Bioresource Technology: Suhas, V.K. Gupta, P.J.M. Carrott, Randhir Singh, Monika Chaudhary, Sarita Kushwaha
Bioresource Technology: Suhas, V.K. Gupta, P.J.M. Carrott, Randhir Singh, Monika Chaudhary, Sarita Kushwaha
Bioresource Technology: Suhas, V.K. Gupta, P.J.M. Carrott, Randhir Singh, Monika Chaudhary, Sarita Kushwaha
Bioresource Technology
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Article history: Cellulose is a biodegradable, renewable, non-meltable polymer which is insoluble in most solvents due to
Received 22 April 2016 hydrogen bonding and crystallinity. Natural cellulose shows lower adsorption capacity as compared to
Received in revised form 25 May 2016 modified cellulose and its capacity can be enhanced by modification usually by chemicals. This review
Accepted 26 May 2016
focuses on the utilization of cellulose as an adsorbent in natural/modified form or as a precursor for acti-
Available online 28 May 2016
vated carbon (AC) for adsorbing substances from water. The literature revealed that cellulose can be a
promising precursor for production of activated carbon with appreciable surface area (1300 m2 g 1)
and total pore volume (0.6 cm3 g 1) and the surface area and pore volume varies with the cellulose con-
Activated carbon
tent. Finally, the purpose of review is to report a few controversies and unresolved questions concerning
Adsorption the preparation/properties of ACs from cellulose and to make aware to readers that there is still consid-
Cellulose erable scope for future development, characterization and utilization of ACs from cellulose.
Lignocellulosic Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1067
2. Cellulose chemistry and isolation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1068
3. Cellulose as a natural and modified adsorbent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1068
3.1. Cellulose as natural adsorbent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1068
3.2. Modified cellulose as adsorbent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1069
3.3. Cellulosic based materials as sorbents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1070
4. Cellulose as precursor for activated carbons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1070
4.1. Activated carbon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1070
4.2. Lignocellulosic precursors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1071
4.3. Char and activated carbon from cellulose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1071
5. Cellulose characterization studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1073
6. Cellulose adsorption studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1074
7. Future directions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1075
⇑ Corresponding author.
E-mail address: ( Suhas).
0960-8524/Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Suhas et al. / Bioresource Technology 216 (2016) 1066–1076 1067
8. Conclusions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1075
Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1075
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1075
Table 1
Composition in cellulose, lignin, hemicellulose and ash of lignocellulosic materials.
Reference Raw material Cellulose (%) Hemicellulose (%) Lignin (%) Ash (%)
Tiryaki et al. (2014) Almond shell 21.7 27.7 36.1 6.8
Figueiredo et al. (2010) Bagasse 40 30 – –
Phan et al. (2006) Coconut fibres 64 – 22 0.7
Daud and Ali (2004) Coconut shell 19.8 68.7 30.1 –
Lv and Wu (2012) Corn stalk 42.4 29.6 21.7 5.1
Figueiredo et al. (2010) Cornstalk 35 25 – –
Perepelkin (2004) Cotton as natural fibre 97–98 – – –
Abdolali et al. (2014) Cotton waste 80–95 5–20 – <1
Reed and Williams (2004) Flax 56.5 – 2.5 –
Perepelkin (2004) Flax 80-8 – 3–5 –
Reed and Williams (2004) Hemp 67 – 3.3 –
Jute 64.4 – 11.8 –
Gopal and Mathew (1986) Jute fibre 61 24 11.5 1.6
Phan et al (2006) Jute fibre 58–63 20–22 – 0.62
Gopal and Mathew (1986) Jute stick 40.8 32.9 23.5 0.8
Figueiredo et al. (2010) Low nonlignified fibre plants 70–95 5–25 – –
Elizalde-Gonzalez and Hernandez-Montoya (2007) Mango pit Seed 14.5 52.4 3.8 –
Outer husk 39.4 15.6 5.6 –
Figueiredo et al. (2010) Mono cotyledon stem 25–40 25–50 – –
Ahmad et al. (2011) Oil palm biomass Bark 18.85 – 21.8 –
Shells 29.7 53.4
Mid-part of trunk 50.2 – 20.2 –
Daud and Ali (2004) Palm shell 29.7 – 53.4 –
Dridi-Dhaouadi et al. (2011) Posidonia oceanica 38 21 27 –
Tiryaki et al. (2014) Tomato leaves 10.9 8.1 24.8 25.7
Tomato stems 27 21 16 10.6
Perepelkin (2004) Wood (coniferous) 80–90 – 1–3 –
1068 Suhas et al. / Bioresource Technology 216 (2016) 1066–1076
2010; Mohamad Nor et al., 2013; Tran et al., 2015) are available on an antiparallel arrangement of chains and is obtained by recrystal-
lignocellulosic materials discussing their role as adsorbents and lization of native cellulose. It has been suggested that cellulose II
even a few reviews specifically for adsorption of heavy metals by can be formed by two distinct routes, namely mercerization (alkali
modification of cellulose (O’Connell et al., 2008) are also available. treatment) or regeneration (solubilization and subsequent recrys-
Besides these, the use of the other principal constituent of lignocel- tallization) of cellulose I. Cellulose III can be prepared from either
lulosic materials, namely lignin, as an adsorbent material has been cellulose I or cellulose II by a treatment with liquid ammonia,
reviewed too (Suhas et al., 2007). Nevertheless, till now no detailed resulting in either cellulose III1 or cellulose III2. Cellulose IV1 and
review is available discussing state of art of conversion of cellulose cellulose IV2 can be prepared from the corresponding form of cel-
into chars and ACs and the use as natural, modified and ACs adsor- lulose III1 and III2 by heating in glycerol.
bents of these materials. Cellulose (Demirbas, 2008; Klemm, 1998) is not meltable and is
insoluble in most solvents due to the hydrogen bonding and crys-
2. Cellulose chemistry and isolation tallinity. Furthermore, the crystallinity of cellulose makes it recal-
citrant to acid and base-catalyzed hydrolysis too, thereby making
Cellulose (Demirbas, 2008; Figueiredo et al., 2010; Huber et al., the chemical processing of cellulose difficult. Isolation and deter-
2012; Klemm, 1998; Kocherbitov et al., 2008) is a linear syndiotac- mination of cellulose can be carried out by various methods which
tic homopolymer with molecular formula (C6H10O5)n and made up are generally based on its insolubility in organic solvents, water
of D-anhydroglucopyranose units (AGU), commonly called glucose and alkaline solutions, its relative resistance to oxidising agents
units. The glucose units combine together by b-(l-4)-glycosidic but susceptibility to hydrolysis by acids. Isolation of cellulose using
bonds to form a dimer known as cellobiose which is a fundamental various other treatment methods involving different steps and
unit of cellulose (Fig. 1) and the cellulose can be considered as an environmentally friendly methods have also been carried out and
isotactic polymer of cellobiose (Klemm, 1998). The complete have been described in the literature .
hydrolysis of cellulose in the presence of acid gives glucose, which
confirms the fact that cellulose is made up of glucose units (Hon, 3. Cellulose as a natural and modified adsorbent
1994). The b-D-glucose units combine together by covalent bonds
between the equatorial OH group of C-4 of one glucose unit and Cellulose has the characteristic physicochemical property of
the C-1 carbon atom of the next glucose unit to form cellulose having strong sorption power thereby making it a suitable adsor-
and can be characterized by its properties such as biodegradability, bent in both forms: natural as well as after modification.
hydrophilicity, chirality and broad chemical modifying capacity
(Emsley and Stevens, 1994; Figueiredo et al., 2010; Klemm et al.,
2005). It is interesting to note that the hydroxyl groups of the cel- 3.1. Cellulose as natural adsorbent
lulose chain at both ends show different behaviour such as the C-1
end of cellulose shows reducing properties, while the C-4 hydroxy Cellulose may be used as a natural adsorbent for various mate-
group of the same chain is non-reducing (Klemm, 1998). Cellulose rials including water, organic substances, metal ions, dyes, etc.
contains a large number of polar oxygen and hydrogen atoms, (Acemioglu and Alma, 2001; Dridi-Dhaouadi et al., 2011; Gupta
which are involved in the formation of intermolecular and and Suhas, 2009). The sorption of water vapour is one of the most
intramolecular hydrogen bonds between the same and neighbour- relevant practical examples for native and regenerated cellulose
ing cellulose chains and provides stiffness to cellulose chains fibres. A few examples of the sorption of water, nitrogen and other
(Demirbas, 2008; Kocherbitov et al., 2008). adsorbates are presented in Table 2 and some are discussed in brief
Cellulose (Hon, 1994; Huber et al., 2012) generally has four here. The study of sorption of water vapour at constant tempera-
main polymorphs viz. cellulose I, II, III and IV. Of these, cellulose ture and relative humidity is an important criterion generally used
I is a natural polymorph and is the most crystalline type existing in textile characterization. At low relative humidity a strong
in two forms: Ia and Ib, which are similar to each other but the chemisorption of water molecules by interaction with the hydroxy
packing pattern in the lattice is different, due to a different extent groups of the cellulose takes place, whereas at medium relative
of hydrogen bonding existing between the chains. Cellulose II has humidity multilayer sorption takes place and finally at high rela-
tive humidity capillary condensation of free water occurs
6 OH (Klemm, 1998).Water and nitrogen sorption was studied by
4 5 Kocherbitov et al. (2008) on three types of cellulose viz. Microcrys-
OH talline cellulose (MCC) (which was further differentiated on the
HO 3 2 OH 1
basis of degree of polymerization as MCC PH-101 and MCC PH-
Glucose 301), recrystallized cellulose and amorphous cellulose (which
was made by ball milling from MCC). The water sorption was found
6 OH to be highest for milled MCC (amorphous cellulose) with a BET sur-
OH 4 5
3' 2' 1' O face area as observed by water sorption of 264 m2 g 1 and lowest
HO HO 3 2 OH for the original MCC which had a BET surface area determined by
5' O 1
4' OH
6' OH water sorption of 108 m2 g 1. Interestingly, the enthalpy of water
sorption (which was exothermic in nature) was also in the same
Cellobiose order. The authors found that the amorphous cellulose takes up
more water than MCC because of significant number of sorption
OH sites available on amorphous cellulose compared to MCC, because
6 6 OH
5 O 3' 1' 4 5
3' 2' 1'
water molecules can penetrate between the less ordered cellulose
HO 2' O O
1 chains of amorphous cellulose.
HO 3 2 O O O
O HO 3 2 1 4' 5'
HO 4' 5' Cellulose as a natural polymeric adsorbent has been studied for
6' OH n-2 6' OH the adsorption of metal ions too. Acemioglu and Alma (2001) stud-
Cellulose ied the adsorption of Cu(II) on cellulose from aqueous solutions.
The amount adsorbed was reported to be 7.057 m2 g 1 and did
Fig. 1. Structure of glucose, cellobiose and cellulose. not differ significantly with temperature. The process was
Suhas et al. / Bioresource Technology 216 (2016) 1066–1076 1069
Table 2
Surface area and sorption capacity of different types of cellulose.
suggested to be exothermic in nature with a negative standard pointed out that sorption of metal ions on cellulose occur more
enthalpy, and the authors also noted the process to be spontaneous rapidly than with many inorganic collectors like Al2O3 or SiO2.
in nature with a negative standard free energy. These authors Anirudhan and Senan (2011) reported that cellulose powder with
pointed out that the process was first-order and obeyed both the surface area of 18.2 m2 g 1 showed a cation exchange capacity of
Freundlich and Langmuir models and the Cu(II) had a monolayer 0.71 mequiv g 1 at pHpzc 3.5 and particle size 0.096 mm and sug-
coverage on the adsorbent. Cu(II) was also studied by Karnitz gested that natural cellulose showed cation exchange capacity
et al. (2009) who worked on mercerized cellulose and found the which could be enhanced by modification as well as by grafting
removal to be higher than on non-mercerized cellulose at pH 3 by chemicals.
and 5.3. They attributed this behaviour to the fact that merceriza- The sorption behaviour of Pb(II) and a dye, acid yellow 44, onto
tion transformed the cellulose I to cellulose II which increased the raw Posidonia oceanica cellulose extracted from P. oceanica was
surface area as well as making the cellulose’s hydroxy groups more studied by Dridi-Dhaouadi et al. (2011). The authors identified
accessible for adsorption. the site characteristics which play an important role in the
Cellulose, lignin and melanin were extracted by Lapina and adsorption of both dye and metal ions. It was suggested that raw
Akhremkova (2006) from Phytoadsorbent SV-1 which is a natural P. oceanica had higher sorption value than cellulose for Pb,
heteropolymer sorbent and a comparative study of the adsorption however, yellow 44 sorption on extracted cellulose was found to
of benzene, methanol and water vapours on cellulose, lignin and be more than on raw P. oceanica. According to the authors this
melanin was carried out. The authors suggested that the adsorp- proved that the cellulosic sites play a role in dye sorption. The
tion depends on the chemical nature as well as on the presence authors also studied the binary component system of Pb(II) and
of porosity in the adsorbent. The authors pointed out that microp- dye. It was observed that for raw P. oceanica a competition exists
ores with an effective diameter below 0.6 nm are accessible to between dye and Pb(II) for the available sites. However, for
water and methanol molecules but inaccessible to benzene mole- cellulose it was found to be less which was suggested to be due
cules. Cellulose was found to have maximum adsorption capacity to the equal availability of cellulosic sites for both pollutants and
for water (1.72 mmol g 1) and minimum for methanol the only limiting parameter was suggested to be the size of the
(0.18 mmol g 1) even though the cellulose contains a larger num- molecular sorbate. The adsorption of Pb(II) was also studied by
ber of adsorption sites for benzene as compared to lignin and mel- Wu et al. (2012) on cotton as cellulosic biomass and they reported
anin and specific adsorption of the benzene molecule was the adsorption capacity of Pb(II) on cotton to be 10.78 m2 g 1 at
suggested to be due to the presence of p electrons. optimum pH 6.0. However, the authors suggested that introduction
Cotton cellulose was investigated for the removal of boron by of thiol groups by modification of the cellulose increased the
Liu et al. (2007). These authors found that the adsorbent showed uptake and this is discussed in subsequent paragraphs. He et al.
a good capacity of 11.3 mg g 1 at pH 7 which was mainly due to (2014) studied the adsorption of Cr(III) and Fe(III) on cellulose
the –CHOH–CHOH containing group. The process was well particles and compared with modified cellulose. The saturation
described by the linear Freundlich isotherm and the authors fur- adsorption capacities of Cr(III) and Fe(III) were found to be 9.78
ther suggested that the boron makes a complex with –CHOH– and 14.29 mg g 1 which were on the lower side and therefore
CHOH– of the cotton, although the adsorption was suggested to the authors suggested modification of the cellulose which is
be not only chemical but also physical in nature. discussed in the subsequent paragraphs.
In an interesting review Pyrzynska and Trojanowicz (1999) sug-
gested that unsubstituted cellulose generally has a very low ion- 3.2. Modified cellulose as adsorbent
exchange capacity, typically in the range of 0.01–0.05 mmol g 1
for trace metals. The presence of carboxyl groups was suggested Modification of cellulose may be carried out to improve the
to be the major part of exchange sites. Moreover, the authors sorption efficiency and physical stability of natural cellulose. Both
1070 Suhas et al. / Bioresource Technology 216 (2016) 1066–1076
physical as well as chemical properties of natural cellulose can be suggested to be the coordination step, in which azomethines
modified/improved using modification of cellulose and a few find- (C = N) and thione/thiol (C = S/C–SH) of the inserted phenyl
ings are discussed here. thiosemicarbazide moieties were able to coordinate with the metal
Polyethyleneimine (PEI) was introduced to a porous cellulose ions through chelation mode, which was similar to the observation
(Navarro et al., 1996) to modified it and the resulting material made by He et al. (2014).
(cell-PEI) was found to selectively remove mercury. While studying Modified cellulose has been used for the removal of other sub-
the effect of pH the authors observed an unusual behaviour of high stances too (Wang and Li, 2013; Zhou et al., 2015). Chemically
metal affinity under acidic conditions. The process was suggested modified (with quaternary ammonium groups) cellulose from flax
to follow the Langmuir model at low concentrations with apprecia- shive was used by Wang and Li (2013) for the removal of Reactive
ble adsorbent capacity of nearly 288 mg g 1. Polyethyleneimine Red 228 dye. Interestingly strong adsorption affinity was observed
was also used by He et al. (2014) to prepare a porous spherical by the material prepared which had a removal capacity of
adsorbent by introducing macromolecular polyethyleneimine on 190 mg g 1 of the dye at 20 °C. This was even higher than the com-
the porous cellulose particles. The modified cellulose was sug- mercial ACs used by the investigators. Zhou et al. (2015) prepared
gested to have better adsorption values than unmodified cellulose modified cellulose and investigated the adsorption after modifica-
for the metals Cr(III) and Fe(III) owing to hydrogen bond and chela- tion with maleic and phthalic anhydrides, and studied the uptake
tion interactions. The maximum amount of adsorption for Cr(III) capacity of the materials toward malachite green from aqueous
and Fe(III) by breakthrough experiments, were found to be 83.98 solution. The authors suggested that the maximum adsorption
and 377.19 mg g 1, respectively, which were higher than the capacities for the removal of malachite green on maleic and phtha-
unmodified cellulose already discussed in the preceding section. lic anhydride modified adsorbents were 370 and 111 mg g 1,
O’Connell et al. (2006a) in a work on modified cellulose i.e. gly- respectively, and the process followed the Langmuir model in both
cidyl methacrylate-modified cellulose material functionalized cases. The authors suggested that owing to good removal capacity
using imidazole suggested that this modified cellulose adsorbent the modified cellulose could be used as an effective adsorption
has significant potential for the removal of Ni(II) from aqueous material. Based on the discussions in this section it may be sug-
solutions. The authors found that the modified cellulose can gested that modified cellulose showed better adsorption results
remove 48 mg g 1 of nickel from aqueous solution. The process owing to binding with new groups by chelation and complexation,
was found to follow a Type I process conforming the Langmuir iso- however according to authors this may require more studies to
therm. Besides this, the authors derived thermodynamic parame- better confirm it.
ters such as standard free energy change, standard enthalpy
change, and standard entropy change. Based on the results the pro-
3.3. Cellulosic based materials as sorbents
cess was suggested to be spontaneous, mildly endothermic and
having increased randomness with pseudo-second order kinetics.
Annadurai et al. (2002) used cellulose based wastes such as
In a similar study (O’Connell et al., 2006b), interesting results were
banana peel and orange peel for the removal of various dyes. The
reported for the sorption of Pb(II) from aqueous solution on mod-
amount of adsorption was found to be comparatively lower than
ified cellulose. However, in this study the authors observed that
ACs owing to the surface area difference, 21–24 m2 g 1, as com-
the modified sorbent can remove 72 mg g 1 of Pb(II) ions with an
pared to 600–1000 m2 g 1 for ACs. The adsorption capacities for
equilibration time of only 40 min.
banana peel were found to be higher than orange peel for all dyes
Karnitz et al. (2009) prepared modified cellulose using
and were in the order, methyl orange (21 and 20.5 mg g 1)
ethylenediaminetetraacetic dianhydride from both non-
> methylene blue (20.8 and 18.6 mg g 1) > Rhodamine B (20.6
mercerized and mercerized cellulose and studied the adsorption
and 14.3 mg g 1) > Congo red (18.2 and 14 mg g 1) > methyl violet
behaviour of Cu2+, Cd2+ and Pb2+ ions from aqueous solutions on
(12.2 and 11.5 mg g 1) > amido black 10B (6.5 and 7.9 mg g 1)
them and further, compared the adsorption with modified sugar-
respectively. Li et al. (2008) also utilized orange peel as a cellulose
cane bagasse. The modified mercerized adsorbents showed larger
adsorbent but for the adsorption of metal ions. The material was
maximum adsorption capacities as compared to modified non-
found to biosorb Zn(II), Co(II), Cd(II) and Ni(II), 0.76, 0.63, 0.49
mercerized adsorbents for both materials, cellulose as well as sug-
and 0.46 mol kg 1 respectively. However, these adsorption values
arcane bagasse. The modified mercerized cellulose had higher
were comparatively lower than the modified orange peel cellulose
Langmuir adsorption capacity than modified non-mercerized cel-
studied by them. Some interesting reviews compiling the work
lulose and was found to be 66.7, 112 and 232 mg g 1 for Cu2+,
done on the development and utilization of adsorbents from ligno-
Cd2+ and Pd2+, respectively, at pH 5.3.
cellulosic materials are also available (Hubbe et al., 2012, 2011).
The removal of Pb(II) from glucose solution on modified (thiol-
functionalized) cellulosic biomass was studied by Wu et al. (2012).
The authors observed that unmodified cotton had Pb(II) adsorption 4. Cellulose as precursor for activated carbons
capacity of 10.78 mg g 1 whereas modified cotton could remove
28.67 mg g 1 at pH 6 which was more than twice that of unmodi- 4.1. Activated carbon
fied cotton. The adsorption mechanism resulting in higher removal
was suggested to be due to the complexation of lead ions with sul- ACs are widely used materials owing to their wonderful adsorp-
phur atoms from thiol group. The authors proposed that thiol- tion capacities and properties. Adsorption on ACs usually occurs
modified cellulosic biomass can be potentially used for the removal due to the large surface area which ranges from 500 to
of heavy metal ions in beverage industries. Modified cellulose cot- 2000 m2 g 1 and high pore volumes. Furthermore, they usually
ton fibres (Monier et al., 2014) were used for the removal and adsorb a wide variety of substances as they are usually not selec-
extraction of precious metals Au3+, Pd2+ and Ag+. The investigators tive because of Van der Waals forces of attraction. Going back in
found that modified cellulose had maximum adsorption capacities history, carbons have been used for water treatment and medicinal
as 198.31, 87.43 and 71.14 mg g 1 for Au3+, Pd2+and Ag+, respec- purpose by ancient Indians and Egyptians. However, the modern
tively and the percent removal was suggested to be higher than commercial ACs were developed and patented by Raphael von
unmodified cellulose due to more functional groups and accessibil- Ostrejko in 1900 and 1901 (Hassler, 1963). The ACs are generally
ity to active sites. The mechanism through which the modified cel- available in two major forms: granular ACs (GAC) and powdered
lulose bound comparatively more to the unmodified cellulose was ACs (PAC), each having its own advantages and disadvantages.
Suhas et al. / Bioresource Technology 216 (2016) 1066–1076 1071
ACs are usually prepared from materials such as wood, coconut preliminary studies carried out by the workers regarding the
shells, coal, peat and lignite (Mattson and Mark, 1971), however impact of cellulose content showed that increase of native
various other materials have also been used by researchers as pre- cellulose in the precursor’s leads to an enhancement of the
cursors (Carrott et al., 2010; Suhas et al., 2009; Sun et al., 2016) and adsorption properties.
two key activation methods i.e. physical and chemical activation Even some interesting reviews compiling the work done by var-
have been used. ious authors on development of ACs from lignocellulosic materials
The two methods have their own advantages. For example, and their applications are available too (Mohamad Nor et al., 2013).
physical activation has an advantage over chemical activation The authors are also of the opinion that lignocellulosics are appro-
because it avoids the incorporation of additives/impurities coming priate materials for the preparation of ACs having high surface area
from the activating agents. Microporous as well as ultramicrop- and pore volume and which can be comparable to commercial ACs.
orous carbons are usually formed by this method. On the other
hand, chemical activation is preferred over physical activation 4.3. Char and activated carbon from cellulose
owing to the lower temperature and shorter time needed for acti-
vating materials. The carbons formed by this method generally As cellulose has appreciable carbon content, is readily available,
have wider micropores and higher pore volumes making them renewable and has a proven ability for sorption (Dridi-Dhaouadi
comparatively more suitable for liquid phase adsorption. et al., 2011; Kocherbitov et al., 2008; Lapina and Akhremkova,
2006; Wu et al., 2012), it can be a suitable material for the prepa-
4.2. Lignocellulosic precursors ration of ACs. A brief summary of the work published and which is
discussed in consecutive paragraphs is presented in Tables 3 and 4.
Lignocellulosic materials have been widely used as precursors Moreover, it can be seen from Table 3 that the carbon content in
for production of ACs. A large number of studies has been pub- cellulose varies from 40% to 44%. However, this content may
lished and some are discussed below: lignocellulosic materials increase above 80% for carbonized samples and reach in the range
have been found to be suitable for char production and further of 95% for ACs. Table 4 specifically summarizes some of the results
for ACs (Ahmed and Theydan, 2014; da Silva Lacerda et al., 2015; related to the conditions for developing ACs from cellulose and the
Duran-Jimenez et al., 2014; Gergova et al., 1994; Reed and resulting surface area and pore volumes, and discussed in detail in
Williams, 2004). Gergova et al. (1994) opined that the microstruc- subsequent paragraphs.
ture of ACs strongly depends on the original plant texture of the Powder cellulose (Brunner and Roberts, 1980) was carbonized
precursor and further on the lignin and cellulose content. While in the temperature range 200–950 °C and the carbon and hydrogen
working on lignocellulosic materials (white oak and yellow poplar) content, weight loss, nitrogen and CO2 isotherms, particle size dis-
for developing ACs using chemical activation. Jagtoyen and tribution and mercury penetration were determined. The authors
Derbyshire (1998) found that the cellulose activation can produce observed that micropore volume and micropore opening size
a mixture of pore size carbons, whereas in activation of lignin car- depends highly on the heating rate. Pore volume and surface area
bons which are mostly microporous are produced. of slowly carbonized cellulose were found to be four times larger
It is worthwhile to note that some researchers have reported than those of rapidly heated cellulose. The authors even suggested
lignin to be the major contributor of chars and ACs (Cagnon that the molecular sieve properties can be attained in cellulose
et al., 2009), and some have also reported it to be responsible for char by selecting a proper temperature and heating rate.
more surface area and porosity (Kennedy et al., 2004; Sharma Khezami et al. (2005) studied cellulose for the production of ACs
et al., 2004), Contrarily other authors have suggested that microp- and compared it with xylan and lignin. Two methods of activation,
orosity is due to cellulose, while it has also been reported that all simple pyrolysis in nitrogen atmosphere and chemical (KOH) activa-
components of lignocellulosic materials viz. cellulose, lignin and tion were used. While making a comparison of chars during simple
hemicellulose contribute to the porosity of chars and ACs whatever pyrolysis the porosity and the surface area of cellulose was found
their weight contribution (Cagnon et al., 2009). Ahmed and to be quite high (up to 394 m2 g 1) with micropore volume
Theydan (2014) prepared ACs which were microporous in nature 0.163 cm3 g 1 compared to lignin and xylan which exhibited low
from a lignocellulosic biomass, Albizia lebbeck seed pods. The car- porosity characterized by a small volume of pores (<0.01 cm3 g 1)
bon prepared was microporous having surface area and a small surface area less than 10 m2 g 1. This behaviour was sug-
1824.88 m2 g 1 and micropore volume 0.645 cm3 g 1. The carbon gested to be due to the crystalline nature of cellulose as compared to
developed could remove antibiotics viz. ciprofloxacin and nor- the amorphous nature of xylan and lignin. The authors further car-
floxacin from aqueous solutions with maximum removal capacities ried out the chemical activation of the three materials using KOH,
of 131.14 and 166.99 mg g 1, respectively. The removal of Rho- and found that compared to chars a considerable amount of porosity
damine B from aqueous solutions by utilizing ACs developed from is developed in xylan and lignin with BET surface area varying from
three lignocellulosic waste materials, namely carnauba palm 10 m2 g 1 to 925 m2 g 1 in the case of xylan and to 513 m2 g 1 in the
leaves, macauba endocarp and pine nut shell, were studied by da case of lignin. However, in the case of cellulose the surface area was
Silva Lacerda et al. (2015). Similarly to Gergova et al. (1994) these found to be 678 m2 g 1 with total pore volume 0.33 cm3 g 1 which
authors also suggested that the adsorption capacity depends on the was somewhere between lignin and xylan. The mesopore volume
lignocellulosic precursor and on the activation procedure. The and pore diameter were observed to be more than ACs developed
authors (da Silva Lacerda et al., 2015) found that ACs prepared from lignin and xylan. However, the authors concluded that all the
by chemical activation in the presence of CaCl2, showed better basic components of the wood can yield ACs.
results for the removal of Rhodamine B when compared to H3PO4 In a similar study, physical and chemical properties of an ACs
ACs as a consequence of enhanced mesopore formation. A fairly developed from cellulose, xylan and kraft lignin were studied by
similar observation was made by Duran-Jimenez et al. (2014) Guo and Rockstraw (2006). However, contrary to Khezami, the
who suggested that adsorption is favoured for ACs developed from authors carried out research work using acid (H3PO4) activation.
lignocellulosic materials when they have mesoporosity. da Silva The authors observed that carbons produced from cellulose had
Lacerda et al. (2015) in their work comparing the components (cel- highest surface area. Moreover, in the whole temperature range
lulose, lignin and hemicellulose) of lignocellulosic materials made (300–500 °C) studied by these workers the surface areas of the
an interesting observation that the BET surface area and pore ACs from cellulose were observed to be higher compared to those
volume increase with increase in cellulose content. Besides this, prepared from kraft lignin. Some interesting observations
1072 Suhas et al. / Bioresource Technology 216 (2016) 1066–1076
Table 3
CHNSO data of raw cellulose and carbonized and ACs derived from cellulose.
A – activated, ACs – activated carbon, C – carbonized, P – pyrolyzed, HTC – hydrothermally carbonized, MCC – microcrystalline cellulose.
Table 4
Physical and chemical activation of cellulose.
Reference Cellulose used Activation Conditions Surface Micropore Mesopore Total pore
area volume volume volume
(m2 g 1) (cm3 g 1) (cm3 g 1) (cm3 g 1)
Khezami et al. Cellulose Physical: C (rate 1–10 °C/min, 700 °C) 392–262 0.152–0.108 0.043–0.008 0.195–0.116
(2005) (Whatman CF11) carbonization – N2
Miyajima et al. Commercially Physical: C (400 °C, 3 h) 30 – – –
(2008) available cellulose carbonization – N2
Brunner and Char 31 from Physical: Char (460 °C, 70 °C/min) 5.2 (N2) 0.002 – –
Roberts (1980) cellulose carbonization – Ar
Carbonization – Ar Char (460 °C, 70 °C/min) 370 (CO2) 0.145 – –
Cellulose (Merck) Carbonization – Ar Carbonized to 900 °C, at a heating 610–470 0.228–0.18 – –
rate 0.03–70 °C/min (CO2)
Babel (2003) Cellulose fibres Pyrolyzed C (400–850 °C for 30 min) 603–726 0.259–0.318 0.037–0.034 0.297–
Cellulose fibres Activation-steam C (400–600 °C for 30 min) and A 1020– 0.394–0.412 0.163–0.158 0.556–
(steam) 1044 0.5698
Activation-steam C (850 °C for 30 min) and A (steam) 940 0.3654 0.1439 0.5093
Sun and Hong a-Cellulose Carbonization and C (400 °C) and A (700 °C) 432 0.213 0.020 0.233
(2011) activation
Cagnon et al. Cellulose Carbonization – N2 C (800 °C with 5 °C min ) – 0.19 – 0.19
Lorenc-Grabowska Cellulose Activation-steam A (steam activation at 800 °C with – 0.32 – 0.32
and Rutkowski 5 °C min 1 for 2 h)
(2014) Carbonization and C (400 °C for 3 °C min 1) and A (steam 1317 0.530 – 0.608
activation activation up to 900 °C with
100 °C sec 1)
Reza et al. (2015) MCC Carbonized C (250 °C for 3 K min 1 for 6 hr) 21.17 0.127
Khezami et al. Cellulose Chemical: C (300 °C) and A (heated 3 °C/min up 678 0.284 0.049 0.333
(2005) (Whatman CF11) Carbonized and to 700 °C)
activated KOH
C – carbonization, A – activation.
regarding porosity were made at different temperatures. For from lignin. While comparing the mesopore volumes of ACs from
instance, below 350 °C, ACs from xylan had the largest micropore different precursors at the same activation temperature, the
volume, followed by carbons from cellulose and kraft lignin, authors noted that at temperature <350 °C, xylan had the largest
whereas at temperature higher than 400 °C, the micropore volume mesoporosity whereas at a temperature >400 °C, cellulose had
of ACs from cellulose and xylan were lower than that produced the largest mesoporosity with the least suggested for the kraft
Suhas et al. / Bioresource Technology 216 (2016) 1066–1076 1073
lignin sample. For both temperature ranges this observation was temperature up to 400 °C, the isotherm slightly changed to Type II
quite similar to that observed by Khezami et al. (2005). The authors and this pyrolyzed cellulose showed BET surface area 30 m2 g 1.
also suggested that the more reactive the precursor under acidic Hydrothermal carbonization of cellulose was carried out by Sevilla
conditions, the easier is the development of the porosity, primarily and Fuertes (2009) who prepared highly functionalized carbona-
mesopores. Cagnon et al. (2009) compared the porosity and other ceous material from cellulose in the temperature range 220–
parameters of char and ACs prepared from cellulose, lignin and 250 °C. The interesting part of the process was the low temperature
hemicelluloses using steam activation and reported that chars used in the process to produce chars. The char yield was in the range
obtained from cellulose were predominantly microporous with 30–50%, and similarly to other previous studies (Miyajima et al.,
micropore volume 0.19 cm3 g 1, which was fairly similar to the 2008), the samples showed low porosity with BET surface area
micropore volume of coconut shell (0.18 cm3 g 1). Beside 30 m2 g 1. The results usually obtained by researchers clearly
this, the ACs prepared from cellulose was also microporous show that chars in particular, have low porosity and surface area,
(0.32 cm3 g 1) in nature. The authors observed that the percentage and need to be activated to produce a more porous material, ACs.
yield (19.1%) during char formation from cellulose was lowest as Hydrothermal carbonization of cellulose has also been used by
compared to other precursors, whereas the highest percentage Diakite et al. (2013) to develop the chars (also known as hydrochars).
yield (86.9%) was observed for cellulose during ACs formation. According to the authors a temperature range of 230–270 °C was
The micropore volume observed for ACs developed from cellulose crucial for the development of their physicochemical properties.
was nearly twice of that observed for cellulose char and The MCC used for the production of hydrochars could develop mate-
interestingly the pore width (0.58 nm) was less than that for rial having highest surface area of 28.8 m2 g 1 at 230 °C which was
cellulose char (0.63 nm). However, from this work the authors similar to one reported by Sevilla and Fuertes, whereas, the carbon
suggested that although all components contribute to the porosity yields were higher ranging from 63.77 to 69.45%. The authors
of chars and ACs, lignin is the major contributor. reported that when temperature increases from 230 to 270 °C the
In an interesting study Sun and Hong (2011) prepared ACs from specific micropore and mesopore volumes decreased owing to the
cellulose-based polymers including a-cellulose along with others accelerated degradation of the crystallized structure.
having different types of side chain group to see the impact of
functional groups on the pore structure of the ACs developed. 5. Cellulose characterization studies
The carbon from a-cellulose was prepared by carbonization in
argon at 400 °C followed by activation in CO2 at 700 °C and pro- Various techniques are being used for characterization of cellu-
vided an appreciable surface area (432 m2 g 1) with pore volume lose and chars/ACs from cellulose. Electron microscopic techniques
0.233 cm3 g 1. The authors provided a reason for selecting the acti- such as SEM and TEM have been used to examine the microstruc-
vation temperature of 700 °C which was that below 600 °C a slow ture and surface morphologies (Klemm, 1998). Some previous
reaction rate occurs whereas above 800 °C the polymerization studies using these techniques suggested the uniform elementary
degree is boosted and hence there is local graphitization which fibril of cellulose to be 3.5 nm in diameter, however, newer inves-
makes CO2 less effective to create pores. According to these authors tigations showed it to be 3–20 nm in range. Interestingly, this has
an activation temperature of 700 °C was optimum since it not only been reported to be even more depending on the cellulose source
permit for the generation of voids but also reduces the graphitiza- (Fengel and Wegener, 1989). A similar view is available for struc-
tion. Besides this, the authors also suggested that ACs prepared tures which were observed to be cylindrical rod-like, tape form,
from a-cellulose does not show a hysteresis loop on the N2 adsorp- depending on source. Literature also shows that at comparatively
tion isotherm which is a clear indication of the absence of meso- higher temperature the cellulose yields a porous surface (Diakite
pores. Interestingly, other polymers (of cellulose) studied by the et al., 2013).
authors showed hysteresis loops, indicating the presence of meso- Cellulosic material properties are very much dependent on the
pores. Lorenc-Grabowska and Rutkowski (2014) prepared ACs interactions between and within cellulose chains. In order to study
which were predominantly microporous in nature using steam these and the changes due to chemical reactions, as well as to
activation from the solid residue of co-pyrolysis of cellulose and study the functional group effect of prepared ACs from cellulose,
cellulose/synthetic polymer blends. The surface area of the ACs Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) studies are usually
developed from cellulose was 1317 m2 g 1 which was compara- carried out and is well documented in literature. A compilation of
tively higher than carbons from cellulose synthetic polymer blends observations made by workers show cellulose to have mainly,
i.e. cellulose/polystyrene (1240 m2 g 1) and cellulose/polypropy- hydroxyl groups (3200–3600 cm 1), C–H stretching from –CH2
lene (1235 m2 g 1). A similar trend was also found in the case of groups (2700–3000 cm 1), C–O stretching (1000–1300 cm 1), C–
total pore volume (0.608 cm3 g 1) and micropore volume O–C stretching (1164 cm 1), glycosidic linkages (895 cm 1).
(0.53 cm3 g 1) for cellulose ACs which was also higher as compared However, some of these bands were suggested to be weakened
to other ACs. However, the pore width of cellulose ACs was found or even absent after treatment of raw samples and new bands
to be 1.29 nm which was in between that of other ACs. for instance at 1080, 1230, 1600 cm 1 were reported on heat treat-
Laszlo et al. (1999) worked on the preparation of porous carbon ment of cellulose which was suggested to be due to increase in
from packing paper which was used as a source of cellulose by car- degree of aromatization (Guo and Rockstraw, 2006).
bonization at 700 °C followed by activation at 900 °C in the presence Even information about the changes due to adsorption on cellu-
of steam. The authors observed Type IV isotherms with hysteresis lose chars were observed by IR absorption analysis. Bradbury and
loops showing mesopores in a considerable ratio with surface Shafizadeh (1980) while studying the chemisorption of oxygen
area 659 m2 g 1. This surface area was comparatively high than on cellulose char observed that with increase of heat treatment
polyacrylonitrile fibres (544 m2 g 1) while quite lower than temperature, the content of oxygen and hydrogen decreases, and
polyethyleneterephthalate (1254 m2 g 1) which was also studied therefore, the IR absorption due to functional groups, decreases
by them. A char was prepared from commercially available cellulose too. Furthermore, the authors noted that as the chemisorptions
fine powder at 300 and 400 °C by Miyajima et al. (2008), who studied proceeds the intensity of various IR absorption bands increase
the effect of heating by measuring N2 adsorption isotherms. The which was suggested to be due to the formation of stable oxygen
authors found a Type III isotherm at 300 °C with convex curvature containing functional groups.
to the relative pressure over their entire range with negligible sur- Information such as esterification reaction, crystallinity of cellu-
face area and regarded as non-porous. However, with increase of lose, effect of acid hydrolysis, presence of intramolecular hydrogen
1074 Suhas et al. / Bioresource Technology 216 (2016) 1066–1076
bonds and differentiation of polymorphs can be obtained with the polymer blended ACs. The main mechanism suggested for phenol
help of X-ray diffraction. Actually, the degree of crystallinity as adsorption was micropore filling in pores with size smaller than
well as the dimensions of the crystallites in cellulose has been 1.4 nm. Besides this, the authors also suggested that further
subject of extensive investigation for many years; some findings enhancement of adsorption is due to attraction forces between
of X-ray diffraction measurements of native celluloses have been negatively charged phenol molecules and positive islands in basal
accomplished (Klemm et al., 2005). A discussion on it is beyond planes. The authors suggested that since cellulose ACs contains
the scope of this review. Cellulose on the basis of XRD is suggested higher oxygen content therefore it creates more positive islands
to be crystalline in nature with an intense peak 2h = 22.6°. in the basal planes and which could explain its higher adsorption
For a better understanding of cellulose thermochemical conver- capacity towards phenol as compared to other cellulose/polymer
sion, pyrolysis process is usually carried out. Pyrolysis of cellulose blend ACs. Similar to Laszlo, here also the authors suggested the
(Miyajima et al., 2008) is important since it produce an effect on equilibrium isotherms is related to the L type of the Giles classifi-
the surface properties and pore structure of the final product and cation. However, specifically for ACs of cellulose and cellulose/
generally causes complicated physical and chemical changes. The polymer blends the L4 type was reported.
nature of the thermal decomposition of cellulose (Brunner and Chemisorption of oxygen on char prepared by rapid pyrolysis of
Roberts, 1980) is complex due to many interrelated reactions with cellulose has been studied by Bradbury and Shafizadeh (1980),
a large number of reactants, intermediates and reaction products. who observed that chars developed at 550 °C for 1.5 min showed
The pyrolysis as recorded by several authors (Brunner and maximum chemisorption. The Elovich equation was used to
Roberts, 1980; Miyajima et al., 2008) may proceed in four general describe the kinetics of the chemisorption process and the activa-
steps: (i) release of adsorbed water at <150 °C (ii) dehydration of tion energy was found to increase linearly from 13 to 25 kcal/mol
glucopyranose units in range 150–240 °C (iii) depolymerization with increasing oxygen uptake from 0 to 2.5 mmol O2/g. The
and breaking of CAO and CAC bonds within ring units at 240– authors observed that although some additives may increase or
400 °C (iv) aromatization or formation of graphenic layers at decrease gasification rates, they have little effect on oxygen
400–700 °C. Several reviews (Collard and Blin, 2014), some dis- chemisorption. A similar work was carried out by Miyajima et al.
cussing cellulose, whereas others broadly discussing lignocellu- (2008) who made some interesting observations and suggested
losics and biomass but reviewing cellulose too are already that the pyrolyzed cellulose prepared at 400 °C showed high selec-
available in the literature. A nice review on the degradation of cel- tivity to oxygen adsorption due to chemisorption inspite of their
lulose in the low temperature region is already available by Emsley small surface area and non-porous nature. The authors observed
and Stevens (1994), where the authors reviewed the chemical that the uptake of oxygen increased by two or three times after
mechanisms of degradation. Also, an interesting overview on modification of cellulose with NaOH or KOH before heat treatment.
pyrolysis (Collard and Blin, 2014) of biomass constituent dis- Huang et al. (2001) prepared cellulose based ACs tows (ACT)
cussing mechanism of cellulose conversion and its interaction with from cellulose filaments after pre-treatment with complex flame
other constituents is also available. retarding reagents and studied the adsorption of gases (NH3 and
SO2) and organic solvents (chloroform and acetone) on it and com-
pared it with a granular ACs (GAC). The authors found that ACT has
6. Cellulose adsorption studies better adsorption capacities than that of GAC owing to the high
specific surface area (1631 m2 g 1) and microporosity (0.782 cm3 -
Chars and ACs prepared from cellulose (discussed already in the g 1) as compared to GAC (surface area 836 m2 g 1; microporosity
preceding paragraphs), have also been studied for their adsorption 0.359 cm3 g 1). The amount of adsorption of gases was found to
behaviour towards adsorbates both in the gas as well as in the liq- increase with increase in time by ACT and was found to be
uid phase, and some of them are discussed below. 60 ppm in 65 min and 90 ppm in 85 min for NH3 and SO2, respec-
The removal of phenol from aqueous solution has been studied tively. The authors observed that initially the adsorption of chloro-
by Laszlo et al. (1999) who prepared porous carbon utilizing pack- form and acetone on ACT was 42 and 22 wt%, respectively, and
ing material as a source of cellulose. They suggested that the thereafter increased slowly reaching the maximum amount of
adsorption of organic molecules from aqueous solution by porous 56.7 and 40.7 wt% for chloroform and acetone, respectively,
carbon depends on the surface functional groups too, especially whereas the GAC showed maximum adsorption of chloroform
on oxygen containing groups. The cellulose carbon was found to and acetone of 37.5 and 27.9 wt%, respectively. Monge et al.
adsorb 1.06 mmol g 1 of phenol which was found to be higher than (2002) noted that the carbon prepared from cellulose based corru-
polyacrylonitrile, while lower than polyethyleneterephthalate gated paper and impregnated with a petroleum pitch shows some
studied by them. The isotherms were found to be of type L of the interesting and significant properties, such as molecular sieve,
Giles classification suggesting excess of acidic surface groups on microporosity, resistance to oxidation and stability of the porosity
the carbon. ACs from cellulose (Khezami et al., 2005) was used to at high heat temperature. It was suggested that these properties
study methylene blue and phenol to determine the adsorption make the carbons interesting materials for high temperature appli-
capacity and, based on regression coefficients, the Langmuir equa- cations, either as catalyst supports or for gas separations. Further,
tion was found to give a better fit than the Freundlich equation. the molecular sieve properties of carbons prepared at 1000 °C were
Cellulose was found to have qmax value of 82.68 mg g 1 and analysed by the authors using CH4 and CO2 adsorption kinetics and
114.23 mg g 1 for methylene blue and phenol, respectively. The they noted that the adsorption of CH4 was slow and small as com-
adsorption capacity was further compared with xylan, wood and pared to CO2 which was fast and appreciable.
lignin and was found to be in the same order as that of BET surface Sun and Hong (2011) prepared ACs from cellulose and cellulose
area, which was xylan > wood > cellulose > lignin. ACs (Lorenc- based polymers (discussed in the preceding paragraph). The
Grabowska and Rutkowski, 2014) prepared by steam activation authors further studied the adsorption capacities of the ACs pre-
of solid residue of pyrolysis of cellulose and polymers were sug- pared by H2S adsorption. They observed that the adsorption of
gested to be very efficient for phenol removal. The adsorption pro- H2S not only depends on surface area and pore volume but also
cess was found to follow the Langmuir model resulting in on the basicity which further decided the order of adsorption.
theoretical adsorption capacities ranging from 312 to 417 mg g 1. The authors observed that the uptake capacity of H2S by ACs pre-
The researchers suggested that cellulose ACs shows maximum pared from a-cellulose was 7.29 mg g 1, which was found to be
adsorption capacity (417 mg g 1) as compared to other cellulose more than ACs prepared from methyl cellulose and cellulose
Suhas et al. / Bioresource Technology 216 (2016) 1066–1076 1075
acetate precursors, while lower than that of hydroxyethyl cellulose environmental impact of the adsorbents activated from inactivated
ACs. Moreover, the authors also suggested that for carbons having cellulose. At the present time environmental concerns necessitate
similar pH values (ACs from a-cellulose and methyl cellulose), the that cellulose has no negative impact of its own and may con-
H2S adsorption capacities depend primarily on the specific surface tribute to the sustainability of the environment. Therefore it can
area. Besides this, among these two carbons, one with microporous be a choice in its natural form, after modification, or as a precursor
structure (AC from a-cellulose) was suggested to be more influen- for ACs.
tial in the adsorption process of H2S as compared to the other (AC
from methyl cellulose) having mesoporous structure. It is worth- 8. Conclusions
while mentioning here that only a few studies are available regard-
ing the adsorption of liquids and gaseous molecules on ACs from The present review on cellulose leads to the conclusion that it
pure cellulose with a few papers discussing in detail the adsorption arguably has the potential to be used as an adsorbent in natural/-
mechanism, models and kinetics. modified or as a precursor for activated carbon. Modification of cel-
In preceding paragraphs/sections we discussed utilization of lulose enhances the sorption efficiency of natural cellulose.
cellulose in natural/modified or as a precursor for the activated Activated carbons developed from cellulose possess appreciable
carbon which have their own benefits and shortcomings. Natural surface areas and pore volumes which usually results in higher
cellulose has adsorption sites which play an important role in the adsorption capacities than natural or modified cellulose. There
removal of various materials including organic substances, metal are still some challenges which need to be addressed or explored
ions, dyes etc. thereby making it a suitable natural adsorbent. and there is scope for future work on cellulose.
However, the major drawback of natural cellulose is the amount
adsorbed which is usually less. Interestingly, modification of cellu-
lose enhances the adsorption amount in comparison to the unmod-
ified cellulose as already mentioned in Section 3.2 due to the
One of the authors (Monika Chaudhary INSPIRE Fellow code
binding with some additional groups. Though modified cellulose
IF120368) is grateful to the DST (Department of Science and Tech-
has this benefit but it has some shortcoming too like for modifica-
nology), New Delhi, India for the award of a doctoral grant (No.
tion purpose chemicals are used which are generally environment
DST/INSPIRE Fellowship/2012/346).
unfriendly and not cost effective. On the other hand benefits of
activated carbon from cellulose are high surface area, porosity
and non-selective nature which makes it better and widely used References
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anistic approach is needed to understand the role of individual hemicellulose, cellulose and lignin to the mass and the porous properties of
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and furthermore on adsorption. Besides these, recently some Radushkevich and quenched solid density functional theory approaches for the
characterisation of narrow microporosity in activated carbons obtained by
investigations have been carried out on the hydrothermal car- chemical activation with KOH or NaOH of kraft and hydrolytic lignins. Carbon
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the literature, the adsorption mechanisms for the removal of pollu- da Silva Lacerda, V., López-Sotelo, J.B., Correa-Guimarães, A., Hernández-Navarro, S.,
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tants from waste water still need to be studied in more detail. In 2015. Rhodamine B removal with activated carbons obtained from
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