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Chapter One: 1.1 What Are Dewatering Pumps?

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Chapter one


1.1 What are dewatering pumps?

A dewatering pump is a centrifugal pump that is used whenever you need to remove water. The

pump can be used at construction sites, in tunnels and mines and also in buildings where you need

to remove unwanted water. But in this project dewatering pump is used to remove excess water

from production lines.

1.2 Need for dewatering pump

Efficiency of production operation: If excess water can be controlled by a planned programme

of dewatering, the production line will typically see a more efficient working condition.

A safe working environment: Poorly controlled groundwater will have negative impacts on the

safety of production operations. Water springing forth from the filler and pasteurizer region can

cause flooding of the production area if the water is not pumped out.

Reduction of cost

Reduction of production downtime

1.3 Change-over switch

In electrical engineering, a switch is an electrical component that can break an electrical circuit,

interrupting the current or diverting it from one conductor to another. A change over switch can

therefore be described as an electromechanical devise which is capable of transferring from one

source of power to another source.

Usually, changeover switches are designed to transfer loads from one source of power (main power

supply) to a generator system (auxiliary power supply) once the main power fails. In this project

however, the change-over switch is employed to transfer a single power supply source to two

different loads at different times as the need arises.

1.4 Aim of the Project

The aim of the project was to successfully install and commission a 132KW dewatering pump

motor at the first bench of Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) by taking its power source through a

change over switch. The change over switch was meant to transfer power to another 250KW motor

at the second bench. With this installation, the two pumps could not be operated at the same time

and this is desirable so as to prevent overloading the transformer (1000KVA, 6.6/0.415KV,


1.5 Scope of the Project

The scope of this project is based on International Breweries PLC, Ilesa,

Chapter Two


2.1 Electric Motor

An electric motor is an electro-mechanical devise that converts electrical energy into mechanical

energy. It performs the reverse operation of a generator which converts mechanical energy to

electrical energy. A simple electric motor can be built using a coil of wire that is free to rotate

between two opposite magnetic poles. When an electric current flows through the coil, the coil

experience a force and moves.

2.2 Classification of electric motors

Motors are classified into DC and AC motors based on the type of supply that powers the motor.

Dc motors run on DC supply while AC runs on AC supply. DC motors are sub-classified as: Brush

DC motors (BDC) and Brushless DC motors (BLDC). The major difference between the two is

the use of brushes. BLDC motors do not have brushes and must be electronically commutated.

Commutation is the act of changing the motor phase currents at the appropriate times to produce

rotational torque.

The type of motor installed in this project is a three-phase, squirrel cage induction motor hence

AC motors are reviewed below.


DC Motor AC Motor

Brushed DC Brushless DC Synchronous Motor Induction Motor

Permanent magnet
Shunt-wound 3-Ø 1-Ø
Series wound Permanent magnet Squirrel cage Wound Rotor
Compound wound Synchronous reluctance
Separately excited DC motor Hysteresis 3-Ø 1-Ø 3- Ø 1- Ø
Universal motor Synchronous induction
Servo motor

Fig 1: Classification of Electric Motors

2.3 AC Motors

AC motors are classified into synchronous and asynchronous (induction motor).

2.3.1 Synchronous AC Motors

In synchronous AC motors, Stator poles rotate at the synchronous speed (Ns) when fed with a

three phase supply. The rotor is fed with a DC supply. The rotor needs to be rotated at a speed near

to the synchronous speed during starting. If done so, the rotor poles get magnetically coupled with

the rotating stator poles, and thus the rotor starts rotating at the synchronous speed. Synchronous

motor excitation refers to the DC supply given to rotor which is used to produce the required

magnetic flux.

Synchronous motors are not as widely used as induction motor because their rotors are more

complex and are not self-starting as they require exciters. They have to be brought up to

synchronous speed but once they are locked, the rotor will continuously rotate. Synchronous

motors are however used in large industrial applications where their ability to provide leading

power factor helps to support or stabilize voltage and to improve overall power factor. This is

because a synchronous motor can be adjusted to lagging, unity or leading by varying the excitation,

whereas, an induction motor always runs at lagging power factor. They are also preferred in

systems which require electric motors ratings higher than several hundred of kilowatts.

2.3.2 Asynchronous AC Motors (Induction Motors)

Here, the stators are designed to produce a rotating magnetic field. Power is sent to the outer coils

that make up the stator. The coils are energized in pairs, in sequence, producing a magnetic field

that rotates around the outside of the motor.

The magnetic field is constantly changing (because it’s rotating) so, it induces an electric current

inside the rotor. This induced current also produces its own magnetic field and according to Lenz’s

law, it tries to stop whatever it is that causes it- the rotating magnetic field- by rotating as well.

The theoretical speed of the rotor in an induction motor depends on the frequency of the AC supply

and the number of coils that make up the stator and, with no load on the motor, comes close to the

speed of the rotating magnetic field. In practice, the load on the motor also plays a part- tending to

slow the rotor down. The greater the load, the greater the “slip” between the speed of the rotating

magnetic field and actual speed of the rotor.

Induction motors can be classified based on the input supply into single phase induction motor and

three phase induction motor. Depending on the type of rotor used, the three phase induction motors

are classified as: Squirrel cage induction motor and Slip ring or wound or phase wound induction


2.4 Starting Methods for Squirrel cage Induction Motor

We classify starting methods for squirrel cage induction motor into two types on the basis of

voltage. The two types are (i) Full voltage starting method and (ii) reduced voltage method.

2.4.1 Full Voltage Method: The method use here is called Direct on Line Starting Method. In

this method we directly switch the stator of the three phase squirrel cage induction motor on to the

supply mains. The motor at the time of starting draws very high starting current (about 6 to 7 times

the full load current) for the very short duration. The amount of current drawn by the motor

depends upon its design and size. But such a high value of current does not harm the motor because

of rugged construction of the squirrel cage induction motor. Such a high value of current causes

sudden undesirable voltage drop in the supply voltage.

Fig 2: Image of a single line diagram of a DOL starter

Fig 3: Circuit Diagram of a DOL starter

2.4.2 Reduced Voltage Method:

In reduced voltage method we have different types of starting method which include stator-resistor,

soft-starter, auto transformer, start delta and variable speed drive methods.

2.5 Starting Methods for Wound Rotor Motors

We can employ all the methods for starting of the squirrel cage induction motor in order to start

the wound rotor motors. However the cheapest method is called the addition of external resistances

in rotor circuit.

The addition of external resistances in the rotor circuit will decrease the starting current, increases

the starting torque and also improves the power factor. The circuit diagram is shown below: In the

circuit diagram, the three slip rings shown are connected to the rotor terminals of the wound rotor

motor. At the time of starting of the motor, the entire external resistance is added in the rotor

circuit. Then the external rotor resistance is decreased in steps as the rotor speeds up, however the

motor torque remain maximum during the acceleration period of the motor. Under normal

condition when the motor develops load torque the external resistance is removed.

Fig 4: Addition of External Resistances in Rotor Circuit

2.6 Project Design Requirements

2.6.1 Pump Motor Selection

The supplied centrifugal pump determined the capacity of the motor drive that was ordered from

the manufacturer. The pump has the following data:

Pump model: SPP -AM40B; Pump operating speed: 970rpm, 50Hz; Impeller: 540/453 (mm);

Minimum flow rate: 0 m3/h; Maximum flow rate: 2708.9 m3/h; Minimum power: 70KW; Peak

power: 193.4KW; Peak efficiency: 84.2%; Density: 998.2 Kg/m3; Liquid: water, Temperature:


With these parameters, the drive motor rpm was to be within the range 950 and 1000, while the

KW rating of the motor was specified to be 130KW. Failure to adhere to the stated rpm will cause

the electric motor to draw excessive current if the motor rpm exceeds 1000 while it will reduce the

pump efficiency if the rpm is lesser than 950.

2.6.2 Cable Selection

In choosing cables to be used, the following factors were considered: The ability of the cable to

• Operate continuously under full load without being damaged

• Provide the motor with a suitable voltage (and avoid excessive voltage drops) by

considering the length of the cable from the change-over switch to the motor.

• Withstand the worst short circuits currents flowing through the cable

With 130KW three phase induction motor, the load current will be:

Current IL = P = 130 = 226A

---------------- 3 x VL x cos 3 x 0.415 x 0.8

From the reference table ( Current ratings compiled from BS 7671 : 2008 Requirements for

Electrical Installations: IEE Wiring Regulations 17th Edition ), a PVC 95mm2 X 4C cable will

carry current up to 289A at ambient temperature of 300c. This cable has a voltage drop of

0.45mV/A/m. With a distance of approximately 50m, the voltage drop would be 50 X 0.45 =


If the current is at full load of 226A, the voltage drop is then 226 X 22.5 = 5.1 V According to

IEEE rule B-2, at any point between power supply terminal and installation, Voltage drop should

not increase above 2.5% of provided (supply) voltage. Here, the supply voltage is 415V and the

2.5% is 10.4V Therefore, the voltage drop of 5.1V is within acceptable value.

2.6.3 Change-over Switch Selection

While selecting the appropriate size, the control of arcing was put into consideration. This was

done by selecting the one whose contact was made in such a way as to limit the arc formation by

having no contact-bounce and by having contacts made of good conductive, corrosion resistance

and wear resistance materials.

Since it was meant to switch between two loads, the load current of both drives were considered.

For the 130KW pump, load current is given as,

Current IL = P = 130 = 226A

---------------- 3 x VL x cos 3 x 0.415 x 0.8

For the 250KW pump,

Current IL = P = 250 = 435A

---------------- 3 x VL x cos 3 x 0.415 x 0.8

Considering the two values, a much larger switch of rating 630A was selected.

Chapter Three


3.1 Installation of Change-over Switch

This is the stage where the actual implementation of the project design was carried out.

Fig 5: Front image of the Change-over

It started with getting the right size of the transfer switch that will be able to accommodate the

current of the two loads i.e 226A and 435A

The rating of the changeover switch used was 630A with the Rated impulse-withstand voltage

(Uimp) of 20kV, Ue = 415V 50/60Hz. The SIRCOVER changeover switch has an improved on

load switching characteristics and isolation position (I-0-II).

3.1.1 Cable Laying and Termination

The supply cable to the changeover switch was coming from the visible cut-off switch (VCS).

Originally, the cable goes directly to the 250KW pump motor terminal. It is now meant to serve

as the supply cable to the changeover switch. There was then the need to run two different types

of cables from the changeover switch to the existing 250KW pump motor and to the newly installed

132KW motor.

Fig 6: Existing 250KW dewatering pump

The process of laying cables was divided into two stages which are: (1) laying the cables from the

visible cut-off switch (VCS) to the change-over switch (2) Running of the load cables to the

130KW and 250KW loads. From the VCS to the Change-over Switch

The distance of the VCS to the change-over switch was estimated to be 20m. The cable (240mm2X

4C PVC) was laid through a cable tray to the switch. A stainless cable strap was used to clip the

cable to the tray to prevent dangling and falling off the tray. The size of the cable is enough to

withstand the current of either of the two loads that the change-over switch was meant to serve. From the Change-over Switch to the two Loads

Because the change-over switch location was at the second bench, the cable that will take supply

to the 132KW motor which is at the first bench must pass through the water if a suitable platform

is not provided. Passing of cables through water is dangerous not only to personnel working on

site but also the equipment as it could lead to short circuit thereby damaging the windings of the


The size of the cable as obtained from the requirement was 95mm2X4 core PVC cable. The other

pump (250KW) is located near the change-over switch and was powered through a 240mm2 X 4-

core cable.

The cable insulation and phase-to-phase resistances were properly meggered and the results

obtained were acceptable:

Phase to phase: R-Y = 8GΩ, R-G =8GΩ, Y-G = 8GΩ

Phase to earth: R-E= 4GΩ, Y-E =4GΩ, G-E =4GΩ

3.1.2 Connecting the Change-over Switch

Having properly laid the cables via the cable trays, the next task was to terminate the cables at the

terminals of the motors and the changeover switch. Both ends of the cables were properly lugged

with appropriate size cable lug. This ensures firm termination.

Fig 7:Lugging the cable ends

The changeover switch has three stable positions (I-0-II) which are not affected by voltage drops

or vibrations thereby protecting the loads against network interference.

The two loads are connected separately on terminals I and II while the supply cable is terminated

on the common point. M8 bolt and M8 nut were used to properly terminate the cables on the switch


At OFF position, the supply cable has no link with either of the two loads while at the ON position

I, it supplied the 132KW motor. The ON position II supplies the 250KW motor. The connection

and the positions are shown below:


250KW 132KW
pump newly
Fig 8: Circuit diagram of the change-over switch installed

Fig 9: Overview of the change-over switch panel

3.2 Installation of the Dewatering Pump Motor

This stage began with the preparation of the support/stand for the motor. Having fabricated a

pontoon on which the entire pump and the motor will be mounted, a proper base was provided for

the motor.

The motor was then tested for its insulation resistance values and winding resistance.

Fig 10: Meggering the motor at 500VDC

The following values were obtained at 500V direct current:

Winding resistance: R-Y = 50MΩ R-G = 50MΩ G-Y = 45MΩ

Insulation resistance R-E = 120MΩ, G-E = 110MΩ Y-E = 150MΩ

Table 1: Motor winding and insulation resistance value

The values obtained were satisfactory and therefore the motor was connected as specified on the

nameplate. From the nameplate, the motor must be connected in delta if the supply voltage is

415V, 50Hz. The rated rpm is 992 with the rated current being 236A and cos Ø = 0.82.

Fig11: 132KW motor connected in delta

3.2.1 No-load Test

After proper terminations were ensured, the motor was test run on no-load for thirty minutes. The

no-load current recorded obtained:

Current in Amps

Red phase Yellow Green Average Rated Comment

phase phase current

99.5 101.2 100.2 100.3 236 Balanced


Table 2: Motor phase currents during no-load test

The vibration recorded was also low and acceptable

MDE 1.6mm/s 6.26gE 1.9mm/s 1.7gE 1.5mm/s 3.68gE
MNDE 2.2mm/s 2.35gE 2.1mm/s 3.25gE 1.5mm/s 3.26gE
Table 3: Motor vibration readings during no-load test

Temperature measurement after twenty minutes of no-load run

MNDE- 34.60C

MDE- 34.60C

3.2.2 Load Test

After satisfactory running of the motor on No-load, the pump was connected through the fenaflex

coupling to the motor. On energizing the drive, the centrifugal pump ran effectively as desired

with a balance current of 180A across the phases. Vibration measurement values were also slightly

above the values obtained at No-load.

Current in Amps

Red phase Yellow Green Average Rated Comment

phase phase current

181 182 180 180 236 Balanced


Table 4: Motor phase currents during load test


MDE 1.9mm/s 6.44gE 2.3mm/s 1.9gE 1.6mm/s 3.98gE

MNDE 2.5mm/s 2.63gE 2.8mm/s 3.45gE 1.7mm/s 3.46gE

Table 5: Motor vibration readings during load test

Fig 12: Circuit diagram of Quarry dewatering pumps with the modification

Chapter Four


The installation of the 132KW dewatering pump motor was successfully completed. The change-

over switch installation also produced the desired results.

This installation will guarantee high efficiency of production operation as the desired level of

dewatering will be continually met at any period of the year. This will in turn enhance the entire

production plant operation as their will be less downtime arising from waterlogged.


1. Dewatering -its meaning, Importance and Consequences if Uncontrolled,


2. All Pump Types, www.pumpscout.com

3. V. Straskraba, and S. Effner, 2012. Water Control in Underground –Grouting or Drainage?

4. Peter Darling, SME Engineering handbook, Third Edition. 2011

5. “Switch” The Free Dictionary. Farlex. 2008. Retrieved 2008-12-27).

6. Electrical Motor – Types, Classification and History of Motor. www.electrical4u.com

7. The motor effect: Revision, Page 4, www.bbc.co.uk/education/guides

8. BLDC Motor- Brushless DC Motor, www.nmbtc.com

9. Difference between synchronous and induction motor, www.electricaleasy.com

10. Synchronous Motor Excitation, www.electrical4u.com

11. Classification of electric motors, www.electrical-knowhow.com/2012/05

12. Induction motors, www.explainthatstuff.com

13. Starting methods for Poly-phase induction machine, www.electrical4u.com

14. Requirements for Electrical Installations: IEE Wiring Regulations 17th Edition, 2008

15. Basic Important Electrical Formulas, www.electricaltechnology.org

S.NO Description Unit Qty Rate Amount(N)
Socomec Sircover Change-over switch 630A,
1 LS 1 450,563.50 450,563.50
type I-O-II, Ue:415V, 50/60Hz
ABB Electric Motor M3BP 315MLA 6B3,
2 speed: 992 RPM, 132KW, 415V, 236A, 0.82 LS 1 1,733,362.20 1,733,362.20
Cable unarmoured 95mm2 X 4 Core Copper
3 M 70 9,184.00 642,880.00
4 50X50X6mm Angle iron LS 15 5,529.00 82,935.00
5 6013 2.5X 350mm Electrode LS 1 4,535.70 4,535.70

6 Lug Cable 95mmSQ type YAV 27-MI LS 20 190.00 3,800.00

7 M8 X16 bolt LS 20 15.00 300.00

8 M8 nut LS 20 10.00 200.00

9 Black insulating PVC 3/4' Tape LS 1 83.62 83.62

10 MS 2500mmX1250mmX3mm metal plate EA 1 13,457.00 13,457.00

MG50 plastic nylon waterproof cable glands,
11 LS 4 369.60 1,478.40
12 Sealant silicon tube RTV ABBRO LS 2 644.71 1,289.42
Ties cable plastic (nylon) 300X7.6mm black
13 LS 2 3,200.00 6,400.00

14 Cable tray 1ea=3M EA 15 2,250.00 33,750.00

15 216.5L, tight head steel drum, MAUSER LS 20 4,000.00 80,000.00

16 Motor transportation from Lagos to Ilesa LS 1 50,000.00 50,000.00

17 120T crane rents per day LS 1 1,200,000.00 1,200,000.00

18 TOTAL 4,305,034.80


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