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DLL - Mapeh 6 - Q1 - W1

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School: DepEdClub.

com Grade Level: VI

GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: Learning Area: MAPEH
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: AUGUST 29 – SEPTEMBER 1, 2023 (WEEK 1) Quarter: 1ST QUARTER



A. Content Standard demonstrates understanding Demonstrates understanding of demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates understanding of
of the concept of rhythm by the use of lines, shapes, participation and assessment of personal health issues and
applying notes and rests, colors, texture, and the physical activity and physical concerns and the importance of
rhythmic patterns, and time principles of emphasis fitness health appraisal procedures
signatures and contrast in drawing a logo and community resources in
and own cartoon character using preventing or managing them
new technologies in drawing.
B. Performance Standard responds to beats in Creates concepts through art participates and practices selfmanagement
music heard with processes, elements, and assesses performance in physical skills to prevent and control
appropriate principles using new activities. assesses physical personal health issues and
conducting patterns of technologies (hardware and fitness concerns
2 3 4 and 6 software) to create personal
4 4 4 8 or class logo. designs cartoon
character onthe spot using new
C. Learning Competencies Realizes that art processes, 1. describes the Philippines describes personal
(write the LC Code) identifies the notes / rests elements and principles still physical activity pyramid health issues and
used in a particular song apply even with the use of PE6PF-Ia-16 concerns
2 3 4 new technologies. 2. explains the indicators H6PHIab-18
4 4 4 time signatures A6EL-Ia for fitness demonstrates selfmanagement
MU6RH-Ia-1 2. Appreciates the elements PE6PF-Ia-17 skills
and principles applied in 3. explains health and skill H6PHIab-19
commercial art. related fitness components
A6PL-Ia PE6PF-Ia-21
II. CONTENT Elements: Assessment of physical Personal Health -Issues and
RHYTHM 1. LINE activities and physical fitness Concerns
Musical Symbols and 2. SHAPE 1. height and weight(stunted
Concepts: 3. COLOR growth, underweight,
1. Notes and Rests 4. TEXTURE overweight, obesity)
5. producing these using 2. hearing (impacted cerumen,
technology swimmer’s ear, otitis media)
3. vision
4. (astigmatism, myopia,
5. skin, hair andand nail
6. (sunburn, dandruff ,corns,
blisters and calluses, ingrown
7. posture and spine disorders
(scoliosis, lordosis, kyphosis)
8. oral/dental problems
(cavities, gingivitis,
periodontitis, malocclusion,
A. References
1. TG/CG pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages MISOSA4-Module6 21st Century MAPEH in ACTION OHSP Health 1 Q1 Module 1,
MISOSA5-module1 By Gerardo C. Lacia et.al Reading 2
*Musika at Sining Copyright ,2016 pp.118-125 2. OHSP Health 1 Q2 Module 1
6. Sunico, Raul pp.10-13
M. et al, 2000. 3. EdukasyongPangkatawan,
pp.8-10 kalusugan, at
*Umawit at Musika I. DepED. Abejo, Mary
Gumuhit 6. Placid Sr.
Valdecantos, et.al. 1991.pp.46-52, 69-76
Emelita C. 1999. Science and Health for the
pp.5-16, pp.25-26 Better Life 5.
Norma,et.al.1995. pp.49
2. Edukasyong Pangkatawan,
Kalusugan, at
Musika I. DepED. Abejo, Mary
Placid Sr. et.
al. 1991. pp.62-64;72-80
4. Materials downloaded
from LRMDS
B. Other Learning Materials Laptop, digital art works, sample Laptop, projector
of commercial arts downloaded
from the net
A. Reviewing previous Let the pupils sing the Welcome Review the basic terminologies in Can you still recall your lesson What lessons in Health 5 that
lesson and presenting Song arts about the Physical activity you can still remember ?
new lesson Sing the song Tao, taopo What are the elements of arts? pyramid ?
Clap the beat of the song Principles ?processes ?
B. Establishing a purpose After the session,you are going to Today, you are going to describe In our lesson you will describe
for the lesson Today, we are going to identify realize that art processes, the Philippine physical activity personal health issues and
the notes and rest in a song that elements and principles still pyramid Concerns and
we’re going to learn apply even with the use of Demonstrate self management
new technologies. skills

C. Presenting Present sample of commercial How would you describe the What are the common health
examples/instances of arts Philippine physical activity issues that you have or you
the lesson Play the music chicken dance. Help/ Guide the students pyramid ? have observe ?
Let the pupils dance with the describe, interpret, evaluate, Show the illustration of the Phil Assign these topics to small
music theorize and judge the properties Physical activity pyramid groups for them to discuss and
Present the song and qualities of the visual form, What activities are found in STEP 1 the report to the class
Haranasabukid. Teach the song for the purpose of understanding ? STEP 2? STEP 3 ?STEP 4 ? 1. height and weight(stunted
and appreciating works of art and What are the aims of the physical growth, underweight,
understanding the roles of art in activity pyramid? overweight, obesity)
society. 2. hearing (impacted cerumen,
ART HISTORY Why are physical activities swimmer’s ear, otitis media)
Attribution important ? 3. vision
Where, when, why, and by whom 4. (astigmatism, myopia,
was an artwork made? hyperopia,xerophthalmia,
Style refers to the distinguishing
characteristics of a work of art
that identify it as typical of an
individual artist, culture, school,
movement, or time period.
Artworks may exhibit personal,
national, and/or period styles.
D. Discussing new concepts Group Discussion on theff: What are the indicators or signs of Big group sharing
and practicing new skills Analyze the song. ART CRITICISM physical fitness ? What are these? How do you
#1 What is the time signature of Guide Questions for art criticism Do you like doing physical handle these?
the song ? What does the upper Description: What do I see? (feel, activities ? Original File Submitted and
number in the time signature hear, smell, taste)? Can you stretch your muscles w/o Formatted by DepEd Club
mean? How about the lower •Subject Matter: Does the feeling discomfort or pain? Member - visit depedclub.com
number ? What are the notes artwork depict anything? If so, Can you move your body with a for more
and rests you find in the song ? what? little or no difficulty?
( quarter note) (eight •Medium: What tools, materials, Can you run 1.6 km in eight
or processes did the art make minutes with ease ?
note) (quarter note )
use? Is the amount of your fat less than
( half note ) . (dotted quarter •Form: What elements did the your weight of lean muscles bones
note ) maker choose and how did the and body organs ?
What does it mean by the maker organize the elements? If yes, you are physically fit. If your
song ? Discuss the value of the
song in relation to the culture of *Interpretation: What is the answers are no, you have to work
Filipinos artwork about? out for your physical fitness
•Interpretive Statement: Can I
express what I think the artwork
is about in one sentence?

E. Discussing new concepts Help the students analyze the Evidence: What evidence inside Group the class in three.
and practicing new skills song or outside the artwork supports Group 1 -Ask them to work on the
#2 my interpretation? following topics
Judgment: Is it a good artwork? What are the four signs of
Criteria: What criteria do I think fitness ?
are most appropriate for judging ( endurance,flexibility,strength,bo
the artwork? dy composition )
Evidence: What evidence inside Group 2- What are the health-
What is the time signature of
or outside the artwork relates to related fitness components
the song ?What does the
each criterion? Group 3- What are the skill-
numbers in the time signature
Judgment: Based on the criteria related fitness components.
mean ? What are the notes and
and evidence, what is my ( cardio-vascular fitness, healthful
rests in the song?
judgment about the quality of the composition, flexibility, muscular
artwork? strength, muscular endurance )
( The pupils will recall their lessons
in Grade 4 or they will research.
They can use the Grade 4 LM for
this activity
( agility,balance,coordination,
reaction time,speed, power )

F. Developing mastery (lead Let the pupils draw and identify Group reporting/ presentation
to formative assessment the notes in the song
G. Finding practical Present another song with 2 Are the elements and principles Practice selfmanagement
application of concepts 4 of arts present in the art work ? skills to prevent and control
and skills in daily living time signature and ask the personal health issues and
pupils to identify the different concerns
notes and rest found in the
song. This activity may be done
by group
H. Making generalization What is the art processes in this
and abstractions about art work? What elements of art
the lesson are present ?principles ?

I. Evaluating learning Self assessment Ask the following questions. Pupils Do you practice personal
1.Whatdid I do in my art class may answer these either by hygiene to prevent and control
today ? writing drawing or personal health concerns.?
2.What did I learn ? performing/role play What are these ?
3.What did I find interesting 1. Describe the Philippine
about the art? activity pyramid
Identify the notes and rests
4.What questions do I have about 2. What are the indicators
found in the song
what I learned for fitness ?
5.What was the point of today’s 3. What do you mean by
lesson ? cardio-vascular fitness ?
4. What do you mean by
5. What is meant by speed ?
J. Additional activities for
application or


A. No. of learners who

earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
acquired additional
activities for remediation
who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners
who have caught up with
the lesson.
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encountered which my
principal can help me
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
used/discover which I
wish to share with other

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