Methods Electrospin
Methods Electrospin
Methods Electrospin
h i g h l i g h t s
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Poly ethylene oxide (PEO)/Chitosan nanofiber membrane was prepared by the electrospinning technique;
Received 16 October 2012 afterward, the potential of the prepared nanofiber membrane for adsorption of nickel (Ni), cadmium (Cd),
Received in revised form 3 January 2013 lead (Pb) and copper (Cu) from aqueous solution was investigated. The applied voltage, tip-collector
Accepted 5 January 2013
distance and solution flow rate of electrospinning process were 20 kV, 13.5 cm and 0.5 mL h1 respec-
Available online 11 January 2013
tively. The prepared nanofibers were characterized by Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR), Scanning
Electron Microscope (SEM) and Brunauer–Emmert–Teller (BET) analysis. Based on results, the homoge-
neous electrospun nanofibers with the average diameter and surface area of 98 nm and 312.2 m2 g1 were
obtained respectively. Then, the adsorption experiments were carried out to investigate the effect of
Nanofiber different adsorption parameters such as contact time, initial concentration and temperature in a batch
Heavy metal system. The sorption selectivity of lead, copper, cadmium and nickel onto the membrane was in order
Adsorption of Pb(II)<Cd(II)<Cu(II)<Ni(II). The kinetic data of metal ions were analyzed by pseudo-first-order and
pseudo-second-order kinetic models. Three isotherm models namely Freundlich, Langmuir and Dubinin–
Radushkevich were applied to describe the equilibrium data of metal ions. The calculated thermodynamic
parameters (DG, DH and DS) showed that the adsorption of metal ions onto the PEO/Chitosan nanofiber
membrane was feasible, spontaneous and endothermic. The reusability of nanofiber membrane for
the removal of different metal ions was also determined after five sorption–desorption cycles.
Ó 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction effective and widely used process due to its simplicity, moderate
operational conditions and economical feasibility [6–8].
Removal of heavy metals from wastewater is a very important The most important property of any adsorbent is the surface
factor with respect to human’s health and environmental consider- area and structure. Furthermore, the chemical nature and polarity
ations [1]. Several methods used for the removal of heavy metal of the adsorbent surface can influence the attractive forces be-
ions from aqueous solutions include chemical precipitation, elec- tween the adsorbent and adsorbate. The nanofiber membranes
trodialysis, membrane process and solvent extraction [2–5]. How- prepared by the electrospinning method have unique properties
ever, these techniques are associated with problems such as such as high specific surface area and high porosity with fine pores.
excessive time requirements, high costs and high energy consump- These properties caused to use electrospun nanofiber membranes
tion. In this way, adsorption method can be considered as an for the removal of heavy metal ions [9–14]. In recent years,
researchers used nanofiber membranes such as polyvinylpyrroli-
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +98 021 88765937. done (PVP)/SiO2 [15], PVA/SiO2 [16] and PAN-oxime [17] for the
E-mail address: (M. Irani). removal of heavy metal ions.
1385-8947/$ - see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
238 M. Aliabadi et al. / Chemical Engineering Journal 220 (2013) 237–243
Fig. 3. The SEM image and fiber diameter distribution of PEO/Chitosan nanofiber.
(a) 180
80 160
Degree of swelling (%)
Non-crosslinked PEO/Chitosan nanofibers
crosslinked PEO/Chitosan nanofibers qt (mg / g) 120
40 100
Kinetic data-Nickel
80 Kinetic data-Copper
20 Kinetic data-Cadmium
60 Kinetic data-Lead
0 40 Pseudo-First-Order-Cu
0 5 10 15 20 25
Time (hr) Pseudo-First-Order-Pb
Fig. 4. Degree of swelling of nanofiber membranes.
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Time (min)
adsorption, that there are no interactions between adsorbed mole-
cules and adsorption energy which is distributed homogenously (b) 180
over the entire coverage surface. The general form of the Langmuir
isotherm is [27]: 160
qmax bC eq 140
qeq ¼ ð6Þ
1 þ bC eq
where qeq (mg g1) is the equilibrium metal uptake capacity, Ceq
qt (mg / g)
(mg L1) is the equilibrium metal ion concentration, qmax (mg g1) 100
is the maximum amount of the metal ion per unit weight of adsor-
bent to form a complete monolayer on the surface bond at high Ceq 80
Kinetic data-Nickel
and b (L mg1) is constant which is related to the affinity of the Kinetic data-Copper
60 Kinetic data-Cadmium
binding sites. The non-linear relationship between the amounts of
Kinetic data-Lead
metal ions sorbed per unit mass of nanofiber membrane against 40 Pseudo-Second-Order-Nickel
the concentration of metal ions remaining in solution are shown Pseudo-Second-Order-Copper
in Fig. 6 at different temperatures. The values of qmax, b and corre- 20 Pseudo-Second-Order-Cadmium
lation coefficients (R2) obtained from non-linear regression of the
Langmuir model onto the equilibrium data are presented in Table 2. 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
As shown in Table 2, the high regression correlation coefficients
Time (min)
(>0.96) were found, suggesting that this model is very suitable for
describing equilibrium data of different metal ions by the PEO/ Fig. 5. Adsorption kinetics (a) pseudo-first-order and (b) pseudo-second-order of
Chitosan nanofiber membrane. Furthermore, the maximum metal ions onto the PEO/Chitosan nanofiber membrane.
adsorption capacity (qmax) of metal ions increased with increasing
the temperature. A higher value of b also implied strong bonding of 1
metal ions to nanofiber membrane at studied temperatures. qeq ¼ K f C neq ð7Þ
The Freundlich expression is an empirical equation based on
sorption on a heterogeneous surface and is commonly presented where Kf (mg g1) and n are the Freundlich constants related to the
as follows [28]: adsorption capacity and intensity of the sorbent, respectively.
M. Aliabadi et al. / Chemical Engineering Journal 220 (2013) 237–243 241
Table 1
Kinetic parameters of metal sorption onto the PEO/Chitosan nanofiber membrane.
300 200
qe (mg / g)
qe (mg/g)
0 200 400 600 800 0 200 400 600 800
Equilibrium concentration (mg/L) Equilibrium concentration (mg / L)
Exprimental data-Lead-T=25 C
qe (mg / g)
qe (mg / g)
200 150
Exprimental data-Copper-T=25 C
Exprimental data-Lead-T=35 C
Exprimental data-Copper-T=35 C
150 Exprimental data-Lead-T=45 C
Exprimental data-Copper-T=45 C 100 Langmuir isotherm-T=25 C
Langmuir isotherm-T=25 C
100 Langmuir isotherm-T=35 C
Langmuir isotherm-T=35 C
50 Langmuir isotherm-T=45 C
50 Langmuir isotherm-T=45 C
0 0
0 200 400 600 800 0 200 400 600 800
Equilibrium concentration (mg / L) Equilibrium concentration (mg / L)
Fig. 6. Langmuir isotherm plots for (a) nickel (b) copper (c) cadmium and (d) lead sorption onto the nanofiber membrane.
The values of n, Kf and R2 obtained from nonlinear regression qeq ¼ qDR expðbDR e2 Þ ð8Þ
by MATLAB software are given in Table 2. As can be seen in Ta-
ble 2, the n1 values at all studied temperatures were between where qeq is the amount of metal ions adsorbed on per unit weight of
0 and 1 indicating that the adsorption of different metal ions adsorbent (mmol g1), qmax is the maximum adsorption capacity
using PEO/Chitosan nanofiber membrane was favorable at studied (mmol g1), b is the activity coefficient related to adsorption free
conditions. However, compared to the R2 values of the Freundlich energy (mol2 J2) and e is the polanyi potential (e = RT ln(1 + 1/Ceq)),
(R2 > 0.82) and Langmuir (R2 > 0.96) models it can be concluded R is the gas constant (8.314 J mol1 K1) and T is the absolute
that the Langmuir isotherm model fitted better with the equilib- temperature (K). The Polanyi sorption theory assumes a fixed
rium data of metal ions. The applicability of the Langmuir iso- volume of sorption space close to the sorbent surface and the
therm model for metal ions-Chitosan adsorption system implies existence of a sorption potential over these spaces. The mean free
that monolayer adsorption conditions exit under the experimen- energy of adsorption (E, J mol1) can be calculated from the follow-
tal conditions. ing equation:
The D–R isotherm model was also performed to the equilibrium 1
data in order to determine the nature of adsorption processes as E ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffi ð9Þ
physical or chemical. The D–R sorption isotherm is more general
than the Langmuir isotherm, as its derivation is not based on ideal The mean free energy of adsorption gives information about
assumptions such as equipotent of sorption sites, absence of stoic adsorption mechanism. If it lies between 8 and 16 kJ mol1, the
hindrance between sorbed and incoming particles and surface adsorption process takes place chemically and while E < 8 kJ mol1,
homogeneity on microscopic level. The general form of the D–R the adsorption process proceeds physically [30]. The values of qmax
isotherm equation is expressed as follows [29]: and b obtained from nonlinear regression of equilibrium data by
242 M. Aliabadi et al. / Chemical Engineering Journal 220 (2013) 237–243
Table 2
Isotherm parameters for metal adsorption onto the PEO/Chitosan nanofiber membrane.
Table 3
Thermodynamic parameters for metal adsorption onto the PEO/Chitosan nanofiber membrane.
MATLAB software are given in Table 2. The relatively high R2 values Thermodynamic parameters for the adsorption process of nickel,
for the D–R model (R2 > 0.93) showed that the model was able to cadmium, copper and lead ions by the nanofiber membrane are
adequately describe the relationship between the amounts of presented in Table 3.
sorbed metal ions and their equilibrium concentration in the solu- As shown in Table 3, the DG value was negative for different
tion. Also, the free adsorption energy for adsorption of different metals at studied conditions. This indicates the feasibility and
metal ions onto the nanofiber membrane was found to be lower spontaneity of different metal sorption by the PEO/Chitosan nano-
than 8 kJ mol1. These results denote that the adsorption mecha- fiber membrane. Also, the amount of DG for different metal sorp-
nism of nickel, cadmium, copper and lead ions by the nanofiber tion onto the membrane inclined to be more negative with
membrane was physical. By comparing the correlation coefficients, increasing temperature which showed that the higher temperature
it was found that the Langmuir isotherm model fitted the equilib- was more feasible for the adsorption of metal ions onto the nano-
rium data of different metal adsorption onto the electrospun com- fiber membrane.
posite nanofiber membrane better than Freundlich and D–R The positive value of DH proved the endothermic nature of the
isotherm models. different metal sorption onto the nanofiber membrane. The posi-
tive value of DS confirmed the increased randomness of solid-
3.5. Thermodynamic parameters solution interface during the adsorption process.
Thermodynamic parameters play an important role in adsorp- 3.6. Regeneration of PEO/Chitosan nanofiber membrane
tion process which determines the degrees of spontaneity and fea-
sibility of process by calculating values of Gibbs free energy and The regeneration of adsorbent is a very important factor in the
entropy change. adsorption process. Because the reuse of the adsorbent is a key fac-
The Gibbs free energy change of adsorption process is calcu- tor in improving process economy. Furthermore, adsorption/
lated by following equation:
DG ¼ RT ln kc ð10Þ Nickel
C es Cadmium
kC ¼ lim ð11Þ 180
C el !0 C el Lead
qe (mg / g)
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