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Minimum Requirements For Design and Engineering of Buildings

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The key takeaways are that this document outlines technical specifications and minimum requirements for design and engineering of buildings according to Shell's standards.

The purpose of this document is to outline recommended standards for good design and engineering practice applied by Shell companies to achieve maximum technical and economic benefit from standardization.

Appendices 2 and 3 provide details on typical window details and climatic conditions for different types of non-plant rooms respectively.





September 1992
(DEP Circular 34/96 has been incorporated)


This document is confidential. Neither the whole nor any part of this document may be disclosed to any third party without the prior written consent of Shell Internationale
Petroleum Maatschappij B.V., The Hague, the Netherlands. The copyright of this document is vested in Shell Internationale Petroleum Maatschappij B.V., The Hague,
the Netherlands. All rights reserved. Neither the whole nor any part of this document may be reproduced, stored in any retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by
any means (electronic, mechanical, reprographic, recording or otherwise) without the prior written consent of the copyright owner.
DEPs (Design and Engineering Practice) publications reflect the views, at the time of publication, of:
Shell Global Solutions International B.V. (Shell GSI)
Shell International Exploration and Production B.V. (SIEP)
Shell International Chemicals B.V. (SIC)
other Service Companies.
They are based on the experience acquired during their involvement with the design, construction, operation and
maintenance of processing units and facilities, and they are supplemented with the experience of Group Operating
companies. Where appropriate they are based on, or reference is made to, international, regional, national and industry
The objective is to set the recommended standard for good design and engineering practice applied by Group
companies operating an oil refinery, gas handling installation, chemical plant, oil and gas production facility, or any other
such facility, and thereby to achieve maximum technical and economic benefit from standardization.
The information set forth in these publications is provided to users for their consideration and decision to implement.
This is of particular importance where DEPs may not cover every requirement or diversity of condition at each locality.
The system of DEPs is expected to be sufficiently flexible to allow individual operating companies to adapt the
information set forth in DEPs to their own environment and requirements.
When Contractors or Manufacturers/Suppliers use DEPs they shall be solely responsible for the quality of work and the
attainment of the required design and engineering standards. In particular, for those requirements not specifically
covered, the Principal will expect them to follow those design and engineering practices which will achieve the same
level of integrity as reflected in the DEPs. If in doubt, the Contractor or Manufacturer/Supplier shall, without detracting
from his own responsibility, consult the Principal or its technical advisor.
The right to use DEPs is granted by Shell GSI, SIEP or SIC, in most cases under Service Agreements primarily with
companies of the Royal Dutch/Shell Group and other companies receiving technical advice and services from
Shell GSI, SIEP, SIC or another Group Service Company. Consequently, three categories of users of DEPs can be
1) Operating companies having a Service Agreement with Shell GSI, SIEP, SIC or other Service Company. The
use of DEPs by these operating companies is subject in all respects to the terms and conditions of the relevant
Service Agreement.
2) Other parties who are authorized to use DEPs subject to appropriate contractual arrangements (whether as part
of a Service Agreement or otherwise).
3) Contractors/subcontractors and Manufacturers/Suppliers under a contract with users referred to under 1) or 2)
which requires that tenders for projects, materials supplied or - generally - work performed on behalf of the said
users comply with the relevant standards.
Subject to any particular terms and conditions as may be set forth in specific agreements with users, Shell GSI, SIEP
and SIC disclaim any liability of whatsoever nature for any damage (including injury or death) suffered by any company
or person whomsoever as a result of or in connection with the use, application or implementation of any DEP,
combination of DEPs or any part thereof, even if it is wholly or partly caused by negligence on the part of Shell GSI,
SIEP or other Service Company. The benefit of this disclaimer shall inure in all respects to Shell GSI, SIEP, SIC and/or
any company affiliated to these companies that may issue DEPs or require the use of DEPs.
Without prejudice to any specific terms in respect of confidentiality under relevant contractual arrangements, DEPs shall
not, without the prior written consent of Shell GSI and SIEP, be disclosed by users to any company or person
whomsoever and the DEPs shall be used exclusively for the purpose for which they have been provided to the user.
They shall be returned after use, including any copies which shall only be made by users with the express prior written
consent of Shell GSI, SIEP or SIC. The copyright of DEPs vests in Shell GSI and SIEP. Users shall arrange for DEPs to
be held in safe custody and Shell GSI, SIEP or SIC may at any time require information satisfactory to them in order to
ascertain how users implement this requirement.
All administrative queries should be directed to the DEP Administrator in Shell GSI.
1. INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................... 5
1.1 SCOPE...................................................................................................................... 5
1.3 CROSS-REFERENCES............................................................................................ 6
1.4 DEFINITIONS............................................................................................................ 6
2. DESIGN DRAWINGS................................................................................................ 7
2.1 BASIC INFORMATION.............................................................................................. 7
2.2 PRELIMINARY DESIGN............................................................................................ 7
2.3 FINAL DESIGN AND ENGINEERING.......................................................................7
2.4 STRUCTURAL DESIGN............................................................................................ 8
3. DESIGN LOADS....................................................................................................... 9
3.1 DEAD LOADS............................................................................................................ 9
3.2 LIVE LOADS.............................................................................................................. 9
ERECTION, DYNAMIC LOADS AND LOAD COMBINATIONS.................................9
3.4 CRANE LOADS......................................................................................................... 9
3.5 LOADS DUE TO EQUIPMENT, ETC.......................................................................10
3.6 EXPLOSION RESISTANCE....................................................................................11
4. CLIMATIC ASPECTS, INSULATION AND NOISE.................................................13
4.1 GENERAL............................................................................................................... 13
BUILDINGS............................................................................................................. 15
4.4 COVERED WALKWAYS AND PARKING BAYS.....................................................20
4.5 INSULATION........................................................................................................... 21
4.6 NOISE ABATEMENT/VIBRATION..........................................................................22
5. MINIMUM DIMENSIONS.........................................................................................24
5.1 OFFICE BUILDINGS............................................................................................... 24
5.2 MESS ROOMS........................................................................................................ 24
5.3 SANITARY BUILDINGS.......................................................................................... 24
5.4 WORKSHOP AND WAREHOUSE BUILDINGS......................................................24
5.5 ELECTRICAL STATIONS AND ANALYSER HOUSES...........................................24
5.6 CEILING HEIGHTS.................................................................................................25
6. BUILDING ELEMENTS/COMPONENTS................................................................26
6.1 GENERAL............................................................................................................... 26
6.2 WALLS.................................................................................................................... 27
6.3 ROOFS.................................................................................................................... 29
6.4 CEILINGS................................................................................................................ 30
6.5 FLOORS.................................................................................................................. 31
6.6 DOORS................................................................................................................... 33
6.7 WINDOWS............................................................................................................... 37
6.9 STAIRCASES.......................................................................................................... 41
7. UTILITIES................................................................................................................ 42
7.1 DRAINAGE AND SEWERAGE................................................................................42
7.2 WATER SUPPLY AND RELATED PLUMBING.......................................................44
7.3 TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND INSTRUMENTATION..........................................48
7.4 ELECTRICAL........................................................................................................... 49
7.5 LIGHTING................................................................................................................ 50
WORKSHOPS AND KITCHENS.............................................................................51
8. FIRE PROTECTION................................................................................................52
8.1 GENERAL............................................................................................................... 52
8.2 SURFACE SPREAD OF FLAME.............................................................................52
8.3 FIRE RESISTANCE................................................................................................. 52
8.4 EXTERNAL FIRE EXPOSURE................................................................................53
8.5 FIRE-FIGHTING EQUIPMENT/SYSTEMS..............................................................53
9. SECURITY............................................................................................................... 54
9.1 GENERAL............................................................................................................... 54
9.2 ENTRANCE GATES................................................................................................ 54
10. SURFACE PROTECTION.......................................................................................55
10.1 PAINTING AND COLOUR SCHEMES....................................................................55
10.2 GALVANIZING AND ZINC SPRAYING...................................................................55
11. SITE PREPARATION AND FINISHING..................................................................56
11.1 SITE PREPARATION.............................................................................................. 56
11.2 LANDSCAPING AND SITE FINISHING..................................................................56
11.3 MATERIAL STORAGE YARD.................................................................................56
12. MISCELLANEOUS.................................................................................................. 57
12.1 ROOM NUMBERS AND NAMEPLATES.................................................................57
12.2 EMBLEMS AND LETTERING..................................................................................57
12.3 PROVISIONS FOR EXTERNAL CLEANING...........................................................57
12.4 ACCESS TO UTILITY PIPING, ETC.......................................................................57
12.5 FURNITURE AND FURNISHINGS..........................................................................57
12.6 FLAGPOLES........................................................................................................... 57
13. REFERENCES........................................................................................................ 58
APPENDICES............................................................................................................................... 61

APPENDIX 1 FINISHES OF FLOORS, CEILINGS, AND WALLS........................................62
APPENDIX 2 TYPICAL WINDOW DETAIL..........................................................................65

Amended per
Circular 34/96

This DEP gives the minimum general requirements for the design and engineering of all
new buildings in oil refineries, gas plants, chemical plants, onshore exploration and
production facilities and, where applicable, supply/marketing installations.
This DEP is a revision of an earlier DEP of the same number and title, dated April 1989.
Additional requirements for specific buildings are specified in the following documents:
- Analyser houses DEP
Standard Drawing S 17.001
Standard Drawing S 17.002

- Fire stations DEP

- Laboratories DEP

- Substations and switch houses DEP

Drawing T 1.707.055

- Reinforced control buildings DEP

- Workshops DEP

The design of warehouse buildings for storage of chemicals is excluded from the scope of
this DEP.


Unless otherwise authorised by SIPM, the distribution of this document is confined to
companies forming part of the Royal Dutch/Shell Group or managed by a Group company,
and to Contractors nominated by them (i.e. the distribution code is "C", as defined in
This DEP is intended for use in oil refineries, gas plants, chemical plants, onshore
exploration and production facilities and, where applicable, supply/marketing installations.
If national and/or local regulations exist in which some of the requirements may be more
stringent than in this DEP, the Contractor shall determine by careful scrutiny which of the
requirements are the more stringent and which combination of requirements will be
acceptable as regards safety, economic and legal aspects. In all cases the Contractor shall
inform the Principal of any deviation from the requirements of this document which is
considered to be necessary in order to comply with national and/or local regulations. The
Principal may then negotiate with the Authorities concerned with the object of obtaining
agreement to follow this document as closely as possible.
Where cross-references are made, the number of the section or sub-section referred to is
shown in brackets.
All publications referred to in this document are listed in (13).

For the purpose of this DEP, the following definitions shall hold:
The Contractor is the party which carries out all or part of the design, engineering,
procurement, construction, commissioning or management of a project or operation of a
facility. The Principal may undertake all or part of the duties of the Contractor.
The Manufacturer/Supplier is the party which manufactures or supplies equipment and
services to perform the duties specified by the Contractor.
The Principal is the party which initiates the project and ultimately pays for its design and
construction. The Principal will generally specify the technical requirements. The Principal
may also include an agent or consultant authorised to act for, and on behalf of, the
The word Shall indicates a requirement.
The word Should indicates a recommendation.


The scope of work shall be indicated to the Contractor by the Principal in the project
specification. This project specification will generally include one or more basic instruction
drawings, showing the essential data and information on the buildings and their
relationships with adjoining buildings and/or constructions.
Where no basic instruction drawings are given, the Contractor shall use his own judgement
in arriving at sound designs based on all other information given. This other information
may be in the form of a list of requirements possibly accompanied by one or more 'typical'
With the approval of the Principal, the Contractor may make alterations in the arrangement
and orientation, if such alterations are considered necessary in view of local climatic
conditions, improvement to landscape, or other reasons.
The Contractor shall adhere to modern building practices with regard to codes, material
specifications, safety, ease of maintenance, etc.
The lay-out and design of buildings (including drain systems, utility piping, cabling, etc.)
shall be such as to allow future horizontal extension, unless this requirement is explicitly
excluded in the project specification or the list of requirements.
The appearance of buildings shall be plain, yet in accordance with local customs and
existing buildings (if applicable).
An architect shall be contracted to design the buildings and to coordinate their installations.
The choice of the architect shall be subject to approval by the Principal.


A preliminary design shall be made for each building. This design shall consist of the
 A lay-out plan, showing the position of the buildings on site, including plant and true
north and prevailing wind direction(s).
 A plan of every floor, indicating positions, dimensions, levels and intended use of the
rooms in the building.
 A schematic drawing of essential elevations and typical cross sections. The appearance
of the administration buildings shall be in harmony with the local architecture.
 For buildings with basements, the highest ground water level shall also be indicated.
 Schedule of basic structural materials proposed to be used. Locally available materials
shall be specified as much as possible, provided they are technically acceptable.
 Typical structural design calculations, as described in DEP
 A description of the mode of temperature and humidity control, ventilation and lighting
facilities, stating approximate temperature and humidity ranges, air changes, and light
intensities expected in the buildings.
 Preliminary calculations for insulation against sun-load and proposed devices to be used
for protection.
 A description, including material specifications, of other installations like lifts, plumbing,
drainage, sewage disposal, etc.


The final design shall comprise:
 A lay-out plan, showing the locations and orientation of the building.
 Drawings showing the structural design of the main elements of the building and its
 Plans of every floor and roof, cross-sections through individual floors, and essential
elevations of the building. These drawings shall show the position, form, dimensions and
materials of the various parts of the building.
 Collected design data and calculations for climatic consideration, logically leading to the
conditions expected to prevail in the building.
Proof shall be provided by means of calculations, material and equipment data that the
criteria for comfort will be satisfied.
 Specifications of the works, in sufficient detail to invite competitive bids from erection
Contractors and drafted so as to provide the minimum possible disparity between the
interpretations of such Contractors.
These specifications shall also include a programme of erection, the final material
specifications and working details.
 Preparation of such additional detailed designs, specifications and drawings in order to
define fully all details of the building and to ensure an effective and smooth completion
of the erection work.
Drawings and related documents shall be made in accordance with DEP
The scales to be used for various drawings shall, however, be as mentioned below:
Plot plan 1:500
Plans, sections and elevations (for preliminary design) 1:200 or 1:100
Plans, sections and elevations (for final design) 1:100 or 1:50
Details, as required for erection Contractors 1:20, 1:10, 1:15, 1:2 or 1:1


For the structural design of buildings, reference is made to:
DEP - Minimum requirements for structural design and engineering
DEP - Steel structures
DEP - Geotechnical and foundation engineering
DEP - Reinforced concrete foundations and structures


The own weight of the various building elements comprising the structure shall be
calculated, and used in the design.


The following minimum live loads shall be used. If equipment has to be supported which
would create a load exceeding those shown below, then the affected area shall be
designed for the heavier load.
Type of building/room Loads in
Offices, first-aid buildings, guard houses, toilets, wash and 3
locker rooms, analyser houses, control room, computer
room, instr. aux. room, electrical equipment room,
laboratory room

Canteens, lunchrooms, training centres, corridors, stairs, 4


Library, filling rooms 5

Battery rooms, simulator room in training centre 10

Mechanical, electrical, instrument workshop building

(inclusive of covered area), workshop area in training 20
centre, consumable store

Bulk store 40
For structural calculations, local codes/regulations and the actual loading situation shall be
adhered to if these are more stringent.
For garages and fire stations, the live loads shall include the maximum weight of trucks
and/or fire-fighting equipment.



3.4.1 General
Crane loads shall be assumed at their maximum values, including the lifting capacity as
well as the maximum horizontal loads caused by braking or acceleration, producing worst
conditions but not acting simultaneously with maximum wind forces.
3.4.2 Workshop building
Unless otherwise stated in the project specification, the following cranes shall be installed:
 In the workshop building two electrically operated overhead travelling cranes shall be
installed to serve the mechanical and electrical workshops.
These overhead travelling cranes shall meet the requirements for handling the heaviest
piece or part of equipment to be serviced, e.g. tube bundles or parts of stripped rotating
equipment, etc. In any case the minimum capacity shall be:
Hoisting capacity 10 tonnes
Speed data shall be as follows:
Normal hoisting speed 6 m/min
Slow hoisting speed 0.75 m/min
Crab travelling speed 18 m/min
Crane travelling speed 18 m/min

The minimum distance between the two cranes shall be 1000 mm. This distance shall be
guaranteed by spacers fixed to the crane.
 In the welding area of the mechanical workshop a separate electrically or pneumatically
operated overhead crane shall be installed.
Hoisting capacity 5 tonnes
Same speeds as above
 A closed trolley system with protected power tracks shall be used for the electric power
supply of these travelling cranes. See also T-1.765.282, 'Specification for electrical
overhead travelling cranes'.
 A trolley beam with a hand-operated hoist, with a capacity of 1 tonne, shall be installed
in the safety relief valve test area of the mechanical workshop.
 A 2-tonne jib crane with an arm of 3000 mm shall be installed on one of the steel
columns of the mechanical workshop building. As the exact location is to be decided
later on, all columns of the building shall be designed for this additional load.
 A trolley beam with a hand-operated hoist, capacity 2 tonnes, shall be provided in the
instrument workshop. The beam shall extend 1500 mm outside the building.

3.4.3 Other buildings

 In the control building a trolley beam with a hand-operated hoist, capacity 2 tonnes, shall
be installed over each hoisting area, see DEP
 In the CFR engine room of the main laboratory, a trolley beam including a hand-
operated hoist with a capacity of 2 tonnes shall be installed above the test engines,
extending to the external door.
 In electrical stations the building structure shall be capable of supporting a trolley beam
including a hoist with a capacity of 2 tonnes.
The requirement for the actual installation of this beam and hand-operated hoist shall be
checked with the Principal.
 In other buildings, housings, e.g. for chilled water plants, compressors, gas turbine
generators, etc., trolley beams with hand-operated hoists shall be installed for
maintenance purposes. The hoisting capacity depends on the type of equipment to be
hoisted. This shall be checked with the Principal.
Where equipment and machinery are to be installed, e.g. in workshops, the loads shall be
taken from Manufacturer's data.


The distance of a building to process equipment will determine the design principles and
general design rules to be applied as described in (3.6.2) and (3.6.3) respectively.

3.6.1 Safe distance

 Buildings in non-hydrocarbon processing plants and all buildings located more than
500 m away from hydrocarbon processing plants do not require special provisions with
regard to explosion resistance.
 Buildings which are normally occupied by personnel, such as main office, laboratories,
work shops, training centre, canteens, etc., and buildings needed during a calamity
(telephone building, first aid, fire-fighting garage, main guard house, emergency control
centre, etc.) shall be built at a safe distance from hazard sources, which is normally
more than 200 m away from process plants, and more than 100 m away from storage
areas/transfer operation sites.
Shorter distances to low risk plants may be acceptable. This, however, shall be
confirmed by a safety assessment which shall take into account the nature and quantity
of product, the degree of plant congestion, the potential sources of ignition and the
design of the building.
 Buildings exclusively for operating and or maintenance personnel performing their
normal work in or near processing plants, and located within 200 m from process plants
or 100 m from storage areas/transfer operation sites, shall be constructed in such a way
that the occupants are protected against partial or total collapse of the building and its
components (including glass fragments).
Such buildings need therefore to incorporate enhanced resilience. The Principal shall be
consulted for approval in such instances
 Control buildings should be incorporated with the main office block, which shall be
located at a safe distance as mentioned above. If this is not possible, control buildings
and other buildings such as FAR's (Field Auxiliary Rooms) may be located in close
proximity of a plant. For safe distances in these cases refer to DEP
NOTE: Even when incorporated with the main office block, control rooms and other 'plant buildings' shall have
HVAC systems in accordance with DEP (see 4.2).

3.6.2 Design principles

 All buildings beyond the 500 m zone (from hydrocarbon processing equipment) shall be
designed in accordance with the national and/or local building regulations.
 Buildings within the 200-500 m zone shall be designed with a certain resilience against
explosions. This requirement aims at relatively inexpensive measures allowing a large
deflection of the essential structural elements and external wall panels prior to collapse
of the building, without imposing additional strength requirements. See (3.6.3).
 Buildings within 200 m from hydrocarbon process equipment:
 Analyzer houses and substations shall be designed in accordance with (3.6.3) and
DEPs/drawings referenced in (1.1).
 Control buildings and other buildings, such as FAR's, which are essential for the safe
shutdown of a plant after an explosion shall, in addition to (3.6.3), be designed to the
relevant design rules given in DEP
 Plant buildings need to incorporate enhanced resilience to protect the occupants
against partial or total collapse of the building and its components (including glass

3.6.3 General design rules for all buildings within 500 m distance from hydrocarbon
processing plants
 Buildings shall be supported by a steel or reinforced concrete frame with such structural
details that plastic deformation can occur without a total collapse.
 The joints shall ensure the ductile behaviour of the completed element. The supports
shall be large enough to allow horizontal movements.
 Materials with a brittle behaviour, such as masonry, shall not be used in such a way that
they have a strength function.
 The buildings shall have brick infill walls and/or steel cladding or shall be constructed as
prefabricated reinforced concrete modules.
 Infill wall constructions shall not have a design function for either vertical loads or
 For steel structures, structural steel bracing shall be provided in roofs and walls
 Roofs and ceilings, electrical fittings etc. shall be applied such that they cannot easily
collapse during an explosion in the plant. All roofs shall be made of monolithic reinforced
concrete or galvanized steel sheeting (box rib).
Loose light-weight concrete roof slabs or asbestos cement sheeting shall not be used.
Gravel as a protection of roof finish, or loose tiles for walkways on top of the roof finish,
shall not be used.
This design approach, when combined with the design wind loadings, will result in
buildings having improved structural capacity for blast resistance.
 Unless otherwise specified, all buildings in the administration area shall have no more
than a ground floor and a first floor.
 All windows in outer walls of all buildings shall have laminated glass.

Buildings may require climatic conditioning, i.e. heating, ventilation and/or air conditioning
(HVAC), to maintain the temperature, relative humidity and air quality within defined limits,
in order to provide reliable operation of electronic equipment and acceptable human
working conditions.
Careful attention shall be paid to the prevailing climatic conditions in various seasons, and
records of all local climatic design data like air temperature, temperature differences, saline
atmosphere, sand and dust storms, infiltration of sand in buildings, humidity, solar
influence, wind, micro-climatic variations, etc. shall be used to arrive at a satisfactory
design which ensures good conditions for equipment and personnel. In addition, the
location and orientation of the building shall be taken into account.
The meteorological data required for the design of the air conditioning shall be collected by
the Contractor if not specified by the Principal in the project specification.
For various geographical locations, climatic data such as temperatures, humidity, wind,
saline content of the atmosphere, chances of sand and dust storms, micro-climatic
variations, altitude, etc. can be found in handbooks issued by, for example, the
Meteorological Office in London.
HVAC systems are generally supplied by specialized manufacturers as package units or as
single components. Standard HVAC equipment, suitable for the prevailing conditions, shall
be applied as far as possible. Where alternative suitable refrigerants exist which are less
harmful to the environment than chlorofluorohydrocarbons (CFCs), HVAC equipment shall
be capable of satisfactory operation with such refrigerants.
Sufficient space shall be reserved for positioning and maintenance of the HVAC equipment
and ducting.
Requirements and information regarding HVAC of plant buildings are specified in
Plant buildings are buildings such as control buildings, field auxiliary rooms (FARs),
analyser houses, electrical substations and others (e.g. dedicated flowmetering buildings).

4.3.1 General
The category non-plant buildings includes:
- Office buildings
- Laboratories (non-plant)
- Training centre
- Workshop
- Warehouses
- Fire-station
- Guard-houses/Gate-houses/Security building
- Residential buildings
In temperate climates, air conditioning is usually not considered for this category of
buildings unless required for the proper operation of equipment. In that case air
conditioning shall be limited to the rooms concerned.

4.3.2 Human comfort

As per ASHRAE standard 55-1981, air-conditioned rooms which are continuously occupied
by people shall have the following conditions:
Temperature : between 20 and 26°C
Relative humidity : between 30 and 70%
The advised climatic conditions for various rooms are further specified in Appendix 3.

4.3.3 Heating
Heating may be required to raise the temperature inside a building to the required level.
The dissipated heat from personnel, lighting and electronic equipment etc., shall not be
taken into account for heating capacity calculations. Heat losses through walls, floors and
roofs shall be taken into account.
The Contractor shall submit the "heating load" calculations to the Principal. The calculations
shall be based on ASHRAE Fundamentals 1989, chapter 25.

4.3.4 Cooling
Cooling may be required to lower the temperature and/or humidity inside a building to the
required level.
Cooling capacity calculations shall be based on heat generation from heat sources such as:
- personnel;
- electronic equipment;
- lighting;
- (fresh) air intake;
- solar radiation through transparent surfaces such as windows;
- heat transmission through walls, roofs/ceilings, floors, etc.
Cooling load calculations shall be based on the method of calculation in ASHRAE
Handbook Fundamentals (1989), Chapter 26.
The Contractor shall submit the "cooling load" calculations to the Prinicpal.
Condensation on air ducting, chilled water piping etc. shall be avoided under all climatic
conditions specified. Reference is made to Appendix 3.

4.3.5 Humidification
Humidification may be required to increase the relative humidity inside a building to the
required level. The Contractor shall submit the humidity calculations to the Principal.
When humidification is required, steam humidification shall be employed and the
humidifiers should be connected to the drinking water system. The water quality shall be
checked with respect to the humidifiers applied.
Precautions shall be taken to avoid excessive fouling of humidifiers.

4.3.6 Fresh air ventilation

Fresh air ventilation may be required in order to:
- provide a minimum fresh air intake quantity per unit of time: (refer to ASHRAE 62);
- maintain an overpressure, in order to prevent the ingress of contaminants;
- compensate for specific exhaust, such as in toilets, laboratories.
Requirements for fresh air ventilation systems are:
- a positive flow from outdoors to indoors, and thereafter outdoors, shall be provided.
- the airflow direction shall be such that the flow is from clean rooms e.g. offices etc. to
polluted rooms e.g. toilets, HVAC machine room, laboratory. Air from polluted rooms
shall be exhausted.
In order to cope with abnormal situations (see Note below) a fire and gas detection system
shall be installed with gas-tight, quick-closing, spring-operated dampers in the fresh air
intakes and exhausts.
NOTE: Abnormal situations are:
 Flammable or toxic gas detected outside the building.
 Flammable gas, smoke or fire detected inside the building.
 An explosion or fire in the plant.
 Mains electrical power supply failure.

Where ventilation systems are installed in an office, a constant supply of fresh or purified air
shall be ensured. The recommended number of air changes per hour (ACH) in various
areas are as follows:
Area ACH

Offices 4-6 For further detailed information

Kitchens 20 - 20 regarding ventilation rates
Toilets 3 - 10 reference is made to appendix 3
Enclosed Car Parking Area 4 - 10
4.3.7 Filtration
Fresh air ventilation units for offices etc. shall be provided with a pre-filter for 65% efficiency
ASHRAE dust spot test, unless otherwise specified.
A dust collector shall be applied if the dust concentration at the fresh air intake is more than
10 mg/m3.
Re-circulation air handling units shall be provided with 65 % efficiency ASHRAE dust spot
test filters.

4.3.8 Control and alarming

HVAC control and alarm systems shall be in line with the HVAC vendor's standards. HVAC
control systems should at least include the following:
(a) Temperature control
- for constantly manned rooms;
- for certain rooms which are less frequently used ( e.g. meeting rooms).
- for equipment rooms (e.g. electrical room, computer room).
(b) Humidity control
- for continuously manned rooms where the outside climate is so extreme that the
humidity requirements of (4.3.2) are not reliably achieved without humidity control.
- for all rooms and buildings where vital (see Note below) electronic equipment is
NOTE: Vital electronic equipment is equipment which must stay in operation even under abnormal situations.
It includes fire and gas detection and control equipment, telecommunications equipment (including
CCTV) and all related electrical power supply equipment. The Contractor shall submit a listing of all
vital equipment (rooms) for approval of the Principal.

Control systems shall normally operate in automatic mode but manual operation shall be
HVAC alarms shall be individually displayed on local HVAC panels. Common HVAC alarm
signals generated by the HVAC control system and to be displayed on the DCS screen in
the main control room shall be routed either via potential-free contacts and interface boxes
or via software links. First failure alarm detection is not required. "Mimic" type alarm display
panels (ADP) are not required.
Control signals coming from a HVAC control system cabinet and going to a HVAC motor
control centre (power) cabinet shall pass via an interface box. The HVAC control/alarm
cabinet and the motor control centre (power) cabinet shall be physically separated. For
central air handling units, both cabinets should be located in the HVAC machine room.

4.3.9 Logging
For rooms in which vital electronic equipment is installed, permanent long-term monitoring
of temperature and relative humidity is required if specified by the Principal.

4.3.10 Microprocessor-based control systems

Microprocessor-based control systems such as Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs)
shall be considered, but their application needs the approval of the Principal.
For buildings containing both the control room(s) and administration offices, the integration
of HVAC control systems and the Building Automation System shall be considered.
For engineering requirements of both PLC and Building Automation Systems the Contractor
shall consult the Principal.

4.3.11 Electrical power supply

To ensure that in case of abnormal situations (see Note in 2.3.6) certain vital electronic
equipment continues to operate, the electrical power supply for vital HVAC systems (i.e.
HVAC systems for rooms containing vital equipment) shall be either AC interruptible
maintained or AC uninterruptible maintained.
- vital HVAC control systems and local panels:
:AC uninterruptible maintained electrical supply
- vital recirculation air handling units (including ventilators, pumps and chilled water
:AC interruptible maintained electrical supply

4.3.12 Electrical safety

Area classification drawings show the electrical safety requirements for HVAC equipment.

4.3.13 Instrument air supply

Pneumatic instrumentation shall be connected to the "priority instrument air header". Refer
to DEP

4.3.14 Installation, testing and balancing and commissioning of HVAC systems

Requirements and information are specified in DEP
4.3.15 Handover documents
The final documentation shall at least include:
- Engineering flow schemes;
- Design criteria and data summary;
- Layout and location drawings for each building;
- Calculation sheets for ventilation rates, pressurisation, normal and abnormal cooling,
heating load etc.;
- Control and alarm schemes;
- Control panel drawings;
- Electrical power supply and distribution drawings;
- Hardware/software related drawings for control, alarm and shutdown functions;
- Start-up, shutdown, trouble shooting and regular maintenance procedures;
- Operating manuals;
- Technical data books and spare parts listings;
- Commissioning test reports.
The Contractor shall submit a listing of handover documents to the Principal.
In tropical and Middle East areas, the buildings in the administration area shall be
connected by covered walkways, consisting of only a roof over a paved walkway. The
parking bays for cars used for travelling to and from the plant shall also be covered by a
Buildings requiring heating, air conditioning or ventilation shall have properly insulated roofs
and walls.
The average thermal transmittance shall be :
- for combined roof and ceiling construction: U < 0.8 W/m 2K
- for external walls, including windows: U < 1.2 W/m 2K
This requirement may be waived for temporary facilities and unoccupied buildings such as
warehouses and storage spaces for goods insensitive to temperature extremes. However,
when the exact use may be subject to change, full thermal insulation shall be installed.
Vapour barriers shall be specified to protect the construction elements and the insulation
All insulation materials shall be stable, fire-resistant or self-extinguishing (see 8.1), and
properly applied to eliminate pinching and sagging to maintain their effectiveness.
Insulation materials shall be rot and vermin resistant.
Materials evolving toxic vapour in a fire shall be avoided.

4.6.1 Reverberation
The reverberation time (for definition see ISO 31/VII) in empty rooms, but with finished
floors (in accordance with Appendix 1), shall not exceed the following values:
Office rooms, training rooms, laboratories, 1 second
control rooms, instrument and electrial shops:

Mess rooms, canteens, corridors and other 1.25 seconds

circulation spaces:
4.6.2 Noise transmission values
Transmission loss between offices
Minimum rating or airborne sound insulation between office rooms, assuming closed doors,
shall be 40 dB, determined according to ISO 717-1.
Transmission loss between indoors and outdoors
Minimum rating of airborne sound insulation of external wall against external noise,
assuming closed windows, determined according to ISO 717-3, shall be:
Administration buildings - 30 dB
Control building and laboratory - 35 dB
Social facilities - 40 dB
Transmission loss through floors (structure-borne noise)
Noise level in a room from a standard tapping machine on the finished floor of the room
above (in accordance with Appendix 1), shall not exceed:
Frequency, Hz Maximum sound level, dB

250 72
500 70
1000 67
2000 58
NOTE: The standard tapping machine consists of 5 hammers of 500 gram each, falling from a height of 40
mm, 10 times per second.

4.6.3 Noise limits

If noise generating equipment is installed in the building, DEP shall be
followed to determine acceptable equipment limits.
Noise levels in buildings shall not exceed the following limits:
Maximum allowable
Area description sound pressure level
db (A)
 Areas in workshops and machinery
buildings where communication is 70
 Workshops for light maintenance.
 Workshop offices.
 Control rooms, not continuously manned. 60
 Computer rooms
 Control rooms, continuously manned.
 Open plan offices 50
 Social rooms, changing rooms, wash
places and toilets.
 Offices and conference rooms 45
 Accomodation (bedrooms, private cabins 40

NOTE: Noise that is not related to equipment but is produced by users of the various areas need not be

If noise has an impulsive and/or tonal character, the above limits shall be taken 5 dB(A)
more stringent.

4.6.4 Noise and vibrations generated by HVAC equipment

Noise from HVAC equipment transmitted through ducts shall not result in sound pressure
levels inside the room higher than 10 dB(A) below the maximum acceptable noise level in
that room.
Noise caused by HVAC installations shall be reduced by applying one or more of the
following measures:
- air duct silencers;
- sound proofing of air ducts.
- isolation of rotating/vibrating equipment from piping, ducting and structures by means of
flexible piping, air duct connectors, vibration isolators etc, For equipment vibration limits
reference is made to ASHRAE Handbook HVAC Applications (1991).


These buildings shall be designed with offices at least 3.6 m wide and at least 5 m deep.
The corridors shall be at least 2 m wide, except for infrequently used corridors which shall
be at least 1200 mm wide (or at least 1650 mm wide if leading to exits).
The occupation rate of offices/rooms shall be determined by the Principal. However, the
recommended minimum space per person is 18 m 3; 7.2 m2 in floor area and not less than
2.5 m in ceiling height.
In offices accommodating more than 25 persons at least two exits shall be provided.
Provisions shall be made for installation of partition walls at 1.8 m intervals, so that rooms
can be formed of 5 x 3.6, 5 x 5.4, 5 x 7.2 m, etc.


The size of these rooms shall be based on min. 1.35 m 2 per person for large canteens to
1.5 m2 per person for smaller rooms (excluding the kitchen area, counter area, stores, etc.).
In control buildings, a lockable cupboard shall be installed for each shift.


 Toilets shall be 1000 x 1500 mm (in offices, toilets shall be min. 900 x 1200 mm).
 Showers shall be 1000 x 2000 mm, divided into a wet area and a dry area by a 400 mm
wide dividing wall. Each shower shall have a seat in the dry area.
 In locker rooms, two lockers for each shift worker shall be installed, 300 - 350 mm wide,
500 - 550 mm deep and 1800 - 2000 mm high.
All lockers shall be installed on a concrete or steel plinth, about 500 mm high, with a
hardwood seat, 500 mm wide, in front of the lockers. The distance between the front of the
seats shall be at least 1400 mm.
The lockers shall have adequate natural ventilation. In air-conditioned and/or mechanically
ventilated locker rooms the lockers shall be exhausted at the top.
The area above the lockers shall be enclosed or a sloping steel cap shall be mounted to
prevent accumulation of dirt and placing of items on top of the lockers. This area shall also
accommodate the exhaust piping.


Unless otherwise specified, these buildings shall have a width of 15 m and a length of a
multiple of 6 m.


Amended per
Circular 34/96

For electrical stations, see drawing T-1.707.055. For analyser houses, see Standard
Drawings S 17.001 and S 17.002.
For certain applications container-size modules may be utilized if approved by the Principal.
This type of building, consisting of one or more interconnecting modules, shall comply with
the general design rules under (3.6.3).
The following minimum clear dimensions shall apply:

Office rooms 2500 mm

Control room, laboratory, analyser 3000 mm (Note 1)
house, computer room
Electrical station 4000 mm (Notes 1 and 2)
Basement in control building 3300 mm (Note 1)
Basement in offices 2600 mm (Note 1)
Basement in substation 1800 mm (Note 1)
Fenced area under substation on stilts 1500 mm
Toilets, wash/locker rooms, etc. 2500 mm
Corridors 2400 mm

All height dimensions are to underside of ceiling or beams, whichever is the lower.
Notes: 1. This height shall further depend on dimensions of equipment and handling space required.

2. The free space required above the (high voltage) switchgear also depends on the type of short
circuit relief devices on top of the switchgear.

This chapter gives general information on elements and components for all buildings.
However, requirements for certain buildings are specified in more detail owing to the fact
that these requirements are not covered in separate documents such as the DEPs,
drawings, etc. mentioned in (1).
Materials containing asbestos shall not be used.

6.2.1 External walls

External walls shall be designed to prevent condensation and to resist penetration of
external moisture (due to rain or snow) into the inside of the building. External walls should
be made of fair-faced bricks; plastering and painting (or cladding) shall only be used where
bricks of suitable appearance are not available locally. If administration and service
buildings are made of concrete blocks, the external surfaces shall be plastered and painted.
A damp-proof course shall be included in all walls over the full length at a minimum height
of 150 mm above the finished grade level. Whenever necessary, termite barriers shall be
provided in the construction.
Where wall cladding is used, plastering and painting of the wall behind it shall be omitted. If
cladding is used in service buildings, a dwarf wall of 2000 mm height shall be erected to
protect the cladding against damage by motor vehicles (see also DEP
Steel crash barriers may only be used as an alternative to a dwarf wall if approved by the
Electrical stations, analyser houses, auxiliary rooms, control buildings and similar buildings
shall be made gas-tight. The joints between brickwork and concrete structure shall be
sealed, as well as the joints between door and window frames and the brickwork or
concrete structure.
Where louvres are used for ventilation they shall be of the "vertical louvre" type.
The minimum thickness of the cladding shall be 0.75 mm.
In tropical areas double sheeted, insulating cladding shall be considered for buildings
frequently occupied by people. Where natural or forced draft ventilation is required, a ridge
vent shall be provided over the full length of the building in combination with vertical wall
To prevent possible accumulation of gases in the walls, cavity walls shall not be used in
electrical stations, analyser houses, auxiliary rooms, and similar buildings. Hollow concrete
blocks shall not be used for outside brickwork, unless the cavities are filled with
concrete/mortar. The holes for cable entries below ground shall be sealed gas and water
tight; Multi Cable Transit (MCT) blocks should be used. Unused cable entries shall be
closed with spare solid blocks. Material to be used for closing of aboveground holes for
cable entries shall have the same fire rating as the particular element.
Preventive measures shall be taken to avoid inflow of rain water or released flammable
liquids. All openings for cables or piping shall be above groundwater level. External walls
for buildings shall satisfy the general requirements given in (3.6).
Lightly coloured, heat-reflecting, thermal insulating properties and low maintenance shall be
the major considerations in the selection of all exterior finishes. Appropriate jointing and
backing systems shall be incorporated into the design of all exterior finish systems.
Such systems shall resist all local weather conditions, such as rainstorms, high winds,
effects of severe sandstorms, etc.
Special attention shall be paid to the selection of appropriate coatings for the finishing of
exterior surfaces. In particular, metals require special coatings as a protection against
corrosion and heat absorption. See DEP

6.2.2 Interior walls and partitions

Only moisture-proof finishes shall be specified in toilet rooms, bath facilities, kitchens and
other areas exposed to humidity or water. Walls surrounding water closets, showers, bath
tubs and urinals shall be finished with ceramic tiles, or specially designed sanitary partition
Terrazzo shall have an integral coved base. All plastered corners shall be protected against
impact damage by an integral bullnose element.
Partition walls installed in buildings shall be based on a module of 1.8m (5.1). Unless
otherwise specified, they need not be of the removable type. Floors, ceilings, windows,
heating, ventilation, air-conditioning and electrical fittings shall be designed in such a way
that partition walls can be built and demolished in future at 1800 mm centres, without undue
damage to the building.
A damp-proof course may be omitted for partition walls, if erected on the concrete floor,
except for wash rooms and other wet rooms.

6.2.3 Finish of walls

See Appendix 1.

6.3.1 Flat roofs

 Nominally flat roofs shall be made of reinforced concrete, poured in situ. Prefab concrete
elements shall not be used for roof construction, in order to satisfy the requirements of
(3.6). The minimum slope for nominally flat roofs shall be 1:100.
 Roofs and curbs shall be made completely water-proof by any proprietary water-proofing
treatment. The composite roof shall comply with criteria for thermal insulation and fire
protection. Condensation shall be avoided. Where frequent roof traffic is expected,
adequate walkways made of steel grating on steel supports shall be provided. Gravel
shall not be used to protect the water-proofing.
 In very dry (e.g. Middle East) areas, the roof shall be flat with run-off (nominal) slopes
and surrounded by a curb. Gutters shall not be provided. Only PVC oversized overflow
spouts shall be installed. The build-up roofing felt shall be protected against direct sun
radiation by means of a protective layer, i.e. light-weight concrete or mortar with white-
reflecting surface on top of the insulation/roofing felt. Loose tiles or gravel shall not be

6.3.2 Pitched roofs

For pitched roofs, the plan shape shall be kept as simple as possible, without hips and
valleys. The construction shall be such as to result in a completely water-proof roof.
For pitched roofs, the roofing shall be long-span profiled carbon steel panels, with the same
protection system as facade panels, see DEP
Proper ventilation between roof and ceiling of laboratory buildings is required to prevent
accumulation of vapours (toxic or inflammable).
Roofs will generally have two slopes at 20°. In tropical areas, rainwater gutters and
downspouts shall only be provided over entrances and other areas where people have to
Under all outer roof lines without a roof gutter, adequate concrete gutter facilities shall be
designed at floor level with concrete slabs on both sides to prevent erosion.

6.4.1 Materials
Moisture-resistant materials shall be used for the ceilings of all toilet rooms, bathing
facilities, kitchens and other areas exposed to moisture and humidity. All materials to be
used for ceilings shall consist of non-combustible materials or fire-rated materials in
accordance with the applicable codes.

6.4.2 Finish of ceilings

See Appendix 1.

6.5.1 General
Floors shall be made of either:
 Mass concrete supported directly on soil with an intervening vapour barrier (applicable
to ground floors only if soil conditions permit), or
 reinforced concrete, or
 prefabricated concrete slabs supported by concrete or steel beams, but only when no
people are accommodated underneath.
Where requirements warrant it, epoxy-based flooring could be considered. However,
alternative materials shall be used only with the Principal's approval.
All floors exposed to weather, liquid spillage or washing-down operations shall be laid with
adequate falls, e.g. a minimum of 1 in 100 to gullies or channels placed in such a way that
quick and effective drainage is possible. The falls shall be such that, allowing for normal
tolerances, there is no possibility of ponding, or water being trapped by stanchions or
footings. Drains from upper floors shall be routed in such a way that blockages are unlikely
and shall have adequate inspection covers so that, if blockages do occur, they can be
cleared easily.
The finished floor level shall be at least 150 mm above the pathway around the building.

6.5.2 Workshop
In the workshop floor, provisions shall be made to allow for cable-laying and machine
The floor shall be constructed as follows:
 A reinforced concrete construction floor to base all machine foundations.
 A layer of sand about 200 mm thick to accommodate cables and piping.
 A thin reinforced concrete floor, strong enough to carry all the traffic in the workshop,
which can be easily removed for relocation of equipment without disturbing the lower
construction floor. This top floor shall be level with the surrounding floors

6.5.3 Raised floors

For the installation of computers and other instrument or electrical equipment with cable
connections at the bottom of the equipment, a special cavity floor shall be installed.
The elevated floor shall be flush with the surrounding floor finishes. For this reason the
reinforced concrete floor shall be constructed at a lower level.
The removable panels shall be 600 x 600 mm and 40 mm thick, constructed of plywood or
chipboard, finished with 2 mm thick factory-applied, anti-static, wearing surface at the top
and aluminium foil at the bottom.
The floor panels shall rest on adjustable pedestals manufactured of mild steel with mild
steel foot and top plates.
The pedestals shall be glued to the concrete floor, adjustable in height, providing a distance
between the top of the cavity floor and the top of the concrete floor of 750 mm. The
adjustable part shall have automatic positive locking.
Electrical requirements shall be in accordance with IEC 364.
Bracings shall be installed to prevent lateral movement of the flooring system.
Separate steel structures shall be provided to support electrical equipment and battery
Each floor panel shall be capable of supporting a concentrated load of 4450 N, applied on
an area of 650 mm2 at any point, or 15 kN/m2 with a max. deflection of 1 mm.
The reinforced concrete floor and the walls under the cavity floor shall be painted with an
epoxy paint to prevent formation of dust.

6.5.4 Finish of floors

See Appendix 1.

6.6.1 General
 In external walls, doors and frames shall be made of galvanized steel.
In exceptional cases, solid hardwood doors can be used, treated with a fire retardant.
NOTE: Aluminium shall not be used, because this material is too weak to hold the door or window pane in
place during an explosion.
Plastic shall not be used because of the development of dangerous gases in the case of fire.

 Steel doors and frames shall also be used for internal doors in electrical stations,
basements of control buildings, bottle wash and CFR engine rooms of laboratories,
consumable stores, instrument, electrical and mechanical workshops.
 Steel doors shall be double-sheeted and insulated.
 In all other internal walls where doors are required, pressed steel or hardwood door
frames, solid-cored, with flush-veneered wooden doors shall be used.
 All main entrances and all other entrances to buildings which are frequently used shall
have airlocks with adequately separated doors to control the indoor temperature and to
prevent sand accumulation in the case of desert conditions.
 Where visibility is required, doors shall be glazed. The clear opening for glazing shall not
exceed 0.25 m2 per door. Outside doors in administration buildings may have a clear
opening for glazing not exceeding 1.0 m2 per door.
 External doors shall always open outwards and in the direction of the escape route.
Revolving doors and sliding doors are not allowed for emergency exits.
 If the dimensions of doors are unpractical for easy handling, a wicket door shall be
provided for frequent passage of persons, i.e. in workshop doors, the door for the
receiving bay of the store and the equipment doors of electrical stations and control
 Weather stripping to maintain the climate inside the building and to exclude all dust and
moisture infiltration. Sliding doors shall be designed in such a way that an accumulation
of dust and sand does not influence the proper functioning of the doors. The tracks shall
be easily cleanable.
 The external doors of the substation shall be made tight-fitting by means of heavy-duty
PVC seals, so that no dust, gas or other foreign matter can enter the building.
 The sealing of the analyser house doors, internal and external, shall be made tight-fitting
by means of heavy-duty PVC seals.
 In corridors of office buildings self-closing smoke doors shall be installed at maximum
30 m intervals. These doors shall also be used for separating staircases from corridors.
 Mat wells shall be installed inside all entrances of the following buildings:
Office building
First-aid building
Control building
Training centre
Instrument workshop
Electrical workshop
 The door frame stanchions of the sliding door between work-shop and covered area
shall not be connected by a top rail in order to allow free movement of the overhead
travelling crane with load. If required by climatic conditions, a crane door shall be
additionally installed in the above wall.
 In non-freezing areas, fire-fighting garages should not have doors in front of the fire-
fighting vehicles. If doors are required for climatic reasons they shall be made of light
material so that the fire truck can break them open in case the doors are blocked during
an emergency.
 Doors may be electrically operated but shall have a facility for quick disconnection of the
electric driver after which easy manual opening shall be possible (balanced doors).
 Internal doors to toilets and showers shall have a 100 mm free opening from the finished
 Doors in corridors of office buildings should not be located directly opposite each other.
Doors should be installed preferably in niches, in order to create more room in the
corridor near the entrance of office rooms.
6.6.2 Dimensions
Required minimum dimensions shall be as shown below. All these dimensions shall be
increased if required for installation of equipment in the buildings.
For firestations, see DEP
DOORS (mm)
First-aid facsilities, for passage of stretcher 1500 x 2100
Instrument shop 1400 x 2100
Between electrical shop and mechanical shop 2000 x 2100
Basement of control building between 1800 x 2500
instrument and electrical room
Between warehouse and bulk store 1800 x 3000
One door in each laboratory room large enough for the
necessary equipment
(e.g. fume cupboard)
to pass through
Toilets and showers 600 x 2100
Other doors 900 x 2100


Main entrances of offices, canteen, training and 1500 x 2100
first-aid building
Control building equipment entrance 1800 x 2500
all other doors 900 x 2100
Workshops and warehouses 3000 x 3000
(shall be sliding doors)
Between covered area and workshop 4000 x 4000
(shall be sliding doors)
Store for heavy field tools or rigging equipment 1800 x 3000
(shall be sliding doors)
Substations equipment entrances See dwg T 1.707.055
personnel entrance 900 x 2100
Analyser houses 900 x 2100
Other external doors 900 x 2100
6.6.3 Fixing
 Fixing of frames for doors and windows to the building shall be such as to ensure solid,
void-free, water-proof joints.
 Steel frames shall be built into the building by using galvanized/sherardized metal lugs.
 The joints shall be caulked with a building mastic which does not sag or run, is non-
hardening, non-staining and can be painted.

6.6.4 Fittings
 Locks, handles, handle plates, barrel bolts, panic bolts, door stops, kick plates, and
automatic door closers shall be provided as necessary. For doors to air locks,
airconditioned rooms, pressurized rooms, main entrances to sanitary blocks, and for all
fire-check doors, automatic door closers or self-closing doors shall be installed. For
other external doors, door catches shall be provided.
 All fittings of the same kind shall be of one make and type. Fittings shall be in anodized
aluminium and shall be fixed with non-corroding screws.
 Fittings for industrial buildings shall be of steel and shall have a corrosion-resistant
 The single doors of analyser houses, electrical substations and the active leaf of the
double door of electrical substations shall be provided with a single panic bolt. As only
the single doors shall be used for normal passage, the panic bolts of these doors shall
be operated by means of a cylinder lock with key and locking knob. These locks shall be
keyed to a master key system.
In each refinery one separate locking system for all electrical substations and one for all
analyser houses shall be provided. For extensions to existing refineries, door-locking
facilities shall exactly match those of the existing buildings.
 Both leaves of the double doors shall be provided with a vertical grip handle on the
 Doors to toilets and showers shall be provided with an indicator bolt only. On the inside
of these doors coat hooks shall be fitted, one on each toilet door and three on each
shower door. These coat hooks can also be mounted against the wall on a strip of

6.6.5 Finish
 Doors, windows, frames and fittings made out of steel shall be hot-dip galvanized or
zinc-sprayed. See DEP

6.7.1 General
 Windows, including their frames in external walls, shall be made of galvanized steel.
Other materials are not strong enough to keep the window pane in place during an
 Movable parts of external windows shall open outwards.
 Where insect screens are required, they shall be easily removable and rustproof.
 Electrical substations shall not be provided with any windows or other light openings.
 The upper part of external doors of the analyser house shall be glazed. The maximum
pane size shall be 0.25 m2.
 The underside of all windows in workshop and warehouse buildings shall be at least
1200 mm above finished floor level. The underside of all other windows, where possible,
shall be min. 1000 mm above finished floor level.
 External window sills shall be set weathered, and project beyond the external wall face.
Internal sills shall be made of tiles, or similar material to suit the type of room concerned.
To prevent accumulation of dirt, these internal sills shall be set sloping inwards in control
buildings, wash and locker rooms and toilets.
 All exterior windows in heated and/or air-conditioned buildings shall be designed with
weather-stripping as described for doors.
 For fittings of windows, see (6.6.4).
 Bracings and rainwater down-pipes shall not obstruct the windows in steel-framed

6.7.2 Sun-load protection

 The design of buildings shall be such that the heat due to solar radiation through glazed
areas shall not raise the temperature in the rooms above the allowable design
conditions. This may be achieved by installation of louvres, heat-absorbing/reflecting
window panes, canopies, or similar sun-protection devices. A study of their optimum
shape in relation to the sun, as well as their economics related to HVAC equipment and
operation costs, should be made. Such devices should have low heat-absorptive
properties and minimum contact with the building surfaces to which they are attached.
 In addition, interior shading, such as blinds and curtains, should be provided, ensuring
sufficient air circulation between them and the window pane. Blinds shall be designed
using materials resistant to intense heat, and curtains shall have stable colours that
resist fading. All curtains and draperies shall be self-extinguishing.
 Windows shall be designed to minimize heat gain and ultraviolet light transmission.
Excessively glazed surfaces shall be avoided wherever possible, particularly when they
are unshaded or directly oriented towards the sun. Double glazing for large glazed areas
is desirable.
When specifying special glazing, such as reflective mirror glass and heavily tinted glass,
consideration shall be given to replacements and availability in the country in question.

6.7.3 External glazing

 The number of windows and the sizes of the glass panes shall be restricted to the
minimum required by local building authorities.
 The maximum pane area should be 1 m 2. All window openings shall be designed in
such a way that only a minimum of different glass sizes is required.
 In all buildings, laminated glass shall be used consisting of two layers of float glass of at
least 3 mm each and a polyvinyl-butyral (PVB) interlayer of 1.9 mm (see appendix 2).
 Hermetically-sealed double-glazing units shall be used when transparency needs to be
combined with heat insulation. The double-glazing units reduce sound transmission
appreciably, but this is an incidental benefit.
These glazing units, prefabricated by the manufacturer, shall be composed of two
spaced glass panes with a cavity of dehydrated air.
Each unit shall consist of:
- an outer pane of normal float glass, minimum thickness 5 mm,
- an air space, minimum 6 mm,
- an inner pane of laminated glass consisting of two layers of glass, minimum
thickness 2 mm each, and
- a PVB interlayer of 1.9 mm.
The outer and inner pane of the unit shall be fixed to the spacers of the air cavity by a
polysulphide adhesive compound. The edges of the units shall not be provided with a
channel-shaped metal cover.
NOTES: 1. To prevent mistakes during fitting of the units into the frames, the inner pane of laminated glass
shall be marked clearly by the manufacturer (e.g. the Principal's name or company logo in the

2. When these units are to be exposed to low pressure (e.g. during air transport or if mounted at a
level above 800 m) the manufacturer of these units shall be informed and the necessary
precautions taken.

3. If considerable protection against the spread of fire is required, as well as protection during an
explosion, wired laminated glass shall be applied, e.g. in analyser houses. This glass shall consist
of one layer of wired glass, 6 mm thick and one layer of float glass, 3 mm thick with an interlayer
of PVB of 1.9 mm.

6.7.4 Fixing requirements for external glazing

To enhance keeping the glass pane in the window frame in the case of an explosion, the
following requirements shall apply (see also Appendix 2):
 The window frame of galvanized steel shall have a minimum rebate of 18 mm instead of
the normal standard of 12 mm. The glass manufacturer may specify even more than
18 mm, in which case this bigger rebate shall be provided.
 The glass panes shall be fitted from the outside.
 Single and double external glazing shall be fixed with metal beads, corresponding in
height to the height of the rebate. The steel beads shall be fixed with 5 ½ mm diameter
screws spaced at maximum 200 mm intervals.
 As shown in Appendix 2, each of the edges of the pane shall have a minimum clearance
of 5 mm with the frame. Both faces of the pane shall have a minimum 3 mm clearance
with the frame.
The clearances shall be maintained by the use of neoprene setting blocks and side spacers
(see Appendix 2).
 The glass shall be fitted in the steel frame using a non-hardening adhesive compound. A
self-adhesive aluminium tape shall be taped on the edge of the window pane to act as a
separation between the adhesive compound and the PVB interlayer in the case of
possible harmful reaction between components of the adhesive compound and the PVB
 The fixing method shall ensure void-free and water-proof joints.
 The transport, the application of primers, compounds, aluminium to neoprene setting
blocks and neoprene side spacers shall be in accordance with the instructions of the
manufacturers of the glass and the compounds.
6.7.5 Internal glazing
Normal glass with a minimum thickness of 3 mm shall be applied. The panes shall be fitted
in steel frames composed of standard sections, and fixed with a non-hardening, non-
staining type of putty.
Internal glass in timber doors and in hardwood frames shall be fixed with screwed
hardwood beads.
If considerable protection against the spread of fire is required, transparent Georgian
polished wired glass shall be applied in view of its resistance to fragmentation.
Wired glass, thickness 6 mm, shall be fixed with screwed metal beads in steel frames and
with wooden beads in wooden doors.
Transparent Georgian polished wired glass shall be used if visibility is required, otherwise
translucent Georgian wired-cast glass shall be applied.

6.7.6 Issue counters

A hatch with a hardwood issue counter shall be provided in the dividing wall between the
workshop and the toolroom, and in the warehouse
These issue counters, as well as the issue counter in the canteen, shall be provided with
metal sliding shutters with suitable locking arrangements.

6.7.7 Translucent sheeting, dome lights and glass bricks

If a clear view is not required, translucent sheeting and dome lights may be used for
daylight entrance in parts of the external enclosure of industrial buildings.
If applied:
 Both shall be of glass fibre-reinforced polyester resin of self-extinguishing quality and
with a resin-rich external surface to prevent ageing.
The fire-retardant grade shall be approved by the local authorities or the Principal in
case no local regulations exist.
Materials which develop toxic products or excessive smoke in a fire are not allowed.
Profiled translucent sheeting shall be of the same profile as the adjacent standard types
of wall cladding and/or roofing sheets.
 Number, area or sizes shall be restricted to a minimum.
 No more than 20% of the wall surface shall be fitted with translucent sheeting, due to
smoke development in the case of fire.
 To prevent condensation and to restrict solar heat load inside the building, double-skin
dome roof lights shall be applied. The shape shall be square or rectangular.
 In tropical areas translucent roofing sheets and dome roof lights shall not be used.
 Solid or hollow glass bricks shall not be applied.
Walls, floors, ceilings, windows, doors, air ducts, partitions, piping, etc., and all internal
surfaces shall be designed and constructed to eliminate as far as possible any ledges or
surfaces on which dust and dirt can settle. All surfaces shall have a smooth texture and
shall be easy to clean.
The floor surface of the plant shall be smooth and impervious (e.g. by means of non-
slippery glazed tiles) in order to prevent absorption of any toxic residue in the floor. The
floor should slope gently (1:100) towards the drainage point. A small ridge around the more
critical areas or recess of this area, i.e. underneath the filling equipment, shall be applied.
This separated area should also be connected with a drainage system suitable for toxic
The mixing room shall have self-closing doors, to restrict the spreading of toxic product as
far as possible.

6.9.1 General
All stairs shall be designed and located to meet the local fire authority requirements for
means of escape in the case of fire. The proposed location shall be approved by the
All doors shall open in the direction of the escape route and be positioned so as not to
block any stairway.
Signs shall be supplied and erected to indicate clearly the route of escape in an
Hand-rails shall be provided on both sides of the stairs, except when the slope of stair is
less than 30° and the stair is not higher than 2000 mm, in which case hand-rails are not
Main internal staircases of administration buildings, control buildings, laboratories, etc.,
along with their related lobbies and landings, shall be enclosed by suitable fire-resistant
materials (see 8.1.3). Winding treads shall not be used for such staircases.
Where equipment is located on top of a roof, the installation of a steel staircase or cage
ladder will depend on the maintenance/inspection/operating requirements of the equipment,
subject to the approval of the Principal. For steel staircases and ladders, see
The concrete platforms in front of equipment doors shall be calculated to be able to bear
the equipment that will be transported through these doors.
If in an electrical substation a basement is required, two manholes of 600 x 800 mm
covered with 25 mm deep galvanized grating and located in opposite corners of the building
shall be provided in the ground floor, providing access and natural ventilation to the
A fixed vertical steel ladder leading to each manhole shall be provided in the basement.
A vertical steel handrail 38 mm diameter shall be fixed to the wall next to each manhole.

6.9.2 Dimensions
Minimum width between handrails 1250 mm.
Width and length of landings same as width of stair.
Minimum head room 2100 mm.
Height of handrail above front of tread 900 mm.
Height of handrail above landing 1100 mm.
Doorway to staircase, min. width 1250 mm.
No stairway shall exceed 16 rises in any one flight, but if more are necessary a landing
shall be provided.
The maximum slope shall be 3:4.
For risers and goings the following shall apply:
Risers (R) : in. 160 mm, max. 190 mm.
Goings (G) : in. 250 mm, max. 310 mm.
and further:
(R x G) min. 48 000 mm2, otherwise too dangerous to descend.
(R x G) max. 55 000 mm2, otherwise too tiring to ascend.


7.1.1 General
Drainage systems outside the area of 1 m from the outside of the buildings, shall comply
with DEP Within 1 m of the outside of the building, the following is
A complete drainage system including floor drains and sewage piping from sanitary fitments
shall be provided. The design shall be adequate to cover future extensions of various
Drainage lines shall be designed to provide self-cleansing velocities and easy access for
clearing of obstructions. Such access points within buildings shall have screwed or bolted
air-tight covers. Interconnecting pits outside the buildings shall be provided with cast-iron
removable covers.
In areas likely to be affected by frost, the external drain lines shall be laid at frost-free level.
Suitable intercepting chambers and vents shall be provided where required, to prevent foul
liquids or gases from flowing back into the buildings. Special attention shall be paid to
having these vents at a suitable distance from air-conditioning inlet openings.
Particular attention should be paid to the provision of seals to prevent any possible ingress
of process gas or hydrocarbon liquids.
A grease trap shall be provided for the waste water from the canteen building and mess
room. The grease traps shall be located such that the temperature does not exceed 37 °C,
as this will inhibit the grease dispersing agent.
The basements shall be provided with an emergency drain pit of 600 x 600 mm, depth
approximately 250 mm, with cover. This drain pit shall be located near the access opening
to the basement, to facilitate easy connecting of a hose from a movable emergency pump
outside the building.
Rainwater downpipes and other drainpipes shall not pass through electrical equipment
rooms or basements.

7.1.2 Connection to oil-contaminated drainage system

The oil-contaminated water drain from laboratories, analyser buildings and similar buildings
shall be connected to the continuous oil-contaminated drainage system of the process
plant, through suitable water seals, keeping these drainage lines always flooded. The water
table shall be at least 50 mm above the inside top of the highest part of the drain line.
If the laboratory is too far away from the above drainage system, an underground oil
collecting tank shall be installed, to be emptied by a vacuum truck.

7.1.3 Connection to existing third-party sewage system

If a sewage system belonging to a local authority exists in the neighbourhood, the building
sewage may, after the necessary permission has been procured, be connected to this
existing system. The drainage design shall then be completely governed by the stipulations
made by the local authority concerned. See also DEP

7.1.4 New sewage disposal system

If there are no possibilities of discharging into an existing system, a new disposal system
shall be designed. Rainwater from the buildings shall be directly connected to the storm
water channels. Sewage and waste water shall be jointly or separately treated in effective
septic tanks or other treating plants according to the specifications or local practice.
Further purification of the effluent from the treating plants shall be designed, if necessary,
so that the final effluent can be discharged into the natural storm water channels without
objections from the neighbours or local authorities.
Alternatively, if approved by the Principal, the rainwater and purified effluent from the
sewage treatment plants may be discharged into the oil-free drainage system of the
refinery. See DEP

7.1.5 Sewage materials

Materials shall be selected and laid in such a manner that underground pipes or fittings,
traps, pits, etc., shall not give rise to leakage, particularly after settlement of the overburden
or surrounding soil, or from any other cause. All drain pipes shall be resistant to corrosion,
erosion, the action of acids, detergents, hot water or other wastes to be drained.
Rainwater downtake pipes and roof gutters should be of PVC and shall be designed to
discharge all rainwater effectively without causing dampness in any part of the buildings.
The bottom two metres of exposed down-pipes shall be made of steel. Rainwater down-
pipes shall be mounted on the outside of the building where possible.
Rainwater gutters shall be designed to bear snow load where applicable. The materials
shall be clearly indicated on the drawings.
In areas with high solar exposure, ultraviolet resistant materials shall be used.

7.1.6 Testing
Prior to any back-filling, all underground drain pipes and pits shall be water-tested in
accordance with DEP

7.2.1 Minimum flow rates

Flow rate (L/min)
Fitment Cold water Hot water
(minimum 60 °C)
Lavatory hand basins 10 7
Wash throughs, per tap 10 7
Sinks 15 20
Showers/sprays 7 7

7.2.2 Piping systems

A complete cold water piping system shall be designed for all buildings.
The type of water to be used for the different services shall be as specified in the project
Facilities for supply of hot water shall be designed for wash rooms, mess rooms, kitchen,
pantry, and first-aid facilities. Additional designs for installation of cold and hot water supply
shall be made as indicated in the project specification. Garden water shall be made
available by installing taps and hose connections at convenient locations on the exterior
walls of buildings adjacent to the proposed garden areas.
In very dry areas a permanent underground garden water piping system shall be installed in
the administration area. The use of treated effluent water should be considered.
Piping materials shall be copper for hot water and copper or PVC for cold water.
Piping and fittings shall be such that back-siphonage is excluded. The entire piping system
shall be capable of being drained at low points conveniently located. Dismantling points
shall be provided at easily accessible locations. All pipes shall be firmly fixed to the
Supply lines to fitments shall be provided with stop valves and unions so that any fitment
can be isolated and replaced.
All pipes and fittings shall be hydrostatically tested after installation at 1.5 times the system
7.2.3 Toilets
The accommodation for male and female personnel shall be kept separate. The minimum
number of fitments shall be as follows:
 For offices, laboratories, training centres, canteens, etc., see table below.
Fitment Male Personnel Female Personnel

WC 1 for 1 - 15 persons 1 for 1 - 12 persons

2 for 16 - 40 persons 2 for 13 - 25 persons
3 for 41 - 70 persons 3 for 26 - 40 persons
4 for 71 - 100 persons

Urinals nil up to 2 persons

1 for 3 - 10 persons
2 for 11 - 20 persons
3 for 21 - 40 persons
4 for 41 - 100 persons

Hand-wash 1 for 1 - 20 persons 1 for 1 - 15 persons

2 for 21 - 40 persons 2 for 16 - 30 persons
3 for 41 - 60 persons 3 for 31 - 45 persons
4 for 61 - 80 etc. 4 for 46 - 60 etc.

 For processing plants, 1 WC and 1 handwash basin shall be provided for every 10
persons on day shift. In addition, 1 urinal shall be provided for every 10 men.
 Each toilet area in industrial and utility buildings, including canteens, shall have a tap
with hose connection and floor drain.
NOTE: In certain Middle East and Far East areas, local religious customs and/or regulations shall be followed
with respect to the location of WC suites and the like, including the installation of foot washing

7.2.4 Washrooms/locker rooms

In non-processing sections of a plant (i.e. washrooms in workshops and fire stations etc.),
showers shall be provided at the rate of one per twenty persons. Water troughs shall be
provided at a length of 600 mm for every six persons.
In processing plants, for every five operators in day shift one shower shall be installed and
1200 mm length of water trough with two taps. In dirty plants (e.g. crude distillers, Epicote
plants) for every three operators in day shift one shower shall be installed and 800 mm
length of water trough with one tap.
For female personnel the same numbers shall be used.
Each washroom shall have a tap with hose connection and a floor drain. The locker room
shall be provided with a tap with hose connection and sufficient floor drains.

7.2.5 Battery rooms

Each battery room except those with sealed batteries shall be provided with an eye-wash
basin, a sink and a floor drain.

7.2.6 Equipment rooms

Rooms within the buildings where equipment will be installed (e.g. compressors, engines
etc. for air-conditioning, heating or other purposes), shall be provided with a tap, hose
connection and a floor drain.
7.2.7 Cleaners' cupboards
Each cupboard shall be provided with a bucket sink, a hose connection, a floor drain, racks
for brooms and other cleaning/polishing equipment, and shelves for small material.

7.2.8 Fitments
All fitments of the same kind shall be of one uniform make and type. Pedestal-type WC suite

This type WC shall consist of white-glazed vitreous china closet with 'S' or 'P' trap, seat
lugs, solid plastic seat with seat cover, hinges, buffers and necessary flushing facilities. A
toilet roll holder and ash-tray shall be provided, but the latter shall be omitted in 'non-
smoking' areas. Flushing facilities shall be capable of delivering a minimum of eight litres of
water per flush, in not more than six seconds. Squatting-type WC
This, where required by local custom, shall consist of white vitreous fire-clay or stainless
steel washdown closet, with 'S' or 'P' trap, vertical inlet, flushing rim, integral foot treads,
and necessary flushing facilities of the same capacity as in ( A pair of hand grips
and a toilet roll holder shall be provided. An extra water tap shall be installed at a
convenient location. Urinal
This shall consist of a stainless steel or white-glazed vitreous china wall-type urinal with
flushing rim, complete with flushing facilities and trap. Where urinals are installed in multiple
units, each unit shall be separated by partitions. Flushing facilities shall be capable of
discharging five litres of water per flush per urinal.
For multiple units of urinals automatic flushing facilities may be provided, maintaining the
above capacity. In areas where smoking is allowed, an ash-tray shall be provided near
each urinal. Hand-wash basins and foot-wash basins
Material shall be white-glazed vitreous china or stainless steel. Minimum dimensions shall
be 550 x 400 mm. Basins shall be provided with chromium-plated, easy-clean, screw-down
type pillar taps or, if hot water is also provided, mixing valves shall be installed. Waste
water shall be led through a sealed trap to the waste water system.
An overflow slot shall be provided
The drain should be provided with a plug and chain.
Each hand wash basin shall be provided with a mirror (minimum size 550 x 400 mm). Sinks
Material shall be vitreous white-glazed fire-clay, or, if with draining boards, stainless steel.
For cold water, chromium-plated bib taps shall be installed. Where hot water facilities are
provided, a chromium-plated mixing valve with swivel spout shall be installed. Waste water
fittings shall be as in ( The sink in the cleaners' cupboard shall be provided with a
chromium-plated bucket grating with hinges. Taps shall be installed at such a height as to
facilitate easy filling of buckets. Wash troughs

These shall be made of stainless steel and shall be provided with chromium-plated mixing
valves at 600 mm centres. Mirrors shall be provided, one set for every two mixing valves.
Waste water fittings shall be as in ( Showers
Shower basins shall be recessed in the floor, made of stainless steel and be provided with
a seal trap connected to the waste water drainage system. The shower rose shall be
connected to a hot and cold water mixing valve. Each shower shall be provided with a seat
and a recessed soap holder. Emergency showers and eye-baths

Emergency showers and eye-baths shall be provided in laboratories (see DEP
Gen.) and in other areas where people can come into contact with dangerous products. For
connection of these showers, the instructions of the manufacturer shall be followed.
NOTE: The cold feed to emergency showers and eye washes shall not be subject to unacceptable heat gains. Drinking water coolers

Provisions shall be made for future installation of water coolers at locations indicated in the
Project Specification. These shall consist of installation of water supply, drain and electrical
connections, all suitably plugged off. Vending machines

Provisions for the connection of vending machines for coffee, tea, cocoa, cool drinks,
cigarettes, chocolate, etc. shall be provided at convenient places in the buildings when
Telecommunications include telephone, plant radio and closed-circuit television. The
requirements for these items are dealt with in DEP
The requirements for instrument signal lines are laid down in DEP Due
attention shall be paid to the provision of facilities such as Building Automation Systems,
local area networks etc. The Principal shall be consulted for advice and approval.
The electrical installations of buildings shall comply with DEP
Light intensity levels for the various rooms and areas shall be as specified in DEP
These lines shall be specified separately. All hose couplings, etc. shall be located at a
height of 1000 mm above floor level. For all types of buildings where service lines pass
through walls, the openings shall be sealed gas-tight.

For explanations of terms used and tests mentioned below, see BS 476.
Where ventilation or other ducts or piping/cabling pass through roofs, walls or floors, the
surrounding gaps shall be closed air- and water-tight by using materials of the same smoke
and fire resistance of that particular element allowing essential thermal movements.
It shall be impossible for smoke or fire to travel from one floor to the other through ducting,
The layout of the building shall be such that the maximum travel distance from any point of
a floor in the building to the nearest exit of that floor shall be 25 m.
Insulation materials used inside and outside buildings shall be mineral wool blankets with
galvanized wire netting and with no flammable materials attached to them (used in wall
cladding, ceilings, partition walls, etc.). As an exception to this, translucent sheeting and
build-up bituminous roofing felt, glass fibre based, are allowed but should, where possible,
be avoided.
Staircases shall be separated from corridors by automatic closing doors. These doors shall
be smoke-tight.
All materials on the outside of the building shall be of a non-combustible type.
In order to prevent smoke or fire travelling from one room to another, separation walls shall
extend to the underside of the above laying floor or roof (or supporting beams of roof/floor
whichever is applicable).
To prevent the spreading of smoke and fire through air duct systems, the latter shall
consists of separate systems. Certain rooms may in this respect be combined. The
guidelines of NFPA 90A shall be followed and approval of the Principal shall be obtained.


Lining materials for walls and ceilings shall be of non-combustible materials. The degree of
resistance to surface spread of flame shall correspond to class 1 of BS 476, Part 7.
For individual rooms in office and canteen buildings of which the floor area is less than
30 m2, surfaces corresponding to class 2 may be allowed, except in lift and staircase walls.


The minimum fire-rating values of the elements of the buildings shall be as indicated in the
following table.
Roofs and shaft enclosure walls around lifts, stairs and other vertical openings, including
doors, shall have the same fire rating as the external walls.
Minimum period of smoke and fire resistance Fire
rating in hours
Building type External walls Internal walls
including doors including doors
excluding windows excluding windows
Offices, bulk store, canteen, 1 ½
medical centre, fire station,
gate house, traininng centre,

Warehouses 1 1

Laboratory, computer room 2 1

Analyser buildings, 2 -

In addition, floors in elevated buildings shall have a minimum period of smoke and fire
resistance of 1 hour.
Raised floors (computer floors) shall have a minimum period of smoke and fire-resistance
of ½ hour.
Walls of heater/boiler rooms shall have a minimum period of smoke and fire resistance of 1


The roofs of all buildings shall satisfy Class P60 of BS 476, part 3, without developing
cracks or holes.


DEP, DEP, and DEP shall apply.

Overall site security shall be subject to a separate security survey which is outside the
scope of this DEP.
Specific requirements resulting from this survey affecting the building(s) shall be separately
specified by the Principal.


Unless otherwise specified in the project specification, the main entrance gate for vehicles
shall be placed adjacent to the guard house nearby the administration office building. The
guard house shall be located such that a guard sitting inside has an unrestricted view of the
approach road on both sides of the gate. Due consideration shall be given to the provision
of remote operation of the gate(s). In case of emergencies, manual operation shall be
possible as well. An additional pedestrian gate shall be provided adjacent to the vehicle
Two boom-type remote-controlled barriers shall also be provided adjacent to the main gate
to control vehicle movements. The booms shall be operable from the guard house. Material
for the gates shall be as specified for the main refinery fence. See Section 7 of DEP


Painting shall be carried out in accordance with DEP
Colour schemes for buildings shall be designed by the local architects, agreed by the


Hot-dip galvanizing or zinc spraying shall be carried out in accordance with


For site preparation requirements, see DEP, DEP,
DEP, and DEP


The existing topography shall determine the relative elevations of individual buildings,
except as otherwise indicated. Thus on fast-sloping terrain, stepped lay-out may be used,
so as to reduce site preparation work. Careful consideration shall be given to the aesthetic
appearance of the surroundings of the buildings within the earmarked building plot. Design
of storm water drains, approaches to buildings, parking lots, gardening areas, and entrance
gates, shall be approved by the Principal.


An open storage yard shall be provided near the warehouse building. It shall be hard-
surfaced and properly drained. The yard shall be completely fenced-in and provided with
one gate 6 m wide and one passenger gate 1 m wide.
The total area shall be as specified in the project specification.


Panels for these shall be made of formica or similar material which can be engraved. Room
number panels can be permanently fixed on the wall next to the doors, but nameplates
shall be so fixed as to be easily interchangeable.


The local company emblem and the letters forming the company name shall be compatible
with the size of the building and made of natural anodized aluminium. The shapes shall be
in accordance with local company standards.


For tall buildings exceeding three storeys (over 10 m high), devices shall be installed to
facilitate external cleaning of the building and windows.
Suspended platforms shall be designed to carry a minimum of two men plus 100 kg of


Adequate and safe means of access to piping, ducts, cables, etc. shall be provided, e.g. by
means of trap-doors, walkways, step irons with hand rails and similar facilities.


Although appearance shall be a primary consideration in the selection of furniture and
furnishings, equal importance shall be given to strength, durability and ergonomic design.
Generally, such items shall be of a contemporary design and shall utilize, wherever
possible, replaceable, modular component construction. They shall be of a design proven in
service under conditions similar to those prevailing at the site.
All upholstered items, fabrics and coverings shall be of a self-extinguishing or fire-resisting
type. Generally, fabrics should be durable and easy to clean. Materials and finishes used
should be easily and locally repairable.

Three identical flagpoles shall be located in the most prominent position near the entrance
to the office area. Each flagpole shall be designed, along with its fixtures and foundations,
to carry a flag of 2500 x 4000 mm.
The effective height shall be 6500 mm and the pole shall be assembled from tapering
tubular steel sections, hot-dip galvanized inside and outside. The pole shall be hinged at
the footing so that it can be lowered to a horizontal position.
Amended per
Circular 34/96

In this DEP reference is made to the following publications:

NOTE: Unless specifically designated by date, the latest edition of each publication shall be used, together
with any amendments/supplements/revisions thereto.


Index to Dep Publications and Standard DEP


Painting and coating for new construction projects DEP

Noise control DEP

Instrument air supply DEP

Heating, ventilation and air-conditioning of plant DEP


Installation, testing and balancing and DEP

commissioning of HVAC systems

On-line process stream analysers DEP

Instrument signal lines DEP

Plant telecommunication DEP

Electrical engineering guidelines DEP

Minimum requirements for civil design and DEP


Site investigation DEP

Site preparation and earthworks DEP

Geotechnical and foundation engineering DEP

Roads, paving, surfacing, slope protection and DEP


Drainage systems and primary treatment systems DEP

Reinforced control buildings DEP

Laboratories DEP

Reinforced concrete foundations and structures DEP

Steel structures DEP

Equipment and tools for maintenance and inspection

- Part 2 DEP

- Part 4 DEP

- Part 5 DEP

Requirements for fire protection in onshore oil and DEP

gas processing and petrochemical installations

Active fire protection systems and equipment for DEP

onshore facilities

Portable and mobile equipment for fire fighting DEP

Fire-fighting vehicles and fire stations DEP


Specification for electrical overhead travelling cranes T-1.765.282

Typical analyser house for tropical areas S 17.001

Typical analyser house for non-tropical areas S 17.002

Typical drawing for electrical station T-1.707.055


Thermal environmental conditions for human ASHRAE 55


Ventilation for acceptable indoor air quality ASHRAE 62

ASHREA Handbook:
"Fundamentals" ASHRAE 1989
"HVAC Systems and Applications" ASHRAE 1987
"Equipment" ASHRAE 1988
"HVAC Applications" ASHRAE 1991

Issued by:
American Society of Heating, Refrigeration
and Air-Conditioning Engineers Incorporated,
1971 Tullie Circle NE, Atlanta, GA 30329, USA.

Standard for the installation of air conditioning and NFPA 90A

ventilating systems

Issued by:
National Fire Protection Association
470 Atlantic Avenue,
Boston, Massachusetts, MA 02210, USA.


External fire exposure roof test BS 476 Part 3

Fire tests on building materials and structures BS 476 Part 7

Issued by:
British Standards Institution,
2 Park Street, London

Electrical installation requirements IEC 364

Issued by:
Central Office IEC (Sales Department)
3 rue de Varembé, CH-1211 Geneve 20,

Quantities and units of acoustics ISO 31/VII

Acoustics - Rating of sound insulation in buildings ISO 717

and of building elements

Part 1: Airborne sound insulation in buildings and

of interior building elements
Part 3: Airborne sound insulation of facade
elements and facades

Issued by:
International Organization for Standardization
PO Box 56, CH-1211 Geneve 20, Switzerland

Appendix 1 Finishes of floors, ceilings and walls

Appendix 2 Typical window detail

Appendix 3 Climatic conditions for rooms in buildings




F1 F2 F3 F4 F F6 F7 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 W1 W2 W3 W
Office building/
Training centre
Office/classrooms X X X X X
Corridors/airlocks X X X X
Staircase X X X X
Aircond./ventilation X X X

Toilets/showers X X X X
Kitchen/pantry X X X X
Mech. training shop X X X X
El./instr. training X X X X
Training laboratory X X X
Basement X X X

Canteen building/
Mess room
Sitting area X X X X X
Area around counter X X X
Kitchen/pantry X X X
Stores X X X
Where applicable other specific rooms as for Office building/Training centre above

Laboratory and
Plant Laboratory
Rooms in general X X X
Offices X X X X X
Corridors X X X X
Bottle washing X X X
Glass/chemical X X X
CFR Engine room X X X
Where applicable other specific rooms as for Office building/Training centre above

First aid/Fire
brigade building
Doctors room X X X X X
First aid nurse X X X
Laboratory X X X
Waiting room X X X
Garage X X X
Stores fire-fighting X X X
Where applicable other specific rooms as for Office building/Training centre above
Guards room X X X
Where applicable other specific rooms as for Office building/Training centre above



F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 W1 W2 W3 W4
Control building

Control room X X X X X
Offices X X X X X
Computer room X X X
Laboratory X X X
Instr. aux. X X X
Computer basement X X X
Electr. equipm. room X X X X
Battery room X X X X
Air-cond. machine X X X
Corridors, airlocks X X X
Locker room/toilets X X X X
Washroom X X X X

Analyser house
Analyser room X (acid resistant) X X
Sample area X X X X

Switch room X X X X X

Mechanical X X X X X
Covered area X X X X X
Electrical workshop X X X X X
Instrument workshop X X X X
(air conditioned)
Instrument workshop X X X X
Tool room X X X X
Offices X X X X X
Locker room X X X X
Washroom X X X X X
Toilets X X X X
Cleaner's cupboard X X X

Consumables store X X X X X
Bulk store X X X X
Storekeeper's office X X X X X

Covered walkways X X
F = Floor finishes:
Note: In order to facilitate easy maintenance of floors a minimum of different floor finishes shall be
used in one building. The use of locally available material shall be considered.
F1 = Vitreous clay tiles, min. 100 x 100 mm, with ditto skirting 100 mm high. For stairs special tiles shall be
used to prevent slippage. In showers non-slip tiles to be used. Stair treads to be fitted with non-slip
F2 = PVC tiles with PVC skirting stair treads to be fitted with PVC nosing.
F3 = Linoleum with hardwood plinth.
F4 = Wall-to-wall carpets, if there is no chance that carpets will be damaged by oily shoes.

F5 = Steel-trowel finished green concrete with a carborundum surface finish (2.5 kg/m 2) and a 50 mm high
sand cement skirting.
F6 = Steel-trowel finished green concrete with a 50 mm high sand cement skirting and a dustproof epoxy-
resin based sealant (two layers) total min. dry film thickness 200-250 m.
F7 = Cavity floor, top finished with F3 or F4 in tiles of 600 x 600 mm. See also DEP

C = Ceiling finishes:
Note: Ceiling materials, including the entire suspension and the fixings, shall be non-combustible.
C1 = Suspended prefabricated acoustic panels.
C2 = Suspended, plastered and painted.
C3 = Plastered and painted.
C4 = Fair-faced and painted (ceiling will be formed by underside of floor or roof construction).
C5 = Lowered egg-crate diffusing panels of aluminium. Light fittings without reflecting assemblies above,
installed in lines against concrete ceiling. Concrete ceiling to be lined with white acoustic tiles. For
computerised control buildings, a different ceiling system may be necessary to prevent glare on the
monitor screens. This shall be agreed with the Principal.

W = Internal wall finishes:

W1 = Plastered and painted

W2 = Glazed ceramic tiles up to door frame height, rest of wall W1.

If ceiling is low, wall tiles up to ceiling height (i.e. in toilets).

W3 = Fair-faced and painted.

W4 = Fair-faced, if attractive facing bricks are available

Note: In mess room, tea pantry, analyser room, battery room, only tiling above and next to sink
and sideboard, about 450 mm high and wide.

Outer walls:
Where painting of wall surface consisting of concrete or rendering work is specified, two or more coats of fungus-
resistant cement-based washable distemper shall be applied after the necessary surface treatment.

Normal Humidity Ventilation Over- Filters Specification Type Internal Air

Db Temp. press of Recirculation Type of Air Distribution
ure room
Space Min Max Min Max Req.'d Rate Pa Fresh Recirc. Quality Req.'d Separat Fresh Air Used Air
°C °C % % Air % Air (1) e (4) blown Removal
(9) (9) RH RH (8) (3) % from from
Office Building

Computer Room 20 26 30 70 Yes 10 l/s pers 10 65 65 Clean Yes Yes

Office 20 26 30 70 Yes 10 l/s pers 10 65 - " No No Top (5) Top

Canteen 20 26 30 70 Yes 10 l/s pers 10 65 - " " " Top Top

Kitchen 20 26 30 70 Yes (6) - 65 - " " " " "
Laboratory 20 26 30 70 Yes (6) (6) (6) - Foul (6) " " " (10)
HVAC Mach. 5 - - - Yes 0.5 ac/h - - - " - - " Top
Corridor 15 - - - No - - - - " - - - -
Staircase 15 - - - No - - - - " - - - -
Toilet 20 - - - Yes (7) - - - " - - - Top
Wash/Dressing 20 - - - Yes (7) - - - " - - - "
Shower 20 - - - Yes (7) - - - " - - - "

Parking Areas - - - - Yes (7) - - - - - - - -

NOTES: (1) Clean means: Generation of fouling (polluting) substances is not expected.
Foul means: Generation of fouling (polluting) substances may take place.
(2) ac/h: air change per hour.
(3) Efficiency ASHRAE dust spot test, according to ASHRAE Standard 52-76.
(4) Separate air recirculation system is required to cope with spread of smoke in case of fire.
(5) If a raised floor is available, from the bottom.
(6) User to specify, but it is likely that ventilation rates will be dictated by the extract requirements of equipment.
(7) Ventilation rates according to guidelines ASHRAE standard HVAC.
(8) (Over)pressure control is not required.
(9) Minimum temperature in principle holds for heating capacity calculation (at minimum outdoor temperature).
Maximum temperature in principle holds for cooling capacity calculation (at maximum outdoor temperature).
(10) From top and bottom.

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