like this:

Tracing route to www.coolnerds.com []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 <10 ms <10 ms <10 ms <xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx>

2 * * * Request timed out
3 * * * Request timed out
4 * * * Request timed out

If a router’s IP address appears repeatedly in the display, that’s called looping, and
means the router is not forwarding to the next router. This is most often caused
by an improper configuration at that specific router. Of course, whenever you
encounter a problem tracing the route to an Internet address, it’s very likely that
the faulty router will be outside your company’s internal network. The only thing
to do, in that case, is to report the problem to your ISP. If the router is in-house,
but outside your area of responsibility, you should report the problem to the
administrator of that specific router.
Like PING, TRACERT will accept a hostname as well as an IP address. For
example, you could enter the command tracert www.coolnerds.com to ping the
host at As with PING, if you’re able to get to the host by its IP
address but not by its hostname, then you know you have a name resolution problem
on your hands. As mentioned, we’ll start on name resolution in Chapter 2.

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48 Chapter 1: Configuring and Troubleshooting TCP/IP

Finally, don’t forget that when it comes to troubleshooting routing problems, the
ROUTE PRINT command can be an ideal resource for seeing where a machine
“thinks” it’s supposed to route certain messages. Scan the table for conflicting routes,
and remember that a route with a more specific netmask will take precedence over a
conflicting route in the table that has a less specific netmask.

Troubleshooting with PATHPING

The PATHPING command combines features of PING and TRACERT, with
some additional functionality. Whereas TRACERT can only point out places where
these is no connectivity at all, PATHPING can point out routers that are slow or
inconsistent in moving data along due to network congestion or dropped packets
that need to be re-sent. To do this, PATHPING sends multiple PING echo requests
to all the routers along a route for 25 seconds. Then it calculates the average time
and percentage of lost packets encountered at each router. The resulting display
helps you pinpoint which router along a path would be causing slow or inconsistent
For example, suppose users are complaining the connection to a server named
EgyptDC01 is slow or inconsistent. You enter the command pathping EgyptDC01
from the source (any machine that’s experiencing problems), and get the following
results (I’ve boldfaced the information that’s relevant to this example; your pathping
command won’t do that):
Tracing route to egyptdc01 []
over a maximum of 30 hops:
0 myServer []
1 aroute1 []
2 aroute2 []
3 aroute3 []
4 aroute4 []
5 egyptdc01 []

Computing statistics for 125 seconds...

Source to Here This Node/Link
Hop RTT Lost/Sent = Pct Lost/Sent = Pct Address
0 myServer []
0/ 100 = 0% |
1 46ms 0/ 100 = 0% 0/100 = 0% aroute1 []

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21/ 100 = 21% |

2 21ms 16/ 100 = 16% 3/100 = 3% aroute2 []
0/ 100 = 0% |
3 20ms 10/ 100 = 10% 0/100 = 0% aroute3 []
0/ 100 = 0% |
4 21ms 12/ 100 = 12% 1/100 = 1% aroute4 []
0/ 100 = 0% |
5 20ms 12/ 100 = 12% 0/100 = 0% egyptdc01 []

Trace complete.

The This Node/Link: Lost/Sent = Pct and Address display the link between
two router IP addresses. The value followed by the pipe character (|) is the loss
rate for the specific link. In the example output, you can see that the link between and has a 21 percent loss rate. Dropped packets need
to be retransmitted. So, with such a high drop rate, you can see that this link is the
problem. So pathping has helped you locate the source of the problem. You could
then go to that router, or contact its administrator, to try to resolve that problem.
Most likely, the router is overloaded.
Now that you’ve learned about some basic network troubleshooting tools, let’s
take a look at some possible problem scenarios that might come up, and the
solutions to those problems.


I can’t get IPCONFIG, PING, All three of those commands require a functioning TCP/IP stack.
or TRACERT to work at all. Check to make sure your NIC is properly installed (via Device
What should I do? Manager). If it is functioning, open the Dial-Up and Network
Connections icon. Right-click the icon for your adapter and choose
Properties. Make sure the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) option under
Components Checked Are Used By This Connection is selected.
IPCONFIG tells me that my If a Windows 2000 computer is set up to obtain an IP address
computer already has an IP address automatically, but the computer can’t find a DHCP server, Windows
of, but I’ve never will automatically assign an IP address in the range of
assigned an IP address and I know through, with a subnet mask of This
there’s not a DHCP server on this capability is called Automatic Private IP Addressing (APIPA), and will
network. be discussed in Chapter 4.

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Chapter 1

50 Chapter 1: Configuring and Troubleshooting TCP/IP

In this chapter, we’ve looked at the ground level of the network infrastructure,
the TCP/IP addresses that uniquely identify hosts on a network. You can assign
either static or dynamic IP addresses to hosts. A static IP address is one that’s
assigned by an administrator, while a dynamic address is one that’s assigned to a
host automatically by a DHCP server. Microsoft recommends that you assign static
IP addresses to all the servers in your network. Use dynamic IP addressing for all
the clients. Doing so minimizes network administration headaches.
A TCP/IP address identifies both the network that a host belongs to and the
specific host. The subnet mask tells you which part of the address identifies the
network, and which part identifies the host. Standard addresses and subnet masks
are categorized as Class A (subnet, Class B (, and Class C
( Any network can be divided into smaller subnets by using a
custom subnet mask, like, to split the host portion of that address
into a subnet ID and host ID.
You can use the command-line utilities IPCONFIG, PING, ARP, TRACERT,
and PATHPING at any stage of a network’s development to test and troubleshoot
network connectivity problems. To check the IP configuration on the local host,
use the ipconfig /all command. To test the connectivity between the local host
and some other host, use ping destination. To check routing between the local host
and a computer on the Internet or some other subnet, use pathping destination or
tracert destination. Whereas tracert only lets you see “dead” connections, pathping
lets you view packet-loss statistics, which can identify slow or inconsistent routers
along a path. You can also use the route print command to view any computer’s
routing table, which lets you see where the host is actually sending messages for a
given IP address or range of addresses.

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Two-Minute Drill 51

Configure TCP/IP on Servers and Clients
❑ TCP/IP is a suite of networking protocols, originally designed to solve
problems on the Internet’s precursor, ARPANet.
❑ Don’t confuse IP addresses with hardware addresses. A hardware address is
a unique 48-bit address that’s hardwired into every network interface card
(NIC) and usually cannot be changed by an administrator.
❑ The terms Media Access Control (MAC) address, physical address, Ethernet
address, Token Ring address, and NIC address are all synonymous with the
term hardware address.
❑ A TCP/IP address is a logical 32-bit address that can be assigned by an
❑ A TCP/IP address’s subnet mask identifies which bits in the address represent
the network, and which bits represent the host.
❑ TCP/IP addresses and subnet masks are usually displayed in dotted quad
format, xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx, where xxx is any number from 0 to 255.
❑ The lowest host number in a range of IP addresses is reserved for the network
ID, and cannot be assigned to a host. For example, the address
subnet mask refers to the network 192.168.1.
❑ The highest available address in a range of IP addresses is reserved for the
broadcast address. For example, is the broadcast address for
the network 192.168.1.x subnet mask
❑ An IP address can be static (assigned by an administrator and permanent) or
dynamic (assigned automatically by a DHCP server).

Determine Valid IP Addresses

❑ Subnetting allows you to subdivide a range of IP addresses into multiple
❑ To subnet, you “swipe” bits from the host portion of the subnet mask (the
portion containing all 0’s) and make them into network bits (or subnet bits).

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52 Chapter 1: Configuring and Troubleshooting TCP/IP

❑ In binary, the subnet bits that define the network portion must be
contiguous 1’s, and the address must provide for some hosts to be valid.
❑ Valid, commonly used numbers for the host portion of a subnet mask
include 128 (10000000), 192 (11000000), 224 (11100000), 240
(11110000), 248 (11111000), and 252 (11111100).
❑ The number of subnets you can get from a subnetted octet is 2n where n is
the number of network bits in the octet.
❑ The number of hosts per subnet is equal to 2h – 2 where h is the number of
host bits the subnet mask provides.

Configure Routing
❑ Every computer on a TCP/IP network has a built-in routing table.
❑ Most entries in the routing table are dynamic, meaning they’re created
automatically from known data.
❑ You can view the routing table on a machine by entering the route print
command at the command prompt.
❑ The network destination netmask tells where all traffic not
destined for the current network (or subnet) will be sent. Hence, it identifies
the default gateway.
❑ The Gateway column of the route print display identifies the IP address
of the NIC used to reach machines within a network destination IP range.
❑ The Interface column indicates which NIC in the local machine is used to
reach the IP address specified in the Gateway column.
❑ The Metric column indicates the cost of using a route in terms of hops across
routers. The trip to the default gateway also counts as a hop, so the metric
will never be less than 1.
❑ If there are conflicting routes in the routing table, the route with the most
specific subnet mask will be chosen. If there is a tie between routes, the route
with the smallest metric will be used.
❑ You can manually add static routes to a routing table by using the route add

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Two-Minute Drill 53

❑ To create a persistent route—one that persists through reboots—use the -p

switch in the route add command.
❑ It’s rarely necessary to add static routes to a routing table, as the RIP and
OSPF routing protocols do a good job of keeping the tables up-to-date

Troubleshoot TCP/IP and Routing

❑ The command ipconfig /all provides detailed information about the current
machine’s IP address, subnet mask, default gateway address, and related
information for each of its logical connections.
❑ If the IPCONFIG command fails, either the NIC or the TCP/IP protocol
isn’t properly installed on the computer.
❑ To test the TCP/IP protocol on the current host, ping the loopback address
by entering the command ping If you get an error message,
Microsoft recommends that you remove and reinstall the TCP/IP protocol.
❑ If you try to ping the local host’s own IP address and get an error message,
Microsoft recommends that you remove and reinstall, or update, the
NIC’s driver.
❑ To test connectivity between any two machines in a network, just ping the
other machine’s IP address. For example, if you’re sitting at
and want to test connectivity to, enter the command ping
❑ If you have trouble pinging another computer within your own subnet,
always check the most obvious problems first. Are the cables connected
correctly? Is the machine you’re pinging running and online? Did you
correctly type the machine’s IP address in the PING command? If the
physical connection is okay, try clearing the ARP cache by entering the
command arp –d *.
❑ With the PING command, you can use a hostname, rather than an IP
address, to identify the destination computer. If you’re able to PING a
host by its IP address, but not its name, you’re probably looking at a name
resolution problem.

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Chapter 1

54 Chapter 1: Configuring and Troubleshooting TCP/IP

❑ If you try to PING an address that’s not on your subnet, and get an error
message, you can use the TRACERT command to get information about
each router that was contacted while trying to reach the destination address.
❑ If poor or inconsistent connections are the problem, PATHPING would be
the preferred troubleshooting command because it calculates dropped-packet
statistics for each path in the route.

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Self Test 55

The following questions will help you measure your understanding of the material presented in this
chapter. Read all the choices carefully because there might be more than one correct answer. Choose
all correct answers for each question.

Configure TCP/IP on Servers and Clients

1. The 48-bit addresses expressed in the format xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx, as in 00-80-AD-7B-E0-B7,
is referred to as which of the following? (Select three correct answers.)
A. MAC address
B. IP address
C. Physical address
D. Hardware address
2. You’re tasked with adding a new server to a Windows 2000 network. Which of the following
would be the best approach to giving the server an IP address?
A. Use Automatic Private IP Addressing (APIPA) to assign an address automatically.
B. Go to the Ethernet card’s Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties dialog box and choose
Obtain An IP Address Automatically.
C. Go to the Ethernet card’s Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties dialog box, choose
Use The Following IP Address, and manually assign a static IP address.
D. Manually assign a dynamic IP address through the Ethernet card’s Internet Protocol
(TCP/IP) Properties dialog box.
3. Which of the following would be the broadcast address for the network with
a subnet mask of

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Chapter 1

56 Chapter 1: Configuring and Troubleshooting TCP/IP

Determine Valid IP Addresses

4. You want to subdivide the Class C network address into four subnets.
What would be the appropriate subnet mask?
5. You are the administrator for ABC Corp. One of the branch offices wants to create a subnet
with the IP address subnet Which of the following would
be the appropriate range of IP addresses that you could assign to hosts on the subnet?
A. to
B. to
C. to
D. to

Configure Routing
6. Client01 in Figure 1-21 cannot ping any sites on the Internet. However, it can ping other hosts
within its own subnet. Which of the following would solve the problem? (Choose all that apply.)
A. Change NIC1’s IP address to
B. Change NIC2’s IP address to
C. Change Client01’s default gateway to
D. Change Client01’s subnet mask to
7. You are the administrator of one subnet in a large corporation. Another administrator asks
you to configure a temporary static route to all hosts on the network subnet for testing purposes. Which of the following commands shows the appropriate
network destination, subnet mask, and options for setting up such a route?
A. route add MASK
B. route -p add MASK
C. route add MASK
D. route -p add MASK

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Self Test 57


A server
connected to
the Internet and
a local subnet

8. Which of the following routing table entries would be used first to get a message to the host at subnet
A. Netmask METRIC 30
B. Netmask Metric 1
C. Netmask Metric 1
D. Netmask Metric 2

Troubleshoot TCP/IP and Routing

9. Which of the following commands would be best for testing connectivity to another computer
within the same subnet?
A. ipconfig
B. tracert
C. ping
D. pathping
10. You are able to ping the local computer’s loopback address and IP address. However, you are
unable to ping any other computers within the subnet. Which of the following would be the
best first step to resolving the problem?
A. Check the network cabling to ensure the computer is connected to the network.
B. Remove and reinstall the TCP/IP software.
C. Update the NIC’s driver.
D. Assign a different IP address and subnet mask to the computer.

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Chapter 1

58 Chapter 1: Configuring and Troubleshooting TCP/IP

11. You are able to ping the loopback and a host’s own IP address, but you’re having problems
pinging any other computers. You’ve checked all the connections and everything appears to
be in place. What would be the appropriate next step?
A. Try reaching the other computers with the PATHPING command.
B. Clear the ARP cache using arp -d * and then try again.
C. Use the nbtstat command to check the NetBIOS name cache.
D. Replace the NIC.

You are an administrator on the network shown in Figure 1-22. Users in the San Francisco office
are complaining that they cannot reach DelDC01 from any clients. You run a TRACERT command
to DelDC01 from a client in the San Francisco office. It gets as far as TXRouter and then times out.
You run some additional PING tests and determine the following connections are valid:
■ (DelRouter) to (DelDC01)
■ (TXRouter) to (DelRouter)
What could you do at SFRouter to provide a consistent connection to DelDC01 for the San
Francisco office?


Offices in San
Francisco, Texas,
and Delaware
connected by

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Self Test Answers 59


Configure TCP/IP on Servers and Clients
1. þ A, C, and D are all correct. The hardware address that’s burned into the Ethernet card
goes by many different names.
ý B is incorrect because the logical, administrator-assigned TCP/IP address is always referred
to as the IP address and (fortunately) doesn’t have any synonyms.
2. þ C is correct. Microsoft recommends assigning static IP addresses to all the servers in a
network. The reason for this is that if you let DHCP assign addresses dynamically, the server’s
IP address could change at some time, and then some clients might no longer be able to access
the server.
ý A is wrong because APIPA assigns an IP address automatically at startup when there is
no DHCP server available to assign an IP address from an acceptable pool.
ý B is wrong because Obtain An IP Address Automatically sets up a dynamic IP address
that’s assigned and managed by DHCP.
ý D is wrong because a dynamic address is one that an administrator doesn’t assign
manually. DHCP assigns dynamic IP addresses automatically without administrator control.
3. þ D is correct. The host octet in the mask, 192, is 11000000, which means we have 6 host
bits, and thus 2 – 2, or 62 host addresses. Since the subnet ID is, hosts would
be numbered to The broadcast address would be the next value,
ý A is incorrect because that’s the lowest available number, and hence would be used as the
network ID.
ý B and C are incorrect because the highest address within the range is used as the broadcast
address, and is the highest available number in this range.

Determine Valid IP Addresses

4. þ D is correct. That’s the only subnet mask that would apply to a Class C address. The
answer here would have to be 255.255.255.something.
ý A, B, and C are incorrect because they’re not valid subnet masks for a Class C address.
5. þ C is correct. You were given the subnet address to work with, so right
off the bat, you know that the first available host address will be one greater than that— Converting the host portion of the mask, 224, to binary gives you 11100000.

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Chapter 1

60 Chapter 1: Configuring and Troubleshooting TCP/IP

So you know you can have 25 – 2, or 30 hosts on the network. Thus, the range of valid host
addresses is to
ý A and B are wrong because you can’t assign the network ID to a host.
ý C is wrong because 255 – 129 equals 126 possible host addresses. The host portion of
the subnet mask only allows for 30 hosts per subnet.

Configure Routing
6. þ C is correct. The default gateway for all clients on that side of the router must match the
connection that’s on the same side of the router (Server01 is playing the role of a router here).
ý A is incorrect because NIC1 is properly addressed for its side of the router.
ý B is wrong because NIC2 is on the far side of the router, so its IP address wouldn’t need
to match the IP addresses on the other side of the router.
ý D is wrong because Client01’s subnet mask is already appropriate for its subnet.
7. þ A is correct. netmask would encompass all hosts on the network.
ý B is incorrect because we’re looking to set up a temporary route. The -p switch would
make this a persistent route.
ý C and D are incorrect because the netmask is too specific. We want a route that will
encompass all messages to 192.168.5.x.
8. þ C is correct. It has the most specific netmask and a lower metric than option D.
ý A is incorrect because all the other options have a more specific netmask.
ý B is incorrect because the netmask is less specific than those shown in C and D.
ý D would not be chosen over C because D has a higher metric.

Troubleshoot TCP/IP and Routing

9. þ C is correct. ping is an easy tool for checking connectivity within the local subnet.
ý A is wrong because ipconfig only tells you about the local host.
ý B is wrong because tracert is for checking connectivity on the far side of the router
(outside the local subnet).
ý D is wrong because pathping is used for determining router statistics, not connectivity
within a subnet.

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Lab Answer 61

10. þ A is correct. You know that the IP software on the local host is working correctly because
you can ping the local host. Therefore, the first thing to check is the cable that connects the
host to the network.
ý B and C are wrong because you already know the NIC and IP software is functioning
ý D is wrong because you’d only want to change the IP address and subnet mask after
you’ve ascertained that the networking hardware is functioning, and have also determined
that there’s a problem with the local TCP/IP configuration.
11. þ B is correct. When connectivity between hosts within a subnet fails, even though
everything appears to be in place, a faulty ARP cache could be the problem.
ý A is incorrect because pathping tests across routers.
ý C is incorrect because nbtstat and NetBIOS names aren’t an issue here.
ý D is incorrect because it’s a lot more trouble to go to than entering arp -d * and
trying again.

This one takes some thinking, so let’s look at what you know. The route to DelDC01 is reachable
from on TXRouter, as indicated from your ping tests. DelRouter is able to reach
TXRouter, as indicated by tracert. But the hop from TXRouter to DelRouter isn’t working. What’s
the most likely scenario in a situation like this? Either the routing table on SFRouter is wrong and
needs to be corrected, or there just is no persistent route in the table for this path.
So let’s say you check the routing table and there’s nothing in there to direct packages addressed
to 176.17.1.x to any particular IP address. You can create a persistent connection for all packets
addressed to 176.17.1.x to by entering this command in SFRouter’s routing table:
route –p add MASK

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Blind Folio 62

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