Easy-To-Use CFD Software To Optimize The Design and Operation of Your Hydraulics Projects
Easy-To-Use CFD Software To Optimize The Design and Operation of Your Hydraulics Projects
Easy-To-Use CFD Software To Optimize The Design and Operation of Your Hydraulics Projects
Simulation of flow around a mussel clump. Images courtesy of Blue Hill Hydraulics.
www.flow3d.com Postprocessing by FieldView.
More Precise Simulation Fluid-Structure
Interaction (FSI)
Improve Dam and Spillway Performance by optimizing
designs. FLOW-3D can quickly simulate a multitude of GENERAL MOVING OBJECTS
configurations to best determine Engineers often need to
flow of spillways, stilling basins model flows that include
and energy dissipaters. moving solid components.
With FLOW-3D, the motion
Dam and Spillway Safety of these objects can be fully
coupled or coupled with
is an essential component in constraints making it possible
the design process. FLOW-3D to determine and improve a
enables engineers to predict flow design quickly and reliably.
rates at Probable Maximum Flood conditions, determine
cavitating regions and pressure loading on gates.
Air Entrainment may help sustain The new FSI model enables
growth of microorganisms and users to predict stresses and
deformations of solids under
cause detrimental downstream load by using a coupled
bulking and overtopping structures. solution between fluids and
FLOW-3D’s air entrainment solids. Stress prediction
model determines quantities of air provides valuable information
entrained and its volumetric bulking to determine whether a design
meets safety criteria or may
effects. ultimately fail.
FLOW-3D is a powerful tool for solving complex hydraulic issues
to planning, design and operation of our hydraulic system, as
well as associated environmental studies. I am also impressed with
Flow Science’s customer support and product development.
Kevin Sydor, M.Sc., P.Eng.
Senior Hydrotechnical Studies Engineer, Manitoba Hydro
An All-Inclusive Application
From Model Setup to Simulation to Detailed
Results Analysis