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Using OPNET To Teach Students Computer Networking Subject: Mayyada Hammoshi, Razan Al-Ani

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Tikrit Journal of Pure Science Vol. 15 No.

(1) 2010 ISSN: 1813 - 1662

Using OPNET to teach students computer networking subject

Mayyada Hammoshi1 , Razan Al-Ani2
Technical Institute of Mosul , Mosul , Iraq
Technical collage of Mosul , Mosul , Iraq
( Received 13 / 4 / 2008 , Accepted 15 / 12 / 2008 )
Teaching introductory networking poses a challenge ,It is difficult to teach data communications because it require
complex, stochastic processes which are not visible to students and hard for them to understands .The traditional way to
teaching data communications consists of lectures, where the Queing’s theoretical, mathematical basis is presented, and
laboratory sessions where students are taught how to program a communications protocol in the hope that this will
enable them to better understand the communication process or connect actual network which is very expensive and
time consuming. These ways are not ideal because a verbal or text-based description does not convey the process of
data communications adequately. Having students do programming an assignment is very time consuming and hence
many students are unable to get beyond the mechanics of programming to a full understanding of the communication
process. This paper show laboratory exercises for use with data communication and networking courses. All
laboratories are developed in OPNET Modeler 9.1 simulation environment which is a network simulator that offers the
tools for model design, simulation, data mining and analysis.
Keywords: OPNET, Teaching, Networking subject, simulation.
1. Introduction
As networking systems have become more complex and Students then work under supervision in small groups
expensive, hands-on experiments based on networking (three or four students). For each LAB exercise the
simulation have become essential for teaching the key students, implement the Labs, analysis results with there
computer networking topics to students. The simulation teachers , and report writing of the lab experiment in
approach is the most cost effective and highly useful there Group , this both help us and them to assess the
because it provides a virtual environment for an efficacy of the simulation experiments in enhancing
assortment of desirable features such as modeling a student learning, through several questions to test the
network based on specific criteria and analyzing its students’ understanding of relevant basic concepts From
performance under different scenarios with no cost [1]. the students’ lab feedback, we found that the OPNET
Different priorities and obstacles do not allow a small labs benefit students in deep understanding of
college to offer a variety of networks to its students and complicated details of actual systems, encourage active
faculty for using them in the classrooms. As an option, learning (group of students after ending the semester be
they can use an invaluable tool, the OPNET™ IT Guru able to design a huge computer network for technical
Academic software package [2] that offers all the tools for college and evaluate the performance of their design
network model design, simulation and analysis at a .This paper show some of results of the exercise LABs
reasonable cost. OPNET software can simulate a wide as graph and (or) a table of the values of some of the
variety of different networks, which are linked to each simulation parameter
other. The student can just work from his/her PC to 2. System Requirements
simulate different networks and study visually the impact To install OPNET in your PC you need [4]
of various factors (e.g., traffic load, bandwidth, data rate,
 Intel Pentium III, 4 or compatible
etc.) on the network. With OPNET™ IT Guru, a
 256 MB RAM
sophisticated tool that provides analysis and modeling of
network performance [3], users can study data message  400 MB disk space
flows, packet losses, link failures, bits errors, etc.  Display: 1024 x 768 or higher resolution, 256 or
OPNET software is very user-friendly and easy to install. more colors
The IT Guru's installation is straightforward and takes  The English language versions of the following
less than 15 minutes. The package has helpful operating systems are supported:
Documentation that is well laid out, easy to use, and  Microsoft Windows NT (Service Pack 3, 5, or
includes a large number of examples and tutorials. In 6a; Service Packs 4 and 6 are not supported)
addition, the product is feature-rich and contains a steep  Windows 2000 (Service Pack 1 and 2 are
learning curve. A network technician could find the supported but not required)
product very useful in evaluating the effects of new  Windows XP (Service Pack 1 is required)
applications and network changes without harming the 3. The purpose of using OPNET
production network. OPNET is the best network simulator to meet teaching
The laboratory exercise of this paper has been goals for the following reasons:
implemented by The students through the use of OPNET  OPNET is much easier to use. It provides a
simulation Program in there data communication and very convenient Graphic User Interface (GUI)
computer networking course at technical college of and is very easy to learn [1].
Mosul. The students need little knowledge about  OPNET provide quality of documentation [5]
Queuing theory , line displine how the Discrete Event  OPNET meets all the needs for use in a different
Simulation works ,some basic traffic models and data communications course [9].
statistical approaches where these subjects are there  OPNET is also suitable for use in research [5]
syllabus course ), after install the OPNET software .The

Tikrit Journal of Pure Science Vol. 15 No.(1) 2010 ISSN: 1813 - 1662

 OPNET can be used to model the entire modeling and performance evaluation of communication
network, including its routers, switches, networks and distributed systems [1].
protocols, servers, and the individual 6. Modeling Methodology
applications they support. A large range of OPNET Modeler is based on a series of hierarchically
communication systems from a single LAN to related editors that directly parallel the structure of actual
global inter-networks can be supported [1]. networks. The modeling structure is consist of group of
 OPNET software (with model source code) is editors as following [7]
available for FREE to the academic research 6.1 Network Editor (project editor)
and teaching community. Students can The first editor is Network Editor (Project editor), which
download and install OPNET IT Guru graphically represents the topology of a communication
Academic Edition at home [1]. network. Networks consist of node (switch/router, server
 The OPNET's discrete event engine for network etc.) and links model (Ethernet, ATM, FDDI etc.). It is
simulations is the fastest and most scalable possible manage complex network with unlimited sub
commercially available solution. It usually takes network nesting such as country, city, building, floor
just a few minutes to complete simulations of etc... Network editor provides geographical context, with
most lab experiments [1]. physical characteristic of the networks [7]. From this
 OPNET has a large user community. OPNET editor, user can create a network model using models
software is used by major fortune-500[9] from the standard library, collect statistics about the
Companies, service providers, and government network, run the simulation, and view the results see
organizations worldwide. Students who Have experiences figure (1) [8] .
with OPNET simulator will have much better future 6.2 Node Editor
employment opportunities in industry [1]. In addition to The Node Editor is used to define the behavior of each
previous reason OPNET uses models that are specified in network object. Behavior is defined using different
terms of objects, each with configurable sets of attributes. modules, each of which models some internal aspect of
This allows for flexible definition of new objects with node behavior such as data creation, data storage, etc.
programmable characteristics and behavior in order to Modules are connected via packet streams or statistic
address the wide scope of systems that are presented in wires see figure(2). A single network object is typically
the course. Models are hierarchical to naturally parallel made up of multiple modules defining its behavior [8].
the structure of actual communication networks. The 6.3 Process Model Editor
hierarchical approach allows for deep nesting of sub The Process Editor is used to create process models,
networks and nodes and large networks can be efficiently which control the underlying functionality of the node
modeled. Stochastic and/or deterministic models can be models created in the Node Editor. Process models are
used to generate network traffic. Performance evaluation represented by finite state machines (FSMs), and are
and trade-off analysis require large volumes of created with icons that represent states and lines that
simulation results to be interpreted and OPNET includes represent transitions between states see figure (3).
a tool for graphical representation and processing of Operations performed in each state or for a transition are
simulation output. Simulation runs can be configured to described in C or C++ code blocks [8].
automatically generate animations of the modeled system 6.4 Link Model Editor
at various levels. These are used to help the student The Link Model Editor is used to create new types of
visualize how the network operates while working. link objects. Each new type of link can have different
Simulation results can be plotted as time series graphics, attribute interfaces and representation see figure (4).
scatter plots, histograms, and probability functions [5]. Comments and keywords can also be specified for easy
4. Knowledge needed from student to be able to recognition [8].
design and simulate a communication network 6.5 The Path Editor
There are some basic communication building blocks The Path Editor is used to create new path objects that
that the students must understand before they are able to define a traffic route. Any protocol model that uses
design and simulate a communication network. A basic logical connections or virtual circuits such as MPLS,
understanding of queuing theory is required of students ATM, Frame Relay, etc can use paths to route traffic see
because it plays an important role in the design of figure (5) [9].
computer communication networks and systems [5]. 6.6 Packet Format Editor
The Packet Format Editor is used to define the internal
5. OPNET overview
structure of a packet as a set of fields. A packet format
OPNET’s IT Guru provides a Virtual Network
contains one or more field each, represented in the editor
Environment that models the behavior of an entire
as a colored rectangular box see figure (6). The size of
network, including its routers, switches, protocols,
the box is proportional to the number of bits specified as
servers, and individual applications. By working in the
the field’s size [9].
Virtual Network Environment, IT managers, network and
system planners, and operations staffs are empowered to 6.7 Probe Editor
The Probe Editor is used to specify the statistics to be
diagnose difficult problems more effectively, validate
collected during simulation. While this can be done in the
changes before they are implemented, and plan for future
Project Editor, the Probe editor can be used to set
scenarios including growth and failure [6].
additional characteristics of each probe. There are several
OPNET is a discrete network simulator which contains a
different types of statistics that can be collected using
comprehensive development environment supporting the

Tikrit Journal of Pure Science Vol. 15 No.(1) 2010 ISSN: 1813 - 1662

different probes, including global statistics, link statistics, finite state machine. Each circle represents a state; the
node statistics, arrows between states represent transitions. The student
Attributes statistics, and several types of animation can manipulate the system and show different case of
statistics see figure (7) [8]. result for example traffic received as seen in figure (12).
6.8 The Simulation Sequence Editor Table (1) shows the results of M_M_Q (Queuing
In the Simulation Sequence Editor an additional Disciplines) for multiple executions [10].
simulation constrains can be specified. Simulation 7.2 ETHERNET laboratory Exercise
sequences are represented by simulation icons, which Through this Exercise the students introduced to
contain a set of attributes that control the simulation’s demonstrate the implementation of ETHERNET network
run-time characteristics see figure (8) [9]. . The simulation in the lab will help students examine the
6.9 Analysis Tool performance of the ETHERNET network under different
Although simulation results can be viewed in the Project scenarios. In this lab, students will set up an ETHERNET
Editor, the Analysis Tool has several useful additional network with 18 nodes connected in a Bus topology.
features. You can, for example, create scalar graphs and Students will learn that the throughput of Ethernet drops
parametric studies, define templates to which you apply when the load is very high due to the increasingly
statistical data, create analysis configurations for frequent collisions that are occurring as the network
application of statistical data, and create analysis reaches saturation as seen Figure (13). Table (2) shows
configurations that can be saved and viewed later see the results for multiple executions for transmit and
figure (9)[8]. receive packets [5].
7. OPNET Labs 7.3 Token Ring Laboratory Exercise
In this paper a set of labs is shown with appropriate Through this Exercise the students introduced to
screen captures from OPNET IT Guru Version 9.1 demonstrate the implementation of a token ring network.
(OPNET IT Guru 9.1 is downloadable free for In the lab students will set up two token ring networks
educational use). They are appropriate for someone who with 14[1] and 20 nodes both connected in a star
is at the introductory to intermediate level with topology, as seen in Figure (14 a) and (14b).The Students
networking technology [13]. They provide a way of will study how the utilization and delay of the network
learning features of OPNET in addition to being hands are affected by the network load as well as the THT as
on review of some aspects of standard networking theory seen in figure (15) and number of connected nodes.
. They are written in a generic way they are intended 7.4 Routing Information Protocol Laboratory Exercise
to be worthwhile anywhere from advanced curriculum to Through this Exercise the students introduced to explores
fundamentals. the Routing Information Protocol (RIP), as seen in Figure
7.1 M/M/1 Laboratory Exercise (16). Students configure and analyze the performance of
Through this Exercise the students introduced to the the RIP under different scenarios. Experiments illustrate
M/M/1 queuing model to gain a basic understanding of the count-to-infinity problem in the distance vector
how queuing models play an important role in routing protocol. The student can compare the number of
communication networks. An M/M/1 queue consists of a Updates between any Routers in scenarios Lab as seen in
first-in-first-out (FIFO) buffer with packets arriving figure (17).Also they could obtain the IP Addresses of
randomly in accordance with a Poisson process, and a the interface [1].
processor, called a server, which retrieves packets from 7.5 TCP simulation Laboratory Exercise
the buffer at a specified service rate see figure (10)[5]. The Through this Exercise the students introduced to
three parameters that are examined are: packet arrival demonstrate the functioning of TCP, and particularly the
rate, packet sizes, and service capacity. The task of the four algorithms used for congestion control: slow start,
students is to construct an M/M/1 queue model to allow congestion avoidance, fast retransmit and fast recovery.
an analyst to observe the performance of the queuing The lab provides a number of scenarios to simulate and
system with varying packet arrival rates, packet sizes, compare these algorithms [9].The student can show
and service capacities. The students run simulations that different results from this Lab for example sent segment
will measure average delay (waiting time) experienced sequence number as seen in figure (18).
by packets in the queue, number of packets in the queue 7.6 Hubs versus Switches in Small Business LAN
at any one time and average number of packets in the Laboratory Exercise
queue over time, and then analyze the results. This is Through this Exercise the students introduced to
done through design a process model that will count and demonstrate a compare performance of pure hub LAN
present the number of packets received over time from with switched LAN in a tiny network. The students will
any number of packet sources [1]. create two scenarios. In one scenario there are five
workstations that connect to a web server via a hub.
The components of a process model include a finite state Relevant performance statistics will be collected at both
machine diagram with embedded C statements, and the workstations and the server. The same will be done in
various blocks containing code for variable declarations, a second scenario except that instead of a hub it will be a
macros, constant, and function definitions. The finite switch facilitating the connection between server and
state machine diagram represents the functional flow of workstations [13]. The student can show different results
the process with an easily interpreted diagram of states from this Lab for example Collision Count for the
and transitions. Events and conditions determine the different scenario uses as seen in figure (19). Table (4)
migration from state to state through transitions [10]. shows the results of various executions.
Figure (11) shows a generic representation of a simple 7.8 Wireless Network Laboratory Exercise

Tikrit Journal of Pure Science Vol. 15 No.(1) 2010 ISSN: 1813 - 1662

Through this Exercise the students introduced to design a also because simulations can be completely repeatable, it
simple radio network with a mobile jammer node and is possible to address the same concepts more quickly
two stationary communications nodes, and then than is possible with actual networks. An important
demonstrate the differences in the SNR of the network complement to classroom lectures is laboratory
when the stationary nodes use an isotropic or directional experiments. In networking, this often implies
antenna. This is done through a set of tasks the students programming, protocol design, experiments and
must perform it : Use the radio link, mobile node , and measurement. Simulation has an important role here
antenna Pattern Editor to create a directional antenna since it allows students to examine problems with much
pattern , define the trajectory of a mobile node ,execute less work and of much larger scope than are possible
parametric simulations ,and use the time controller to with experiments on real hardware. Therefore students
step through time values and relate node positions and will come to understand networking theory much better
results[3]. The student can show the result of bit rate and than if they learn only from reading and lectures. This
throughput for both isotropic and directional antenna as paper shows that OPNET™ IT GURU Academic
seen in figure (21). Modeler simulation environment is the most cost
7.9 Extra Laboratory Exercise effective solution for colleges and universities to
Through OPNET™ IT GURU Academic Modeler demonstrate the performance of different networks and
simulation environment the students can introduced to protocols. Also this paper shows that the students will
huge exercise , we cannot mention all these exercise benefit from the OPENT simulation laboratory in many
through this paper ,so we mention some of these such ways. The OPNET simulation labs reinforce the
as , ATM ,FDDI ,Token Bus , and Frame Relay Etc. networking theory taught by regular lectures. The open
8 Conclusions design of the labs encourages active learning. In addition,
Simulation offers significant advantages as a basis for students gain the knowledge of modeling and simulation
academic projects in computer networking. Because technique for performance evaluation of networking
many unimportant details can be abstracted away, and systems.

Fig. (1) a network model built in the Project Editor

Tikrit Journal of Pure Science Vol. 15 No.(1) 2010 ISSN: 1813 - 1662

Fig. (2) Node editor

Figure (3) Process editor

Figure (4) link editor

Tikrit Journal of Pure Science Vol. 15 No.(1) 2010 ISSN: 1813 - 1662

Figure (5) Path Editor

Figure (6) Packet format editor

Figure (7) Probe Editor

Tikrit Journal of Pure Science Vol. 15 No.(1) 2010 ISSN: 1813 - 1662

Figure (8) Simulation Sequence Editor

Figure (9) Analysis Tool

Figure (10) M/M/1 Queue System

Figure (11) Example Finite State Machine

Tikrit Journal of Pure Science Vol. 15 No.(1) 2010 ISSN: 1813 - 1662

Figure (12) Result for M/M/1 Lab “

Traffic received “Packet/sec”

Figure (13 ) ETHERNET LAB “Traffic Send Vis Traffic received


Figure (14a and 14b) Token ring network, Star topology

Figure (15) Result for Token ring node =14 LAB “Utilization

Tikrit Journal of Pure Science Vol. 15 No.(1) 2010 ISSN: 1813 - 1662

Figure (16) RIP Routing Example

Figure (17) Result for RIP LAB “Total number of Update”

Figure (18) Result for TCP LAB “sent segment

sequence number”

Tikrit Journal of Pure Science Vol. 15 No.(1) 2010 ISSN: 1813 - 1662

Figure(20) wireless network lab result “bit

rate and throughput isotropic antenna”
Table(1) Results of M_M_Q (Queuing Disciplines)
Time FIFO: Voice. PQ: Voice Traffic WQF: Voice. Traffic
(sec) Traffic Received Received (bytes/sec) Received (bytes/sec)
0-103.5 0 0 0
105 8042.7 15893.3 15872
106.5 8512 15978.7 16021.3333
108 10624 16000 16000
109.5 10283 16021.3 15829.3333
111 11371 16021.3 15466.6667
112.5 11861 15978.7 15509.3333
114 10197 16000 15530.6667
115.5 11712 15978.7 15744
117 10517 16021.3 15722.6667
118.5 10795 15978.7 15552
120 10773 16042.7 15957.3333
121.5 11520 15957.3 15658.6667
123 10453 16000 15658.6667
124.5 11456 16021.3 15722.6667
126 11029 16021.3 15680
127.5 10048 15957.3 15786.6667
129 10965 16042.7 15872
130.5 10197 15978.7 15722.6667
132 10923 16000 15680
133.5 9834.7 15978.7 15552
135 10837 16042.7 15146.6667
136.5 10496 15978.7 15104
138 9770.7 16021.3 15850.6667
139.5 11157 16000 15957.3333
141 10475 15978.7 15872
129 10965 16042.7 15488
130.5 10197 15978.7 15445.3333
132 10923 16000 15125.3333
133.5 9834.7 15978.7 15445.3333
135 10837 16042.7 15616
136.5 10496 15978.7 15872
138 9770.7 16021.3 16021.3333
139.5 11157 16000 16000
141 10475 15978.7 15829.3333
142.5 10411 15957.3 15466.6667
144 11776 16021.3 15509.3333
145.5 9920 16021.3 15530.6667
147 10688 16000 15744
148.5 10475 15978.7 15722.6667
150 #N/A #N/A #N/A

Tikrit Journal of Pure Science Vol. 15 No.(1) 2010 ISSN: 1813 - 1662

Table (2) Result of ETHERNET

Traffic Sent Traffic received
(p/s) (p/s)
15.42592 10.68926
31.43263 20.68409
65.67845 43.1393
124.2403 75.37506
307.1176 154.103
600.7513 212.2655
850.1197 213.9721
1000.527 209.9608
1506.476 156.234

Table (3) Result of Token Ring LAB

THT Utilaization Utilaization
(Sec) (balanced) (unbalanced)
0.01 0.974018 0.974106
0.02 0.981159 0.978907
0.04 0.984978 0.982025
0.08 0.987173 0.984344
0.16 0.988377 0.986227
0.32 0.989077 0.987572

Table (4) Results of Hubs versus Switches in Small business LAN Laboratory Exercise LAB
Time Only Hub: Hub & Hub2.Collisi
(sec) Collision Switch. on Count
Count. Collision
0 0 0 0
1.2 0 0 0
2.4 0 0 0
3.6 0 0 0
4.8 1065.5 503.5 443.5
6 1554.667 611.3333333 662.6666667
7.2 1746 814.5 763
8.4 1891.6 824.4 794.4
6 1554.667 611.3333333 662.6666667
7.2 1746 814.5 763
8.4 1891.6 824.4 794.4
9.6 1976 894.6666667 847
10.8 2021.714 888 837.8571429
12 2062.5 928.25 863.25

Jinhua Guo, 3. The World’s Leading Network Modeling and
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Reinforce 4. Mohammed O., Huda M., Ahmed A., Razan
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with OPNET technical college using OPNET , graduated
Simulation,Journal of project
Information 5. Michael W Dixon ,Terry W Koziniec Using
Technology OPNET to Enhance Student Learning in a Data
Education, Volume Communications Course , Informing Science ,
6, 2007 June 2002
2. IT Guru Academic Edition. OPNET 6. Basics of OPNET IT Guru Academic Edition,
Technologies, 2005. OPNET Technologies, 2008

‫‪Tikrit Journal of Pure Science Vol. 15 No.(1) 2010‬‬ ‫‪ISSN: 1813 - 1662‬‬

‫‪7.‬‬ ‫‪Dolejš Ondrej ,OPNET modeler - networks‬‬ ‫‪10. Tanenbaum, A.S Computer Networks,.,‬‬
‫‪simulation ,,Department of Control Engineering‬‬ ‫‪Prentice-Hall International Inc., Englewood‬‬
‫‪,Czech Technical college.‬‬ ‫‪Cliffs, NJ, 1999.‬‬
‫‪8.‬‬ ‫‪Mohammad Muslim ,Gigabit Ethernet Network‬‬ ‫‪11. William Stallings., Data and Computer‬‬
‫‪Design Using Opnet ,M.Sc Thesis ,Department‬‬ ‫‪Communications, 7th Edition. Pearson Education,‬‬
‫‪of Computer Science, Lamar University, ,2001‬‬ ‫‪2005.‬‬
‫‪9.‬‬ ‫‪Tommy Svensson ,Development of laboratory‬‬ ‫‪12. Larry L. Peterson and Bruce S. Davie Computer‬‬
‫‪exercises based on OPNET Modeler , M.Sc‬‬ ‫‪Networks: A System Approach, 3rd Edition.‬‬
‫‪Thesis, Dept. of Telecommunications and‬‬ ‫‪Morgan Kaufmann, 2005.‬‬
‫‪Signal Processing , Blekinge Institute of‬‬ ‫‪13. Ranjan Kaparti ,OPNET IT GURU: A tool for‬‬
‫‪Technology, , June 2003‬‬ ‫‪networking education ,MSCIT practicum paper,‬‬

‫استخدام برنامج ‪ OPNET‬لتعليم الطلبة مفردات شبكات الحاسوب‬

‫ميادة غانم حموشي‪ ، 1‬رزن عبد الجواد العاني‬
‫‪ 1‬المعهد التقني موصل ‪ ،‬الموصل ‪ ،‬العراق‬
‫‪ 2‬الكلية التقنية موصل ‪ ،‬الموصل ‪ ،‬العراق‬
‫( تاريخ االستالم‪ ، 8002 / 4 / 31 :‬تاريخ القبول‪) 8002 / 38 / 31 :‬‬
‫ومككم‬ ‫تعلككيا اتصككتتك الييتنككتك ننهككت تتعككمم همليككتك دينتميكيككة معقككد و ككي لياككك مر يككة ال ك ال ككا‬ ‫يشكككل تعلككيا ياتاككيتك الشككيكتك تنككديت‪ ،‬ومككم الصككع‬
‫الصككعوية هلككيها رهككا ركرتهككت‪ .‬ال ريقككة التقليديككة لتعلككيا اتصككتتك الييتنككتك تشككمل م موهككة منتع كراك و ككلط المنتع كراك تتعككمم ن ريككتك ال كوايير و واهككد‬
‫كلط العمليككة اكتمكنها مكم رهكا اتصكتتك الييتنككتك‬ ‫ييرم كة اتصت يكتك اتصككتتك الييتنكتك هلك يمكل يم‬ ‫يقكوا ال كا‬ ‫ريتعكيية ‪ ،‬و لاكتك مبتيكراك همليكة نيك‬
‫الشككصو والتوعككي الن ككر ت‬ ‫يشكككل كككتري يو يم يقوم كوا ي كري شككيكتك نقيقككة و ككلط العمليككة مكلصككة وماككتهلكة للو ككك ‪.‬و ككلط ال ككرق لياككك ماتليككة نم الوص ك‬
‫كتك يشككل كتري‪.‬و يكتا ال كا يهكلط المهكتا همليكة ااكتهاكية للو كك‪ ،‬ولشكللْ العديكد شم اكم ال كا ش يكر كتدريم هلك ي ام ين كروا مكت‬ ‫يوع همليكة اتصكتتك الييتن ش‬
‫لعملية اتتصتل‪ .‬يقداُ كلط الينك ش تمكتريم مبتي شكر تاكتعمتلهت ركي مكتد اتصكتتك الييتنكتك ويع اكرب ييصكير كيصيكة‬ ‫ش‬ ‫يعد ميكتنيكية اليرم ة ليصلوا إل ر اها كتمل‬
‫همل وتصر الشيكة النقيقية‪ُ .‬ك ّل المبتيراك منصل ري يي ة يرنتمج المنتكت ‪ OPNET Modeler 9.1‬و و هيتر هكم منكتكي شكيكة والكل يع كي اندواك‬
‫التصميا النمول شي‪ ،‬المنتكت ‪ ،‬تُنقّ ُ وتنليل ييتنتك‪.‬‬ ‫مم ي ل‬
‫الكلمات الدالة‪ :‬المنتكت ‪ ،‬شيكتك النتاو ‪ ،‬رق تدريس‪.‬‬


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