4813 Fall Syllabus 10
4813 Fall Syllabus 10
4813 Fall Syllabus 10
*** Karp Chapter 1 & 2 should be review. Additional information other than the listed chapters will be covered in
OVERVIEW: Molecular Cell Biology: Gene Expression is the first semester of a team-taught course focusing on cell
structure, function and inheritance. Emphasis will be placed on the interactions of cellular processes and the interpretation
Biol 4813
of experimental results as a framework for problem solving. Dr. Heather Conrad-Webb and Dr. Michael Bergel will
participate in the course. The corresponding laboratory course is a co-requisite. In addition, successful completion of
organic chemistry I and II is required (C or better). Since this is an integrated course, an integrated knowledge of
both laboratory and lecture material will be expected.
OBJECTIVES: Upon completion of the course, students should 1) have an integrated picture of all cellular processes
involved in gene expression. 2) have an understanding of the relationship between cellular structure and function. And
3) be able to apply principles and experimental techniques to solve problems in cell structure and function.
OFFICE HOURS: We will be available during office hours for questions and help. You may attend office hours of
either instructor; however, you must bring a list of specific questions for discussion. If you need to see the instructors and
cannot attend scheduled office hours, please make an appointment.
Exams: Each exam is worth 100 points of the final grade. The comprehensive final exam is worth 150 points and all
students are required to take the final exam. If a single exam is curved, the number of curved points will be added to that
exam. There will be no make-up exams. If you miss an exam and have an official university excuse, your final will
count 50% or 250 points of your final grade. Non-emergency medical appointments are NOT considered a medical
excuse. YOU DO NOT HAVE THE OPTION OF MISSING MORE THAN 1 EXAM. No exam grades will be
Homework: Homework is an integral part of learning to apply concepts in molecular cell biology. The homework is due
at the beginning of the class period and is worth 50 points. HOMEWORK IS NOT OPTIONAL! You are expected to
complete the homework from the current textbook edition. There will be an assignment due every class period. If you
are ill and miss class, previous homework is due at the next class period. You will have 1 grace class period to turn in the
new assignment. Homework turned in late will be worth only half credit.
Attendance: Attendance in lecture is mandatory. Please sign the attendance sheet each class period. Excused Absences
do not exempt students from academic requirements. Excessive absences, even if documented, may result in a student
failing the course.
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Study Sessions: We will hold a weekly study session. The study session will be student driven- YOU BRING THE
QUESTIONS. We will work on new or old homework assignments and go over topics from the class. Study session will
be held on Tuesdays from 10-11:30.
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Homework assignments are given as individual work and as such is designed to help the individual develop an
understanding of the material and to help the individual student assess their progress in comprehending the topic of study.
To this end, discussion among students on the topics would be encouraged to aid the student in ascertaining possible
solutions. However, direct copying of answers, from another students work, or from previous homework assignments
of preceding semesters is not permitted. It is also considered dishonest for you to have someone else do your work and
you present that work as your own.
Group studying for examinations is encouraged, however, the instructor assumes that performance on weekly
examinations will be the student’s independent efforts. DO NOT share your work on examinations with others and DO
NOT bring notes or cell phones to hourly examinations or the final. All personal items must be placed in the front of the
classroom during the examination. If you absolutely must have a cell phone available for personal reasons, you will be
required to leave the cell phone on the front desk while you take the examination.
Texas Woman’s University’s policy regarding academic dishonesty is clearly stated in the Student Handbook and
will be enforced.