Rangkuman Steiner Analysis
Rangkuman Steiner Analysis
Rangkuman Steiner Analysis
Skeletal Analysis
- SNA angle: 82°, >82° Maksila Protrusif, <82° Maksila Retrusif
- SNB angle: 80°, >80° Mandibula Protrusif, <80° Mandibula Retrusif
- ANB = SNA 82° - SNB 80° = 2°, >2° Klas II Maloklusi, <2° Klas III Maloklusi (cameh)
- Mandibular Plane Angle: sudut antara mandibular plane (Go-Gn) & garis SN → 32°,
>32° Pertumbuhan Vertikal, <32° Pertumbuhan Horizontal
- Occlusal Plane Angle: sudut antara garis cusps gigi premolar dan molar pertama &
garis SN → 14°, >14° (long face, pertumbuhan vertikal, skeletal open bite), <14°
(pertumbuhan horizontal, deep bite)
Dental Analysis
- Maxillary Incisor Position (U1-NA)
● Upper incisor to NA line
● U1-NA angle: intersection between upper central incisor & NA line → 22°, >22°
U1 Protrusif, <22° U1 Retrusif
● U1-NA distance: distance between most labial U1 to NA line → 4mm, >4mm U1
lebih maju, <4mm U1 lebih mundur
● angle >22° & distance >4mm: Klas II divisi 1
● angle <22° & distance <4mm: Klas II divisi 2
- Mandibular Incisor Position (L1-NB)
● Lower incisor to NB line
● L1-NB angle: intersection between lower central incisor & NB line, shows
inclination of L1 → 25°, >25° L1 Protrusif, <25° L1 Retrusif
● L1-NB distance: distance between most labial L1 to NB line, shows
forward/backward of L1 → 4mm, >4mm L1 lebih maju, <4mm L1 lebih mundur
- 1 pengukuran saja (angle/distance) tidak memberikan informasi yg adekuat mengenai
posisi anteroposterior
- Interincisal Angle
● Sudut antara insisif atas & bawah (U1-L1) → 130°, <130° Bimaxillary Dental
Protrusion, >130° Bimaxillary Dental Retrusion
● L1 to Chin: distance between labial L1 to NB line
L1-NB = Chin - NB
4 mm 4 mm
- Soft Tissue Analysis
● S-line: midpoint of lower border of the nose to pogonion (Po) soft tissue
● to assess balance & harmony of lower facial profile
● lips should touch S-line
● If the lips are located behind the S-line → Concave Facial Profile