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0510 English As A Second Language: MARK SCHEME For The May/June 2011 Question Paper For The Guidance of Teachers

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International General Certificate of Secondary Education

MARK SCHEME for the May/June 2011 question paper

for the guidance of teachers


0510/22 Paper 2 (Reading and Writing – Extended),
maximum raw mark 84

This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and candidates, to indicate the requirements of
the examination. It shows the basis on which Examiners were instructed to award marks. It does not
indicate the details of the discussions that took place at an Examiners’ meeting before marking began,
which would have considered the acceptability of alternative answers.

Mark schemes must be read in conjunction with the question papers and the report on the

• Cambridge will not enter into discussions or correspondence in connection with these mark schemes.

Cambridge is publishing the mark schemes for the May/June 2011 question papers for most IGCSE,
GCE Advanced Level and Advanced Subsidiary Level syllabuses and some Ordinary Level
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Exercise 1 Life in the Cycle Lane

(a) (at the) weekend(s) [1]

(b) (good healthy) exercise/cheap/good for carrying shopping/environmentally friendly/convenient

for transporting children/flat/cycle lanes

(c) (it has) no chain [1]

(d) transporting (his) children (around town) [1]

(e) increase in traffic/congestion [1]

do not accept ‘quicker’ on its own

(f) looking for (safe) place to leave bike/need to find (secure) parking space/the shortage of
(bicycle) parking spaces [1]

(g) showers
(separate) changing rooms (for males and females)

[Total: 8]

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Exercise 2 We can all make a difference

(a) plant 1000 trees in (a period of) five years [1]

(b) cultivate gardens/gardening

recycle (rubbish) BOTH NEEDED FOR ONE MARK [1]

(c) (in his) friends’ garden(s)/around the neighbourhood [1]

accept ‘local areas’ but do not accept ‘all over the town’

(d) 700 [1]

(e) (fruit trees/they are) easy to plant/easiest to plant

he/other people can pick the fruit ONE MARK EACH DETAIL [2]

(f) (public) parks AND private gardens BOTH NEEDED FOR ONE MARK [1]
do not accept ‘local government compound’ or ‘hospital garden’

(g) to buy (more) trees [1]

(h) he has an MP3 player/after gardening music is the love of his life [1]

(i) plant their trees/plant trees they buy [1]

(j) grows his own vegetables/buys from (local) cooperative food store
• uses a wood fire/puts ash on his garden
• uses low-energy light bulbs
• does not have a car
• does not have a computer/uses internet at library

[Total: 14]

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Exercise 3 International Rescue Organisation – Accident Report Form

Note: correct spelling is essential throughout the form-filling exercise.

Upper case letters required at the start of proper nouns.
The conventions of form-filling (i.e. instructions to tick, circle, delete) must be observed with total

Section A: Details of Rescue Team

Full name of team: Mont Blanc Mountain Rescue (Team)

Full address (including country): 74 Rue Bobigny, Chamonix, France

Contact details: sauvevie-montblanc@alice.net.fr

Name of team leader: Jacques Carpentier Occupation of team leader: (Orthopaedic) surgeon

Name of person completing report: Alphonse Gaillard

Section B: Details of Accident

Date of accident: 2 April 2011

Where exactly did the accident take place? (On the) upper slopes of Mont Blanc

What was the immediate cause of the accident? CIRCLE avalanche

How many people were involved? 2/two

Was anyone injured? DELETE No

If yes, give details of the injury: leg fractured/leg broken/leg severely injured

How exactly was the injury caused? swept off ledge/fell off ledge/fell fifty metres/fell
down mountain

How long did the rescue operation take? TICK more than 6 hours

Max. total for Sections A and B: 6 marks

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Section C

Max. total for Section C: 2 marks

If pronouns are used, the sentence must be written in the first person (i.e. ‘I’ or ‘we’ not ‘he’ or ‘they’)


Our leader tied the man's broken leg to a pole and we carried him on a stretcher.
We released the injured man from under the snow and took him to hospital.
Jacques took a pole from one of the two stretchers and used it to secure the broken limb.

For the sentence, award up to 2 marks as follows:

2 marks: no fewer than 12 and no more than 20 words; proper sentence construction; correct
spelling, punctuation and grammar; relevant to context.

1 mark: no fewer than 12 and no more than 20 words; proper sentence construction; 1–3 errors of
punctuation/spelling/grammar that do not obscure meaning; relevant to context.

0 marks: more than 3 errors of punctuation/spelling/grammar; and/or irrelevant to context, and/or not
a proper sentence; and/or fewer than 12 words or more than 20 words.

Absence of a full stop at the end should be considered as 1 punctuation error.

Absence of an upper case letter at the beginning should be considered as 1 punctuation error.

[Total: 8]

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Exercise 4 Where am I, Robot?

Correct responses only apply if they are placed under the correct sub-heading (as detailed below).
Add the correct answers to give a total out of 8.
Remember that this exercise is marked for content (reading), not language.

What we would like the robots to do for us (max. 3 marks this section)
• clean (our) house(s)
• do (weekly supermarket) shopping
• steer (our) cars
• guide us to (our) holiday destinations

Weaknesses of the older generation of robots (max. 2 marks this section)

• unable to distinguish between permanent and temporary features
• confused by minor changes/confused by insignificant changes/unable to function properly
• confused by identical features that may appear in different locations

What the latest robots have managed to do using Clever Map (max. 3 marks this section)
• recognise familiar object(s) (as a whole)
• accept the movement of object(s)/can dismiss the absence of vehicles OR objects (as unimportant)
• no longer confused that identical features (of an object may) appear in different locations
• produce maps (of the city centre/of the countryside)
• learn details of surroundings
• use set of rules to deal with changes

[Total: 8]

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Exercise 5 Stay happy and healthy at exam time

Content (up to 6 marks)

Be aware that candidates may express the positives as negatives and vice versa e.g. ‘don’t skip

• feel prepared/check syllabus/think about topics/work through past papers
• know when and where taking exam
• talk to teachers
• (always) eat breakfast/eat well
• go to bed early/get enough sleep/stop (revising/working) an hour before bedtime
• accept help from family/friends
• take favourite toy/object to exam room

• spend (too much) time alone/give up social life
• be worried by (claims/actions of) other students
• drink coffee/fizzy drinks
• get upset by unlucky candidate number/favourite clothes in the wash

Language (up to 4 marks)

0 marks: meaning obscure because of density of language errors and serious problems with
expression/nothing of relevance

1 mark: expression weak/reliance on lifting without discrimination

2 marks: expression limited/some reliance on lifting from the original, but some sense of order

3 marks: expression good, with attempts to group and sequence ideas in own words

4 marks: expression very good; clear, orderly grouping and sequencing largely in own words

[Total: 10]

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Exercise 6 National Celebration

Exercise 7 Computers to replace books

The following general instructions, and table of marking criteria, apply to both exercises.

• Award the answer a mark for content (C) [out of 9] and a mark for language (L) [out of 9] in
accordance with the General Criteria table that follows.

• Content covers relevance (i.e. whether the piece fulfils the task and the awareness of
purpose/audience/register) and the development of ideas (i.e. the detail/explanation provided
and how enjoyable it is to read).

• Language covers style (i.e. complexity of vocabulary and sentence structure) and accuracy (of
grammar, spelling, punctuation and use of paragraphs).

• When deciding on a mark for content or language, first of all decide which mark band is most
appropriate. There will not necessarily be an exact fit. Then decide between 2 marks within that
mark band. Use the lower mark if it only just makes it into the band and the upper mark if it fulfils
all the requirements of the band but doesn’t quite make it into the band above.

• When deciding on a mark for content, look at both relevance and development of ideas. First
ask yourself whether the writing fulfils the task, in terms of points to be covered and the length.
If it does, it will be in at least the 4–5 mark band.

• When deciding on a mark for language, look at both the style and the accuracy of the language.
A useful starting point would be first to determine whether errors intrude. If they do not, it will be
in at least the 4–5 mark band.

• The use of paragraphs should not be the primary basis of deciding which mark band the work is
in. Look first at the language used and once you have decided on the appropriate mark band,
you can use the paragraphing as a factor in helping you to decide whether the work warrants the
upper or lower mark in the mark band.

• If the essay is considerably shorter than the stated word length, it should be put in mark band
2–3 for content or lower for not fulfilling the task.

• If the essay is totally irrelevant and has nothing to do with the question asked, it should be given
0 marks for Content and Language, even if it is enjoyable to read and fluent.

• If the essay is partly relevant and therefore in mark band 2–3, the full range of marks for
language is available.

[Total Exercise 6: 18]

[Total Exercise 7: 18]

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Mark CONTENT: relevance and Mark LANGUAGE: style and accuracy

band development of ideas band (AO: W1, W3, W4, W5)
(AO: W1, W2, W6)

8–9 Highly effective: 8–9 Fluent:

• Relevance: Fulfils the task, with • Style: Almost first language
consistently appropriate register competence. Ease of style.
and excellent sense of purpose Confident and wide-ranging use of
and audience. language, idiom and tenses.
• Development of ideas: Shows • Accuracy: No or very few errors.
independence of thought. Ideas are Well-constructed and linked
well developed, at appropriate paragraphs.
length and persuasive. Quality is
sustained throughout. Enjoyable to
read. The interest of the reader is
aroused and sustained.

6–7 Effective: 6–7 Precise:

• Relevance: Fulfils the task, with • Style: Sentences show variety of
appropriate register and good structure and length. Some style
sense of purpose and audience. and turn of phrase. Uses some
• Development of ideas: Ideas are idioms and is precise in use of
well developed and at appropriate vocabulary. However, there may
length. Engages reader’s interest. be some awkwardness in style
making reading less enjoyable.
• Accuracy: Generally accurate,
apart from occasional frustrating
minor errors. There are paragraphs
showing some unity, although links
may be absent or inappropriate.

4–5 Satisfactory: 4–5 Safe:

• Relevance: Fulfils the task, with • Style: Mainly simple structures and
reasonable attempt at appropriate vocabulary, sometimes attempting
register, and some sense of more sophisticated language.
purpose and audience. • Accuracy: Meaning is clear, and
A satisfactory attempt has been work is of a safe, literate standard.
made to address the topic, but Simple structures are generally
there may be digressions. sound, apart from infrequent
• Development of ideas: Material is spelling errors, which do not
satisfactorily developed at interfere with communication.
appropriate length. Grammatical errors occur when
more sophistication is attempted.
Paragraphs are used but without
coherence or unity.

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2–3 Partly relevant: 2–3 Errors intrude:

• Relevance: Partly relevant and • Style: Simple structures and
some engagement with the task. vocabulary.
Does not quite fulfil the task, • Accuracy: Meaning is sometimes
although there are some positive in doubt. Frequent, distracting
qualities. Inappropriate register, errors hamper precision and slow
showing insufficient awareness of down reading. However, these do
purpose and/or audience. not seriously impair communication.
• Development of ideas: Supplies Paragraphs absent or inconsistent.
some detail and explanation, but
the effect is incomplete. Some

0–1 Little relevance: 0–1 Hard to understand:

• Limited engagement with task, but • Multiple types of error in grammar/
this is mostly hidden by density of spelling/word usage/punctuation
error. Award 1 mark. throughout, which mostly make it
• No engagement with the task, or difficult to understand.
any engagement with task is Occasionally, sense can be
completely hidden by density of deciphered. Paragraphs absent or
error. Award 0 marks. inconsistent. Award 1 mark.
• Density of error completely
If essay is completely irrelevant, no obscures meaning. Whole sections
mark can be given for language. impossible to recognise as pieces
of English writing. Paragraphs
absent or inconsistent. Award
0 marks.

© University of Cambridge International Examinations 2011

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