File Skripsi Fatimah
File Skripsi Fatimah
File Skripsi Fatimah
I hereby declare that the paper entitled “Students’ Anxiety in Delivering English
some statements and ideas from many resources. All quotations are properly
given grace and blessings to the writer. Therefore, the writer can complete this
This research was written as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
The writer realizes that this research is far from being perfect. Thus, she
appreciates all forms of criticism and suggestions for this research to run better.
Hopefully, the research can be useful for her and also for the readers.
has given the writer this grace and opportunity so that the research entitled
research was written as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Sarjana
and support to the writer. In this good opportunity, the writer would like to
express gratitude and appreciation to all of them. First, the writer expresses
gratitude for the support given to her beloved parents, older brothers, and a
The writer also expresses her gratitude to Dr. Deddy Sofyan, M.Pd. as the
first supervisor, and Abdul Rosyid, M.Pd. as the second supervisor, who have
provided a lot of advice and motivation during the process of completing this
Sincerely, the writer also expresses her gratitude to Istiqlaliah Nurul Hidayati,
M.Pd. as the head of the English Education Study Program, to Gusnadi, S.Pd.,
M.M., to all lecturers, and also to all staff of the Faculty of Teacher Training and
Educational Sciences, Pakuan University. Besides, she would like to express her
Aryani, S.Pd., and Nurhayati, S.Pd. as the English teachers from SMAN 1
Cipanas, to all the teachers, staff, and class X MIPA students especially class X
their support. The writer also would like to thank all those who took part in the
preparation of this research. This research is still far from being perfect. However,
she hopes this research is not only useful for the writer but also for everyone who
reads it. Therefore, for better improvement, criticism and suggestions for this
APROVAL PAGE........................................................................................... i
PREFACE...................................................................................................... iv
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT............................................................................. v
ABSTRACT.................................................................................................. vii
C. Research Question............................................................................... 3
E. Research Focus.....................................................................................3
F. Operational Definition..........................................................................4
G. Research Significance..........................................................................4
A. Anxiety................................................................................................ 6
2. Types of Anxiety........................................................................... 7
B. Presentation........................................................................................15
C. Related Research................................................................................20
C. Research Instruments......................................................................... 24
E. Data Analysis..................................................................................... 26
A. Data Description................................................................................ 27
B. Data Analysis..................................................................................... 45
A. Conclusion......................................................................................... 48
B. Suggestion..........................................................................................49
Appendix 1: Instrument Penelitian
Appendix 3: SK Bimbingan
English are also available in many countries around the world. English itself
has four skills that must be mastered those are reading, listening, writing, and
speaking skills.
In the education system, especially in the school system, there are many
presentation students can also build their critical thinking because they are
a foreign language such as the English language is very difficult and requires
students. Based on the teacher’s experienced, she said that the students are
said that they always feel anxious when they are asked to make a
improving students' English language skills, student emotions are the most
skills in English class. Feeling tense, worried, and anxious will interfere with
pre-observation, the writer found that there were students who still had
found that there are still students who cannot make presentations properly.
After all, they have anxiety about it. Mastering English skills is very
important for students to see current global developments. Thus, students are
required to be able to speak fluently both in the classroom and outside the
language skills, especially in a classroom presentation, both students and
English Presentation".
D. Research Question
The question of this research is “What are the causes of students' anxiety
E. Research Focus
F. Operational Definition
1. Anxiety
Anxiety can strike anyone and under any circumstances, one of them is
2. Presentation
G. Research Significance
a. The teacher
English. Thus, they can make the atmosphere in the classroom better
than before. This will make students more comfortable so that they can
b. The readers
The results of this study can be used to provide readers with new ideas
c. The researcher
The results of this study can be used to provide new knowledge about
A. Anxiety
contains fear and concern about the future without special reasons.
Nevid Jeffrey S, Rathus Spencer A, and Greene Beverly (2005: 163) also
concern that something bad will happen. From the two statements above
can be interpreted that anxiety comes from feelings of worry about the
While Kelly (Cervone, 2012: 195) states, anxiety is an event that is faced
that have not yet occurred in the future. These feelings are normal
2. Types of Anxiety
1) Trait anxiety
2) State anxiety
3. The Symptoms of Anxiety
being wrong, fear of losing face, or lack of confidence. This can affect
1) Body/physical
g. Sweating more
difficulty sleeping
c. There is a change in breathing rhythm
d. There is muscle contraction in the chin, around the eyes and jaw
2) Mind/psychic
a. Feeling scared
b. Tell yourself that you are going to get physically sick like a
3) Behaviour
4. Foreign Language Anxiety
language anxiety is an important factor that influences one's level of
Tuncer and Dogan (2015) also reveal that students’ anxiety develops and
academic performance.
language so that it can affect students negatively and they may feel
nervous (Tanveer, 2007). Bodie (2010: 72) also said, the validity of
Burns, & Schwerdtfeger, 2006). Emotional regulation can be defined as
students often feel stressed when they must speak in front of the class
into the classroom without preparation to answer, are other factors that
cause anxiety. As a result, students try to avoid eye contact with their
teacher, fearing that the teacher might ask them even if it is about a topic
Likewise, for some students who speak in public, such as giving
1) Communication apprehension
2) Fear of negative evaluation
that other people will judge them negatively. This is also not only
3) Test anxiety
(2010), and Liu (2011), mention other common factors that cause
laughed at, lack of preparation and feel embarrassed. Shu Feng Tseng
1. Pressure by parents and teachers to get good grades in school in
English lessons.
language to learn.
B. Presentation
speak to the audience verbally. In her statement (Shea, 2009) also said
reading a script delivered by a presenter (can be one or more presenters)
speaking skills in English subjects. Whereas Knapp & Hall (2002) said
but also include other aspects such as body language, eye contact, or sign
1) Presenter
2) Media
Noer (2012: 31) said that, media is a means that is displayed when
mention that, other media that can be used for presentations are
3) Audience
to content, presenters must also pay attention to the language used and
also the body movements used. Making eye contact with audience
shows that a presenter is ready to talk to them. Besides that, the body
Apple (2011) says that one of the problems facing students today is
that very few students are allowed to use spoken English in the
classroom before entering the university and even fewer have the
language skills but also the content of the presentation makes students
look worse.
their ideas to the group (Nishino, 2008: 30). Mastery of technical oral
(2002), the ability to deliver a successful oral presentation is a practical
Hairuzila (2011) who claims that success requires more than strong
students to use all four language skills in a naturally integrated way; and
Thus, the conclusion of the explanation above is, the English
C. Related Research
There are three related researchers for this research. The first was written
universities in Ciamis. The results of this study include that it is found that
male and female students always feel anxious if they have to present
the study revealed that there are several strategies used by students in dealing
confident, making the atmosphere brighter, and preparing the material well.
investigate the Language Anxiety of Senior School Students and also to find
out what gets the most dominant language anxiety. The results of this study
were data analysis shows that the most dominant student anxiety is found in
the classroom atmosphere more fun and relaxed in teaching language skills
The last related research was written by Chunguang Tian (2019). The
this research. The similarity, they have the same variable which is anxiety.
However, the three studies also have differences those are: the first related
research had a comparison between male and female students, whereas this
research does not. Second, the participants of the third related research were
University Students while this study is conducted for Senior High School
or area of interest factually and accurately. Moreover, seven steps were used
by the writer in conducting this research. The first step was to state the
research question. The second step was to determine the focus of research
that is focused on what causes the anxiety that students faced when
Fourth, determine the instrument was used by the writer. There were three
The fifth step was to analyze data obtained from three instruments. The sixth
suggestions and conclusions from the results of data that had been obtained.
Stating Research Question
Drawing Conclusion
and Suggestion
B. Research Site and Participants
class. This study also used purposive sampling to get participants. Purposive
sampling means taking subjects that are not based on groups, regions,
become members on the recommendation of the teacher and must carry out
C. Research Instrument
1. Observation
writer also can find out the anxiety faced by students during the learning
factors to be observed.
2. Questionnaire
After the classroom observation activities were carried out, the next
were based on the indicator that was caused for anxiety in classroom
Tian’s study.
3. Interview
The next instrument was used by the writer for this study was an
interview process.
The writer was collect data through three processes. In the first process,
During the teaching-learning process, the writer had used observation sheet.
In addition, the writer used video recordings during the presentation process
The last instrument was the interview. The type of interview was used is
a structured interview, namely the type of interview that has been determined
E. Data Analysis
After the data was collected, the data was analyzed and classified as
Third, the results of the interview were transcribed and interpreted. All data
A. Data Description
January 25th, and February 1st, 2021. This was done to determine
obtain the data. There were 5 students who were observed according to
the same time. 4 classes were members of the group including, Class X
However, the writer only focused on 5 students who were the member of
Class X MIPA 1. The material studied was about simple past tense. The
teacher explained the simple past tense and had a little discussion with
students during learning process. At the end of the lesson, the teacher
has been studied and is asked to send the video to the teacher.
given by the teacher. The writer only focused on the five related students,
On P2, the ability in pronunciation is good, but there were still some
that were still lacking in pronunciation, such as: the word "...stay..." is
pronounced /oter/. On the P4 performance the pronunciation of the word,
/əbut/. In other hand, P5, the pronunciation sounds louder but there were
As for example on P1, the participant did not make eye contact as she
were seen looking the other way. In addition, the speech sounds
disjointed by P1, P2, and P5, so that the pronunciation of the sentence
word spoken. As for P3 and P4, the used of body language looks stiff.
For P5, the head gesture is always down during the presentation. From
that the participants had not really mastered the material in full.
pronounced /kin/, "...retell..." is pronounced /retail/, "...such..." was
still lacking in pronunciation. The same was done by P5, the word
and P3, the pronunciation was quite good, but there were also some
The eye contacts made by participants were still the same as in the
camera. For the tone of voice that is issued, the intonation of P1 sounds
fast. P3 did the same thing in making presentations. For P5, the
her head down during the presentation. Mastery of the material seems to
be lacking, it can be seen from the way they look in another direction
correct, such as: the word "...verbs..." was pronounced /vers/, the word
P2, had done well but there were still some incorrect pronunciations such
as the word "...words..." was pronounced as /wod/, the word
On the other hand, P3 had also done a good pronunciation but there were
still some words that are not properly pronounced. such as the word
was pronounced /wod/, and there were still several other words that are
not properly pronounced. This also applies to P5, there are some
pronunciations that were still not correct, such as the word "...let..." was
there was one participant (P4) who did not complete the presentation
Table 4.1
Neutral - -
Agree 2 40%
Agree 1 20%
Neutral - -
Agree - -
Neutral - -
Agree 2 40%
Strongly Agree 2 40%
Neutral - -
Agree 2 40%
Neutral - -
Agree - -
Neutral 1 20%
Agree 1 20%
Neutral - -
Agree 2 40%
English. Neutral - -
Agree - -
Neutral - -
Agree 1 20%
Neutral - -
Agree - -
Neutral - -
Agree 1 20%
teacher is likely to give Disagree
negative feedback to my
presentation. Disagree - -
Neutral 2 40%
Agree 2 40%
Strongly Agree - -
As shown in table 4.1, in the first statement, the choices with 'strongly
agree' and agree were 40% each while the other three options (neutral,
disagree, strongly disagree) each got 0%. In the second statement, namely: I
feel more tense and nervous about presentations in English than other class
activities, the choice strongly agrees to get 60% points, agree 20%, and the
other three choices get 0%. It can also be seen in the third statement, the
choice strongly agrees to get 80% points while the other four choices get 0%.
the strongly agree and agree choices. Neutral choices, disagree, and disagree
which gets the same percentage in each choice as in the previous statement,
in The choice strongly agrees, while the other options get a percentage of 0.
The other statement (number 7), each got 20% on neutral and agree. For
the choice strongly agree to get 40%, while the choice strongly disagree and
disagree each gets 0%. Furthermore, the statement regarding students' fear of
the teacher's assessment, each got 40% on the choices strongly agree and
agree, while the other three choices got 0%. It was seen that the participants
were worried that they would make mistakes when presenting in English. It
can be seen that the percentage obtained in the strongly agree option is to get
There is also in statement number 10, there are 60% on the choice of
strongly agree and 20% on the choice of agree. While the other three options
get 0%. Furthermore, it can be seen that the percentage of 80% on the choice
strongly agrees on statement number 11, while 0% on the other four choices.
It can also be seen in the next statement, number 12, 40% of which are for
strongly agree, 20% agree, 20% are neutral, and 0% are for the other two
60% of the choices strongly agree and 20% agree on statement number 13.
Finally, each of them gets 40% on the agree and neutral choices, while 0%
Participants who voted strongly agreed that they were worried that they
would not be able to present well. In addition, preparation can also affect
the five participants, one of them did not complete the questionnaire process
because at the stage of filling out the questionnaire, the participant chose to
withdraw from school so that the largest percentage only reached 80%
instead of 100%.
The last step of the data collection technique was interviewing the
on the wishes of the respondents to help the writer in analyzing the result.
The first question was about the confidence faced by students when
speaking in English in the class. It is found that all of the students were
Excerpt #1
No, Miss.
R#3 : Tidak bu
No, Miss.
R#5 : Tidak Bu
No, Miss.
with other class activities. The answers for each student can be seen in
excerpt #2:
Excerpt #2
bahasa inggrisnya
Furthermore, in excerpt #3 it is stated that there were several
reasons why students felt anxious to make presentations in English. One
of the main factors is due to skills in English itself.
Excerpt #3
Yes, I am worried.
In excerpt #3, it was stated that students felt anxious because skills
Excerpt #4
belum lancar kn …
Excerpt #5
R#5 : Iya Bu
Yes, Miss.
Apart from the English skill factor, other factors such as the
influence of friends, teachers, and feelings of shame can also affect the
Excerpt #6
Afraid of an assessment.
Feel embarrassed.
The next question is, among several factors that cause anxiety
mentioned earlier, which one makes the student feel anxious the most.
still have doubts about their ability to say a few words in English.
Excerpt #7
R#1 : Pengucapan bu
In pronunciation, Miss.
In pronunciation, too.
takut salah
Excerpt #8
Sakit perut
Stomach ache
degdegan aja
sweat too.
The last question that the researcher asked the
Excerpt #9
Excerpt #10
degdegan lagi
B. Data Analysis
interview, the data taken from all those three instruments were analyzed.
This was done to find out the anxiety that students had in delivering English
Based on the results of the observation data, it was found that most of
the students looked nervous with a stuttering voice and also avoided eye
Based on the results of the questionnaire, the most dominant results with
the same percentage were: first, with the statement that students were
worried that they did not present well. In addition, the second, the statement
that students feel panic if they do not prepare the presentation well.
also the presence of physical symptoms such as a beating heart so fast also
mentioned result was that they did not feel confident speaking in English.
made them more anxious than other classroom activities. One of the reasons
feelings of shame and fear of being seen by other students are also factors
shame. The results of this study are following the theory of Huyen (2003),
Boonkit (2010), and Liu (2011). They said that the most common factors of
student anxiety were lack of vocabulary, errors in pronunciation, lack of
A. Conclusion
when doing this activity. Therefore, this study aims to determine the causes
found that the participants' self-confidence was still very lacking so that
many students did not make eye contact by not looking at the camera and
presentation. Findings from the results of the questionnaire, the writer found
that students felt afraid when they made mistakes during the presentation. In
that students felt less confident, embarrassed, and afraid to make mistakes,
data, it can be concluded that the most common anxiety factors are lack of
self-confidence, fear of making mistakes (for example, limited in vocabulary,
B. Suggestion
Based on these results, there are suggestions for students and teachers.
the writer found that the teacher did not motivate students who had made
presentations but only appreciated the display of the assessment in the form
positive feedback from the teacher to each student so that students can have a
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Hari/Tanggal :
Partisipan :
Kelas :
1 Ketidaktepatan dalam
pengucapan kata (seperti
ucapan, nada, atau tekanan)
2 Kalimat terdengar
4 Gerak badan
5 Suara nyaring
6 Suara kecil
A. Pengantar
Presentasi dalam bahasa Inggris tentunya memiliki banyak manfaat dalam proses
meningkatkan keterampilan bahasa Inggris, salah satu diantaranya adalah meningkatkan
keterampilan berbicara. Meskipun begitu, banyak siswa masih merasa cemas dalam
mempratekan presentasi dalam bahasa Inggris di dalam kelas. Untuk itu, perlu diketahui
apa penyebab dari kecemasan siswa ketika presentasi dalam bahasa Inggris.
Saya Patimah mahasiswi Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan
dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Pakuan, sedang melakukan penelitian yang berjudul
“Students’ Anxiety in Delivering English Presentation”. Untuk itu, saya mohon
kesediaan Anda untuk mengisi angket ini. Informasi yang Anda berikan tentu akan
sangat bermanfaat untuk penelitian saya. Atas waktu dan kesediannya, saya ucapkan
terima kasih.
B. Identitas Responden
Partisipan :
Kelas :
saya mulai merasa panik sebelum melakukan presentasi
bahasa Inggris.
13. Saya takut jika siswa lain lebih baik dalam melakukan
presentasi bahasa Inggris dibanding saya.
1. Apakah Anda merasa percaya diri berbicara bahasa Inggris di depan kelas?
2. Apakah kegiatan presentasi bahasa Inggris membuat Anda merasa lebih cemas
dibandingkan dengan kegiatan kelas yang lain? Mengapa demikian?
3. Faktor apa saja yang paling membuat Anda tidak merasa percaya diri melakukan
presentasi dalam bahasa Inggris?
4. Apakah Anda pernah merasakan gejala fisik ketika melakukan presentasi dalam bahasa
5. Apa yang Anda rasakan ketika Anda sudah menyelesaikan kegiatan presentasi dalam
Bahasa Inggris?
Partisipan : P1
Kelas : X MIPA 1
6 Suara kecil ✔
Partisipan : P2
Kelas : X MIPA 1
5 Suara nyaring ✔
6 Suara kecil ✔
Partisipan : P3
Kelas : X MIPA 1
1 Ketidaktepatan dalam
pengucapan kata (seperti
ucapan, nada, atau tekanan)
2 Kalimat terdengar ✔
5 Suara nyaring ✔
6 Suara kecil ✔
Partisipan : P4
Kelas : X MIPA 1
5 Suara nyaring ✔
6 Suara kecil ✔
Partisipan : P5
Kelas : X MIPA 1
5 Suara nyaring ✔
6 Suara kecil ✔
Presentasi dalam bahasa Inggris tentunya memiliki banyak manfaat dalam proses meningkatkan
keterampilan bahasa Inggris, salah satu diantaranya adalah meningkatkan keterampilan berbicara.
Meskipun begitu, banyak siswa masih merasa cemas dalam mempratekan presentasi dalam bahasa
Inggris di dalam kelas. Untuk itu, perlu diketahui apa penyebab dari kecemasan siswa ketika presentasi
dalam bahasa Inggris.
Saya Patimah mahasiswi Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu
Pendidikan, Universitas Pakuan, sedang melakukan penelitian yang berjudul “Students’ Anxiety in
Delivering English Presentation”. Untuk itu, saya mohon kesediaan Anda untuk mengisi angket ini.
Informasi yang Anda berikan tentu akan sangat bermanfaat untuk penelitian saya. Atas waktu dan
kesediannya, saya ucapkan terima kasih.
Nama *
Alpi rismawati
Kelas *
X mipa 1
Saya merasa tidak percaya diri berbicara bahasa Inggris di depan siswa lain. *
1 2 3 4 5
Saya merasa tegang dan gugup ketika melakukan kegiatan presentasi bahasa Inggris
dibandingkan melakukan kegiatan kelas lain. *
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
Saya melakukan persiapan secara penuh untuk kegiatan presentasi bahasa Inggris. *
1 2 3 4 5
Meskipun sudah mempersiapkan diri secara penuh, saya mulai merasa panik sebelum
melakukan presentasi bahasa Inggris. *
1 2 3 4 5
Saya mulai panik ketika saya memberikan presentasi dalam bahasa Inggris tanpa persiapan
yang baik. *
1 2 3 4 5
Saya gemetar ketika saya tahu bahwa saya akan menjadi siswa berikutnya yang melakukan
presentasi dalam bahasa Inggris. *
1 2 3 4 5
Saya merasa takut ketika tahu bahwa kegiatan presentasi bahasa Inggris akan di nilai oleh
guru. *
1 2 3 4 5
Saya khawatir tentang membuat kesalahan ketika melakukan presentasi dalam bahasa
Inggris. *
1 2 3 4 5
Ketika presentasi dalam bahasa Inggris, saya merasa cemas dan melupakan apa yang sudah
saya ketahui. *
1 2 3 4 5
Saya bisa merasakan jantung saya berdetak dengan kencang ketika melakukan presentasi
dalam bahasa Inggris. *
1 2 3 4 5
Ketika guru dan siswa lain menatap saya ketika presentasi dalam bahasa Inggris, saya sering
tergagap dan mengulang kata/kalimat. *
1 2 3 4 5
Saya takut jika siswa lain lebih baik dalam melakukan presentasi bahasa Inggris dibanding
saya. *
1 2 3 4 5
Saya takut jika guru akan memberikan timbal balik yang buruk terhadap presentasi bahasa
Inggris saya. *
1 2 3 4 5