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IED Dates

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year event

1757 Battle of Plassey

1850 Introduction of railways
1853 First train in India
1869 Suez canal
1881 First census
1907 TISCO
1921 Year of great divide
1948 First industrial policy
1948 GATT
1955 Small scale industries
1956 Second IPR
1962 Study group by PCI
1964 Education commission
1966 Green revolution
1969 Institutional sources for credit
1970 Operation flood (White revolution) & MRTP Act
1974 CPCB
1979 Task Force group
1980 IUCN
1989 Expert group
1991 NEP
1995 WTO & NSAP
1998 Tapas Majumdar committee
2001 Removal of Quotas
2004 NFFWP
2005 NREG Act
2008 PMEGP
2009 Right to Education Act
2013 Montreal protocol
2014 Make in India & Jhan dhan yojna
2016 Demonetisation
2017 GST
1991 to 2012 Golden revolution

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