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Gold XP B1+ Unit 4 Sample

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You don’t
you have to
make it.

Look at the photo and read the quote. Then
discuss the questions.
1 What do you think the quote means?
2 What, in your opinion, are the ingredients for
a happy life?
3 To what extent do you think happiness is the
result of good luck?

Make it happen
topic: teenage athletes in relationships; key word transformation topic: happiness and
Jamaica adjectives + prepositions word formation satisfaction
skill: identifying key words word formation: adjectives skill: contrasting and
task: multiple choice SPEAKING summarising
LISTENING topic: doing something task: essay
GRAMMAR topic: making up your mind together
modal verbs 1 skill: expressing opinions SWITCH ON
skill: rewording questions
modal verbs 2 task: discussion video: my ‘year 12’ life
task: multiple matching
project: create a vlog post

M04 Gold XP B1P 94660.indd 51 11/09/2018 09:36

4 Make it happen SAMPLE COPY
READING 4 What does ‘scouts’ mean in line 36?
A People whose job is to find people with particular skills.
B People whose job is to organise sports competitions.
Power up C People whose job is to train top athletes.
1 Can you think of a person who inspires you to work hard and D People who want a particular team or individual to win.
achieve something? What do you admire about that person? 5 Why is Okhalia Buchanon disappointed at the moment?
A She has not been chosen for Champs this year.
Read on B She has not had a chance to race in Champs yet.
C She has not been as successful recently as she was in
2 Read the article quickly and look for this information. the past.
Find the name of a teenage athlete who:
D She has not shown her speed in races yet.
1 has already had international success.
6 Christopher Taylor’s school wants him to
2 has had problems with injuries.
A run his fastest ever time at Champs.
3 is interested in education as well as sport.
B help them to win Champs for the first time.
3 Read the exam tip and complete the task. C become the world’s fastest runner in his age group.
D do well in four different competitions at Champs.
exam tip: multiple choice 5 Match the words from the text (1–10) with their meanings
Don’t worry if you find the questions challenging. First find (A–J). Which words can you think of an opposite for?
the key words in each question. Look for similar ideas in the 1 packed (intro) 6 optimistic (para 4)
text. Then read the options A–D and choose the best one.
2 intense (para 1) 7 honour (para 5)
Read question 1 in Ex 4. What are the key words? 3 sprint (para 1) 8 conserve (para 5)
Now read paragraph 1 in the text and find information
about competitors. Which option A–D gives the same 4 stick to (para 2) 9 stands (para 6)
information? 5 scholarship (para 3) 10 stretcher (para 6)

A extreme
4 Read the article again and choose the correct answer, B continue with
A, B, C or D.
C rows of seats in a stadium
1 What does it say in the first paragraph about the
D save for the future
competitors at Champs?
E money to pay for someone’s education
A They are members of athletics teams from around
the world. F something that you take pride in
B They think that doing well in their sport can help G believing that good things will happen in the future
their families. H short, fast running race
C Some of them have won Olympic medals. I bed used to carry injured people
D They win a lot of international running races. J full of people
2 Competitors who want to succeed at Champs
A have less school work than other students. Sum up
B have to train until very late at night.
6 Work in groups and answer the questions.
C have to work very hard.
1 What makes Champs special?
D are advised to eat fewer calories.
2 What has each of the teenagers in the text achieved in
3 What has happened to Alesha Kelly this year? the past?
A She has moved to one school, and then to another. 3 What do they hope to achieve at Champs?
B She has been offered a place at a university abroad.
C She has had to travel a long way to school every day. Speak up
D She has missed her friends and family.
7 Is it better to achieve things as a team or as an individual?
I think its better to do sports as a team because you learn to
work together.

52 ‘You can neither win nor lose if you don’t run the race.’ (David Bowie, musician)

M04 Gold XP B1P 94660.indd 52 11/09/2018 11:04


This week, the National Stadium in Kingston, Jamaica, will be packed

with 35,000 screaming fans. Of course, fans needn’t be there in person.
Twenty times that number will be watching at home on live TV. The
event? Not a pop concert or an international football match, but
Champs – the country’s annual high school athletics championship.

Only athletes aged ten to nineteen may feel that they shouldn’t have been
enter Champs, but this five-day event is so optimistic. Since then, Okhalia
the biggest athletics contest in Jamaica, has had to cope with painful injuries,
and unlike anything else in the world. and she wasn’t able to compete in
Lots of the older competitors would be the last two Champs. This year’s
fast enough to qualify for the national Champs is her chance to prove what
teams in most countries, so competition she’s capable of. Can she earn her
is intense. And the athletes have a lot to opponents’ respect, and make the
compete for. They have grown up in the era national team selectors sit up and
of Jamaican role models like Usain Bolt take notice?
and Elaine Thompson, whose speed on the
Unlike Okhalia, Christopher Taylor
track has earned them millions of dollars as
doesn’t have to attract the attention
well as Olympic gold medals. Their country
of selectors, because he’s already a
of less than three million people has
star of the national team. Last year he
absolutely dominated international sprint
won a gold medal in the World Youth
events in the last few years, and teenagers
Championships, becoming the fastest
see athletics as a way to build a better life
fifteen-year-old in 400-metre history.
for themselves and their families.
Many experts believe he has a real
Those who want to do well have got to be chance of glory at the next Olympic
extremely committed. They can’t stay out Games, but at Champs, he’s running
late in the evening, and they must stick to a for the glory of his school, Calabar
healthy but high-calorie diet. Several hours High, which has won the competition
of training on top of school work every day for the last four years. ‘Will you run
is an exhausting routine. for us in four events?’ his coach
has asked him – a great honour, as
Eighteen-year-old Alesha Kelly has changed
competitors aren’t permitted to enter
school twice in the last two years to improve
more than four events. Although
her chances of success. Her new school, St
he ought to feel proud of that, it’ll
Jago’s, is two hours from the village where
be tiring so he’ll have to conserve

she grew up, and she lives as a lodger
energy. The aim will be to win every
near the school, far away from friends and
event, not to break world records. At
family. She has had some lonely moments,
Champs, it’s the team, not the time,
but she feels sure that it will all be worth it.
that counts.
Her aim for Champs? To win, of course, but
Those who want to do well also to be offered a scholarship to a U.S. Tomorrow, school flags will decorate
have got to be extremely university by one of the many athletics the stands of the stadium in a rainbow

line 36 scouts in the crowd who are looking for of colours, and the prime minister
committed. talent. Can sporting success be her passport himself will be there to watch. Who
to a university education? will win glory for their school and a
better future for themselves and their
One of her rivals, Okhalia Buchanan, has
family? Who will be carried off on a
already tasted victory at Champs. When she
stretcher after pushing their body
was fourteen, she won the 400 metres in
too hard? We’d better not make any
a time that put her eighth in the world for
predictions. At Champs, you never
her age group. She and her mother started
quite know.
to dream of a great future, but they now


Gold XP B1P 94660.indb 53 07/09/2018 15:45

4 Make it happen SAMPLE COPY
and the ball
let the ball touch the back of your stick
touch your foot.
4 If you want to start playing, then you join
1 Read the grammar box. Match the sentences (1–8) with the a club.
uses (A–H).
5 I play with both hands, but after hours of
1 Would you help to carry this box, please? practice, now I find it quite easy.
2 I shouldn’t have run in the race. 6 I forgot my music and I printed it out at home.
3 I couldn’t sing very well when I was younger.
4 Can I go to a party tonight? 4 Work in pairs. Match the answers from Ex 2 to a use from
the grammar box (A–H).
5 I need to be at training by eight o’clock.
6 We haven’t got to do any homework today. 5 Choose the correct word or phrase to complete the blog post.
7 You shouldn’t worry about the test.
8 My parents said I couldn’t join the band. Good vibrations
I was a keen musician at school, until I got an ear problem which got
explore grammar p150 worse and worse. Before long I 1wasn’t permitted to / couldn’t hear
anything at all. Deaf people 2weren’t allowed to / shouldn’t have
modal verbs 1 study at the school so I 3must / had to leave. I learnt to live without
A ability: can/can’t, could/couldn’t, be able to sound, but it really got me down. Then one day my old singing teacher
Can she earn her opponents’ respect? phoned and said. ‘You 4couldn’t / mustn’t give up on your music.
She wasn’t able to compete in the last Champs. My friend Jack 5can / ought help you. You 6may / ought to meet him.
B permission: may, can, be allowed/permitted to With Jack’s help, I discovered that I 7needn’t / mustn’t live without
Only athletes aged ten to nineteen may enter Champs. music. I found my voice again! I always 8can / need to take my shoes
C prohibition: mustn’t, may not, can’t, couldn’t, not be off now before I sing, so that I 9’m able to / ’m permitted to feel the
allowed/permitted to vibrations in the floor. An app on my mobile tells me if I’m singing the
They can’t stay out late in the evening. right note. Music isn’t a sound for me now – it’s a feeling.
They aren’t permitted to enter five events.
D obligation: must, have (got) to, need to 6 Complete the sentences with these words and phrases.
They must stick to a healthy diet.
able don’t need had better may may not permitted
They have got to be extremely committed.
shouldn’t have would
E no obligation: don’t have to/haven’t got to, don’t need to/
needn’t 1 we have a rest? I’m exhausted!
He doesn’t have to attract the attention of selectors. 2 Last year I wasn’t to sing it, but now it’s easy.
(NOT He mustn’t attract …)
3 You aren’t to kick other players!
Fans needn’t be there.
4 No, you meet Jim now. It’s bed time.
F advice: should/shouldn’t, ought (not) to, had better (not)
5 You to buy a guitar. You can use this one.
He ought to feel proud of that.
6 I left my homework at home. Oops!
We’d better not make any predictions.
7 I not be late for training and annoy everyone.
G regret about the past: shouldn’t have
8 you collect the balls, please?
They shouldn’t have been so optimistic.
H requests: will, would
Speak up
Will you run for us in four events?
7 Work in pairs and talk about your school’s rules. Should
your school keep them all? Or are there rules that it needn’t
2 4.1 Watch or listen to three people talking about have? Why/Why not? Give reasons.
things they do outside of school. What activities are they?

3 4.2 Watch or listen again and complete game on

the sentences. Work in small groups. Take it in turns to describe a sport or game
1 I mean, you have to be a strong swimmer, but you for the group to guess. Use modals from the grammar box. You
be big and strong. get a point for every correct sentence before someone guesses
2 I’m rescue people that are much bigger and the answer. If you guess wrongly, you lose a point.
heavier than me. Kicking the ball isn’t permitted.

54 Life’s too short to be serious all the time. If you can’t laugh at yourself, call me. I’ll laugh at you.

M04 Gold XP B1P 94660.indd 54 13/09/2018 13:42

What should you do?
VOCABULARY A Your friend is really proud a recent
achievement, but a lot of people are getting really
bored hearing about it. Should you
advise your friend to stop mentioning it?
1 Complete the sentences with these words. B Your friend is stressed the exams
that you both have to do soon. They ask you
coach community company mate referee rival role model to help them in a subject that they’re hopeless
and you’re good .
1 I think I can win but my main is good too. If you agree, you’ll have less time for your own
2 Cara has been my best forever. revision. Should you say yes?
3 My tennis has helped me improve. C You’ve shared a funny photo of your friend online.
4 She’s my . I want to sing like her. You’re happy all the ‘likes’ that
5 The park is enjoyed by everyone in the . it’s getting, but your friend is really embarrassed
6 I’m feeling a bit lonely. I’d love some . the photo. Should you delete it?
7 The always notices when players cheat. D You’re really keen rock climbing and
want to do it with friends on your birthday. Most of
2 Match the phrasal verbs in bold with their meanings (A–F). them are enthusiastic the idea, but
1 Bad test results really get me A have a good relationship your best mate is afraid heights.
down, but my friends cheer me with Should you choose a different birthday activity?
up again. B make me feel happier
2 I know you’re annoyed with me, C discuss the problem
but let’s talk it over. I don’t want
to fall out with you.
D make me feel depressed 5 Complete the sentences with adjectives from
E have an argument with the vocabulary box. Sometimes more than
3 I usually get on with mum, but one answer is possible.
she talks too much. When she F escape
1 At primary school, I had only one talent:
wants a chat, I can’t get away
I was at getting into trouble.
from her!
My parents got so with me!
3 4.3 Listen to a girl talking about how to cope with difficult 2 I know theme parks are with
situations. Answer the questions. most people my age, but I hate them. I’m
1 What does she say is sometimes helpful? of falling off the rides.
2 What got her down? 3 I think I’m to video games. I’m
a bit about how long I spend
3 How did her cousin cheer her up?
playing them!
4 What did she do when she got back home?
4 I know I’m of passing my
5 What does she think about her future relationship with her friends? exams next week, so I don’t know why I’m so
about them!
4 Read the vocabulary box. Then complete the situations (A–D) with the
correct preposition.
Speak up
explore vocabulary 6 Work in pairs and discuss the situations in
Ex 4. Add one more situation of your own and
adjectives + prepositions discuss it.
Some adjectives are followed by a
particular preposition:
at: bad, brilliant, good, hopeless
about: anxious, embarrassed,
enthusiastic, happy,
sad, stressed, worried
of: afraid, bored, capable,
frightened, proud
with: fed up, popular
on: keen
to: addicted


M04 Gold XP B1P 94660.indd 55 13/09/2018 16:34

4 Make it happen SAMPLE COPY
LISTENING 6 4.5 Listen again. Match the speakers (1–5) with what they say
about making up their mind (A–H). There are three options you do
not need.
Power up A I worry about making choices that aren’t Speaker 1
even really that important.
Speaker 2
1 Look at the photo. What is the boy doing? B A small decision that I made had a big effect on
What might he be thinking? Speaker 3
my life.
C Decisions never turn out to be as important as Speaker 4
2 Do you find it easy or difficult to make
important decisions? What are some I think at the time. Speaker 5
decisions you might have to make in the next D There was an accident because of a bad decision
two years, that could really affect your life? I made.
E I like to discuss my decisions with people who
3 Work in pairs. Which of these might you do in really understand my situation.
the situations in Ex 1?
F My friends always help me to make up my mind.
1 write a list of possible choices
G I’m surprised that I have to make this decision.
2 write a list of pros and cons
H It was the right decision to share my problem
3 ask your friends’ opinions with others.
4 discuss with your parents
5 ask for advice online 7 Which of the statements (A–F) in Ex 6 are true for you? Why?
8 Work in pairs. Discuss the meaning of the words and phrases in bold.
Listen up 1 I’m hopeless when it comes to things that don’t really matter.
4 4.4 Listen to five students talking about 2 I kept it to myself for ages, but in the end I decided to tell my parents.
making up their mind. Which speaker 3 I rushed back in to get it.
mentions the situation in the photo? What is
4 Things are way better at school now.
he worried about?
5 I could get homesick.
5 Read the exam tip and complete the task. 6 They wouldn’t leave me alone.
7 I just got a few bruises – nothing serious.
exam tip: multiple matching 8 They’ve offered me a place, and I don’t know if I should take it up.
Read through all the statements before you 9 There’s always someone out there who’s been through the exact same
listen. The speakers won’t use exactly the thing as you.
same words, so try to think of other ways of
expressing the information in each statement. Speak up
Look at statement A in Ex 6. How could you
reword it without losing the meaning? 9 Work in pairs. Think of some silly decisions you’ve made and tell your
partner about them. Try to make your partner laugh.


Gold XP B1P 94660.indb 56 07/09/2018 15:45

USE OF ENGLISH 1 4 Read the exam tip and complete the task.

1 Read the the grammar box and then situations 1–3. What exam tip: key word transformation
would you say in each situation? Which modals (A–D) could Key word transformation can test your knowledge of
you use? grammar, vocabulary and collocations. You must express
1 You heard something about a friend that you don’t believe. a particular idea in a different way, without losing any of
2 Someone invites you to an event but you’re not sure. the meaning.
3 A school trip is coming up and you wonder what it will be like. Look at question 1 in Ex 5. ‘It can’t be easy …’ . What is
the opposite of ‘easy’? Will you need it in the answer?
Think carefully.
explore grammar p150

modal verbs 2 5 Rewrite the sentences using the word given. Use
between two and five words, including the word given.
A certainty: must/can’t
My friends must get so fed up with me. I’m late for everything. 1 It can’t be easy to decide what to do.
It can’t be very warm in Finland because it’s so far north. MUST
B possibility (present and future): may (not)/might (not)/could It to decide what
to do.
It might be brilliant. But I could get homesick.
2 Christine couldn’t understand her friend’s attitude.
They may be lying.
C general statements about the past: could (Note: You can’t use
couldn’t for generalisations.) Christine
understand her friend’s attitude.
The teasing was constant. They could be so mean.
3 This is probably not the best time to talk about things.
D predictions: should (not)
I should be fine in a couple of days.
This the best time
to talk about things.
2 Read the pairs of sentences. Decide which ones have the same 4 I think you’ll find the talk really enjoyable.
meaning (S) or a different meaning (D).
1 A The weather may be bad but the party will still be on! You the talk.
B The weather is not very good but the party is still on! 5 It’s a pity Stella didn’t give Mike some better advice.
2 A I can hear a car – that must be Maria. HAVE
B I can hear a car – that could be Maria. Stella Mike some
3 A Nobody believes that – I’m sure it isn’t true. better advice.
B Nobody believes that – it can’t be true. 6 It will be necessary to choose your options soon.
3 Read a student’s blog post about an important day in his life.
Choose the correct modal verbs to complete it. You choose your
options soon.

I’ve often thought it 1must / can be awful to Speak up

study a subject you’re not interested in, but I 6 Work in pairs to prepare a roleplay. Follow these steps.
never thought it 2might / should happen to me!
1 Think of a situation that’s
I 3may / must not be the world’s greatest student causing a problem.
but I’m not bad at sciences. So I chose to study them at
2 Decide on your roles, for
school. I also thought they 4must / could be really useful for example, friends, brother
my future career. However, after only two weeks, I felt things and sister, parent and child.
were all wrong. I was bored! ‘Oh no!’ I thought, this 5can’t / 3 One person needs to give
shouldn’t be true! However, I 6couldn’t / should ignore my advice to the other.
feelings, so I went to see the Director of Studies and explained 4 Act out the roleplay to
everything. She said that I 7couldn’t / should choose different the class. Does the class
subjects. I felt such a sense of relief! So you see, sometimes it approve of the advice?
requires courage to change your mind!

I used to think I was bad at making up my mind, but now I’m not so sure. 57

Gold XP B1P 94660.indb 57 07/09/2018 15:45

4 Make it happen SAMPLE COPY
USE OF ENGLISH 2 3 Complete the sentences so they are true for you.
1 I think someone is independent if they .
1 Which of these adjectives would you say describe your 2 It’s unfair that we .
personality? Would you use the same ones to describe 3 In my opinion, it’s irresponsible to .
your best friend? 4 Most of our generation are confident about .

active ambitious anxious competitive confident 4 Read the exam tip and answer the questions.
creative outgoing sensible sensitive

exam tip: word formation

2 4.6 Read the vocabulary box. Then listen and complete
Don’t be in a hurry to write the first word you think of –
the descriptions of each person with suitable adjectives.
check first that it fits grammatically in the sentence.
1 The girl is . Remember also to check for appropriate prefixes that fit
2 The girl’s sister is . with the meaning.
3 The boy is . Look at gap 4 in Ex 5. What type of word do you need here?
Noun? Adjective? Adverb? Do you need to add a prefix?
explore vocabulary
5 Complete the article with the correct form of the words
word formation: adjectives in capitals.
Suffixes: use -ous, -ive and -ent to make adjectives from
verbs or nouns.
-ous: curiosity (n) – curious, generosity (n) – generous
On the same team
-ive: aggression (n) – aggressive, sense (n, v) – sensitive Lewis and his brother Alexis were active little
-ent: depend (v) – dependent, patience (n) – patient boys when they were young and often got into
trouble. They were also really 1 . COMPETE
Prefixes: use un-, il-, im-, in-, ir-, dis- to give adjectives the For example, Lewis could become very
opposite meaning. 2
if Alexis screamed louder than PLEASANT
un-: pleasant – unpleasant he did! Fortunately, their parents had a lot of
il-: logical – illogical 3
and hoped that things would PATIENT
im-: possible – impossible improve in the future.
in-: decisive – indecisive
Indeed, at junior school, the boys were always
ir- : responsible – irresponsible together. However, at secondary school,
dis-: obedient – disobedient Lewis became more 4 and DEPEND
found his own friends. He didn’t always want
his brother hanging around! Their parents
became 5 about them, but Lewis ANXIETY
and Alexis were always so busy that it was
to find time to talk. POSSIBLE

As things turned out, there was no need to

worry. Both boys shared an 7 AMBITIOUS
to become top footballers. During a match
one Saturday, Alexis was kicked by a very
player. This made Lewis really AGGRESSION
angry and he started to score goal after goal.
From then on, the brothers knew they needed to
be on the same team – always!

Speak up
6 Who would you most like to be like and why?
What qualities do they have that you admire?


M04 Gold XP B1P 94660.indd 58 13/09/2018 13:42

SPEAKING 7 Work in pairs and take it in turns to
answer the questions.
1 Which of the events you have talked about
Power up would be most difficult to organise?
2 What personal qualities are useful if you
1 What kinds of social events are young people interested in? Would you want to organise an event?
offer to help organise one of those events? Why/Why not?
3 What is the best type of event that would
2 What would you expect if you attended the following social events? involve the majority of students?
Are there any you would not want to attend? Why not? 4 If you could choose one event of your choice
Battle of the Bands  multicultural feast  games evening to go to, which would it be?
5 Why is it important to learn about other
3 4.7 Listen to two students answering a question about social events. cultures?
Which events from Ex 2 do they mention?
6 What can students do in class after
attending an event similar to the ones on
useful language:  expressing opinions this page?
I think … Personally, … As far as I know, …
I would say that … In my experience, … It depends on … Speaking extra
In my opinion, …
8 Work in pairs to organise a social event for
the students at your school. Talk about:
4 4.8 Read the useful language and listen again. Listen for the phrases 1 when and where this will happen.
from the useful language that the students use.
2 the cost.
5 Work in pairs and ask and answer the questions using phrases from the 3 the amount of effort needed to organise
useful language. the event.
1 What do you think about karaoke nights? 4 how much general interest there will be.
2 What’s the best way to meet new people at your school or college? 9 Present your ideas from Ex 8 to the
3 Does your school organise enough social activities for young people? class. Take a class vote on the
best idea.
Speak up
6 Read the exam tip and complete the task.

exam tip: discussion p166

Make sure that you give full answers to the questions you are asked and
include reasons and/or examples to back up what you say.
Work in groups of three. Read question 1 in Ex 7 and the possible answer
below. Discuss any other possible answers to this question. Students
A and B should discuss and Student C should give feedback on their
I think the Battle of the Bands would be most difficult (Why?) because
it’s not always easy to find bands who are willing to take part in this sort
of event.


Gold XP B1P 94660.indb 59 07/09/2018 15:46

4 Make it happen SAMPLE COPY
Power up
1 Work in pairs and look at the photos. What do
you think is making these people feel happy?

2 How important is to be happy? What things

make you happy? Make a list of the top five
things. Share with a partner.

4 Read a student’s essay. Is the third point she chose the same as yours?
Do you agree with what she says?
Plan on
3 Read the essay task. Work in pairs and discuss Nowadays, we live in a ‘consumer society’ and we often think that we
what you might include for the third point.
will be happy if we have certain things. But is this always true?
On the one hand, it is lovely to have the latest gadgets, to live in a
In your English class, you have been talking
about the importance of happiness. Now your pleasant home and to have nice clothes to wear. On the other hand,
English teacher has asked you to write an many people have all these things but despite that, they are unhappy
essay for homework. in themselves. So perhaps we have to look elsewhere to find real
Write your essay using all the notes and giving happiness.
reasons for your point of view.
Two things that cannot be bought are friendship and love. We are
Many people these days think that
truly glad when we have people around us who love and support us,
happiness is something you can buy. and who we can spend time with. However, people sometimes think
What do you think? they can buy love by giving expensive presents. That doesn’t work, in
my opinion. Although a diamond ring is an amazing gift, a bunch of
Notes flowers may bring more pleasure.
Write about: Finally, you can also find happiness through being success ful – at
• your possessions school, in your work, or in your hobbies. And that can only come
• your personal relationships through hard work.
• (your own idea)
To sum up, we can chase happiness, we can sometimes find happiness
– but we can never buy it.

Gold XP B1P 94660.indb 60 07/09/2018 15:46

Write on
7 Read the exam tip and complete the task.

exam tip: essay p167

You should try to evaluate different opinions
in your essay. This means balancing one
opinion against another and reaching a
conclusion about them. Using linking phrases
can help to hold the opinions together.
Read the sentences and complete the gaps
with suitable phrases from the language box.
, it is fairly easy just to do
your homework and follow the lessons.
, if you have a goal, that will
make you push yourself more.

8 Read the essay task and make a list of ideas

for the third point. Work in pairs and share
your ideas and opinions.

In your English class, you have been talking

about the importance of having goals in your
life. Now your English teacher has asked you to
write an essay for homework.
Write your essay using all the notes and giving
reasons for your point of view.

We all need goals to aim for in different

areas of our lives. What do you think?

5 Read the language box. Find some of these linking words in the
essay in Ex 4. Notes
Write about:
explore language • academic goals
• personal development goals
useful linking phrases for essay writing • (your own idea)
contrasting summarising
On the one hand, …/On the other hand, … To sum up, …
9 Make some notes for each part of the essay
Although … , Overall, … and organise your argument. Remember to
However, … In general, … show both sides of the argument clearly.
Despite that, … In conclusion, …
10 Write your essay in 140–190 words.

6 Complete the sentences with your own ideas. Improve it

1 I feel I need to get out more and meet new people. However, …
2 Although I am close to my family, … 11 Work in pairs. Swap your essays and check
each other’s work. Comment on any areas you
3 On the one hand, I think I should … , but on the other hand, … think might be improved.
4 I spend a lot of time on the internet. Despite that, …

According to the 2018 World Happiness Report, Finland is the happiest country in the world. 61

M04 Gold XP B1P 94660.indd 61 13/09/2018 13:43

Reading and writing
1 Work in pairs. Look back at the reading task
(Ex 4) on page 52. Think about how you did
with this kind of task. Put ticks next to each of
the skills:
✓✓✓ = great ✓✓ = OK ✓ = needs improvement
1 inferring meaning from clues in
the text
2 deducing the meaning of unknown

SWITCH ON words and phrases

3 understanding what pronouns in
the text are referring to

2 Work in pairs and compare your answers to

My ‘Year 12’ life Ex 1. For any skills with only one tick, discuss
the strategies you can use to improve them.
1 Work in pairs. Do you know any famous vloggers? What’s the
purpose of their vlogs? 3 Read this paragraph from a student’s essay.
Look at the highlighted words and phrases.
2 Watch the clip. What do Alex and Angela say is important What mistakes has the student made?
to them?

3 Watch again. Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? On the one hand, you can’t buy peoples
1 The teenagers are filmed for one year. friendship with generous presents or money.
On other hand, it’s a challenge to be close
2 Alex and Ezra are brothers.
frends with people who have much more
3 This year, Angela is focusing on her studies.
money that you. I used to be friends with
4 Taekwondo helped Angela gain confidence. a group who met every Saturday for lunch
5 Angela regrets taking time off school. in a café. I didn’t have much money then,
so I cudn’t buy some food, and I felt quite
4 Would you like to be a vlogger? Why/Why not? What would you
vlog about? embarrassed on this. I must to sit and watch
them eat every week, pretending that I
wasn’t hungry. Those Saturdays defnitly
didn’t make me happy!
5 Work in pairs to create a vlog about a hobby or interest.
1 Research some well-known young vloggers. Compare their vlogs and
4 Work in pairs. Give the paragraph in Ex 3 a
mark from 1 (not very good) to 5 (excellent) for
make notes about:
each of these criteria.
• if they always talk about the same topic.
1 clear meaning 3 wide vocabulary
• the style of their vlogs.
2 wide variety of 4 accurate grammar
• where they vlog. structures 5 accurate spelling
• how often they vlog.
2 Choose a topic for your vlog. Create a mind map with ideas for what 5 Work in pairs. Choose a paragraph from the
you will talk about. essay you wrote on page 61 and show it to your
partner. Review each others’ work using the
3 Write a script for your vlog and practise it or video it. criteria in Ex 4.
4 Share it with another pair and give each other feedback.
6 Complete the sentences with your own reading
and writing goals.
1 One thing I will do to improve my reading
skills is .
2 One thing I will do to improve my writing
62 skills is .

Gold XP B1P 94660.indb 62 07/09/2018 15:46

People embarrassed about curiosity (n) – curious (adj) packed (adj)
coach (n) enthusiastic about depend (v) – (in)dependent possessions (n pl)
community (n) fed up with (adj) rush (v)
company (n) frightened of generosity (n) – generous (adj) scholarship (n)
mate (n) good at patience (n) – (im)patient (adj) sprint (n)
referee (n) happy about sense (n,v) – sensitive/sensible sth doesn’t matter (v)
rival (n) hopeless at stand (n)
role model (n) keen on Word formation: adjective stretcher (n)
popular with prefixes un-, il-, im-, in-, ir-, way better (phr)
Phrasal verbs dis-
cheer sb up proud of Extra
decisive – indecisive
fall out (with sb) sad about championship (n)
logical – illogical
get away (from sb/sth) stressed about compete (v)
obedient – disobedient
get on (with sb) worried about competition (n)
pleasant – unpleasant
get sb down Personality adjectives possible – impossible competitor (n)
go through sth active responsible – irresponsible consumer society (phr)
stick to sth ambitious contest (n)
take sth up anxious gadget (n)
bruise (n)
talk sth over competitive multicultural (adj)
conserve (v)
Adjectives + prepositions confident opponent (n)
courage (n)
addicted to creative personal relationship (phr)
gadget (n)
afraid of outgoing possessions (n pl)
homesick (adj)
anxious about sensible qualify (v)
honour (n)
bad at sensitive victory (n)
intense (adj)
bored of Word formation: verbs, keep sth to yourself (phr)
brilliant at nouns and adjectives
leave sb alone (phr)
capable of aggression (n) – aggressive (adj)
optimistic (adj)

1 Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions. 3 4.10 Listen and check your answers.
1 People are really enthusiastic the new film club
at school. It’s popular everyone.
4 Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
2 Why don’t you go out on your bike to get from 1 Ben is really pleased because the team he supports won
everything for a while? That might cheer you the victory / championship last year.
a bit. 2 Our tennis coach / referee makes us work hard but he
3 Anna is capable becoming a fantastic athlete, certainly gets results.
but she isn’t very keen her coach. 3 People often worry about their personal relationships /
4 I’m fed up my friends at the moment. possessions with family and friends.
They keep falling with each other. 4 The new chess champion quickly beat her
5 I used to be hopeless understanding people’s competitor / opponent.
feelings, but I’m better it now. 5 I can’t say I’m worried / optimistic about winning
6 I’m really anxious changing school. because the other team are really good.
I hope I get with my new classmates. 6 One aspect of a role model / consumer society is that
people always want to buy more and better things.
2 4.9 Listen and write the missing word from the Personality 7 It’s important for us to feel we live in a community /
adjectives and Word formation sections of the wordlist. company of caring people.
1 3 5 8 The atmosphere in the stadium was packed / intense as
2 4 6 the athletes lined up for the final.


Gold XP B1P 94660.indb 63 07/09/2018 15:46

1 Complete the text with these words. 3 Complete the text with one word in each gap.

A bit of courage goes a long way!

allowed can’t had have may need should shouldn’t

Five ways to I used to be shy. When a situation made me nervous, I

communicate better go bright red in the face – awful! Anyway,

with your parents

it 2 getting me down and my best friend
agreed that I 3
better do something about it.
The opportunity came when I went out for a family meal
1 In any conversation with your parents, you
be willing to compromise if necessary. You at a local restaurant. My parents wouldn’t 4
always have everything your own way. me to go to a friend’s party, so I was in a mood.
2 Parents have to read your mind to find When we got there, I marched crossly into the restaurant.
out why you are upset. Tell them what the matter is!
Suddenly, I noticed some kids from my school at a corner
3 If you aren’t to do something, such as stay table. I knew I 5 go straight over to them
out late, there is probably a good reason for that.
before I lost my courage, so that’s what I 6 .
4 If, on the other hand, your parents say that you I started chatting and they were really friendly!
stay out a bit later than usual, you
better not forget the time! Without realising it, my family 7 helped
5 If you’ve done something that you shouldn’t me to become more self-confident. I feel very proud of
done, tell your parents yourself before myself and I know that things 8 never be
they find out some other way. that bad!
6 Make sure you thank your parents when they do
something for you. Parents have feelings, too, and they
to know you love them! 4 4.11 Listen to a girl talking about her life and complete
the sentences with these words or phrases. There is one
extra that you do not need.
2 Rewrite the sentences using the words given. Use between
two and five words, including the word given. can’t could have to might must mustn’t
1 It will not be possible for me to attend training on Thursday.
1 Penny’s sister be a bit annoying when she
ABLE was younger.
I attend training on Thursday. 2 Penny stay out too late in the evening.
2 It was a mistake to ask her about James. 3 Penny’s sister be proud of what she has
SHOULD achieved.
I her about James. 4 Penny says that everyone look better than
3 Why don’t you take up a new hobby? you do.
OUGHT 5 She also says that you don’t listen to people
who make you feel bad!
I think you a new hobby.
4 I must see a doctor about this cough. 5 Read the student’s problem and write a short email giving
GOT them your advice. Use 2–3 examples of modal verbs.
I a doctor about this cough.
5 We started to perform together two years ago. My teachers at school are always comparing me to
FOR my older cousin, Mark, because he was one of the
best students. My parents do the same thing as well.
We two years.
How can I improve things at school and what should
6 It is not necessary to get there before five o’clock.
I say to my parents?
We there before five o’clock.


Gold XP B1P 94660.indb 64 07/09/2018 15:46

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