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Easy-To-Use CFD Software To Optimize The Design and Operation of Your Hydraulics Projects

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Powerful computational fluid

dynamics software for accurate

flow modeling

Easy-to-use CFD software to optimize the design and

operation of your hydraulics projects

• Accurately predict dynamic surface profiles and flow patterns

• Analyze stresses and deformations on structures
• Improve the design of fish-friendly passages
• Reduce design time
• Ensure dam and spillway safety and performance
• Eliminate reduced-scale physical modeling
• Determine erosion and deposition around structures

Improving the world through accurate flow modeling

FLOW-3D: Exceptional Accuracy
Modeling Features
FLOW-3D predicts Optimize your hydraulic designs and lower your costs with
hydraulics performance, FLOW-3D, the powerful computational fluid dynamics software
reducing cost in both for more accurate modeling.
the design process and
the operation of the When designing a hydraulic structure, traditionally a physical
design. model would be constructed and analyzed. FLOW-3D eliminates
scaling issues associated with physical models by simulating the
actual design.

FLOW-3D addresses a wide range of design problems in

hydraulics engineering. Users can increase the capacity of existing
infrastructure in hydropower plants, develop novel approaches
to fish passages, design intakes that minimize head loss, develop
Multi-Block meshing adds improved forebay designs and tailrace flows, analyze scour and
even more flexibility and deposition and evaluate air entrainment.
efficiency to problem setup.
FLOW-3D applies unique modeling principles that differentiate it
from other applications and enhance the accuracy of your results.
Traditional 1-D and 2-D codes don’t provide a full detailed analysis
of flow currents and flow surfaces. FLOW-3D simulates the entire
flow process so that these important details are not neglected.

Advanced Fluid Surface Modeling

TruVOF, FLOW-3D’s method for modeling fluids goes beyond the
traditional Volume of Fluid (VOF) techniques to achieve the most
method makes accurate
accurate tracking of fluid surfaces to capture waves and hydraulic
representation of complex jumps.
geometries simple.
FAVORTM Makes Modeling Flow in Complex Structures Easy
A unique feature of FLOW-3D is the FAVORTM (Fractional
Area/Volume Representation) method, which permits true
representation of complex geometry in a simple Cartesian mesh.
As a result, FLOW-3D can be used to simulate flow in complex
hydraulics structures accurately and efficiently.

Enhanced Modeling of Detailed Regions

With Multi-Block meshing capabilities in FLOW-3D, you can easily
and quickly capture complex geometries and apply varying
technique precisely simulates
degrees of resolution for sharper modeling.
moving liquid fronts.


Simulation of flow around a mussel clump. Images courtesy of Blue Hill Hydraulics.
www.flow3d.com Postprocessing by FieldView.
More Precise Simulation Fluid-Structure
Interaction (FSI)
Improve Dam and Spillway Performance by optimizing
designs. FLOW-3D can quickly simulate a multitude of GENERAL MOVING OBJECTS
configurations to best determine Engineers often need to
flow of spillways, stilling basins model flows that include
and energy dissipaters. moving solid components.
With FLOW-3D, the motion
Dam and Spillway Safety of these objects can be fully
coupled or coupled with
is an essential component in constraints making it possible
the design process. FLOW-3D to determine and improve a
enables engineers to predict flow design quickly and reliably.
rates at Probable Maximum Flood conditions, determine
cavitating regions and pressure loading on gates.

Fish Passages are a critical

component in the design of
hydraulic structures. FLOW-3D aids
in the design of safe and effective A tsunami control device.
passages by capturing their complex
flow characteristics. STRESS MODELING

Air Entrainment may help sustain The new FSI model enables
growth of microorganisms and users to predict stresses and
deformations of solids under
cause detrimental downstream load by using a coupled
bulking and overtopping structures. solution between fluids and
FLOW-3D’s air entrainment solids. Stress prediction
model determines quantities of air provides valuable information
entrained and its volumetric bulking to determine whether a design
meets safety criteria or may
effects. ultimately fail.

Multi Sediment Scour &

Bedload Transport
Scour and deposition is an
important consideration in the
design of bridges, dams and
reservoirs. The sediment scour
Image courtesy of
Northwest Hydraulics Consulting
model in FLOW-3D enables users
to study the erosion and deposition
of multiple sediments including
bedload transport caused by complex flow patterns. Magnified displacements of
closed spillway gates from the
background image of the spillway.

FLOW-3D is a powerful tool for solving complex hydraulic issues
to planning, design and operation of our hydraulic system, as
well as associated environmental studies. I am also impressed with
Flow Science’s customer support and product development.

Kevin Sydor, M.Sc., P.Eng.
Senior Hydrotechnical Studies Engineer, Manitoba Hydro
An All-Inclusive Application
From Model Setup to Simulation to Detailed
Results Analysis

FLOW-3D/MP FLOW-3D includes all the functionality you need in

High Performance one simple-to-use application, driven by an intuitive
Computing graphical user interface. Users can easily set up a model and
quickly mesh it through its graphical model builder, screen out
FLOW-3D/MP enables model incompatibilities and configuration errors, and perform
engineers to take advantage
detailed analysis through extensive post-processing capabilities.
of the scaling potential of
the software on clusters.
Now combining Message Hydraulics Data Output
Passing Interface (MPI) and FLOW-3D has a complete postprocessor capable of outputting
OpenMP paradigms, Hybrid data graphically in 1-D, 2-D and 3-D views or numerical data for
architecture achieve greater
import to other analysis packages. The postprocessing includes
specific data, such as: flow tracers, fluid residence time, fluid
FLOW-3D/MP offers users elevation, depth-averaged velocity, and velocity at an offset from
a substantial increase in the bottom.
performance with possible
scaling up to 256 cores and
Dedicated Support
runtime improvements of as
much as 60x over the serial The professionals at Flow Science work closely with customers
version. to understand their needs and ensure the software continuously
meets their real-world challenges. Flow Science offers valuable
Automatic training to help customers maximize their use of FLOW-3D.
Decomposition Tool Most importantly, Flow Science provides accessible, responsive
FLOW-3D/MP includes an technical support.
Automatic Decomposition
Tool (ADT) making meshing
easier. ADT finds the most Call 505-982-0088 or email sales@flow3d.com for more
efficient way of dividing the information about how FLOW-3D can enhance the reliability and
domain to take advantage of quality of your hydraulics designs and help you reduce overall
Hybrid architecture, removing costs.
all the guess work from
simulation setup.
Flow Tracers
FLOW-3D can simulate tracers at
arbitrary locations to show where
fluid fluxing from a particular
location ends up. This can be
useful for many purposes including
the balancing of flows. Shown are
fluxes from various spillway gates.

ADT decomposes the domain for

balanced processor loads.

Flow Science, Inc.

683 Harkle Road, Suite A; Santa Fe, NM 87505
sales@flow3d.com • www.flow3d.com • 505-982-0088
FLOW-3D and TruVOF are registered trademarks of Flow Science, Inc. in the USA and other


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