Rc19-Using Role Play in Teaching Speaking
Rc19-Using Role Play in Teaching Speaking
Rc19-Using Role Play in Teaching Speaking
D : Total score between I variable (X variable) and II variable (Y variable).
And D is gained with formula; D = X-Y
N : Number of cases
: The standard deviation from differences between score of X variable and
Y variable, which is gained with the formula;
: The standard error from mean of differences that is gained with the
df : Degree of freedom with formula: N-1
A. Description of Data
After conducting the research, the writer obtained two kinds of data; the
scores of pre-test and the scores of post-test.
1. The Pre-Test Scores
The data of the pre-test scores can be seen in the table 7 below:
Table 7
No. Pronunciation Grammar Vocabulary Fluency Comprehension Total
1. 60 60 62 60 60 302
2. 66 60 70 65 70 331
3. 84 75 80 83 80 402
4. 62 62 65 60 64 313
5. 78 70 77 75 80 380
6. 75 70 76 73 78 372
7. 80 72 78 75 80 385
8. 65 60 63 63 65 316
9. 70 65 70 70 70 345
10. 90 85 90 90 90 445
11. 73 68 70 70 75 356
12. 68 65 70 70 70 343
13. 62 62 68 63 66 321
14. 83 86 85 80 90 424
15. 73 73 75 70 75 366
16. 60 60 63 62 63 308
17. 68 70 78 65 75 356
18. 70 69 74 73 70 356
19. 80 74 77 82 80 393
20. 70 70 75 70 78 363
21. 77 80 80 75 80 392
22. 64 60 70 62 67 323
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23. 60 60 65 60 64 309
24. 67 66 70 65 70 338
25. 85 80 90 84 85 424
26. 72 70 80 70 75 367
27. 63 70 70 64 77 344
28. 75 70 78 76 75 374
29. 72 75 75 70 75 367
30. 60 60 64 62 65 311
After the data is analyzed, it shows that the mean ( x ) is 357,53 the
standard deviation is 37,540 the median is 356 the highest score is 445 and
the lowest score is 302.
2. The Post-Test Scores
The data of the post-test score can be seen in the table 8 below:
Table 8
No. Pronunciation Grammar Vocabulary Fluency Comprehension Total
1. 60 60 65 62 65 312
2. 66 63 73 65 75 342
3. 85 80 82 85 86 418
4. 63 63 68 62 66 322
5. 80 73 80 75 82 390
6. 78 70 80 73 80 381
7. 80 75 80 75 85 395
8. 67 63 65 66 65 326
9. 70 70 70 75 74 359
10. 92 90 90 95 90 457
11. 73 70 70 73 75 361
12. 70 67 70 70 73 350
13. 62 62 70 65 68 327
14. 83 86 88 83 90 430
15. 73 73 80 73 75 374
16. 60 60 65 65 63 313
17. 70 73 78 70 75 366
18. 70 74 75 75 75 369
19. 80 75 80 85 83 403
20. 72 74 75 72 80 373
21. 80 80 80 77 80 397
22. 65 62 70 62 69 328
23. 60 62 65 60 65 312
24. 70 68 70 66 70 344
25. 85 85 90 86 86 432
26. 72 70 80 75 78 375
27. 64 70 70 65 77 346
28. 75 74 80 76 77 382
29. 72 75 80 70 78 375
30. 60 61 65 62 65 313
After the data is analyzed, it shows that the mean ( x ) is 365,73 the
standard deviation is 38,813 the median is 367,50 the highest score is 457 and
the lowest score is 312.
3. The Comparison of the Test Result
The comparison of the test result can be seen in the table below:
Table 9
Score of Pre-Test
Score of Post-Test
D = (X-Y) D
= (X-Y)
1. 302 312 -10 100
2. 331 342 -11 121
3. 402 418 -16 256
4. 313 322 -9 81
5. 380 390 -10 100
6. 372 381 -9 81
7. 385 395 -10 100
8. 316 326 -10 100
9. 345 359 -14 196
10. 445 457 -12 144
11. 356 361 -5 25
12. 343 350 -7 49
13. 321 327 -6 36
14. 424 430 -6 36
15. 366 374 -8 64
16. 308 313 -5 25
17. 356 366 -10 100
18. 356 369 -13 169
19. 393 403 -10 100
20. 363 373 -10 100
21. 392 397 -5 25
22. 323 328 -5 25
23. 309 312 -3 9
24. 338 344 -6 36
25. 424 432 -8 64
26. 367 375 -8 64
27. 344 346 -2 4
28. 374 382 -8 64
29. 367 375 -8 64
30. 311 313 -2 4
X = 10726 Y = 10972 D = -246 D
= 2342
Based on the data in table 9, the researcher calculated the result of D =
-246 and D
= 2342. Then, she tried to find out the standard deviation of
differences (SD
) with the formula:
( )
29 , 3
827 , 10
24 , 67 07 , 78
2 , 8 07 , 78
To find out the mean of differences (MD) between variable X and Y, the
researcher used the formula:
2 , 8
After gaining the result of SD
= 3,29 the researcher calculated the
standard error from mean of differences (SE
) between variable X and Y:
611 , 0
38 , 5
29 , 3
29 , 3
1 30
29 , 3
The last calculation is determining the result of t observation (to) of the
test with formula:
420 , 13
611 , 0
2 , 8
The result -13,420 indicated that there was a difference of degree as
much as -13,420. Regardless the minus, it doesnt indicate negative score.
Then, to complete the result of the research, the writer finds out the
degree of freedom (df) with the formula:
df = N 1
= 30 1
= 29
df = 29 (see table of t value at the degree of significance of 5% and 1%)
At the degree of significance 5% = 2,045
At the degree of significance 1% = 2,756
The result is 2,045 < 13,420 > 2,756
The result of analyzing the data by using the above formula shows that
the coefficient is 13,420. It means that there is a significance increase after the
role play is used to teach speaking.
B. Interpretation
Having analyzed the data of pre-test and post-test by using t-test formula,
the result shows that the coefficient is 13,420. It means that there is a
significance increase in teaching speaking by using role play.
From the result of calculation, it is obtained the value of the t observation
(to) is 13,420 the degree of freedom (df) is 29 (obtained from N-1) = (30 1 =
29). The writer used the degree of significance of 5% and 1%. In the table of
significance, it can be seen that on the df 29 and on the degree of significance of
5% and 1%, the value of degree of significance are 2,045 and 2,756. If the to
compared with each value of the degrees of significance, the result is 2,045 <
13,420 > 2,756. Since to score obtained from the result of calculating, the
alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted and the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected.
1. If the result of t observation is higher than t table (to > tt), the null hypothesis
(Ho) is rejected and alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted. It means that
there is a significance difference between variable X and variable Y.
2. If the result of t observation is lower than t table (to < tt), the null hypothesis
(Ho) is accepted and alternative hypothesis (Ha) is rejected. It means that
there is no significance difference between variable X and variable Y.
Based on the result of the data analysis, it is proven that the students score
of speaking taught by using role play is better. It means that the use of role play
in teaching speaking is quite effective. Another reason based on the students
responses is because most students find that role play is enjoyable. This reason
leads to better attention in learning and stimulate them to participate in role play
But the problem that they faced mostly is lack of confidence and lack of
vocabulary. In the early stages of the role play the students were uncomfortable
and uncertain. This led to initial lapses of silence. But soon they began helping
one another to decide who should speak. Towards the end, their shyness left them
and they began prompting each other with ideas.
A. Conclusion
Based on the research, the writer concludes that:
1. From the result of the analysis of the research, it is proven that the students
score of speaking taught by using role play is better. This result has answered
the research question that the use of role play in teaching speaking is quite
2. The use of role play makes the speaking and learning activity more enjoyable
and interesting. Its because role play helps the shy students by providing a
mask, where students with difficulty in conversation are liberated. In addition,
it is fun and most students will agree that enjoyment leads to better learning.
3. In role play, the world of the classroom is broadened to include the outside
world. This offers a much wider range of language opportunities. So, the
students can be anyone and in any situation they wish.
4. The use of role play makes the class more active and alive. Students are
willing to participate without any forces from the teacher.
5. The use of role play makes the students more motivated in learning and easier
to grasp the lesson.
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6. Problems that the students faced mostly in role play are lack of confidence
and lack of vocabulary.
B. Suggestion
The success in teaching doesnt depend on the lesson program only, but
more important is how the teacher presents the lesson and uses various techniques
to manage the class more lively and enjoyable. Regarding to the teaching
speaking by using role play, the writer gives some suggestion for the teacher and
students as follow:
For the teacher:
1. The teacher should choose the materials that are appropriate and not too
difficult for the students.
2. Before assigning the role play to the students, the teacher should make sure
that the students have fully understood and have the information they need.
3. The teacher should keep control the students activities.
4. The teacher should present the language in an enjoyable, relaxed and
understandable way.
For the students:
1. The students are hoped not to be shy in acting out their role.
2. The students are hoped to be active and creative in enriching their
3. The students are hoped to use English when they practice role play activities
although it is hard for them.
4. The students should take part much in acting out role play.
5. The students should ask to the teacher if there is something that they dont
understand regarding to the role play activities.
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