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Locomotive: Service Manual

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INTRODUCTION of three phases, and provide a proportional signal to

circuits that control excitation.
The locomotive electrical circuits are designed so that
no adjustment need be made on the unit. All circuits are
bench tested and adjusted before being applied to the
locomotive. To facilitate this arrangement, as well as to
simplify maintenance procedure and reduce locomotive
down time, most control circuits and devices are
packaged on plug-in circuit modules. All modules
bearing the same identification are interchangeable.

This section of the manual provides a brief description

of the circuit module function, along with brief
descriptions of other electrical devices and components.
For a thorough analysis of the control circuits contained
on the modules refer to Section 7 of the Locomotive
Service Manual.


The main generator is a three-phase alternator equipped Fig 6-1 -- AR 10 Main Generator
with two independent and interwoven sets of stator
windings and a rotating field common to the windings. D14 AUXILIARY ALTERNATOR, Fig.
The dual output from the generator stator is supplied to 6-2
two air cooled rectifier assemblies in an airbox that is
an integral part of the main generator. The rectifier The D14 alternator is physically connected to but
assemblies consist of high current, high voltage silicon electrically independent of the traction alternator. The
diodes in three-phase, full wave rectifier circuits. The D14 rotor (field) is excited by low voltage current
circuits are provided with delta connected resistors and which it receives from the DC auxiliary generator
capacitors for suppression of commutation transients, through a pair of slip rings adjacent to the slip rings for
and are provided with fuses for automatic removal of the main generator.
failed diodes. Each fuse is equipped with a spring
loaded indicator that protrudes when a diode failure There are no controls in the D14 excitation circuit, thus
causes the fuse to blow. Windows for fuse inspection the alternator will be excited and developing power
are located in the airbox. whenever the diesel engine is running. Output voltage
will vary with speed of rotation, alternator temperature,
Three current transformers are also mounted in the and load. Nominally D14 output is 215 volts at 120
airbox. The transformers sense output at each cycles per second with the engine running at full speed
of 900 RPM

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Section 6

The motor fields and armatures are connected in series

to provide the high starting torque required for
locomotive service.

Motor rotation is reversed by reversing the flow of

current through the field windings. This is
accomplished by switchgear in the locomotive electrical
cabinet. Similar switchgear is also used to convert the
traction motors to electrical generators for dynamic
braking. During braking, the motor fields are connected
in series with the main generator output and the motor
armatures are connected to heat dissipating resistor
grids and fans.

The brush holder assembly is formed with a heavy cross

section to minimize flexing and fatigue damage and to
enable the assembly to withstand severe flashover.
Brush holder cabling is arranged and clamped for
Fig. 6-2 -- D14 Auxiliary Alternator increased mechanical strength.


Electrical power from the main generator is distributed All low voltage direct current electricity required during
to traction motor mounted in the trucks. Each motor is locomotive operation comes from the auxiliary
geared to a pair of wheels, with the gear ratio selected generator. This current is used for battery charging and
for the type of service intended. The motors are cooled for excitation of the I)14 alternator as well as for
by means of an external blower located in the energizing control circuits and actuating electrical
locomotive unit and mechanically driven from the

Fig. 6-3 --Traction Motor

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Section 6

switchgear. The auxiliary generator is a self-excited located outside of the stator. Motor and fan rotating
machine that uses residual magnetism for initial speed are directly proportional to the AC frequency of
excitation. To hold voltage at a constant 74 volts, a the D14 alternator which in turn is dependent upon
static type voltage regulator is used in the field engine speed.
excitation circuit. The regulator is packaged as a plug-in
circuit module VR, and is provided with a voltage
adjustment for battery charging purposes.

The locomotive is equipped basically with the 10 KW

auxiliary generator, but the power demands of special
equipment may require the use of an auxiliary generator
of higher capacity. In such case an 18 KW or 24 KW
generator is used.

Fig. 6-5 - Cooling Fan Assembly


ASSEMBLY, Fig. 6-0

The dynamic brake grid cooling blower assembly

consists of a fan powered by a series wound direct
current motor. During dynamic braking the locomotive
traction motors operate as generators, and the electrical
power generated is converted to heat at the braking
resistor grids. A portion of the electrical current from
the traction motors is shunted around one of the resistor
grids and used to power the grid blower motor. Air
driven by the grid blower drives grid heat to

Fig. 6-4 - Auxiliary Generator

Fig. 6-6 - Dynamic Brake Grid Blower Assembly

These motors are inverted squirrel cage induction type

and are an integral part of the cooling fan assembly.
The term "inverted" indicates that they differ from the
conventional squirrel cage motor in that the rotor is

123455 6-3
Section 6


This is a 114 IIP 1200 RPM (,4-74 volt I)(' motor

coupled directly to a fuel hump and mounted on the
equipment rack. During engine operation the hump
supplies fuel oil for combustion and injector cooling. A
bypass valve at the primary fuel filter protects the motor
against overloading due to filter plugging.


The starting motor solenoid mounted on the starting-,

motor housing contains concentrically WOLii1d 1,0ils
Pl' and HOLD.
Fig. 6-7 - Engine Starting Motor
When energized. the low resistance P1 coil drives the
starter motor pinion into place. The starting contactor interlocked so that the pinions of both starting motors
then shorts out the IT coil and the high resistance must be engaged with the engine ring gear before
HOLD coil has sufficient energy to hold the pinion cranking power can be applied.
en;uaged. When cranking signal is removed. the starting
contactors drop out. LOCOMOTIVE CONTROL STAND, Fig. 6-8
The diesel engine is equipped with dual motors for The locomotive control stand contains operating
cranking. Power circuits to the motors are handles. switches. gauges. and indicating lights

Fig. 6-8 - Locomotive Control Stand

123455 6-4
Section 6

used by the operator of the locomotive. The air brake dynanlic brake rheostat, which is part of' the controller
valves and handles are at the left side of the stand, with assembly. Mechanical interlocking prevents the
the controller assembly to the right. Various gauges and dynamic brake handle from being moved out of the
indicating lights are located above the controller, and OFF position unless the throttle is at IDLE: and the
various operating switches are adjacent to it or below. reverser handle is positioned for either forward or
reverse operation.
CAUTION: During transfer from power operation to
The controller contains the three main operating dynamic braking, the throttle must be held
handles: throttle, reverser, and dynamic brake. in IDLE for 10 seconds before moving the
Nameplates identify each handle. and the positions of dynamic brake handle to the SET UP
the throttle and dynamic brake handles are indicated in position. This is to allow time for decay of
illuminated windows located directly above those magnetic flux and preclude a sudden surge
handles. The controller assembly is hinged to the of braking effort with possible train run-in
control stand, and can be swung down for maintenance or motor flashover.
and troubleshooting.
Throttle Handle
The throttle is the middle handle on the controller
panel. It is moved from right to left to increase engine
speed and power. The handle grip is somewhat out of
round, with the flattened surfaces horizontal to
distinguish it from the dynamic brake handle, which has
its flattened surfaces vertical. The throttle has nine
detent positions: IDLE, and I through 8 plus a STOP
position which is obtained by pulling the handle
outward and moving it to the right beyond IDLE to stop
all engines ill a locomotive consist. Mechanical
interlocking prevents the throttle handle from being
moved out of" IDLE when the dynamic brake handle is
advanced to SET H' or beyond. car when the reverser
handle is centered and removed from the controller.

Reverser Handle
Fig. 6-9 - Locomotive Controller With Handles
Positioned For Dynamic Braking The reverser handle is the lowest handle on the
controller panel. It has three detent positions: left,
Dynamic Brake Handle centered. and right. When the handle is moved to the
right toward the short hood end of the locomotive.
A separate handle is provided for control of dynamic circuits are set up for the locomotive to move in that
brakes. It is uppermost on the controller panel and is direction. When the handle is moved to the left. toward
moved from left to right to increase braking effort. The the long hood end of the locomotive, circuits are set up
handle grip is somewhat out of round with the flattened for movement in that direction. With the reverser
surfaces vertical to distinguish it from the throttle handle centered. mechanical interlocking prevents
handle, which has its flattened surfaces horizontal. The movement of the dynamic brake handle, but the throttle
brake handle has two detent positions: OFF and SET handle can be moved to increase engine speed. In such
UP, and an operating range through which the handle case power will not be applied to the traction motors.
moves freely without notching. The handle is in the but a load test may be made if the proper circuit setup is
OFF notch when positioned fully left. The SI:T UP made.
position is one notch to the right of OFF. When the
handle is moved to the right out of the SET UP notch, it The reverser handle is centered all(] removed from the
can then be moved without notching to positions 1 panel to lock the throttle in IDLI:: position and the
through FULL 8 to increase the signal from the dynamic brake handle in OFF position.

123455 6-5
Section 6

LOAD CURRENT INDICATING METER The indicating light assembly consists of a rectangular
aluminum plate with six 1/2" drilled holes to accept
This meter indicates current through the No. traction holders for grooved-base subminiature lamps. Limiting
motor. Since all motors will carry approximately equal resistors of high wattage are also affixed to the plate.
current, main generator current will be three times the The lamp holders form the front part of the press-to-test
meter indication during series-parallel operation, and assemblies, and a printed circuit board equipped with
six times the indication during full parallel. The meter Faston tabs is connected to the backs of the switches.
indicates from zero to 1500 amperes during power The tabs are wired to appropriate locomotive circuits.
operation, with a red zone indicating maximum allow-
able continuous motor current, beginning at 1050 Translucent phenolic lens caps, either white or colored,
amperes. and identified by black block letters, fit over the lamps
and into the switch assemblies. When finger pressure is
On units equipped with dynamic brakes, the meter has a applied to the lens caps, the switches close to test the
dial with the zero point located at top center. During lamps. A fiberglass guard formed to accept and retain
power operation the meter needle moves clockwise the lens caps is bolted to the aluminum plate to
from zero to indicate increasing motor current. During complete the indicating light assembly.
dynamic braking the meter needle moves
counterclockwise from zero to indicate increasing NOTE: A delay of about one second occurs between
dynamic braking current. pressing the indicating lens cap and
illunnination of the indicator.
WHEEL SLIP light indicates moderate to severe wheel
Duplex gauges provide indication of various air brake slip, locked sliding wheels, or circuit difficulty.
system pressures. Depending upon conditions, the light will flash
intermittently or come on and go off at regular
INDICATING LIGHTS PANEL, Fig. 6-10 intervals.

Indicating lights alert the locomotive operator of NOTE: On locomotives equipped with locked wheel
various operating conditions. The panel assembly is detecting equipment and an LW module, a
located adjacent to the upper left corner of the locked wheel will cause the WHEEL SLIP light
controller. It has provision for six press-to-test lights to light and remain lit and the alarm bell to
(three basic, and from one to three additional as sound. In addition, LOCK WHEEL indications
required by the use of special equipment on the independent of the wheel slip protective circuits
locomotive). are provided.

PCS OPEN light indicates a safety control or

emergency air brake application.

SAND light indicates that the SANDING NO. 1

TRUCK switch on the control stand is closed to provide
continuous sanding at the leading wheels of the
locomotive. On special order, the light can be
connected to indicate operation of the manual or
emergency sanding switches.

BRAKE WARN light indicates excessive dynamic

braking current.

Various other lights may also be provided.

Fig. 6-10 - Indicating Lights Panel

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Section 6

OPERATING SWITCHES light functions follow, while descriptions of much of

the circuitry involved in engine control is described in
The ENGINE RUN, GENERATOR FIELD, and other sections of this mailUal.
CONTROL AND FUEL PUMP switches are located at
the right side of the control stand. They must be placed TEST Light
ON in the controlling unit of a multiple unit consist and
OFF in trailing units. This light comes on when circuits are set up for circuit
check or load testing. On locomotive units equipped for
Other switches at this location control various lights automatic loading oil the locomotive dynamic braking
and are placed ON as needed. resistor grids. circuit setup is automatic when the
reverser handle is centered and a rotary snap switch
HEADLIGHT DIMMING SWITCH located oil a test panel in the module compartment is
properly positioned. If' the unit is not equipped for auto-
Provides for dim or medium brightness of either front matic sell' loading, a loading resistor grid must he
or rear headlights. connected to perform the load test.

GROUND RESET AND ATTENDANT CALL WARNING: On units not equipped for automatic self
PUSHBUTTONS loading, the main generator will he open
circuit during a load test setup unless an
These pushbuttons are located at the lower portion of external loading resistor grid is connected.
the control stand.
During CIRCUIT CHECK position of the
test switch, tile generator field circuit
breaker must he in off position to prevent
excitation of the main generator.
This switch provides continuous sanding at the leading
wheels of the locomotive.
Do not return the test switch to NORMAL
position until the throttle is in IDLE
The upper handle controls the automatic or train brakes.
The lower handle controls the independent or
locomotive brakes.
Indicates that an electrical path to ground has occurred,
or that a group of five diodes in the main generator has
ELECTRICAL CABINETS failed. The light is held on until a reset button is pressed
or an automatic reset is made on locomotives so
HIGH VOLTAGE CABINET, Figs. 6-11 and 6-12 equipped.

The high voltage cabinet houses the majority of the NO BATT CHARGE NO POWER Light
locomotive electrical switchgear and static devices. The
front of the cabinet forms the rear wall of the Indicates that no AC power is being delivered from the
locomotive cab, and the rear of the cabinet forms one auxiliary alternator to a voltage sensing relay. This may
wall of the central air compartment of the locomotive. be due to a tripped generator field circuit breaker,
engine shutdown, alternator failure, or failure of the DC
The lower front portion of the electrical cabinet houses auxiliary generator which excites the alternator. If the
heavy duty switchgear used to connect the main light is on for reasons other than engine shutdown,
generator to the traction motors. Devices that sense engine speed and power are reduced to idle conditions.
current and voltage are generally located in this portion
of the cabinet. HOT ENGINE Light

ENGINE CONTROL PANEL, Fig. 6-13 Indicates that engine coolant temperature is excessive.
Engine speed and power are automatically reduced to a
The engine control panel contains various switches and lower level until proper temperature is restored.
warning lights. Brief descriptions of the switch and
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Section 6

Fig. 6-11 - Electrical Cabinet, Front

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Section 6

Fig. 6-12 - Electrical Cabinet, Rear View

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Fig. 6-13 - Engine Control Panel With Typical Extras

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Section 6

GOVERNOR SHUTDOWN Light units. Tire switch must be properly positioned in all
units of a consist.
Accompanied by engine shutdown for one of the
following reasons: ISOLATION SWITCH

1. Excessively hot lube oil. This switch allows any unit in a locomotive consist to
be "taken off' the line" regardless of the control signals
This type of shutdown will normally be preceded from tile controlling unit. Tire switch has two positions.
by a hot engine light indication. No other
indication is given except an extremely hot 1. START/STOP/ISOLATE: Position
condition of the engine and cooling system. Do
not attempt to restart the engine until it has been Must be in this position before the engine can be
allowed to cool down and an engine inspection started, but tile unit will not develop power.
has been made by qualified personnel. However, it' a controlling unit of a multiple unit
consist is isolated, all trailing units will still
2. Low engine oil pressure. respond to tile controls of the controlling unit.

Low oil level, or failure of the lube oil pump may It is recommended that the isolation switch be
bring about this type of shutdown. The low oil placed in this position before stopping the engine,
plunger on the engine governor will protrude, but the switch in no way negates any engine
with no other fault indication given. stopping switch or device.

3. Low water level or low pressure at tile water 2. RUN Position.

When the switch is in this position, the unit will
A detector at the engine accessory drive gear respond to controls and will develop power. It'
housing senses low water pressure and actuates the engine is shut down with tile switch in this
the low oil shutdown mechanism. The low water position, tile alarm bell will sound.
detector reset button will protrude along with the
governor low oil pressure plunger. EMERGENCY FUEL CUTOFF AND ENGINF STOP
4. Crankcase (oil pan) overpressure due to an engine
fault. Momentary pressure on this pushbutton deenergizes
governor speed setting solenoids and independently
Pressure in the crankcase (oil pan) will trip the energizes the governor shutdown solenoid. The
crankcase overpressure detector and bring about a governor brings the fuel injector racks to no fuel
low oil pressure shutdown. The reset button will position and the engine shuts down immediately from
protrude along with the governor low oil pressure lack of fuel. Two other switches, each with identical
plunger. Overpressure may be caused by a function, are located at the locomotive underframe near
crankcase explosion, or by a fault allowing each fuel filler opening.
cylinder or airbox pressure into the oil pan.
On units equipped with steam generators the
WARNING: When a crankcase overpressure trip Emergency Fuel Cutoff switch will stop the steam
indication is observed, leave the generator as well as the engine. On such units a second
engineroom area. Allow a 2 hour switch labeled only ENGINE STOP is provided to shut
cooldown period before making further down only the engine.
inspections or taking corrective action.
In the cutout position this switch prevents the individual
Power for both the front and rear headlights is delivered unit from going into dynamic braking, yet allows the
by the lead unit in a locomotive consist. This switch unit to operate under power. The switch is used to limit
sets up the circuits for control of both the front and rear the amount of braking effort available in a multiple
lights from the lead unit and through any intermediate
123455 6 - 11
Section 6

unit consist or to cut out a faulty dynamic braking CIRCUIT BREAKER PANEL, Fig. 6-14
system while allowing operation under power.
The following circuit breakers must be closed for
LIGHT SWITCHES locomotive operation.

Switches are provided for various lights employed on FUEL PUMP

the locomotive.
Three-pole breaker protects the fuel pump motor and
TRACTION MOTOR CUTOUT SWITCH contactor circuits. Engine will shut down from lack of
fuel if this breaker trips.
When the locomotive unit is isolated, an unlock
solenoid is energized when the cutout switch handle is CONTROL
pressed in. This also causes the reversing switcligear
motor to operate and repeatedly drive the switchgear Two-pole breaker protects circuits supplying low
from one position to another until the handle is voltage trainlined control power to all units in a consist.
released. While the handle is pressed in and turned to a
position to cut out a suspected faulty motor, the LOCAL CONTROL
appropriate switches move to center and become locked
in neutral position. Appropriate power contactors are Two-pole breaker protects circuits supplying low
also dropped out. Control circuits are rearranged for voltage control power to the individual locomotive unit.
safe operation at a lower power level.

Fig. 6-14 - Switch And Fuse Panel And Circuit Breaker Panel

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Section 6


Single pole breaker protects the field circuit to the Two-pole breaker for radio circuits.
auxiliary generator.
On special order the cooling system will drain
Two-pole breaker protects low voltage DC circuits to automatically when coolant temperature in the area of
control modules. the cab heaters approaches freezing. This two-pole
breaker protects the circuits.
Two-pole breaker protects motor operated switchgear
motor circuit. Two-pole breaker protects automatic train control
Two-pole breaker protects circuit supplying D14 AC
Protects miscellaneous special equipment.
power to control modules, various transductors, and the
no voltage relay NVR. SWITCH AND FUSE PANEL, Fig. 6-14
NOTE: There is no alternator field fuse. The D14 field
is connected directly across the output of the
Two-pole breaker protects motor operated switchgear DC auxiliary generator in order to minimize
motor circuit. any voltage drop in the cabling and thus
maintain full D14 excitation and ensure rapid
GENERATOR FIELD fan motor starting. If a short circuit appears
across the output of the auxiliary generator, the
Two-pole breaker protects circuit supplying D14 AC
machine being self excited will not support the
power to the main generator controlled rectifier SCR.
short. Voltage will come down and the machine
will not be harmed. A "no power" alarm will be
given, and engine speed and power will be
On special order this single pole breaker is used in reduced to idle condition.
place of the auxiliary generator fuse.
FILTER BLOWER MOTOR A fuse test block and test lamp are provided, with a
switch to test the lamp. Always test fuses before
Two-pole breaker protects the inertial filter exhaust
installing them.
blower motor circuit.
The following circuit breakers are placed on as
The purpose of the ground relay cutout switch is to
eliminate the ground protective relay from locomotive
circuits during certain shop maintenance inspections.
The switch is a three-pole device, with one pole
Two pole breaker protects cab heater fan motor circuit. performing the cutout function. The other poles prevent
locomotive operation with the ground relay cut out.
Two-pole breaker protects the various light circuits.
A 150 ampere fuse is installed to protect the basic
auxiliary generator. A 250 ampere fuse is used for the
heavy duty auxiliary generator.
Two-pole breaker protects the headlight circuits.

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Section 6

CAUTION: The 250 ampere fuse is the same physical 1. Hot Engine
size as the higher rated starting fuse. Do
not interchange the fuses. 2. Engine Air Filter Plugged.

STARTING FUSE 3. Ground Relay Operated.

A 400 ampere fuse is installed to protect the starting 4. Excitation Limit Operated.
motors. The fuse is in use only during engine cranking.
Units with dynamic brakes provide additional
CAUTION: On some locomotives the cranking motors indications.
are connected in parallel and require an
800 ampere starting fuse. Do not install an 5. Grid Overcurrent.
800 ampere fuse in locomotives with
cranking motors connected in series. 6. Motor Overexcitation.

MAIN BATTERY KNIFE SWITCH 7. Grid Open Circuit. (Operative only on units with
extended range brakes.)
This switch connects the battery to the locomotive low
voltage system. The switch must always be closed On special order the following indication may be
during locomotive operation. It may be opened during applied.
shop inspections and locomotive layover.
8. Grid Blower Failure.
9. Dynamic Brake Ground.
Each circuit module contains components and wiring
for one or more locomotive control functions. The DE CIRCUIT MODULE - Extended Range Brake
components are mounted on one or more circuit boards. Control
All circuit boards are of the same size, and terminals on
the boards are placed on a common grid pattern. The During dynamic braking a signal from the brake control
boards are fitted with receptacle strips arranged in a rheostat is compared at the SB module with the main
vertical plane, and as the board is inserted into generator feedback signal from the PF module. Main
guideways and fully seated, the receptacles mate with generator excitation is regulated as a result of this
pins that are connected to terminal strips. Cabinet comparison and main generator regulation results in
wiring completes the circuit connection. motor field and braking current regulation. During
extended range dynamic braking the feedback signal
Face plates and handles are attached to the circuit from the PF module is compared also with a signal
boards, and test points are located on the face plates. In from brake current transductor BCT, and when the BCT
addition to the test points the face plates may contain signal falls below the PF feedback signal (indicating
test buttons and lights. less dynamic braking grid current than called for by
braking lever position) the DE circuits operate to
AN CIRCUIT MODULE, Fig. 6-16 -Fault Annunciator energize a grid shorting contactor. The grid shorting
contactor decreases total dynamic braking grid
The annunciator records, by means of latching relays resistance, and more current flows in the grids.
and lights, faults or abnormal operating conditions that
occur during locomotive operation. Once lit, the The DE circuit module also compares the BCT signal
annunciator lights will stay on until a guarded reset with the brake rheostat signal during extended range
switch is operated by a qualified maintenance man. braking. When the BCT signal exceeds the level called
Correction of a fault or resetting of protective devices for by the brake rheostat, a DE circuit activates the
does not reset the annunciator. brake regulator circuit in the DR module and holds
dynamic braking current at a maximum established by
The basic annunciator provides the following braking handle position.

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Section 6

Fig. 6-15 - Module Compartment And Typical Circuit Modules

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Section 6

rough backup regulation, and provide an annunciator


DR CIRCUIT MODULE - Brake Regulator

The DR circuit senses voltage across a dynamic braking

resistor grid. When that voltage reaches a value
indicative of the maximum allowable amperes in the
grids, a transistor in the DR circuit acts to shunt the
input to the rate control capacitor of the RC module
directly to negative. The rate control capacitor then
discharges through a fixed resistance in the RC module.
Main generator excitation is thereby controlled to
maintain traction motor field excitation for maximum
braking current.

A further modification of braking current regulation is

in effect during extended range dynamic braking. The
turn on point of the DR transistor is controlled not by
maximum allowable current in the grids, but by braking
handle position. In other words, maximum braking
current at lower braking handle positions is low,
regardless of train speed. This type of regulation is
Fig. 6-16 -Typical Annunciator Module required to snub braking current surges that occur when
grid shorting contactors pickup or drop out.
DG CIRCUIT MODULE - Grid Blower Protection
On special order, control of maximum grid current by
Excessive current, as with a stalled grid blower motor; braking handle position is available for the entire speed
or lack of motor current, as with an open motor or cable range of the locomotive with or without the extended
will be detected by the dynamic grid current range dynamic brake extra. When applied, this type of
transductor. The transductor signal will trigger a control is trainlined and will be effective on all units so
latching circuit in the DG module. The braking power equipped in a consist.
contactor "B" is dropped out to prevent dynamic brake
operation. A reset button on the DG module allows EL CIRCUIT MODULE - Excitation Limit
resetting of the circuit after inspection and correction
has been made. A test button is provided on the DG The excitation limit transductor senses main generator
module to test the DG circuit function. The button field current, and provides a signal to the EL module.
provides a DC signal to test windings on the transductor When an overcurrent condition occurs, the EL module
in order to simulate a current unbalance at the causes dropout of the generator field contactor. In this
transductor. manner the EL module provides backup protection in
case of GX module failure, and allows rough regulation
DP CIRCUIT MODULE of generator current to allow the locomotive to operate
Brake Warning under power to reach a maintenance point.
Motor Field Protection
The test button on the EL module is used to energize a
The dynamic brake protective module provides backup test winding on the ELT transductor and simulate an
protection should normal regulating devices fail. Should overcurrent condition.
the dynamic brake regulator fail, the brake warning
circuit of the DP module will provide rough backup GV CIRCUIT MODULE - Voltage Regulation
regulation and an annunciator signal. Should motor
fields become too hot, the motor field protection circuit The normal condition of the GV circuit module during
of the DP module will protect the motors, provide locomotive operation is full on. There is very slight
voltage drop across the 8 and 4 terminals. When the

123455 6 - 16
Section 6

GV module regulates there is a large drop across the SB CIRCUIT MODULE -

terminals. Regulation occurs when a signal from
generator potential transformer GPT is great enough to Sensor Bypass (Feedback - Reference Comparison)
bias the GV transistor off. The function of GV is to The primary SB circuit compares the currentplus-
maintain main generator voltage at a safe level. voltage feedback signal from the main generator with
the reference voltage signal from the load regulator.
GX CIRCUIT MODULE - Excitation Regulation The SB uses the comparison to control current in the
control winding of the SE circuit module.
The normal condition of the GX circuit module during
locomotive operation is full on. There is a very slight SE CIRCUIT MODULE - Sensor
voltage drop across the 8 and 4 terminals. When the GX
module regulates there is a large voltage drop across the This magnetic amplifier provides shaped signal pulses
terminals. Regulation occurs when a signal from to turn on the silicon controlled rectifier assembly that
excitation limit transductor FCT is great enough to bias provides excitation current to the main generator. Small
the GX transistor off. FCT senses generator field excita- amounts of current in the control windings of the
tion current. magnetic amplifier control large amounts of current in
the main generator field. The ability to use signals to
PF CIRCUIT MODULE - Performance Control control large currents simplifies the construction of pro-
tective and regulating devices related to main generator
Current transformers within the main generator apply a excitation, and allows rapid and precise control.
signal to PF proportional to main generator current.
Potential transformers in the electrical cabinet apply a TH CIRCUIT MODULE - Throttle Response -
signal proportional to main generator voltage. These Reference Voltage Regulator
AC signals are rectified and loaded on precisely
determined values of resistance within the PF module. The voltage reference regulator section of the TH
DC voltages across the resistors are combined, added, circuit module provides extremely stable reference
and applied to the SB module for comparison with the voltage for the excitation control system. The throttle
reference signal from the load regulator. response section of the TH module provides reference
voltage directly related to throttle position. This
The ohmic values of the PF resistors are selected to reference voltage is impressed upon power control
obtain performance control characteristics desired for circuits and locomotive power is precisely controlled by
locomotive response to throttle position during train throttle position.
starting, and to obtain a suitable balance point for the
load regulator during normal operating service. A test button on the TH module is provided to energize
the ORS solenoid in the engine governor. This is
RC CIRCUIT MODULE - Rate Control merely to provide test control of the load regulator.

The response of the main generator and the main WO CIRCUIT MODULE Wheel Speed Sensing
generator control system is so fast that sudden changes
in the level of reference voltage would result in rough The wheel overspeed module WO consists of
train handling. The RC module makes use of an RC essentially two E-1 type relay circuits. The circuits are
(resistance-capacitance) circuit to smooth out power energized by a signal proportional to main generator
changes even though an abrupt change in reference voltage and are restrained (reverse biased) by a signal
signal occurs. proportional to main generator current.

SA CIRCUIT MODULE - Sanding One circuit (the RA relay circuit) is adjusted to indicate
a wheel overspeed condition, and acts as a backup to
The sanding circuit module is designed to accommodate the wheel slip system to protect against four-axle
a variety of sanding circuits selected by the railroads. A simultaneous wheel slip.
timing circuit is part of the module. It provides for time
delay sanding when a wheel slip is signaled. The test
button on the module is used to check time delay

123455 6 - 17
Section 6

The second circuit (the RB relay circuit) is energized at correction is based upon a level value of wheel slip
mid-range speed to recalibrate the excitation regulation signal rather than a rate of change.
system and wheel slip system. The system allows a high
level of main generator excitation during train starting, The WS module is provided with a test button that is
then recalibrates the generator excitation module GX to operative with the unit isolated or with the throttle in
allow a safe level of continuous excitation. The wheel idle. When the test switch is operated a green light on
slip module WS is recalibrated to compensate for the the face of the module indicates with a high degree of
higher inertial forces at the wheels during slip at high probability that the wheel slip system is functioning
track speeds. properly. A red test lamp indicates that the WS module
is faulty.
VR CIRCUIT MODULE - Voltage Regulator
TEST PANEL, Fig 6-17
The locomotive low voltage system and equipment are
designed for operation on 74 volt DC power supplied The test panel located in the module compartment
by the auxiliary generator. This voltage must be kept contains terminals and receptacles that provide an easy
constant regardless of changes in engine (and generator) place to read significant test voltages during operation
speed. or test. The test selector switch has the following
The voltage regulator is used in the auxiliary generator
field excitation circuit and functions to vary excitation
as needed to hold output voltage constant despite speed
changes. This device functions entirely automatically
and should never be disturbed during operation. The
regulator utilizes solid state electronic components to
regulate auxiliary generator voltage. The regulator does
this by rapidly turning the generator field circuit on and
off. Time "on" in relation to time"off" establishes
auxiliary generator voltage. The regulator is called a
static voltage regulator because with the exception of a
starting relay it uses no moving parts.

The face of the VR module is provided with a slotted-

shaft rheostat to adjust generator voltage between 72
and 76 V DC. This adjustment is provided for battery
charging purposes only.

NOTE: The VR circuit module does not provide stable

reference voltage for the excitation system. The
stable reference voltage is provided by a
regulating circuit located on the TH module.

CAUTION: The diesel engine must be completely

stopped before the VR module is removed
or inserted.


Wheel slip correction is based upon acceleration of

slipping wheels in the first and second stages. The first
stage being immediate power reduction and immediate
return to power in small increments. The second stage
involves essentially a first stage reduction of power Fig. 6-17 - Test Panel
followed by a slower return to power. The third stage of

123455 6 - 18
Section 6

1. NORMAL for locomotive operation.

2. CIRCUIT CHECK, which allows control circuits

to function when the generator field circuit
breaker is opened.

3. LOAD TEST, which allows control and exci-

tation circuits to operate when the reverser is
centered, but prevents delivery of power to the
traction motors.

CAUTION: The CIRCUIT CHECK position does not

prevent excitation of the main generator.

The LOAD TEST position opencircuits

the main generator unless an external grid
load is connected or the unit is equipped
for automatic self loading.

Do not operate above throttle Run 1 with

main generator open circuited. Never
return test switch to NORMAL while Fig. 6-18 - Braking Power Contactor
operating under load.
transformer T4 provides a signal that is proportional to
ELECTRICAL DEVICES braking current. This signal is applied to dynamic brake
control circuits in the DR and DE modules.
The following devices are listed alphabetically for ease
of reference. For the most part the devices are located The DR and DE modules use the signal to regulate
within the main electrical cabinet. maximum braking grid current according to braking
handle position. The DE module uses the signal to bring
B; BRAKING POWER CONTACTOR, Fig. 6-18 about pickup of grid shorting contactors at given values
of braking current.
During dynamic braking this contactor is connected in
series with traction motor fields and the main generator. BR1, BR2; BRAKE RELAYS
It has high current interrupting capability, and must These relays are energized when the selector handle is
always open before transfer switchgear operates. indexed to the brake position. BR relay contacts set up
Interlocks prevent operation of transfer switches while dynamic braking circuits and nullify power circuits. BR
the "B" contactor is closed. I contacts are made of gold alloy material and are
located in control circuits that carry small amounts of
BCT; BRAKING CURRENT TRANSDUCTOR current. BR2 contacts are located in circuits carrying
greater amounts of current.
On locomotives equipped for grid current trainline
control and those equipped for extended range dynamic When transfer from power to brake is made, a time
brakes, this transductor is used to provide a signal delay interlock in the feed to the BR coils ensures the
proportional to current in the dynamic brake resistor decay of generator residual before circuit transfer is
grids. The transductor consists of coils wound on iron initiated by pickup of the BR relays.
cores. A cable that carries braking current passes
through the cores. CA; CAPACITORS
The transductor coils are connected in series with a
transformer T4 and across the D14 alternator. The
Connected around the operating coil of the GFD
strength of dynamic braking current controls the
contactor to suppress arcing at circuit interrupting
impedance of the BCT coils, and the output

123455 6 - 19
Section 6

CA31 An additional function of the compressor control switch

is the pickup (through compressor relay
Connected in series with a resistor around the operating CR contacts) of magnet valves at main and auxiliary
coil of contactor delay relay CDR to delay dropout of strainer drains. The strainer drains will blow free for a
the relay. moment whenever the magnet valves are energized or
When the controlled rectifier SCR is turned on, this
capacitor in conjunction with RE32 suppresses the Contacts of CDR are connected in the feed to power
voltage spike that occurs when the "free-wheeling" contactor operating coils. A resistorcapacitor
diode around the generator field is turned off. combination connected around the operating coil of
CDR delays dropout and prevents interruption of the
CA33 feed to power contactor operating coils. CDR dropout is
initiated by direction transfer, motor-brake transfer,
Suppresses arcing at CDR contacts which operate to isolation, or intermittent trainline feed. CDR delay
drop out power contactors. prevents the power contactors from interrupting high
voltage and current, with resulting increase in contactor
CA34 life and elimination of high voltage transients that can
damage main generator diodes.
When dynamic braking current is rapidly rising to the
regulated value, charging current in CA34 anticipates One set of CDR contacts latches the CDR relay in
the approach of full current and triggers the DR against dropout of the MR relay when the throttle is
transistors. This anticipation effect results in stable DR placed in idle position. This prevents unnecessary
function with little or no overshoot. operation of power contactors and requires return of the
throttle to idle position before power contactors will
CA37 pick up after a circuit change is made.

Acts to supress a transient generated upon GFC COR; MOTOR CUTOUT RELAY
contactor dropout.
On units equipped for motor cutout the contacts of this
CCR, CRL; COMPRESSOR RELAYS relay perform a variety of functions to ensure proper
operation with a traction motor cut out. This involves
On units equipped with synchronization of all disabling a "P" power contactor and certain wheel slip
compressors in a consist, the compressor relays in all control circuits, changing the slope and position of
units of the consist are energized when the main air power control lines, and providing circuits around the
reservoir pressure in any unit falls below a preset level. interlocks that are not positioned because the related
The compressor relays in the individual units will motor is cut out.
remain energized until all reservoir pressures build up
to the normal level. CR; RECTIFIERS


This rectifier is connected as a discharge rectifier
The compressor control switch senses main reservoir around the D14 field to stabilize D14 output. The "free-
pressure. It trips to energize the compressor relay in all wheeling" characteristic smooths out fluctuations
units of a consist when main reservoir in any one unit resulting from variations in field current.
falls below the desired pressure. On special order a
second sensing device can be included in the CR31 THRU CR33 AND CR38 THRU CR40
compressor control switch. This device will de-energize
the compressor relay in any individual unit if main Perform blocking functions in circuits to governor and
reservoir pressure in that unit approaches the safety throttle response coils
valve setting of that unit.

123455 6 - 20
Section 6

CR34 properly to alternating current. The ground relay

rectifier changes AC signals to DC at the ground relay
Blocks backfeed from the alarm circuit to the ER relay
operating coil, thus ensuring rapid operation of the
Delays dropout of fuel pump control relay FPCR to
ensure against engine shutdown due to transient circuit

Blocks backfeed from the SA module test circuit to the
governor overriding solenoid ORS.

Blocks rate control capacitor discharge through the T11

Blocks backfeed from ORS circuit.

CR46 Fig. 6-19 - Battery Charging Rectifier

Blocks regenerative feedback from brake current CT; CURRENT TRANSFORMERS

transductor BCT through DE module circuits to RC
module circuits. Current transformers are located within the main
generator airbox. Three cables, one from each phase of
CR49 the three-phase AC output, pass through the CT's before
Blocks feedback through the hot engine (THL) connecting to the main generator rectifier assembly.
protective circuit. The cable from phase A passes through CTA, from
phase B through CTB, and from phase C through CTC.
CR60 The signals from the CT's are proportional to main
generator DC output. They are applied to the
Acts to suppress a transient generated upon ORS performance control module PF from which a feedback
dropout. signal is derived and used for locomotive control.
Fig. 6-19 CONTACTORS, Fig. 6-20
The battery charging rectifier consists of a pair of heat
sink mounted silicon diodes in parallel with a selenium On locomotives equipped with extended range dynamic
suppression rectifier that protects the silicon diodes brakes, the DC power contactors close in sequence to
from high voltage spikes. The rectifier prevents battery each short out approximately one-fourth dynamic
current from flowing through the windings of the braking grid resistance. This reduction of braking grid
auxiliary generator and D14 alternator when the diesel resistance allows current flow through the remaining
engine is stopped. grids to continue at a high level as locomotive speed
It is the function of the ground relay to detect high The contactors are rated to carry more than 2000
voltage DC and AC grounds and AC phase unbalance at amperes continuously, and are equipped with arc chutes
the main generator. The fast acting that contain, expand, and extinguish arcs by action of a
Section 6 relay uses an operating coil of high permanent magnet blowout structure. The contactor is
impedance, consequently the relay will not respond rated to open in parallel with dynamic braking grids on

123455 6 - 21
Section 6


This device is applied on special order to time the

operation of the automatic drain valves in the
compressed air system of the locomotive. With the
system, automatic drain valve blowdown occurs at
approximately 3 minute intervals regardless of
locomotive circumstances (operation, standby, or
shutdown) as long as the control circuits are energized.


If generator field current exceeds a safe level, ELT

actuates the EL circuit module. The equipment
protective relay is dropped out, which in turn drops out
the generator field contactor GFC until current falls to a
safe level. The action protects equipment, yet allows
rough regulation to get the locomotive over the road to
a maintenance point.


Fig. 6-20 - Dynamic Brake Grid Shorting Contactor It is the function of the EQP relay to drop out the
generator field contactor GFC when protective devices
volts up to 350 and currents up to 2400. Contactor operate to back up faulty regulating devices. EQP
operation is controlled by the DE module and pilot dropout can occur through operation of the following:
1. DP circuit module brake warning and motor field
This transductor is constructed of the same basic parts 2. Through pickup of the excitation limit relay of
as the wheel slip transductors, but in addition is the EL circuit module.
equipped with a spool to accept and firmly hold several
turns of a cables leading to braking grid fan motors. In 3. Through pickup of the WO module RA relay
the event of a stalled fan or motor, or an open in the when wheel overspeed is sensed.
motor circuit, currents at the transductor create an
unbalance. The unbalance is sensed at the DG circuit 4. Through dropout of the generator field decay
module, and the braking power contactor is locked out. relay that is piloted by the ground relay.
A reset button on the DG circuit module will reset the
lockout after the fault has been corrected. All of the above accomplish rough regulation to enable
the locomotive to get over the road to a maintenance
DPI, 2, 3; DYNAMIC BRAKE PILOT RELAYS point. On the basic locomotive none of the devices lock
These relays are controlled by the extended range in after pickup. However, on special order the ground
dynamic brake control circuit module DE. They pilot relay can be made to latch after a specific number or a
the extended range dynamic brake power contactors DC specific rate of GR operations.
I , 2, and 3.
DPIA; AUXILIARY PILOT RELAY The function of the engine run relay is to set up control
Establish grid current control during extended range circuits to the governor speed setting solenoids.
dynamic braking. Units with extended range dynamic Therefore, if the engine run relay is de-energized by
brakes and no DP 1 A relay are equipped for full range placing the engine run switch in the OFF position or by
grid current control. operation of safety devices, the diesel engine will not

123455 6 - 22
Section 6

run above idle speed. Throttle response relays in the TH appropriate position. Contacts of the relay make or
module will, however, still respond to throttle position. break circuits using local control current to actuate
On the basic locomotive the engine run switch on the heavy duty motor driven transfer switches. The transfer
locomotive control stand must be in the on position switches establish the direction of high voltage main
before the engine run relay can be energized. On special generator current flow through traction motor fields.
order the engine run switch may be eliminated. On such Crossover wires at each of the jumper cable receptacles
units, operator's control of the engine run relay is between units of a consist are so arranged that whatever
provided by the isolation switch and the ground relay the makeup of the consist, the appropriate relays in
cutout switch only. trailing units will be energized.


This switch is located in a water manifold on the Use of this contactor relieves the fuel primeengine start
equipment rack. It senses engine water temperature and switch of fuel pump motor current load. Pickup and
picks up to indicate excessive temperature. Upon dropout of the fuel pump contactor are piloted by the
pickup it turns on the HOT ENGINE light and fuel pump control relay FPCR.
energizes the TH relay which operates to reduce engine
speed and power. Contacts of ETS also protect against FPCR; FUEL PUMP CONTROL RELAY
failure of other temperature sensing switches by
providing a backup feed to a cooling fan contactor. When the fuel prime engine start switch FP/ES is
placed in the START position, the FPCR is energized.
FCT; FIELD CURRENT TRANSDUCTOR FPCR contacts pick up to provide a holding circuit for
FPCR and to establish a circuit between the FPC coil
This transductor consists of two toroidal iron cores, and the auxiliary generator side of the battery charging
each with a 1000 turn test winding is also common to rectifier when the FP/ES switch is released. FPCR con-
both cores. The cores and windings are completely tacts also enable the circuit to the engine run relay ER
enclosed and hermetically sealed. D14 AC is impressed and set up the engine shutdown circuit to the governor
upon the windings, and a hole in the molded enclosure "D" solenoid.
admits a cable carrying current through the transductor
and to the generator field. When field current reaches a FPR; FUEL PUMP RELAY
specific level, output from the transductor causes the
GX module to go into a blocking state. Control current The primary purpose of the fuel pump relay is to
ceases to flow in the SE module (sensor) control provide the locomotive operator with the means of
windings and generator excitation is reduced. shutting off the fuel pump from a switch on the control
stand. Before the engine is running, the relay performs
FC1, 2; COOLING FAN CONTACTORS, no function, but it must be picked up to set up the fuel
Fig. 6-21 pump contactor circuit.

The cooling fan contactors operate to supply D14 AC CAUTION: The control and fuel pump switch must
power to the radiator cooling fan motors. They are always remain in the ON position while
controlled by temperature switches mounted in a water the engine is running. If an engine shuts
manifold on the equipment rack. down from lack of fuel, damage to the
engine injectors is possible.

This relay along with RER controls the direction in

which the locomotive will move. The designation FOR
is related to the short hood end of the unit. The relay is
energized by trainlined control current when the
reversing lever on the controller is placed in the

123455 6 - 23
Section 6

FUSE, RADIATOR FAN MOTOR, Fig. 6-21 If an inspection reveals a single blown fuse, remove and
discard both fuses used to protect the motor. This is
These 200 ampere bolted lug-type fuses protect against done because the second fuse, while not indicated as
the following: blown, will in all probability be degraded and will blow
open the next time the fan is called upon to start.
1. Locked motor due to bearing seizure or icebound fan
blades. CAUTION: If for some reason a single fuse is to be
removed, always remove the other fuse to
2. Single phase motor windings. completely isolate the motor.

3. Faulty fan contactors. GFA; GENERATOR FIELD AUXILIARY

4. Faulty electrical plugs or cables.
This contactor is energized during dynamic braking. Its
purpose is to accomplish more precise control of low
level main generator excitation required during
dynamic braking. It does this by inserting resistance in
series with the main generator field and by limiting
input to the main generator excitation SCR to a single
phase from the D14 alternator.


The main contacts of this device are located in the AC

supply from the D14 alternator to the main generator
excitation rectifier SCR. The contactor will pick up to
close the main contacts when circuits are complete for
power operation, dynamic braking, or load testing. A
GFC interlock pilots an auxiliary relay GFX whose
contacts perform interlocking functions associated with
GFC operation.


During ground relay action, GFD operates to drop out

equipment protective relay EQP which in turn drops out
generator field contactor GFC. GFD main contacts open
to insert resistance in series with generator field
Fig. 6-21 - AC Cabinet discharge circuit, and thereby increase the field decay
rate by limiting the duration of circulating current.
The fuse lugs are affixed to tubular insulating bodies
made of reinforced melamine. Fast acting fusible links GFX; GENERATOR FIELD AUXILIARY RELAY
within the tube connect the fuse lugs. The links are
surrounded with silicon sand that acts to absorb arc This relay is piloted by operation of the GFC contactor.
energy. A small indicating fuse is affixed to the main Its primary function is to complete the throttle reference
fuse body, and is connected in parallel with the main voltage circuit from the throttle response function of the
fuse elements. When the main elements open, the indi- TH circuit module to the rate control function of the RC
cator link also burns open, and a spring loaded indicator circuit module. Secondary functions nullify various
pin protrudes to indicate a blown fuse. module test circuits during power or braking operation.

123455 6 - 24
Section 6

GPT; GENERATOR POTENTIAL maintain engine speed with regulation of power at the
TRANSFORMER(S) correct level for a given speed.

Voltage from the AC side of the main generator

rectifier assembly is applied to the primary windings of
GPT. An output signal proportional to main generator
voltage is applied from GPT to the generator voltage
regulating module GV, to performance control module
PF, and to wheel overspeed module WO.


The ground relay detects AC and DC high voltage

grounds or the loss of five paralleled main generator
diodes in a group. It does not detect low voltage
grounds. When the relay is tripped, the H.V.
GRD/FAULT light comes on. This light is located on
the engine control panel and on the annunciator module
within the electrical cabinet. The engine control panel
light goes out when the ground relay is reset, but the
annunciator light remains on until the annunciator is

The ground relay is held in its tripped position by a Fig. 6-22 - Load Regulator
mechanical latch in the relay, It is reset by either
manually pressing the ground relay reset button on the LTT; LOAD TEST TRANSFER SWITCHES,
control stand or by an automatic reset device on Fig. 6-23
locomotives so equipped. The automatic resetting
devices also provide a reset lockout that prevents When the test panel switch is rotated to the LOAD
further resetting after a specific number of resets or TEST position, these switches operate to connect the
after a specific number of resets within a specific time main generator to the dynamic braking resistor grids.
period. They are located toward the back of the electrical
cabinet and are applied on special order when automatic
IPS; INDEPENDENT PRESSURE SWITCH load testing is desired.

Application of the locomotive air brake during extended MB: MOTOR BRAKE TRANSFER SWITCH,
range dynamic braking will actuate this switch and will Fig. 6-24
nullify extended range dynamic braking. This is done to
prevent the possibility of sliding wheels. This switchgear is used to transfer circuits from the
power mode of operation to the dynamic braking mode
LR; LOAD REGULATOR, Fig. 6-22 on locomotives so equipped. The device is made up of
motor driven gang operated switches rated at 1200
The load regulator is a plate type rheostat driven by a amperes and 1500 volts. There can be from two to six
hydraulically operated vane motor. A pilot valve in the double-pole double-throw switches per device. Being
engine governor controls a flow of engine oil under motor driven, once the switch is positioned, it will not
pressure to drive the vane motor clockwise or drop out. A positive feed is required to move the
counterclockwise through a maximum arc of about 300 contacts. When they do move, all poles operate
degrees, thereby positioning the rheostat brush arm and together, and a single interlock suffices to indicate the
regulating the output of the main generator by varying a position of all switches. This increases interlock
signal to a system that controls excitation of the gener- availability and allows complete protective
ator field. Control of generator field excitation results in interlocking.
control of the load on the engine. Load control of the
engine by the governor permits the governor to

123455 6 - 25
Section 6

MCO coil is energized whenever the rotary cutout

switch in the cab is operated to cut out a faulty motor.
When the rotary switch is operated, the motor operated
transfer switch assembly will cycle between forward
and reverse positions. As the switch to be cut out passes
through centered position, the MCO locks the contact
operator in the centered or neutral position, and the
MCO armature operates a limit switch assembly to pick
up the COR relay which functions to set up control
circuits for operation with motors cut out. The limit
switch contacts also hold the appropriate "P" power
contactor dropped out.


This relay performs functions formerly assigned to the

relay identified as GFR. It is energized when the
throttle is opened for power. It is dropped out during
dynamic braking. Contacts of the MR relay perform
Fig. 6-23 - Load Test Transfer Switch functions associated with excitation of the main
generator field.



When the compressor control magnet valve is de-

energized, the air compressor unloader valve opens and
the compressor begins to pump. The magnet valve is
de-energized on the basic system by action of the
compressor control switch CCS. On units equipped for
synchronization of all compressors in a consist, the
magnet valve is de-energized when the compressor
relay responds to the compressor control switch in the
individual unit or to the compressor control switch in
each or any unit of a consist.
Fig. 6-24 - Typical Motor Operated Transfer Switch
When cooling fan contactors FC1 and FC2 are de-
MCOX operates in conjunction with relay RVF to drive energized, their related fans are not powered. Interlocks
the motor operated transfer switches RV from one of FC1 and FC2 close to energize shutter control
position to another when the rotary cutout switch in the magnet valves MV-SH. Compressed air is admitted to
cab is operated. This allows MCO relays to lock the shutter operating pistons to work against shutter
transfer switch contacts at an open centered position spring pressure and drive the shutters closed. When the
and cut out the power circuits to the appropriate traction FC 1 fan contactor picks up shutter magnet valves are
motor(s). de-energized, air pressure is released from the shutter
operating pistons and the spring pressure drives the
MCO_; MOTOR CUTOUT MAGNET shutters open.

On units equipped for traction motor cutout, an MCO

magnet coil is mounted on each RV transfer switch. An

123455 6 - 26
Section 6


When this magnet valve is energized and again

when it is de-energized an operating spool briefly
releases air and accumulated water from the main
reservoir centrifugal filter. It operates in the same
manner as the MV-818.


When this magnet valve is energized and again when it

is de-energized an operating spool briefly releases air
and accumulated water from the main and auxiliary
main reservoir tanks. On the basic electrical blowdown
system this occurs whenever the compressor loads or
unloads. If the locomotive is equipped with electric
blowdown timer EBT, blowdown occurs approximately
every three minutes.
Fig. 6-25 - Air Equipment Mounting Panel
The two magnet valve assemblies are connected in
tandem at a single manifold. Both magnet valves This relay is energized by AC current from the D14
must be energized and operate before air pressure can alternator when the engine is running. In the event that
drive the shutters closed. If either or both valves are de- auxiliary AC power is somehow lost, NVR drops out.
energized, air pressure is released from the shutter This sets up circuits to sound an alarm and restrict the
operating piston, exhausted through the valve, and the diesel engine to idle speed. Loss of AC to NVR can be
shutters open. Refer to the air flow sketch in Fig. 6-26. caused by the engine stopping, by tripped main
generator field or AC control circuit breakers, by trip of
the auxiliary generator field circuit breaker, or by
failure of the D14 alternator or the auxiliary generator


On units equipped with extended range dynamic brakes,

this latching relay is bridge connected between motor
Fig. 6-26 - Shutter Valve Air Flow armatures and dynamic braking
resistor grids during dynamic braking. If an open occurs
MV-818; FILTER BLOWDOWN VALVE in the grids or cables, the relay picks up and latches in.
It can not be reset by the locomotive operator, and
When this magnet valve is energized and again when it should only be reset by maintenance personnel after a
is de-energized an operating spool briefly releases air thorough examination of the dynamic braking grids and
and accumulated water from the auxiliary main cables. The reset button is located within the electrical
reservoir centrifugal filter. On the basic locomotive cabinet.
blowdown occurs when the air compressor loads or
unloads. If the locomotive is equipped with electric CAUTION: Do not reset the OCP until a thorough
blowdown timer EBT, blowdown occurs approximately inspection has been made to ensure that
every three minutes. dynamic braking grids and cables are in
satisfactory condition.

123455 6 - 27
Section 28

ORS; OVERRIDING SOLENOID however, during normal operation current and voltage
values are far less when the power contactor opens. The
This solenoid is located within the engine governor. contactors are equipped with continuous duty series
When energized it operates the load regulator pilot electro-magnetic blowout and arc chutes that
valve, and causes governor oil pressure to drive the load accomplish arc blowout without arcing to ground. The
regulator to minimum field position. arc chutes are positive latching. They cannot be
misapplied, and power contactor interlocks will not
ORS is energized when protective devices operate, and function if the arc chute is removed. Contact tips are
during transition on units that require transition. A test trifurcated (the movable tip is made up of three
button on the TH module provides the means for movable fingers) for greater contact surface and are
checking governor control of the load regulator by made of alloy material with good conductivity that
energizing ORS. resists oxidation and erosion and maintains a low
operating temperature.
These contactors are energized and closed to connect all
The function of the pneumatic control relay is to reduce of the traction motors in full parallel with the main
engine speed and power to idle when an emergency or generator. Auxiliary contacts perform various functions
penalty application of the brakes occurs. in control circuits.


Contacts of the pneumatic control switch are normally This limiting resistor is installed to protect the auxiliary
closed in the circuit to the magnet coil of the pneumatic generator and battery charging circuit against high
control relay. When a penalty or emergency application currents in the event that the battery has a very low
of the air brakes occurs the PCS switch operates to charge.
interrupt the circuit to PCR. Engine speed and power go
to idle. When control of the air brakes is recovered, RE-DB; DYNAMIC BRAKING RESISTORS
PCS drops out, and PCR will pick up if the throttle is at
idle position. The faceplate type dynamic braking rheostat RH50
employes this resistor assembly to extend the capability
P_: POWER CONTACTORS, Fig. 6-27 of the rheostat.

Power contactors are rated at 1200 amperes 1500 volts RE; RESISTORS RE1
continuous, and can successfully interrupt current at
this value repeatedly without damage; Provides limiting resistance between the SCR assembly
and the AR 10 field during dynamic braking. This is
done to obtain improved control of the low field current
required during dynamic braking.


This resistance is inserted in series with the main

generator field to increase the rate of field decay when
ground relay action occurs.

RE3A - B

Provide limiting resistance in the circuits for the ground


RE4A - B
Fig. 6-27 - Power Contactor
Wheel slip relay WSR bridge circuit resistors.

123455 6 - 28
Section 6


Tapped resistances to control headlight intensity are This relay along with FOR controls the direction in
inserted in circuit by means of switch on the control which the locomotive will move. The designation RER
stand. is related to the long hood end of the unit. The relay is
energized by trainlined control current when the
RE6 reversing lever on the controller is placed in the
appropriate position. Contacts of the relay make or
Provides the load for the output from the wheel slip
break circuits using local control current to actuate
transductors. The voltage drop across this resistor is the
heavy duty motor driven transfer switches. The transfer
wheel slip signal to the WS circuit module.
switches establish the direction of high voltage main
generator current flow through traction motor fields.
RE 10A - B; RE20A - B
These adjustable resistors provide proper voltage for the Crossover wires at each of the jumper cable receptacles
headlights. between units of a consist are so arranged that whatever
the make up of the consist, the appropriate relays in
RE31 trailing units will be energized.
With CA31 establishes the time delay dropout of
contactor delay relay CDR. RH50; DYNAMIC BRAKE RHEOSTAT
During dynamic braking this rheostat is operated by the
RE32 throttle lever. It consists of a plate type potted
With CA32 acts to suppress voltage spikes at the SCR. assembly. Its resistance is used in combination with
With CA33 acts to suppress arcing at CDR relay
contacts. On units equipped for traction motor cutout, this relay
operates in conjunction with motor cutout auxiliary
RE39 relay MCOX to drive the motor operated transfer
switches RV from one position to another to allow the
Used to modify SE operating characteristics during motor cutout relays to lock transfer switch contacts at
dynamic braking. an open centered position and cut out the power circuits
to the appropriate traction motor(s).
With CA37 acts to suppress a transient generated upon RV ; DIRECTIONAL TRANSFER SWITCH
GFC contactor dropout. This switch is used to change the direction of current
flow through the traction motor fields. The device is
RE44 made up of motor driven gang operated switches rated
Control the rate control capacitor discharge rate through at 1200 amperes and 1500 volts. There are from two to
grid current control circuits on units equipped for six doublepole double-throw switches per device. Being
trainlined grid current control or with extended range motor driven, once the switch is positioned, it will not
dynamic brakes. drop out. A positive feed is required to move the
contacts. When they do move, all poles operate
RE45 together, and a single interlock suffices to indicate the
position of all switches. This increases interlock
Used with CA34 in a circuit which senses increases in availability and allows complete protective
dynamic braking effort and "anticipates" overshoot. The interlocking.
anticipation circuit calls for discharge of rate control
capacitors through the DR circuits and ensures slow SCR; SILICON CONTROLLED RECTIFIER
buildup of braking effort. On special order, extra
capacitors can be used with CA34. AC power from the D14 alternator is rectified and
applied to the main generator in controlled amounts by
this rectifier assembly. A triggering device in the

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Section 6

power control system signals the amount of power that transfer switches will therefore not open while they are
SCR sends to the generator field. carrying current.


The cranking motor assemblies are equipped with
heavy duty contact tips that make contact when the This transformer provides a signal of usable value from
starting solenoid has operated to engage the cranking braking current transductor BCT that is proportional to
motor pinion with the starting gear. Such contacts are current in the dynamic braking grids. On units equipped
normally used to carry current to the cranking motors; for extended range dynamic braking, the signal is
however, to ensure reliability of the cranking devices, applied to the DE module to bring about pickup of
the locomotive uses the solenoid operated contacts to dynamic brake grid shorting contactors. On units
pilot a still heavier duty contactor ST. Use of this equipped for trainlined control of dynamic brake grid
starting contactor also ensures engagement of each of current, the signal is applied to bring about regulation
the paired cranking motor pinions before power is of braking effort according to braking handle position.
applied to the cranking motors.
This relay is energized by pickup of either the WSR or
When the fuel prime-engine start switch is placed in the "L" relays in the WS circuit module or by pickup of the
ENGINE START position, the STA contactor closes to RA relay in the WO module upon wheel overspeed. "L"
apply battery power to starting solenoids that are part of relay pickup indicates a large steady current differential
the cranking motor assembly. The solenoids drive the at the traction motors, such as would occur with a
cranking motor pinions in to mesh with the starting ring locked sliding wheel. WSR relay pickup indicates
gear. When the pinions are meshed, solenoid, operated wheel slip during dynamic braking. WO module action
contacts close to energize cranking contactor ST, which indicates wheel overspeed such as during four-axle
applies battery power to the cranking motors. simultaneous slip.

TA, TB; TEMPERATURE SWITCHES In the event of a locked-sliding wheel set, pickup of
WL contacts opens the wheel slip circuit feed to the
These switches are located in a manifold on the governor ORS coil. This is to prevent driving the load
equipment rack. They sense engine water temperature regulator near minimum field position where it would
and operate to activate cooling fan contactors. be held by wheel slip rate circuits, thus preventing the
required WL pickup and wheel slip light indications.
When for any reason a hot engine occurs, the engine
temperature switch ETS contacts close to sound the The transductor consists of two coils wound on
alarm bell, turn on the hot engine light on the engine independent iron cores. The coils are in series across an
control panel, and energize the THL relay coil. THL alternating current source - the D14 alternator. Cables
contacts turn on the hot engine light on the annunciator, carrying traction motor current pass within the frame of
and acts to reduce engine speed and power to the iron cores. The current in the cables is normally of
accomplish engine cooling if the hot engine was caused equal value and in opposite direction. When wheel slip
by a transient condition. If the hot engine was due to an occurs the currents are unbalanced, causing a change in
engine or system fault, the hot engine condition may magnetic fluxes in the cores. This results in a decrease
persist until engine shutdown is brought about by in the impedance of the coils and the impedance change
engine protective devices. is seen as a wheel slip signal at the WS module.


The transfer switch relay is energized only when all
power contactors have dropped out. Its interlocks This switch senses the pressure drop across the inertial
prevent operation of the transfer switches until all plus the pleated paper engine air filters.
power contactors are dropped out. The
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Section 6

When the pressure drop across the combined filter across the carbody mounted inertial filters plus the
reaches 14 inches of water, the switch operates to engine air filter.
provide a signal to the AN module.
Electrical Cabinet
MANOMETER CONNECTION This hose stem opens directly to the inside of the
electrical cabinet. It is used to measure the pressure
Three hose stems are provided at the front of the drop across the electrical cabinet filters.
electrical cabinet.
Inertial Filters
Air Filters - Engine Plus Inertials
This opening is piped to the blower inlet side of the This opening is piped to the central air compartment. It
engine air filter. It is used to measure the pressure drop is used to measure the pressure drop across the carbody
inertial filters.

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