Experimental Design For Copper Cementation Process
Experimental Design For Copper Cementation Process
Experimental Design For Copper Cementation Process
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All content following this page was uploaded by Idris Yahiaoui on 21 May 2014.
Laboratoire de Ge´nie de l’Environnement (LGE), De´partement de Ge´nie des Proce´dés, Faculte´ de la Technologie,
Universite´ A.MIRA de Bejaia 06000, Algeria
KEYWORDS Abstract This work deals with cementation of copper onto iron grid in a fixed bed reactor. The
Copper; influence of several parameters is studied, namely: initial concentration of copper [Cu2+]0, temper-
Iron; ature and flow rate. Moreover, their influence on the copper cementation reaction is investigated
Fixed bed reactor; statistically by the experimental design in view of industrial application. The estimation and the
Factorial design comparison of the parameter’s effects are realized by using two-level factorial design. The analysis
of these effects permits to state that the most influential factor is initial concentration of copper
[Cu2+]0 with an effect of (+2.4566), the second in the order is the temperature with an effect of
(+0.18959), the third is the flow rate of the electrolytic solution with an effect of (0.4226). The
significance interactions found by the design of experiments are between initial concentrations of
copper ions–flow rate (x1x3) with an effect (b13 = +0.6965).
ª 2010 King Saud University. All rights reserved.
middle Ages. At that time, the process was used by alchemist device is mainly composed of the following parts: electrochem-
mainly for performing of the miracle of metals transmutation. ical reactor (1) made from a pyrex glass cylinder having an
For several decades, cementation is commonly used in industry internal diameter of 20 mm and a length of 155 mm, a storage
for recovery of metals, removal of metal ions from dilute tank (2) made of pyrex glass, containing 1 L of copper solution.
wastes and for purification of solutions (Sulka and Jaskula, The copper solution was prepared from the dissolution of
2005). The advantage of the cementation process includes its pentahydrated copper sulphate (CuSO4Æ5H2O, 99% purity).
relative simplicity, ease of control, and the possible of recovery The temperature of the electrolyte was maintained with a
valuable metals (Nosier and Sallam, 2000). thermostated bath (3) in which a storage tank is placed. A cen-
This technique consists of a heterogeneous and spontane- trifugal pump (4) was used to assure the copper solution circu-
ous reduction of a noble or toxic metal ion, contained in a li- lation and the flow rate was measured by a flow meter (5)
quid phase, with a sacrificial solid metal (Boyanov et al., 2004). regulated through a plastic by-pass (6). The sacrificial metal
The cementation reactions is clearly composed of two redox used was an iron electrode shown in Fig. 1 and for each run,
half reaction involving, on the one hand, the reduction of a fresh electrode and a fresh solution of copper sulphate were
the more noble metal ions and on the other hand, the oxida- used.
tion of a sacrificial solid metal (El Batouti, 2005). The cementation process of copper onto iron was investi-
This article concerns about the study of copper cementation gated by varying initial concentration of copper ions, temper-
by iron in a fixed bed reactor. Copper has been selected for a ature and flow rate parameters. The kinetic study has allowed
double interest: treatment and recycling of toxic metals whose to fix the pH as well as the time of experiment at their optimal
effects on the environment have been clearly proven and whose values, respectively, pH 3 and 180 min. pH solution was con-
raw matter cost is still increasing. Iron has been chosen as a trolled by adding concentrated sulfuric acid (H2SO4; 96% pur-
sacrificial metal because of its availability, its low cost and ity). Samples (5 mL) are withdrawn in the storage tank at
its possible re-use in hydrometallurgical processes. The corre- regular intervals during 180 min. They are dosed via atomic
sponding global cementation reaction of copper ions by iron absorption spectrophotometry (SCHIMADZU AA6500) at
can be presented as follows: 324.8 nm wavelength.
Cu2+ + Fe Cu + Fe2+ ð1Þ
3. Statistical design of experiments
The technique of statistical design for the experiments can
be used for process characterization, optimization and model- 3.1. Full factorial design
ling. It is widely accepted in the manufacturing industry for
improving the product performance and reliability, the process Factorial designs allow the simultaneous study of the effects
capability and yield. In the statistical design of the experi- that several factors may have on the optimization of a partic-
ments, the factors involved in an experiment at their respective ular process. It determines which factors have the important
levels, can be simultaneously varied. Thus, a lot of information effects on the response as well as how the effect of one factor
can be taken with a minimum number of experiment trials. varies with the level of the other factors. The effects are the dif-
Basically, the classical parameter design is complicated and ferential quantities expressing how a response changes as the
not easy to use, especially: a large number of experiments must levels of one or more factors are changed. Also, factorial de-
be conducted when the number of the process parameters in- signs allow measuring the interaction between each different
creased. For this reason, the design of experiments is a useful group of factors.
tool to study the interactions between two or more variables at The interactions are the driving force in many optimiza-
reduced number of experimental trials. It is a collection of tions of the processes. Without the use of factorial experi-
mathematical and statistical techniques useful for modelling ments, some important interactions may remain undetected,
and analysis in complex process optimization (Moghaddam and the overall optimization may not be attained. One of the
et al., 2006; Guerra and Dreisinger, 1999). simplest types of factorial designs used in experimental work
Although the optimization of experimental conditions is one having two levels (2k). In a 2k factorial design experi-
using design of experiments are widely applied in a large area ment, each factor may be assigned two levels: low (1) and
of chemical processes, but its application in the cementation high (+1). If k factors are considered, then 2k measurements
reaction is a very rare exception of some works (Moghaddam are required to perform a factorial design analysis (Kaminari
et al., 2006; Guerra and Dreisinger, 1999; Djoudi et al., 2007). et al., 2005; Klimova et al., 2006).
In fact, there are no reports about cementation of copper onto In this investigation, three operating factors were chosen as
iron using this statistical approach. The main objectives of this independent variables, namely: initial concentration of copper
work are to investigate the individual and the interactive ef- ions (x1), temperature (x2) and flow rate (x3). Other variables
fects of three operating parameters, mainly: initial concentra- such as a time of experiments and pH are fixed at 180 min
tion of copper ions, temperature and flow rate cementation and 3, respectively. The natural values of each factor and their
reaction of copper by iron in a fixed bed reactor by using a full respective levels are presented in Table 1. The selection of lev-
factorial design (FFD). els of different factors is carried out on the basis of the preli-
minary trials and previous publishing results (Hedayata and
2. Experimental Pesotanb, 2007; Pavan et al., 2007): Initial copper concentra-
tion [Cu2+]0 ranging from 10 to 300 mg/L, flow rate from
All reagents used in this study were analytically graded and dis- 0.238 to 1.548 mL/s and temperature from 25 to 60 C. The de-
tilled water was used. The experimental tests were carried out sign performed according to Table 2 was composed of 23 fac-
by using the experimental device schematized in Fig. 1. The torial designs.
Experimental design for copper cementation process in fixed bed reactor using two-level factorial design 189
electrochemical reactor
glass container
thermostatic bath
(a) (b)
Figure 1 (a) Schematic representation of the experimental set-up. (b) Iron electrode.
Zj max þ Zj min Zj max Zj min The model equation for copper cementation by grid iron was
With : Z0j ¼ and DZj ¼
2 2 obtained after performing eight experiments and discarding
the insignificant effect (b12) is as follows using some statistical
where xj is the coded value of jth variable, Zj is the encoded
tests (Cochran, Student and Fischer) (Goupy, 2001; Box et al.,
value of jth variable, Z0j is the value of Zj at the centre point
of the investigation domain and DZj is the step size. Here,
Zj max and Zj min represent the maximum and the minimum y^ ¼ 3:8813 þ 2:4566 x1 þ 0:1895 x2 0:4226 x3
level of factor j in natural unit, respectively. The experimental þ 0:6965 x1 x3 þ 0:4375 x2 x3 0:4269 x1 x2 x3
data are analyzed by full factorial design to fit the following
first order polynomial equation:
y ¼ b0 þ e þ b1 x1 þ b2 x2 þ b3 x3 þ b12 x1 x2 þ b13 x1 x3 The model’s coefficients were estimated by standard lest
square regression techniques using an EXCEL software. A
þ b23 x2 x3 þ b123 x1 x2 x3 ð3Þ good adjustment of the (Eq. (6)) to the experimental data
190 I. Yahiaoui, F. Aissani-Benissad
5. Conclusion
The first order model was developed according to the two lev-
els factorial design to determine the main effects and the first
interactions of initial concentration of copper ions, tempera-
ture and flow rate, on the reaction of copper cementation.
However, factorial experimental designs at two levels did not
provide the optimal conditions; it represented an understand-
ing on the influence of several variables on the copper cemen-
tation and their trends and behaviour. The regression equation
obtained above (Eq. (6)), shows that initial copper concentra-
tion, temperature and flow rate have an individual influence on
Figure 2 Analysis of quality of model (a) Comparison of the reaction of copper cementation. The significance interac-
experimental and predicted responses. (b) Residual analysis for tions found by the design of experiments are between initial
estimated model. concentration of copper ions–flow rate (x1x3), between temper-
ature–flow rate (x2x3) and between initial concentrations of
copper ions–temperature–flow rate (x1x2x2).
Table 3 Comparison between observed and predicted resid-
uals concentration. References
Runs y (mg/L) y^ (mg/L) Residuals ei (mg/L) Error (%)
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1 2.654 2.653 1E08 3.76818 E05 réacteur agité, Thèse de doctorat, institut polytechnique de
2 0.437 0.437 2.501E05 5.72868E03 Grenoble, France, 1992.
3 2.434 2.434 2.501E05 1.02755E03 Box, G.E.P., Hunter, W.G., Hunter, J.S. (Eds.), 1978. Statistics for
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