Subject Description Form
Subject Description Form
Subject Description Form
MSc/PgD in El ectronic and Information Engineering (Multimedia Signal Processing and Communications)
Credit value: 3
Pre-requisite: Nil
The students should have some background knowledge in data communication and networking and
Learning approach:
This subject adopts a lecture-based and hands -on approach to learning and teaching. Students will
learn the basic knowledge and principle in lecture. They will practice related tasks to deepen the
learning through laboratory exercises, case studies, assignment and homework. Skills of
understanding, analysis, evaluation, and critical thinking will be emphasized.
Lecture/Tutorial 30 hours
Practical Work/Case Study/Project 12 hours
Objectives :
After going through this subject, the students will be able to:
(1) Understand the basic principles and knowledge about security issues related to data
(2) Apply the knowledge and principles learnt in this subject in actual situations.
(3) Design solutions for security system under different constraints .
(4) Evaluate performance of different security systems.
(5) Keep pace with future development in the profession.
Syllabi of MSc/PgD in Electronic and Information Engineering and
MSc/PgD in El ectronic and Information Engineering (Multimedia Signal Processing and Communications)
Keyword syllabus :
2. Cryptography Basis
Private key encryption, public key encryption, secure hash function, digital signature, certification
authority, public key infrastructure, the Electronic Transactions Ordinance in Hong Kong.
1. Bragg, Roberta, Network security: the complete reference , McGraw-Hill/Osborne, c2004 (PolyU
Library Call Number: TK5105.59.B72 2004).
2. Panko, R. R, Corporate computer and network securi ty, Pearson/Prentice Hall, c2004. (PolyU
Library Call Number: QA76.9.A25 P36 2004).
3. Kaufman, Charlie, Network security : private communication in a public world, Prentice Hall PTR,
c2002. (PolyU Library Call Number: TK5105.5 .K38 2002) .
4. Holden, Greg, Guide to firewalls and network security: with intrusion detection and VPNs,
Thomson/Course Technology, c2004. (PolyU Library Call Number: TK5105.59 .H64 2004 ).
5. Shannon, Claude Elwood, Claude Elwood Shannon: collected papers, Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers, c1993. (PolyU Library Call Number:TK5101 .S448 1993).
6. IPSec RFCs, to be searched from
Practical works :