Deep Sea Electronics: DSEA109 Configuration Suite PC Software Manual Document Number: 057-294
Deep Sea Electronics: DSEA109 Configuration Suite PC Software Manual Document Number: 057-294
Deep Sea Electronics: DSEA109 Configuration Suite PC Software Manual Document Number: 057-294
057-294 ISSUE: 2
DSEA109 Configuration Suite PC Software Manual
The DSE logo and the names DSEGenset®, DSEAts®, DSEControl® and DSEPower® are UK
registered trademarks of Deep Sea Electronics Ltd.
Any reference to trademarked product names used within this publication is owned by their respective
Deep Sea Electronics Ltd. reserves the right to change the contents of this document without prior
Amendments List
Issue Comments
1 Initial release
2 Updated for new Idle Frequency Detection and De-Excite CAN message.
Typeface: The typeface used in this document is Arial. Care must be taken not to mistake the upper case letter I with the numeral 1. The numeral
1 has a top serif to avoid this confusion.
1 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................. 4
1.1 CLARIFICATION OF NOTIFICATION ............................................................................. 5
1.2 GLOSSARY OF TERMS ................................................................................................. 5
1.3 BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................................. 6
1.3.1 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS ............................................................................. 6
1.3.2 MANUALS ................................................................................................................ 6
1.3.3 TRAINING GUIDES .................................................................................................. 6
1.3.4 OTHER..................................................................................................................... 6
2 EDITING THE CONFIGURATION ................................................................... 7
2.1 SCREEN LAYOUT .......................................................................................................... 7
2.2 MODULE OPTIONS ........................................................................................................ 8
2.3 VOLTAGE ....................................................................................................................... 8
2.3.1 SET POINT .............................................................................................................. 9
2.3.2 DROOP .................................................................................................................. 10
2.3.3 EXTERNAL BIAS.................................................................................................... 11
2.4 FREQUENCY ................................................................................................................ 13
2.5 STABILITY.................................................................................................................... 16
2.5.1 STABILITY CONFIGURATION 1 & 2 ...................................................................... 16
2.6 PROTECTIONS............................................................................................................. 19
2.7 COMMUNICATIONS ..................................................................................................... 20
2.7.1 COMMUNICATIONS OPTIONS .............................................................................. 20
2.7.2 GENCOMM PAGE 166 ........................................................................................... 22
2.8 ALTERNATIVE CONFIGURATIONS ............................................................................. 23
2.8.1 ALTERNATIVE CONFIGURATION OPTIONS ........................................................ 23
2.8.2 ALTERNATIVE CONFIGURATION 1 TO 5 ............................................................. 23 CONFIGURATION OPTIONS .......................................................................... 24 VOLTAGE ....................................................................................................... 24 FREQUENCY .................................................................................................. 24
3 SCADA .......................................................................................................... 25
3.1 MODULE IDENTITY ...................................................................................................... 26
3.2 FREQUENCY, VOLTAGES AND CURRENT ................................................................ 27
3.3 DIAGNOSTICS.............................................................................................................. 28
3.4 STATUS........................................................................................................................ 29
3.5 COMMISSIONING SCREENS ....................................................................................... 30
3.5.1 STATUS ................................................................................................................. 30
3.5.2 FIXED DUTY CYCLE.............................................................................................. 31
3.5.3 VOLTAGE SET POINT STEP ................................................................................. 31
WARNING!: LIVE PARTS exist within the AVR. To avoid damage to persons and/or
property, only qualified personnel having full understanding of the application must install and
configure the product.
This document details the use of the DSE Configuration Suite PC Software with the DSEA109 AVR,
which is part of the DSEGenset® range of products.
The manual forms part of the product and should be kept for the entire life of the product. If the
product is passed or supplied to another party, ensure that this document is passed to them for
reference purposes.
This is not a controlled document. DSE do not automatically inform on updates. Any future updates of
this document are included on the DSE website at
The DSE Configuration Suite PC Software allows the DSEA109 AVR to be connected to a PC via the
DSE815 Configuration Interface. Once connected, the software allows easy, controlled access to
various operating parameters within the AVR which can then be viewed and edited as required.
The DSE Configuration Suite PC Software must only be used by competent, qualified personnel, as
changes to the operation of the module may have safety implications for the generating set to which it
is fitted.
The information contained in this manual must be read in conjunction with the information contained
in the appropriate module documentation. This manual only details which settings are available and
how they may be used. Separate manuals deal with the operation of the individual module and its
ancillaries, refer to section entitled Bibliography elsewhere in this document for further information.
This document refers to, and is referred by the following DSE publications which are obtained from
the DSE website: or by contacting DSE technical support:
Installation instructions are supplied with the product in the box and are intended as a ‘quick start’
guide only.
Product manuals are obtained from the DSE website: or by contacting
DSE technical support:
Training guides are provided as ‘hand-out’ sheets on specific subjects during training sessions and
contain specific information regarding to that subject.
1.3.4 OTHER
Reference Description
IEEE Std C37.2-1996 IEEE Standard Electrical Power System Device
ISBN 1-55937-879-4 Function Numbers and Contact Designations. Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers Inc
ISBN 0-7506-1147-2 Diesel generator handbook. L.L.J. Mahon
ISBN 0-9625949-3-8 On-Site Power Generation. EGSA Education Committee.
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Parameter Description
Voltage Range Select the alternator’s Voltage Range between the L1, L2 (N) L3
High: 180 V to 600 V range
Low: for 90 V to 300 V range.
The Set Point settings change when the Voltage Range is changed.
AC Sensing Select the AC sensing topology for the L1, L2 (N) & L3 terminals.
Single Phase
Three Phase
Preset Enable = The Voltage Set Point potentiometer is disabled and the voltage
output of the alternator is determined by the Set Point parameter in the
= The Voltage Set Point potentiometer is enabled and the voltage
output of the alternator is determined by the Voltage Set Point
potentiometer on the AVR.
Anticlockwise Limit Of Set the minimum voltage adjustment allowed by the Voltage Set Point
Preset potentiometer
Clockwise Limit Of Preset Set the maximum voltage adjustment allowed by the Voltage Set Point
Set Point When the Preset Enable option is disabled, this determines the voltage
output of the alternator.
2.3.2 DROOP
NOTE: For further details and examples on how to set the droop function, refer to DSE
Publication: 057-295 DSEA109 Operators Manual.
Parameter Description
Preset Enable = The Droop potentiometer is disabled. The droop percentage is
determined by the Droop parameter in the configuration.
= The Droop potentiometer is enabled. The droop is determined by
the Droop potentiometer on the AVR.
Clockwise Limit Of Preset Set the maximum droop adjustment allowed by the Droop
Droop (% of Set Point) Set the droop amount as a percentage of the Voltage Set Point
Droop CT AC System
NOTE: When User Configured is selected the Offset Angle
must be configured. This enables the user to fit the droop CT to
any phase regardless of the topology of the system. For further
details on how to derive the correct offset angle please refer to
the DSE Publication:
057-295 DSEA109 Operators Manual.
Select the correct AC wiring system of the voltage sensing, this
provides the correct droop CT offset angle automatically.
The options are:
User Configured
3 Phase, 3 Wire
3 Phase, 4 Wire
3 Phase, 4 Wire Delta L1-N-L2
Single Phase, 2 Wire
Single Phase, 3 Wire L1 – L2
Offset Angle Set the phase angle between the voltage sensing and droop CT
Full Load Current Set the full load current of the Droop CT secondary
Parameter Description
Enable = The Remote Potentiometer input is disabled
= The Remote Potentiometer input is enabled, allowing the voltage
biasing via a 5 kΩ potentiometer
Range (% of Set Point) Set the range of voltage bias via the Remote Potentiometer as a
percentage of the Voltage Set Point
When this is set to 5.0%, the maximum voltage adjustment via the
potentiometer for a nominal voltage 230 V, has a range between 218.5
V and 241.5 V
DC Voltage Input
Parameter Description
Enable = The DC Voltage input is disabled
= The DC Voltage input is enabled, allowing the voltage biasing
via a -10 V to 10 V DC Voltage signal
Range (% of Set Point / V) Set the range of voltage bias via the DC Voltage Input as a
percentage of the Set Point per Voltage.
When the Range is set to 5.0% and the Offset is set to 0.0 V, the
AVR’s adjustment range is ±50% (5% x ±10) of the Set Point. For a
nominal voltage of 230 V, has a range between 115 V and 345 V
Offset This is the DC Voltage to instruct running at the Set Point. It provides
an offset to the voltage biasing input. Useful when the output voltage
range of the external synchroniser/load matcher is smaller than the
full voltage biasing range of the AVR.
Parameter Description
Enable = The CAN Voltage Adjust is disabled
= The CAN Voltage Adjust is enabled, allowing the voltage biasing
via the CAN Communication.
Range (% of Set Point) Set the range of voltage bias via the CAN Communication port of the
AVR as a percentage of the Voltage Set Point
When this is set to 10.0%, the maximum voltage adjustment via the
CAN Communication for a nominal voltage 230 V, has a range
between 207 V and 253 V
NOTE: For further details of module operation, refer to DSE Publication: 057-295 DSEA109
Operators Manual.
Frequency Range
Parameter Description
Frequency Range Select the alternator’s Frequency Range:
50 Hz
60 Hz
The UFRO setting limits are changed when the Frequency Range is
NOTE: For further details on the operation of UFRO, refer to DSE Publication: 057-295
DSEA109 Operators Manual.
Parameter Description
Preset Enable = The UFRO Potentiometer is disabled; the Knee Point setting in the
configuration is enabled
= The UFRO Potentiometer is enabled; the Knee Point setting in the
configuration is disabled
Anticlockwise Limit of Set the low limit for the UFRO potentiometer on the module.
Knee Point Set the Knee Point for the UFRO protection. This the frequency
setpoint at which the UFRO protection starts.
Instantaneous Mode = The UFRO Instantaneous Mode is disabled; the UFRO ramping
down protection starts at the knee point
= When the frequency drops below the Knee Point setting, the
voltage output is instantly dropped to the configured Step level. Any
further drop in frequency would result in a decrease of voltage output
based on the configured Ramp Rate.
Ramp Rate (%/Hz) Set the Ramp Rate for the UFRO protection, this is the percentage of
Set Point Voltage decreased with every 1 Hz drop when the frequency
drops below the configured Knee Point or the setpoint determined by
the UFRO potentiometer
Dwell Time Set the time delay before the AVR excitation starts to ramp up when a
UFRO protection has occurred.
Ramp Up Rate After Set the rate of voltage ramp up after the Dwell Time expires. This is
Dwell (%/s) the percentage of Set Point Voltage increased every 1 s.
Parameter Description
Under Frequency Trip Set the frequency setpoint at which the AVR excitation is disabled.
Parameter Description
Idle Frequency Detection = The Idle Frequency Detection is disabled; the Soft Start Ramps as
soon as the AVR is powered.
= The Idle Frequency Detection is enabled; the Soft Start Ramp
begins once the generator’s frequency exceeds the configured level.
NOTE: The stability range is selected by the DIP switches on the AVR. For further details,
refer to DSE Publication: 057-295 DSEA109 Operators Manual.
NOTE: For further details on stability settings, refer to DSE Publication: 057-295 DSEA109
Operators Manual.
Configuration Options
Parameter Description
Name Give a custom name to identify this stability configuration
Parameter Description
Preset Enable = The Proportional Potentiometer on the AVR is disabled; the Set
Point setting in the configuration is enabled. The set point is also
adjustable using the SCADA | Commissioning page whilst the
generator is running.
= The Proportional Potentiometer on the AVR is enabled; the Set
Point setting in the configuration is disabled
Preset Range Set the range of the Proportional Gain potentiometer on the module.
Set Point When the potentiometer is disabled, this parameter fixes the
Proportional Gain setting in the AVR
Parameter Description
Preset Enable = The Integral Potentiometer on the AVR is disabled; the Set Point
setting in the configuration is enabled. The set point is also adjustable
whilst the generator is running using the SCADA | Commissioning
= The Integral Potentiometer on the AVR is enabled; the Set Point
setting in the configuration is disabled
Preset Range Set the range of the Integral Gain potentiometer on the module.
Set Point When the potentiometer is disabled, this parameter fixes the Integral
Gain setting in the AVR
Parameter Description
Set Point
NOTE: For further details on the gain settings, refer to DSE
Publication: 057-295 DSEA109 Operators Manual.
Set the Derivative Gain parameter in the AVR. The set point is also
adjustable whilst the generator is running using the SCADA |
Commissioning page.
Excitation Output
Parameter Description
Off Load Duty Cycle Set the initial output duty cycle when starting. This is useful to
ensure a fast voltage build-up upon starting.
Maximum Duty Cycle Set the maximum output duty cycle. This is useful to limit the overall
amount of excitation.
Output Limit Overshoot % The Output Limit Overshoot allows the Duty Cycle to exceed the
Maximum Duty Cycle setting by the Output Limit Overshoot % of the
Maximum Duty Cycle level for the duration of Output Limit Overshoot
Soft Start
Parameter Description
Ramp Start Point (% of Set the start point for the voltage build-up ramp. This is configured in
Set Point) percentage of the set point voltage. This is useful to allow a quick
voltage build-up when starting the set.
Ramp Rate (%/s) Set the rate for the voltage build-up ramp in percentage of set point
voltage per second.
Parameter Description
Start-up Fail Delay Set the time delay for the Start-up Fail alarm when the module does not
measure the auxiliary voltage upon starting.
Loss of Feedback Set the time delay for the Loss Of Feedback Delay alarm when the
Delay module sees a sudden loss of feedback voltage.
Over Excitation
Parameter Description
Over Excite Trip Set the Over Excite Trip level. The Over Excite Trip alarm activates
when the excitation voltage exceeds the configured setting for longer
than the Over Excite Trip delay.
Over Excite Delay Set the time delay for the Over Excite Trip alarm.
External Potentiometer
Parameter Description
Enable Open Circuit = The External Potentiometer Open Circuit Alarm is disabled.
Alarm = The External Potentiometer Open Circuit Alarm is enabled. This
allows detection of open circuit when the external potentiometer is
The DSE815 Configuration Interface communication port is provided to give a simple means of
connection between a PC and the controller.
Parameter Description
Site Identity / Free text entries to identify the module.
Module Identity These texts are displayed on the SCADA screen when the module is
connected to the PC.
CAN Options
Parameter Description
CAN Source Address Configure the CAN Source address of the AVR’s CAN port.
Enable Alternative = The Alternative Configuration Selection through the CAN message
Configuration Selection is disabled.
= The Alternative Configuration Selection through the CAN message
is enabled.
Enabled Stability = The Stability Selection through the CAN message is disabled.
Selection = The Stability Selection through the CAN message is enabled.
Enable De-Excite Mode = The De-Excite command via a CAN message is disabled.
= The De-Excite command via a CAN message is enabled. The
generator first starts up in a De-Excited state. Once the AVR is powered
and confirms there is no De-Excite command via a CAN message is
present, the generator excites. This feature is normally used for Dead
Bus Synchronising or magnetisation of transformers / motors to limit
inrush currents.
Parameter Description
Configurable CAN = The relevant Configurable CAN Message is disabled.
Message 1 or 2 = The relevant Configurable CAN Message is enabled.
Configurable Value 1 or 2
NOTE: For the Configurable CAN Instrumentation PGNs,
refer to DSE Publication: 057-295 DSEA109 Operators Manual.
Select the required Instrumentation or Status to read over the CAN.
Configurable Gencomm pages are available to allow the user to create personal collections of data in
subsequent registers to minimise the number of modbus reads required by the master, and hence
speed up data collection.
The register address is obtained from the formula: register address= page number*256+register
To read the Frequency from the above register, the Modbus master device needs to read the data in
two registers and then combine the data from the Most Signficant 16-Bit register and the Least
Significant 16-Bit register.
MSB address in Decimal = (166 * 256) + 0 = 42496
LSB address in Decimal = (166 * 256) + 1 = 42497
Parameter Description
Main Configuration Change the Main Configuration name as required.
Use DIP Switches for = The Alternative Configuration selection by the DIP Switches is
Default Configuration disabled. The AVR operates according to the Default Configuration’s
= The Alternative Configuration is selected by the DIP Switches on
the AVR.
Default Configuration Select the required Configuration from the list:
Main Configuration
Alternative Configuration 1
Alternative Configuration 2
Alternative Configuration 3
Alternative Configuration 4
Alternative Configuration 5
Parameter Description
Enable Configuration = The Alternative Configuration is disabled from the configuration.
= The relevant Alternative Configuration is enabled to be configured.
Configuration Name Change the relevant Alternative Configuration’s name as required VOLTAGE
Refer to the section entitled Voltage elsewhere in this document for the Voltage settings. FREQUENCY
Refer to the section entitled Frequency elsewhere in this document for the Frequency settings.
NOTE: The DSE815 RS485 Configuration Interface and the configuration port on the
module are designed to be used for configuration and diagnostics, not for monitoring.
SCADA stands for Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition and is provided both as a service tool
and also as a means of monitoring and control.
As a service tool, the SCADA pages is to check the operation of the module as well as checking the
system parameters.
Click to connect
to the module
Module’s firmware
revision number
NOTE: For further details on Dip Switch Adjustment, refer to DSE Publication: 057-295
DSEA109 Operators Manual.
Shows the module’s current status.
NOTE: For further details on the setup procedure, refer to DSE Publication: 057-295
DSEA109 Operators Manual.
Shows a trace of the module’s parameters to help with commissioning and adjusting the signal
Parameter Description
Gain (P) Stability (I)
Derivative (D) NOTE: Only enabled when Preset Enabled is unticked. For
further details see section entitled Stability defined elsewhere in
this manual.
The setting for the Gain (P), Stability (I) and Derivative (D) of the control
loop for the AVR.
Apply to Configuration Writes the Gain (P), Stability (I) and Derivative (D) of the control loop to
the modules configuration file.
3.5.1 STATUS
Parameter Description
Frequency The generator frequency.
Feedback Voltage The generator voltage.
Excitation Voltage The alternator exciter voltage.
Auxiliary Voltage The Auxiliary winding voltage.
Supervisor State The state of the generator (Running, Idle or Stopped)
Output Duty Cycle This value indicates the Off Load Duty Cycle it must be configured to
when the generator is running with no load.
Proportional Indicates the Proportional Set Point.
Integral Indicates the Integral Set Point.
Derivative Indicates the Derivative Set Point.
Parameter Description
Enable Test Mode = The Test mode is disabled, the AVR operates according to the
preset values.
= The Test mode is enabled. With this mode the AVR no longer tries
to adjust to the Set Point. The AVR changes the Output Duty Cycle to
the Fixed Duty Cycle percentage. This causes the excitation to increase
or decrease depending if the Fixed Duty Cycle % level Is greater or
smaller than the Off Load Duty Cycle.
This provides a load bank simulation to calibrate the Set Points.
Fixed Duty Cycle % The percentage the excitation output’s Duty Cycle is forced to when Test
Mode is enabled. The higher the Fixed Duty Cycle % the great the
excitation, the lower the Fixed Duty Cycle % the lower the excitation.
This feature allows the user to simulate a load being applied to the generator. It changes the target of
the generator voltage adjustment to check the overshoot and time response.
Parameter Description
Voltage Set Point Step This interval is the repetition number to vary the generator’s output
Enable Test Mode voltage up and down between the Set Point and the increased Voltage
intervals % levels.
Voltage % The amount of Voltage to be changed in percentage during the Test
Interval The delay time to increase the excitation output after each interval.