Identification of Mangrove Forests Using Multispectral Satellite Imageries
Identification of Mangrove Forests Using Multispectral Satellite Imageries
Identification of Mangrove Forests Using Multispectral Satellite Imageries
Abstract. The visual identification of mangrove forests is greatly constrained by combinations of RGB
composite. This research aims to determine the best combination of RGB composite for identifying
mangrove forest in Segara Anakan, Cilacap using the Optimum Index Factor (OIF) method. The OIF
method uses the standard deviation value and correlation coefficient from a combination of three image
bands. The image data comprise Landsat 8 imagery acquired on 30 May 2013, Sentinel 2A imagery
acquired on 18 March 2018 and images from SPOT 6 acquired on 10 January 2015. The results show
that the band composites of 564 (NIR+SWIR+Red) from Landsat 8 and 8a114 (Vegetation Red
Edge+SWIR+Red) from Sentinel 2A are the best RGB composites for identifying mangrove forest, in
addition to those of 341 (Red+NIR+Blue) from SPOT 6. The near-infrared (NIR) and short-wave infrared
(SWIR) bands play an important role in determining mangrove forests. The properties of vegetation are
reflected strongly at the NIR wavelength and the SWIR band is very sensitive to evaporation and the
identification of wetlands.
63 @National Institute of Aeronautics and Space of Indonesia (LAPAN)
Anang Dwi Purwanto and Wikanti Asriningrum
Figure 1-1: Map of the research area (source: Spatial Planning Map of
Cilacap District 2011-2031).
64 International Journal of Remote Sensing and Earth Sciences Vol. 16 No. 1 June 2019
Identification Of Mangrove Forest...
The SPOT 6 satellite was launched in bands (band 2 to band 7) on Small Subi
India on 9 September 2012. SPOT 6 is a Island.
continuation of the previous mission This study aims to determine the best
undertaken by the SPOT satellite series band combination for identifying
and is also the first SPOT-generation mangrove forests in Segara Anakan,
satellite to feature a blue spectral Cilacap from multispectral satellite
channel, meaning it can more clearly imageries (Landsat 8, Sentinel 2A and
identify coastlines, sedimentation and SPOT 6) using the OIF method.
coral reefs (Pustekdata, 2015). SPOT 6
imagery has very good potential for 2 MATERIALS AND METHODOLOGY
mangrove mapping. Rudiastuti et al. 2.1 Location and Data
(2018) mapped mangrove canopy density This research was conducted in the
using SPOT 6 imagery in East Lombok, Segara Anakan area, Cilacap Regency,
Indonesia, achieving in excess of 85% Central Java province with the coordinate
accuracy. limitations of 7°37'22"-7°47'37" LS and
According to Marini et al. (2015), 108°45'11"-109°2'54" BT. The satellite
visual interpretation of mangrove using imageries used in this study were
remote sensing satellite imagery can be Landsat 8 Path 121 Row 065 image
achieved through the proper selection of acquisition dated 30 May 2013, Sentinel
RGB composites; however, the process 2A image acquisition dated 18 March
requires a considerable amount of time 2018 and SPOT 6 image acquisition dated
due to the many potential combinations 10 January 2015. Table 2-1 contains a
of the 3 (three) composite bands. Thus, comparison of the band specifications of
the need exists for a fast and easy method Landsat 8, Sentinel 2A and SPOT 6. The
of identifying mangrove forest. One such mangrove distribution data used in this
method is the Optimum Index Factor study were obtained from field
(OIF) which uses statistical calculations measurements taken between 2013 and
to determine the appropriate combination 2015 in Segara Anakan, Cilacap. Segara
of 3 (three) bands in the image that will Anakan itself is a lagoon located on the
yield the optimal and most informative southern coast of Java Island in an area
colour display (Chavez et al., 1982). The that forms part of Cilacap Regency,
higher the OIF value of the selected band Central Java. Nusakambangan Island
combination, the more information (high stands in front of this area and stretches
standard deviation) with less ‘duplication’ for approximately 30 kilometres in an
(low correlation values between bands) it east-west direction, protecting the bay
conveys. To this end, each of the selected from the waves of the Indian Ocean. Most
three-band colour composites can be of the Segara Anakan area comprises of
evaluated for their effectiveness. The OIF lowlands dominated by mud and
method of determining the best RGB waterways such as the estuary of the
composites with which to identify Citandui river, the Donan river and the
mangrove forests has been widely used by Cibereum river, with the coastal areas
researchers. For example, Manoppo et al. overgrown with mangrove forests. The
(2015) employed OIF in their research to calm water gives this area some of the
identify mangrove forest using SPOT 6 highest mangrove potential in Java.
and Landsat 8 imagery in Lingayan Figure 1-1 contains a map of the
Island, while Marini et al. (2015) used 6 mangrove distribution in Segara Anakan,
Cilacap as the research area
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Anang Dwi Purwanto and Wikanti Asriningrum
Band 2 Blue, (0.482 µm), Band 2 Blue, (0.490 µm), 10 m Band 2 Green, (0.560
30 m µm), 6 m
Band 3 Green, (0.561 µm), Band 3 Green, (0.560 µm), 10 m Band 3 Red, (0.660
30 m µm), 6 m
Band 4 Red, (0.655 µm), Band 4 Red, (0.665 µm), 10 m Band 4 NIR, (0.825
30 m µm), 6 m
𝑁 𝑁! 3 3
( )=
3 (3! ∗ (𝑁 − 3)!) (2-1) 𝑂𝐼𝐹 = ∑ 𝑆𝐷𝑖 ⁄∑ 𝐴𝐵𝑆(𝐶𝐶𝑗)
𝑖=1 𝑗=1
N = The total number of bands in the map where:
list SDi = Standard deviation of band i
Interpretation of the mangrove ABS =Absolute value of 3-band
forest can be made using an image colour correlation coefficient
composite to sharpen the appearance of
66 International Journal of Remote Sensing and Earth Sciences Vol. 16 No. 1 June 2019
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The identification of mangrove The OIF method uses the total value
forests using a spatial approach was of the standard deviations divided by the
performed by observing the appearance of correlation coefficient of the three
the canopy texture and location selected bands. Before calculating the
(Danoedoro, 2009). It is also based on two OIF value, it is necessary to determine the
important properties, namely the number of three-band combinations from
mangrove forest growing in coastal areas each image using the existing equations.
and the chlorophyll content of leaves that The number of combinations (N) resulting
absorbs the red spectrum and strongly from Landsat 8 imagery stands at 35,
reflects the infrared spectrum (Susilo, Sentinel 2A has 20 combinations and the
2000). Leaves have green characteristics, SPOT 6 imagery has 4 combinations.
where chlorophyll absorbs the spectrum
of red and blue and reflects the green 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
spectrum (Lo, 1996). The intensity of the 3.1 OIF Calculation of Landsat 8 OLI
reflection depends on the wavelength OIF calculations were performed for
used and the three vegetation each of the three-band combinations. The
components, i.e. leaves, substrate and combination of RGB composites
shadow. Leaves reflect weakly at the blue with the highest OIF values represents
and red wavelengths but strongly at the the best combination results. The results
NIR wavelength. The characteristic green of the 35 band combinations for Landsat
colour of leaves means the chlorophyll 8 are shown in Attachment 1. Table 3-1
absorbs the red and blue electromagnetic shows that the correlation coefficient
spectrum and reflects the spectrum of value between band 4 and band 5 is
green radiation. The highest OIF value is 0.494, the
the result between the highest standard correlation coefficient value between
deviation divided by the lowest band 4 and band 6 is 0.571 and the
correlation coefficient of the band correlation coefficient between band 4
combination used. The standard and band 7 is 0.59. The total of these
deviation and correlation coefficients are three correlation coefficient values is
obtained by delineating some regions as relatively small compared to the totals of
areas of mangrove forest (Figure 2-1). the other correlations.
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Table 3-1: Correlations between Landsat 8 bands.
Band Band 1 Band 2 Band 3 Band 4 Band 5 Band 6 Band 7
Band 1 1
Band 2 0.983 1
The highest OIF value resulted from research by Suwargana (2008) which
a combination of bands 4, 5 and 6. That identified mangrove forests with satellite
value is only slightly higher than the imagery using band channels in the
band combinations with the second- range of the visible and NIR spectra. In
highest (bands 2, 5 and 6) and third- addition, the vegetation properties reflect
highest OIF values (bands 1, 5 and 6). strongly at the NIR wavelength and
The 35 band combinations from Landsat absorb the red and blue electromagnetic
8 are shown in Table 3-2. Based on Table spectrum and reflect the green
3-2, the combination of band 4 (Red), electromagnetic spectrum (Lo, 1996).
band 5 (NIR) and band 6 (SWIR) has the According to Winarso and Purwanto
highest OIF value (OIF=2722.284). (2017), remote sensing technology plays
Meanwhile, the combination of band 1 an important role in the context of
(coastal/aerosol), band 2 (blue) and band mangrove forest habitat where wetland
4 (red) has the lowest OIF value conditions absorb electromagnetic waves
(OIF=146.513). The combination of bands in the SWIR spectrum, meaning that the
4, 5 and 6 has a high standard deviation use of the band 6 (SWIR) electromagnetic
value and the correlation coefficient value spectrum is optimal for mangrove
is very low. Thus, the combination of identification. It was also confirmed in
these bands has the highest OIF value. this study that all three of the highest OIF
On the other hand, the combination of values for Landsat 8 use band 5 (NIR) and
bands 1, 2 and 4 has the lowest standard band 6 (SWIR). The RGB composite for
deviation; also, the correlation coefficient natural colour in Landsat 8 imagery is
value is relatively high, which means this 432 where all the bands are in the range
band combination has the lowest OIF of the visible electromagnetic spectrum.
value. OIF values are generated from the Based on the OIF calculations, the
band combinations that are in the range combination of natural colour bands from
of visible, visible + NIR, visible + SWIR, Landsat 8 imagery is ranked 32 with an
visible + NIR + SWIR, and NIR + SWIR OIF value 214.903, meaning it is not
spectrums. The three best OIF values for optimal for use in identifying mangrove
identifying mangrove forest are forest because in principle the natural
dominated by the visible band, NIR band colour composite produces the actual
and SWIR band. This is in line with colour of the object on the earth surface.
68 International Journal of Remote Sensing and Earth Sciences Vol. 16 No. 1 June 2019
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Table 3-2: OIF values of Landsat 8.
Sum of
Sum of
Band correlation
standard OIF Rank
combinations coefficient
of bands
456 5,305.731 1.949 2722.283 1
256 5,270.418 2.26 2332.043 2
156 5,257.317 2.282 2303.819 3
457 4,389.251 1.913 2294.433 4
356 5,422.416 2.571 2109.068 5
567 5,621.112 2.706 2077.277 6
257 4,353.938 2.194 1984.474 7
157 4,340.837 2.214 1960.630 8
145 4,025.456 2.097 1919.626 9
345 4,190.555 2.19 1913.495 10
245 4,038.557 2.111 1913.101 11
357 4,505.936 2.49 1809.612 12
235 4,155.242 2.488 1670.113 13
125 3,990.143 2.398 1663.946 14
135 4,142.141 2.49 1663.510 15
246 1,688.752 1.488 1134.913 16
467 2,039.446 2.154 946.818 17
267 2,004.133 2.334 858.668 18
167 1,991.032 2.346 848.692 19
346 1,840.750 2.222 828.420 20
367 2,156.131 2.609 826.420 21
146 1,675.651 2.142 782.283 22
236 1,805.437 2.419 746.356 23
136 1,792.336 2.413 742.783 24
126 1640.338 2.342 700.400 25
347 924.270 2.215 417.277 26
237 888.957 2.382 373.197 27
137 875.856 2.374 368.936 28
247 772.272 2.172 355.558 29
147 759.171 2.148 353.431 30
127 723.858 2.318 312.276 31
234 573.576 2.669 214.902 32
134 560.475 2.627 213.351 33
123 525.162 2.814 186.624 34
124 408.477 2.788 146.512 35
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Figure 3-1: Composite results for Bands 4, 5 and 6 with the highest OIF values.
The composite results for bands 4, 5 and shown in a green colour and rice fields
6 are shown in Figure 3-1. are indicated in dark green. Mangrove
The visual interpretations of forest is also identified based on its
mangrove forest in Figure 3-2 reveal that texture and location on the beach
the RGB 564 composite has the best (Susanto & Asriningrum, 2011). The RGB
appearance and is more informative 564 composite was used for
compared to the other RGB composites, interpretation of the mangrove forest,
while RGB 546 shows all vegetation in a which included the three bands in the
magenta colour. The reflectance of NIR is range of the visible and NIR spectrum.
the highest compared to the red band, Figure 3-2 contains a comparison of
thus indicating that the position of the the False Colour and True Colour RGB
NIR band greatly determines the display composites derived from the Landsat 8
of colour. imagery. The false colour is a
The visual appearance of the RGB combination of several bands on the
564 composite is similar to that of the satellite imagery that allows us to obtain
RGB 567 composite because the red and spatial information on the satellite image.
green channels of the two composites use The natural colour, meanwhile, is the
the NIR band and the SWIR 1 band. The actual colour found on the surface of the
blue channel of the RGB 564 composite earth. The natural colour consists of
uses the red band but the RGB 567 band 1 shown in blue, band 2 shown in
composite uses the SWIR 2 band, which green and band 3 shown in red. The RGB
means that water appears differently in 564 composite appears more optimal in
the two composites (water in the RGB 564 terms of distinguishing between
composite is blue, while in the RGB 567 mangrove forest and other objects,
composite it is black). compared to the RGB 432 composite. The
Mangrove forest is displayed with a mangrove forest contrasts with other
reddish-brown colour, deep water is vegetation and land and waters objects.
black, shallow water is blue, vegetation is The reddish colour indicates a relatively
70 International Journal of Remote Sensing and Earth Sciences Vol. 16 No. 1 June 2019
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1 1 2
(a) (b)
Figure 3-2: Comparison of RGB composites, (a) RGB 564 (False Colour),
(b) RGB 432 (Natural Colour).
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72 International Journal of Remote Sensing and Earth Sciences Vol. 16 No. 1 June 2019
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Table 3-4: Highest OIF values and ranks of the combinations of Sentinel 2A bands.
Sum of
Sum of
Band correlation
standard OIF Rank
combinations coefficient
of bands
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Figure 3-5: Composite results for Bands 4, 8a and 11 that have the highest OIF values.
Like the OIF calculation results for blue channel with the input from the
Landsat 8, the OIF calculation results SWIR 1 band produces a colour
from Sentinel 2A also show that the NIR dominated by magenta colours, thus
band dominates the band combination of making it difficult to identify the
RGB composites with the highest OIF mangrove forests.
value. The position of the NIR band from The best RGB composite results
the Sentinel 2A image is in band 8a, obtained by this study (RGB 8a114) differ
where the mean wavelength is 0.86 µm. from the RGB composite 8a115 identified
The NIR band is highly optimal for by Kawamuna et al. (2017), where the
detecting mangrove forest if it is placed difference was found to be in the position
on the Red channel and is supported by of the blue channel placed by the
SWIR band 1 placed on the green Vegetation Red Edge band. In this study,
channel. The results of RGB 8a114 the blue channel is placed by the Red
composite show a clear distinction band. RGB composite 8a114 produces
between the mangrove forest and colours that tend to be reddish, while
surrounding objects, while RGB 8a411 RGB composite 8a115 produces a darker
composite is less optimal because the colour (Figure 3-6).
(a) (b)
Figure 3-6: Comparison of (a) RGB Composite 8a114 and (b) RGB Composite 8a115.
74 International Journal of Remote Sensing and Earth Sciences Vol. 16 No. 1 June 2019
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3.2 OIF Calculations for SPOT 6 3 and band 4 is -0.115. So, there will be
In addition to using Landsat 8 and a relatively lower total correlation if the
Sentinel 2A imagery, this research uses combinations used are band 1 and band
imagery from SPOT 6 to identify 4 or band 3 and band 4. The OIF
mangrove forests. Compared to the calculation results are shown in Table 3-
previous images (Landsat 8 and Sentinel 6 and the result of the 4 band
2A), SPOT 6 imagery has the highest combinations for SPOT 6 are shown in
spatial resolution. The images from SPOT Attachment 3. The OIF calculations used
6 have spatial resolutions of 1.5 metres 4 bands: band 1 (blue), band 2 (green),
for panchromatic, 6 metres for band 3 (red) and band 4 (NIR). The OIF
multispectral and can be used for calculation results reveal the
applications in defence, agriculture, combination of band 1 (blue), band 3 (red)
forestry, land cover and land-use change, and band 4 (NIR) to have the highest OIF
coastal, engineering, and the oil, gas and values. Meanwhile, the lowest OIF value
mining industries (Pustekdata, 2015). is a combination of band 1 (blue), band 2
The OIF calculations for identifying (green) and band 3 (red).
mangrove forests used 4 multispectral The combination of SPOT 6’s RGB
bands for SPOT 6 images, namely the 134 image has the highest OIF value.
blue, green, red and NIR bands. A total of This combination has a high standard
4 RGB combinations were obtained from deviation and a low correlation
the four bands, namely combinations of coefficient, thus indicating high diversity
RGB 123, RGB 124, RGB 134 and RGB with low duplication of information. The
234. Table 3-5 shows that the correlation correlation values show the magnitude of
between band 1 and band 4 is 0.015. linear relationships between two
Meanwhile, the correlation between band variables.
Band 1 1
Band 2 0.706 1
Table 3-6: Highest OIF values and ranks of the combinations for SPOT 6.
Sum of
Sum of
Band correlation
standard OIF Rank
combinations coefficient
of bands
International Journal of Remote Sensing and Earth Sciences Vol. 16 No. 1 June 2019 75
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Figure 3-7: Composite results for Bands 1, 3 and 4 that have the highest OIF values.
76 International Journal of Remote Sensing and Earth Sciences Vol. 16 No. 1 June 2019
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Figure 3-8: Results of the identification of mangrove forests: (a) Landsat 8 imagery (RGB 564), (b)
Sentinel 2A imagery (RGB 8a114), (c) SPOT 6 imagery (RGB 341).
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Figure 3-9 shows the band between band 4, band 5 and band 7 is
correlation and total standard deviation 1,913. The total standard deviation of
of Landsat 8 images. From the Landsat 8 band 4, band 5 and band 6 is 5,305,731.
imagery, the correlation between band 4 In the same way, the total standard
and band 5, band 6 and band 7 is very deviation of band 4, band 5 and band 7 is
low. Likewise, the correlation between 4,389,251 (Figure 3-6a). The combination
band 6 and band 7 is relatively low. A list of band 4, band 5 and band 6 has an OIF
of combinations involving band 4 and value higher than the combination of
band 5 contains two combinations, band 4, band 5 and band 7. This is due
comprising one of band 4, band 5 and to the fact that the total standard
band 6, and the other of band 4, band 5 deviation of band 4, band 5 and band 6 is
and band 7. The total correlation between higher than the total of standard
band 4, band 5 and band 6 is 1,949. On deviation of band 4, band 5 and band 7.
the other hand, the total correlation
78 International Journal of Remote Sensing and Earth Sciences Vol. 16 No. 1 June 2019
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Figure 3-10: Correlation and standard deviation between bands of Sentinel 2A.
Figure 3-10 shows that the lowest deviation leads to a higher OIF value for
correlation for the Sentinel 2A imagery is the combination of band 4, band 5 and
between band 4 and band 8a. This band 8a than that of the combination of
combination can be formed using two band 4, band 5 and band 8.
band combinations (a combination of Figure 3-11 shows that the lowest
band 4, band 8a and band 11, plus a correlations for the SPOT 6 imagery are
combination of band 4, band 5 and band those between band 1 and band 4, and
8a). The total of the correlation between band 3 and band 4. This is attained using
band 4, band 8a and band 11 is 1.65. On the three-band combination of band 1,
the other hand, the total of the correlation band 3 and band 4, where the
between band 4, band 5 and band 8a is combination of the three bands produces
1.499. The total standard deviation for a total correlation of 0.85 and a total
band 4, band 8a and band 11 is 1465.62. standard deviation of 408.016. This also
Meanwhile, the total standard deviation has the highest OIF value compared to
for band 4, band 5 and band 8 is the other band combinations. Table 3-7
1161.662. The higher total standard shows a comparison between the RGB
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Anang Dwi Purwanto and Wikanti Asriningrum
composites for mangrove detection in this for identifying mangrove are the red
study with those of previous studies. It channel (0.865 µm), green channel (1,610
can be seen that the optimal wavelength µm) and blue channel (0.650 – 0.820 µm).
values that provide the best information
Landsat 8
Sentinel 2A
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RGB 123 - Rank 34 RGB 124 - Rank 35 RGB 125 - Rank 14 RGB 126 - Rank 25
RGB 127 - Rank 31 RGB 134 - Rank 33 RGB 135 - Rank 15 RGB 136 - Rank 24
RGB 137 - Rank 28 RGB 145 - Rank 9 RGB 146 - Rank 22 RGB 147 - Rank 30
RGB 156 - Rank 3 RGB 157 - Rank 8 RGB 167 - Rank 19 RGB 234 - Rank 32
RGB 235 - Rank 13 RGB 236 - Rank 23 RGB 237 - Rank 27 RGB 245 - Rank 11
RGB 246 - Rank 16 RGB 247 - Rank 29 RGB 256 - Rank 2 RGB 257 - Rank 7
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RGB 267 - Rank 18 RGB 345 - Rank 10 RGB 346 - Rank 20 RGB 347 - Rank 26
RGB 356 - Rank 5 RGB 357 - Rank 12 RGB 367 - Rank 21 RGB 456 - Rank 1
RGB 234 - Rank 20 RGB 235 - Rank 18 RGB 238a - Rank 9 RGB 2311 - Rank 16
RGB 245 - Rank 19 RGB 248a - Rank 5 RGB 2411 - Rank 13 RGB 258a - Rank 8
RGB 2511 - Rank 12 RGB 28a11 - Rank 4 RGB 345 - Rank 17 RGB 348a - Rank 3
84 International Journal of Remote Sensing and Earth Sciences Vol. 16 No. 1 June 2019
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RGB 3411 - Rank 11 RGB 358a - Rank 10 RGB 3511 - Rank 14 RGB 38a11 - Rank 7
RGB 458a - Rank 2 RGB 4511 - Rank 15 RGB 48a11 - Rank 1 RGB 58a11 - Rank 6
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