Data of Indian Economics
Data of Indian Economics
Data of Indian Economics
Mahtab Aalam
(HOD Commerce)
34. 1974 CPCB
35. 1980 IUCN
36. 1949 Independence
37. 1953 First five year plan
38. 1978 Economic reforms
39. 1965 Great proletarian cultural revolution
40. 1979 One child policy
41. 1958 Great leap forward campaign
42. 1947 Independence
43. 1956 First five year plan
44. 1988 Economic reforms
45. Early1970's Nationalisation of capital goods
46. Late 1970's Denationalisation & financial support
47. 1988 Economic reforms
48. Early1970's Nationalisation of capital goods
49. 1947 India got Independence & Partition of India and creation of
50. 1949 Creation of people’s Republic of china & Constitution of India
51. 1951 India first five year plan
52. 1950 Planning commission of India
Value of HDI
53. Value of China - 0.7
HDI India - 0.6
Pakistan – 0.5
Out of 189 countries in 2022 HDI ranking is as follow
54. China – 85th Rank
India – 131ST Rank
Pakistan – 154th Rank
Mahtab Aalam
(HOD Commerce) Acronym Full form
Mahtab Aalam
(HOD Commerce)