GRADES 1 To 12 Daily Lesson Log JUNE 4-8, 2018 (WEEK 1) Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
GRADES 1 To 12 Daily Lesson Log JUNE 4-8, 2018 (WEEK 1) Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
GRADES 1 To 12 Daily Lesson Log JUNE 4-8, 2018 (WEEK 1) Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
C. Presenting Present sample of commercial How would you describe the What are the common health
examples/instances of arts Philippine physical activity issues that you have or you have Teach the song.
the lesson Play the music chicken dance. Help/ Guide the students pyramid ? observe ?
Let the pupils dance with the describe, interpret, evaluate, Show the illustration of the Phil Assign these topics to small
music theorize and judge the Physical activity pyramid groups for them to discuss and the
Present the song properties and qualities of the What activities are found in STEP report to the class
Haranasabukid. Teach the visual form, for the purpose of 1 ? STEP 2? STEP 3 ?STEP 4 ? 1. height and weight(stunted
song understanding and appreciating What are the aims of the physical growth, underweight,
works of art and understanding activity pyramid? overweight, obesity)
the roles of art in society. 2. hearing (impacted cerumen,
ART HISTORY Why are physical activities swimmer’s ear, otitis media)
Attribution important ? 3. vision Analyze the song`
Where, when, why, and by 4. (astigmatism, myopia, What is the title of the song?
whom was an artwork made? hyperopia,xerophthalmia, What is the time signature of
strabismus) the song? What does it mean
Style by the upper number in the
Style refers to the distinguishing time signature? The second
characteristics of a work of art number ? What are the notes
that identify it as typical of an and rest you found in the song
individual artist, culture, school, ?
movement, or time period.
Artworks may exhibit personal,
national, and/or period styles.
D. Discussing new concepts Group Discussion on theff: What are the indicators or signs Big group sharing Emphasize the discussion of the
and practicing new skills Analyze the song. ART CRITICISM of physical fitness ? What are these? How do you meaning of the song
#1 What is the time signature of Guide Questions for art criticism Do you like doing physical handle these
the song ? What does the Description: What do I see? activities ?
upper number in the time (feel, hear, smell, taste)? Can you stretch your muscles w/o
signature mean? How about •Subject Matter: Does the feeling discomfort or pain?
the lower number ? What are artwork depict anything? If so, Can you move your body with a
the notes and rests you find in what? little or no difficulty?
the song ? ( quarter note) •Medium: What tools, Can you run 1.6 km in eight
materials, or processes did the minutes with ease ?
(eight note) (quarter
art make use? Is the amount of your fat less
note ) ( half note ) . •Form: What elements did the than your weight of lean muscles
(dotted quarter note ) maker choose and how did the bones and body organs ?
What does it mean by the maker organize the elements? If yes, you are physically fit. If
song ? Discuss the value of *Interpretation: What is the your answers are no, you have to
the song in relation to the artwork about? work out for your physical fitness
culture of Filipinos •Interpretive Statement: Can I
express what I think the artwork
is about in one sentence?
F. Developing mastery (lead Let the pupils draw and Group reporting/ presentation Flash different notes and rests,
to formative assessment identify the notes in the song and let the pupils identify them
G. Finding practical Present another song with 2 Are the elements and principles Practice selfmanagement
application of concepts 4 of arts present in the art work ? skills to prevent and control
and skills in daily living time signature and ask the personal health issues and
pupils to identify the different concerns
notes and rest found in the
song. This activity may be
done by group
H. Making generalization What is the art processes in this
and abstractions about art work? What elements of art
the lesson are present ?principles ?
I. Evaluating learning Self assessment Ask the following questions. Do you practice personal hygiene Identify the notes and rests
1.Whatdid I do in my art class Pupils may answer these either to prevent and control personal found in the song
today ? by writing drawing or health concerns.? What are these ( Present a copy of a musical
2.What did I learn ? performing/role play ? score of any folksong in the six-
3.What did I find interesting 1. Describe the Philippine eight time signature )
about the art? activity pyramid
Identify the notes and rests
4.What questions do I have 2. What are the indicators
found in the song
about what I learned for fitness ?
5.What was the point of today’s 3. What do you mean by
lesson ? cardio-vascular fitness ?
4. What do you mean by
5. What is meant by speed
J. Additional activities for
application or
VI. REFLECTION Assessing yourself as a teacher and analyzing the students’ progress this week.