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The Rizal Law & Theory of Nationalism Republic Act 1425

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Republic Act 1425 or Rizal Law mandates all

educational institution in the Philippines to teach the
1. What is RA 1425? lifeworks and writings of Jose Rizal.
2. Proponents and opponents of the Rizal Bill Its primary aim is to inculcate students and increase
3. Relevance of studying Rizal sense of nationalism at a time when the Filipino
identity is threatened by various factors. (If ma-
invade ang pagiging nationalist natin.)
1. Identify the basic facts about Republic Act 1425. • The mandatory Rizal subject in the
2. Explain the history of the Rizal Law and its Philippines was the upshot of this bill, which
important provisions; and later became a law in 1956.

3. Determine the value of studying Jose Rizal in the Claro M. Recto – the main proponent of the Rizal
21st century. Bill

The aftermath of the second world war left the

Rizal in the Eyes of the Filipino Philippines struggling during that time. There are
countless problems, challenges, and damages that
• Philippine’s national hero brought by the war cold for the recovery on a national
• A genius with many talents scale.
• A martyr who died in the hands of the
Spaniards while defending the rights of his There are prominent individuals who championed
countrymen nationalism and patriotism where at the forefront of
forwarding measures to instill such values in the
Philippine society. So, these people worked hard to
The Making of a Hero find ways to aid the Filipino youth in the formation of
their national consciousness. That is why some
• Heroism is connected with various concepts. individuals like Senator Claro M. Recto, he believes
• For historians, heroes are nationalistic that studying the life and works of Jose Rizal would
persons from our past who died while be instrumental in teaching the youth to stand up for
defending the Philippines sovereignty and their country. Therefore, embodying the values and
who, at present, serve as role models among ideals of Rizal.
• For government administrators who are Only three (3) people who opposed the bill in the
concerned with economic development, Senate. However, it was met with stiff opposition
heroes are synonymous to overseas contract from the catholic church.
workers who remit dollars to our country,
thereby adding to our dollar reserves which When it was sponsored by Jose P. Laurel who was
are badly needed to keep us competitive in the head of the Senate Committee of Education
the global market. during that time. He helped Senator Recto to defend
• For environmentalists, heroes are those viability and practicality having the bill enacted into
who keep the environment clean and green, law. He firmly believed that passing the bill into law
making sure that this could still be used and will be integral in achieving the noble intent of
enjoyed by future generations. bringing to the Filipinos a sense of nationalism. He
• To the ordinary Filipino, heroes are those believes that it would help Filipinos to understand the
who simply do the right thing without ifs and importance of sovereignty.
buts, those who do good to help others
without asking for anything in return. The churched accused former Senator Recto of
being a communist and anti-Catholic because the
church believes that mandating the students to read
Rizal’s novels, Noli Me Tangere and El
Filibusterismo, would violate the freedom of • To pay tribute to our national hero for
conscience and relations. devoting his life and works in shaping the
Filipino character; and
Claro M. Recto – he was dubbed as communist and • To gain an inspiring source of patriotism
an anti-Catholic by critics for proposing the Rizal Bill. through the study of Rizal’s life, works,
and writings.
Catholic schools threatened to stop operation if the
bill was passed.
These are the aims to accomplish, the reason why
In an attempt to block the passing of the bill into law. Rizal law was passed. It’s one way of showing that
The churches urged their supporters to write to their we admire Jose Rizal, the way we fought our
congressman and senators to show their opposition sovereignty, the way he chose not to use weapons
to the bill. The church organized symposium and just like Andres Bonifacio. To attain independence to
fora to denounce the approval of the said bill. the Filipinos.

However, after challenges, later on, it was passed. In this way, the youth can think of rededicating their
lives to the idols of freedom of nationalism. And to
• Recto shows his firm support for the pay our tribute to our national hero because Jose
unexpurgated version, exclaiming: “The Rizal devoted his life, sacrificed his own happiness
people who would eliminate the books of just for the sake of the Filipino people. With that way,
Rizal from the schools would blot out from Rizal inspired us, and he is a source of patriotism.
our minds the memory of the national hero.
This is not a fight against Recto but a fight
against Rizal.” (Ocampo, 2012, p. 23.) Memorandum Order No. 247
• The bill was eventually passed, and it was
After the R.A. 1425 became formally law,
enacted on June 12, 1956.
• The full name of the law is “An Act to 1994 – Former President Fidel V. Ramos, through
Include in the Curricula of all Public and M.O. No. 247, directed the Secretary of Education,
Private Schools, Colleges, and Culture and Sports (DECS, now DEPED) and the
Universities Courses on the Life, Works, Chairman of the Commission on Higher Education to
and Writings of Jose Rizal, particularly fully implement the RA 1425.
his novels Noli Me Tangere and El
Filibusterismo, Authorizing the Printing 1995 – CHED Memorandum No. 3 was issued
and Distribution Thereof, and for Other enforcing strict compliance to Memorandum Order
Purposes.” No, 247.
• The first section of the law concerns
mandating the students to read Rizal’s
novels. REPUBLIC ACT 229
• The last two sections involve making Rizal’s “An act prohibiting cockfighting, horse racing, and
writings accessible to the general public – jai-alai on the thirtieth day of December of each year
they require the schools to have a sufficient and to create a committee to take charge of the
number of copies in their libraries and proper celebration of Rizal Day in every municipality
mandate the publication of the works in major and chartered city, and for any other purposes.”
Philippine languages.

Jose P. Laurel – the senator who co-wrote the law.

Rizal Law aims to accomplish the following: 1. The subject provides insights into how to deal
with current problems.
• To rededicate the lives of the youth to the
ideals of freedom and nationalism for Dictum – he, who controls the past, controls the
which our heroes lived and died. future. (Ang hindi lumingon sa pinanggalingan ay
hindi makakarating sa paroroonan). Our view of
history forms the manner we perceive the present. We can learn much from what Rizal faced various
Therefore, it influences the kind of solutions that we challenges in life. As a controversial figure during his
provide for existing problems. time, he encounters serious dilemmas and
predicaments, but he responded decently and high-
The Rizal course is full of historical information from
mindedly. He did not care about what other people
which one could base his decisions in life. In various says.
ways, the subject, for instance, teaches that being
educated is vital ingredient for a person or country to Through the crucial decisions in his life, we can
be free and successful. actually sense his priorities and convictions which
manifests how selfless he is. And how great he is.
For example, in his time, there are many resolutions
2. It helps us understand better ourselves as exemplified the aphorism that in this life, there are
Filipinos. things that are more important than personal feeling
and happiness. Rizal sacrificed his own happiness
The past helps us understand who we are. Through for the sake of his countrymen.
pasts that happened to us, it shapes our character.
We comprehensively define ourselves not only in
terms of where we are going, but also where we are 5. It helps in developing logical and critical
from. thinking.
Our heredity, past behaviors, old habit as a nation Critical thinking – refers to decerning, evaluative,
are all significant clues and determinants to our and analytical thinking.
present situations. Interestingly, the life of a very
important national historical figure like Dr. Jose Rizal Rizal as a philosophy major, he demonstrated his
contributes much to shedding the life of our critical thinking skills. In his argumentative essays,
collective experience and identity as Filipino. speech, novels, and written debates. In deciding in
what to believe or do, Rizal proved his being
The good grasp of the past offered by the subject reasonably reflective thinker. He did not based on
would help us in dealing wisely with the present. For
his rational whims and baseless opinions. He
example, if there are problems or challenges that
indiscriminately evaluated and criticize even the
Rizal faced during his time. We can reflect on that doctrines of religion of his time.
and try to figure out what are those problems we
think we also have problems today. We can use This course, therefore, is also a lesson in critical
process or the way on how Rizal faced those thinking.
challenges because it will be easier for us to
6. Rizal can serve as a worthwhile model and
inspiration to every Filipino.
3. It teaches nationalism and patriotism.
If there is one, who is looking for someone to imitate
Nationalism – involves the desire to attain freedom to be their model or inspiration. Rizal is a viable
and political independence especially by a country choice. The hero’s philosophies, his life principles,
under foreign power. his convictions, his thoughts, his ideals and
aspirations, and even his dream is a good influence
Patriotism – denotes proud devotion and loyalty to to anyone.
one’s nation.
Throughout his life, he valued nationalism and
The life, works, and writings of Dr. Jose Rizal, patriotism. His respect for his parents, love for his
especially his novels, essentially, if not perfectly, it
siblings, his loyalty to his friends, and maintain the
radiates this trait. Being devoted and loyal to one’s sense of chivalry. Those are the values that being
nation. highlighted in the life of Dr. Jose Rizal.
The subject will help us to understand Philippines As a man of education, he highly regarded a high
better. academic excellence, logical and critical thinking, his
4. It provides various essential life lessons.
philosophical and scientific inquiry, linguistic studies,
and cultural research.
As a person, Rizal manifested versatility and
flexibility while sustaining a strong sense of moral

7. The subject is a rich source of entertaining

This subject is full of fascinating non-fictional
accounts. For example, when Rizal was involved in
a love triangle with Antonio Luna. He was a model in
some of Juan Luna’s painting. His wife, Josephine
Bracken was remarried to a man from Cebu and had
tutored former President Sergio Osmenia.
Filipina beauty queen Gemma Cruz Araneta is a
descendant of Rizal’s sister, Maria.
1. What is a nation? • A set of systems – political, social, and
economic – characterized by the promotion
2. What is Nationalism?
of the interests of one nation anchored on the
aim to achieve and maintain self-governance
or total sovereignty.
1. explain the concept of nationalism;
It holds that a particular nation should govern itself
2. Determine how Rizal’s works embody the concept and should be free from external inference. A nation
of nationalism and has independence.
3. Assess the different views regarding Rizal and his • Another facet of nationalism is that it is
oriented towards developing and maintaining
a national identity based on shared
characteristics such as culture, language,
NATION AND NATIONALISM race, and religion.
• According to the Oxford Dictionary, a nation Nationalism seeks to preserve and shape a nation’s
is “a large body of people united by common culture. The concept of nationalism is essentially
descent, history, culture, or language, modern nowadays. While people have historically
inhabiting a particular country or territory.” been attached to the families, community, and native
land. The concept of nationalism only gained
Nation is a large group of people who shares
recognition in the late 18th century.
common characteristics such as language,
traditions, and ethnicity. The people who belong to a The conceptualization of nationalism in a
same nation share a same culture, history, and distinctively modern sense was tied to the political
identify themselves distinct from others. awakening of the lower classes.
Emergence of nationhood is closely tied with the When Rizal witnessed the execution of the
concepts of identity and ethnicity through the GOMBURZA, he wished that someday, the Filipino
process of nation from nation and nation building. people would be awakened that what is happening
The troops of the people come together as a single to the country is not what they deserve.
unified nation.
Nationalist movements had invariably populist in
Nation from nation is the process where people outlook and sought to induct lower classes into
gradually establish a national identity. political life.
Nation building is a process initiated by the state
that defines and reinforces national identity.
Example: Philippines
1. Culture – refers to customs, traditions, beliefs,
• According to the Merriam-Webster food, and folk songs and dances.
Dictionary, nationalism is defined as "loyalty
2. History – the study of the past. Philippines is rich
and devotion to a nation, especially a sense
in history because there are several or different
of national consciousness," and "exalting
events that happened in the past.
one nation above all others and placing
primary emphasis on promotion of its culture 3. Language – Tagalog, Ilokano, Bisaya, Bikolano,
and interests as opposed to those of other etc.
nations or supranational groups."
4. Religion – Catholic, Muslims, Iglesia ni Cristo
Loyalty and devotion – Filipinos who are patronizing
our own products is one way of showing our loyalty 5. Territory – refers to the boundary in terms of
and devotion to our nation. aerial, fluvial, and terrestrial.
NATIONALISM CONTINUE... The novel of Dr. Jose Rizal provide the means of
representing the nation as an imagined community
• Nationalism is best understood by first that operated an empty time enabling the reader to
looking into the term nation. be omniscient to see the society and _ of the key
• According to BENEDICT ANDERSON, a people in it.
prominent historian and political scientist,
who explored the origins of nationalism, he
defined the nations as a fabrication, a bond
Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo emerged as
between people who did not actually exist the founding texts of Philippine nationalism. These
prior to its own recognition. novels exposed the ills of the Spanish colonial
According to Anderson, nationess is a cultural government and the evils prevailing in the Philippine
artifact that is felt as having existed since time society by presenting a narrative that contextualizes
memorial but is objectively modern as it first the country in terms of politics, economy, and
emerged toward the end of 18th century. culture.

• For ANDERSON, the nation “is an imagined Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo, you can
community – and imagined as both discover or see the nationalism that the Filipino
inherently limited and sovereign” (2006). people have shown in the novels.
Anderson just wants to define nation as an imagined Rizal was able to go against the colonizers and show
community because even if we have one nationality, how literatures can be used to arouse people to be
one territory, one language, one culture, one religion catalyst of social change.
(based on five elements), Filipinos can be seen all
over the world. Even we do not meet each other In both his novels, he was able to portray the Filipino
because of the imagined community, at the end of in different dimensions from those who have colonial
the day, we do have one nation. The bond of mentality to those who fought for the country at all
Filipinos will never be separated even they are far costs. Through his novels, he emphasizes the
away from each other. values of nationalism and loving one’s country.
National narrative, Rizal presented because the
• The Philippine nation is an imagined inspiration for strengthening the anti-colonial
community because one who identifies movement.
himself or herself as a Filipino will never meet During the time Rizal was aiming for sovereignty
all the other Filipinos around the world, yet from the Spaniards, those are the times also that
he or she is convinced that they exist, and he Filipino people are starting to realize that they should
or she is related to them. be awakened – that this is the time they need to fight
Anderson presented the Homogenous Empty Time. for their independence.
He borrowed the ideas from Walter Benjamin which
replace the idea of Simultaneity Along Time.
Simultaneity Among Time – refers to the medieval
conception of time as _ events in the past, present,
and future simultaneously.
Homogenous Empty Time – suggest that a nation
can be imagined as a unit moving through time.


Anderson points out that Rizal’s Noli Me Tangere
conjured an imagined community as if the readers
and the author were familiar to and intimate with
each other, with the characters and readers being
situated in the same context of time and space.
LESSON 3: The Philippines in the 19th Century These are the things that transpired in the world
during 19th century.

Intended Learning Outcomes

In the Philippines, as stated in the chapter of the
1. Discuss Jose Rizal’s life within the context of 19th Rizaliana batch of biographers, the history of the
century Philippines; Philippines during the 19th century was divided into
2. Describe what was the political, economic and three constitutions namely:
social life of the Philippines during the 19th century;
3. Give the importance and relevance of how 1. Political Institutions
nationalism was molded in the heart and mind of our
national hero. The Political set-up of the Philippines during those
times was headed by the Governor-General. He was
appointed by the King of Spain for an “indefinite”
The 19th century is known to be the age of period of time as loyalty was one of the major
enlightenment in our Philippine history which can qualifications of the government officials. It was
be described as colorful part of our history. There during the time of Adelantado Miguel Lopez de
were several events that took shape that had impact Legazpi, then appointed by King Philip II of Spain
in the Philippine soil. These are actually concerned that proportions of Land were awarded. The
with the other countries, for example: governor-general performs dual functions – political
and ecclesiastical.
The United States, according to the diary of Rizal, it
was too impressive in the sense of their rapid The Governor-General Miguel Lopez de Legazpi
industrialization that time. Rizal commented that political powers include being the chief executive
America would be the next superpower after Spain. head of the colony– managing the internal affairs of
the state as well as the executer of the laws of the
Another example is England, which is one of the land. He was also the chief of Real Audiencia or the
most powerful nations that colonized America. Spanish Supreme Court in the Philippines where
cases were elevated after the failure of cases in local
Italy is known for its magnificent churches and
courts. He was also the commanding officer of the
plazas. One of the tourism spots until now.
armed forces particularly the navy and army. His
Germany was known as Prussia which was led by ecclesiastical power then was to settle Church
the Military General Otto von Bismarck. matter because there was Union of Church and
State. In the 19th century Philippines then the office
France, after the French Revolution of 1789, the of the governor-general was the most powerful
empire continued its tries to power under the position in the land next to the King of Spain and the
Emperor Napoleon III. Ministry of the Indies.
India, at the time, India was governed by the Mogul
Empire where Sepoy soldiers staged in mutiny and
murdered some British commanders of the army. In order to check the powers of the Gov-Gen. then
there were officials being sent by the Kingthe–
China, which is known to be one of oldest trading residencia and visitadores. The Residencia are
partner of the Philippines. permanent officials who will scrutinize the
Japan, it was in 1853 when (8 years before Dr. Jose performance of the out-going Gov-Gen. The
Rizal was born) the American Navy Force headed by incoming Gov.Gen. would be probably coming from
Matthew Perry wanted to establish ports for the residencia. Visitadores on the other hand will
American ships. check the performance of the Gov-Gen and they
were temporary and different from the residencia.
Singapore, which was known for its ports at the time
when merchants and passenger ships loaded and
unloaded from place to place. In the local set-up then, local government was
divided into provinces, cities and barangays. The
provinces were led by the alcalde-mayor who was chairman who is known to be the tax collectors of
the executive of the provinces. Cities were called, their constituents. In our present times, we already
Ayuntamiento that were headed by a petty governor have the Bureau of Internal Revenue– as the
known as the “governadorcillo.” The little towns agency whose collecting the taxes.
were called pueblos. During the 19th century the
barangays were headed by a chief known as the
cabeza de barangay and they served as tax 2. Economic Institutions
collectors of their constituents.
The encomienda system or the leasehold system
became one of the main economic programs of
Spain in the Philippines. This system, however, was
If you will compare the political institutions during the
19th century and the political institution of the present abused by the Spaniards.
times, there were differences. For example, the Encomienda System – it is the giving of lands on the
Governor-General which is known to be the highest Spanish Conquerors who are loyal to Spanish
position during that time. In the present times, it is monarchs.
the president who has the highest position in our
country. The 70-30 percentage crop sharing became the
most abused practice to uneducated farmers
Also, unlike the Governor-General, which was being because it was usurious.
appointed by the King of Spain, the president is
elected by the votes of Filipino people. Another form of abuse was the monopoly system or
known as bandala system where the Spaniards
The Governor-General is the one who executes the monopolized the buying and selling of raw materials
Laws of the Land during that time. Same with the and middlemen sold them at a higher cost.
president, in our present times, he executes the
Laws of the Land. However, when it comes to the The Galleon Trade was another economic activity at
Governor-General’s responsibility or duty, as the that time where “boletas” or tickets were used to
chief of the Real Audencia or the Spanish Supreme purchase goods from the ships though there were
Court in the Philippines. The president in our present instances when ships never returned due to
time is not the one who elevated cases after the typhoons or man-made accidents at sea.
failure of cases in the lower courts because we have The Galleon Trade was named after the name of the
our Chief Justice along with Associate Justice. ship which is Galleon Ship. That’s the ship that was
Below them is the provincial trial court, municipal trial being used in the 19th century for the trading of the
court, and the likes which is headed also by a judge. products from Manila port going to the Acapulco,
Governor-General is also the commanding officer of Mexico back to Manila port.
the armed forces and that’s the same when it comes The Economic Institution of the Philippines became
to the President of the Philippines of the present wider and wider, and it boost the economic of the
times. However, when it comes to ecclesiastical Philippines at it was in the peak until in present
power, the president has no right when it comes to times.
the union of the church and state because in our
Philippine Constitution, we have the separation of
the state and the church.
Local government during the 19th century, the
provinces are headed by the alcalde-mayor.
However, in our present times it is being led by the
governor. The cities during that time were headed by
governadorcillo. However, in our present times it is
being led by city mayor or municipal mayor. And
barangay was headed by the cabeza de barangay in
19th century. In present times, it is being led by
barangay chairman, chairwoman, or barangay
3. Social Institutions
captain. And in present time, it is not the barangay
The social institution which was imposed by Spain Rizal’s vast knowledge and social consciousness
in the Philippines was divided into social strata wit; are God’s gifts to him. As a reformer, he was-versed
in letters and language. It is a fact that Jose Rizal
possessed a lot of talents, and he used his literary
and writing ability to fight the Spanish tyranny. He
believed that “the pen is mightier than the sword.”
2. Environmental Awareness
The 19th century was the Age of Enlightenment
and Rizal was the product of that time. His
environment might be one of the very reasons why
he fought the Spanish authorities as he was
surrounded by several names who became his
advisers and mentors. He witnessed the execution
of the triumvirate priests (GomBurZa) at a young
age of 11 which awakened his awareness of the
It shows the social strata which puts Principalia (the social injustices of the Spanish authorities. He
rich and opulent class). The Peninsulares and believed that “tyranny” has no room in a free
Insulares at the apex of the triangle. The lower society which he envisioned for the country.
portion of the apex is composed of mixed races, 3. Educational Factors
Spaniards, Chinese, and Austronesian Ancestry–
known as the Taiwanese indigenous people. The Rizal became a young professional who gained his
rising middle class or the Illustrados is composed of expertise in Ateneo (as surveyor), University of
the educated class – including Rizal’s family and Santo Tomas (as a medical student) and in
other propagandist which are represented in the Universidad Central de Madrid (continuing his
figure. medical studies). His expertise became in demand
as a barrio doctor serving his less privileged
Almost 60% of the population is Indio which belongs compatriots. His literary knowledge and
to lower class and uneducated Filipinos. Religious observations in the Philippines and his travels
impositions were very strong that time where abroad were his inspirations when he wrote his two
Filipinos are subjects under the Spanish friars. novels- Noli Me Tengere and El Filibusterismo.
Marcelo H. del Pilar known to be one of the main
propagandist quine the term Frailocracy which 4. Family Orientation
prevailed in the Philippines.
The Mercado family along with other “middle class
Frailocracy – form of government in which the friars families” were Rizal’s first teachers. Belonging to the
are the rulers. ilustrado class, Rizal was sent abroad to continue his
medical studies though there were some objections
from his mother. His family was his source of
RIZAL AS THE PRODUCT OF HIS TIMES strength in his flight for social justice from evil society
of that time. Paciano, his brother was his closest
Rizal as product of his times Rizal was the product adviser and supporter during his stay in Europe.
of his times and he was also one of the eyewitnesses Rizal’s family has influenced him a lot in inculcating
of the execution of the triumvirate priests, Gomez, and developing nationalism in his consciousness.
Burgos and Zamora who were executed on February
17, 1872, after the Cavite Mutiny on January 20,
1872, which was led by Sergeant La Madrid. Rizal,
being an eyewitness of the execution, reckoned his
historical thoughts in his letters as revealed by his
early biographers. On the other hand, some points
to be considered, to wit;
1. Divine Intervention
It was said that during that time of Rizal, the sinister Izquierdo’s successor. He was a good Moro fighter
shadows of Spain decadents darkened Philippine but was an inept and weak administrator.
skies. The Filipino people agonized beneath the
yoke of Spanish misrule, for they were unfortunate
victims of the evils of an unjust, bigoted, and c. General Fernando Primo de Rivera (1880-1883
deteriorating colonial power. and 1897-1898)
He was a Governor General for two terms. he
1. Instability of Colonial Administration enriched himself by accepting bribes from gambling
casinos in Manila which he scandalously permitted
The instability of Spanish politics since the turbulent to operate.
reign of King Ferdinand VII (1808-1833) marked the
beginning of political chaos in Spain. The Spanish
government underwent frequent changes owing to d. General Valeriano Weyler (1888-1891)
bitter struggles between the forces of despotism and
liberalism and the explosions of the Carlist wars. A cruel and corrupt Governor General of Hispanic-
from 1834 to 1862, Spain had adopted 4 German ancestry. He arrived in Manila a poor man
constitutions, elected 28 parliaments, and installed and returned to Spain a millionaire. He received
no less than 524 ministers with portfolios; followed in huge bribes and gifts of diamonds for his wife from
subsequent years by party strifes, revolutions, and wealthy Chinese who evaded the anti-Chinese law.
other political upheavals. the Filipinos scornfully called him “tyrant” because of
his brutal persecution of the Calamba tenants,
The political instability in Spain adversely affected particularly the family of Dr. Rizal. The Cubans
Philippine affairs because it brought about frequent contemptuously cursed him as “The Butcher”
periodic shifts in colonial policies and a periodic because of his ruthless reconcentration policy during
rigodon of colonial officials. his brief governorship in Cuba in 1896, causing the
There are many governor officials during that time death of thousands of Cubans.
wherein they only served in their position for only
one year, some of them is for only three months.
That’s why it was quote the instability of colonial e. General Camilo de Polavieja (1896-1897)
administration because there is no progress and An able militarist, but heartless governor general. he
developments with regards to the social status was widely detested by the Filipino people for
during that time. executing Dr. Rizal.

2. Corrupt Colonial Officials 3. Philippine Representation in Spanish Cortes

With few exceptions, the colonial officials The win the support of her overseas colonies during
(Governors-General, judges, provincial executives, the Napoleonic invasion, Spain granted them
etc.) were sent by the king of Spain to the representation in the Cortes (Spanish parliament).
Philippines. Accordingly, the Philippines experience her first
period of representation in the Cortes from 1810 to
1813. history demonstrates that the first Philippine
a. General Rafael de Izquierdo (1871-1873) delegate, Ventura de los Reyes, took active part in
A boastful and ruthless Governor General, aroused the framing of the Constitution of 1812, Spain's first
the anger of the Filipinos by executing the innocent democratic constitution, and was one of its 184
Fathers Mariano Gomez, Jose Burgos, and Jacinto signers. this constitution was extended to the
Philippines. another achievement of Delegate de los
Zamora, the “Martyrs of 1872.”
Reyes what's the abolition of the galleon trade.

b. Admiral Jose Malcampo (1874-1877)

The first period of Philippine representation in the
Spanish Cortes (1810-1813) was thus fruitful with
beneficent results for the welfare of the colony.
Unfortunately, the representation of the overseas
colonies (including the Philippines) in the Spanish 6. Maladministration of Justice
Cortes was abolished in 1837. Since then Philippine The courts of justice in the Philippines during Rizal’s
conditions worsened because there was no means time where in notoriously corrupt. Verily, they were
by which the Filipino people could expose the courts of “injustice,” as far as the brown Filipinos
anomalies perpetrated by the colonial officials. many were concerned. the Spanish judges, fiscals
Filipino patriots valiantly pleaded for the restoration (prosecuting attorneys), and other court officials
of the Philippine representation in the Cortes. One of were inept, venal, and oftentimes ignorant of law.
them, is the silver-tongued Graciano Lopez Jaena
which is also one of the youthful patriots who Justice was costly, partial, and slow. poor Filipinos
launched the propaganda movement. Together with had no access to the courts because they could not
Jose Rizal, M.H. del Pilar, and other youthful patriots afford the heavy expenses of litigation. Wealth,
launched the propaganda movement, which paved social prestige, and color of skin where
the way for the Philippine Revolution of 1896. preponderant factors in winning a case in court.
Irrespective of the weight of evidence, a rich man or
a Spaniard, whose skin was white, easily achieved
4. Human Rights Denied to Filipinos victory in any litigation.

Since the adoption of the Spanish Constitution of To the Filipino masses, a litigation in court was a
1812 and other constitution in succeeding years, the calamity. The expenses incurred even in simple
people of Spain enjoyed freedom of speech, lawsuit often exceeded the value of the property at
freedom of the press, freedom of association, and issue, so that in many instances the litigants found
other human rights (except from freedom of religion). themselves impoverished at the end of the long
The Spaniards ardently guarded these rights so that tussle.
no Spanish monarch dare abolish them.
Strangely enough, the Spanish authorities who 7. Racial Discrimination
cherish these human rights or constitutional liberties
in Spain denied them to the Filipinos in Asia. Such Spain introduced Christianity into the Philippines
inconsistency was lamented by Sinibaldo de Mas, with its beautiful egalitarian concept of the
Spanish economist and diplomat, who wrote in 1843: brotherhood of all men under God the Father. the
“Why do we fall into an anomaly, such as combining Spanish authorities, civil as well as ecclesiastical,
our claim for liberty for ourselves, and our wish to zealously propagated the Christian faith, but seldom
impose our law on remote peoples? Why do we deny practiced its sublime tenets.
to others the benefit which we desire for our Racial prejudice was prevalent everywhere - in
fatherland?” government offices, in the courts of justice, in the
armed forces, in the social circles, and even in the
educational institution and in the ecclesiastical
5. No Equality Before the Law hierarchy. one of the shining stars of the Filipino
Spanish arrogantly regarded the brown-skinned clergy, Father Jose Burgoz (1837-1872) bewailed
Filipinos as inferior beings, not their Christian the Spanish misconception that amounts merit
depended on the pigment of his skin, the height of
brothers to be protected but rather as their majesty's
subjects to be exploited. The Filipinos were abused, his nose, the color of his hair, and the shape of his
skull; end complained of the lack of opportunities for
brutalized, persecuted, and slandered by their
Spanish masters. educated young Filipinos to rise in the service of God
and country.
The Spanish Penal Code, which was enforced in the
During the racial discrimination, people who has
Philippines, particularly imposed heavier penalties
on native Filipinos or mestizos and lighter penalties brown skin, flat nose are known to be as Indios. The
on white-complexioned Spaniards this legal Spaniard always enjoyed political and social
inequality was natural leaders and dead by the prestige.
8. Frailocracy During the time, friars owned the best haciendas.
Those rural folks became tenants only. The friar
Owing to the Spanish political philosophy of union of ownership of the reproductive lands contributed to
Church and State, there arose a unique form of the economic stagnation of the Philippines during
government in Hispanic Philippines called
the Spanish period.
“frailocracy” (frailocracia), so named because it was
“a government by friars.” History discloses that since
the days of the Spanish conquest, the friars
(Augustinians, Dominicans, and Franciscans) 11. The Guardia Civil
controlled the religious and educational life of the The last hated symbol of Spanish tyranny was the
Philippines. Guardia Civil (Constabulary) which was created by
the Royal Decree of February 12, 1852, as amended
by the Royal Decree of March 24, 1888, For the
9. Forced Labor purpose of maintaining internal peace and what
order in the Philippines. It was patterned after the
Known as the polo, it was the compulsory of labor famous and well-disciplined Guardia Civil in Spain.
imposed by the Spanish colonial authorities an adult
Filipino male in the construction of churches, The Guardia Civil in the Philippines had rendered
schools, hospitals; building and repair of roads and meritorious services in suppressing the bandits in
bridges; the building of ships in the shipyards; and the provinces, they later became infamous for the
other public works. rampant abuses, such a maltreating innocent
people, looting their carabaos and chickens, and
Originally, Filipino males from 16 to 60 years old valuable belongings, and raping helpless women.
we're obliged to render forced labor for 40 days a Both officers (Spaniards) and men (natives) were ill-
year. Later, the Royal Decree of July 12, 1883, trained and undisciplined, unlike the Guardia Civil in
implemented by the New Regulations promulgated
Spain who were respected and well-liked by the
by the Council of State of February 3, 1885, increase populace.
the minimum age of the polistas (those who
performed the forced labor) from 16 to 18 and
reduced the days of labor from 40 to 15. the same
royal decree provided that not only native Filipinos,
but also all male Spanish residents from 18 years old
to 60 must render forced labor, but this particular
provision was never implemented in the Philippines
for obvious reasons.

10. Haciendas Owned by the Friars

During Rizal’s times, the Spanish friars belonging to
different religious orders we're the richest landlords,
for they owned the best haciendas (agricultural
lands) in the Philippines. The rural folks, who had
been living in these haciendas and cultivating them
generation after generation became tenants.
Naturally, there resented the loss of their lands
which belonged to their ancestors since pre-Spanish
times; legally, however, the friars were recognized
as legal owners of the said lands because they
obtained royal titles of ownership from the Spanish
crown. No wonder, these friar haciendas became
hotbeds of agrarian revolts, as in much as the
Filipino tenants regarded the friar owners as
usurpers of their ancestral lands.

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