Class 7 Civics ch1 p1 Sdfge
Class 7 Civics ch1 p1 Sdfge
Class 7 Civics ch1 p1 Sdfge
In a democratic country, like India, all adults irrespective of what religion they
belong to, how much education they have had, what caste they are, or whether they
are rich or poor are allowed to vote. This is called universal adult franchise and is
an essential aspect of all democracies. The idea of universal adult franchise is
based on the idea of equality.
Recognising dignity:
• But at least, in democratic India, the principle of the equality of all persons
is recognized.
• Now there are several laws to see that people are treated with dignity and
as equals.
• There are certain provision provided in the constitution for the recognition
of equality:
• The two ways in which the government has tried to implement the
→ Through laws in the Constitution.
→ Through government programmes or schemes to help disadvantaged
• India is the only democratic country in which there is inequality and where
the struggle for equality continues to exist.