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Data of Indian Economics

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 Important data of Indian economics

S.no Years Events

1. 1757 Battle of Plessey

2. 1869 Suez canal
3. 1881 First census
4. 1921 Year of great divide
5. 1907 TISCO
6. 1850 Introduction of railways
7. 1853 First train in India
8. 1966 Green revolution
9. 1948 First industrial policy
10. 1956 Second IPR
11. 1955 1Small scale industries
12. 1991 NEP
13. 2017 GST
14. 2016 Demonetisation
15. 1948 GATT
16. 1995 WTO & NSAP
17. 2014- Make in India & Jhan dhan yojna
18. 2001 Removal of Quotas
19. 1962 Study group by PCI
20. 1979 Task Force group
21. 1989 Expert group
22. 2008 PMEGP
23. 2004 NFFWP
24. 2005 MGNREGA
25. 1964 Education commission
26. 2009 Right to Education Act
27. 1998 Tapas Majumdar committee
28. 1969 Institutional sources for credit
29. 1982 NABARD
30. 1970 Operation flood (White revolution) & MRTP Act
31. 1991 to Golden revolution
32. 2005 NREGA Act
33. 2013 Montreal protocol

Mahtab Aalam
(HOD Commerce)
34. 1974 CPCB
35. 1980 IUCN
36. 1949 Independence
37. 1953 First five year plan
38. 1978 Economic reforms
39. 1965 Great proletarian cultural revolution
40. 1979 One child policy
41. 1958 Great leap forward campaign
42. 1947 Independence
43. 1956 First five year plan
44. 1988 Economic reforms
45. Early1970's Nationalisation of capital goods
46. Late 1970's Denationalisation & financial support
47. 1988 Economic reforms
48. Early1970's Nationalisation of capital goods
49. 1947 India got Independence & Partition of India and creation of
50. 1949 Creation of people’s Republic of china & Constitution of India
51. 1951 India first five year plan
52. 1950 Planning commission of India
Value of HDI
53. Value of China - 0.7
HDI India - 0.6
Pakistan – 0.5
Out of 189 countries in 2022 HDI ranking is as follow
54. China – 85th Rank
India – 131ST Rank
Pakistan – 154th Rank

Mahtab Aalam
(HOD Commerce)
S.no Acronym Full form

1. TISCO Tata iron and steel company

2. PCI Planning commission of India
3. IPR Industrial policy resolution
4. NEP New Economic policy
5. IBRD International Bank for reconstruction and development (WORLD
6. IMF International monetary fund
7. NEP New economic policy
8. MRTP Monopolies and restrictive trade practices act
9. FII Foreign institutional investors
10. WTO World trade organisation
11. NSSO National sample survey organisation
12. PDS Public distribution system
13. ICDS Integrated child development scheme
14. MMS Mid day meal scheme
15. REGP Rural employment generation programme
16. PMRY Prime Minister rozgar yojana
17. PMEGP Prime Minister employment generation programme
18. SJSRY Swarna jayanti shahari rozgar yojana
19. SGSY Swarna jayanti gram swarozgar yojana
20. NRLM National rural livelihoods mission
21. GATT General agreement on trade and tariff
22. MPCE Monthly per capita expenditure
23. SGRY Sampoorna gramin rojgar yojana
24. NFFWP National food for work programme
25. NREG National rural employment guarantee act
26. MGNREGA Mahatma Gandhi National rural employment guarantee act
27. NSAP National social assistance program
28. PMJDY Prime Minister Jan dhan yojana
29. NCERT National council of educational research and training
30. UGC University Grants commission
31. AICTE All India council of technical education
32. NABARD National bank for agriculture and rural development
Mahtab Aalam
(HOD Commerce)
33. TANWA Tamil nadu women in agriculture
34. PDS Public distribution system
35. MSP Minimum support price
36. FCI Food corporation of India
37. SAGY Saansad aadarsh gram yojana
38. DGET Directorate general of employment and training
39. CFL Compact fluorescent lamps
40. LED Light emitting diode
41. PHC Primary Health centre
42. AYUSH Ayurveda Yoga Unani Siddha Naturopathy Homeopathy
43. GBD Global burden of diseases
44. CPCB Central pollution control board
45. IUCN International Union for the conservation of natural resources
46. SAARC South Asian association for regional cooperation
47. ASEAN Association of South East Asian nations
48. BRICS Brazil Russia India China South Africa
49. GLF Great leap forward
50. SOE State owned enterprises
51. SEZ Special economic zones
52. UNCED United Nations conference on environment and development
53. ISA International solar alliance
54. CNG Compressed natural gas
55. LPG liberalisation privatisation globalisation

Mahtab Aalam
(HOD Commerce)

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